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Stated Meeting first Tuesday of the Month at 7:00 pm in the
Masonic Memorial Temple Main Lodge Room
2200 West Mesquite Ave. (Rancho & US-95)
Las Vegas, Nevada 89106
www.nellislodge46.org secretary@nellislodge46.org
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(702)387-0046 Dispensation: November 10, 1962 Chartered November 12, 1963
October 201:5 Most Worshipful Dan I. Newman Grand Master of Masons In Nevada
/tIn The Forefront Spreading
Fri 2
3 Child 10 Presented by Boulder City lodge
Scottish Rite Stated Meeting
7:30pm 4
10 Child 10 At 628 W. Craig Rd. 11am to 5pm GM's Town Hall Meeting at Mt. Moriah Lodge
13 Master Mason Degree
5 Oasis lodge 41 & Daylite Lodge 44 Stated Communication
Nellis Stated Communication
Child 10 Presented by Acacia lodge
Fellowcraft Degree
27 Chili Cook Off Night!!
28 MMTBoard Meeting
Nellis Trustees Meeting
Dennis Tyson Dennis Tyson Jerry McCorkle David Swallow. PM Arcangelo Cocco, PM Travis Lindsey Nellis Officers James T. Greely, PM Terry Robertson, PM Miguel Zavala, WM Miguel Zavala, WM
2015 Trustees 3 Year Harold Scalzo, Jr. PM 2 Year Jeff Byrne PM 1 Year Scott Keiser PM John Gjonola, PM '. gjonola@gmail.com
Deputy Grand Lecturer (702) 743-7836
All Hallows' Eve
Masters & Wardens
Past Masters
2015 Committee Chairmen Nellis Lodge No. 46 Sickness & Distress Fundraising Education & Examination Cognizance Funeral SelVice Refreshments Telephone Tree Delinquencies Investments Special Events Parade
2015 Officers Miguel zavala (Nichole) .teadfa.ttattoo@gmail.com
Dennis Tyson
*Denotes Deceased Worshipful Ma.ter (702) 578-1945
Senior Warden
(702) 254-5998
Travi. C. Undsey baviscl@msn.com
Junior Warden (702) 334-0254
Rich Halbert richhalbert@yahoo.com
Treasurer (702) 65Q.8619
James T. Greely PM (Alice) .ecretary@nelli.lodge46.org
Secretary (702) 604-5542
R. Daree Wilson
Senior Deacon
(702) 595-0713
Michael Riltano
Junior Deacon (702) 455-2007
Donald Paradis donp1217@yahoo.com
Marshall (702)37Q.7828
Andrew Wade
Chaplain (702) 271-5816
Jame. Dorff cyberhazard@mac.com
Senior Steward (702) 499-9790
Keith Levenson keilh.leven.ontl!!light.peedvt.com
Junior Steward (702) 353-4693
Daniel Partridge Iuna,_woll2002tl!!yahoo.com
Tyler (702) 585-2127
Daniel Kaelin danielkaelintl!!yahoo.com
(847) 757-7210
Roberto J. Franco jeovannyentertainment@gmail.com
Historian Organl.t (702) 28Q.0942
Dougla. Prelulsky dprelul.ky@gmail.com
Master Qf Ceremonies (702) 375-7320
Jason Cunningham Jasoo_cunningham@cox.net
Master of Ceremonies (702) 768-8116
Terrendu. Ratliff tremusiC@aol.com
Master of Ceremonies (702) 98-8511
Shawn Tuenge
Master of Ceremonies (702)301-0184
Albert Schouten 1963 Harold R. Hamilton John Kiehlbaugh Donald G. Hines' Albert W. Cutler" ( ..19'65 'Gerry Cunningham" Joseph Bureski" ' 1 '6' 'Bart Bonar Virgil M. Babbs" . "1:961Z{Michael Holmstrom f'~68 \~raig Johnson Ivan H. Joyce, Sr.' Herbert T. Edgar" : 1\~~9 -F{ed Barr Robert P. Braner" / <" 970 .. e{f Byrne Woodrow W. Thompsghi 1971\-~~tterNewton / ' 1972 i(o~,\ Messana Wilham B. Berk Robert E. Brought01 1973_ Andrew D. Craig :-'1974 ~';r'~~obertson Donald L. Vines t Stuart E. Pirie" /. . .'>~·1975~a·iISwaliow Richard C. Ehref rig" _1c9~" j~~n Fe~stel Walter T. Jones"/· V 1-9Z7' ,Sam Rui' Charles R. Rir;t~bart".--.978 ,FlC\J1klin'E Merica -. 1979 :"'R~ Troahe .... WilliamJ.SChoknholzer"· f "v, '.::"'_:-'- ~ -i ;' "i _. __ .-A.: "".'>.:
