Kenya Scouts Association Rover Scouting Strategy 2013-2017 (Draft)

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KENYA SCOUTS ASSOCIATION ROVER SCOUTING STRATEGY 2013-2017 “By Rovering I don’t mean aimless wandering, I mean finding your way by pleasant paths with a definite object in view, and being aware of the difficulties and dangers you are likely to meet by the way”. ~Lord Baden Powell, Rovering to Success 1.0 PREAMBLE

The Rovering section of the Scouting movement in Kenya and the rest of Africa has for a long time been neglected. It has suffered great reduction in membership in almost all countries. This fall in numbers has been occasioned by some misplaced thoughts that empowered young leaders were a threat to the positions of adults in Scouting. On the contrary, the young people’s greatest desire has been a vibrant, challenging, skillbased and enjoyable programme that would empower them to become better prepared for life.

1.1 What is Rovering?

The founder of Scouting, Baden Powell, in his book “Rovering to Success” describes Rovering as a brotherhood of the open air and service of young people who are able to shift for themselves, but equally able and ready to be of some help to others. He states the objectives of Rovering as to develop character and intelligence, handcraft and skill, health and strength and service for others and citizenship; which he believed are requirements for a happy and active life. He went on to say that many young men just drift passively along and never reach happiness. With Rovering they would not let slip their golden opportunities. Since it is a brotherhood of wanderers, you can, as a member of it, extend your travels to foreign countries and there make your friendships with brother Rovers from other nationalities. This side of our movement is not only interesting and educative but must make a real step in ensuring the future peace of the world through mutual goodwill. In finishing the book he goes on to say; “I would lay stress on the possibility and necessity of service in the ordinary surroundings of the Rover’s life and point out that he must first of all try to apply his ideals in his ordinary life. This seems to me to a better crowning of the scouting experience than sending the fellow on to find new fields in which to function. In this way I hope that we will consolidate the whole idea that lies

behind scouting, and emphasizes what we really want, which is to bring the ideals of scouting into our everyday life, and thus bring it to pass that other people are touched by its magic and helped by its ideals.�

1.2 Current Situation in Kenya Currently, Kenya Scouts Association only has slightly above 2,000 registered Rover Scouts despite the existence of many rover crews across the country. With the presence of very many institutions of higher learning, youth organizations and networks, religious and other local communities where Rovering could very well thrive, there remains a great opportunity for growth, only if these potentials can be harnessed. The Association is also grappling with the challenge of putting together a responsive, challenging, youth friendly and acceptable programme for the section. The young people decry their lack of inclusion in the process of development, review and implementation of the programme that concerns them. KSA also has an incomplete youth representation system without a very clear mandate. The recent elections on 2012 established the positions of Youth Representatives at all levels of the Association but a defined structure together with roles and responsibilities are still lacking. This also comes with the challenge of a national presence/outlook where Rovering and representation is still lacking in certain counties in the country. The rush from the Mwamba/Senior section directly into adult training has also contributed greatly to the decline of Rovering in Kenya. Both the Youth Programme and Adult Leader Training Policies lack clearly defined terms that cushion the section against this rush. Despite all these challenges, we still believe that the Rovering movement in Kenya has the potential to grow and become the best in Africa, if not the world. Considering the historic place of Kenya in world scouting together with the existence of goodwill from the government and private sector as well as the many young people in need of interesting and educative engagements that the movement can offer, we are very well positioned to achieve this dream. 1.3 Why the Strategy?

This Strategy proposes a system to enhance the development of Rover Scouting and participation of young people in interesting programmes and activities that addresses the challenges they face as well as enhances their abilities to better lead and serve. It is aimed at enabling the young people to maximize the scouting experience with the vision of designing a model for adaptation in Africa. It is pegged on the founder’s idea and dreams for the section and seeks to rekindle the spirit of Rovering in not only Kenya but Africa as well. We hope that through this strategy, we can be able to guide the Rovers Scouts of this great nation that the founder loved so much and chose as his final resting place, those in Africa and other parts of the world to paddle their canoes aright in their journey towards true happiness-which lies in service to others.

