1 minute read

‘Umble’ How does God want us to live (and love)

The following two key verses are often quoted and with good reason. They clearly illustrate what our response should be toward God.

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23 (NIV)”


“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.John 3:16 (NIV).”

Here’s why they matter. People are born, they live and they die. Most people, albeit sometimes reluctantly, come to this conclusion. Debate can go on forever about faith, beliefs and traditions but the born, live and die statement is irrefutable regardless of nationality, culture or history.

The Romans 3:23 statement doesn’t make sense if a person doesn’t believe in God. The fact that a person may or may not believe in God proves to me that we have a free choice in life over many things. God made us with a free choice, otherwise He would have made us to be robots. We have a free will and can control most of the decisions in life.

We can’t choose where we are born nor can we choose our parents. For the first few months of our lives, our choices are pretty limited but by the age of one year a child starts to very strongly exercise some choices. Anyone who has held a child when they want to be held by someone else will know what I mean.

In later years, choices become wider in number and variety. Granted, some choices are limited, but most people have more choices in life than they can handle. I daresay, the choices a person makes are usually more in number and in variety than any choices that are forced upon a person. Note, I say usually, not always. Accidents, disease

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