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Ger(lld i{ M~eoikle:..."':::.,:...::~~~e;;}amesT.'~ " ~Y' {j 198J "Joh? \~onOla _ Robert B:' Rigps '"If) Dale K. Deant~r .. *" ~/519a2 iOMicfja~I,I! CJark Steven M. Thompson' :r~a~ Bjl)fn E. SundqUist 1984 Arcangelo Cocco Billy R. Huffman" 1985 Michael J. Clark John C. Richardson Theodore M. West" 1986' Scott Keiser John W. Startt, III 1987 Jeff Byrne 1988 Harold Scal~, Jr. Alan J. Clark"
Past Masters by Affiliation Frank Fiedler
Franklin E. Merica
David lublin
Mike Gorman
William Robinson
1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Greetings Brethren! Mark your calendars for some fun events coming up. We will again be doing the Nellis "Chili Cook Off' at the end of th~ month and we will have a family night in November. This will be a great time for fellowship with your Brothers and their families.
Please remember that the annual Grand Lodge communication will be November 8, 9 & 10, and is to open to all Nevada Master Masons. It will be held this year in Las Vegas at the Orleans Hotel & Casino. If you are interested in going please ask Worshipful Brother Secretary Jim Greely for a registration form so you can get it in before October 23rd. Parting on the Square, Bro. Miguel Zavala W.M.
Brotherly Love: The acceptance and support of your fellow man, especially Masons. This is the toughest tenet to follow well. Disagreements and differences abound because of human nature. However our disagreements and differences should be a source of strength, not contention. Brotherly love will provide more opportunities for growth, discussion and reciprocity than one may realize. So the next time you find yourself in contention with a friend, Brother or even family member challenge yourself to evaluate your motives objectively and discover if you are operating from a position of Brotherly Love. Relief: Helping those less fortunate in a time of need. This might be the easiest tenet to follow well because relief comes in so many varied and splendid forms. Burdens are subjective and the quickest way to get into the habit of relief is to ask. "How can I help?" Mark the difference - it is not "Do you need help?". Some individuals may be reluctant to admit they would like help at all. Find ways to offer relief to all those around you and you may find relief comes your way. Truth: A social, philosophical or moral conformity extending from honesty, sincerity and common sense. This tenet is a driving force but remains elusive because of fear. Everyday we distort simple truths because we are afraid of what might happen if it were vocalized or expressed openly. But at the very heart' of the teachings of Freemasonry is Truth. It is a vital underpinning of the process transforming oneself into a Mason. My challenge to each and every Brother is this: Earn the privilege and honor of being a Mason everyday by exercising these three tenets. Everyday make it a point to spread your Brotherly Love; offer and give Relief to someone you know who needs it; seek out and live with and by Truth. Fraternally
Dennis G. Tyson
[F[f@liiJ1l tdli1庐 ~(!!ffi) Foodfor thought. The brothers seem happier at meals. You
would probably agree that the time we spend'
during breaks for refreshments have the
positive effect of improving our collective
demeanor. So, could this be similar to the
family unit? It has been said that a family is
. not truly a family unless they share the
evening meal. If this is true, what is said
about families who share meals could路 also
be said about Masons who share meals. So
it would follow that enjoying a meal together
could improve the unity among brothers,
much .like family, while also serving to
reinforce our Masonic teachings.
