Messengers of Peace Kenya Community Action Handbook

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Community Action Handbook




2014 Kenya Scouts Association

Published by: Messengers of Peace Kenya Scouts Association P. O. Box 41422 - 00100 Nairobi, Kenya Email: Web:

National Messengers of Peace Team: Nelson Opany, Grace Michuki, Kelvin Njenga, Leah Githiomi, Eva Chebet, Zablon Samba, Josephat Gitonga, Patrick Wambua, Anthony Gitonga, Moses Danda and Zachariah Obati.

March 2014 Nairobi, Kenya








PART 1: INFORM: Introduction to Messengers of Peace ...........................


PART 2: INSPIRE: Peace Building and Conflict Resolution ........................


PART 3: EMPOWER: Basics of Project Management ..................................


PART 4: ACT: Implementing Community Service Projects ........................


PART 5: DOCUMENT: Telling the Story ......................................................


PART 6: SHARE: Messengers of Peace Online Platform .............................



DEDICATION All over the country, Scouts are running projects that help people. They solve conflicts in school, lead peer education programs, help the poor and those in need, create solutions to environmental problems, and run countless other service projects. This handbook is dedicated to these Messengers of Peace who are committed to building peace in their communities and working for the cause of Scouting: Creating a Better World!


INTRODUCTION Dear Messengers of Peace I take this opportunity to welcome you all into the Messengers of Peace Network in Kenya. By becoming a Messenger of Peace you are joining a global network of millions of young men and women who have committed themselves to the cause of Scouting; Creating a better world! Thank you for accepting the challenge of taking leadership in building peace in your community and beyond. Working towards the realization of lasting peace is a journey in itself. We have therefore compiled this handbook to guide you along. It is intended to make it easy for you and your Scout group and friends to access information about Messengers of Peace and how you can become actively involved in activities and projects that impact your community. The information and ideas contained herein can help enhance the work you are already doing. Many examples can be give about the work that Scouts like you are doing all across the country. The 20 million Trees for Peace project that contributed towards the protection and restoration of the country’s environment, the Extension Scouting Programme that works in slum areas to support and integrate street children back to society, the Scouts in Nakuru working in IDP camps to support persons displaced by the 2007-2008 post election violence; just to mention but a few. These kinds of stories are retold in different parts of the country through numerous Scout-led community service projects. We invite you to sign up on and join the global network of Messengers of Peace from all over the world; where you can share stories, photos, videos and other resources about the amazing things you are doing to make this world a better place. However big or small, your contribution counts and we would like to know about it. I wish to thank the National Messengers of Peace Team for the hardwork and commitment that has led to the development of this handbook among other materials to promote and grow the Messengers of Peace network in Kenya. Finally; Central to all Scout programmes - regardless of the culture - is the concept of service - doing good for your community. And that is what Messengers of Peace is all about. I urge you to feel inspired and in turn inspire others too. Do a good turn and spread the kindness! and together we shall indeed leave this world a better place. Happy Scouting! Nelson Ochieng Opany National Youth Representative, KSA National Messengers of Peace Coordinator


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This production of this handbook has been made possible through the generous support of the World Scout Bureau - Africa Regional Office under the “Developing Leadership in Young People in Africa Project�. Our appreciation goes to Chief Scout Hon. Francis ole Kaparo and Chief Commissioner Mr. Ray Charles Musau for their leadership and guidance. Special thanks go to the National Messengers of Peace Team comprising of Nelson Opany, Grace Michuki, Zablon Samba, Eva Chebet, Kelvin Njenga, Leah Githiomi, Anthony Gitonga, Patrick Wambua, Josephat Gitonga, Zachariah Obati and Moses Danda for their hardwork in putting together the content for this handbook.




Background of Messengers of Peace Since its inception in late 2001, the Gifts for Peace programme of World Scouting has inspired over 10 million Scouts in 110 countries to work for peace in their local communities. So many great examples can be given: ? Scouts in El Salvador working with violent street gangs ? Scouts in New Orleans working on the ground in "post-Katrina" New Orleans ? Lebanese Scouting's’ “Phoenix operation” ? Scouts in the Great Lakes region of Africa running an amazing inter-ethnic peace

education project ? Scouts in Sierra Leone who are rebuilding their communities following a cruel war ? Scouts in Ireland who have been bringing young Catholics and Protestants

together ? And the amazing Scouts of Haiti who have done so much fabulous work in rescue, relief and rehabilitation after the deadly earthquake there. When he saw this work, His Majesty King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia – a great friend of Scouting – observed that "Scouts are the Messengers of Peace". He and King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden (Honorary Chairman of the World Scout Foundation) have been so impressed with the impact Scouts have had that they got together to see what would be needed to achieve even more. As a result, they formally launched the Messengers of Peace initiative in September 2011. What do we mean by “Peace”? The concept of peace as defined by the Scout Movement encompasses three different dimensions: ? The personal dimension: harmony, justice and equality ? The community dimension: peace as opposed to hostility or violent conflict ? Relationships between humankind and its environment: security, social and

economic welfare and relationship with the environment Any Scout that has participated in a project which has had a significant impact on the community in any one of the three dimensions above can qualify as a Messenger of Peace.

Aim of Messengers of Peace The aim of the Messengers of Peace initiative is to inspire millions of young men and women throughout the world to work for the cause of Scouting: Creating a Better World! The initiative promotes young men and women as Leaders for Life – in their communities and in their world. 1

Elements of Messengers of Peace The Messengers of Peace Global Network: Throughout the world, Scouts work for peace in their communities in many different ways. They solve conflicts in school by preventing bullying, build links between divided communities, lead peer education initiatives, create solutions to environmental problems, and run countless other service projects. The Messengers of Peace Global Network: is the tool for connecting this work. Using social media, the Network allows Scouts to showcase their service projects and meet online to share their ideas, tell their stories and work together to build peace in their communities. The Network enables Scouts to connect across national boundaries in a way that was once only possible at Jamborees and other global events. Through greater access to ideas, training and support, these connections will strengthen all of Scouting. The resulting mosaic of stories and cooperation will be the ideal platform for demonstrating the global impact of Scouting to the world. The Messengers of Peace Support Fund: The Messengers of Peace Support Fund provides financial support to service projects and Scouting initiatives around the world. The Fund enables Scouts in poorer countries to implement the types of vital projects that can change communities. It also supports project management capacity building for National Scout Organizations and Regional Offices. The Fund targets five categories of work: (1) training in dialogue; (2) support for specific peace projects; (3) support to young people living in “hot� conflict situations; (4) capacity strengthening; and (5) globalizing the Messengers of Peace Global Network. The Fund is supported by the World Scout Foundation (WSF) and administered by the World Scout Bureau (WSB) and its Regional Offices. All funded activities will be managed by Regional Offices through a project management tool that is used by all offices of the WSB and the WSF. This allows real- time monitoring of projects and strengthens overall coordination between Scouting initiatives.

