NNR Magazine Premier Issue

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May / June 2012



Celebrity Nail Artist Swan Stephens

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Nekesa NR Mag© N e k e s a N a t u r a l R a d i a n c e H a i r M a g a z i n e

A Beauty, Wellness, Lifestyle Online Publication

Where we emphasize ordinary women with extraordinary lives

Lorem & Ipsum

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Natural Hair or Hairweave Versatility page 3 NNR ‘s VIP Star Client Spotlight page 3 Haute Hair Summer Pics: page 4 NNR Hair Loft News page 5/6 Credits Editorial Director Nekesa J. Smith Photography Daniel Edwards, Walter Kennard, Chanda Scott Photography Nekesa J. Smith Managing Editor Yolanda James Make Up Kristina Ross

Contributors Swandela Stephens, Cajun Kirk, Keyina Richardson, Jameelah Watkins

Nekesa Natural Radiance Home Hair Loft Opens Page 4



I am a firm believer that your inner beauty radiates through your outer beauty. A s y ou a nd I w ork t ogether t o m ake y our h air l ook b eautiful, y our s pirit requires a ttention t o f eel b eautiful a s w ell. T his m agazine h as b een a n i dea f or a w hile a nd I a m e lated t o f inally t o b e i n a p osition t o c reate i t. N NR M agazine is a n o nline p ublication d esigned a s a g ift f or y ou t o e xperience y our s tunning beauty j ourney. W ith s everal d igital p ublications i n e xistence I k new t hat t his publication h ad t o b e d ifferent. W hat m akes u s s tand a part f rom t he o thers i s that we are dedicated to use real women as our celebrity models. We will highlight t he s tories o f t hese w omen w ho a re o ur s tar c lients. T hese w omen range f rom c areer d riven a ttorneys, m omprenuers, a nd e ducators j ust t o n ame a f ew. T heir s tories w ill i nspire y ou a nd w e a re d edicated t o p rovide t he ultimate e xperience o f B eauty, W ellness, a nd L ifestyle. W ith s ummer c loser, w e a re a ll l ooking f orward t owards v acationing a nd some s ort o f f un i n t he s un! T he f irst t hing t hat w e t hink a bout i s “ How a m I going t o r evamp m yself f or s ummer?” H air a nd w eight l oss i s t he f irst t hing that c omes t o m ind. A ll o f t he c lients t hat s it i n m y c hair h ave t he c ommon thread i dea t hat t hey w ant t o l ook a nd f eel g ood i nside. “ Beauty i s s kin d eep” is a s tatement t hat, o ver t he y ears i n t he b eauty i ndustry, t hat I h ave f ound true. M oving f orward, t his m agazine w ill i nspire y ou t o l eap f orward i n m aking your b eauty a nd w ellness c hoices. H ow c an w e h elp y ou r each y our n atural radiance? E mail m e y our i deas a t o fficialnekesa@gmail.com



Now h iring f reelance w riters, g raphic d esigners, interns, h air stylists, f ashion s tylists, m akeup a rtists, p ublic r elations, marketing r eps, a dvertising a gents.

Lorem & Ipsum

Email N ekesa @ n aturalradianceinfo@gmail.com f or c areer opportunities. S end a b rief b io a nd w riting s amples t o 3 829 M ain Street, C ollege P ark, G A 3 0337. 3 [Insert Date \ Issue]

Career, Family, Success…How Does She Do It?

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Lorem & Ipsum

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Doing it Her Way………..

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The A-List Talent Scout

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By Nekesa J. Smith

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Diversity Rules!

Nekesa Natural Radiance Hair Loft VIP Star Client Spotlight

Natural Hair Styles or Hair Weave Styles

Written by Nekesa J. Smith

Is it better to wear my hair in a natural style or a weave style? This question comes up several times a day in the salon. Many of my clients who have been wearing their hair in Diamond Cut Twists or other protective natural styles have opted to wear a weave to change up their look. I think the idea of going natural is to enjoy the diversity of your textured hair. If the two hair categories were a sport I would not be on Team natural or Team weave because I wear both. Depending on my schedule and of course how I feel determines how I wear my hair. Hair truly is an expression of your inner beauty. There is no way a woman should be defined or designed to wear one particular hairstyle. My theory is that every woman of color should embrace their natural texture, and a hairstyle should be changed every season similar to the changes you make with your wardrobe. This is a special picture because my sister decided to embrace her own hair texture, my mom flew it to get a sew-­‐in, and I decides to take a sew-­‐in out and wear a rod set. All of us represent the diversity of colored girls with textured hair. Let your natural radiance shine through by embracing your natural texture.

