Executive ingles 16 12 2013

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Environmental sustainability guide EXECUTIVE SUMMARY


Message from the Environmental Sustainability Committee

“The ultimate goal is to incorporate the concept of sustainability into each and every business activity of the company, to reduce the business’s total carbon footprint. Through new sustainability strategies such as the BREEAM certificate, we will focus not only on the buildings’ initial design and construction phase, but will also keep in mind the best, most efficient maintenance and upkeep methods once the facilities are in use.” Rosa López, Environmental Sustainability Manager



In today’s society, being an industry leader also involves being an environmental leader.

By developing this Environmental Sustainability Guide, NEINVER aims to offer the market and its stakeholders environmental excellence in the development of environmentally outstanding property assets that are also highly efficient in their operations management. In particular, the Guide’s specific goals are to raise awareness in house and externally about NEINVER’s commitment to environmental sustainability and thus: • • •

• • •


Ensure an environmentally sustainable focus in all business activities and corporate areas. Define criteria and concrete measures to be implemented in each area and/or phase of the process. Obtain participation in this objective by all stakeholder groups involved in asset design, development and management (employees, store operators, architects, engineers, builders and suppliers in general). Monitor and ensure compliance with the proposed areas of action by the different stakeholders throughout the company’s value chain. Measure the results in a systematic, parameterised manner, to make further progress possible. Review environmental sustainability goals periodically to incorporate new trends, challenges and/or suggestions arising from work with the different stakeholders.

The mission of this Guide is to advance, complement and always anticipate the ongoing proliferation of environmental policies and regulations that numerous local, regional, national and international authorities are creating for the development and management of property assets. This Environmental Sustainability Guide is not meant to be a substitute for the knowledge and experience of NEINVER’s internal and external teams when it comes to compliance with current legal requirements and other relevant industry standards.

Vila do Conde The Style Outlets

CoruĂąa The Style Outlets


Vectors of Sustainability

“Meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.

The most widely accepted definition of Sustainable Development is the one given by the Brundtland Commission in 1987, which defined this term as development that “meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. As subsequently defined by the Centro de Alianzas para el Desarrollo (Centre for Partnerships for Development) , sustainable development can also be seen as a set in which three vectors overlap: processes, people and the planet. These three variables are key to a comprehensive understanding of Sustainability that goes beyond environmental aspects to also encompass the economic and social sphere.

PROCESSES Design Management Innovation



Employees Tenants Visitors & Society Suppliers

Water Energy Transport Waste & Land Use

1 Officially known as the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED), this commission is headed by Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland is composed of various countries. In 1987 it prepared a socio-economic report for the UN. It was in this report that the term “sustainable development” was first used.


2 CAD is a centre consisting of a group of international experts in managing development partnerships. Its fields of expertise include development cooperation, corporate social responsibility, and quantifying development goals.

Environmental Sustainability at NEINVER Promoting sustainable development is now one of NEINVER’s priorities within its strategy to occupy leadership positions in the international retail sector.

At NEINVER we are challenging ourselves to obtain outstanding performance in the three vectors of sustainability: processes, people and planet. We believe that the long-term success of our business is a consequence of exceptional performance in each and every one of these spheres. Specifically, we wish to show that integrating elements such as environmental sustainability into development processes is not only practical but contributes to the business’s future success and productivity. Through constant progress and innovation, we wish to improve the processes that create value for our stakeholders and guarantee proper care of the planet.


Environmental Sustainability at NEINVER Priorities and strategic goals


We wish to achieve excellence in environmental management, putting innovative processes in place to optimise resources and apply environmental best practices. Implementing environmental efficiency measures translates into benefits for every facet of the company, reducing consumption-related costs in the short term and improving the company’s competitiveness in the face of future scenarios in which legal and economic barriers to natural resources will be ever greater.

Goals. • • • • • • •



Improve process management. Promote efficient maintenance of the facilities. Manage the water cycle efficiently. Promote the efficient use of natural resources. Use environmentally friendly materials. Proper waste management. Obtain independent sustainability certification for the buildings.

We wish to respond to the demands of a society that is increasingly concerned about caring for the natural environment and about companies’ environmental values. Implementing sustainability measures increases the quality of our service and improves the satisfaction of our properties’ tenants and visitors, while helping us maintain high comfort levels and occupancy rates.

Environmental Sustainability at NEINVER

Goals. • • • • •


Raise awareness among stakeholders involved in the design, construction and management of buildings regarding the benefits of “green” buildings. Encourage tenants to take part in the company’s efforts to safeguard the environment through their participation in management. Provide end users with environmental information and promote initiatives to encourage their participation. Promote a sustainable culture at the corporate level through training initiatives, awareness campaigns, and programs to get NEINVER employees involved. Improve the wellness and health of the people who work in and visit our properties.

We wish to ensure constant improvements to the environmental performance of our assets and become a benchmark company for environmental performance in the property industry. We aim to build and then manage sustainable, environmentally efficient buildings that are integrated with their surroundings

Goals. • • • • • •

Reduce the buildings’ impact on the environment. Promote energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources. Reduce our carbon footprint. Reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Reduce water consumption. Reduce waste production.



