April 2016 Nellis Lodge Trestleboard

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April 2016


4 Oasis Lodge 41 & Daylite Lodge 44 Stated


10 Child 10 at Lorenzi Park "Pirate Fest"





Scottish Rite Stated Meeting



8 Child 10 at Lorenzi Park "Pirate Fest"

9 Child 10 at Lorenzi 'Park "Pirate Fest"



Child 10 at the Highland Games Floyd Lamb Park

Master Mason Degree


Child 10 at the Highland Games Floyd Lamb Park 24



Nellis Stated Communication



Child 10 at the Highlan!! Games Floyd Lamb Park





Fellowcraft Degree 26



Travis Lindsey Travis Lindsey Jerry McCorkle David Swallow, PM Arcangelo Cocco, PM R. Darce Wilson Nellis Officers James T. Greely, PM Terry Robertson, PM Keith Levenson

2015 Trustees 3Year

Miguel Zavala PM

2 Year

Harold Scalzo, Jr. PM

1 Year

Jeff Byrne PM

Masters & Wardens

DGL Class

Past Masters

2016 Commfttee Chainnen Nellis Lodge No. 46 Sickness & Distress Fundraising Education & Examination Cognizance Funeral Service Refreshments Telephone Tree Delinquencies Investments Special Events I Parade

28 MMTBoard Meeting

Nellis Trustees Meeting Dark

2016 Officers Dennis G. Tyson (Michelle) dennisgtyson@gmail.com

*Denotes Deceased Worshipful Master (702) 715-9437

Travis C. Lindsey (Jacquelin) traviscl@msn.com

Senior Warden (702) 334-0254

R. Daree Wilson (Erly Lim) rdarcewilson@gmail.com

Junior Warden (702) 595-0713


Teny Robertson PM (Janet) teJTY@deserlrealtylv.com

(702) 499-2242

James T. Greely PM (Alice) secretary@nellislodge46.org

Secretary (702) 604-5542

Michael Riitano mi~eonearth@hotmail.com

Senior Deacon (702) 426-1990

Jason Cunningham jason_cunningham@cox.net

Junior Deacon (702)768-8116

James Dorff (Patty) cyberhazard@mac.com

Marshall (702) 499-4790

Andrew Wade englishandy@embarqrnail.com

Chaplain (702) 271-5816

Keith Levenson keithJevenson@lightspeedvt.com

Senior Steward (702) 353-4693

Terrendus Ratliff tremusiC@aol.com

Junior Steward (702) 325-7662

Douglas Prelutsky dprelutsky@gmail.com

Tyler (702)375-7320

Daniel Partridge lunar_wolf2002@yahoo.com

(702) 585-2127

Roberto Jeovanny Franco jeovannnyentertainment@gmail.com

Organist (702) 280-0942

Daniel Kaelin danieljkaelin@yahoo.com Harold Scalzo Jr. themarine1956@yahoo.com


Master of Ceremonies (847) 757-7210 Deputy Grand loci. (775) 336-8461

Albert Schouten 1963 John Kiehlbaugh Donald G. Hines' ,~4.,Gerry Cunningham' t 15169 Bart Bonar Albert W. Cutler' Joseph Bureski' '1-966 Michael Holmstrom '1967 Craig Johnson Virgil M. Babbs' Ivan H. Joyce, Sr.' 1968 fred Barr 1'1 9 .l¥ff Byrne Herbert T. Edgar' / <1970' Stutter Newton Robert P. Braner' Messana Woodrow W. Thompson' 1971\ William B. Berk' ; ( 1972 ~d~ew D. Craig ! " , Robert E. Broughto? _.)W3 1'~', Robertson ;,1;~74.El v~"Swaliow Donald L. VineS! J Stuart E. Pirie' I" f§7-!\,*"fo nf\ustel Richard C. Ehrerslng" 19ft2S RU~ WalterT. JoneS*/ • 1\1Z7 \Fran ~inj!:;;. Merica Charles R Rirye art" w.. 1978 Ray Troetie Willi~.IlJ:J:> . . . olze~' 1979:.. )a'mes n~· G'(eely Genii d,H. ikfe:::.. < ':\980 J~hP'Gid la~'\ Robert B. Riggs." , 1981 Miq,W~1 J. ,Ia~ ., Dale K. Dear*Sr. ..1982i(Bj?me, Suljdquist ilt$~iL'A1G8ngelo Cocco Steven M. Thompson Billy R Huffman' 1984 Michael J. Clark John C. Richardson 1985 Scott Keiser 1986 Jeff Byrne Theodore M. West' John W. Start!, III 1987 Harold Scalzo, Jr. 1988 Miguel Zavala Alan J. Clark' Harold R Hamilton 1989





Past Masters by Affiliation Frank Fiedler

Franklin E. Merica

David lublin

Mike Gorman

William Robinson

Bryant E. Day

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

~@mJ@~i@~ A Message From


The first quarter of the year is over and Nellis is off to a good start. In the second quarter we will be holding our Rifle Raffle (April 4th), attending the Helldorado Days Parade (May 14th), and holding Table Lodge (June 21th) as well as visiting some of our sister lodges.

