September 2015 trestleboard email version

Page 1

A~/t&.Lodge No. 46


Las Vegas, Nevada

Stated Meeting first Tuesday of the Month at 7:00 pm in the

Masonic Memorial Temple Main Lodge Room

2200 West Mesquite Ave. (Rancho & US-95)

Las Vegas, Nevada 89106

www.nellislodge46. org



(702)387-0046 Dispensation:

November 10,1962


November 12,1963





September 20 15

"In The Forefront Spreading Light"



Tue 2


Nellis Stated Communication 6




Scottish Rite Stated Meeting 7:30pm

7 Oasis Lodge 41 & Daylite Lodge 44 Stated Communication

8 Master Mason Degree














Rosh Hashana

Rosh Hashana

Rosh Hashana Entered Apprentice




23 Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur

Fellowcraft Degree




30 Dark Nellis Trustees Meeting

MMT Board Meeting

Past Masters Most Worshipful DonI.N_ Grand Master of Masons In Nevada

2015 Committee Chairmen Nellis Lodge No. 48 Sickness & Distress Fundraising Education & Examination Cognizance Funeral Service Refreshments Telephone Tree Delinquencies Investments Special Events Parade

Dennis Tyson Dennis Tyson Jerry McCor1de David Swallow, PM Arcangelo Cocco, PM Travis Undsey Nellis Officers James T. Greely, PM Terry Robertson, PM Miguel Zavala, WM Miguel Zavala, WM

2015 Trustees 3 Year

Harold Scalzo, Jr. PM

2 Year Jell BynM PM

1 Year Scott Kelser"PM


2015 Officers Miguel bY." (Nicho")

Worshipful Master

(702) 578-19015

Dennis Tyson

Senior Warden

(702) 254-5998

Travis C. Lindsey

Junior Warden (7?2) 334-0254

Rich Hahn

Treasurer (702) 656-8619

James T. Greely PM {Alice}

Secretary .

(702) 604-5542

R. Dare. Wilson

Senior Deacon

(702) 595-0713

Michael Riitano

Junior Deacon (702) 455-2007

Donald Paradis

Marshall (702)370-7828

Andrew Wade

Chaplain (702) 271-5816

Deputy Grand Lecturer

John Gjonol., PM

(702) 743-7836


James Dorff

Sen;or Steward (702) 499-9790

Keith Levenson

Junior Steward (702) 353-4693

Daniel Partridge

Tyler (702) 585-2127

Daniel Kaelin

His.tortan (847) 757-7210

Roberto J. Franco

Organist (702) 280-0942

Douglas Prelutsky dp<

Master of Ceremonies (702) 375-7320'

Jason Cunningham

Master of Ceremonies (702) 763.8116

Ternndus Ratliff

Master of Ceremonies (702) 98-8511

Shawn Tuenge

Master of Ceremonies (702)301-0164

Albert Schouten Donald G. Hines' Albert W. Cutler' Joseph Bureski' Virgil M. Babbs' Ivan H. Joyce, Sr.' Herbert T. Edgar' Robert P. Braner' Woodrow W. Thompson' William B. Berk Robert E. Brough- / ton , Donald L. Vines, Stuart E. Pirie'j Richard C. Ehren5ing' Walter T. Jones'

Cha~es ~Aline-

hart'-"" !

,W,I~~;" J.

Denotes Deceased 1963 1964 196p0"

Harold R. Hamilton J~n Kiehlbaugh

9"'\Y Cunningham'


1967" MiQhael Holmstrom 1968' Craig Johnson 1969. F,.,<l Barr 1970' Je'!.E!yrne

~il( Newton

1tl!1 ' 4972

! 1973 1974

1~7~ 3','

JOhn;Ml!ssana Andrl\;\>. Craig TerTX"obertson

197\' ,i',,'

l$.p~~ 1978 Ray 1979' 1'980 Ja~t-G JOhriGlOnol }981

"1Jl!!f 0

:;., 1983 S~)jolzer' 1984 Geraid'H. ' 1985 McCorkle 1986 1987 Robert B. Riggs Dale K. Dean Sr. 1988

"!tch~fJ. C 'Bjorn E. SOn Arcangelo Cocco ~ichael J. Clark Scott Keiser '

Jeff Byrne

Harold Scalzo, Jr.

Past Masters by Affiliation Frank Fiedler

Franklin E. Merica

David Lublin

Mike Gorman

William Robinson

1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

200\! 2O{b' 2011 2012 2013 2014

Greetings Brothers, I trust that everyone's summer has been going well and that you have found some time to get outside and enjoy yourselves. As much fun as the summer has been, I have missed you all and look forward to the Brotherly love we share in our lodge. It is through the regular gathering with our Brothers and the discourse we all share at those times that brings us together as Brothers. It is the effort put into lodge ritual and especially the degree work that demonstrates our intemal commitment to our craft and our mettle to make each other better. I am less concerned with perfection in these areas than I am with the demonstrated sincere desire to be ones best and to improve. We come together to improve ourselves in Masonry, if we were perfect what improvement could be made? What would be the purpose of joining together if not to be the steel to sharpen another's steel? We are taug ht in Masonry that it is the internal and not the external qualifications of a man that we should regard most. How do we find the intemal qualifications we seek? Some of the most beautiful creatures on our earth can kill us or do us harm, yet an Ass is one of the most useful creatures we have. So we look inside another to their core and find ourselves, shared virtues and values and a commonality to elevate beyond what we are at this moment. Those are the men with the internal qualifications we seek. As men and as Masons we look to surround ourselves with others after a like purpose. The more time we spend together, especially time spent for Masonic endeavors, the more we demonstrate our own inner beauty and the more we learn to appreciate the inner beauty of our brothers. Please take the time to join us for lodge whenever possible. There are many Brothers that we have not seen in a very long time. For some, if you could join us just once this year we would be very excited. For others, perhaps lodge once per month might be possible. If rides are needed they can be arranged. We have new members and that means new Brothers. Our new Brothers have many questions and are eager to learn. Our lodge is an exciting and vibrant place. If you haven't been in a while, please, come and see what you're missing!