Categories of Work The Support Fund considers applications for funding in the following five areas: Training in Dialogue: So many issues concerning peace and stability within communities relate to communication with one another. Scouts wishing to mediate in their own communities and spread the message of peace efficiently need to strengthen their skills of dialogue to listen actively and assess needs, as well as to propose and implement solutions. Support to Specific Peace Projects: A National Scout Organization that requires external support either to begin implementation of their project or that needs support to take a good project and make it a great project, thus increasing its impact, can apply for support. 2

Support to Young People Living in Hot Conflict Situations: National Scout Organizations may apply for funding to help Scouts living in conflict situations. Funding can be used to develop specialized skills and other initiatives to help their communities. Capacity Strengthening: Great projects require strong management. Funding is available for National Scout Organizations to build their project management capacity. Globalizing the Messengers of Peace Global Network: Sharing of experiences, expertise and ideas well at both a national and regional level is vital to extend the impact of key programmes developed by one association to another or from one community to another. Support is therefore available to facilitate this exchange of personnel and knowledge. Through these five areas, this Support Fund helps National Scout Organizations facing financial challenges to become more effective Messengers of Peace.

Accessing the Messengers of Peace Support Fund NSOs, Regional Offices and the Central Office of the World Scout Bureau can submit applications. Local Scout Groups must go through their NSO to submit projects. Preference will always be given to NSOs, particularly those in countries facing economic difficulties. Making Applications Project proposals should be completed using the standard Application Form, which can be found on Completed project proposals must then be sent to the World Scout Bureau Regional Office through the National Coordinator of your NSA/NSO. Grant applications can be submitted at any time. The final decision will be given to the applicant within 1 month of the review date. For larger grants, applications are reviewed Quarterly. As these applications will first be reviewed by the Regional Decision Committee, followed by a review by the Joint Executive Committee, a final decision will be given to applicants within 3 months of the review date. Receipt of all project proposals will be acknowledged within 7 days of their submission by the Regional Office. Evaluating Project Applications Projects need to fit one of the “5 areas of support” of the Messengers of Peace Support Fund listed above and will be judged based on their quality and ability to make a positive impact on Scouting. Applications will be assessed according to the following criteria: You will need to clearly answer: ? How you have identified the needs of your community? ? How feasible your project is – how realistically you have planned it? ? What impact you foresee from this project?


Other Issues you must consider: ? How sustainable is your project – will it last once the funding has run out? ? The use of the Scout Method of learning by using small groups for the acquisition of

skills, self reliance and the capacity to both cooperate and to lead. ? That you have developed partnerships with other local groups and not worked in

isolation. ? The strength of leadership in the project. ? That you have set realistic objectives.

Disbursement of Funds In most cases, when your project is accepted, 50% of the grant awarded will be transferred to your association’s bank account immediately. After your Interim Report is approved you will receive another 40% of the grant. Please note that this process may take up to 4 weeks. The remaining 10% will be sent once the Regional Decision Committee has received and approved a complete Final Report of the project, including a financial report. Please note that your Regional Office may determine that a different schedule for disbursements and reporting is required for your project depending on the nature of the activities, the length of the project, or the size of the budget.

Reporting Near the middle of your project, you are required to submit a brief Interim Report. This Interim Report requires an accounting of “Activities” and “Expenses” to date as they are stated in your application. Any discrepancies should be addressed. All projects are also required to complete a Final Report at the end of project implementation. Additional Annexes comprising photos, testimonials, anecdotes, etc., are expected depending on the available resources. Importantly, your project, or the individual activities of your project if they involve Scouts, Leaders or Volunteers, must be registered on the Messengers of Peace online platform: If you will need more resources in order to adequately report, you will have the opportunity to include this in the “Support Expenses” part of your budget. Or, you could apply separately for a grant for capacity building. Successful and clear reporting of the project will enable project leaders to access more funding. If the report is not complete, you will not have the opportunity to apply for new funding in the future. The Regional Office may decide to audit your project. This audit will focus on the impact of the project and on financial matters. Therefore, proof of expenditures must be retained.

Celebrating Success Once a year, WOSM will select the most inspiring projects among those supported by the Fund for special attention. When your project shines out amongst all the others, you and the project leaders will be invited to participate in a ‘field visit,’ during which you will be able to exchange with other inspiring Scouts and see for yourself how other projects have reached their communities.


Examples of Other Youth Programmes of World Organization of the Scout Movement 1. Scouts of the World Award The Scouts of the World Award was launched in order to encourage a stronger involvement of Senior and Rover Scouts (aged 15-26) in the development of society by making them more aware of the global issues concerning the world today. The Scouts of the World Award concerns global citizenship preparation for young adults and emphasizes the three core themes environment, development and peace. The Scouts of the World Award is made up of two parts: Scouts of the World Discovery: The Scouts of the World Discovery is a trip lasting several days, organized with a focus on environment, development or peace. This exploration should enable the participants to gain an in-depth knowledge of the issues involved within their chosen field, to identify possible solutions to a given problem and to plan and implement a connected project. Scouts of the World Voluntary Service: A Scouts of the World Voluntary Service is a period of personal commitment to develop a community project, corresponding to the theme of the Scouts of the World Discovery. The Voluntary Service must be a sufficient number of days and can be served in one stretch or divided into different parts. The Scouts of the World Award is operated by National Scout Organizations and is granted to everyone (Scouts and nonScouts) who has successfully accomplished a “Scouts of the World Discovery” and a “Scouts of the World Voluntary Service”. The programme was developed keeping in mind Scouting’s contribution to the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and will continue to contribute to the Post 2015 development agenda.

2. World Scout Environment Programme The World Scout Environment Programme is a collection of tools, resources and initiatives to support the development of environment education in Scouting around the world. The programme is based on a set of environmental principles and aims that provide a foundation for environment education in Scouting.


The World Scout Environment Programme includes: ? Principles and aims for environment education in Scouting ? Framework for environment education in Scouting and the

World Scout Environment Badge ? Programme Activity Resources ? SCENES – Scout Centres of Excellence for Nature and

Environment. These are Scout Centres that provide natural settings, offer environmental education programmes and demonstrate good environmental management practices ? Scouts of the World Award, Environment Element ? Partnerships strengthening the work in the field The World Scout Environment Programme is aimed at Scouts of all ages. For more information, see the programme materials.

