Most Worshipful 3 Year Harold Scalzo, Jr. PM
2 Year Jeff Byrne PM
1 Year Scott Keiser PM
2015 Officers Nellis Lodge No. 46 F. & A.M. Miguel Zavala (Nichole)
Dennis Tyson
Travis C. Lindsey
Rich Halbert
James T. Greely PM (Alice)
Worshipful Master (702) 578-1945
Senior Warden (702) 254-5998
Junior Warden (702) 334-0254 Treasurer (702) 650-8619
Secretary (702) 604-5542
R. Darce Wilson
Senior Deacon (702) 595-0713
Michael Riitano
Junior Deacon (702) 455-2007
Donald Paradis
Marshall (702)370-7828
Andrew Wade
Chaplain (702) 271-5816
James Dorff
Senior Steward (702) 499-9790
Keith Levenson
Junior Steward (702) 353-4693
Daniel Partridge
Tyler (702) 585-2127
Daniel Kaelin
Historian (847) 757-7210
Shawn Tuenge
Master of Ceremonies (702)301-0164
Douglas Prelutsky
Master of Ceremonies (702) 375-7320
Jason Cunningham
Master of Ceremonies (702) 768-8116
Terrendus Ratliff
Master of Ceremonies (702) 98-8511
G. Clinton Weis
Master of Ceremonies (702) 629-1926
Steven Sharp
Master of Ceremonies (702) 373-7706
John Gjonola, PM
Deputy Grand Lecturer (702) 743-7836
David C. Swallow, PM
Deputy Grand Lecturer (702) 499-4899
2015 Committee Chairmen Nellis Lodge No. 46 Sickness & Distress Fundraising Education & Examination Cognizance Funeral Service Refreshments Telephone Tree Delinquencies Investments Special Events Parade
Dennis Tyson Dennis Tyson Jerry McCorkle David Swallow, PM Arcangelo Cocco, PM Travis Lindsey Nellis Officers James T. Greely, PM Terry Robertson, PM Miguel Zavala, WM Miguel Zavala, WM
2200 W. Mesquite Ave., Suite # 115 Las Vegas, NV 89106
Dan I. Newman Grand Master of Masons In Nevada
February 2015 Calendar of events Dispensation: November 10, 1962 Chartered November 12, 1963
Past Masters (*Denotes Deceased ) Albert Schouten Donald G. Hines* Albert W. Cutler* Joseph Bureski* Virgil M. Babbs* Ivan H. Joyce, Sr.* Herbert T. Edgar* Robert P. Braner* Woodrow W. Thompson* William B. Berk Robert E. Broughton Donald L. Vines Stuart E. Pirie* Richard C. Ehrensing* Walter T. Jones* Charles R. Rinehart* William J. Schoenholzer* Gerald H. McCorkle Robert B. Riggs Dale K. Dean Sr. Steven M. Thompson Billy R. Huffman* John C. Richardson Theodore M. West* John W. Startt, III Alan J. Clark*
1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988
Harold R. Hamilton John Kiehlbaugh Gerry Cunningham* Bart Bonar Michael Holmstrom Craig Johnson Fred Barr Jeff Byrne Scutter Newton John Messana Andrew D. Craig Terry Robertson David Swallow John Feustel Sam Ruiz Franklin E. Merica Ray Troche James T. Greely John Gjonola Michael J. Clark Bjorn E. Sundquist Arcangelo Cocco Michael J. Clark Scott Keiser Jeff Byrne Harold Scalzo, Jr.
