March 2012
Meetings Tuesdays at 7:00 pm in the Masonic Memorial Temple 2200 West Mesquite Ave. (Rancho & US-95) Las Vegas, Nevada 89106
Dispensation: November 10, 1962 Chartered November 12, 1963 Volume 49 Issue No. 3 NELLIS LODGE NO. 46 F. & A.M. Printed 9 times a year
Most Worshipful
Hans J. Scheurer Grand Master of Masons in Nevada PAST GRAND LODGE OFFICERS Most Worshipful Donald G. Hines* Past Grand Master of Masons in Nevada Most Worshipful William B. Berk Past Grand Master of Masons in Nevada Right Worshipful Dale K. Dean Sr. Past Junior Grand Warden, Grand Lodge of Nevada * Signifies a Deceased Brother
2011 Nellis Lodge Trustees 3 Year Michael J. Clark, P.M.
2 Year Arcangelo O. Cocco, P.M.
1 Year Gerald McCorkle, P.M.
2012 Officer Line Scott Keiser (Kelly)
Worshipful Master (702) 465-8633
W. Bro. Jeff Byrne, P.M.
Senior Warden (702)525-4395
Harold Scalzo, Jr. (Janet)
Junior Warden (702)336-8461
W. Bro. John Feustel, PM (Paula)
Treasurer (702) 379-2992
W. Bro. James T. Greely, PM (Alice)
Secretary (702) 604-5542
Miguel Zavala (Nichole)
Senior Deacon (702)578-1945
Jason Turner (Jennifer)
Junior Deacon (702)845-8768
W. Bro. Arcangelo Cocco, P.M. (Pam)
Chaplain (702)339-5477
Christopher Rothwell (Mui)
Marshall (702)809-9616
Joseph Wines
Senior Steward (702)513-4205
W. Bro. David Lublin, P.M.
Junior Steward (702)858-1448
Frank Joseph (Wanda)
Tyler (702) 656-4564
Grant Jay
Master of Ceremonies (702)210-6822
Kevin Lopez
Master of Ceremonies (480)323-8081
Travis Lindsey W. Bro. R. Samuel Ruiz, P.M.
Historian (702)334-0254 Deputy Grand Lecturer (702)325-8075
Nellis Lodge Past Masters
Albert Schouten Donald G. Hines* Albert W. Cutler* Joseph Bureski* Virgil M. Babbs* Ivan H. Joyce, Sr.* Herbert T. Edgar* Robert P. Braner* Woodrow W. Thompson* William B. Berk Robert E. Broughton Donald L. Vines Stuart E. Pirie* Richard C. Ehrensing* Walter T. Jones* Charles R. Rinehart* William J. Schoenholzer* Gerald H. McCorkle Robert B. Riggs Dale K. Dean Sr. Stephen M. Thompson Billy R. Huffman* John C. Richardson Theodore M. West* John W. Startt, III
1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987
Alan J. Clark Harold R. Hamilton John Kiehlbaugh Gerry Cunningham* Bart Bonar Michael Holmstrom Craig Johnson Fred Barr Jeff Byrne Scutter Newton John Messana Andrew D. Craig Terry Robertson David Swallow John Feustel Sam Ruiz Franklin E. Merica Ray Troche James T. Greely John Gjonola Michael J. Clark Bjorn E. Sundquist Arcangelo O. Cocco Michael J. Clark
* Signifies a Deceased Brother Past Masters by Affiliation Albert Fischer Franklin E. Merica Shibli Sawalha Frank Fiedler David Lublin Frank Heyer
1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Throughout history, Masons have always been able to bridge the gap between politics and dogmas that divide lesser men. Today is no different. We must constantly be vigilant and continue to give to the earth that which is best about who and what we are: brotherly love. We are a family that should not be divided. Masonry has always been the bastion of free thought, knowing that if a man’s spirit and mind are free, then what he may be able to contribute to us and to the world is infinite. Masonry went through great perils to ensure this. That struggle continues today throughout the world. We, my brothers, must do the same.
