The Guardian - 10 August 2022

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WEDNESDAY 10 AUGUST 2022 PH 03 5282088 SHOP ONLINE STIHL SHOPTM Motueka 3 96 H igh St , Motueka Ph/Fax: 03 528 9159 Email: STIHL COSTS YOU LESS KITS FROM $625 BA TTERY POWERED CHAINSAW KITS 36 V / 2.5kg wit hout Ba tt er y Standard Guid eB ar 12”(30 cm ) Ch ai n Typ e 1/4” P ic co M ic ro Ru n ti me Up t o 40 m in s ** $3999 LOG SPLITTER 37 TONNE LMLS37T 15HP Lifan Engine Vertical or Horizontal Splitting Action 610mm Max Split Size Free wheels for Guthrie Bowron customer
to take Guthrie Bowron Motueka
Carmen and Willie Snowden for a spin in the Suzuki Swift she won after making a purchase in the store as part of a nationwide competition for customers who spent $150 or more on Dulux or Berger Paint.
Shannon Mickleson prepares
“I’m over the
and feel
lucky,” says Shannon.

RDA receives donation from New World

New World Motueka has generously donated our local RDA (Riding for Disabled) $1000 worth of grocery vouchers through the Foodstuffs South Island Community Trust.

“It’s great to be able to support local initiatives, we hope they can use this donation

to receive future funds which will support their development,” says New World Motueka owner Nicola Hollyer.

With 43 riders currently on the books and a huge demand with youngsters having suffered anxiety and stress from the fallout of Covid, RDA vice president

Sarah Thompson says they’re looking to extend their arena and the vouchers will help with prizes for raffles.

“We’ve got a lot of kids struggling to reintegrate back into school following Covid lockdowns so to be able to relax and breathe through interacting with a horse

is important,” says Sarah. “We really appreciate the support.”

They’re also keen to have more volunteers jump on board so if you’re able to spare a few hours here and there please make contact via email

The goal of the

RDA is to make a positive difference in local communities across New Zealand through offering specialised therapeutic horse riding through a range of tailored programmes for people living with physical, intellectual, emotional and social challenges.

g uardian the 2 WEDNESDAY 10 AUGUST 2022
238 High Street, Motueka | Phone 03 528 1113 SUPER CONVENIENT SUPER RANGE SUPER DEALS SUPER SERVICE each $79.00 2 FOR Bells Scotch Whisky 1L Gordon’s Gin 1L $39.99 each Smirno Vodka 1L $39.99 each 5 4 3 2 1 0 am6NOON6pm am6NOON6pm am6NOON6pm am6NOON6pm am6NOON6pm am6NOON6pm am6NOON6pm Sun Fishing Guide Moon *Not for navigational purposes. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd. Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Aug 10 Aug 11 Aug 12 Aug 13 Aug 14 Aug 15 Aug 16 7:224.0 8:054.3 1:111.1 1:391.1 8:254.2 8:584.7 2:070.8 2:390.8 9:214.5 9:444.9 2:580.6 3:300.6 10:124.6 10:285.0 3:450.5 4:160.4 10:584.7 11:095.0 4:300.5 4:580.4 11:414.7 11:504.8 5:130.5 5:380.512:224.6 5:550.6 6:170.7 7:543.4 8:363.7 1:430.8 2:120.8 8:563.6 9:274.0 2:400.6 3:120.6 9:513.8 10:134.1 3:300.4 4:030.4 10:413.9 10:564.2 4:180.3 4:490.2 11:263.9 11:374.2 5:030.3 5:310.212:093.9 5:470.3 6:110.3 12:174.1 12:493.8 6:290.4 6:500.5 8:163.6 8:543.9 1:581.2 2:301.0 9:193.8 9:474.1 3:021.0 3:320.8 10:133.9 10:354.2 3:560.8 4:220.6 11:024.0 11:194.3 4:440.6 5:060.5 11:484.05:270.6 5:470.5 12:014.2 12:304.0 6:060.6 6:240.6 12:414.1 1:113.9 6:450.7 7:010.8 7:523.6 8:353.9 1:551.1 2:231.1 8:553.8 9:284.2 2:510.9 3:230.9 9:514.0 10:144.4 3:420.7 4:140.7 10:424.1 10:584.5 4:290.6 5:000.5 11:284.2 11:394.5 5:140.6 5:420.512:114.2 5:570.6 6:220.6 12:204.3 12:524.1 6:390.7 7:010.8 7:473.6 8:303.9 1:361.0 2:041.0 8:503.8 9:234.2 2:320.8 3:040.8 9:464.0 10:094.4 3:230.6 3:550.6 10:374.1 10:534.5 4:100.5 4:410.4 11:234.2 11:344.5 4:550.5 5:230.412:064.2 5:380.5 6:030.5 12:154.3 12:474.1 6:200.6 6:420.7 HighsLowsHighsLowsHighsLowsHighsLowsHighsLowsHighsLowsHighsLows Collingwood am pm Tarakohe am pm Mapua am pm Motueka am pm Nelson am pm Rise7:25am Set5:42pm Rise7:24am Set5:43pm Rise7:23am Set5:44pm Rise7:21am Set5:45pm Rise7:20am Set5:46pm Rise7:19am Set5:47pm Rise7:17am Set5:48pm Good 10:31am 11:04pm Best Times Fair 11:36am Best Times Good 12:07am 12:37pm Best Times Ok 1:06am 1:33pm Best Times Ok 1:59am 2:25pm Best Times Ok 2:49am 3:13pm Best Times Ok 3:36am 3:59pm Best Times Set6:04am Rise3:02pm Set6:59am Rise4:20pm Set7:43am Rise5:40pm Set8:18am Rise6:59pm Set8:47am Rise8:14pm Set9:12am Rise9:25pm Set9:36am Rise10:34pm
RDA volunteers from left; Nicci Pavey, Jette Kurth with New World Motueka owner Nicola Hollyer and fellow RDA volunteers Sarah Thompson, Jenny Vercoe and Warren Johnson with riders Harper and Henry atop Rosie and Toby.

MSS becomes a ‘Duffy School’

Motueka South Students are excited to become a Duffy School which aims to break the cycle of ‘booklessness’ amongst children. Back from left; Leo Dahlberg, Emma Ward and Ciara Kristoffersen. Front from left; Seth Page, Alyssa Sheeran and Ben Wilson.

When New Zealand author Alan Duff, who became most wellknown for ‘Once were Warriors’, visited a Hawkes Bay primary school in the early 90’s he was surprised by the amount of children who came from bookless homes and showed little, if any, interest in reading.

The visit became the catalyst for Alan establishing the Alan Duff Charitable Foundation, better known as Duffy Books in Homes which is a literacy programme aimed at breaking the cycle of booklessness amongst chil-

dren throughout New Zealand.

With the key concept of book ownership prompting an interest in reading and a love of books, it also created the opportunity to share the books with other family members.

Being a Duffy school opens up a world of opportunities for students and Alan says “Kids who can’t read become adults who can’t communicate and that’s a serious disadvantage in a world that operates on the written word”.

As part of the programme every child will receive two books

to keep that they’ve chosen themselves.

The books will be presented to the school at a special assembly by a Duffy Role Model, who is yet to be revealed.

But it could be a sportsperson, musician, artists, writer, radio personality, television presenter, or fashion designer. They will talk to the students about their achievements and goals. They tell the students “it’s cool to read and cool to achieve” and make a connection between success and reading.

