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Winter travel

Gardening advice with Daltons

We all need a bit of gardening advice now and then. The Daltons experts are here to help! Send in your question and you could win a Daltons prize pack.


I have planted a grape vine and it has now finished producing fruit. How much do I cut the vine back to produce fruit for the following year? Grapes grow extremely vigorously every summer, so it is necessary to remove a considerable amount of vegetative growth when pruning in winter, whilst not removing ‘wood’ that will produce next season’s grapes. Establish some strong leaders (the main growth of the grapevine), from which smaller, branching growth will appear. On these side branches, remove all the growth beyond two strong buds. The growth from these buds is what will produce grapes for you next year. Tie up the main leaders securely to a fence or frame, as they will carry considerable weight during the growing season. Add a layer of Daltons Mulch and Grow around the bottom of the vine without touching the trunk. You may also find it helpful to read our free How To Grow Guides for more gardening advice: daltons.co.nz/ how-to-guides. Congratulations to Alison North who has won a Daltons gardening pack with her question.

Win a Daltons Fruit Tree Care and Planting Pack

Adding fruit trees to your garden offers you everything an ornamental tree does, but with the bonus of fruit crops. You don’t need to start a large orchard, it’s easy to incorporate a few fruit trees into your garden planting or even grow them in pots. Our Fruit Tree Care and Planting Pack, valued at over $65 will help you grow juicy fruit in your garden. To enter, email your gardening question to nelsonmag@daltons. co.nz with Daltons prize pack in the subject heading. Giveaway entries must be received by Friday 22 July.


Check out our website for useful Gardening Guides & How To Videos! www.daltons.co.nz

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