Live Nelson issue 376 17 May 2014

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Live Nelson


Action for the Maitai NELSON CITY COUNCIL Making Nelson a better place

Issue 376 17 May 2014


World Fish Migration Month


Council in the community

Share your thoughts on Stoke’s future

31ST MAY - 8TH JUNE 2014

Bring in your used books! With only two weeks to go, it’s not too late to clear a space on your bookshelf for this year’s Founders book fair treasures. Donate your unwanted books at the Windmill between 10am - 4.30pm seven days a week to help raise money for the park's future development.

more inside... Butterfly surge underway page 5 Harvesting our city trees page 6 From the Council Table page 7 Mayor congratulates Gigatown group page 8

Check out our website Phone us on 546 0200 Follow us on Twitter Have your say on Facebook Watch us on YouTube

Nelson Mayor Rachel Reese with Deputy Mayor Paul Matheson talking to local business owners Aaron McCrae and Lynette Chambers in Stoke.

Nelson City Council is putting the spotlight on Stoke and has launched a survey seeking feedback from the community to help inform the revitalisation See page 4 for more... of this popular suburb.

Monitoring underway to support air plan review Nelson City Council’s Planning and Regulatory Committee today recommended establishing a working party and stakeholders group to help with the review of the Nelson Air Quality Plan (NAQP), which will involve focused engagement with residents, compliance monitoring and modelling. Planning and Regulatory Committee Chair Brian McGurk says he welcomed a large group of interested residents to today’s meeting who were keen to hear Council’s discussion. “We heard from a few community members in the public forum who told us about the difficulties

they have keeping their homes warm in winter. They would like us to consider changes to our current rules with an eye toward an equitable approach. “The difficulty we have is that we are unable to change the NAQP right away. For any plan change to work it must be supported by good science. We need more detailed information to help us consider any possible plan change to the NAQP. The information we have at the moment is dated and incomplete and it needs to be current. We’ve recommended Council set aside $100,000 in the Annual Plan for this work to be carried out by November. Continued on page 3...



Get the lowdown online Need to know what’s going on around town? Then check out the newly redesigned Council website. Our 'Latest Alerts' service will let you know if sportsfields are open or shut, if there are any roadworks around the city to look out for or if there are any water restrictions, among other useful things. To access the 'Latest Alerts' service on your PC, smartphone or tablet simply visit the Council website homepage ( and click the green 'Latest Alerts' box. Scroll down a little further on the homepage and you’ll get a list of forthcoming events in Nelson taken directly from the popular regional events website Remember you can also find dates and times of council meetings, along with agendas and minutes of previous meetings on the website. Just click into the blue search box at the top right of the page and search for ‘Council Meetings’. You can also keep up with the very latest Council updates on our Facebook page – nelsoncitycouncil or you can follow us on Twitter:

Action for the Maitai Councillor Brian McGurk (left) and Friends of the Maitai’s Tom Kennedy discuss planned improvements for the river.

Many Nelsonians have shown their support for Council’s proposal to spend $400,000 to improve the health of the Maitai River. With 24 submissions in total, the Maitai Project received the most submissions of any topic during the recent Draft Annual Plan process. Planning and Regulatory Committee Chair Brian McGurk says he’s looking forward to reading people’s views on the river in detail. “There’s certainly no shortage of ideas for the Maitai River. Council has a key role to play. We own significant land in the Maitai Catchment, and the Maitai is an important feature in our utilities network. It provides our drinking water, acts as a flood channel and receives stormwater. It also obviously plays a huge part in community recreation for Nelsonians.” Councillor McGurk says the river’s health is in comparatively decent shape, although it should be better. “Any time you put human behaviour around the river you’re going to lose the pristine, natural qualities we treasure. There is a role for everyone in the community to improve the river’s health and to keep it healthy in the future. “Our aims for the river are simple – we want people to be able to swim safely in it, and we want people to be able to take kai from it. “We’d like members of the public to be our

