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Student-Athlete of the Month

By Riley Curie

Tiffany Cain (’21), female


Gregg Schindler State Farm Agency Student-

Athlete of the Month, began her swim journey in her freshman year of high school. Since freshman year, Cain puts hard work in at every practice to improve her skills. In her final year on the swim team, Cain won conference with her team and will be competing in districts. Cain became a faster swimmer since her start on the team through long hours at practices and energy well spent. “I have dropped a lot of time since then, I have almost cut my previous 50 freestyle time in half, which is a large improvement for me. I have put a lot of time into practice since freshman year, swimming club yearround and swimming twice a day at practices during the high school season,” Cain said. During meets, Cain swims the 200 Individual Medley (IM) with her own personal record being 2 minutes and 27 seconds and the 100 breaststroke with a personal record of 1 minute and 11.23 seconds. At practices, the team does all kinds of training ranging from sprint sets to distance and technical training to try At the dual meet vs River Ridge on Oct. 7, Tiffany Cain swims the 50-meter butterfly in the medley relay. Photo by Morgan Fliss

and improve their times. With districts coming up, she hopes to qualify to compete in regionals with her team. “I know I’m going to districts and from there we will find out if I qualify for regionals. If I do qualify for regionals it will feel great going as a senior, as I went as a junior as well. It will be a super fun way to end my last season,” Cain said. Throughout her time on the team, Cain improved not only as a swimmer but improved in other aspects of her life. Spending time with her team made her more confident as an individual. “I have become more open and outgoing. I have especially improved in talking to others that I don’t know and introducing myself. I also feel that I have grown as a leader, especially with helping the newer swimmers on the team,” Cain said. Cain used her newfound confidence and motivation to push

herself and become a better swimmer. With her developed skills, she automatically qualified for regionals based on her times at districts. At regionals, Cain qualified for the state meet with her time in the 100-meter breaststroke.

By Marina Saviceva-Noti

A year and a half ago, Evan Zhem (’23) began his golfing success story as an aspiring and determined incoming freshman. His sense of purpose and skill earned him the title of Gregg Schindler State

Farm Agency October Male Student-Athlete of

the Month. With a scoring average of 39 on nine holes, Zhem puts in the work to help his team with his low scores and a positive attitude. “I will hit golf balls on the range and work on whatever is wrong with my game whether that is chipping or putting or something else. I’m motivated by beating my opponents and shooting a certain score,” Evan Zehm warms up his swing before the match on Sept. 28. Photo by Ava Cornett Zhem said. Zhem keeps improv- the lowest shooter in almost on the range, Coach Leavey his teammates and coming as he progresses with every match. And for him, critiques the players’ swings petitors, with exceptional golf, this year placing third there is always room to im- to help them improve while sportsmanship and ability. in his individual 18-hole prove in golf, including his Zhem gives tips to newer “I think our team did a conference championship mental game. players on the team. really good job [this year]. with a 77, and twelfth in the “The hardest part about “We are good friends. We can always improve but district 18-hole champion- golf is that you just relax We help each other out if overall it was good,” Zhem ship. His nine-hole average after hitting a bad shot. If we have problems and we said. dropped five strokes from you get too mad, you won’t just talk about stuff, mostly As for personal goals, freshman year as a 44. Mr. recover. Golf has impacted from school. Our coach has Zhem plans to continue Jeffery Leavey took over the my life by showing me how been a big help by teach- playing golf and become a head coaching job last sea- to relax in life and just have ing me and the other play- professional golfer. He does son and now leads the team fun,” Zhem said. ers how to relax and have a have a backup plan but is with five wins and three Through golf’s challeng- good mental game,” Zhem set on playing golf beyond losses during matches. es, Zhem manages to keep said. school with a scholarship to “Evan is an outstand- a strong spirit and doesn’t Zhem expresses resolu- college from his golf skills. ingly talented golfer who give up on the course. His tion that the team can have “I hope to be a proworks every day to make team and coach help each future success in matches, fessional golfer, I have to himself better,” Leavey said. other by practicing together, conference, and beyond. believe I can be one,” Zhem

Zhem plays as a valuable offering advice, and working His limitless patience said. asset to the team, being hard during matches. While and positivity spread to For Advertising Info 727-943-0551 I info@nnlflorida.com or visit tbnewsandlifestyles.com NOVEMBER 2020 15

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