THE STRATEGY 2013-2017 2.0 AIM

Empowering young people with knowledge, skills and opportunities for active citizenship and service through a spirit of brotherhood. 3.0 VISION A quality Rover Scouting model for adaptation in Africa 4.0 OBJECTIVES 1. To develop a model rover scouting programme that responds to the dreams and aspiration of the 21st century youth within the African context. 2. To put in place structures that involve and support the young people to actively participate in the processes of scouting at all levels 3. To revive and build the strongest Rovering movement in Africa by 2017 4. To develop strong linkages and partnerships to support the development of Rovering and the improvement of the profile of Scouting 5.0 PRIORITY AREAS (FUNDAMENTALS OF ROVERING) To realize “Rovering Dream” for Kenya Scouts Association, the National Youth Forum has identified six key priority areas hereafter referred to as “Fundamentals of Rovering”. They include: 1. Membership 2. Programme 3. Youth Forum 4. Support 5. Opportunities 6. Partnerships 5.1 MEMBERSHIP Goal 1: To recruit and retain Rover Scouts in institutions of higher learning, local communities and other groups Goal 2: To increase the number of Rover scouts to 50, 000 by 2017 Rationale: The existence and fun of Rover Scouting is entirely dependent on a consistent and readily available membership drawn from diverse backgrounds and locations in accordance with the definition of Scouting as conceived by the founder. Specific Objectives • Target Groups: Identifying specific target groups from where to recruit Rover Scouts including but not limited to the following: Universities, colleges, polytechnics, vocational centres, youth groups/networks, companies/organizations, churches/mosques and local communities • Recruitment: Conducting strategic, aggressive and sustainable recruitment exercises in all counties and subsequent registration of recruits. • Motivation: Outlining and making real the benefits of joining the movement as a way of encouraging membership • Image: Aggressively promoting the image of the movement to the general public for a better understanding and appreciation of Scouting as an ideal movement for young people.

Implementation Strategies • Classification of Members: Categorizing rover scouts according to target groups and professions/skills for a more targeted approach to programme, training, utilization of skills and maximization of opportunities. • Exchange Programmes: Enhancing interactions among rovers scouts through exchanges in order to build a strong brotherhood. • Public Interaction: Embracing greater inclusion and participation of the public in Scouting activities to boost our profile and create opportunities for recruitment. • Internet and Social Media: Making scouting information available and accessible social media and with provisions for registration through online platforms and mobile phone Success Indicators • Registration Forms Returned: The number of specially designed rover scout registration forms returned and subsequent ID cards issued as a way of monitoring the enrollment. • National Rover Scouts Database: A database complete with all details of all registered rover scouts and accessible to all members and the public both nationally and internationally. 5.2 PROGRAMME Goal 1: To develop a programme that responds to the dynamic challenges and meets the aspirations of the 21st century Rover Scouts Goal 2: To use the Rover Section programme to produce young men and women with skills for service to the society and themselves. Rationale: The Rovering programme should not only be targeted towards fun but most importantly it should enable the young people to become better prepared for the challenges of life in the 21 st century such as unemployment. There is need therefore for the Association to shift its programme concepts into imparting more practical skill to better equip the Rover Scouts for service. Specific Objectives: • Relevance: The programme should respond to the needs and aspirations of the young people • Skill Based: The process of programme development should maintain a more practical approach to impart in the young people skills for life • Youth Friendly: It should be acceptable to the young people. This acceptability comes from a sense of ownership developed through their involvement in designing the programme. • Challenging: The programme should offer realistic challenges so as to help prepare the young people for dynamic circumstances of life. Implementation Strategies: • Programme Development Workshops: Conducting programme hearing sessions with Rover Scouts from all over the country to gather their views and having a team sit in an intensive workshop to come up with a document incorporating the expressed views.