3. Ticket to Life Ticket to Life is a flagship project being implemented by the AsiaPacific Regional Office of the World Organization of the Scout Movement. This project integrates street children to society, through Scouting, in eight countries: Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, and Sri Lanka. The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) defines street children as those for whom the street (in the widest sense of the word, i.e. unoccupied dwellings, wasteland, etc.) more than their family has become their real home, a situation in which there is no protection, supervision, or direction from responsible adults. Considering the above scenario, the World Scout Bureau/ AsiaPacific Region in year 2006 took a decision to reach out to this segment of the society engaging street children of adolescents age in Scout Program, providing them opportunity for all round development (Emotional, Spiritual, Intellectual, Physical and Social) through Scouting but without removing them from their current dwelling. This will help these children to socialize and develop a plan for their own lives. This programme also aims to keep it cost effective at US$150 per year per child. The project was started by Scout Leaders to continue to operate the Scout groups in the eight developing countries, providing opportunities for these young people to “socialize” and develop a plan to start a meaningful life through Scouting that will prepare them as responsible adults.


The objectives of the project are: ? To continue to operate Scout Troops where Street Children are

existing in the eight pilot countries, with an increased number of child membership by another 50 children; ? To provide opportunities for Street Children educational services so that they may undergo vocational skills training that will be helpful in earning their living; ? To show case cost effective programme to socialize street children through Scouting; and ? To enhance the capacity of the eight participating national Scout organizations in the promotion of children’s rights and providing continuous programme of Scouting to unprivileged young people.

4. Safe From Harm “Safe From Harm!� is addressing the question of harmful practices and violence against children and young people in the setting of youth organizations. Through non-formal education, Scouting empowers children and young people to be self-reliant citizens. Scouting is a youth movement providing a safe environment for children and young people participating in its activities. Harmful practices and violence can still happen, inside and outside Scouting. As Leaders are the primary link to children and young people, we want to raise their awareness as well as equip them with the necessary skills, knowledge and competencies to prevent harmful practices within Scouting and know how to address violence happening outside the movement - to ensure that they will provide a safe environment.

5. 21st Century Leadership The objective of the 21st Century Leadership programme is to find ways to help National Scout Organizations bring out within their youth programmes the leadership qualities in young people that will be needed if they are to take an active and responsible role in modern societies.

6. Youth for Change Focuses on bringing together the various strands of youth engagement and empowerment activities, at world, regional and national levels, so as to maximize the impact that young people might have in driving our Movement forward.




Defining Conflict Over the years conflict has been defined differently by different scholars. Below are three such definitions: ? Two or more interdependent parties who perceive incompatible goals, scarce resources, and interference from others in achieving that goal (Hocker & Wilmot, 1995) ? Competition between interdependent parties who perceive that they have incompatible needs, goals, desires, or ideas (Van Slyke, 1999) ? The interaction of interdependent people who perceive opposition of goals, aims, and values, and who see the other party as potentially interfering with the realization of these goals (Putnam & Poole, 1987)

In much more simpler terms we define conflict as being a struggle to resist or overcome; a tension caused by contradictory impulses or opposition.

Types of Conflicts In understanding how to address conflict it is important for you to understand the different types of conflicts that exist and their different levels/stages as shall be discussed in this book. There exist four broad types of conflict; Interpersonal Conflict: This is conflict that arises naturally between individuals. It is largely caused by differences in their personality, their different choices and opinion. Intrapersonal Conflict: This is conflict that occurs within an individual. Most of the time, many individuals suffer denial of the fact that they have conflict with themselves. Intrapersonal Conflict is psychological in nature and revolves around individual thoughts, values, principles and emotions. A person may for example be in conflict with themselves if they cannot decide on which career path to take. Intragroup Conflict: This type of conflict occurs between individuals in a team. A good example would be conflict among players of a football team disagreeing on who should be the captain. This type of conflict is healthy if not overstretched as it can enable people settle on the best alternative. Intergroup Conflict: When teams within an organization cannot agree, then they qualify to be in conflict. This may be caused by varied interest of the different teams and different goal or objectives that are supposed to be met. A finance department may, for example, restrict expenditure to the marketing department because they are supposed to attain certain profit levels.


Causes of Conflicts ? Diverse groups ? Strategic disagreement ? Competition between groups ? Unreasonable expectations ? Lack of common understanding ? Goal conflict ? Poor communication

Stages of Conflict With a clear understanding of the types of conflict, you are now better placed to understand the various stages it goes through. There are 5 main stages of a conflict excluding the “No Conflict stage�. In as much as that stage is ideal for a good work environment, rarely does it last. The five stages include: Latent Conflict Stage: This is the stage of conflict that involves lack of awareness. The concerned parties have different ideas, values and other conflicting opinions but it only becomes a problem when the differences are exposed. Perceived Conflict Stage: Under this stage, one becomes aware of an existing conflict. Their differences come into existence; also known as emergence stage of a conflict. Felt Conflict Stage: At this stage, stress and anxiety sets in, the concerned parties have already started experiencing dis-comfort over the brewing conflict; also called escalation stage of a conflict. Manifest Conflict Stage: The conflict is now very open and can be observed even by third parties i.e. fellow team members or fellow staff. This stage could as well be referred to as the crisis stage. Aftermath Stage: Any conflict will get to this stage where outcomes can be seen as well as assessed. It is from the outcomes that you will settle for either resolution or dissolution. Under this stage you should be able to negotiate and resolve the conflict.

Conflict Transformation Process Conflict transformation can be understood as that process by which conflicts are transformed into peaceful outcomes. It is a holistic approach which recognizes that contemporary conflicts require more than the reframing of positions and identification of win-win outcomes; making it different from resolution and management. Conflict transformation requires you to understand further the relationships, interests and the constitution of the society that supports the violence, among many other factors. The process will require you to: ? Understand the conflict ? Respond to the on-the-ground challenges, needs and realities.