Scott Keiser Worshipful Master 2012
Men by nature are imperfect, and no man owns a single truth. To suppose otherwise would be foolish and arrogant and leads down a slippery slope to hate. When we say as Masons “of whom can best work and agree,” we’re not talking about a certain point of view that all must share, or be gone with you. On the contrary we’re finding common ground and building a foundation from that point, with the acceptance that because men are different, that difference adds to our collective, and does not subtract from it. Today there is work to do in order to help cement bonds and create an environment “of who can best work and agree.” This will take courage and humility. We must take the time that is necessary to find that common ground so that our fraternity will last another millennia or risk perishing in an ever-changing world. We must always remember that we as Masons are trying to shed our beneficent influence on a world, which would allow it-self to self-destruct over simple differences (when in reality one doesn’t truly exist). There will be those that have a different path and we must be willing to let them go with love, always willing to welcome them back with open arms. But, we must also insist that we accept and extend that hand of brotherly love to all those men who come to our lodges with the intent to grow and contribute, so long as his cause is just and he believes that cause is greater than himself. Fraternally, Scott
Thanks to W. Al Schouten, W. Steve Thompson, Bro’s Dan Bullard and Robert Kinniburgh for their generous donations to the Bikes for books program. W. Mike Clark indicated that the donations will take care of our present obligation, but as always we are looking for additional donations to keep this wonderful program going. Looking toward the Spring, waiting for the crack of the bat, yes it’s time for Baseball! It has become a Nellis tradition to have a Fellowship Night at the Cashman Field with Senior Warden the 51’s. Once again we will continue this W. Bro. Jeff Byrne, P.M. tradition. We need to find out how many Brothers are interested in this activity this year, to determine how many tickets we should sign up for. Tickets normally cost 10 to 12 dollars, for a reserved seat and a complimentary 51’s Ball Cap. We will be looking at a day in May as April’s Masonic Calendar is jam packed already and of course on Dollar Beer Night!!! On a more somber note, the deepest of condolences from the Lodge to the Family and Friends of Bro. Harold “Casey “Doss on his passing. Casey was a part of the back bone of this lodge, his humor, wit, dedication, to our fraternity will be sorely missed. The Lord touched him and he slept..
Fraternally Yours W. Jeff Byrne Senior Warden
As I travel across our great country visiting different Masonic lodges, I find all brothers possess the same virtues. I believe that you can look across the rivers and over the hills, and find the beauty in them. I have found trust and hope, which are the sources of every virtue. A Mason knows that deep down in his heart, every man is noble, vile, and divine. Yet he seeks the knowledge, to forgive, and find love for his brothers. He knows how to feel for others in their time of sorrow, and Junior Warden knowing that each man fights against many Harold Scalzo, Jr. odds, he will be there to help guide him. He has learned how to make friends, keep them and be there for them. When a brother is in distress, he reaches out his hand to help. He finds good in everyone and sees the majestic meanings of life. He can look into a brother’s heart, and see the good, not what a brother looks like on the outside. He knows how to pray, to love and to hope. He keeps the faith with himself and with his God. Such a man has found the real secret of Masonry and he is trying to share his knowledge with the World. Fraternally Harold Junior Warden
The Regis Poem The definition for the term ART given here from “Wikipedia”. The reason is to assist in explaining some of the subtleties in the text to follow. Art is the product or process of deliberately arranging items (often with symbolic significance) in a way that influences and affects one or more of the senses, emotions, and intellect. It encompasses a diverse range of human activities, creations, and modes of expression, including music, literature, film, photography, sculpture, and paintings. The meaning of art is explored in a branch of philosophy known as aesthetics, whereas disciplines such as anthropology, sociology and psychology analyze its relationship with humans and generations.
George II Called the Regis Poem by its discoverer, it is well known as the oldest text known to have some influence in operative and probably speculative Masonry known to man. It was interpreted or discovered by Mr. Halliwell-Phillips, who drew attention to it in a paper "On the introduction of Freemasonry into England," read before the Society of Antiquaries in the 1838-9 session. He thereafter published two small editions of a work entitled "The Early History of Freemasonry in England," giving a transcript of the poem.