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Programme Activities: Organizing fun and challenging activities for Rovers not only to test all or certain elements of the programme being presented for uptake but also to give the young people varied opportunities to fully enjoy the game of Scouting Outsourcing Expertise: Bringing on board experts where necessary to aid in the development and/or delivery of the programme Addressing Related Issues: The successful delivery of the programme also depends greatly on addressing other related issues such as membership, mechanisms to monitor and evaluate progress, uniforms and insignia, difference between Rovering and leadership, youthadult relationship among others

Success Indicators: • Number of Awardees: The number of Rovers being awarded badges for different stages of completion will greatly in gauging the level of uptake • Quality of Graduating Rovers: The type of rover scouts leaving the section into leadership, public service, business etc will also help us to rate our members based on skills and competencies acquired and their usefulness after leaving the section. 5.3 YOUTH FORUM Goal 1: An effective youth representation system at all levels of Kenya Scouts Association Goal 2: An open and democratic platform for young people to voice their concerns, views and ideas on issues concerning them and the Association in general Rationale: As a youth movement the KSA needs to ensure involvement and participation of young people in decision making processes at all levels and consider their input in matters that concern them. It also has a responsibility to contribute in enhancing their capacities to lead for the long term sustainability of the Association. Specific Objectives: • Representation: Creating a conducive atmosphere that allows the young people to freely elect their representatives at all levels of the Association without any undue influence • Capacity Building: Enhancing the skills and abilities of the young people to effectively participate in the governance processes of the Association • Decision Making: Actively involving the young people in making decisions that concern them. • Policy: Embracing the participation of young people, respecting and considering their views in developing, reviewing and implementing policies of the Association. Implementation Strategies: • Youth Involvement Policy: A document outlining the structure and spelling guidelines for youth involvement at Kenya Scouts Association • Functional Youth Forum: Existence of a functional youth forum structure at the district, county, regional and national, linking up with those at the zonal, continental and world levels led by democratically elected Youth Representatives and complete with their roles and responsibilities. • Empowerment of Youth Representatives: Creating and providing opportunities for the youth representatives to get exposed and empowered through activities such as seminars,

workshops, conferences among others to enable them better understand youth issues and develop their leadership skills. Feedback Mechanisms: Existence of elaborate, open and reliable channels of communication for relaying feedback information from the Youth to the Association and vice versa.

Success Indicators: • Elected Youth Representatives: Completion of the election of Youth Representatives and constitution of various Youth Committees at all levels. • Youth Forum Reports: Comprehensive reports of youth forum activities at all levels. • Complete Policy: A comprehensive youth involvement policy, developed with the participation of young people themselves is complete and in place to support the existence of the Youth Forum. Fig 3: Youth Forum Structure (See Annexure) 5.4 SUPPORT Goal 1: To enhance positive youth-adult relations in Scouting Goal 2: To create an Association where young people are respected, appreciated and supported to develop their full potentials Rationale: For the young people to excel they require adult guidance. When the young people do not trust the adults and the adults do not consider the young people as important, then there is bound to be conflict. Hence; both must take lead in ensuring productive collaboration. More so, the movement being for the youth, adults have a responsibility to support the young people to enjoy Scouting. Specific Objectives: • Management: Increased interaction between the Rover Scouts and the top management of the Association as a way of building trust and enhancing collaboration • Information: Timely dissemination of accurate information from the Association to the Rover Scouts and vice versa through the agreed and reliable channels of communication • Mentorship: Provision of intellectual, moral, social and religious guidance to the young people to help them in discovering themselves and their ideal paths in life. • Finance: Allocation of monetary resources for the implementation of specifically targeted Rover Scout activities Implementation Strategies: • Chief Commissioner’s Indaba: A roundtable discussion with the Chief Commissioner at least twice every year as an opportunity for him to interact and engage directly with the rovers to hear their views as well as show solidarity and support for their cause in Scouting • Internet and Social Media: Having a page on the Association’s website specifically dedicated Rovering, a vibrant presence on social media together with the effective utilization of email and mobile phones for enhanced flow of information.

