Hi! My name is Alba and let me introduce me!
1. This is me!. No personal information in public documents! 1.Name 2. Surname 3.Nickname 3. Address 4. City 5.Zip Code 5. Country 6. Birth date 7. Home telephone 8. Mobile telephone 9. E-mail address 10. Blood Type 11.Allergies 12.Medical Insurance 13. Language spoken at home 14.Likes 15. Pets 16. Hobbies
My name is Alba My surname is Pérez I have not nick name I live in Curato Street, nº 21 I live in Moya, in the north of Gran Canaria My zip code is: 35421 My country is Spain I was born on the 26 of June My home telephone is ... My mobile telephone is I have no e-mail address at the moment. My blood type is 0 I have no allergies I don´t remember my medical insurance I speak Spanish at home I like drawing I have no pets I like drawing and dancing
17. Special ability 18. Plans for the future 19. My mother´s name 20. My father´s name 21. Sons/daugters 22. My favorite singer 23. My favourite actor 24. My favourite football player 25. My favourite subject 26. My favourite job 27...
My special ability is I like to become a My mother´s name is ... My father´s name is... I have a daughter My favourite singer is My favourite actor is
What about you, Graciela? Good bye!