“We are looking forward to being part of

this new programme and know that the tamariki will benefit greatly from these new books in their homes,” says MSS.

The school is grateful to Leeon Johnston from Harcourts who supported this programme.

Since the programme’s official launch event in 1995 with 80 schools, it has grown to encompass more than 520 schools with more than 14 million books distributed and the Duffy Books in Homes programme has inspired offshoot programmes in Australia and the USA.

g uardian the WEDNESDAY 10 AUGUST 2022 3
Book by 31 August to save 20% HOSTED SMALL SHIP CRUISE Ancient Lands of the Kimberley 12 days - 20 to 31 July 2023 - with Phil & Jane Harris FIND OUT MORE AT OUR TRAVEL EVENING 6pm on 17th August - RSVP essential For bookings & more info: Email: Ph: 027 548 1366 Join an unforgettable expedition from Broome to Darwin on board the Heritage Adventurer. Expedition highlights include King George Falls, the Horizontal Falls, incredible indigenous rock art, spotting crocodiles, whales, turtles and more. Karen is the obvious choice in Motueka. Karen Holliday Sales Consultant 027 348 5530 BULSARA T/A TALL POPPY LICENSED UNDER REAA 2008 Thinking of selling? Let’s talk.
Chris Day Cremator Operator


Did you follow New Zealand’s success at the Commonwealth Games?



Name the Motueka Coastal Bus and win a free month’s travel

Can you think of a good name for this Bus? Let the Nelson Tasman Community Transport Trust know and be in to win a month’s travel.

Having recently purchased their own minibus Nelson Tasman Community Transport Trust really think it should have its own name. They’re running a competition to see who can come up with the most interesting and fun name for the bus. Their fantastic band of volunteer drivers will be picking their favourite winning entry.

Get on board by entering their ‘Name the

Bus’ competition and be in with a chance to win a one-month 1 passenger free bus pass. Visit them and the bus at the Motueka Sunday Market on August, 14 or email your entry and contact details to marketing. Competition closes on September, 10. You’ve got to be in it to win it……………… Motueka Coastal Bus - operates

Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, leaving Motueka i-SITE at 9.30am to Tasman and Mapua, then onto Richmond Sundial Square and Richmond Aquatic Centre, returning at 1pm. Return fare Motueka to Richmond $10. Prebooking essential via Motueka i-SITE 03 528 6543. For timetable, fares and terms of carriage please refer to their website www.


VACANCY - The Trust is looking for more members and would value local voices.

If you are interested in representing the Motueka community on their board, send your contact details via email to marketing.


cial licence required, send your contact details via email to marketing.ntctt@ NTCTT aims to create sustainable transport options for Tasman communities.

NTCTT runs the Wakefield Community Bus & helped to set up & run Mapua Willing Wheels voluntary drivers’ service.

g uardian the 4 WEDNESDAY 10 AUGUST 2022
Chris Rika Motueka
“Yip, you couldn’t help but follow it.”
Janeen Rogers
I’ve really enjoyed it, we’ve done so well.”
Rebecca Hodges Marahau
really because we don’t have Sky.” Stefan
Lerbs Ngatimoti
in detail
DOVEDALE NUTRITIONALINFORMATION Slices package: Serving (2 per serving EnergyProtein Fat,-saturatedCarbohydrates -sugars DietaryFibre Sodium Gluten 323mg otherwiseareaveragesspecified Made NewZealand Dovedale Ltd Kotua Nelson Slicedbread—630g gluten free vegan added sugar INGREDIENTS Sourdough (FilteredWater, OrganicBrown Filtered White Modified Buckwheat,Vegetable Sunflower Seeds Apple Rice Salt,Coconut that handles sesame nuts Refrigerateopening within Suitablefreezing CHIA GRAIN NoAddedYeast free 100g otherwisespecified DOVEDALE NUTRITIONAL -saturated Carbohydrates238mg Sliced bread — 640g gluten free vegan INGREDIENTS BrownCulture TapiocaCurrants) Root, Mixed Made Refrigerateopening freezing &FRUIT RICE No Added Yeast free CREATIVE PATHWAYS GUIDE REGIONS RURAL AND PEOPLE PEOPL YourguidetoNelson’sbest localartisans–intheirgalleries andintheirworkplaces NELSON CITY 2020 2021
us for your print solutions
Tokomaru Place, Wakatu Estate, Nelson design
but I know we got a lot of medals.”
print deliver.

Local vied for National Trainee Contractor of the Year

Liam Rooney, 25 years old from Motueka, was among this year’s finalists for the Rural Contractors New Zealand Trainee Contractor of the Year award. Liam worked for Mark Carey Contracting in Lower Moutere for the last two seasons, and was one of eight finalists from Kaikohe to Invercargill. The finalists underwent a judging process on June, 29 where they were provided with specific primary industry topics to research and present to the judges.

Liam’s research topic was cultivation and he says he found the award rewarding and something to work towards.

The new awards have just been launched and they centre on a training initiative developed by Richard Houston from Takaka.

“The awards don’t just recognise the trainee they also highlight the effort provided by their employers. A trainee’s growth and development are evident in their record of work and behind that is

an employer or mentor who’s given them the guidance and training to build experience in our industry,” says Richard.

Andrew Olsen, RCNZ Chief Executive says, “We could not have done it without Richard Houston who has driven the HanzonJobs programme initiative, and MPI which backed it and now is generously supporting the awards.”

All trainees come from the ranks of those who joined the HanzonJobs initiative

which sees trainees record their daily work experiences, supported by employers and mentors.

“We’re really proud to be able to put this programme together for our industry,” says Andrew.

One winner from each of the South and North Islands were selected by the judges with Liam unfortunately missing out. Both winners received a trophy and training bursary of $3,000 from MPI to be used on advancing their career and knowledge.

g uardian the WEDNESDAY 10 AUGUST 2022 5 Do you want to check your insurance safety net before or after you fall? Contact one of our Financial Advisers today on 03 528 4184 SENIORS “WE WANT YOU BACK” Your community Strength & Balance classes welcome you back • How is your leg strength & balance these days? • Do you avoid situations because you might lose your balance? • Falls can be prevented by doing appropriate exercises • Regular exercise will build leg strength, improve your balance & mood • Re-establishing your exercise routine is a step back to normality since covid • All health & safety measures are in place • ACC approved, experienced instructors • Returning & New participants 1st Class FREE (participating classes only) To find a suitable class for you call Falls Prevention Co-ordinator Ange 021 790 415
Takaka’s Richard Houston developed the training initiative that the awards were centred on. Motueka High School Kaiarahi students enjoy the sunset during their recent overnight tramp up to Bushline Hut in the Nelson Lakes National Park.



- Motueka Library - 32 Wallace Street - Phone 03 528 1047 -

Japanese Bookmarks and Postcard Take and Make kits

We are celebrating the beautiful Kiyosato Japanese garden beside the new Library with special Japanese crafty kits. Assemble a postcard and give to someone you know to stay socially connected. Create a Japanese Bookmark to inspire your reading.


Monday 15 August, 10.30-12pm

Topic: What is your favourite thing about your personality? A friendly group debating topics, all welcome.

English as a second language

Wednesday 17 August, 10am-11am

Enjoy a welcoming group and simple conversation with others whose first language is also not English. Every second Wednesday.