? Work towards reducing the violence ? Develop capacities to engage in change processes ? Understand cultural patterns that contributed to the conflict and build on cultural

resources for handling the conflict. Use the Lederach map below to illustrate and assist you understand the conflict transformation process

Methods of Conflict Resolution Just as a conflict came into being, it can also be curtailed or brought to a point of nonexistence. This handbook looks at five major methods of resolving conflicts. Negotiation: Negotiation is involves conflicting parties coming together to try and address their concerns at their own level. Two workmates can, for example, meet privately and clear their differences by negotiation. This method strongly relies on the willingness of the parties involved in determining its success. Mediation: Mediation involves the use of a third party to settle a conflict. The third party should bring the two conflicting parties and offer guidance on how they can settle their differences. The mediator is not supposed to impose a decision; the decision should come from the conflicting parties. Arbitration: Arbitration is similar to mediation in that it also has the use of a third party. The difference is brought about by the fact that a decision made by the arbitrator is binding to the conflicting parties. The arbitrator actually has the power to make a decision. Adjudication: This method involves the use of formal rules that are predetermined or the use of the court system in reaching an agreement or a decision. The conflicting parties approach an adjudicator who will then determine on their behalf an agreeable solution to their conflict. Avoidance: In this method, one of the conflicting parties may choose and decide to avoid the other party and or the conflict causing issue. This is a temporary method as it does not offer a solution to the problem at hand, it only postpones a conflict. 10

It is therefore a poor way of resolving conflict and as such you should be discouraged in trying to use it. The following table gives an informal step by step approach of conflict resolution without being specific on the method to be used. It is a guide on what immediate steps you should take when faced with or involved in trying to solve a conflict.

Important tips to help you get effective results; ? Do not raise your voice ? Conflict resolution is not a debate ? Speak only for yourself ? Confront issues not people ? Maintain your self esteem

Facilitating Peace Dialogue Dialogue can be defined as the intention to seek mutual understanding on an issue or situation through inquiry and learning that can lead to consensus in decisionmaking. It is creating common meaning. In an effort to understand peace dialogue, it is important to put your focus on understanding how to improve capacity and methodology to sustain social cohesion and integration to a point of no conflict. Peace dialogue is not an individual affair; it requires the involvement of stake holders from various quarters of the community if any meaningful result is to be achieved. This therefore means that as you try to facilitate peace dialogue, ensure you involve every relevant party. Understand Peace Dialogue as a method of mutual cohesion applied in different dialogue procedures to achieve social transformation. 11

See the illustration below: “The Hexagram of Peace Building Process”

A great focus on Peace Dialogue is necessary for Peace to prevail, development to take shape and respect for human rights to thrive. Let us look at the various stages, as shown in the Hexagram above, in greater detail; Fragmentation arises in situations of abuse, armed conflict, and social breakdown. This is to mean that social relationships fall apart (most profoundly at the psychological level) creating a need for crisis counseling; Exclusion arises where there is neglect or oppression (in legislation and custom) i.e. social relations are unequal and inequitable creating a need for action research to achieve inclusion through self-help and livelihood strategies; Polarization arises when groups mobilize against each other (most profoundly along the lines of religious/ethnic identity) i.e. social relations are hostile and combative creating a need for mediation/reconciliation; The transition from polarization to coexistence is pivotal: that is when the focus shifts from healing and mending social relations to investing in strengthening relationships. Coexistence arises with tolerance of difference i.e. social relations revolve on civic dialogue and consensus-building creating a need to prioritize and act; Collaboration arises with a widening sense of socio-economic justice i.e. social relations have a need for participatory development planning, and Cohesion arises with shared meaning i.e. social relations have a need to create flourishing peace in education, arts, media, inter-religious dialogue, sports etc. The somewhat fluid nature of the stages requires stakeholders to define more precisely where they are now and where they wish to be –i.e. their need and intention. If a priority need is to heal distress (at the fragmentation stage), it elicits crisis counseling or healing ritual or professional therapy, as stakeholders decide. Once distress is resolved, people are freed’ to move to other stages where other needs/intentions arise. 12

Stages Needs/intention Peace Dialogue procedures (adapted from PD-SIPOverview-10 Oct 05 UN-DESA/DSPD)

Among the procedures listed, some are listed as ‘other’. These other procedures are undertaken ‘for’ people. They are more top-down. Insofar as they are undertaken with sensitivity to social relations, however, they can be said to ‘mainstream’ a social integration approach. 13



Introduction to Project Management Before you can understand what project management is, it is crucial to ensure that you have a clear understanding of what a project is; so let us start by defining project. A project is a temporary endeavor carried out by a person or people to achieve certain set objectives. The fact that a project is temporary means it has a definite starting and ending points. The end usually comes after the objectives have been met. For clarity purposes management is the organization and linking of the activities of your project in order to achieve defined objectives. And therefore project management is a set of tools and techniques designed to lead to a desired outcome without which; projects fail and have a higher chance of going over schedule or suffering budget constraints.

Project Design and Development Developing a Project Goal: A project goal aims to show what the community will reap, gain, benefit, or what change will happen if the project is implemented. Project Objectives and Activities: Project Objectives should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. These are the specific objectives for which the project works to achieve them within a stipulated time. They should directly address the problem mentioned in the Problem Statement. Some Relevant Words to be used while writing Objectives ? Decrease… ? Increase… ? Strengthen… ? Improve… ? Enhance…

Some inappropriate words not to be used while writing objectives ? Train ? Provide ? Produce ? Establish ? Create

Management of a project will include; ? Planning ? Implementation ? Closure


Project Planning: Under this you will be expected to; ? Define the project scope, goals and objectives ? Identify the tasks ? Develop a work plan ? Determine resources ? Develop a Budget ? Draw the project Plan

Project Implementation: This is the actual execution of the project. Putting to work what is on paper. This is also referred to as the action phase. Ensure you; ? Implement only what has been planned ? Monitor implementation and provide reports ? Assign actual expenditure to budgets ? Collect and analyze information Project Closure: In closing your project, it will be of benefit if you; ? Document Lessons Learnt ? Financial Closure ? Project accounts closure ? Contract closure ? Project handover ? Exit strategy- this is a process of leaving a current situation either after a ? predetermined objective has been achieved or as a way of mitigating failure.

Project Success In determining whether a project is a success, at your level, you will have to set standards even before the project begins. The standards will define and measure your success. It will assist you determine whether you have delivered the required product, service or result on time and within budget. Try and answer the following questions with your project in mind; ? Is the project technically and scientifically sound, and is the methodology the best

among the available ? ? Are there any alternatives? ? Is the project administratively manageable? ? Is there adequate demand for the project’s outputs? ? Is the project financially justifiable and feasible? ? Is the project compatible with the customs and traditions of the beneficiaries? ? Is the project likely to be sustained beyond the intervention period?

To assist you in this, we recommend you use the triple constraint to assess quality of your project. The constraints here are the costs, the time you put in and the scope of operation of the project.

Project Cycle A project may have up to seven stages in its cycle, but a good project cycle will have the following six key phases.