‘eyes’ and ‘ears’ on any activity including our own operations that negatively affect the river. Phone us and let us know, and we’ll address the issue to the best of our ability.” Council has proposed a whole host of actions to improve the river including investigating and addressing the ongoing issue of sewage contamination in the lower catchment, modifying the Maitai Dam spillway to improve fish passage, and working closely with the community on various projects. A community planting day is planned for late August along the banks of the Maitai on the perimeter of the golf course. Friends of the Maitai spokesperson Tom Kennedy says the group is excited about Council’s progress on planning improvements for the river. “We’ve been really pleased with Council’s involvement and willingness to collaborate with all interested stakeholders. Now we’re keen to see the fruits of these discussions. “We enjoyed putting together the Annual Plan submission as it was an opportunity to clarify all the ideas that have come up at our meetings with Council, Cawthron and the Forestry sector.”

Looking forward to looking back As Heritage Week 2014 is wound up, planning starts for the 2015 event when the theme will be around medicine and health. Dates have been set for 10-19 April 2015. So far nursing, Ma-ori medicine and dentistry stories have presented some starting points for a programme that has to be developed by the end of December. Community run events form the core of the programme and Council is grateful for the positive partnerships developed over the years and the willingness of the community to share their stories and create interesting events. Diverse groups this year included Tahuna Roller Skating Club, Nelson Historical Society, Nelson Vintage Car Club, the Merchant Navy Association and Nelson Railway Society. See new stories created by these groups published on the PROW website, which continues to grow and be an extensive reference source for those seeking information on our region. Karen Stade (L) and Karen Price of the Nelson Historic Society dressing the part to conduct popular talks at the waterfront as part of Heritage Week 2014.


17 May 2014 • Issue 376



Monitoring underway to support air plan review

Continued from page 1...

“This community has made fantastic progress improving our air quality, from having some of the worst in the country to some of the best. We want clean air in Nelson, but we don’t want people to be cold and unhealthy in their homes. That is the challenge that many New Zealand communities are facing. “In the meantime, we confirmed today to continue our award-winning Eco Design Advisor service, which is free to all residents, and we’ll work with the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) and other community organisations to seek local funding support for insulation subsidies.” Summary of recommendations • Establish a working party and stakeholders group for the purpose of a review of the air quality provisions of the Nelson Resource Management Plan be implemented, noting that the work is to be carried out across all airsheds during winter 2014 to allow decision making to be made at an airshed level. This work will be informed by by resident surveys/engagement and compliance monitoring.

• A budget of $100,000 be included in the Annual Plan to enable the review to be completed in a timely fashion. • Explore alternative funding options to subsidise the cost of inventory / modelling work. • Continue to monitor progress towards achieving National Environmental Standard for Air Quality targets. • Keep a watching brief on advances in ultra low emission woodburner technology. • Extend Council's Warm and Healthy Homes campaign this winter to focus on promoting good home heating practices. • Continue Council's programme of providing free, cost-effective advice via The Eco Design Advisor. • Work with the EECA and other potential partner organisations to seek local funding support for insulation subsidies for those people currently living in cold homes. • Continue discussions with government agencies to investigate compliance issues and options for reducing air discharges from government owned buildings.

Thanks for having your say Council is pleased with the level of submissions to the draft Annual Plan 2014-15. The annual consultation closed on 28 April with more than 200 submissions. Hearings are on this week for around 60 people who want to talk to Council about their submission. Mayor Rachel Reese says Councillors are looking forward to both reading and hearing the submissions, which cover a variety of subjects. “Our residents have used the Annual Plan process to tell us what they think, and that’s the whole basis of consultation. I want to thank everyone who took the time and effort to contribute to the conversation, helping us form a view on a way forward.” “As always there are topics that are widely debated and the submission process is a tangible way people can get their views across.”

