Christmas 2012 at school

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Mª del Carmen Suárez Afonso CEIP Carretería

(Nela) 35000872

Christmas is coming to… Carretería Merry Christmas 2012 Ho, Ho, Ho! Thanks pupils, families and teachers!

Talking about Christmas activities • Revision and autoevaluation with pupils. • Competences and grades we´ve worked during December. I) DECORATION: Thanks for sharing with your sons and daughters! Genial. Let´s decorate the school, together.

The following year we´ll write: MERRY CHRISTMAS, HO! HO! HO!..., too.

Some of our favourite: Let´s talk about this! Are they economic? Do you recycle at home? Do you share with family? Do you enjoy together? Have you got one idea for the following year?

Kinder at school. A) Little fish class: Let´s talk about what they´ve done. These Christmas Trees are good friends. They are smiling. There are a lot of starts. Can we count them? … How do we do this? What tools do they need?...

b) Little frogs: 4-5 years

Do you think is better doing what you can do or you prefer beautiful things with help of teachers and families?

Well done, pupils. Excellent idea, teachers. Nice presents.

C)This is four level. You are really good and very modern, too. Rafael Sanzio, guauu!

So moderns!

Super, class!







cooperation, tasks and results… What changes do we have to introduce? Do you think timing was O.K? Share ideas to change results. Let ´s talk about!

Number of sessions: Cooperative work: Organization: Autonomy: Place to work: Monitoring: Enjoying: II) A solidary race at Carreterias´school, for getting food for those that have less!

III) This year the second cycle goes to the radio

and reads a story from Dickens. Do you remember the title and do you know why did they choose this author?

IV) Carrols, theatre‌ Well done, friends.

V) Christmas Circus! With help of the Town Hall. Canarian artist and first premiun on national event.

A visit to Sionas´Belen (grandmother), including pupils of High School (1st level). You´ve got wonderful notes! CONGRATULATIONS. Thanks for coming to share. I love you. TEACHING IS A WAY OF LIVING.

Competences we´ve worked during this December. Talking with pupils about our work and introducing feedback in class. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Linguistic competence ( 100%). Mathematical literacy Scientific literacy (none) Digital competence (blog, power point, photos, paint program 50 %). 5. Social and Civic competence (95 %) 6. Learning to learn competence (100%) 7. Autonomy and entrepreneurship (100%)

Carretería, 21 of December of 2012. Nela Suárez. ENGLISH TEACHER.

Changes: Pay attention to 2 and 3 competences.

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