When reading this please keep in mind that in 14 th century England the church was absolute and monarch ruled with impunity. As benevolent as the rulers were in these times, freedom as we know it did not exist. It is believed that the poem was In 1757, King George II., under the Great Seal, originally written in Latin and was then translated presented the document [the old Royal] Library to by Halliwell into Middle English. This writing is a the nation. condensed version of the Halliwell translation, and therefore much of the rhythm of the prose is lost. The Regis Poem (an interpretation) (PARTS) Those who will read this may find in old records the story of great lords and ladies who had many children. Unfortunately they weren’t able to keep them or their offspring in good health or give them support. They sent them to the Church to learn how to survive and do good works. We pray for the Lord to give them honest work to do. Using the rules of Geometry the craft of masonry was adopted by the Church and work created for these children. The impetus for this came from Euclid who was the most curious of his peers, was the best learner and honest. His ideas spread far and wide although they were simple and included the concept of teaching each other and filial love.
The facsimile is the exact size of the original. It bears the Royal arms stamped on both covers, and G.R.II., with the date 1757. The lettering on the back has also been reproduced. The manuscript was bound in its present cover in or about the year 1838.
Euclid was the only one who should be called the Master because he taught that all should be treated equally regardless of birth or ability. Euclid taught geometry and started masonry in Egypt. It was practiced there long before it came to England. The craft of masonry was started in England by King Athelstane. He built churches, halls, towers and loved to build. However, he found that there were faults in the way masonry was operating.
Masons themselves asked for assistance and he On the cover G.R II Georgius Rex II, or King gathered together Dukes, Earls, Barons, Knights,
city leaders and others [lords] to develop how the without later fault. It must be within budget as craft of masonry might be governed. They decided by the lord for whom the work was done. established fifteen articles and fifteen points for use by the craft. Article ten: No master shall take over the work of another master under penalty of a ten pounds fine. Articles. (ARTS) If the circumstances are that the master who undertook the work first was not operating to the Article one: The master mason must be honest lords satisfaction or in excess of budget no penalty and steadfast, secure in his trade and pay his applies. In normal circumstances the master who employees according to their results as well as starts the job finishes the job. feeding them. He is not to take fees or bribes to employ anyone, lord’s son or common person. He Article eleven; No mason should work at night should show good judgment and his profit will be unless there are good reasons to do so. good. [Hereafter the term “lord” includes any person who employs a team of masons to work Article twelve; Masons will not generally criticize for him] the work of others, but if there is a reason for criticism it should be settled between them. Article two: When general meetings of master masons are held, masters must be advised of the Article thirteen; A master will teach his place and date and must attend unless they have a apprentice all he needs to know to be able to good excuse such as ill health. If he doesn’t he obtain a job as a mason wherever he goes. will be held to be disobedient. Article fourteen; A master will not take on an Article three: A master may not take an apprentice unless he will be able to provide work apprentice unless he is able to serve seven years to for the full period of apprenticeship. learn the craft. This is the minimum to gain maximum advantage to the master and the Article fifteen; The master will treat his apprentice. apprentices and masons as friends and teach them to be honest and conscientious so that the craft is Article four: A man who is bonded to a lord not seen as shameful. should not be made an apprentice as the lord can claim him at any time. To do this may cause Points (POINTS) problems within the lodge. It would be better to take an apprentice who has lords blood or of Point one: Anyone working in the craft must have higher social standing to fulfill the training. a belief in God, love his master and his fellow man. Article five: All apprentices must be whole of body, not lame or sickly. An imperfect man will Point two: The mason must work each day to the do the craft harm. best of his ability to earn his keep and time off on holy days. Article six: If the master takes a lord as his apprentice, he may do so on the basis of Point three: The apprentice must keep quite rewarding him less than the other apprentices but about what he sees, hears and learns in quarters or with the proviso that by the time he has finished the lodge. It is honourable to do this even if the his apprenticeship he will be fully recompensed. apprentice is a lord’s son and tempted to tell. This would bring the craft into shame. Article seven: The master will not employ anyone who is a thief, has killed someone or cannot prove Point four: Masons will be faithful to the who he is. teachings of the craft and do no harm to their master or fellows. Article eight: If the master has a craftsman who is not performing satisfactorily, he may replace him The same applies to apprentices. with a better worker. Point five: The mason will receive his pay from the master humbly. Article nine: The master will not undertake any work unless he can finish it to a good standard
If the master no longer wants the services of the mason he must advise him before noon. The mason cannot challenge this if he wishes to continue to work.