Our meals have become a vehicle for carrying on our valued traditions, giving us an opportunity to communicate the ideals and attitudes of our craft from one generation to the next, passing on the most important virtues as it has always been done. This also provides a wonderful way to enjoin our lodge to visiting brothers and other lodges in such a way, that we may also benefit from their heritage, allowing give and take among us, giving us the chance to understand each other. A better understanding of another person is a task well worth pursuing, and could lead to a better understanding of ourselves. By the Plumb
Travis Lindsey
11appg Oetobllr 13irthdag81!l
Payingyour dues has never been easier! As many of you know we've accepted dues payments at the NELLIS website using saf~ and secure PayPal. ... But now its even easier! We are able to take your payment at Lodge using your favorite credit or debit card. It's still based on the PayPal method of payment so you know its safe. Simply see the Secretary and he will swipe your card and hand you your 2015 dues card. ~ It can't get much simpler than that! (a $3.00 convenience fee will apply)
~ lv/SA
Iii3 ~
Nellis Lodge No. 46 Bikes for Books Program
Slewn D. Ross CITY COIJt,tUIAN
Help encourage elemental)' school cljldren to read!
Fred Barr PM Pasquale Bendott Mark Bonstein Robert Broughton PM Lawrence Draper Gary Grissett Steven Henderson Robert Lagault Roger Noyes William Olliges Dennis Paine William Pirtle William Robinson PM Steven Ross Russell Stanberry Ronald Thrailkill Michael Haley Michael Meccariello
fA'1. (102) 312-8S.\a
For more information contact W. MichaeIClark,P.M
10/26 10108 10/11 10/27 10/25 10/24 10/10 10103 10/14 10107 10/21 10/27 10/29 10102 10107 10/22 10105 10/18
Most Worshipful *Donald G. Hines Past Grand Master of Masons in Nevada
1984 Most Worshipful William B. Berk Past Grand Master of Masons in Nevada
1990 Right Worshipful Dale K. Dean Sr. Past Junior Grand Warden, Grand Lodge of Nevada Worshipful John Feustel Worshipful Grand Pursuivant, Grand Lodge of Nevada Worshipful Michael J. Clark
Worshipful Grand Education Officer,
Grand Lodge of Nevada
(702) 592-9249
;;~~~~ mmER~
Albert '~l" Schouten 8987 King)ohn Court
Las Vegas, NV 89'49-3221
MiclJllel.1. a"rlc President
Michael Barr Owner
P.O. Box 4247 Pahrump, NV 89041
Phone: (702) 518·2928
"'on", 10Z·5')Z·')Z4'J Em.1i1 m~rIm,f~i1O<'fT1
Enloil: mike@fixmypclv.com Best fepa/rs ...Iowesl rolesl
~~~"( 1925 Village Center Circle, #150 las Vegas, NV 89134 Bus: 702-350-1863 Fax: 509-570-1906 donp@nevadareo.net ~l!!IiiiJ ~ www.nevadareo.net
ReeIty ExecuIIws of _ _ -Independently Owned a 0penIftId
~ .~
(702) 368-4445
C. Terry Robertson, CPM Property
3160 W. Sahara Ave.•Suite #A-22, Las Vegas, NV 89102
1(888) 868-0309' FAX (702) 368-1118
renl@deserlrealtvlv.com • • www.desertrealtvlv.com
If you would like to contribute to the Trestleboard support fund, please call 702-387-0046 and leave us a message. Get your name out there and show your Brethren that you support the Lodge and this pUblication. Current Annual Rates: Business Card-$75
1/4 Page-$200
1/2 Page-$300
Full Page-$600