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Manitoba crop and weather report

By Shawn Cabak Manitoba Agriculture

After a cooler and wettish spring delayed seeding initially, hot and dry weather since May 1 has heated and dried out many areas in the province. As of June 11 according to Manitoba Agricultures weather stations, all of agro Manitoba has over 125 percent normal corn heat units with some areas up to 166 per cent, Portage sits at 139 per cent. A lot of agro Manitoba has received less than 50 per cent normal precipitation, especially the Interlake, Westlake and Central parts of Manitoba. Some of these areas have seen as little as 19, 25, 31 or 37 per cent of normal precipitation in Lakeland, Austin, Portage and Gladstone areas respectively. Even though crops were seeded a bit later than desired, warm conditions and long days has aided crop development. With the longest day of the year this week, it is amazing how much crops can progress in one week. Crops have had to root down deeper to find moisture and are doing well considering how dry it has been but will need rain soon. Earlier seeded spring wheat is starting to head out and early canola will soon be flowering.


Perennial forages like wetter conditions so hay yields will be down from last year as a result. Legumes are flowering and grasses are headed out due to the above average heat and haying has begun. Alfalfa weevil can be found defoliating alfalfa plants and is best managed by cutting the forage stand earlier. Early grass growth

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