booklet will give you some key information and resources on promoting better health and wellbeing
What is health?
Health is defined as how an individual can function well physically, socially and mentally.
It is a measure of a person’s ability to do and become what they want to become.
What is wellbeing?
This is the state of being comfortable, healthy and happy.
The wheel of wellbeing
The below links will take you to a range of resources that will promote positive health and wellbeing.
Mind: Website containing lots of information for mental wellbeing: Information for young people on looking after your wellbeing – Mind
Health for Kids: An interactive website with resources for young people and adults
Healthy | Health for Kids
Young Minds: Contains a wealth of information. Sections dedicated to young people and parents / carers.
Health Support For Young People | YoungMinds
Teen sleep hub: A website designed to promote healthy sleep routines.
- Teen Sleep Hub
British Nutrition Foundation: Contains information on nutrients, balanced diet and eating healthily.
- British Nutrition Foundation
Talk to Frank: A website that provides honest information regarding drugs
information about drugs | FRANK (
The Mix: A website designed for young people and features a wealth of information on alcohol use.
Drink Does To Your Body | What Drink Does To Your Brain | The Mix
Kids A website containing lots of information on sexual health, STI’s birth control and your changing body
Health (for Teens) - Nemours
Smoking cessation: This website will help you make an informed choice of quitting smoking
| Smokefree Teen
Be gamble aware: A website to help if you feel that you are developing an issue with gambling
Gambling Help & Gambling Addiction | BeGambleAware
Trust me film: A short film that shows the impact of gambling and other risk-taking behaviours can have on young people and their social groups
Me Film | Highlighting gambling awareness to young people
Good sexual health is an important aspect of your health and wellbeing.
It is more than being free from sexually transmitted infections or becoming pregnant. It is about having the confidence and skills to ask for sex that makes you feel good and respecting your partners, and taking responsibility for your own sexual health.
Although it is illegal for under 16’s to have sex, it is not illegal for you to go to a health professional to ask for information on contraception.
A parent / carer will not be told about your visit unless they think you are at risk or danger.
Consent is defined as: giving permission for something to happen or an agreement for something to happen
In terms of sexual consent this means giving permission to have sex or engage in sexual acts. Sexual consent can only be given if you are over 16 years old, anyone under 13 cannot give consent. Sending nudes is illegal for anyone under the age 18 years old.
There are certain circumstances that make it impossible for consent to be given. For example, a person without the mental or physical capacity and includes those that are drunk or high cannot give consent. So although they may be eager to engage in sex or sexual acts in doing so may be considered rape or sexual assault.
Consent can be withdrawn at any time and consent can be given for one act and not another.
Remember consent is about both people agreeing and not feeling pressured. Nobody has the right to force you into something you don’t want to do.
Female Genital Mutilation
This is a procedure where a young woman will have all or part of her genitalia removed. The procedure usually involves a young women being held down against her will while the procedure is undertaken. It is usually undertaken before a young women undergoes puberty.
The process is illegal and it is considered a form of child abuse. It is also illegal for parents to take their children out the United Kingdom to have this procedure.
There are cultures, however, who still consider the procedure of female genital mutilation to be of benefit, including a belief that it is a rite of passage from childhood to adulthood, a pre-requirement for marriage or that keeping the female genitalia makes a young girl unclean, unworthy and unhealthy.
There are no health benefits to having female genital mutilation and young girls who have gone through this will experience a lifetime of pain.
If you have immediate concerns about a young girl or yourself please call the police on 999.