NEINVER Environmental Sustainability Guide Working areas

The NEINVER Environmental Sustainability Guide applies to the Group’s entire value chain and includes concrete measures and initiatives to be implemented in the five phases of the property development process, and also in the working environment as a process-long phase concurrent with the others. •

Pre-development. Initial study of a location, a plot of land or a potential project to determine its appeal from three standpoints: economic, social and environmental.

Design. Complete development of a technical design plan that complies with the company’s environmental requirements within a specific location.

Construction. Process of tenders and construction of a building following the previously created design plan and based on the already determined environmental requirements.

Leasing. Relations with store operators and clients to ensure achievement of shared goals and their satisfaction.

Operations. Management of an asset, its facilities and suppliers to achieve the best economic, social and environmental performance.

Working environment. Improving the comfort and well-being of NEINVER employees in each office.




Working Environment




NEINVER Environmental Sustainability Guide Independent certification standard


At the same time, NEINVER is going one step further in developing this Guide and has decided to adopt an internationally recognised independent environmental certification standard that allows each of its five work areas to: •

Provide a reliable, independent system for environmental assessment of buildings that reinforces the company’s commitment and allows for transparent, consistent, verified comparisons.

Establish criteria and standards exceeding those required by current regulations, based on specific, independent mechanisms.

Reduce buildings’ impact on the environment by ensuring that our properties incorporate environmentally efficient measures.

Enable the buildings to be recognised by the market based on their proven environmental characteristics.

NEINVER Environmental Sustainability Guide Currently there are several methodologies in the marketplace for measuring buildings’ environmental performance.

For properties located in Europe, NEINVER has decided to use the BREEAM assessment method, since it includes a specific methodology for environmental certification of shopping centres, offices and industrial facilities and has a long, proven record throughout Europe. The BREEAM standard covers ten categories to assess a building’s environmental performance. Each category is intended to reduce the building’s impact on the environment by defining a performance target and assessment criteria that must be met to achieve the goal. In its Environmental Sustainability Guide, NEINVER includes measures for each of those ten categories:




Health & Well-being




Land use and Ecology





NEINVER Environmental Sustainability Guide

Areas of Action The NEINVER Sustainability Guide includes the following action areas for the five development phases of an asset, and the company’s working environment, based on the ten assessment categories.



A study of the existing infrastructures and a forecast of future energy needs.


Design the energy performance of the envelope of the building and its facilities efficiently and propose the use of renewable energy sources.


Solutions to decrease energy consumption and reduce emissions during the construction process.


Ongoing monitoring and proper system maintenance to boost energy efficiency and control consumption.


Include energy efficiency requirements in leases with stores. Installation of equipment with A or A+ certification.

Working Environment

Ensure responsible energy consumption among workers: room temperatures, energy-efficient equipment, training, etc.






Study of the local distribution network and water resources in the area.


Design to reduce demand for water and optimise its use.


Reduce water consumption and preserve the existing natural courses of water through the environment during construction work.


Reduce demand for drinking water and optimise water management in the building and its surroundings.


Water optimisation and water recycling procedures in store locations, and inclusion of these in the specific terms of the store leases.

Working Environment

Ensure responsible use of water through facility upgrades, training and awareness campaigns.


Study the best way to integrate the property into its environment and plan for use of environmentally friendly materials.


Plan for construction with environmentally friendly materials. Analyse life cycle.


Use certified or environmentally friendly construction materials.


Control the use of hazardous materials through certified companies and encourage the use of green products.


Encourage the use of certified materials with a high Green Rating score in the design of stores.

Working Environment

Efficient use of office supplies and office equipment, and inclusion of green purchasing guidelines.






Provide for future vehicular traffic and access points.


Design a clear traffic flow system and optimise access points. Equip the property suitably for the use of alternative transport.


Ease of access and of parking for all types of vehicles while promoting alternative transport methods.


Promote the use of green public transport methods through an appropriate information policy and through facilities suited to their use.


Implement schedule agreements for more efficient management of deliveries.

Working Environment

Foster the use of green transport and minimise business travel through the use of ICTs.


During any demolitions, ensure proper waste management through certified companies.


Design to reduce waste production and to create facilities that optimise waste management.


Reduce, reuse or recycle construction waste. Identify and classify waste according to the European Waste List.


Apply a comprehensive waste-management policy using the criteria of the Environmental Management System (ISO 14.001)


Establish a specific waste-management policy for tenants, and facilities to promote separation and separate collection of waste.

Working Environment

Promote the reuse and recycling of office supplies among employees, and green contracts with suppliers.


Health & Well Being


Study the location to prevent potential contamination of the soil, water or atmosphere, and to avoid sound pollution, light pollution, and pollution through emission of refrigerants.


Employ design methods that minimise contamination of the internal and external environment (greenhouse gases, refrigerants, lighting, spills, etc.).