Mentorship Camps/Seminars: Organize annual camps/seminars involving rover scouts and young people from different youth organizations/networks with the aim of providing an opportunity for mentorship, guidance and counseling and general advice on pertinent issues. Rover Scouts Financial Kitty: Dedicate at least 10% of the Youth Programme department’s budget to support in facilitating activities that are very specific to the Rover Section.

Success Indicators: • Activities Done: Comprehensive reports of all activities done under the management and mentorship objectives of this fundamental • Jasiri Information Centre: Creation and maintenance of an online information centre for Rover Scouts complete with a physical back-up filing system to track down all information circulated. • Financial Reports: Accurate financial reports accounting for the funds allocated. The process shall involve the Youth Representatives from the time of budgeting, expenditure and reporting. 5.5 OPPORTUNITIES Goal 1: To create wider opportunities within and out of Scouting for greater fulfillment of the young people Goal 2: To enhance the absorption of Rover Scouts into various sectors of the economy as skilled, disciplined and reliable people Rationale: Rover Scouts are learned, skilled and productive young people who need opportunities for advancement. With the challenge of unemployment, the Association ought to provide wider opportunities for the young people to excel in order to cushion itself from losing members to job search and despair. Specific Objectives: • Leadership: Empowerment of young people and creation of opportunities for them to practice leadership in and out of the Association • Service Projects: Opportunities for Rover Scouts to put their acquired skills in use to serve the community • Entrepreneurship: Encouraging and supporting entrepreneurship and creative ventures by Rover Scouts as a way of tackling unemployment which has a negative impact on membership in the section • Interaction & Exchange: Creating more avenues for young people to interact and engage with other rover scouts at national and international levels. Implementation Strategies: • Kenya Young Leaders Caucus: This is an annual summit that will bring together young people from all international youth organizations under the Network of International Youth Organizations in Africa (NIYOA) to enhance knowledge sharing and the development of young leaders for Kenya and Africa.

National Scouts Service Day: This shall be a special day set aside preferably on 24 th November every year where scouts from all counties will go out in their numbers to offer targeted and pre-planned skill-based community service activities where need may be; as a meaningful way of marking the Kenya Scouts Day. Scouts Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Linkages Programme: Roll out a national programme to provide opportunities for Rover Scouts through entrepreneurship training, life skill development, technology incubation, job placements and industrial linkages in partnership with other stakeholders. Kenya Expedition Challenge: This is an annual international tour of Kenya, the home of scouting. The tour will be divided into four axes of experience: Scouting experience, sociocultural experience, nature and adventure experience, historic experience. This will be conducted in partnership with identified stakeholder such as the Kenya Wildlife Service, National Museums of Kenya, Bomas of Kenya among others.

Success Indicators: • Number of Opportunities Created: A record of all new and existing opportunities created for rover scouts • Activities Conducted: A list and report of all service and exchange activities conducted under this fundamental. • Beneficiaries of the SEIL Programme: Records and testimonials of all beneficiaries of the SEIL programme together with a system to track their progress in opportunities provided through the programme 5.6 PARTNERSHIPS Goal 1: Strengthen already existing partnerships Goal 2: Identify, develop and sustain relevant partnerships with other stakeholders (government, private sector and individuals) for the development of Rover Scouting. Rationale: Kenya Scouts Association has inadequate financial and technical abilities to fully implement the Rovering programme, hence the need to maximize the existing goodwill and support for the good of the young people. Specific Objectives: • All Levels: Identifying strategic and mutually beneficial partnerships at the district, county, regional, national, zonal, continental and global levels to support Rovering. • Impact: Working with local communities to bring meaningful change and improvement of lives • Linkages: Establishing links to provide volunteerism, internships and employment opportunities to deserving rover scouts as a way of promoting their personal and professional development. • Profile: Gradually build an enviable profile for Rover scouting in Kenya which simultaneously amounts to an improved profile for our members and the Association. Implementation Strategies: • Joint Projects: Pursue with other partners joint ventures that are mutually beneficial.