Point twelve: If a mason breaks any of the laws of the land he is to be given to the authorities for trial. The fact that he is a fellow mason is no reason for him not to be given up.
Point six: The highest and lowest masons must be aware that for a variety of reasons disagreements will arise. This should not disrupt the work but peace be made after the working day is over. During the holy day rest, efforts to maintain the peace should be made to allow work to continue properly on work days. This reflects Gods law.
Point thirteen: A mason must swear not to thieve or pretend to be a higher craftsman than he is. He knows this is a sin and not good for himself or his kin.
Point fourteen: Every mason must swear an oath before his master and fellows that he will be steadfast and true to all the points listed wherever he goes. He must also affirm his Point seven: The mason will not lie with the allegiance to his Monarch and be true to him master’s wife, his fellow’s wife or girlfriend over everything. If anyone commits any breach under penalty of being despised by the of them he should be brought before the assembly that created these points. craft. This applies also to the apprentice during his seven year term and if he transgresses he Point fifteen: If brought before the assembly will be punished for such a foul sin. and found guilty of breaking the oath he must no longer be accepted as a mason. If he does not Point eight: A mason will be true to the master willingly make amends for their trespass, the and his fellows and treat them both fairly and if sheriff will put him in prison at the Monarchs necessary mediate between them. pleasure and confiscate any belongings he has to the Monarch Point nine: Outside of the working place certain behaviour is to be followed. Masons will Another rule of the art of Masonry take turns in serving fellows as stewards in a It was agreed that annually there would be a friendly way. Any food or drinks consumed meeting of all craftsmen and lords to discuss must be paid for with no advantage to anyone. any matters which were causing concern and Everything must be accounted for to every make any necessary changes. If not an annual fellow’s satisfaction. If not, it brings shame meeting, there should be one every three years. upon the mason responsible. The Monarch was to be involved to confirm the original intentions of King Athelstane in Point ten: Masons are expected to live in a relation to matters of the craft. group without causing any trouble. If anyone makes false excuses, slanders others or doesn’t The Art of the Four Crowned Ones work properly, he is to be brought to account. Let us pray to God to help us keep the rules of He is not to be allowed to get away with causing masonry, as did the four holy martyrs. They trouble but is to be prevented from continuing were as good as any masons ever existing, being his wrongful ways and not looked after within also engravers and sculptors. The Emperor liked the group. He must be brought before the next them as craftsmen and required them to make an assembly unless he ceases to be a member of the image of himself which could be worshiped craft. If he comes before the assembly he will be instead of Christ. They were steadfast in their punished under the old laws. opposition to carry out this task as being against Gods law. The emperor was furious at their Point eleven: If a mason sees a fellow making a refusal and put them into prison where they mistake in his stone work, he is to gently draw were tortured and eventually died, always his attention to it and help him to do it correctly. steadfast in their faith. In the annals of Holy This will avoid additional costs to the lord. It ones, the quator coronatorum are legend. Their should be done in such a way that the fellow feast day will be eight days after Halloween. making the mistake does not take offence at the intervention. [Obligations to the Church and Self] Many years after Noah’s flood, the tower of
Babylon was built of stone and lime with the strength to withstand another flood. It was seven miles high and was a source of pride and boasting for King Nebuchadnezzar and his people. Their work was lost when the people were struck with an Angels curse in that no one could understand what the other was saying. Many years later the teacher Euclid taught the craft of masonry widely. Through Christ’s grace he also developed the seven sciences. They are grammar, dialect, rhetoric, music, astronomy, arithmetic and geometry. Grammar is the root of them all to those who learn to read. Rhetoric makes ornate speech; Music is a sweet song; Astronomy measures the stars; Arithmetic shows numbers can mean many things; Geometry separates truth from untruth. There is need to practice these sciences in Gods work and avoid pride and jealousy. Christ teaches that the church is Gods house to be used by the people to pray and seek redemption for their sins. There should be no late coming or idle chatter. God should be worshipped day and night. Each drop of holy water washes away a sin. No head covering should be worn into church and prayers should be said while kneeling to uphold the Ten Commandments and the laws of the church. Pray to God to avoid the seven sins and care and strife and allow access to heaven. Lewd speech and foul jokes are forbidden and prayers are to be silent. Others should not be prevented from praying. The gospel should be heard while standing and afterwards kneel again. When the sacrament is given a silent prayer should be said. It could be this one or another similar. “I welcome you Jesus in the form of this bread. Shield me from sin and shame and give me redemption for my sins before I depart. Do not let me die in sin but wherever I go protect me. Amen so mote it be. Mary pray for me”.