Phase 1 - Identification: Under this phase you are expected to identify a project which you want to undertake. This phase will require you to conduct a situational analysis which should enable you to prepare a concept project proposal. The situational analysis may sound technical but it means just that, assessing the situation of your project area and determining whether it would fit when it comes to implementing the project. Phase 2 - Preparation and Formulation: This second phase requires you to conduct a feasibility study of the project you have identified to determine if it will actually assist you meet the set objectives. It is also at this phase where you should formulate a document(s) that will show in greater detail, the baseline and your target data. Phase 3 - Appraisal: Appraisal involves weighing the project and assessing its chances of ensuring deliverables are available. An appraisal will assist in pointing out weak areas that need to be strengthened. It is done against set and approved standards. Phase 4 - Review and Approval: The project is reviewed to assess its viability and if it meets the set threshold then it is approved for the next phase. Phase 5 - Implementation: This phase marks the point where actual project work begins. It involves putting paper into work. Phase 6 - Monitoring and Evaluation: This phase requires you to continually check the progress of the project against the plan and assess the risks involved. You should also plan on how to manage the risks, should there be any. You should also check the efficiency and performance of your project with your objectives in mind.

Project Management Leadership Leadership can be defined as a position of influence in which a person can get the support of others in accomplishing a set out task. Strong leadership allows for easier adaption to changes, strong leaders can also influence people. It is for this reason why we need strong and effective leadership skills Leadership, Vision and Mission • Any effective leader should have a vision for the Organization. • What would you like to see as the ultimate success from your contribution as a leader in your respective team? • What is the desired outcome, goal, success you are aspiring to for the project? • What is your ultimate motivation? Ideal situation you would like to come out of your leadership? • Why do you want to be a leader?- Mission. • What helps you keep focused and effective:- Vision Leadership and Values: Good and effective leaders have values they subscribe to: • Values are fundamental beliefs. • From your Core Values you derive your strength 16

• Values too are the essence of the organization when they are understood and respected by all. • Effective leaders adhere to values, which in turn define the acceptable standards that govern the behavior of individuals within an organization. • Values guide action. Without values, individuals are likely to pursue behaviors that are in line with their own individual value systems, which may not necessarily be in line with those of the organization. Some Examples: Honesty, Integrity, Flexibility, Respect, Accountability

Level of Dormain Relevenat Leadership Skills ? Leading Oneself (self-leadership): Time management, stress management,

assertiveness ? Leading Other Individuals: Coaching, Mentoring, Delegating, etc ? Leading Other Groups: Planning, delegation, facilitation, meeting management, skills ? Leading Organizations: Visioning, strategic planning, performance management ? Leading Communities/Societies: Community Mobilization, Advocacy skills Soft Skills ? Leadership and People Management ? Flexibility and Trustworthiness ? Financial and Managerial Judgment ? Good Communication ? Coaching and Mentoring ? Good Listening ? Setting and Managing Expectations ? Negotiating Issues ? Conflict Resolution Skills

Hard Skills ? Strategic Planning ? Project Monitoring ? Knowledge Management ? Risk Management ? Project Evaluation

Ten Tips for Project Management Prosperity According to the University of Vilanova, when it comes to project management, there are many challenges to keep each project on track and within budget. There are several factors to consider, as well as internal and external elements that may cause a project to derail. However, by taking a few precautions and having an excellent plan in place, you can lead your project to success. Here are 10 project management tips and tricks to help ensure your project will move along smoothly: Tip 1: Nail Down Project Details Before you ever start the project, make sure that it is based on a solid foundation and that you have the buy-in from all key stakeholders. Understand their interests and expectations and be aware of how they will determine whether or not the project is successful. You will also need to ensure that the project scope is distinctly identified, including the roles and responsibilities of the various project team members. Develop the project plan and verify that the goals of the key elements are clearly defined and closely aligned. You should also establish measurable and trackable success criteria, including accomplishing tasks on schedule, achieving budget targets, confirming 17

product functionality is satisfactory to the customer, and ensuring government and/or industry regulations are met. Take care of all the details to lay the groundwork for your project’s success. Tip 2: Identify Project and Team Requirements Once you have a strong plan in place, you can start implementing it by assembling an effective project team. As noted in an article released by, “The project team is a working unit of individual parts, sharing a common goal, achieved through the structured application of combined skills.” The article also states that, “The first step to team success begins with initial organization: to assemble and organize available resources capable of working together as a whole through the integration of individual skills, talents and personalities.” As a project manager, you’ll need to align those skills, talents and personalities with the appropriate project needs. Make sure that each individual working on the project is clear about their task and what they are providing upon completion. Tip 3: Be the Project Leader A key role in project management is the project leader. In this position, you will need to cultivate good and positive team dynamics and act as a coach and/or mentor to all team members. You will also be the leader when it comes to getting input from the project team and major stakeholders, as well as getting their buy-in. As a project leader, you are essentially the captain of the ship. That means you will need to ascertain the rough waters that may be ahead. In addition, you will need to inspire your team to follow you through the turbulent times, as well as the calm times. If you don’t have effective leadership skills, you may not be able to prevail over the challenges facing your project. Take the helm and lead your team to success. Tip 4: Define Critical Project Milestones Identify defining moments throughout the project. You can provide a life cycle of the project by including the four main phases: initiation, planning, execution and closure. Perform a real evaluation at the end of each phase. Make sure to examine every deliverable. From parts of the product to the technical documents to the project plan, you will need all of the elements involved to ensure the product is meeting the project specifications. The product needs to be aligned with the quality your customers are expecting. These milestones will not only help you to eliminate project risk and monitor project change, but will also alert you to any continuing problems and ensure that each piece is correctly completed. Tip 5: Keep the Communication Lines Open One of the most critical steps in the project management process is to ensure that the communication lines are open. As the project manager, you will need to be the operator of this communications system. Keep a communications plan and stick with it. Throughout the entire project, communication should be consistent, open, honest and clear. Make sure you keep in touch with all key stakeholders and team members during the project process. Ensure that everyone has the information necessary to make decisions and proceed with the project. You can also keep everyone on the same page by creating status reports based upon the project information and updates.


