Trestleboard May 2013

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May 2013


Meetings Tuesdays at 7:00 pm in the Masonic Memorial Temple 2200 West Mesquite Ave. (Rancho & US-95) Las Vegas, Nevada 89106 (702)387-0046

Dispensation: November 10, 1962 Chartered November 12, 1963 Volume 50 Issue No. 4NELLIS LODGE NO. 46 F. & A.M. Printed 9 times a year

Most Worshipful

Richard M. “Mike” Hoaglin Grand Master of Masons in Nevada PAST GRAND LODGE OFFICERS Most Worshipful Donald G. Hines* Past Grand Master of Masons in Nevada Most Worshipful William B. Berk Past Grand Master of Masons in Nevada Right Worshipful Dale K. Dean Sr. Past Junior Grand Warden, Grand Lodge of Nevada * Signifies a Deceased Brother

2013 Nellis Lodge Trustees 3 Year Scott Keiser, P.M.


2 Year Michael J. Clark, P.M.

1 Year Arcangelo O. Cocco, P.M.

2013 Officer Line W. Bro. Jeff Byrne, P.M.

Worshipful Master 702)525-4395

Harold Scalzo, Jr. (Janet)

Senior Warden (702)336-8461

Miguel Zavala (Nichole)

Junior Warden (702)578-1945

W. Bro. John Feustel, PM (Paula)

Treasurer (702) 379-2992

W. Bro. James T. Greely, PM (Alice)

Secretary (702) 604-5542

Jason Turner (Jennifer)

Senior Deacon 702)845-8768

Dennis Tyson

Junior Deacon (702)254-5998

R. Darce Wilson

Chaplain (702)595-0713

Daniel Kaelin

Marshall (847)757-7210

Michael Riitano

Senior Steward (702)455-2007

Michael Griffin

Junior Steward (702)425-0634

Joseph Wines

Tyler (702)513-4205

Barry Mainardi

Master of Ceremonies (702)523-3052

Bill Mowery

Master of Ceremonies (708)285-4376

Dennis Tyson

Master of Ceremonies (702)254-5998

Jason Cunningham

Master of Ceremonies (702)768-8116

Travis Lindsey (Jacquelin) Michael J. Clark, P.M.

Historian (702)334-0254 Deputy Grand Lecturer (702)592-9249


Nellis Lodge Past Masters

Albert Schouten Donald G. Hines* Albert W. Cutler* Joseph Bureski* Virgil M. Babbs* Ivan H. Joyce, Sr.* Herbert T. Edgar* Robert P. Braner* Woodrow W. Thompson* William B. Berk Robert E. Broughton Donald L. Vines Stuart E. Pirie* Richard C. Ehrensing* Walter T. Jones* Charles R. Rinehart* William J. Schoenholzer* Gerald H. McCorkle Robert B. Riggs Dale K. Dean Sr. Stephen M. Thompson Billy R. Huffman* John C. Richardson Theodore M. West* John W. Startt, III

1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987

Alan J. Clark* Harold R. Hamilton John Kiehlbaugh Gerry Cunningham* Bart Bonar Michael Holmstrom Craig Johnson Fred Barr Jeff Byrne Scutter Newton John Messana Andrew D. Craig Terry Robertson David Swallow John Feustel Sam Ruiz Franklin E. Merica Ray Troche James T. Greely John Gjonola Michael J. Clark Bjorn E. Sundquist Arcangelo O. Cocco Michael J. Clark Scott Keiser

* Signifies a Deceased Brother Past Masters by Affiliation Albert Fischer Franklin E. Merica Shibli Sawalha Frank Fiedler David Lublin Frank Heyer Mike F. Gorman


1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Brothers, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the members of the degree teams for the last month, their work has been outstanding and attendance at practice is really encouraging. I can see the ritualistic quality that we once had beginning to return… Jeff Byrne