Lorem & Ipsum

I am so blessed to have some of the best clients ever! I have clients that fly in to my salon from Michigan, Missouri, and Texas, to name a few. Plus, there are those that drive long distances to see me and they refer other clients to experience the NNR Hair Loft. My goal is to provide one-­‐on-­‐one attention detailing quality service. I pride myself on offering the Nordstrom-­‐level customer service. To show my gratitude I decided to create a program for my VIP Star clients. In addition to providing experienced and superb hair care service, I implemented the following: 1. A spotlight article in our monthly magazine 2. A $100 NNR certificate to be used during next visit 3. A professional make-­‐up makeover and photo shoot. Interested in next month’s winner? Email me about your ideal hair change at officialnekesa@gmail.com with the subject line IDEAL. The first client spotlight is Mrs. Corliss Newton-­‐Collier. She has been a loyal client for 4 years now and recently moved to Dallas. When she moved she did not even attempt to ask me to refer her to a stylist in TX. She simply hops on a plane and gets her dose of Nekesa Natural Radiance. Being in the hair business since 1995, I have had my share of styling celebrity clients. However, my extraordinary clients who wear many hats and constantly strive for greatness within their families and communities ROCK!

Corliss Newton-­‐Collier’s Summer Do! Corliss is a jet setting Mom, Wife and Business Executive. This Spelman grad has been a true inspiration to what one can do without fear in her life and business. She has worn her natural hair for years in the Diamond Cut Twists—a signature style offered at NNR. Corliss receives the Star Client spotlight because she is not only a loyal client to NNR Hair Loft, she also took the challenge to “Dare to be Different” by embracing the seasonal shift and trying a new summer look. A sew-­‐in weave is a protective style that can be worn for 10-­‐12 weeks with the correct maintenance. The key to a great sew-­‐in is to start with a solid, braided foundation. The hair quality also determines a superb weave experience. Change is good, and with summer approaching take the opportunity to change your look. Want to be the next VIP Client Spotlight? Email me about your ideal hair change at officialnekesa@gmail.com with the subject line IDEAL. 7

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Haute Summer Hair Pics:

Cornrow /Twist updo. This can be worn for work or for play. (75.00 includes steam treatment and style that last 2-­‐3 weeks)

embrace your own texture (55.00 last for 1 week

Textured Twist Set This twist set was styled into an inverted bob (55.00-­‐65.00 depending on length.This style last 2 weeks

Cornrow Mohawk (75.00 with a stem treatment and style.This style last 3-­‐4 weeks.

Lorem & Ipsum

Cornrow/twist indi combo .This is a versatile style that can be worn up or down (110.00 this style last 3-­‐4 weeks

Full Sew In bob ( 185.00 includes a shampoo hair treatment.Braid reinforcement ,cut and style.This style last 110-­‐12 weeks)

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Nekesa Natural Radiance Hair Loft News and Updates

NNR Boutique Hair Loft Opens We grow to a 2 nd location! It has truly been a spectacular year and half operating in our new location. It has been a pleasure meeting all of you new clients, and serving existing clients. I feel like the NNR Hair Loft family has grown. We all are working towards that work life balance daily. With our continued effort to provide the ultimate NNR Hair Loft experience we expanded and opened our NNR Boutique Hair Loft location off Camp Creek Parkway in Atlanta. It such a blessing to have a career where I have impacted thousands of women and girls through styling their hair. I will continue to assist my clients in making iconic beauty and wellness choices to enhance their signature look. I love what I do! I am so happy with the infinite possibilities that the future holds for us at Nekesa Natural Radiance Hair Loft.

Meet the Skillonaires of NNR Hair Loft These talented ladies force you to fall in love with you hair. With the recipe of beauty,brains,and skillset these artists of reinvention are utterly amazing. Jameelah Watkins Weave Specialist Keyina Richardson Natural Hair Specialist/Licensed Cajun Kirk Professional Braider Tayler Rhodes Customer Relations/Receptionist

Salon Hours

(College Park)

Monday & Tuesday closed/by special appt. only Wednesday 10-5 Thursday 10-6 Friday 9-6 Saturday 9-3

Nekesa’s Hours Boutique Hair Loft

Thursday Friday Saturday

“I have impacted thousands of women and girls through styling their hair. I will continue to assist clients with making iconic beauty and wellness choices to enhance their signature look.”