Learn to Knit Workshop for Children

Saturday 20 August, 10am-12pm, Free, suitable for children 8+ Come and learn to knit with the Crafty Tarts, yarn, needles and tutors all supplied

Motueka Seniornet is spreading its wings

After over 20 years of helping seniors get to grips with technology Motueka Seniornet has decided to widen the scope of its activities. Yes, Computers, laptops, tablets and phones will still be the main focus, but other activities will also be available to members. They already have a Countries

and Cultures interest group, a Genealogy Interest group and a DNA Interest group. From next week they will be introducing other interest groups such as;

Trash to Treasure, basically a craft group turning many things that we throw away into something that is

useful, cute or a toy for children. This will not be a tutorial, teaching you how to do something, but a time when we can come together to work on our projects and learn from each other. So come and bring something to do.

Nosey Parkers is a group that visits behind the scenes at various

places throughout the year. The first visit will be on the 23rd August at 1.30 pm to Pic’s Peanut World. There are 5 vacancies left for this trip. Other trips are in the pipeline and all ideas for trips are welcome.

The Photography Interest Group is starting up again, this

time with a difference. It will not be a tutorial but an opportunity for those interested in photography to share ideas and their photos with and learn from each other. Time will be spent out and about taking photos rather than being stuck inside all the time.

Rummikub is

another group that it starting up for people who love to play this game. It should be a lot of fun.

They are open to any other activity that spins people’s wheels so long as there are people who want to take part and someone to facilitate the group. These activities

will be based at the Seniornet rooms 42 Pah, St Motueka. All people joining these groups will be members of Seniornet. If you’re not a member why not join? It is free till 30th September 2023. Yes, a whole year free. To join, contact Kay at 021 109 5902 or go to www.seniornetmotueka. . They’d love to see you.

467 3 18 1 5 3 6 1 915 76 2 6 4 3 7 9

g uardian the 6 WEDNESDAY 10 AUGUST 2022
Jack Druce and Isabelle Schwarzenbach
BRANCHEST UNUCE TUGSGERMAN TEEAE EARNSSTRAW ROCS FIRSTCHEAP LTEAA YEARLYSTOP EIEEE LLISTENER TERRIFICF UALAE RUBYABLAZE NBTYR TRITESPEAR AASO BLIPSLOSER LICML ENCODESAVE ACLRS GATLANTIS 1234 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 15 16 17 18 19 CROSSWORDNo. TL1590 No.1589 SOLNS JUNIOR ACROSS 1 Fastest 7 A smelly vegetable 8 Awful smell 9 Goes in 10 Close by 12 Donate 14 A meal outdoors 17 Mistake 18 Two times 19 These cover a bird DOWN 1 Silent 2 Take no notice of 3 Touch lips with someone 4 Grin 5 Someone from another country 6 A flying firework 11 Small 13 Part of a poem 15 These grow on your fingers 16 An awful child STANDARD ACROSS 1 Overtrousers 7 Open sore 8 South American country 9 Place of worship 10 Adhesive 12 Maximum 14 Adjudicated 17 Governs 18 Body organ 19 Genealogical table DOWN 1 Stand-in doctor 2 Corset 3 Unit of length 4 Question intensively 5 Usual 6 Sticking up for 11 Digit 13 Work out 15 Fireplace 16 Sparkling Italian wine SUDOKU Fill the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
58 24 97
Congratulations to Jack Druce and Isabelle Schwarzenbach for gaining distinction in the Australasian Big Science Competition.

Helping people in Tasman with the cost of living

Since taking office, our Government has worked hard to lift incomes and make life more affordable for Kiwi families. Now, as we move forward with our plan to grow a secure economy for all, we’re providing further cost of living support for people here in Tasman.

Our new Cost of Living Payment starts from 1 August, and will support more than two million New Zealanders, including many here in West CoastTasman. You will likely be eligible if you earned $70,000 or less over the period 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022, and are aged 18 or older, but aren’t eligible for the Winter Energy Payment.

There’s nothing you need to do to apply for the payment and the income threshold is based on your individual income, not household income. If you’re eligible, you will receive the payments directly from IRD. However, IRD does need your correct information, so please take a few minutes to make sure that everything is up to date. You can visit IRD’s website for more details:

This new Cost of Living Payment sits alongside our Winter Energy Payment and when taken together, these payments will support 81% of New Zealanders aged 18 and over with their

bills this year.

To fight global inflation and help to ease the pressure on families here in Tasman, we recently extended the fuel tax cut, reduced road user charges and half price public transport for everyone until the end of January next year. This will also help reduce the fuel burden on businesses, keeping the cost of food and essential goods lower across the board.

We’re also fixing the supermarket sector and increasing competition, to make sure that Kiwis pay a fair price at the till. This includes calling on the supermarkets to open up wholesale access for their competitors, at a fair price – or we will do it for them through law. By opening up supermarket’s stockrooms, it will be easier for new competitors to enter the grocery market and ensure fairer prices.

There’s no easy fix to the current cost of living pressures, but the measures we’re putting in place will make difference for people in West Coast-Tasman and across the country. They build on actions we’ve taken since 2017 to ensure Kiwi families have more in their pocket to get ahead – policies like the family tax credit, free school lunches, cheaper doctors’ fees and the removal of school donations.

As we take the next steps in our plan, we’ll continue to grow a strong economy that gives security to New Zealanders in good times and in bad.

g uardian the WEDNESDAY 10 AUGUST 2022 7
Motueka’s group of ‘Easi Riders’ prepare to set off on their weekly ride. This week’s had them riding to Riwaka where they enjoyed refreshments and good food at Mrs Smiths Café.
Locally owned & operated each$2999 • Heineken 15 x 330ml bottles each$2699 • Carlsberg 15 x 330ml bottles each$3199 • Haagen 24 x 330ml bottles each$2599 • Lion Brown 18 x 440ml cans each$2499 • Double Brown 18 x 330ml cans each$2799 • Stones Green Ginger Wine 1.5L EXCLUSIVE each$1499 • Park Lane Gin & Tonic or Gin & Soda 7% 6 x 250ml cans each2799 • Canadian Club & • Jim Beam 7% 12 x 250ml cans each$1999 • Tuatara • Parrotdog • Panhead excludes Rat Rod 6 pack range each$3799 • Highland Queen Scotch Whisky 1L • Larios Dry Gin 1L each$4299 • Finlandia Vodka 1L • Johnnie Walker Red Label 1L each$999 • Bay and Barnes • Vegan Wine Project Marlborough Sav Blanc each$4499 • Jim Beam Bourbon 1L ON SPECIAL UNTIL SUNDAY 14th August 2022 • Greenall’s Flavour Gin 1L each3499 when you buy 2 or more or $37.99 each • Hardy’s 1L Range each$2499 when you buy 2 or more $1999 • Tui Vodka & Soda Range 12 x 250ml cans each$7999 • Jim Beam Bourbon 1.75L each$4299 • Bombay Sapphire 700ml each $399 • Kingfisher 7% • Tui 7% • Bavaria 7% 500ml can each$5699 • Tanqueray 1L each$3999 • St Remy 700ml each$3999 • 26000 NZ Vodka 700ml


Social Badminton at Motueka’s Recreation Centre on Mondays and Wednesday from 10.30am-12pm. More players are welcome!

g uardian the 8 WEDNESDAY 10 AUGUST 2022
Left: Abby Barber and Lucy Goode. Right: Beryl Andrews and David Goode. Left: Paul Troon and Gayleen Harland. Right: Tony Andrews and Paul Leach. Gayle Hill, Jocelyn Diamond, Gayleen Harland and Neil Harland.