Worshipful By your vote at our April Stated Meeting, our dues Master 2013 will increase to 85.00 dollars for the next Masonic Year. It is always a very difficult thing to increase our Lodge Dues; sometimes it makes it difficult for Members to keep their responsibility to the Lodge. In the past we have waved the dues of several brothers each year, unfortunately due to the present economic state of our Lodge we will have to be more selective on whom we can do this for. At our May Stated Meeting we will be passing the Hat of Fraternal Assistance, to start a fund to help Brothers in need, to assist them in paying some or all of their dues. I would request that this fund will be administered by the Delinquency Committee…

Thanks to Brother Michael Riitano for his assistance in cleaning the “Upper Locker”. It was in pretty bad shape. Everything has been boxed up and labeled so it may be found if the need arise. The Outdoor Degree Equipment has been found and reorganized also… Speaking of the Out Door Degree, it will be held on May 4th at Rainbow Ranch, located in Rainbow Canyon, just south of Elgin, NV. W. Mike Gorman was up there a couple of weeks ago and indicated that the Cane Springs Road had just been bladed, making it smooth enough for a car. Hope to see you there!!! Sincerely and Fraternally Jeff


May 1, 1865, William McKinley (January 29, 1843 – September 14, 1901) received his 1st degree in Hiram Lodge #21, Winchester, Virginia. was the 25th President of the United States, (U.S. President 1898-1901) serving from March 4, 1897 until his assassination in September 1901. McKinley was the last President to have served in the American Civil War, beginning as a private in the Union Army and ending as a brevet major. May 12,1932, the George Washington Masonic National Memorial, in Alexandria, Virginia, was dedicated in a very large ceremony, attended by thousands, including the President of the United States. May 12, 1999, the Grand Lodge of D.C., under the Senior Warden leadership of Grand Master Dan L Frederick, voted to Harold Scalzo, Jr. recognize the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of D.C. (Forty out of a total of 50 -- 78%) U.S. Grand Lodges listed below have adopted resolutions that say Prince Hall Masonry is "regular." Almost all of them (38 of the 40) have adopted "full recognition," in the same sense they recognize any other Grand Lodge, some have granted recognition to the extent of permitting intervisitation but not dual memberships. May 24, 1901, Sir Winston Churchill (November 30, 1874 to January 24, 1965) received his 1st degree in Studholme Lodge #1591, London. He served as Prime Minister twice (1940–45 and 1951–55). He is the only British prime minister to have received the Nobel Prize in Literature and was the first person to be made an Honorary Citizen of the United States. In the United States, the Scottish Rite is officially recognized by Grand Lodges as an extension of the degrees of Freemasonry. The Scottish Rite builds upon the ethical teachings and philosophy offered in the craft lodge, or Blue Lodge, through

dramatic presentation of the individual degrees and for further exposure to the principles of Freemasonry. Our annually baseball night will be May 30, 2013 at 7:30pm. The Las Vegas 51’s will be playing the Reno Aces and will be $1.00 be night. The tickets are $10.00 includes a 51’s baseball hat. Tickets are available, see me for tickets. Friends and family are welcome. Congratulations all my brothers who are celebrating birthday in May. On the level Fraternally Yours Harold Scalzo Jr. Senior Warden


Greetings Brethren, May brings us a few exciting events that I always look forward to! 1st event being our Outdoor Degree at Rainbow Canyon! This event always brings joy to my heart, Brethren and Family dwelling together in unity. I would like to send a special thanks to PM Mike Clark for making the weekend possible. 2nd event being the 51's Baseball night! Again a time where we get to spend a night outside of Lodge together with our Brothers and families. I truly appreciate the time we spend together in Lodge but getting together outside of Lodge with each other and our families is truly a blessing.

Junior Warden Miguel Zavala

Fraternally, Bro Miguel



Starts at 10:00am Saturday May 4, 2013

Breakfast at 8:am, Lunch at 12:30pm, Dinner at 6:30pm.

Rooms are $25 per night meals are $5 each

Ladies welcome to stay at the ranch.

Western wear, guns and hats.

AAA Baseball action!

