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Neel Rao

Writes on Reitzindia industrial fan manufacturers and

Primary air fans and secondary air fans from Reitz India


Manufacturing industries and industrial facilities that deal with dust particles generated from the manufacturing process have unique dust collection requirements to keep the work and external environment clean and reduce pollution.

An industrial factory is not only responsible for providing healthy working environments to workers but also for keeping the surrounding environment from polluting due to its manufacturing operations. To operate some types of factories, it is necessary to install robust de-dedusting systems. Different industrial processes produce different types and sizes of dust particles. Some pollutants remain on the ground, while some keep floating in the air and circulate within any enclosed space.

What is a de-dusting system?

The de-dusting system is an arrangement in that uses industrial fans to push or pull away the particle-contaminated air from a specific area through a filtration unit that arrests the dust particles. The de-dusting system might be necessary for warehouses that store powdered materials if particulate matters infiltrate the space during handling. For example, a de-dusting system is necessary for a warehouse that stores and handles cement packed in bags. Depending on the type of dust generated by the industrial process, different types of fans are put in place to accomplish the dustcollecting tasks.

Centrifugal fans are best for de-dusting systems as these can handle high volumes of dust loads, hence very popular across industries. The fans together with the dust collectors form a complete unit of de-dusting systems.

Types of Centrifugal fans suitable for de-dusting systems

De-dusting systems require either positive or negative air pressure to remove dust particles. Accordingly, industries use industrial centrifugal fans that produce forced drafts or induced drafts of air for de-dusting applications and dust collection. Since these fans produce high-pressure air streams, industries find these highly suitable for separating solid granular particles from the process.

The most effective fans are the ones that have backward-inclined and radial-tipped impellers. Whether the particles are irregularly shaped and heavy or powdered dust, there are many methods of handling the particles to facilitate dust collection.

The choice of centrifugal fans suitable for dust collection systems depends on several factors, and the most important ones are the particle size and the air volume for filtration. By varying the design of the blades or impellers, fans can help to achieve various tasks of dust removal and filtration.

Why are centrifugal fans most suitable?

Since dust removal requires regulated high-pressure airflow, centrifugal fans are most suitable. These fans are constant volume equipment that operates under difficult conditions such as corrosive gases, high or low temperatures, acidic fumes, etc. Centrifugal fans of different sizes and capacities are part of the dust removal and dust collection systems of factories. Centrifugal fans help to operate pressure-type systems and depression-type systems.

Centrifugal fans with radial blades are useful for wood industries for extracting dust particles directly through the fan. In depression-type de-dusting systems, flat blade or backward inclined centrifugal fans are most appropriate. The fan positioned within the air-filtering system or atop the cyclone in the kiln helps to remove airborne particles. Depending on the type of dust removal requirements industries can use standard centrifugal fans or custom-built fans that serve some specific purpose.


Reitz India has set a benchmark to deliver high quality fans for heavy duty industries which can work at precise operating conditions like high temperatures and pressures. Reitz offer idealistic Centrifugal Fan and Centrifugal blower design that can be used in all large scale process industries like cement, iron & steel, power plants, fertilizers/ chemicals and more.

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