Motueka 48A Greenwood Street

Renovated, revitalised, renewed and ready for you

This recently renovated gem on Greenwood street has recently undergone an upgrade and is looking for its new owner. With new fencing and landscaping, a brand new bathroom, a super central location and plenty of off street parking this compact home will be just the ticket for anyone looking for easy care and convenience. Are you a first home buyer, downsizing or looking for an investment? This property really is well worth a look. Come along to one of the open homes or get in contact with Matt Galvin today for further information or to book a viewing.

2 1 1

For Sale offers invited over $599,000 View by appointment

Matt Galvin 027 768 6288


Ruby Bay 69 Pomona Road

Build your dream home

This spectacular 2,643sqm section with its meandering rural and coastal views out towards Tasman Bay and the Richmond ranges beyond is sure to impress anyone looking for a large residential section to craft their masterpiece on. With all services on site and an engineer certified proposed build site, it is easy to imagine your dream home and lifestyle in this idyllic location.

Have you been looking for the perfect spot to build your dream home? Get in contact with Matt Galvin today for further information.


For Sale offers invited over $599,000 View by appointment

Matt Galvin 027 768 6288


g uardian the WEDNESDAY 10 AUGUST 2022 9
Boundary lines are indicative only Boundary lines are indicative only

Chief Medical Officer Nick Baker: Masks

Matter as Hospitalisations Rise

It is widely acknowledged that the health care system is facing several challenges this winter. In addition to a spike in COVID-19 cases and hospitalisations, we are experiencing our flu season along with a general upswing in respiratory viruses. The associated staff absences are putting health workers and the whole health system under extreme pressure.

People over 70: underrepresented in case numbers, overrepresented in hospitals

Throughout the Omicron outbreak in New Zealand, the majority of cases have been in those under 60, but more recently we are seeing a shift: cases are increasing in the over70 population. What’s more, though this age group is still a minority of cases, they are disproportionately represented in hospitalisation figures. Between significant staff sickness in the younger population and significant hospitalisation in the older population, it is no surprise that we are seeing an increasing workload across the whole system.

Nelson Marlborough experienced the highest COVID case peak in March, followed by a drop and then another peak in July as winter began in earnest. Though Nelson Marlborough’s current peak of case numbers appears to be dropping, Nelson and Wairau Hospitals’ hospitalisation numbers are rising as the burden of COVID-19 shifts to older age groups. A steady (or even a slightly declining) number of cases in the community has a great impact on our aged population.

“Everyone is absolutely fed up with COVID, but this is not the time to relax. Our basic prevention remains critical: get vaccinated, wear a mask in many indoor settings, and isolate when sick to slow the spread of the virus over the remaining winter months. These are key steps to making life hard for this new strain.”

We have no space for complacency across our communities

At this stage there has been a delay in the arrival of RSV across the country. I like to think that our background level of mask-wearing, hand-washing, and keeping your distance if unwell is making life hard for RSV, and our flu peak has begun to fade away faster than expected. A very high level of prevention will be required to protect our vulnerable people as the highly contagious BA.5 becomes the dominant strain in New Zealand.

Omicron BA.5: Reinfections will become routine

Quite quickly Omicron BA.5 has become the most common strain within New Zealand. It has competed successfully because it spreads really well. Unfortunately, BA.5 doesn’t care that you

Do I need a second booster?

A second booster is recommended for people at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19. If you are eligible, you should get it at least 6 months after a first booster. The following people can receive a second booster as a priority:

• people aged 65 and over

• Māori and Pacific peoples aged 50 and over

• residents of aged care and disability care facilities

• severely immunocompromised people who received a 3-dose primary course and a fourth dose as a first booster (this would be a fifth dose for these people)

just had COVID from a different strain. The immunity an earlier strain of COVID imparted does not protect against the current strain going around. This is because BA.5 has changes to the spike protein which can dodge our immune system, and it is better at sticking to cells and spreading.

A recommitment to prevention in the face of complacency is key

The BA.5 variant is cause for concern but not alarm. There is no increase in the severity of illness and the vaccine continues to protect against severe infections. However, as this strain is highly contagious it will lead to more workplace absences and continuing high hospitalisation rates for those over 70, it is a reason to recommit to basic precautions in the community. Everyone is absolutely fed up with

COVID, but this is not the time to relax. Our basic prevention remains critical: get vaccinated, wear a mask in many indoor settings, and isolate when sick to slow the spread of the virus over the remaining winter months. These are key steps to making life hard for this new strain.

Mask wearing in particular has seen a lot of complacency recently but it is important to remember that wearing masks can reduce new cases of the virus by as much as 53%. Reaching even a portion of that level of reduction would have a huge impact on rates of infection, staff sickness, and hospitalisation rates for those over 70. Free RATs and masks are availableyou don’t need to be unwell to access them

RATs and masks are widely available. There is no criteria, you don’t need to be unwell or have symptoms. Anyone who needs RATs or masks can collect a free pack for you and your whānau from a community collection site. Search for one near you on Or, you live in a rural area, call 0800 222 478 and press 3 to discuss delivery to your postal address.

• people aged 16 and over who live with disability with significant or complex health needs or multiple comorbidities

• people aged 16 and over with a medical condition that increases the risk of severe COVID-19 illness.

A second booster is also available for:

• all people aged 50 and over

• healthcare, aged care and disability workers aged 30 and over.

A second booster is not yet needed by younger people who are generally healthy and do not have underlying health conditions. This includes people who are currently healthy and pregnant.

To get your booster talk to your pharmacist, GP or head to your local vaccination centre. For details visit:

g uardian the 10 WEDNESDAY 10 AUGUST 2022 HEALTHNEWS AUGUST 2022 NELSON MARLBOROUGH | NELSON (03) 546 1800 | MARLBOROUGH (03) 520 9999 Free health advice when you need it 0800 611 116

Feedback sought on action plan to protect sharks

Fisheries New Zealand and the Department of Conservation are seeking public feedback on a new plan of action for the conservation of sharks.

The draft National Plan of Action Sharks 2022 (NPOA-Sharks 2022) sets out directions for the conservation, management, and sustainability of sharks caught in New Zealand waters.

It has a vision that: New Zealanders work toward ensuring the long-term viability, biodiversity and functional role of sharks in our marine ecosystems, and that any utilisation of sharks in Aotearoa is sustainable.

Fisheries New Zealand’s director fisheries management Emma Taylor says as apex predators, sharks play an important role in maintaining healthy ocean ecosystems.

“We’ve made good progress towards pro-

Public feedback is being sought on a new plan of action for the conservation of sharks.

introducing a ban on shark finning practices in New Zealand waters in 2014, and by careful management within the Quota Management System.

The draft plan aims to strengthen protection for sharks by ensuring best practice is followed to return any unwanted sharks to the sea alive with the best possible chances of survival.”

“It also promotes research into new shark-derived products to maximise the use of sharks that are taken commercially and support sustainability of shark popula-

Department of Conservation aquatic director Kirstie Knowles says, “Due to the biological characteristics of sharks they can take a long time to mature and only produce a small number of young with low rates of survival, so it’s important that we do everything we can to maximise the survival of any unwanted and protected sharks that are caught in our waters.”

