7 minute read

Tech Talk with Bob

Did you know October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month? Previously coined National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Regardless of what you call it, it is now in its 18th year. Its purpose? To raise awareness about the importance of cybersecurity across our nation and ensure that all Americans have the resources they need to be safer and more secure online. A noble mission because unfortunately cybersecurity is not properly addressed by most computer owners. Please understand this, at some point in time you will have a security issue with your computer. Almost every computer we have surveyed has had some type of threat lurking in the system. It amazes me the number of times people “think” their computer is secure, only to find out that their system is still harboring threats. The threats we find vary between actual viruses all the way to strangers having complete remote control of these computers. So, the odds are in your favor that you will, at some point, have security issues. Now the question is, “do you want to be proactive and stay ahead of these threats;” or “do want to do it the hard way, the expensive way, by doing nothing and letting the chips fall where they may? Not to mention the days of grief you will experience as you hope your data isn’t lost while you pay a security professional to salvage your precious data.” Unfortunately, I see people go through this every week. Trust me my Friend, this is a place you do not want to find yourself.

You must decide, because at some moment in time you will find yourself talking to me or some other security professional to help dig you out of this mess. Some of my long-time clients who have banking and investment accounts with balances from thousands to millions of dollars were sure their computers were safe. Every one of these folks was shocked when my cybersecurity team discovered their systems still had security exploits. I equate this to driving a car; wouldn’t you prefer to be wearing your seatbelt before the crash?


My cybersecurity team performs a through security scan of your computer, so you know for certain whether your system is clean or not. Since these security scans have taken from hours to days to complete, to be fair, I only charge one hour of bench time to perform these scans. Whether your scan takes a few hours or 30 hours, your only obligation is our one-hour bench fee. Once my cybersecurity team completes your scan, I will personally review the results with you. If you require any additional work, I will discuss your options. I want you to have all the facts regarding your computer’s security health so you can make a wellinformed decision based on what solution best serves you.

In observance of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, I implore you to know if your computer is in order security-wise. Right now, and through the end of October, I am accepting a limited number of computers where I will perform a security scan of your computer on my bench for only $99. Yes, for less than the cost of a onehour service appointment, my cybersecurity team will assess the security of your computer! Even if you think your computer is secure, I still challenge you to have my team check it. If I find that your system is squeakyclean, YOUR SCAN IS FREE! That’s right, if we don’t find any potential threats on your computer, I won’t charge you for the scan. To guarantee your appointment for our Cybersecurity Awareness Month Security Scan call 727-534-4000. Please remember, appointment slots for this offer are limited so call soon.

Never forget, cyber criminals will exploit the easy victims and unprotected systems. Whether you are a business or non-profit who keeps records about clients, customers, prospects, employees, vendors, sales, budgets, inventories… you get the idea. It is your responsibility to protect your personal network, your computer’s operation, and your data. Even a home user who may keep records about club members, kids’ sports leagues, volunteer work, or just filing your income taxes on your home computer is a target.

Are you certain your computer is safe? You don’t have to do this alone my Friend. My staff and I are here to keep your computer safer and keep it running. We have the best solutions already in place and we’re only a phone call away. Call us anytime at 727534-4000. We’ve been helping folks restore their peace of mind, and sanity, with their technology for decades.

We Keep You Safer In Your Digital World!

“Jay A. Nelson, DMD” story continued from page 1 mandibular advancement device. For those under 18, tonsil removal or orthodontic expansion treatment can frequently help.

“The device brings your lower jaw forward and prevents your tongue from dropping back during sleep, along with opening and tightening some of the structures in the throat to prevent snoring, as well.”

At Nelson Dental Sleep Medicine, adult patients are fitted with this device that prevents your tongue from falling backward and blocking your airway, resulting in management of sleep apnea. With the airway open throughout the night, patients continue to get oxygen to breathe consistently. It fits snugly to the teeth, so there is no possibility of swallowing the device.

In laymen’s terms, in concept, it is like orthodontic retainers, except the top and the bottom are designed to pull the jaw forward.

While males over 50 are most at risk, Dr. Nelson has also seen men and women of all ages, shapes, and sizes impacted by sleep breathing disorders.

If you are unhappy with the CPAP prescribed for continual breathing through the night, this safe, affordable FDA-approved alternative is covered under most medical insurance and Medicare. The device is custom-fabricated and custom-fitted for each patient.

Dr. Nelson utilizes the STOP-BANG questionnaire, one of the most widely accepted screening tools for obstructive sleep apnea. The questionnaire asks about loud snoring, feelings of fatigue, tiredness, and daytime sleepiness, if anyone observed the patient stopping breathing during sleep, and if the patient is being treated for high blood pressure. Points are assessed and tallied to see if further evaluation is needed. While the STOPBANG screening tools can help determine whether someone is likely to have obstructive sleep apnea, he stressed that the only fully reliable test is a physician ordering an actual sleep study.

He often receives referrals from cardiologists, sleep physicians, pulmonary doctors, primary care physicians, and ENTs for patients who can’t tolerate a CPAP.

Besides the apparent snoring, some other signs of obstructive sleep apnea include difficulty sleeping, insomnia, waking up at night short of breath, gasping for breath while sleeping, and headaches upon waking because you are not getting enough oxygen to your brain throughout the night.

Obstructive sleep apnea is also associated with high blood pressure, impotence, stroke, diabetes, and depression, among other maladies.

“A lot of major disasters were caused by people who have fallen asleep on the job,” he said. “There are so many medical consequences of sleep apnea, so by treating it, we are helping people to become healthier.”

Though the mandibular advancement device is not new, it is only recently becoming more accepted as an alternative to the CPAP machine.

“CPAP is still considered the gold standard by physicians for treating sleep apnea,particularly when severe. The problem is that 50% of patients give up on using the CPAP within the first year. In many cases, we are saving lives because

obstructive sleep apnea can cause shortening of a person’s lifespan.”

Dr. Nelson said that positive stories about the oral device are plentiful, especially with frustrated spouses dealing with snoring.

One of Dr. Nelson’s first sleep patients snored so loudly that his wife was forced to wear earplugs at night. The first night he wore the device, he was so silent that his wife had to check and confirm he was still alive because his snoring had been eliminated.

“He was happy that his wife was happy,” he joked. “Before as a general dentist, I was working on saving teeth and beautifying smiles, now I’m working on saving lives and marriages.”

To learn more about the mandibular advancement sleep apnea device through Nelson Dental Sleep Medicine, visit sleepbetterflorida. com or call (813) 7334169. Nelson Dental Sleep Medicine is located at 26907 Foggy Ridge Dr., Suite 101 in Wesley Chapel.

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