In February we celebrated Bro. George Washington's birthday and in March the Rainbow girls gave a wonderful presentation on the background and history of their organization. They were presented with a donation on behalf of Nellis. Many of our Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts have been advancing steadily through the degrees with the steady help of our coaches - and of course with the help and guidance of our Education Chairman, WB Jerry McCorkle! We have been fortunate to welcome back a few Brothers who had to step away for a while and it has been a pleasure to do so. Continuing with March's theme of "Bring a Brother to Lodge" we ask that at any time you recognize the opportunity to help a Brother attend to please do so. Sometimes all a Brother needs is that one helping hand. See in you in Lodge!

Sincerely, Dennis G. Tyson

the Secretary Those of you who have been members of Nellis for the past ten years know that if I write something in the Trestleboard it usually means that the Lodge is in need of something. That is exactly the reason I am writing. As of March 15th the Lodge still has not received dues from 35 members. 16.5% of the membership have not paid their dues for 2016. Of that, 8 are in jeopardy of being suspended for non-payment of dues. This translates to a total of $3,655.00 that should be in the Lodge account. I sent out second dues notices in February and only 3 Brothers remitted. This is disturbing! Please check your dues card, If it doesn't say 2016 on it you probably need to pay your dues. You can pay on line, I will take a card at the office or at any meeting. And of coarse you may pay with cash. Fraternally, Jim

Continued From Last Mont'-Bylaws Article XI through XIV ARTICLE XI Dues SECTION I. The Dues for each member of this Lodge shall be fifty-five ($55.00) dollars per year plus Grand Lodge per capita and any Grand Lodge expenses passed to the Lodge commencing January 1 of each year. "Amended May 18, 1984 & Apri/2, 2013" SECTION II. Any member of the Lodge against whom charges are not pending and whose dues and indebtedness to the Lodge are paid may withdraw from membership by presenting. a written application therefor at a Stated Communication. The Lodge shall grant the request of the Brother by dropping his name from the rolls and his membership shall be thereby be terminated, and he shall be subject to the disabilities of an unaffiliated Master Mason; provided, however, that an elected officer cannot withdraw.

ARTICLE XII Representatives to the Grand Lodge The Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden and such other representatives as shall be authorized by the Lodge to attend the communications of the Grand Lodge shall receive such sums of money as shall be determined by the vote of the Lodge at any Stated Communication to assist in defraying expenses of such attendance.

ARTICLE XIII 25-Year Jewel Any member in good standing in Nellis Lodge No. 46 who has served Masonry for 25 consecutive years shall be presented with a jewel by the Lodge in commemoration thereof, with said jewel shall properly denote such period of service; providing such member shall not have been expelled during said period. Amended: June 6, 1976

ARTICLE XIV Relief The Master shall have power to draw upon the Treasurer for any sum, not exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00) at anyone time, for the relief of a distressed worthy Brother, his wife, widow or orphan.

Happy March Birthdays!!

Most Worshipful

*Donald G. Hines Past Grand Master of Masons in Nevada

Paying your dues has never been easier!

1984 Most Worshipful

As many of you know we've accepted dues payments at the NELLIS website using safe and secure PayPal. ...But now its even easier! We are able to take your payment at Lodge using your favorite credit or debit card. It's still based on the PayPal method of payment so you know its safe. Simply see the Secretary and he will swipe your card and hand you your 2015 dues card. ~ It can't get much simpler than that! (a $3.00 convenience fee will apply)

*William B. Berk Past Grand Master of Masons in Nevada

1990 Right Worshipful

Dale K. Dean Sr. Past Junior Grand Warden, Grand Lodge of Nevada


Steven D. Ross

Nellis Lodge No. 46 Bikes for Books Program

Mayor Pro Tern, Ward 6


Michael J. Clark City of Las Vegas 495 S. Main St. Las Vegas, Nevada 89101

Help encourage elementary school children to read!

Phone I (702) 229-6154

Worshipful Grand Marshal, Grand Lodge of Nevada *Denotes Deceased

Celli (702) 375-6467 Fax I (702) 464·5792

For more information contact W. Michael Clark, P.M

TrY 17-1-1

(702) 592-9249

Albert '~l" Schouten 8987 KingJohn Court

Las Vegas, NY 89'49-3221 702-395-7580 Al104@jUNO.COM





P.O. Box 4247 Pahrump. NV 89041 I'llon.: 10'·5?4'?<:4?

"'nd mcllr""jc~~com



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If you would like to contribute to the Trestleboard support fund, please call 702-387-0046 and leave us a message. Get your name out there and show your Brethren that you support the Lodge and this publication.

Current Annual Rates: Business Card-$75 1/4 Page-$200 1/2 Page-$300 Full Page-$600

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