The draft plan builds on the previous NPOA-Sharks 2013 and was developed by a Shark Advisory Group representing

tangata whenua, environmental groups, and commercial and recreational fishers.

“Many of the goals and objectives from the previous NPOA remain relevant, and these have been included in the draft NPOA-Sharks 2022. On top of that we’ve included several new goals and objectives which reflect new information and priorities,” says Kirstie.

The draft NPOASharks 2022 includes seven goals and 22 objectives; each goal and objective has a rationale and performance measures asso-

The goals include: ensuring biodiversity and maintaining shark populations over time encourage increased utilisation of sharks subject to the quota management system avoiding protected and unwanted shark captures, and maximising

post release survival managing non-fishing threats to sharks and their habitats better integration of tangata whenua perspectives and values in shark management maintain and develop international engagement for shark management; and

improve research, data and information about sharks and their habitats.

“We encourage anyone with an interest to provide feedback on the draft plan before consultation closes on 13 September,” says Emma Taylor.

g uardian the WEDNESDAY 10 AUGUST 2022 11

New Zealand Cider Festival returns to Nelson for 2022

The annual New Zealand Cider Festival is pleased to announce that the event will be back in Nelson for the 2022 Festival. The date is set for Saturday, 12 November and will be once again held at Founders Heritage Park.

Festival Director, Shelley Haring says, “After sadly having to first postpone the 2021 Festival, which was due to be staged in the Hawke’s Bay for the first time and then subsequently having to cancel it due to the red traffic light, we are optimistic and looking forward to planning for the Nelson festival in


“The ongoing success of the Cider Festival means that we will continue with the planned location sharing arrangement with Hawke’s Bay. Rotating between these two locations will bring cider to as wide an audience as possible, showcasing New Zealand’s two main cider growing regions and will help ensure the longevity and impact of the event in support of our thriving cider industry.”

winning Ciders and also enjoy an exciting line-up of all day entertainment, Cider workshops with industry professionals and see who is crowned Amateur Cider Maker of the Year!

The Experts in Denture Care

The festival is a celebration of all things Cider and is an event for the whole family. Pair your Cider with local artisan food and relax within the beautiful setting of Founders Heritage Park, it’s a Cider Lovers dream!

The Nelson Festival will coincide with the annual NZ Cider Awards, festival attendees will get to try the 2022 award

The Experts in Denture Care

Nelson Denture Clinic

Nelson Denture Clinic

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The New Zealand Cider Festival | Saturday, 12 November 2022, 1-7pm

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NZ made by NZ registered and quali ed dental technicians

NZ made by NZ registered and quali ed dental technicians

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35 Waimea Road, Nelson

g uardian the 12 WEDNESDAY 10 AUGUST 2022 IN GOLDEN BAY EVERY WEDNESDAY Tyres to suit all your needs From ATV’s to Loaders and everything inbetween 73 High Street, Motueka | 03-528 0199 Tyre Replacements Motueka Tyre Repairs Qualified Technicians 73 High Street, Motueka | 03 528 0198 MS Service Service Centre r r r Your New Motueka Service Lane HERE NOW
• atest tec nology dentures • Excellent fit and extremely natural appearance • Cosmetic dentures to support and improve facial structures • Implant assisted dentures • Immediate and replacement • Insurance quotes • Total professional care for denture patients
Experts in Denture Care The Experts in Denture Care Ph. (03) 548 1478 35 Waimea Road, Nelson Ph. (03) 548 1478
Top left and above; The festival is a celebration of all things Cider.
Nelson Denture Clinic The

There’s never been an easier time to move into a serviced apartment at Summerset Richmond Ranges. The choice is yours with a range of brand-new serviced apartments ready for you to make your new home.

Our serviced apartments o er light and spacious open plan living, a kitchenette and separate double bedroom with a large ensuite.

Summerset’s serviced apartments combine the freedom of independent living with the confidence of knowing that you can increase your level of support as your needs change. Come along to our Open Day or call the sales team for a private appointment. Don’t forget to ask us about our Flexible Pricing o er with prices from $289,000.* Plus, with six months to sell your current home it has never been easier to move to Summerset Richmond Ranges.

*Terms and conditions apply. Flexible pricing is based on a licence to occupy and is subject to a bespoke deferred management fee. For more information visit BRAND-NEW SERVICED APARTMENTS AVAILABLE NOW!* 03 744 3432 | Open Day Thursday 11 August 10am - 2pm Summerset Richmond Ranges 1 Hill Street North, Richmond 03 744 3432 By following our Covid guidelines it’s safe to visit our villages. For the latest information visit Flexible pricing OFFER LIMITED TIME 6 Months TO SELL

Celebrating Our Town Motueka!

Our Town Motueka

450 business owners and ratepayers in the main business area of Motueka belong to Our Town Motueka. It is run by a voluntary committee made up of Motueka business owners and Council representatives.

The organisation is led by Chair Brent Prestidge and employs a part-time Coordinator and Secretary Claire Hutt who has been with Our Town Motueka for the last seven years, and their Treasurer Janis Ord who also hosts their monthly meetings at MOTropolis.

The organisation is funded by a targeted rate which is collected on Our Town Motueka’s behalf by the Tasman District Council. Funds are also sourced through local sponsorship and funding agencies.

Our Town Motueka works in conjunction with a number of organisations and community groups: – Motueka I-Site, Motueka Community Board, Nelson Tasman Chamber of Commerce, Uniquely Nelson, Richmond Unlimited, Nelson Regional Development Agency, Tasman Bay Promotions, Keep Motueka Beautiful, Te Awhina Marae, Motueka Historical Society, the Motueka Arts Council and local schools.

Mission Statement:

To create, encourage, promote and support business activities and enterprises operating within the Motueka Ward.

This is achieved by maintaining effective communication between businesses, promoting Motueka through a variety of media, delivering and supporting events which stimulate economic activity, fostering business development and education and building collaborative relationships with other Motueka Community groups.



Opening Hours:


High Street, Motueka
Phone: 03 528 9220
Public Holidays: 8.30am-5pm PH 03 528 7433 | 397 HIGH ST, MOTUEKA From Home Handyman to Contractors Equipment, WE HAVE IT ALL!
7.30am-6pm Saturday-Sunday: 8.30am-5pm
A number of our readers will be familiar with the expression “our town”, which we use to describe our wonderful community. The driving force behind this expression is a vibrant group of people who promote and support our business community. Our Town Motueka is a fantastic organisation responsible for a large number of events and initiatives in our town including our annual legendary Starlight Parade. The vibrant Claire Hutt - Coordinator of Our Town Motueka

“Our Town Motueka evolved from ‘Mainstreet’ to provide continuing promotion and support for the businesses of Motueka.

Over the years the nature of business and the tools at their disposal have changed dramatically. The horticultural industry and the industries that support them has diversified and grown, Tourism has grown to a much larger role in the economy of our area. Against this backdrop Motueka businesses continue to evolve.

Our role is also constantly changing to accommodate technology, the varied needs of our members and the seemingly endless challenges our area has suffered. Motueka is a great town, community minded, loyal residents and the great variety of fantastic businesses they deserve.

