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By Dr. Wayne Adams

Upcoming Exam Dates: SAT on May 12th, June 4th, and August 27th; … ACT on April 2nd June 11th, and July 16th. One question I often have from parents and students is, “Dr. A, are there really that many ‘tricks’ that can help improve SAT and ACT scores?” The answer is, “Yes,” with some specific techniques, some ways of thinking, and some mental techniques to help reduce test anxiety and “stay focused, on track” when the inevitable distractions hit during an exam such as having to read a question multiple times, realizing it is taking too long on a question, and different forms of self-doubt. Math has many specific techniques that help students answer questions much faster with a far higher probability of getting the right answer. Here’s an example. If the question asks which of the four following expressions is equivalent to (8x2 – 4x +2) / (3x2 + 2x – 8) and gives you four possible fractions with x’s and numbers in the numerator and denominator, there is a way to get the correct answer in less than fifteen seconds working only in your head! Here’s how. No one said you couldn’t plug in 0 for x, which leaves our expression = -1/4. Now, plug in 0 in for x in each of the four possible answers. The answer that also = -1/4 is correct. If two of the possible answers = -1/4, then go back and plug in 2 for x in the first expression and get another “target number”. Use it for x in the two “possibles”, and only one will give you the new target number. That’s your answer. All too easy … if you know how to recognize the six types of Plug-Ins in arithetic, algebra, and geometry problems and how to handle them. In five to 15 seconds


my students avoid factoring, canceling out in the numerator and denominator, and using at least a minute of time on a test where “time is not your friend” … not to mention the far higher possibility of making a math error. By the way, almost all algebra problems and many types of geometry problems can be solved with Plug-ins if you know what to look for and how to do them. My students love “doing algebra without algebra”. I firmly believe that half of a student’s doing their best on these exams is mental. This is why I wrote Achieve and Maintain Your Peak Mental Performance Zone on the SAT and ACT including How To Win Over Test Anxiety for my students. This includes fourteen ways to “stay in the zone’ during the actual examination. As we all move into spring, many SENIORS are working on bringing up their exam scores up to qualify for the 75% or the 100% Bright Futures Scholarship (about $25,000). We have until the last SAT Exam on Saturday, June 4th, to qualify with the SAT, and until the last ACT Exam on Saturday, June 11th, to qualify with the ACT. At this point, it is not unusual to do a “Skill Strengthening” class to improve either the Writing and Language / Reading combined score or the Math score on the SAT, or either the English and Reading combined score or the Math and Science combined score on the ACT. These focused classes are about half the hours of a full prep class. Sometimes, when we are aiming for more improvement, we do the full prep classes. My JUNIORS and some SOPHOMORES are usually focused on getting ahead with preparing for the SAT and/or ACT and either work over the spring, or get set to prepare starting right after school finishes for the ACT in

mid-July and/or the SAT the last Saturday in August. For students wanting to do a combination class of ACT and SAT, we can finish either the week just before school resumes in August (with a complementary, additional review class the week before the SAT), or the week before the actual SAT Exam. During the summer, we easily schedule around family vacations, summer jobs, athletic commitments, and “surprises” as they may arise. If You Would Like To Talk More About Your Student … Please contact me at 727-253-

0639 or send me an email at wwa0811@mykolab.com.

Dr. Wayne Adams is one of the leading SAT and ACT tutors in the country. His students normally improve 200+ points on the Writing, Reading, Writing and Essay, and Math, and 4 – 7 points on the ACT composite. They have been admitted to 8 of the top 10 universities in the country, 18 of the top 25, and many schools in Florida. These schools include Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Stanford, U Chicago, Duke, U Penn, Johns Hopkins, Cornell, Notre Dame, Emory, UC Berkley, UCLA, USC, UNC (Chapel Hill), NYU, Northeastern (Boston), Boston College, Georgia Tech, Naval - Air Force - Merchant Marine Service Academies, Penn State, LSU, Auburn, UF, U Miami, FSU, USF, UCF, Florida Atlantic, Florida Gulf Coast, FIU, New College of Florida, Stetson, and Julliard – Manhattan - New England - and Berkley Conservatories of Music. Many have received academic, athletic, or music scholarships. This year, he also tutored three juniors who scored at the national merit finalist/semi-finalist levels on the most recent PSAT. He is a former Dean of a Graduate School of Business and Full Professor, and began college teaching at the University of Maryland in 1968. He has degrees and advanced studies at Harvard, Yale, Vanderbilt, Columbia International, and Luther Rice.

Guy - story continued from page 1

or slow down. They may even fall victim to cyber criminals. When this occurs, you need someone trustworthy you know you can count on to step in and bail you out.