required. Keeping hand and feet still is required as is the absence of spitting and sniffing. This should be done privately. When mixing with others, whatever the class, always exhibit good manners. Pay due reverence to those superior [of a higher degree] known to you. When sitting to a meal, ensure hands are clean and a sharp knife is in use to cut bread. Allow others to have first servings and do not grab the best pieces even if it is to your liking. Keep hands clean, do not blow the nose in the towel or pick teeth. Too much alcohol should not be drunk even if you feel like it. Do not speak with food in the mouth. Do not insult anyone even if they do not let you speak through drinking. Keep your fists down and remain calm. Note: The information given here was compiled from several sources including the publications of other US Masonic lodges. Travis Lindsey 2.1.12
If virtue has been practiced while alive, on death on seeing God nothing will be lacking. All ill such as blindness and lost limbs shall be restored and God will forgive idle words. Gabriel will look after you. More benefits of the mass are now detailed. Attendance at mass each day is desirable but if that is not possible, prayer should be said when the bells are heard at work. Just as when before a lord, the hood or cap is taken off, so must it be when before the Lord. Also the chin should be up when talking. Kneeling on one knee is also
March 2012 In the Forefront Spreading Light Thursday Mar. 1st Scottish Rite Stated Meeting Monday Mar. 5th
Stated Communications of: Daylite 44 12:00 noon Oasis 41 7:00pm Nellis Practice 6:30
Tuesday Mar. 6th
Nellis 46 Stated Communication G.M.O.V. Masonic Youth recognition
Monday Mar. 12th Practice Tuesday Mar. 13th Degree TBA Monday Mar. 19th Practice Tuesday Mar. 20th E.A. Degree Thursday Mar 22th Masters & Wardens Meeting Monday Mar 26th
Tuesday Mar 27th Zelzah Shrine Degree if necessary. TBA Wednesday Mar. 28th
MMT Board meeting 6:30pm in the Library
Masonic Youth Organization Month While there are several youth organizations sponsored or supported by the various Masonic organizations, three are the largest and best known. The Order of DeMolay is an organization for young men aged 12 to 21. Young men do not need to have a Masonic relative to join the organization. DeMolay was founded in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1919, and is now international in scope. Like the other Masonic Youth Orders, DeMolay Chapters (local groups) usually meet in a room at a local Masonic Lodge. Adult leadership is provided by men (usually Masons) known as Chapter Dads or advisors. The Order takes its name from Jacques DeMolay, the last Grand Master of the Templars, who was martyred in the Middle Ages for refusing to compromise his honor. The Order teaches the virtues of reverence, love of parents, comradeship, patriotism, courtesy, cleanness, and fidelity. The Order provides many social events and activities, which help to teach social skills and leadership. The International Order of Rainbow for Girls is an organization for young women aged 11 to 20. It was founded in McAlester, Oklahoma, in 1922. No relationship to a member of the Masonic Order is required for membership. Local groups or Assemblies are generally sponsored by either a Masonic Lodge or a Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star. Women known as Mother Advisors give adult supervision and guidance. Each of the colors of the rainbow is associated with a particular virtue or source of inspiration. Like the other Youth Orders, Rainbow is deeply involved with local charity and support of education. It teaches character development, planning, leadership, and social skills through training programs and social events. The International Order of Job’s Daughters takes its name from a story in the Biblical Book of Job. It was organized in Omaha, Nebraska, in 1920. Membership requires the young woman be related to a Mason. The local organization is called a Bethel. The teachings of the Order are Biblically based, and similar virtues are stressed as in the other Masonic Youth Orders. Job’s Daughters places special emphasis on community service. Many Bethels work with drug education programs and with the Hearing Impaired Kids Endowment (HIKE) Program. Membership is for young women age 11 to 20. The youth organizations are separate and independent organizations that stress the importance of character development, community service and leadership. While members of the youth groups are free to seek membership in Freemasonry or the Eastern Star, it is a personal choice and not a requirement of membership in a youth order.