As such it is a pleasure to work alongside a passionate team of committee members to provide positive outcomes for Motueka. “

Brent Prestige – Chairman, Our Town Motueka

“Working for Our Town Motueka is such a rewarding role. I’m in my 7th year now as Coordinator and I hope there will be many more years to come. It’s certainly not a solo role though – our committee of volunteers have creative ideas which are discussed at our monthly meetings and put into place if we can. Liaising with businesses and community organisations is my favourite part.

Our social media presence has built up significantly over the previous 7 years with Our Town Motueka being a huge contact point for information – I always joke and say that I am a mobile Yellow Pages! I wouldn’t have it any other way – I love my job!

Supporting our local businesses is so important and I feel proud of how Our Town Motueka has supported their members through the Covid pandemic with information and support. The positive feedback has been heartwarming.

We love what we do at Our Town Motueka and the commitment and enthusiasm from our committee members is so motivating with bringing new concepts to fruition. We are a fabulous team and passionate about promoting Motueka and the Tasman Region.

Although we have a great social media presence along with our Love Motueka website, we do much work behind the scenes liaising with local government agencies and their contractors’ raising concerns where needed and following up.

Our positive working relationship with these agencies has proven to be a benefit to the town and community as a whole”


Our Town Motueka membership is defined by two zones, which surround and include the High Street Retail shops and the greater Motueka Central Business District. Business owners and commercial ratepayers within the area are automatically members.

If you operate a business outside of these areas or are not in a commercial property you can still join and gain

g uardian the WEDNESDAY 10 AUGUST 2022 15 SCAFFOLDING HIRE FOR ALL BUDGETS! Leigh & Sara Taylor | 027 439 2417 | Hon Damien O'Connor MP for West Coast-Tasman /damienoconnormp @DamienOConnorMP 234 High Street, Motueka 0800 326 436 Proud to support Our Town Motueka Authorised by Hon Damien O'Connor, Parliament Buildings, Wellington ORMOLU WINTER SALE WHILE STOCKS LAST 157 High Street Motueka 03 528 9906
Claire Hutt - Coordinator of Our Town Motueka

gain the benefits of their website and connections. You can find out more about membership via their website

From the Starlight Parade to Motueka MAYhem & Music as well as assisting our community during Covid, the team at Our Town Motueka are the some of our region’s largest drivers when it comes to celebrating and promoting Motueka.

Did you know they promote Motueka throughout New Zealand, including placing 16 billboards in Wellington, Christchurch and Golden Bay for 2 weeks of the year?

People can even interact with these billboards by scanning a QR code and learn all about Motueka!

Festive light upgrade

Another project that’s been several months in the making is the upgrade of the festive lights for our High Street. The original colourful balls that have been used for many years, which were donated to us by the Rotary Club, have finally come to the end of their life.

So it is with absolute gratitude that we can announce that NBS have come to the party once more for our community and are sponsoring the purchase of new festive lights.

The lights will be installed ready for Christmas and will also be lit up during Matariki each year. NBS are continually supporting our community with donations, but this one is massive!

We’re sure you’ll join us in thanking NBS for their generous investment in our town, so that everyone living in and visiting Motueka can enjoy these new festive lights.

NBS have been incredibly generous when it comes to supporting Our Town Motueka.

Motueka NBS Starlight Parade

This year makes the return of one of Motueka’s favourite events, the much anticipated Starlight Parade, supported by NBS, along with other funding organisations and local businesses. The parade will be held on Friday 2nd December 2022.

Float categories are community organisation, schools, business and friends & family.

Do get involved it’s a fabulous occasion that the whole town turns out to enjoy. For any newcomers to Motueka, our Starlight Parade is said to be one of the best small town Christmas parades in New Zealand.

Contact Claire Hutt for more details

Phone - 027 659 1563

Email -


Did you know that Our Town Motueka have vouchers for sale? It’s a fantastic initiative and a wonderful gift idea which supports local businesses.

You simply contact Claire Hutt to purchase a voucher which can be redeemed at any participating business in Motueka. This ensures your money stay’s local and helps our community thrive.

Keep up to date with what’s happening in Motueka

The very best way to find out about local events, businesses and promotions is to like and follow “Our Town Motueka” via their Facebook page. With thousands of followers it is one of our regions most engaged with Facebook pages.

g uardian the 16 WEDNESDAY 10 AUGUST 2022 Proud supporters of Our Town Motueka | 0800 101 700 NBS is not a registered bank OPEN SATURDAY MORNING WESTRUPP JEWELLERS 191 High St, Motueka Ph (03) 528 8253 New style of luxury for women who embrace their lives with beauty and power The authentic analogue watch that connects to your smartphone. Serving our community for the past 72 years 263 High St, Motueka 03 528 8125 Open 7 days. 10am - 5pm
our towns to be vibrant communities
The judging panel sitting on the roof at Whitwells in High Street during Motueka’s last Starlight Parade.

Ph: 03 528 9012

Fax: 03 528 9011

Mob: 0274 391 612


20 Old Wharf Road, Motueka

A family business in every sense of the word

Ten years ago Phil and Barb Sharkie from Motueka Joinery expanded their operation to include Nulook™ Tasman Bay. It’s a family business in every sense of the word. Their son Aaron was a joiner at the time and now runs operations for Nulook™ Tasman Bay. We caught up with the dynamic family to find out more about Nulook™ Tasman Bay and how they are enhancing and improving homes and businesses throughout the district.

Nulook™ was established over half a century ago and is a nationwide network of independently owned licensed window and door fabrication businesses.

It is the most comprehensive business of its kind operating under one brand in New Zealand. Nulook™ offers a range of products specifically suited to New Zealand’s diverse climate and conditions.

Their lead residential joinery systems are manufactured using Altus Window Systems patented connection system, to give you more secure weathertight joinery. This unique patented connector systems are considered by many in the New Zealand building industry as the most innovative available. Whilst these systems are unseen by the homeowner, they provide peace of mind that their asset is secure and will be well protected for years to come.

528 9535

g uardian the WEDNESDAY 10 AUGUST 2022 17
Suppliers of • Screws • Bolts • Nuts Socket Screws • Washers • Rivets Cnr Nayland Rd and Brilliant Place Ph 03 547 5102 Fax 03 547 0289 Invercargill • Christchurch • Nelson • Blenheim • Dunedin Free Phone 0800 652 463 Free Fax 0800 652 464 Congratulations to Phil, Barb and team at Motueka Joinery and NuLook Tasman PROUD TO WORK ALONG SIDE MOTUEKA JOINERY 29 Wallace Street P.O. Box 37 Motueka P 03 528 8760 F 03 528 8762 E W Proud to support The Sharkie Family Commercial Growers and Packers of both Green and Gold Kiwifruit. SUPPORTIVE OF THE SHARKIE FAMILY BUSINESS PHONE PACKHOUSE:
TASMAN BAY windows & doors
03 528 9057
03 528 9051
Mob: 027 632 9993
20a Old Wharf Road, Motueka
The friendly hardworking team at Nulook™ Tasman Bay Left to right: Dan, Kurt, John, Barb, Aaron, Caitlin, Steve and Wayne.

At their premises on Old Wharf Rd, Aaron gave us a tour of their factory where all the action happens. Inside is a dynamic happy upbeat team, everyone is busy working on various projects, but one thing is evident, the camaraderie in this busy work environment. It’s a team operation and everyone’s role is important to ensure the best possible end result for clients.

We asked Aaron about his transition from Motueka Joinery to running Nulook™ Tasman Bay.