“It’s stressful when our computers stop working. We need them for everything; from showing up to work-from-home, grocery shopping, doctor visits, and even our kids’ schooling,” said Bob Dalles of Bob The Computer Guy & Associates, Inc. “We make every effort to make our clients’ repair experience swift and painless. People share how they’ve been having problems with their computer. Once my team has an opportunity to analyze, diagnose, and resolve their issue, they tell us they never thought their computer could run so well.” Bob The Computer Guy & Associates, Inc. is a computer IT and cybersecurity company that provides onsite computer repairs, cybersecurity solutions, data recovery, new system setups, data transfers, secure disposal of old systems and just too much more to mention! They service everyone whether it’s your residence or business.

When COVID-19 hit, Bob quickly adapted by changing company policy to better keep his clients and staff safer throughout the pandemic. Many appointments can now take place with a remote session via phone and internet. Some more involved jobs might require you to bring your computer directly to Bob. He’s located in the New Port Richey/Trinity area of Pasco County. Of course, Bob still provides safe onsite service to clients whose repair needs require an onsite visit from one of Bob’s professionally certified technicians.

“A misconception folks have is they think we are a computer store,” said Bob. “We’re not a retail store. We are a service company. My goal is not to sell you merchandise!” Bob emphasizes. “My technicians and analysts work with you to develop a solution tailored to your technology needs and budget. We are not going to suggest you buy a new computer unless that is the logical choice for your situation. Should you need to buy a new computer, I am not going to try to sell you one. However, if you need assistance with a new purchase, my team can make recommendations on what computer best suits your specific requirements and budget. Plus, they usually know where the best deals can be found too!”

“It’s not uncommon for new clients to tell us they did not know companies like ours existed,” said Bob. “And they’re so glad they found us.”

Bob became captivated with computers in the late 1970s. In 1995 he launched his own computer consulting and repair business. In 2008 he accepted a position as the instructor for Computer and Information Technology with a Florida technical college. Bob enjoys sharing his expertise with others who possess his passion for technology. His love of computers inspired him to begin writing his published column “Tech Talk,” where Bob shares decades of IT experience while also enlightening his readers how to keep their devices running well and safe.

“Tech Talk is very popular. A lot of clients tell me that they have followed the column from its first publication,” said Nikki, Client Communications Director. “Some clients even clip the columns and stick them on their refrigerators or file them away for future reference.”

Cybercrimes are on the rise even more now that everyone has become increasingly dependent on

technology. The criminals behind these scam e-mails, phone calls, and text messages will not hold back when it comes to exploiting any technology weaknesses that you may have overlooked. Bob and his cybersecurity team want to ensure that you do not fall prey to these ruthless cyber criminals. “In early 2019 we launched a Cybersecurity Division,” said Bob. “It has been a God-send for our clients’ peace of mind. We’re helping folks be proactive by showing them how to secure their computers and online accounts. My team will help you implement the proper tools and will instruct you on “best practices” when using your computer and navigating the internet. I am thrilled to be able to provide this vital service for individuals and small businesses that heretofore has only been in the financial reach of government agencies and large corporations.”

“You want to be sure you’re wearing your cybersecurity seatbelt before the crash,” Bob warned. “Your data, personal information and internet identity is like gold in the digital world. You need to properly protect it before something happens to jeopardize it. My goal is to increase your online safety awareness to lessen your chance of becoming yet another cybercrime statistic.”

Cybersecurity is still a new concept to most people. Bob encourages everyone to protect themselves properly and to seek professional guidance to make sure they are doing it correctly. “Some folks still believe they are too small or insignificant for someone to want to hack their computer,” says Bob. “Others feel that they don’t do anything online to warrant protecting themselves, then lull themselves into a false sense of security believing that doing nothing is okay.” Bob continues, “Hey, I don’t know how to make it any clearer. If you do anything of a financial nature on your computer, YOU ARE A TARGET! Do you shop online? TARGET! Do you bank online? TARGET! Pay bills online? TARGET! Ever order a pizza online with your credit card? TARGET! If you choose not to secure your computer properly, YOU BECOME AN EASY TARGET!!!

Still some people believe they are immune to attack because they think they don’t have anything worth losing. It’s kind of like saying that since you are not a race car driver going 200 miles per hour, you don’t need to wear your seatbelt when you’re just driving your car up to the corner grocery. Don’t kid yourself. No matter how big or small, we’re all digital targets. We can all get hurt online.

Please make sure you are properly protected. I hope you’ll call me today so, together, we both can be sure you are. Be safe my friend.”

Bob The Computer Guy & Associates, Inc. offers computer and IT repair to homes and businesses. They also provide the cybersecurity services you need to keep you safer in your digital world. Whatever you need, no job is too small. For honest, reliable service performed by professionally certified technicians at a fair price then there is no other choice. You need to call Bob The Computer Guy now! Call 727-5344000 today!

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