Masonic Baseball Night Nellis Lodge No. 46

May 30th at 7:05 pm $1 Beer Night Tickets $10.00 includes a 51’s baseball hat Friends and family are welcome. Call Brother Harold Scalzo Jr. (702) 336-8461



May 201

In the Forefront Spread Sunday





Officers Meeting & Practice



Degree Practice



Degree Practice






Master Mason Degree


21 Entered Apprentice Degree

Zelzah Shrine 28 Dark

Masonic Night w Las Veg Cashma 7:05

Board M


ding Light for 50 years






Scottish Rite 2 Stated Communication

3 OUTDOOR 4 DEGREE at Rainbow Canyon








18 Helldorado Days Parade Step off 5:00pm

22 Baseball with the gas 51s an Field, 5pm



MMT29 Meeting





The Rainbow Canyon Scenic Drive is a relaxing and enjoyable ride on a paved road through Rainbow Canyon, a deep canyon located just south of the town of Caliente on State Highway 317. Anyone passing through the town of Caliente of US Highway 93 should make a point of taking this 21mile (42 miles round-trip) scenic drive. Rainbow Canyon lies between the Delamar Mountains to the west and the Clover Mountains to the east. The canyon is quite deep and steep, with the canyon lying three thousand feet below the higher peaks of the mountains. Yet what makes Rainbow Canyon an enjoyable drive isn’t tall mountains, but instead the colored rock and interesting rock formations along the road. Throughout the drive, the traveler will see large formations of red rock and rock formations that defy easy description. Additionally, and in contrast to the surrounding mountains, the traveler will come across many cottonwood trees. The reason for all the cottonwood trees is because the drive follows a wash, called the Meadow Valley Wash, for its entire length. This wash usually has no more than a trickle of water in it, but collects enough water during heavy rain events to allow cottonwood trees to grow along its banks. The Rainbow Canyon Scenic Drive closely follows the main line of the United Pacific Railroad for its entire length. This stretch of the Union Pacific is extremely busy, sometimes averaging one train every twenty minutes or so. There are also numerous railroad tunnels and deep cuts along the railroad, providing the rail fan with excellent train watching and photography. The Rainbow Canyon Scenic Drive follows Nevada State Highway 317 for its entire length, to the ghost town of Elgin. At Elgin, the road splits and becomes gravel. The road that heads to the west is called Kane Springs Road and is usually in very good condition. The drive down Kane Springs Road is quite enjoyable, at least if the traveler enjoys driving through completely empty and isolated countryside. The road passes through the uninhabited and sprawling Kane Springs Valley that lies between the Delamar Mountains and Meadow Valley Mountains. Kane Springs Road links up with US Highway 93 thirty-two miles south of the town of Alamo. As such, the traveler wishing to avoid the rather boring and sometimes busy drive on US Highway 93 between Las Vegas and Caliente can use the Kane Springs Road to reach the Rainbow Canyon Scenic Drive (and follow it north to Caliente, linking back up with US Highway 93) and have a more enjoyable ride, too. Traffic on the Rainbow Canyon Scenic Drive is exceedingly light. What little traffic is found on the road are usually local ranchers and those who might be heading out into the Clover Mountains Wilderness Area. The traveler should be aware that during periods of heavy rain, the road might pose problems for low-clearance vehicles where the road crosses various washes (riverbeds that are usually dry or just a trickle of water but fill up with gushing water during periods of heavy rain). At these river crossings, the road dips down and crosses the wash with a cement roadbed. However, if the water is deep due to heavy rain, it is possible for a low-clearance vehicle to stall out at one of these crossings. Fortunately, this part of Nevada doesn’t have many heavy rain events during the year (if any). As such, travelers will only need to remember this bit of advice if thunderclouds are building and it’s