Past Masters by Affiliation Frank Fiedler Franklin E. Merica David Lublin Mike Gorman William Robinson
1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Stated Meeting first Tuesday of the Month at 7:00 pm at the Masonic Memorial Temple 2200 West Mesquite Ave. (Rancho & US-95) Las Vegas, Nevada 89106
Brethren, We started off the new-year by having a great Fellowship night of Dinner and a Movie. Also by welcoming a new Entered Apprentice into our ranks. The degree was exemplified in outstanding fashion. We saw our weaknesses and found what to improve on but all in all it was a GREAT start! I’d like to congratulate all the Officers in attendance for doing a Great job! Also to W.Cocco, W.Swallow and to Bro.Curtain for joining in on the fun! If you are reading this and are located in Southern Nevada you are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to attend our Lodge. If you cannot drive yourself to Lodge, let us know and WE will arrange for you to be driven. If I see you on a weekly basis at lodge, Thank You! If I have not seen you present in a while or we have never met face to face, PLEASE COME BACK! YOU are OUR Lodge and we will become stronger if YOU are involved! It is the time of year when we kick off our annual Bikes for Books program. For those of you who are not familiar with it, this is a program that we use to promote reading among children. We hold a competition in which children grades 2-6 are encouraged to read and whoever reads the most books is given a bicycle with a helmet and lock. Last year we gave out 6 bicycles, two per grade, at local schools. It is very gratifying to know we are doing our part to encourage kids to read! Anyone interested in helping out, whether in fundraising, assembly of the bicycles, or who wish to be present at the assemblies when the bikes are presented can contact myself or the program chairman, W. Brother Mike Clark. Further details will be forthcoming. We are currently planning the trips to visit our Brothers of Oasis Lodge, Vegas Lodge, and Acacia Lodge. Info and Dates will be given at the Stated Meeting and will be posted on our Calendar. I would like to extend a special invitation to all of our Brothers with February Masonic birthdays to attend our next Stated. Allow me to greet you in the East, and along with all the Brethren, to wish you a Happy Birthday. Fraternally, Miguel Zavala WM
Greetings from the West. message this month:
William Brown Doug Clark Arcangelo Cocco, PM Dennis Dietrich Jeff Ellis Michael Jackson Michael Luchansky Will McFarlin, III Donald Mosley Thomas Stark
2/27 2/3 2/28 2/9 2/24 2/17 2/26 2/8 2/28 2/9
It is a quick
Fundraising has been going well so far. Don't forget - the drawing for our current gun raffle is scheduled for the Stated Communication in March. If you are a newly raised Master Mason we highly encourage you to take some time in the next several months to consider, what - if any, parts you may like to begin learning in our rituals. One of the most vital functions of the Lodge is the responsibility to interview and ultimately transform a candidate into a Brother. The opportunities to partake in that ancient process are many. Parts vary from niche to central. Whether one has a penchant for public speaking or perhaps one is shy and wanting to improve themselves in , the rituals are one of the best
Hail brothers; we are off to a great start for the new year. Our stated communication on the 6th was a big success and the Fellowcraft degree which turned into movie night was also a load of fun. We heard good things about the refreshments, but if there are any issues please let us know. Without too much more to say I offer the following-
There once was
a young man named
Hiram. Who asked the question of; who" I" am The answer we find with ease, Is to be blind but to be pleased That he was a good and honest man Now the burden we heed To be as good as he This man they said you could trust is dust and trust you must He built a Stone temple without iron
All stones they say were laid by thy hand To honor the king of my land
Dennis G. Tyson
By the Plumb Travis Lindsey
Most Worshipful *Donald G. Hines Past Grand Master of Masons in Nevada 1984 Most Worshipful William B. Berk Past Grand Master of Masons in Nevada 1990
In the Forefront spreading Light
February 2015
Right Worshipful Dale K. Dean Sr. Past Junior Grand Warden, Grand Lodge of Nevada Worshipful John Feustel Worshipful Grand Pursuivant, Grand Lodge of Nevada
Monday 1
Tuesday 2
Oasis Lodge 41 & Daylite Lodge 44 Stated Communication Nellis Practice
Worshipful Michael J. Clark Worshipful Grand Education Officer, Grand Lodge of Nevada
Nellis Lodge 46 Stated Communication & George Washington Observance
Thursday 4
Scottish Rite Stated Meeting 7:30pm
Investigating Committee Meeting 8
*Denotes Deceased
Nellis Practice
Fellowcraft Degree
Nellis Lodge No. 46 Bikes for Books Program
Entered Apprentice Degree
Nellis Practice
Hel encoura e elementar school children to read For more in ormation contact W. Michael Clark .M. (702) 92-92 9
There will be a meeting of the investigating teams on February 3rd before the stated communication. If you have any questions contact Jerry McCorkle (702) 277-7775
MMT Board of Directors
Masters & Wardens
If you would like to contribute to the Trestleboard support fund , please call 702-387-0046 and leave us a message. Get your name out there and show your Brethren that you support the Lodge and this publication. Current Annual Rates: Business Card—$75 1/4 Page—$200 1/2 Page—$300 Full Page—$600
The Trestleboard displays a not-for-profit mailing permit. Nellis Lodge cannot advertise any banking or financial brokerage houses, sales offers, coupons or credit card ads. **ALL MONEYS MADE GO TO THE PRINTING AND MAILING OF THE TRESTLEBOARD
Nellis Lodge No. 46 Bikes for Books Program Hel encoura e elementar school children to read For more in ormation contact W. Michael Clark .M. (702) 92-92 9
Paying your dues has never been easier! As many of you know we’ve accepted dues payments at the NELLIS website using safe and secure PayPal….But now its even easier! We are able to take your payment at Lodge using your favorite credit or debit card. It’s still based on the PayPal method of payment so you know its safe. Simply see the Secretary and he will swipe your card and hand you your 2015 dues card. It can’t get much simpler than that! (a $3.00 convenience fee will apply)
Albert “Al” Schouten
8987 King John Court Las Vegas, NV 89149-3221 702-395-7580 AL104@JUNO.COM