After this week's hearings, Council will consider the submissions on 27/28/29 May. Any amendments will be made before Council adopts the plan on 19 June and it comes into effect on 1 July. Popular issues submitted on this year were (in no particular order): • • • • • • • • • •

Saxton Field Velodrome Bank Lane canopy Brook Motor Camp Trafalgar Centre Cycle and walkways Modellers Pond Rocks Road Maitai River Nelson School of Music The Theatre Royal

Get the numbers Statistics New Zealand is presenting Census information for Nelson and Tasman at the Maitai Room, Trailways Hotel on Thursday 5 June 9.30am–12.00pm. You’ll find out how to navigate around the census website and access information about your local area. You can even bring your own device to work with as they show you around the website. Visit the website to register to attend this free session. Spaces are limited.

Issue 376 • 17 May 2014

Mayor's message

With its great schools, historic homes and gardens, and thriving shopping centre, Stoke is a sunny suburb that has huge popularity for people across the spectrum, from young families and youth, to business owners and older people. With Stoke’s population on the rise, I’m pleased to be launching a process that will gather community feedback to guide the revitalisation of this popular Nelson suburb. This Council recognises the importance of Stoke to the city. We believe it has not received the attention it deserves in recent years. Our Spotlight on Stoke survey is the first step towards a comprehensive plan for Stoke. We want to understand what you think are the issues, the gaps, the opportunities because nobody understands Stoke better than you do. Understanding what you want and you need has to be the basis of any action by Council. Revitalising the Stoke centre and ensuring it has the facilities and services it needs to support a growing local population is a key priority for this council. Based on your feedback, Council will be looking at the projects and services we need to include in the next ten year plan. Right now we are getting cracking with a project that you’ve been wanting for some time now – a new recreation facility. Council has set aside $200,000 in the draft Annual Plan for the investigation and design of a community and sports facility at the Greenmeadows site. The Stoke survey is focussed on getting your feedback about the new facility but also asks questions about the wider issues for this key area of Nelson. It will inform the facility that Council designs next year but also the longer term project of revitalising the Stoke centre and equipping it to serve its local community for decades to come. We’re excited about moving ahead in partnership with the community to build a picture of the Stoke of the future. Make sure you tell us what you would like to see for Stoke by completing our survey via the Nelson City Council website or by phoning our Customer Service Centre for a copy (see page 4). I’m pleased to be handing over the reins on this project to my Deputy Mayor Paul Matheson, who will be taking this initiative forward. Like me, he is passionate about making sure we create the very best plan for Stoke that will meet the needs for everyone who choose to live in this wonderful part of Nelson and indeed New Zealand. Please share your thoughts with us today! 3



Spotlight on Stoke Continued from Page 1... Around three quarters of Nelson’s population growth between now and 2045 is predicted to occur in Stoke. Mayor Rachel Reese says revitalising the Stoke centre and ensuring it has the facilities and services it needs to support a growing local population is a priority project for Council. “Council has already earmarked $200,000 in the draft Annual Plan for the investigation and design of a community and sports facility at the Greenmeadows site. “We want to make sure that the development is what people of Stoke want and


need, and that it is in the most appropriate location. We also want to hear from the public more generally about their wishes for the Stoke centre.” The survey will include questions on how people feel about Stoke in general, how Nelson City Council can improve the suburb for the future, and how people find getting around. Residents are encouraged to complete the online survey at Council's website. A hard copy can be collected from Stoke library or sent out by phoning Council’s Customer Service Centre on 546 0200. Completed hard copy surveys can

be sent back to Council or dropped into the Stoke library. The survey will be open until Thursday 29 May. Everyone who completes it will go into the draw to win a $50 Prezzy voucher. Two drop in sessions are also being held at Stoke Memorial Hall on Monday 19 May from 2pm to 4.30pm and 5pm to 7.30pm, when people can give their feedback in person to the project team.