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Community Service: Undertaking regular and target community service initiatives with partners and the community to increase scout-public engagement. Africa Rover Scout Brotherhood: Establish the network in Kenya and other National Scout Associations in Africa to enhance partnerships between African Rovers Scouts and promote the growth and development of Rovering in the continent.

Success Indicators: • Partnerships Formed: A record of all partnerships entered into, their nature and current status shall be constantly maintained. • Completed or Ongoing Projects: Detailed reports of all projects implemented with other partners or still in progress shall be provided periodically • Number of Beneficiaries: There shall be maintained records and personal testimonials of all rover scouts that have benefitted in any way form any partnership that Kenya Scouts Association has entered into. Fig 1: Outcomes of Rovering (See Annexure) 6.0 EXPECTED OUTCOMES (OUTCOMES OF ROVERING) Upon implementation of the six Fundamentals of Rovering, we have identified three categories of outcomes (hereafter referred to as “Outcomes of Rovering”) that can be achieved. These are classified depending on the target beneficiary of the complete Rovering experience. They include outcomes to: 1. The Individual 2. The Association 3. The Society 6.1 THE INDIVIDUAL Goal: Empowered youth playing a constructive role in society Rationale: The greatest aim of Rovering is to prepare young people for life. With a good programme, the movement can impart appropriate knowledge and skills that help the Rover scouts to become useful members of the society. Character development and enhanced leadership abilities are other benefits the young members can accrue from the movement. Success Indicators: Value-Based Lifestyle • Acquisition of knowledge and skills • Enhanced leadership abilities • Strong self esteem • Self reliant young men and women • Developed partnerships and networking • Utilization of opportunities available 6.2 THE ASSOCIATION Goal: Strong and Sustainable Leadership

Rationale: With a strong Rover Scouting movement, the Association can be guaranteed of a continuous turnover of empowered and skillful young men and women, competent enough o offer service to the Association and beyond. This guarantees fresh leadership and new ideas at all levels leading to a more progressive and sustainable movement. Success Indicators: • Good leadership that understands and upholds the values of Scouting • Strong youth involvement • Stable governance of the Association • Availability of volunteers to support the practice of Scouting • Wide resource base for the development of Scouting • An attractive movement leading to increased membership • An improved profile of Scouting • Greater goodwill and support 6.3 THE SOCIETY Goal: A Better World for All Rationale: With the knowledge and skills acquired through a fulfilling Rover Scouting programme, the young people can be able to work closely and more effectively with the community in addressing the challenges they face around them. By so doing, Scouting can be able to transform and improve the living standards of very many people across the country. Justification: • Increased community awareness on pertinent issues • Creation of job opportunities • Improved standards of living • Cleaner and safer communities created through community service initiatives • Enhanced peace, tolerance and stability • An informed and active citizenry Fig 2: Outcomes of Rovering (See Annexure) 7.0 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN A detailed plan for the implementation of this strategy is hereby attached to this document. (See Annexure) 8.0 CONCLUSION In conclusion, for the set objectives to be realized and for Kenya Scouts Association to fulfill the aim of empowering young people with knowledge, skills and opportunities for active citizenship and service through a spirit of brotherhood; it is very critical that the six priority areas are addressed. This will guarantee the achievement of the Kenyan “Rovering Dream”- a model to be envied by other National Scout Associations Africa and beyond. The challenges currently facing the section need to be turned into opportunities for growth through a robust and aggressive implementation plan, individual empowerment, community service and

greater public awareness. If nothing is done then Rover Scouting in Kenya shall continue on gradual path of decline. However, with a positive will and deliberate action the future looks bright for Rovering in Kenya and Africa.

……………………………………………… Nelson Ochieng Opany National Youth Representative, KSA Chairman, East Africa Scout Youth Forum ……………………………………….. Grace Nyaruai Michuki National Youth Representative, KSA President, Africa Scout Youth Forum

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