“Gwenda Caukwell was an incredible source of knowledge when I first started at Nulook™ Tasman Bay,” explains Aaron Sharkie.

“She was a tremendous help, Gwenda trained me and helped to get the business up and running after we took over ownership. Sadly she has now passed on, but it is important to mention how much she helped me during our early years.”

“Pat Burke, who works in the office has also been invaluable and involved with Nulook™ Tasman Bay since before we took on the business.”

“We have five workers on site and have been able to put two of our team members through their apprenticeships.”

As explained before it is a family operation, Aaron’s daughter Caitlin joined the team three months ago, taking on the role as an Estimator, and helps out in the office with Barb sorting orders. Barb handles all the accounts and front desk enquires.

“Caitlin has picked it up really well,” say’s Aaron with a smile.

There’s a certain warmth that comes with a family run venture, especially when a number of family members are involved in operations. It’s reminiscent of family gatherings where everyone is smiling and enjoying themselves and extends to every person involved in the work place. What a wonderful business to be involved with.

“We’re dedicated to providing you with excellent results, no matter if you’re building a new home, upgrading your current residence or investing in a commercial or industrial property. We offer the latest in technology and design.”

The company’s high-level commitment to all the jobs they undertake ensures your complete and total satisfaction. Nulook™ Tasman Bay are dedicated to delivering work of the highest possible standards.

Tips for choosing joinery

If you are not sure what type of joinery to choose for your project, Aaron and the team at Nulook™ Tasman Bay are more than happy to discuss in detail what will work best for you.

They have a wide range of windows and glass doors available, let’s look at a few different options.

g uardian the 18 WEDNESDAY 10 AUGUST 2022
REGISTERED MASTER BUILDERS Experienced fully quali ed tradespersons Available for all your Alterations, New Residential & Light Commercial Projects. PH 0274 437 457 OR A/H 03 528 7937 FOR YOUR FREE QUOTE Congratulations to you both on a great business WOFs While you Wait. We can be found at 25 Huffam St, Motueka Super Gold discount on presentation of card. 25 Hu am Street, Motueka 03 528 8828 Congratulations on your ongoing excellence folks! TR BUILDERS DESIGN AND BUILD SPECIALIST Tony Riordan 027 483 4585 MOTUEKA R.S.A. CLUB INC. 49 HIGH ST, MOTUEKA | 528 9777 Congratulations to you all on a local success story! Manufacturers of quality window reveals and proud to supply Nulook Tasman Bay Visit our website Burnett Auto Electrical 03 528 9218 of yourlocal Yuasa BatterySpecialist. Get your battery tested for FREE, courtesy Congratulations on your amalgamation anniversary!
03 528 9012 Fax: 03 528 9011 Mob: 0274 391 612 Email: 20 Old Wharf Road, Motueka TASMAN BAY windows & doors Ph: 03 528 9057 Fax: 03 528 9051 Mob: 027 632 9993 Email: 20a Old Wharf Road, Motueka
Wayne, Head Cutter and Machinist, carrying out prep work. John, prepping and putting together door frames. Steve, Putting together some sashes Dan, finishing off the door frames

Awning and casement windows

These are better suited to areas where foot traffic is light and in upstairs bedrooms.

Sliding windows

A safe option for where children play or where foot traffic is heavy, such as patios, side paths and balconies.

Bi-fold windows

Offer greater open space. Use these in your kitchen for a café feel Bi-fold Doors are at a home opening out onto decks. You can include a hinged door for quick easy access.

They shouldn’t be used in areas that are exposed to extreme wind conditions

Sliding and stacker doors

Are great for decks and patios, providing a great access way, extra ventilation and light.

Ph: 03 528 9012

Fax: 03 528 9011

Mob: 0274 391 612

Email: 20 Old Wharf Road, Motueka

Double glazing is life changing for home owners

When building or renovating, home-owners are choosing to enjoy the improved insulation benefits of doubleglazed windows and doors.

Just like the name suggests, double glazed windows are made of two layers of glass. The two panes are separated by a space that can either be filled with an inert gas or it may be left as a vacuum. Energy efficient windows will result in long-term cost savings and keeps your interiors protected against the elements - which can get pretty extreme especially during New Zealand winters.

Let’s look at the various benefits double glazing has to offer.

Reduced Energy Bills

Windows and glass doors play a crucial role in your home’s energy efficiency. It’s estimated that almost half of all heat loss during winter and nearly 90% of heat gain during summer can come from windows and doors.

The unique design of double-glazed products insulates against heat and cold up to four times more effectively than single-glazed windows and doors.

It prevents warm or cool air from escaping, maintaining a steadier temperature and insulating you from the effects of climatic extremes.

g uardian the WEDNESDAY 10 AUGUST 2022 19
CONGRATULATIONS! MONDAY - FRIDAY 7 am - 2pm Happy 10 years neighbours! MacLennan Builders (& Sons) Ltd Licensed Building Practitioner Ph 021 428 995 Kenny and the team are proud to support Nulook & Mot Joinery Ph 03 528 5010 10 Old Wharf Road, Motueka MIRRORS FRAMELESS SHOWERS INSURANCE WORK FREE QUOTES REPAIRS NEW GLAZING Golden Bay, Motueka, Murchison, Nelson, Stoke, Takaka, Blenheim 0800 111 344
TASMAN BAY windows & doors Ph: 03 528 9057
03 528 9051
027 632 9993 20a Old Wharf Road, Motueka
can help you make the most of your view.
Kurt, Prepping all aluminium.
Nulook™ Tasman Bay


Noise Reduction

Have you ever lived in a house where the windows seemed to let even the slightest noise in? Double glazing provides better insulation from noise compared to single glazing.

With double glazing, your home or business provides a quiet and peaceful environment away from the loud and busy world outside. In the same way, double glazed windows keep any noise coming from your house inside, it also keeps your conversations within your home. It’s a fantastic privacy solution for businesses.

Increased Security

Double glazed windows are much harder to break compared to single glazed windows. It is also very difficult to force them to open from the outside. This makes it harder for burglars to get into your house. You can also increase the level of security by choosing laminated or toughened glass.

Lowered risk of UV damage

As you may have noticed, your furnishing especially those close to windows and doors are affected by sunlight. The UV rays in New Zealand sunlight can slowly cause damage to your furniture, decor and floor coverings. Double glazing provides reduces the amount of UV radiation that gets into the house.

The insulation provided by double glazing ensures that your interior decor and furniture will not experience as much damage from the great temperature fluctuations.

You can increase the level of protection from UV light by adding a UV window film.

Diminished condensation

Do you sometimes look at your window and see water droplets? Those droplets appear because the windows are cooler than the air inside the house. This causes the moisture on the window panes to condense.

The temperature of the interior window pane is closer to the air temperature inside the house, therefore, avoiding condensation. While it may not look all that serious, condensation has far-reaching consequences. The water droplets can lead to mould, mildew which can cause health problems.

Double glazing can eliminate condensation and improve your wellbeing as a result.

g uardian the 20 WEDNESDAY 10 AUGUST 2022
1/74 Quarantine Road, Nelson Phone 03 547 6923 email: We excel in the highest quality product & service LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED - MANUFACTURED ON-SITE • Bar Tops • Sink Tops • Vanity Tops • Counter Tops DIGGER HIRE Celebrating the 10 year anniversary of the amalgamation between Nulook & Motueka Joinery.
03 528 9012
03 528 9011
0274 391 612 20 Old Wharf Road, Motueka TASMAN BAY windows & doors Ph: 03 528 9057 Fax: 03 528 9051 Mob: 027 632 9993 Email: 20a Old Wharf Road, Motueka
Nulook™ Tasman Bay can also create a fantasic louvered roof to enhance your outdoor entertaining area, as pictured.