17 May 2014 • Issue 376



Calling all teen writers Youth Week is 17-25 May. This year the theme is Be the Change.

Great white butterfly breeding surge underway

Mahatma Gandhi said “Be the change that you wish to see in the world” and this theme invites teens to challenge themselves, try something different and create a movement of change. In support of this theme Nelson Public Libraries is asking teens to post original creative writing pieces (no more than 100 words) onto our Facebook page. Posts will close on 31 May. On Thursday 22 May from 6pm at the Elma Turner Library Cliff Fell will take a creative writing workshop for teens. You can work on your 'Be the Change' writing at the workshop. All teens welcome - see you there!

The Department of Conservation (DoC) is asking Nelson Tasman residents to step up searches for the destructive great white butterfly’s caterpillars and eggs, to help minimise an autumn breeding surge. Bruce Vander Lee, who manages the Great White Butterfly eradication programme for DOC, says the adult butterflies are currently laying their last round of eggs for the year. “Residents can do their bit to minimise butterfly numbers this autumn by searching their gardens and reporting any sightings of eggs or caterpillars. “The Department has about 30 staff searching gardens, but we can’t do the job alone. We’ve had amazing support from the Nelson Tasman community, with around 1300 reports made to the Ministry for Primary Industries hotline (0800 80 99 66) since breeding began in September.” Currently only found in Nelson Tasman, the great white butterfly poses a serious economic and environmental risk. Left to spread, it will cost the country millions of dollars a year to protect commercial vegetable crops and threatened native plants, and put 300,000 hectares of forage crops for the meat and dairy industries under threat. Even the local home gardener is vulnerable. “Because the adult butterflies can fly between properties, we need to search gardens several times over a period of months to make sure we’ve found all the eggs and caterpillars. This is a huge task and is made easier when the community is searching and reporting their finds,” Mr Vander Lee says. The DoC website has extensive information about what great white butterfly eggs and caterpillars look like, what plants to check, what vegetables are favoured, and what to do if you find them. It also has information on cover crops gardeners can plant to prevent the butterfly from visiting their garden. These crops also help combat harmful soil fungi. If you find eggs or caterpillars, DoC encourages people not to remove them but to report them to the Ministry for Primary Industries Exotic Pest and Disease hotline toll-free on 0800 80 99 66. “With assistance from the public the butterfly population in the area has been suppressed but there is still a need to be vigilant with the autumn breeding surge underway,” Mr Vander Lee says. For more information, search for great white butterfly at:

It’s World Fish Migration Month! Representatives from Nelson City and Tasman District Councils, Department of Conservation, Fish and Game, Cawthron, Nelson Marlborough Institute for Technology, Friends of the Maitai and Nelson City Councillor Brian McGurk attended the launch of World Fish Migration Month by the Maitai River on 5 May. The team is gearing up for World Fish Migration Day on Saturday 24 May. Nelson will celebrate this day by inviting the community to participate in a range of family friendly activities that promote awareness about fish migration and fish passage issues, and how we can help fish migrate to fulfil their lives. Activities on the day will include a chocolate fish scramble, fish art work, information panels and video showing native fish climbing up waterfalls and culverts. There will also be an electrofishing demonstration and the chance to see eels and bullies up close in a tank. The event beside Aratuna Normanby Bridge on Bridge Street will start at midday and visitors are encouraged to bring a picnic lunch.

Issue 376 • 17 May 2014 5



Harvesting our city trees

Stoke Railway Reserve Edible Walk

Enjoy one of Nelson’s many open orchard areas. Start at Standish Place and finish at Saxton Road. Map A, B and Enjoy one of Nelson’s many open orchard areas. Start at Standish Place and finish at Saxton Road. Map A, B C read from right to left. As some are right clustered, placement ofgeneral trees placement is shown. sharePlease and share andplants C read from to left. Asgeneral some plants are clustered, of Please trees is shown. and other care for interesting this valuable resource. interesting walks go to nelson.govt.nzor or call 0200. care for this valuable resource. For walks For goother to call0303546 546 0200.

