101010 Newsletter Issue 5

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«Getting ready» Newsletter issue # 5

Dear Friends, Two more weeks before the big day, and as we continue to chase VIP sign ups and more 10:10:10 events, let me share last week’s news with you:


Photo credits Nektarina

Yes, this is the VIP highlight of the month, that’s for sure. Again, a huge thanks to Maja Badovinac from British Embassy Ljubljana for all her help, and many thanks to all the staff from Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Photo Gallery of the official sign up is available here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nektarina/sets/72157625002647306/ and for a full story of the Green Day event (where the official sign up took place), other 10:10 photos, case studies and more on Slovenian formidable carbon cutting efforts please read our “Slovenia 10:10 Special Report” here http://issuu.com/nektarinanonprofit/docs/1010_slovenia_special

CYPRUS PROMOTES 10:10 IN MEDITERRANEAN Last weekend our 10:10ner Nema made us proud by organizing a great 10:10 promotion on a family event in Cyprus! She wrote an amazing blog about the event: http://www.1010global.org/med/nema_kidculture You can see more photos from the event on 10:10 Cyprus FB Page http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=226376&id=57964220813&fbid=431281695813&ref=mf and find out whote Cyprus Mom wrote about the event http://www.mumsincyprus.com/magazine/read/1010_255.html Plus we bring you our very first exclusive 10:10 interview with Nema (yes, that’s her in the center of the photo ď Š )!

Nema, great turnout on the Cyprus event! Amazing job! Tell us, how did you get involved in environmental issues and 10:10? I've always been concerned about social and environmental issues but always felt too overwhelmed to act. I first discovered 1010 during the Climate summit, when I heard about and watched the 'Age of Stupid'! In the same way it has affected thousands of sleeping activists, the film offered me a real achievable way for my family and I to finally start making a real difference.

How would you describe the current situation in Cyprus re carbon cuts and environment? Cyprus is behind in so many areas, there is a general lack of progress due in part to the political situation as well as a general feeling of helplessness resulting from over 30 years of division. Cypriot society has been so focused on finding a political solution, and returning home, that it has prioritised this goal over the people's own well being and the environment. What do you think needs to be changed? Despite the situation we are beginning to witness some important changes, thanks to EU regulations the government and local organisations are having to step up. In Lefkosia we are seeing bicycle rental zones being implemented and Cypriots actually cycling in the roads, previously only braved by a few foreigners and students!, meanwhile recycling is now becoming more commonplace in Cypriot homes. The biggest problems are lack of environmental education and awareness in schools, and the terrible consumer waste particularly of plastic bags and bottles, and most significantly water - the lack of which is our greatest environmental threat. Any carbon cutting tips you might share? In general try to live more consciously - for example, consider the manufacture and consequences of your purchases. Consume a little less each week? Eat less meat! The meat industry officially produces 40% more pollution than the world's transport combined!!! Cycle to work once a week, or walk to your corner shop rather than drive? Shop organic once a month or buy only fresh unpackaged local produce. Use reusable bags for groceries at your supermarket! These brilliant bags are now available in Cyprus and we've just started using them, we only wish we'd discovered them sooner! And to those who feel they have already done all they can, think again, there is always something more we can all do, even if it is simply to spread the word!

EUROPEAN MOBILITY WEEK – CAR FREE DAY EVENT IN ZAGREB, CROATIA The last day of European Mobility Week was a great experience for our 10:10 hub! Our friends at Coca-Cola HBC Croatia invited us to join them on a Zagreb bike tour during a Car Free Day, and we had a great time! Check out the photo gallery of the event: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nektarina/sets/72157625011900372/ and find out who got 10:10 tags!

TAKING CARE OF THE ENVIRONMENT And no, this is not a sponsored article (in case you were wondering). We just felt that we have to share with you amazing efforts Coca-Cola HBC Croatia is doing – we were impressed! So, do read on: •

What are they doing in terms of energy and climate protection… http://en.cocacolahellenic.hr/Towardssustainabilit/Environment/Energyandclimateprot/#energy-savingsprogrammes …or in terms of recycling http://en.cocacolahellenic.hr/Towardssustainabilit/Environment/Packagingandrecyclin/

We’ll bring you full in-depth story on October 8th issue, so stay tuned!


Students from 15 different countries (Russia, Malta, Poland, Greece, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Egypt, Israel, Belarus, Cyprus, Turkey, Ukraine, Slovakia and Albania) on three different continents exchanged invitation posters for our 10:10:10 Tree Planting Challenge, demonstrating thus in an original and beautiful way the wonderful and breathtaking flora biodiversity of our 10:10 hub, check out all the posters here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nektarina/sets/72157624865898811/


Yeey! First drawings and collages for our Carbon Cutting Visual Essay started to arrive http://www.flickr.com/photos/nektarina/sets/72157624888653325/ and they look great! For anyone who’d like to join (or invite others to join) here is the invitation poster: http://www.issuu.com/nektarinanonprofit/docs/visual_essay


Small things can move mountains and positive people can do wonderful things! One of our 10:10 supporters in Zagreb promote carbon cutting through their gorgeous Latino Shop packed with fab products made from all natural materials! More colorful photos (and a link to their web page) right here:



with more photos right here: http://www.facebook.com/album.php? aid=22577&id=124816577554917&ref=mf


Find us on Facebook:

http://www.facebook.com/pages/NEKTARINA/184600878746?ref=mf or

Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/1010hub


Join us in our 10:10:10 preparations! Drops us a line to cee@1010global.org, or register your own event on www.350.org We'll be letting you in on all our plans next week!

Stay tuned for more news in a weeks time, and in the meantime – cut carbon and carry on ď Š Yours truly, Sandra & 24 country hub PS We still desperately need you help! If you'd like to make a donation, small grants, sponsorships and similar, please contact me via e-mail sandra@1010global.org. Thank you! PPS Missed first four issues? Here they are http://www.issuu.com/nektarinanonprofit/docs/101010_newsletter_issue_1 http://www.issuu.com/nektarinanonprofit/docs/101010_newsletter_issue_2 http://www.issuu.com/nektarinanonprofit/docs/101010_newsletter_issue3 http://www.issuu.com/nektarinanonprofit/docs/101010_newsletter_issue_4

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