THE MASONIC MEMORIAL TEMPLE IS NOW OFFERING RENTAL STORAGE SPACE!! Conveniently located at the MMT this will be a first come first served opportunity for any Mason that needs a storage unit. Time is limited because when they’re gone THEY’RE GONE! Remember there is limited availability. If you are interested contact: TERRY ROBERTSON at 702-499-2242
10’ X 13’ $60 per month 7’ X 13’ $45 per month 7’ X 16’ $100 per month 14’ X 13’ $120 per month Other units also available
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Masonic baseball caps One size fits all * Show your support for Nellis Lodge or the Square & Compasses alone Available in Black or White with a gold Square & Compasses Order yours today!! You can get yours by mail or at the Lodge. $15.00 at the Lodge or $20.00 by mail
____________________________________________ Name ____________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________ City, State, Zip Make $20 checks payable to Nellis Lodge 46. Please allow 2 weeks for delivery.
Ne l l i s Lo d g e No . 4 6 B i k e s fo r B o o k s P r o gr a m Help encourage elementary school children to read! For more information contact W. Michael Clark, P.M. (702) 592-9249
BECOME A NELLIS TRESTLEBOARD SUPPORTER If you would like to contribute to the Trestleboard support fund , please call 702-387-0046 and leave us a message. Get your name out there and show your Brethren that you support the Lodge and this publication. Current Annual Rates: Full Page—$600 1/2 Page—$300 1/4 Page—$200 Business Card—$75 The Trestleboard displays a not-for-profit mailing permit. Nellis Lodge cannot advertise any banking or financial brokerage houses, sales offers, coupons or credit card ads. **ALL MONEYS MADE GO TO THE PRINTING AND MAILING OF THE TRESTLEBOARD
A-Authorized Heating Cooling Plumbing
Brian Reynolds 591-0222
Ronald Ankiewicz
Daniel Benstead
Jay Bigornia
Albert Fischer, P.M.
Matt Friscia
Jim Greely, P.M.
Frank Heyer, P.M.
Don Huie
Cristian Leon
Raul Montenegro
Mark Otto
Rand Riggs
Matt Ross
Dave Swallow, P.M.
Merlin Wheeler
Miguel Zavalla
No Charge to brethren of Nellis Lodge No. 46
Nellis Lodge No. 46
Mailed Version Subscription Form NAME_________________________________________ ADDRESS______________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP________________________________
Send to: Nellis Lodge No. 46 F. & A.M. 2200 West Mesquite Ave. #115 Las Vegas, NV 89106
2012 COMMITTEES COGNIZANCE W. Bro. Terry Robertson, W. Bro. David Swallow & W. Bro. John Gjonola DELINQUENCY W. Bro. James Greely, W. Bro. Scott Keiser, W. Bro. John Feustel, Bob Kinniburgh & W. Bro. Mike Clark. EDUCATION & INVESTIGATIONS W. Bro. Jerry McCorkle, Bro. Robert Kinniburgh TRESTLEBOARD Bro. Harold Scalzo, Jr., W. Bro. James Greely, TELEPHONE W. Bro Scott Keiser & All Line Officers FUNDRAISING W. Bro. David Lublin, W. Bro. Jeff Byrne & Harold Scalzo Jr. LONG RANGE PLANNING W. Bro. John Feustel HELLDORADO PARADE W. Bro. John Gjonola RUSTY NAIL & HIGH 12 CLUB W. Bro. David Swallow RITUAL & DEGREE W. Bro. Jeff Byrne, W. Bro. David Swallow, & W. Bro. Arcangelo Cocco