Stoke Railway Reserve Edible Walk




Sterling Way


Echodale Place AP AP









To Packham Cres AP

















To Main Road Stoke Standish Place





Lucy Murchott Pl

MAP KEY Almond








































Lucy Murchott Pl MAIN ROAD STOKE

As well as being a great recreational hub for walkers and cyclists, the Railway Reserve also serves as one of our city’s public orchards. Council has been using fruit and nut trees in their planting plans for over 25 years, mainly in areas like the Grampians where high health apples and nuts form a welcome part of the scenery. In recent years there have been an increasing number of open orchards in urban areas. The Railway Reserve is planted with a mix of edible plants for all to enjoy, with fruits and nuts available all year round. You can have a healthy snack while enjoying the reserve. One hundred apples were grafted from apple trees from across the Waimea Plains, and donated to the city. These trees have been planted along the Railway Reserve from Quarantine Road to Saxton Field. The Railway Reserve is just one area covered by the Stoke Edible Walk Map series. You can get edible walk maps from Civic House, or download them from the Council website. Each map series features a reserve area and a suggested walk. Stroll around to get yourself familiar with where trees and plantings are. Trees are marked in fruit varieties, and within those groups there will be variance in harvesting times affected by the weather as well as the soil and plant variety. For other locations visit the Top of the South Maps website for another view of their locations.


Remember the food is there to share so please just take ripe fruit.

antioxidant qualities, grapes are high in vitamins A, B1, B2 and potassium.

What can you pick: Almond (April/May). Collect fallen nuts. The nuts can be gathered as they drop in autumn. Go and visit after a good wind.

Loquat (Jan). Cultivated in Japan for over 1,000 years, the loquat is high in vitamin A (but poor in vitamin C) and has good levels of potassium. Eat fresh off the tree. Remove the stone when cooking or it spoils the flavour.

Apple (Jan-April). Wind fall fruit on the ground show the fruit is ripe and ready to pick. When picking try to leave the stalk on the apple.

Pear (Jan-April). Picked at texture best liked. Some like them harder, some juicy and soft. Harder fruit will ripen off the tree.

Citrus (June/July). Lemons, grapefruit, mandarins have been planted in various locations. Citrus is best known for its high vitamin C.

Persimmon (April/May). Known as ‘food of the gods’ it is high in vitamin A and has vitamin B and C, calcium, iron and phosphorus. A sweet crisp fruit, lovely eaten fresh or in a salad.

Feijoa (April). Fruit mature in late autumn/early winter and should be allowed to drop to the ground rather than picked from the tree. The fruit has good levels of Vitamin C (50mg/100mg of flesh) and dietary fibre.

Plum (Dec-Jan). Harvest plums when fully ripe. There are a number varieties planted, some yellow flesh, some red. A versatile fruit, can be cooked or eaten raw.

Fig (Mar/April). Figs don’t produce flowers the blossom is inside the fruit, and it’s these blossoms with their little seeds that produce the crunchy texture. The fruit is rich in complex carbohydrates, fibre and minerals including potassium, copper, magnesium and calcium. Fruit is delicate, handle carefully. Grapes (March/April). A number of varieties have been planted. Besides the high

Rosemary (All year). Has many culinary and medical uses. The plant is said to improve memory. The leaves are used to flavour various foods, such as stuffings and roast meats. Strawberry (Nov-May). Strawberries should be picked when it is a uniform bright red colour. One serving of about eight strawberries provides more vitamin C than an orange.