Tip 6: Attain Pertinent Documentation From the initiation of the project to the milestones along the way, you should have documentation signed by the stakeholders. A article, recommended to “Make sure all documentation is in-line with your project management methodology of choice to ensure your project team is covered in terms of deliverables, and expectations.” Even with the best project management processes in place, it is not often that a project is completed on time and within budget, so you will need to have the appropriate documentation ready for the stakeholders and plan for any unforeseen events. However, you don’t want to overcomplicate the project management process with too much documentation that doesn’t add value to the project. Tip 7: Manage Project Risks There can be risk at any time during the project. Your project management experience with similar projects can help guide you so that you may be able to foresee when risk is imminent and when corrective action needs to be taken. By having open communication, you should be able to understand what, if any, risks are approaching and manage them before they get out of hand. You will need to identify and control project risks before they control you. Since a risk is only a potential problem, you want to take care of it before it becomes an actual problem. As one of the most imperative best practices in the project management process, risk management is essential to project success. Tip 8: Avoid Scope Creep Managing scope creep in project management is another essential element to project success. Although some change is inevitable in any project situation, you will want to keep your project from creeping into chaos. In general, scope creep happens when new elements are added to a project that’s already been approved, but no consideration is given to increasing the budget, adding more time to the schedule and/or adding more resources to compensate for the revised project. If the project’s scope does need to be revisited, you can participate in the rescoping process. Make sure to have the proper documentation and have all stakeholders sign off on these changes before proceeding. Tip 9: Test Deliverables Deliverables should be tested at every critical milestone and the final product must meet the project requirements. Before moving on to the next phase of the project, you need to be sure that the product is coming along as planned. An article states that, “As a project evolves, various types of deliverables are produced to support project continuation, to measure progress, and to validate plans and assumptions … Results are expected and must be delivered at every stage of the project lifecycle.” At the end of the project, the deliverable must meet or exceed the customer expectations to be considered a success. The final phase of the project is closure. This grand finale is a sign of achievement for you as a project manager, as well as the rest of your team and stakeholders. Once the project is complete and the customer is happy, your mission is complete.


Tip 10: Evaluate the Project What lessons have you learned along your project management process? Each project can be a valuable learning tool. You will want to review the project as a whole, as well as analyze variousproject components. What were the project victories? Where were there project disappointments? Make informed conclusions about the project’s quality and the product’s performance. Compare the planned return on investment (ROI) to the actual ROI as one way to understand the level of your success. You can use the lessons learned from each project to minimize future failures and maximize future successes.


4. ACT:


Community Service A community service can be defined as a service or an activity that is donated, normally performed by someone or a group of people for the benefit of the public. It is important to note that community service is not always the same as volunteering. A good example in this case would be alternative sentencing i.e. instead of being sent to jail for 5 years, one is asked to give community service for say 5,000 hours, as an example. Characteristics of Good Community Service ? Sustained involvement ? Connection to relevant standards ? Allow for reflection ? Encourage leadership ? Build strong community partnerships ? Gather support and Goodwill

Examples of Community Service Projects There are numerous community service project ideas that you can get involved in. The list provided here is not limiting in any way. You are free to think outside the list provided as long as the idea you come up with meets the threshold set under the characteristics. You can consider the following: ? Starting a childcare group in your community. ? Organizing a rally to encourage young people to be involved in their communities. ? Improving your environment by organizing for tree planting drives. ? Visiting children homes and spending time with the children. ? Organizing for regular community clean ups. ? Donating books to local learning institutions. ? Organizing anti-drug abuse campaigns. ? Visiting rehabilitation centres. ? Conducting road safety campaigns ? Creating a wildlife habitat ? Starting a recycling centre in your locality ? Organizing forums on public issues with your local elected or appointed leaders

Community Mobilization Community mobilization is an attempt to bring both human and non-human resources together to undertake developmental activities in order to achieve sustainable development. (Wikipedia) Community mobilization should be characterized by; ? Use of available resources- the process should as much as possible put to use the locally available resources of the community involved. Try your best to avoid importing resources from another community and help them realize that they can make do with


what they have. ? Continuity- a good community mobilization process will consider and embrace

continuity as a key factor to a successful mobilization process. Continuity is bound to encourage the community that you are also in the process and want the best for them. ? Support from the community- for your mobilization to be regarded as fit, you must ensure that the community itself is involved and that you have won their support in the project or activity you wish to involve them in. ? Explore Partnerships- once again; you are encouraged not to work alone. Strive to secure partnerships in your activity. This is not however supposed to mean that you cannot work alone but do you not think two heads are better than one? Below is a diagram illustrating a process that is used in effective mobilization

Core Community Mobilization Areas As messenger of peace, you have a free hand in determining the area of mobilization you want the community to support you in, we however provide a list showing some core area that a community could be mobilized in; ? Poverty eradication ? Entrepreneurship to address youth unemployment ? Quality health care ? Quality education standards ? Women and empowerment ? Water and sanitation ? Agriculture and allied sector ? Skill improvement and so on‌

To enable you understand the concept of community mobilization further, explore the following illustration (adapted from the work of Waqas Khan)


Benefits of Community Mobilization There are numerous benefits that come up as a result of effective and efficient community mobilization process. We look at some of them below; Ongoing Dialogue: If you carry out this process as prescribed then you will have provided a good platform for continued dialogue in the community. This is because the members of the community will have an opening to be airing out their opinions and discussing them to a point of agreement. Strengthened Community Organizations: As a result of involving existing community organizations in your project, you will definitely strengthen their resolve and capacity to address challenges in their community. The organizations will be encouraged to pursue their objectives. Promoting Participation: Community Mobilization has an unrivaled advantage of giving the community members an opportunity to be heard and to participate in making their own community better for posterity. Building Trust: This process allows you to build trust with the community and vice versa. Trust is a very key component of this process. It will be very easy to mobilize a community that trusts you than that which does not. Trust will to a great extent secure you successful repeated interaction. Community mobilization, like facilitating peace dialogue, should also put to use stakeholders who are relevant to the course of your community service. The stakeholders may vary according to the needs of your project. In settling for the stakeholders look out for the following in them or their institutions; ? Respect to the community members ? Willingness to examine and challenge their assumptions, beliefs and opinions ? Non-judgmental and accepting approach ? Ability to understand that different people have different views ? Effective communication


Resource Mobilization In addition to mobilising the community, resources both internal and external will be needed. Major resources available in the community include; ? Manpower (Human resource) ? Government ? Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) ? Churches and other religious organizations ? Community based organizations (CBOs) ? Donations from well wishers ? Fundraising ? Local and international donors ? Members contributions ? Subscription fees

Ways of mobilizing the above resources ? Preparation of proposals for donors ? Organizing fund raising meetings ? Initiating income generating activities ? Pooling resources through networks

and creating partnership stakeholders ? Creating media publicity around a cause ? Manpower development through capacity building ? Organizational development of community based organizations ? Conducting participatory research to obtain the required information






Communication Communication is one of the most important aspects in life today. We have to communicate if progress has to be made in any activity. Communication is the process of passing out information through meaningful exchange of messages, thoughts or general information whether written or spoken, by signals or behavior.

