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Sylvee the songstress
Local singer/songwriter Sarah Ryland – AKA Sylvee - is connecting with fans through her powerful and captivating music. Nelson Magazine talks to her about the release of her latest single, ‘Slow’, and the importance of addressing mental health and reaching out when we are struggling.
Tell us a little about how you to got involved in music, what drives your passion?
I don’t think I’ve ever been as passionate about anything as I am about music, which is funny because I never told anyone (my parents included) that I could sing, until about six years ago. I took music at high school but was terrified to let anyone hear me, so I stopped taking the class. My mum always played music in the house growing up, and quite often took my younger brother and I to see shows like Les Miserables, Fiddler on the Roof and the ballet. She would play the soundtracks in the car and at home for weeks before we went, so that the shows would feel familiar, even if the storylines went over our heads a bit. I think being exposed to so much music in so many varieties very much inspired me. Rina Faaiuaso
Your latest single, ‘Slow’ has been released, where did you find the inspiration for the song?
A very special friend of mine was going through a really hard time. It was hard to watch and I felt so helpless. For me, writing about things seems to help me process and understand the situation.
How would you describe what this song means to you, personally?
I think the biggest message in this song is the importance of mental health and talking about how we feel, with safe people. We don’t have to take on every challenge alone, especially if we don’t have the mental tools to do so. The thing with mental health is, if we break a leg and need to take time off, people understand that. But if we’re struggling mentally and need a break to heal and work on creating positive thought paths in our brain, it can be harder for people to grasp. Society is definitely taking strides in the right direction, but there’s still a long way to go. Giving people time to heal is sometimes the biggest gift you can give them.
Aside from music, how do you unwind?
I’m a photographer, and someone who likes to try just about every creative medium you can think of. I have a lot of hobbies, but the most recent thing I tried was pottery - it was so much fun!
What do you hope the future looks like, for you?
I don’t see myself ever not making music, whether it’s heard or not, but I’ll definitely never stop.
Listen to Sylvee’s latest release on streaming platforms Spotify, Apple Music, SoundCloud, YouTube or sylveemusic.com

Style and Shine with Christine Hobby
Helping people to feel comfortable in their skin is accredited Style Coach™ Christine Hobby. Passionate about style, Christine first got involved after going through a personal lifechanging event in 2017. Coming from a corporate background, Christine saw the circumstance as an opportunity to embrace what she was most passionate about - her flair and love for style and creativity. Joining the International Association of Style Coaches at the end of last year, Christine says she loves to help people find their own style and empower them to feel great in the skin they are in. “Style Coaching is about more than just what’s on the outside. It is about peeling back the layers and getting underneath.” “A lot of people can feel stuck in where they are at and don’t know how to move forward. Whether it’s a change of circumstance, relationship or work situation, all of these things can affect how we feel about ourselves. I really enjoy helping people to be and to feel the best version of themselves.”

Christine offers one-on-one sessions at her studio, an at-home visit, or consultations via zoom. She is available to work with business groups, educating staff about the importance of dressing for their role within the business. Fancy some fun - bring a group of friends together and help each other find your own style and shine. This is a really fun way to share style tips and think about what and how to wear your gear. It makes life so much easier when you can shop knowing the colours and tones that work for your clothes and hair. Learn what will suit you and enhance your inner self. “Dive deeper into the reasons why we dress like we do and also help realise that you are beautiful from within, not just on the outside.” Introductory offer $95: Your Style and Shine journey of discovery with Christine will begin with a phone discussion, followed by an hour faceto-face consultation focusing on a specific priority for you (this could include body shape, colours or wardrobe audit).
Style and Shine 027 323 6604 StyleandShineNelson EnjoyStyleShine styleandshine.co.nz
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