Old School House in Elgin Nevada

Railroad through Rainbow Canyon 13

You need to pay your dues. You can pay online, securely with PayPal PayPal acts like a digital wallet where you can securely store all your payment options, such as your bank account and credit card. When you want to make a payment, you don't have to pull out your credit card or type your billing info every time. Simply click on the PayPal checkout button, log in to your PayPal account, and select your preferred payment method. We'll complete the payment process— without sharing your info with merchants and sellers. Sign-up is free and super easy. Choose from three PayPal account types— Personal, Premier, and Business—and enter an email address, password, and a few more details. You'll receive an email from PayPal asking you to activate your account. Then you're ready to shop, send money, and accept payments using PayPal. Pay your dues with


Nellis Lodge No. 46 Bikes for Books Program Help encourage elementary school children to read! For more information contact W. Michael Clark, P.M. (702) 592-9249

Masonic baseball caps One size fits all * Show your support for Nellis Lodge or the Square & Compasses alone Available in Black or White with a gold Square & Compasses Order yours today!! You can get yours by mail or at the Lodge. $15.00 at the Lodge or $20.00 by mail

____________________________________________ Name ____________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________ City, State, Zip Make $20 checks payable to Nellis Lodge 46. Please allow 2 weeks for delivery.


THE MASONIC MEMORIAL TEMPLE IS NOW OFFERING RENTAL STORAGE SPACE!! Conveniently located at the MMT this will be a first come first served opportunity for any Mason that needs a storage unit. Time is limited because when they’re gone THEY’RE GONE! Remember there is limited availability. If you are interested contact: TERRY ROBERTSON at 702-499-2242 10’ X 13’ $60 per month 7’ X 13’ $45 per month 7’ X 16’ $100 per month 14’ X 13’ $120 per month Other units also available


Dunnunique Ahmad William B. Berk, PGM Phillip Bowden James Byers Andrew D. Craig, PM Brad Croft Jason Cunningham William Holland James A. Larson John Laster Ernest Lawhead J. Michael Miller Charles Munns William Pollard Michael Privitera Craig Tomao Donald Vines, PM

5/13 5/03 5/20 5/31 5/12 5/03 5/05 5/24 5/05 5/14 5/19 5/01 5/13 5/09 5/27 5/22 5/30

If you would like your Trestleboard mailed to you please contact the Lodge at (702) 387-0046 and leave a message with your address.


BECOME A NELLIS TRESTLEBOARD SUPPORTER If you would like to contribute to the Trestleboard support fund , please call 702-387-0046 and leave us a message. Get your name out there and show your Brethren that you support the Lodge and this publication. Current Annual Rates: Full Page—$600 1/2 Page—$300 1/4 Page—$200 Business Card—$75 The Trestleboard displays a not-for-profit mailing permit. Nellis Lodge cannot advertise any banking or financial brokerage houses, sales offers, coupons or credit card ads. **ALL MONEYS MADE GO TO THE PRINTING AND MAILING OF THE TRESTLEBOARD


Albert “Al” Schouten 8987 King John Court Las Vegas, NV 89149-3221 702-395-7580 AL104@JUNO.COM


Nellis Lodge #46 2013 Committees Cognizance: W. David Swallow PM. 499-4899 W John Gjonola PM. W. Scott Keiser PM. Delinquency: W. James T. Greely III PM. 604-5542 W. Ray Troche PM. W. AL Schouten PM. Sickness and Distress: Bro. Harold Scalzo Jr. SW 775-336-8461 Education: W. Jerry McCorkle PM: 277-7775 Charity: W. John Gjonola PM: 743-7836 Bro. Harold “Hap” Hendrix Trestle Board Publication: W. James T. Greely PM: 604-5542 Bro. Harold Scalzo Jr. SW W. Arcangelo Cocco, PM Telephone/Communication: W. Jeff Byrne PM: 525-4395 Nellis Officers Finance: W. Terry Robertson PM: 499-2242 W. John Feustel PM. Fundraising: Bro. Harold Scalzo Jr. SW: 775-336-8461 Ritual and Degree: W. Jeff Byrne PM: 525-4395 W. Mike Clark PM. DDGL Refreshments: Miguel Zavala JW: 578-1945



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