Information sheet 5 Overview
In this session, students present their final redesign to the rest of the class. The whole 2-hour session is allotted for the final presentations. Students are asked to present their skit, and be ready for the rapid-fire round of questions by the other students and the teacher. Students are also encouraged to constructively criticize every group that presents. Finally, everyone reflects on their experiences during this course. This part of the module helps students utilize all of their learnings both when they present their work and also ask the questions
Session specific learning objective Redesign the chosen product using sustainability strategies and modify the ecosystem map/ lifecycle accordingly. Present redesign in a concise and creative manner Defend their choices for the redesign and answer the questions posed by teachers and classmates. Constructively criticize other teams' redesigns, pointing out what went right and what went wrong.
Preparation for teacher Teacher must decide the order and put it up on the board before the presentations start. Time must be maintained with the help of a timer and a timekeeper Teacher must actively note her thoughts about the presenting teams for future grading purposes. Must observe the students who are asking questions for future evaluation.
Instructions for the presentations Each group must convey their redesign concept to the class in a creative and concise manner. The form of the product, what they changed in the original product and why, are the topics they must include in their presentation. Their method of presenting must be creative and engaging. It is completely left up to them
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