Communication Components Message: Ensure that the language is clear and easily understandable. That it is not too technical. Giving too many messages confuses the audience. Be clear about what is the main central message and reduce it to one sentence. Source: Use a credible person to deliver the message. For example, people may not pay much attention if a local shop keeper was giving advice about Malaria, but it would be more credible if a well-known doctor was delivering the same message. In other cases, a young teenager would be more likely to persuade other teenagers to take action rather than an authoritarian figure. Channel: Identifying the most appropriate channel is important, either using the mass media through radio, television and newspaper and/or interpersonal channels such as door-to-door visits, traditional theatre, group meetings, etc. The right channel must be used for the right target audience and generally the most effective is a selective mix of channels. Receiver: The receiver is filtering and interpreting the world through the cultural lens they view the world. An understanding of this world is crucial to getting the business of communicating right. Effect: The end-result of communicating. The effect is the behavioral focus through improving knowledge, skills and prompts that would create a difference in how people did things such as sleeping habits, seeking appropriate help at the right time, etc. This is the point at which to start planning, that is being clear of what effect you are trying to create. Feedback: Important to ensure that communication interventions are appropriate, effective and engages the receiver. Feedback allows fine-tuning to further communication planning so that a continuous loop is formed where there is a positive dialogue taking place. Setting: Can facilitate or hinder communication. If there is too much noise, the time is inappropriate, there are too many distractions, too hot, too cold, etc. Considerations such as religious venues, health centre, cafes, market places, schools need to be decided after the target group, messages and sources have been identified. 25

Effective communication is, therefore, communication that involves understanding the emotions behind the information being given. It combines non-verbal communication, attentive listening, ability to manage stress and the capacity to recognize and understand your own emotions and the emotions of the other person. Effective communication helps us better understand a person or situation and enables us to resolve differences, build trust and respect, and create environments where creative ideas, problem solving, affection, and a caring attitude can flourish. Before looking at the various ways of communicating your information, it is important for you to understand the basics of effective communication and what it requires. Listening: You need to make the speaker feel heard and understood. Create that environment where everyone has a feeling of being safe. Listening will assist you in saving time and relieving negative emotions. Use of non-verbal communication: This is wordless communication, involves the use of body language such as facial expressions, body movement, gestures, eye contact, posture, voice tone, breathing and muscle tension. To get this right you will need to; ? Observe people keenly. ? Remain aware of individual differences. ? Look at non-verbal communication signals as a group, not in isolation.

Stress Management: It is indeed true that stress in small doses can help. However, when it becomes too much it can hamper effective communication.’ Too much’ is when the stress is constant and overwhelming. It disrupts proper thinking and can easily cause misjudgment. In containing stress you should; ? Recognize and appreciate when you are being stressed. ? Calm down. ? Bring your senses to the rescue by taking a few deep breaths. ? Look for humor in the situation. ? Be willing to compromise.

Concise and to the Point (Crystallize your objectives): Be it written or spoken communication, you need to ensure you economize on your words. Too much wording may cause you to fail in the need to express a certain communication and make it clear. Just use what is enough to drive the point home and enable you meet your set goals and objectives. Before you even consider what you want to say, you must ask yourself why are you speaking? What do you want to achieve? How do you want your audience to feel when you have finished? What do you want them to do? You can start with general objectives such as the following: 26

? To inform/teach/train ? To stimulate/motivate/inspire ? To persuade/convince/sell ? To explore/debate/negotiate ? To amuse/entertain

Communicating Your Project Sharing information about the activities, outputs, results and impacts of your Project is a key part of Messengers of Peace. The best way to do this is in the form of a “Story� that will interest other Scouts and motivate them to take action! Tell us an inspiring Story about a success in your project. The objective is to motivate other Scouts to want to learn more and undertake similar actions in their own community. The Story should be no more than 300 words. Please include some good photos and, if possible, a short video. Your Story should answer most of the following questions: ? What is the aim of your project? ? Who is running it? ? Where is it taking place? ? What Activities have been done so far? ? What are the specific Outputs of each Activity? ? What impact will your project have on Scouting? ? What impact will your project have on your local community? ? Who will benefit the most from your project? ? How specifically is your project contributing to peace, harmony or an improved

quality of life? To achieve the above ensure that you tell the story, avoid reading from scripts. Try and connect with the audience using your voice. An impressive speaker has enthusiasm, vitality and energy. As 55 per cent of effect on your audience will come from how you say and not what you say it is important to utilize verbal skills by altering the following: V = Volume A = Articulation R = Rate I = Inflection E = Enthusiasm D = Deliberate pauses E = Eye contact D = Dress G = Gestures E = Energy S = Stance


Have some stakes in the story. You should be able to value the entire story and know whether you stand to gain or lose? In short the story should be important for you. Start in the action In handling questions ensure that you; ? Re-state the question. ? Respond with a message. ? Offer supporting evidence. ? Limit extraneous topics. ? End on a positive message. ? Be open, flexible, and honest. If you don’t know then do not try and bluff your way


Report Writing A report is a documentation, written or oral, that captures the outcomes of an activity. It explains in detail why, how, where, when and who was involved in the implementation of a project/activity. A good report has four key sections; Executive Summary: Even though this appears first, it is written last. This is because it gives a summary of all that will be included in the other three sections of the report. Introduction: Under this part, you are expected to tell them what you are going to tell them. This is to say that you give them a feel of what you will be talking about. For example…”This report seeks to address the rising insecurity in our locality. It also suggests community initiated solutions that will see crime rate reduce” Body: Tell them what you want to tell them. In doing this you will need to capture the following among other aspects depending on the report you are writing; What was the project about? ? Who was involved and why was it necessary ? Activities undertaken/Implementation ? What are the final outputs of your project? ? Describe the significant and positive changes your project brought to your ? beneficiaries and the factors that played a role in your success. ? Lessons learnt ? Challenges and difficulties faced.

Conclusion: In concluding you should offer recommendation if any. The recommendations should be aimed at addressing the challenges pointed in the report. Appendix: Though this is not a formal component of the report, it is important to include it. In this part you can attach such things as testimonials, interviews, budget and expenditure, volunteers and beneficiaries. This part should assist you to bring out the success achieved in your project/activity.