17 May 2014 • Issue 376




Bringing you the results of what has been discussed and decided at the Council table

Councillor’s Comment Luke Acland Come and talk. That’s my Councillor’s Comment. Lets get some good communication happening. You’re busy. It’s difficult to find the time. But really there’s no excuse now because we’re everywhere: we’re at the Market on the first Saturday of each month; we’re holding meetings near you (next up Governance Committee at the Tahuna Function Centre on 22 May); there are the regular meetings at Civic House; and phone numbers/ email addresses galore on the website. There’s lots to talk about. We’ve recently had

some great discussion on wood burners and we’re looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Stoke’s future. There’s an online survey for that and dedicated drop-in centres. We’re going to be considering the draft annual plan soon and I’m looking forward to hearing from submitters. But it’s not enough! Where are those people I met outside the supermarket during the election campaign? The ones who were keen on public participation, community engagement and real conversations? You know who you are – come and have a chat. Tell us what you think and want. It’ll be a nice break from us reading all those letters to the editor. So give it a go. Let’s get some constructive discussion going. Come and talk.

Council in the community

Meetings The following meetings of the Nelson City Council have been scheduled. Governance Committee - to be held at Tahuna Function Centre, 70 Beach Rd 9am 22 May Council - draft Annual Plan 2014/15 deliberations - if required 9am 27-29 May Council - ordinary 9am

5 June

Changes to meetings Planning and Regulatory Committee - Local Approved Products Policy deliberations POSTPONED 1pm 20 May Notes: 1: Unless otherwise shown, the meetings will be held in the Council Chamber, Civic House, Trafalgar Street Nelson. 2: A public forum is held during the initial period of the Committee/Council meeting. Anyone wishing to speak at this public forum is asked to give prior advice to an Administration Adviser on 546 0200. 3: Agendas will be available for perusal at the Customer Service Centre in Civic House, or at Nelson Public Libraries, two days prior to the meeting. 4: Agendas and minutes for Council meetings can be viewed on Council’s website

Council meets with NMIT Left - Works and Infrastructure Committee Chair Eric Davy talks with members of the gallery during morning tea at the committee's meeting at Tahunanui School. Right - Joy Shackleton of the Tahuna Community Centre speaks to the Committee at public forum.

Around a dozen people attended a Council committee meeting of Works and Infrastructure in Tahunanui earlier this month. Committee Chair Eric Davy says the aim of taking meetings outside the formality of the Council chamber was to make it easier and more comfortable for people to come and either share their views at the public forum at the start of the meeting, or just to see how the process works. “We had seven people present various views to Council across a variety of subjects. Some of our presenters have a particular focus on the Tahunanui

Issue 376 • 17 May 2014

area, including Mike Thomas and John Gilbertson of the Tahunanui Business Association and Ray Weston of Hot Rock Pizza. "It’s gratifying to see people making the effort and taking the time to share their views,” Clr Davy says. The next meeting out in the community will be the Governance committee at Tahunanui Function Centre at 9am on Thursday 22 May.

As part of Council’s drive to keep dialogue open with the community, Nelson City Councillors recently met informally with the Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technolgy (NMIT) Council. Mayor Rachel Reese says the Institute is not just the city’s major educational facility but also a large employer and it’s important to keep communications lines open. Councillors toured the campus as part of the meeting on a variety of subjects, including working together for the social, economic and cultural benefit of the community. 7


Congratulations Gigatown! The Gigatown Nelson team has triumphed again and Nelson Mayor Rachel Reese offers her congratulations on the latest victory in the competition that aims to bring gigabit internet fibre to Nelson. “A dedicated group of individuals and businesses are making a mark on this competition and putting Nelson in a fantastic position to win. They are building a solid body of online community support that has seen Nelson leap from 27th place right up to second. What a tremendous result. “We’re definitely in it to win this competition and I can’t wait to see what the Gigatown Nelson team does next.”

A new community mural Nelson won a mural by famous urban artist Askew One as part of a recent Gigatown competition. See it now on the back of Morrison Square on Selwyn Street. The Gigatown Nelson group wanted to tell the

story of the increasing links between online and real life communities that children thrive in, so they wanted the mural to feature local children. They will benefit the most from the opportunities new technology brings.