Avoid pollution of the construction site and surrounding environment through proper use of certified products, emissions monitoring and spill prevention.


Periodically check the facilities to prevent emissions and spills into the environment.


Add new criteria for better management of store locations (sound levels, cleanliness, subcontractors, etc.).

Working Environment

Hire ISO 14001 certified cleaning services.


Assess the place’s wind and solar conditions, to measure potential impacts on development.


Design to ensure conditions that protect users’ well-being both inside and outside the building.


Provide sufficient prevention to protect the health of workers on the construction site.


Ensure the well-being of all of the building’s users. Get OHSAS certification.


Foster the use of non-VOC finishes. Provide appropriate time and rest areas for employees.

Working Environment

Increase well-being in the workplace (rest areas, flexitime, air quality, etc.).



Land use and Ecology



Anticipate and design a suitable intake process for the installation of equipment to ensure its efficient functioning.


Manage work to avoid negative impacts during construction. Application of an environmental management system (ISO 14.001)


Ensure a proper level of services under any terms of occupancy and thus guarantee a high degree of satisfaction among users of the centre.


Promote tenants’ participation and cooperation in environmental management of the building.

Working Environment

Introduce goals and ongoing training in environmental issues for employees.


Anticipate the cleaning of potentially polluted sites and bringing them within applicable standards.


Integrate the centre into the surrounding environment and prevent any potential negative impact on the place’s biodiversity.


Protection of local plant and animal life and improvement of the place’s biodiversity.


Respect for the local ecosystem through appropriate maintenance of indigenous species.

Working Environment

Natural vegetation in the working environment.



Ongoing study of environmentally innovative new design solutions for implementation.


Use of environmentally friendly construction technologies (prefabrication, pre-machined components, etc.).

Operations Leasing Working Environment

Inclusion of Service Level Agreements in all service contracts and potential cooperation with energy companies. Develop a list of comments on environmental issues that could improve tenants’ fit-out projects. Internal communication plan to inform employees about conservation and environmental activities.


Conclusions Since 2008, NEINVER has been working to promote the environmental sustainability of its assets in a proactive, highly professionalised manner. Particularly noteworthy is the work it has performed:

In the area of development, by embracing the environmental requirements of the BREEAM Europe certification. This effort has allowed 3 of its last 4 development projects to obtain this certification.

• • •

Coruña The Style Outlets (Spain) - Opened May 2011 – Rating: Good. Futura Park Krakow (Poland) – Opened October 2011 - Rating: Very Good. Factory Annopol (Poland) - Scheduled to open in 2013 - Expected rating: Very Good.

Both Coruña The Style Outlets and Factory Annopol were the first buildings in their respective countries to earn BREEAM certification. The following improvements were made:

• • • • • • • • • •


Moisture sensors to control watering of plants Landscaping using native plants with low water requirements Water-saving sanitary fixtures Bike lane and bike racks Energy-efficient lifts and escalators with LED lighting Light sensors to control the lighting fixtures Outdoor lighting designed to prevent light pollution and avoid disturbing the neighbours Environmental impact study Dedicated area for collection of various types of waste and their subsequent processing

In the area of management, by obtaining ISO 14001 certification for environmental sustainability.

Coru単a The Style Outlets

Factory Annopol

Futura Park Krakow


Future challenges Achieving these successes allows us to set out new challenges for the future. In its strategy, NEINVER is committed to ongoing work and improvement of its environmental performance until it becomes an industry leader in sustainability and energy efficiency. NEINVER is committed to taking a comprehensive approach to sustainable development bearing in mind the effect that the five phases of development of an asset have on processes, people and the planet, and defining specific measures for the ten key vectors. The goals we have set for 2013 are: Energy. Achieve a base target of 100 kWh per year per m². Reduce the energy consumption of our shopping centres and corporate offices by 5%. Water. Reduce water use throughout our portfolio of assets by 2% and achieve a target limit of 4.43 m3 per year of drinking water consumption per person in new-construction commercial buildings. Materials. Improve the thermal insulation of new-construction buildings to 10% above the target given in national standards. Reduce consumption of office supplies in our centres by 10%. Transport. Promote green transport among employees and stakeholders. Install electric car charging points of the parking spaces in our shopping centres. Waste. Establish a comprehensive waste management policy throughout the company’s value chain, to include tracking and assessing each type of waste generated. Pollution. Use of green contracts when outsourcing services or establishing relationships with suppliers, to avoid the risk of emissions or spills of toxic substances into the environment. Health and well-being. Increase the comfort and well-being of our clients.Employees and stakeholders. Learn the results of this through satisfaction research that includes environmental elements. Management. Get BREEAM In-Use certification for the shopping centres the company manages in Europe. Land use and ecology. Assess the proposed measures intended to improve the biodiversity of the places where the company operates in all phases of the development process, using the corresponding indicators. Innovation: Studying the construction of buildings using prefabricated and industrialized building systems which, through a modular system, reduce emissions during the life cycle of materials.


Printed September 2012



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