Healing from painful emotions Nora Femenia, Ph.D As we are wired to feel as much pain as joy, you need to learn how to manage your pain
1st Step: Becoming calm Spend 15 minutes each day in a quiet setting where you can close your eyes and turn inward. • Focus on your breath. Feel it come in through your nostrils, expanding your lungs and diaphragm. • Listen to your body: what sensations do you feel? Start with skin sensations, then go deeper to feel the tingling of energy flowing through your body.
2nd Step: Meditation • Meditation moments are important. • Throughout the day, take the time to notice your present breathing, thoughts and emotions. • Without judging anything as good or bad, just notice what you feel, and then go back to your work. • See if you can bring this focus to your daily tasks.
3rd Step: Watching your emotions • Let emotions flow without critique . • As you become more aware of the present moment, you will begin to sense emotions as they arise. • Before you try to cover them up with thinking, eating or business, simply observe them: • What sensations are connected to them? Do you feel tightness, resistance, hollowness or some other physical experience? Where in your body do they reside?
4th step: Embracing your emotions • When ready to go into deeper emotional pain, begin relaxing your body, calm your mind and connect to your spiritual self. • Be gentle, kind and compassionate with yourself. Remember that those emotions are there for a purpose. • Now, as you embrace them, acknowledge and release them...see your painful feelings fly away from you, into the air, away and away…
Repeat this affirmation: • “I accept that I was hurting from…. now, from my adult self, I release this hurt, forgive the person who did this to me and put everything in my memory. • This emotion will not visit me any longer.” • Now, you are done! Watch the results! If you would like direct support and techniques for healing your emotions, ask now for your complimentary coaching session at: http://conflictcoach.me/services
Get to Know Coach Nora!
Nora Femenia is a conflict coach, the author of several books that will support you in your search for personal growth and joyful, nurturing relationships... so you can finally feel happy and secure. Do you want to develop self-confidence and trust in yourself fast? CoachNora reveals the secrets of developing a secure attitude in life, through her phone/email coaching sessions.
Testimonial from an abused wife •
"I wish I had know from the beginning what I know now. I feel things would have been so different, and I would been spared the amount of pain, drama and humiliation I suffered in my married life, since according to him: "everything was my fault”, of course. I was a perfect personality type to be the victim of an aggressive boyfriend, as my mother and other relatives were too in my childhood. Ironically, this has been the cause of my painful inability to establish a positive self-esteem and find happiness in my life. I feel so blessed to have found your help. Nora, you are a great coach. I now have permission to fight back! The awareness you have given me has changed my life. I am no longer a victim of other people’s aggressive behaviors, and it feels wonderful!" Denise Withers, Pennsylvania
Testimonial from a person lacking self-respect • “I was in a miserable situation. I never understood what I did to deserve being yelled at by my husband and made fun of when he was drinking with his friends. • I would make myself sick from crying; both my body and heart were tired and I was completely unhappy. • I didn’t understand that I had an obligation to myself to stand up and say NO to this behavior in my husband and by any other person. • Nora, you gave me the right to defend myself with grace. Now, he’s actually apologizing to me and being gentler and attentive!”— Terry Nichols, Naples, FL