Videography and Photography ( Templeton) You need to have a valid proof of the various activities you have been engaged in when it comes to documenting your outcomes. This will not only assist you to be good record keepers but also ensure you can approach stakeholders especially with regards to sourcing for funds. If it is within your capacity then you can get video recording services to enable you capture motion pictures. Below are some tips for effective photography; Move Closer to Your Subject: Nothing kills a photo quicker than a distracting background. If you have a great background try bringing the subject closer to the camera so they don’t get lost. Remember this tip if nothing else. Take Lots of Pictures: Digital photography is cheap and it is good! It is okay to shoot multiple photos with only slight variations…keep and share your best photos. Also you don’t need an expensive camera; I have photos from all over the world hanging on my walls that were taken with a $300 point and shoot. Get Creative: It doesn’t take much to enhance a photo. Pictures taken from 5 ½’ above the ground can look repetitious. Think about changing the perspective – get down on one knee or on your stomach if possible. Stand on a chair. Experiment with different lenses if you have them. Experiment with composition. Use the Camera’s Flash: Especially outside. Your eyes can look at a person in front of a sunset and see their smile but your camera can’t. It is either going to record the colors of the sunset and your subject will be a silhouette or your subject will be visible and the background will be overexposed. Be conscious of shadows on people’s faces – again utilize your flash. If your subject is looking into the sun they are squinting – turn them away from the sun and fill shadows with flash. Think of Your Camera like a Painter’s Canvas: Be the artist. Is there a garbage can or other unwanted item in the frame that can be eliminated by simply moving a foot or so to the left or right? Look at the entire frame you are about to capture, not just the one main element you are focusing on. Sure you can fix it in Photoshop but it is better to capture it the way you want to see it. Aside from the modes of communication explained above you may also opt to try creative art and craft , poetry and songs as other ways of communicating the success of your project.




Welcome to the Messengers of Peace Online Platform The Messengers of Peace Global Network is supported by website of the World Organization of the Scout Movement on This platform brings together young men and women; and adults as well, who have committed themselves to be Messengers of Peace and carry out numerous projects and activities to impact their communities in different ways.

Permanent on-line Jamboree on On 15th October 2013 the World Organization of the Scout Movement launched a new online platform for World Scouting ( It aims to bring together all the Scouts around the world in a permanent jamboree. It marks a fundamental mindshift in WOSM’s communications and will contribute to change the way of doing business in World Scouting. The platform will contribute to further engagement and exchange between Scouts worldwide. The changes to go beyond creating a new website. They reflect the way we see our Movement and its role in the lives of our members. Scouting created a platform which will provide constant learning, communication, sharing and development.

Our Digital Journey When the previous website was launched in 2006, we were focusing on our SCOUTS brand. It was a necessary move, which unified our identity and our activities. As people change the way they use the Internet, so must we. Major social media platforms have started expanding to become an integrated part of young people’s lives. We should not only be part of this change but actually help drive it. The new website will become an enabler for young people and adults in Scouting to share, experience and learn. Moreover, it will allow all Scouts to feel that they are participating in a global movement. The website is the centre of World Scouting’s renewed web presence. It is a hub for all of our digital activities. It brings a new level of transparency, responsiveness and interactivity.

The Vision for the new The vision of the new is to be an online space where the Movement is living in its full vibrancy – 24/7 and 365 days a year. We want to showcase the diversity, unity and vastness of our Movement. It is a place where Scouts can share projects and feature success stories. It will be a permanent online Jamboree and a constant meeting place both for Scouts and external visitors. All the developments for the new should eventually contribute to the development of Scouting.


A Dynamic Everyone’s a User, Everyone’s a Creator The new consists of three sites in one: a user-driven site, a corporate site and an intranet. It focuses on people AND content. User-generated content changed the Internet and more broadly the way individuals and organizations communicate. People are empowered to share and communicate directly with institutions. To reflect this great shift, we have to opened to our members. Technically speaking, the new enables people to create profiles, post content, share it, like it and comment on it. Personal profiles of users with photos bring a strong personal identity and connection with and the Movement at large. We want the empowerment of individuals to be visible from the very first moment. Indeed, the bubble-up effect will ensure that great stories from the grassroots of Scouting around the world will make it to the headlines on the homepage of within no time. The corporate part of the website placed under “About Scouting” will provide a wide array of information about our Movement and about our organization. Good content and quality information from the previous website has been captured, updated and transferred. We will continue building our strong identity and communicate about our values and our Movement. The intranet section is another new feature for the special benefit of National Scout Organizations. In this space, you will have dedicated access to the various announcements, resources and services that World Scouting offers to all its member organizations. The goal of the intranet is to improve communications and information exchange between World Scouting and NSOs. You will be able to find information about different events and activities, as well as reports created by all Offices of the World Scout Bureau and other NSOs. And this part will continue to grow over time as our needs evolve.

Creating Success Together It is extremely rare that a user-driven website takes off on its own. We need to foster and help in the initial phase of organic growth. A team of creators and editors have assisted in bootstrapping the website at the beginning. We all have great stories about our Movement and about our achievements, which we would like to share with the world. Now, it is a great moment to do so. We invite you all to visit the new and to start sharing your personal and organizational stories. That way we can create success together. We have prepared a web page dedicated to your NSO on the new I invite you to make use of this opportunity to have a strong presence for your NSO on the new digital home of World Scouting and share your Scouting stories on it. Yours in Scouting, Scott Teare Secretary General World Organization of the Scout Movement 31

“A Scout is never taken by surprise. He knows exactly what to do when something unexpected happens” Baden Powell Messengers of Peace Messengers of Peace (MoP) is a global flagship project of WOSM that aims to inspire millions of young men and women throughout the world to work for the cause of Scouting: Creating a Better World! It promotes young people as Leaders for Life – in their communities and in the world. What do we Mean by "Peace"? The concept of peace as defined by the Scout Movement encompasses three different dimensions: ? The personal dimension: harmony, justice and equality ? The community dimension: peace as opposed to hostility or violent conflict ? Relationships between humankind and its environment: security, social and economic

welfare and relationship with the environment Elements of Messengers of Peace Messengers of Peace has two elements namely: Messengers of Peace Global Network which is a tool for connecting the work Scouting is already doing and an ideal platform to demonstrate the global impact of Scouting to the world in peace building. Messengers of Peace Support Fund provides financial support to service projects and Scouting initiatives around the world to enables Scouts to implement the types of vital projects that can change communities. Categories of Work Messengers of Peace supports the following five categories of work: training in dialogue, support for specific peace projects, support to young people living in "hot" conflict situations, capacity strengthening and globalizing the MoP Global Network

Scouts Creating a Better World

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