Photo: Uniquely Nelson

How you can join the effort Go to to sign up and choose Nelson as your town to get points. After that you can continue to earn points by doing the monthly quiz on the Gigatown website and by using #gigatownnsn on various social media channels. Use it when you tweet and when you post on the official Gigatown Nelson Facebook page

You can also increase the tally by using YouTube and Instagram. All uses of the hashtag add to our total score, which you can track on the Gigatown website.

Find out more Check out any of the Gigatown Nelson websites to find out more about the competition, and to stay in the loop about what else you can do to help Nelson win.

Positive Ageing Forum

Rating information database

The Nelson Tasman Positive Ageing Forum's role is to provide an opportunity for older persons and agencies who work for and with them to enable residents of Nelson Tasman to age positively.

The rating information database contains a record of all information required for the setting and assessing of rates and for informing ratepayers.

Quarterly advocacy forums are held for older people and key agencies to address older people’s issues in Tasman District and Nelson City. Next meeting Monday 26 May Richmond Libraries Constance Barnicoat Room 1pm to 3pm.

Nelson City Council advises that the Council’s rating information database is available for inspection (without fee) at the Customer Service Centre, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson during ordinary office hours (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 8:30 am – 5:00 pm and Thursday 9:00am to 5:00pm). The rating information database can also be accessed via the Council’s website at the following address rates/rates-database-2/ then enter the property street address to view the current year's rating information and then click on (Next Year – 2014/15) to view the property's rating charges and information for the 2014/15 rating year.

What’s on - at a Council venue near you Museums and galleries

A Long Look for a Long Time, 17 May - 13 June

Council Owned Venues

Friends of Nelson Library speaker Event: Dot Kettle, 18 May, 1.30pm

Nelson Provincial Museum

The Last Picture Show, 17 May - 31 June

Founders Heritage Park

Starting with Plants, until 31 May, 10am - 4.30pm

Suter Cinema

Laughter Wellness workshop, 24 - 25 May, 9am - 5pm

BookChat, second Tuesday of each month, 10.30am

Canterbury Quakes, until 2 June, weekdays 10am - 5pm, weekends 10am - 4.30pm Memories of the First World War, 25 April - 2 June, weekdays 10am - 5pm, weekends 10am - 4.30pm Suter Art Gallery and Theatre 7 days, 10.30am - 4.30pm Nelson Suter Art Society; Nuture Nature, 14 May - 1 June


Nelson Film Society presents: ‘A Screaming Man’ 15 May, 6pm

Stoke Memorial Hall

Reel Brazil Film Festival, 18 Films over 5 days, 21 - 25 May

Giant Vinyl Record Sale, Saturday 17 May 1 - 5pm, Sunday 18 May 10am - 3pm

Grace of Manaco Movie Fundraiser, 28 May, 6 - 9pm

Nelson Public Libraries

Outdoor venues

Elma Turner Library

Queen’s Gardens Qigong in Queen’s Gardens, Wednesdays & Fridays at noon until 7 May

BookChat Online via Twitter, #rwpchat, last Tuesday of each month, 9pm Stoke Library BookChat, third Wednesday of each month, 5pm BookChat Online via Twitter, #rwpchat, last Tuesday of each month, 9pm

New Zealand Music Month Lunchtime concerts, 14, 16, 24, 27 May; weekday concerts 12.30pm and Saturday concerts 11am

Nelson Public Libraries are celebrating New Zealand Music Month with a series of lunchtime concerts at the Elma Turner Library. Artists include Bob Bickerton, Roger Lusby, La Vida String Quartet and the Community Choir to name just a few. These concerts are free and family friendly. Check out the full programme at

Editor: Angela Ricker, Ph 546 0200, • Layout: HotHouse Communications • Printing: Fairfax Media

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