Bro. Miguel Zavala, Worshipful Master,

Most Worshipful

'Donald G. Hines

Past Grand Master of Masons in N<Vada

'9 84 Most Worshipful William B. Berlt Past Grand Master of Masons in N<Vada '99 0

Right Worshipful

Dale K. Dean Sr.

PastJunior Grand Warden, Grand Lodge ofNcvada


John Feustel

Worshipful Grand Pursuivant,

Grand Lodge ofNcvada


MichaelJ.C/aJk WorshiP.ful Grand Education Officer,

Grand Lodge ofNcvada

Summer time is all but over.

Brethren, I want to extend a big thank you to all of you that participated, donated and stopped by the Fireworks Booth. We were very successful! It was a smooth operation and could not have been so without your help. I hope everyone had a great summer off and is ready:. to meet this next Masonic session with fervency and zeal. It's nice to have some time off but I am always eager to start back up again in September. Gentlemen I look forward to seeing you all at the Temple!

So now the craft must come back out of the dark and into the light, and as we do, so we must also go back to our good work. We have a lot of unfinished work which was started this year and left undone. Let's hope everyone had some rest and is ready to return to our labor with good cheer, and pick up our tools where we rested them.

Let's also hope, or pray that is, that our meals may meet all expectations. We like happy faces, and it seems we are all a little happier while sharing a meal together. Along those lines, if there are any special requests we are waiting to hear them, please let us know, if there are any complaints, let us know and if you just want to 'chat we can do that too.

By the Plumb

On the Level Dennis

Travis Lindsey

'Happy ~~pt~mb~r


Allen Ashby Amixtocle Cocco Joseph T. Cooper John Frogue Karl Hess Richard Lull William Moon Raimon Perry Nelson Sardelli Edgar Smith Floyd Taylor Charles Tweedie David Write

9/23 9/7 9/28 9/23 9/24 9/12 9/17

9/6 9/20 9/20 9/7 9/19 9/9




If you would like to contribute to the TresUeboard support fund, please call 702-387-0046 and leave us a message. Get your name out there and show your Brethren that you support the Lodge and this . publication.

Dues notices will be sent out soon and I urge all of you to please remit them before the new year. This year alone 19 brothers failed to pay their dues; 6 of whom owed for 2014 as well as 2015. That translates into $600 in Grand Lodge per capita fees the Lodge has to absorb, not to mention the $1500 in monies the Lodge loses. There are also the costs of mailing duplicate dues notices, time and travel, etc. This office has tried contacting all of the delinquent brethren with mixed results. Some promise to pay and don't, while others ignore all attempts.

Current Annual Rates:

Paying your dues has never been easier!

Business Card-$75

1/4 Page-$200

1/2 Page-$300

Full Page-$600

As many of you know we've accepted dues payments at the NELLIS website using safe and secure PayPal. ... But now its even easier!

We are able to take your payment at Lodge using your favorite credit or debit card. It's s@ based on the PayPal method of payment so you know its safe.


Simply see the Secretary and he will swipe your card and hand you your 2015 dues card.


~c ~

It can't get much simpler than that!


(a $3.00 convenience fee will apply)

C. Terry Robertson, CPM


Property Management


3160 W.

The Lodge has a fund to assist anyone having true financial difficulties. If you or a brother you know is struggling financially, or there has been a catastrophic event in their lives, let us know. We are Brothers! We can work something out and for heavens sake there's no judgement! Nearly all of us have had financial problems at some time in our lives so please, reach out to the office. There is always a solution.

(702) 368·4445

r n

Sahara Ave.,Suite 'A-22, Las Vegas, NY 89102

1(888) 868-0309' FAX (702) 368-1118 desertreal ••

P.O. Box 4247 Pahrump, NV 89041 MJC CONTRACTING IN C. OEUM~

l'ho<>o' 10z·sn·.,Z<4., "";ail mclorlmj::4\7nd""""

COIll1V'CTOIl. _--.ZU$lll


Nellis Lodge No. 46 Bikes for Books



1925 Village Center Cilde, #150 Las vegas, NV 89134

Help encourage elementary school children to read! For more information contact W. Michael Clark, P.M (702) 592-9249

ClTYa'lAS VmAS 400 STEWART A'IEIU: lAS VEO/lS.lIEVAOI. 891 01 (7iiI)72UI54 fAX(7iiI)3a2..l558

Bus: 702·350-1863 Fax: 509-570-1906

nl!!@J ~ Really &ecutiwls of _ _ -


Owned & 0penJred

Albert '~l" Schouten

Michael Barr Ovmor

8987 King]ohn Cour!

Las Vegas, NV 89149-3221



~.'\ ~

Phone: (7\l2) 528·2928 Emoil:·m1ke@!ixmypcl'

8esl repairs...Iowesl rolesl


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