Lorem & Ipsum

11-5 11-5 once a month

Book appointments: 404-835-21117 or www.nekesanrhairloft.com

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30% off online purchases June 10, 2012 until 11:59 pm Log on to www.nekesanaturalradiance.com Lorem & Ipsum

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Experience the Ultimate Urban Oasis

Mani’s, Pedi’s Wax and More… NNR Hair Loft welcome’s Swan Stephens of Swan Nail and Skin Spa.

SWAN NAIL LACQUER & SWAN KIDS NAIL LACQUER Celebrity Nail Specialist Swangela Stephens created Swan Nail Lacquer and Swan Kids Nail Lacquer to bring a brand of nail polish to the beauty market that is non-toxic(no formaldehyde, Tulane or DBP) that consists of high quality, vibrant and long lasting colors and kidfriendly. Her uniquely shape bottle with Swarovski Crystal Gem Stones was designed to set her polish line aside from all other polishes as a high-end, top quality brand from a professional, experienced nail specialist. For More Information please visit www.swanskinandnailspa.com. We will offer a variety of spa services (Manicures, Pedicures, Facials and Massages) Located in Historic College Park, GA at 3829 Main Street next to Nekesa Natural Radiance Hair Loft. The expected opening date is June 20, 2012.

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Doing it Her Way…… DeShawn F. Bullard What began as a way to make money ZKLOH HDUQLQJ D %DFKHORU¶V GHJUHH LQ Computer Science during her college days at Tuskegee University has grown into a means of turning passion into profit. After graduation, Bullard landed successfully in corporate America as a computer programmer, where she worked for seven years. However, her true passion for the beauty industry kept calling, and she chose to follow her dream. Today, CEO DeShawn Bullard provides recession-proof products and services that gross over a million dollars a year. Following in the footsteps of black history icon Madam CJ Walker, Atlanta entrepreneur DeShawn Bullard continues to broaden the distribution of NouriTress Perfect Hair Products, the company she founded in 1998. The popularity of her products allowed her to team up with Grammy Award winning songstresV 7LRQQH ³7-%R]´ :DWNLQV ZKR KDG become the face and national spokesperson for NouriTress Perfect Hair Products in 2008. Her products which received an Essence magazine beauty award are distributed nationally in major retail stores such as J.C. Penney and Target with international distribution in countries such as Canada, UK & Africa. Nominated by the Atlanta Business League for ³Outstanding Business Woman of the Year´ in 2009, this entrepreneur is steady raising the bar operating several business entities. She is also the owner of NouriTress Salon & Hair Clinic and owns her own line of hair extensions and is the author of two self published books. DeShawn has made several appearances as a guest hair stylist on the TBS nationally syndicated TV Show "Movie and A Makeover" and her work has graced the pages of top beauty industry magazines such as Essence, Sophisticates Black Hair, Beauty Store Business, Hype Hair Magazine and 7RGD\¶V %ODFN :RPDQ just to name a few. For 4 years, she provided weekly hair advice to millions of listeners every week as she dished hot hair tips on SGN the Light Gospel Radio. She was named for six consecutive years since 2003 in industry source Salon Sense Magazine as one of the most influential women in the beauty industry. Top EHDXW\ FRPSDQLHV VXFK DV /¶2UHDO DQG 6DOO\¶V %HDXW\ FDOO RQ KHU ZKHQ WKH\ QHHG WR UHDFK WKH LQGXVWU\ From London to Brazil, to Canada and the USA, beauty industry professionals around the world pay attention when they hear her name. Her workshops sell out with standing room only at any beauty event such as the Bronner Bros. Hair Show. This beauty mogul has shown the beauty industry how you can go from standing behind the chair servicing clients to working on top celebrity clientele such as T-Boz, Lynn Whitfield, Ann Nesby, Tramaine Hawkins and Betty Wright, all while building a multi-million dollar hair product line.

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is Art, art is an imitation of life.

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Wedding Corner !

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Nekesa Signature Hydrating Oil Sheen try it and see why our clients love it!

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