Road, Motueka

The most popular trends at Nulook™ Tasman Bay

Double glazing

Changing existing windows to double glazing as well as producing double glazing for new builds is one of the most popular requests for the team at Nulook™ Tasman Bay.

Digital locks for aluminium doors

Electronic digital door locks allow you keyless entry into your home, you never need to worry about carrying around or losing your keys again. Lock and unlock your home with ease using a simple keypad touchscreen, proximity card or remote controller. Digital locking systems are becoming increasingly popular.

Transitioning into aluminium joinery

Insert windows and doors provide an affordable solution by replacing old timber windows with new aluminium joinery without compromising the tradition style of your home. You keep the chunky timber look but have modern aluminium windows and doors that have weathertight seals and less ongoing maintenance. Aaron and the team will work with you to evaluate the condition of your current windows and let you know the steps involved in gaining the benefits of aluminium joinery.

Low E Glass

Low E stands for low emissivity, and it refers to glass that has a special coating that reflects long wave radiation, significantly reducing the rate at which heat is lost through your windows. The coating itself is incredibly

thin and transparent, so it doesn’t affect your windows visually. What you will notice is that your house’s internal temperature stays comfortable and constant.

Next time you are looking at carrying out home improvements, an upgrade to your business premises or should you be considering a new build.

Get in touch with Aaron and the team at Nulook™ Tasman Bay, they will work closely with you and guide you through every step of the design and build process. Nulook™ Tasman Bay prides themselves on truly listening to what you want and need.

You’ll find them at 20 Old Wharf Road, give them a call today 03 528 9057 or visit their website to find out more

g uardian the WEDNESDAY 10 AUGUST 2022 21
oor ing xt r a.c o .nz | 23Ol d Wha r f R o a d, o tueka P: 03 5 28 7530 | mo tueka@ ooring xt r a.c o .n z MOT U EK A i n g a c n z 23 Ol W h a t u e k a NEIGHBOURS! Henny Russon Certifying Plumber and Gasfitter P: 03 526 6200 M: 021 902 032 E: COMPLETE PLUMBING & GAS FITTING SERVICES PLEASED TO SUPPORT NULOOK & MOTUEKA JOINERY 027 395 3030 | | •Bespoke Construction Services •Quality Contracting •Locally Based, Family Owned & Operated Business •Building to the Highest Standard Congratulations on the anniversary of your amalgamation! NEW HOMES AND ALTERATIONS Bus: 0274 438 733 A/H 03 526 6715 It is great to be associated with both businesses. It is a pleasure to conduct business with you all!
03 528 9012
Old Wharf
TASMAN BAY windows & doors
03 528 9057
03 528 9051
632 9993
Old Wharf Road, Motueka
Fax: 03 528 9011 Mob: 0274 391 612 Email: 20
Mob: 027
The dynamic Sharkie family, owner operators of Nulook Tasman Bay and Motueka Joinery. Left to right: Megan, Barb, Phil, Aaron, Aimee and Caitlin

TAS students shine on national stage

The Tapawera Area School students who have returned from this year’s National Area School Tournament in Whangarei say they are grateful to their school’s community of parents and friends who helped with fundraising and the trip itself.

The tournament took place from 12-15 July at Whangarei’s McKay Stadium and Kensington Centre.

“It was a great week up north, playing three of my favourite sports,” says year 13’s Flynn Morgan who took part in the Volleyball, Rugby and Ki O Rahi competitions.

Suffering an injury to his AC shoulder joint prior to the tournament didn’t deter Flynn who managed to find a soft toy at their accommodation to strap to his shoulder in a bid to cushion any impact during rugby.

It obviously worked wonders and Flynn was selected for the New Zealand Area

School Rugby team and is now training in preparation for heading to Christchurch for a week of training and two games.

Talented year 12 volley-baller Rosa Cameron has made the team for a number of years and says once again she ‘enjoyed’ the tournament.

“We won and lost the games we thought we would, but I didn’t mind as we all played our best. I have played with the same group for a few years now so it is effortless for us to become a close team,” says Rosa.

When year 11’s Sarah Jones was selected for the South Island team in both Football and Ki O Rahi she was “thrilled”. But her selections didn’t stop there and after impressive performances in both sports at the national tournament she was announced in the New Zealand Area School team for the two sports.

“Being selected for both teams was a massive achievement and I was super happy,” says Sarah.

“We couldn’t have done it without our fabulous parents for taking us up and all the hard work behind the scenes to get us there.”

While year 13’s Ryan Jones was disappointed to not come away from the tournament with a win in his sports of rugby and volleyball he says he had “a lot of fun” playing in his final year at the national tournament.

Tapawera Area School principal Don Mclean says the participating students “truly showed” the school’s FIRE qualities; friendship, integrity, respect and effort.

“We are very proud of our talented Tapawera Area School students. To achieve South Island and national selection for their chosen sports is a great reward for the work they have put in,” says Don.

The Wolves make mark in Nelson U18 division

The teams within Motueka AFC are ever changing. Sometimes it is due to the growth of the club, other times we see new junior teams emerging from Fun Football, but every so often two teams need to be combined due to low numbers.

Last year two youth teams, the Wekas and the Missiles, combined to form a new team, the Wolves. This cheerful group of 14 boys is currently making a mark in the U18 division, in the Nelson Bays Football competition. This is their first season in the division, having moved up from playing in the 13/14th division last year. The Wolves have stepped forward to the new challenge this season, with only two losses to date. With another win on Saturday at Memorial Park against FC Nelson Spartans, the Wolves have moved into 2nd place

on the leader board. Experience gained from the games this season will be extremely valuable, as the team heads to the regional tournament in Nelson, in October this year. John Henderson coaches the Wolves, which includes his oldest son Piri. Nich Campbell referees the Saturday games for the team and is in charge of trainings when John is away.

John says that the team has a great spirit and they are a pleasure to coach.

Within the team is Bryce Harden, a very capable captain, who leads by example and reads the game well.

The Wolves are also lucky to have three very competent goal keepers, who take it in turns to defend the goal box. Couple this up with some fast attacking players, who keep the opposition very busy and score

goals regularly and you have a formidable team of young footballers. One of these attacking midfielders is Yannick, who in his first game on Saturday scored 3 of their 5 goals, rightfully deserving player of the day.

Results Saturday, 6 August

ITM 1st XI Vs Richmond: won 1-0

POD: Ben Monaghan

Taste of Turkey 2nd XI Vs FC Nelson 3rds: loss 1-5 POD: Lochie

Angels Vs Tahuna

Breakers: loss 0-4

POD: Nina Mitchison

Wolves Vs Richmond: Results

Saturday 30th July

Vipers Vs Richmond: loss 2-3 POD: Lochie Kenyon

Titans Vs Golden Bay: won 2-0

POD: Brodie Quillan

Stingers Vs Mapua: won 7-1

POD: Manouk and Dylan.

Wasps Vs FC Nelson

Raptures: lost 6-1

POD: Tyler Graham and Zoe Taylor

Hawks Vs Suburbs

FC Fury: lost 2-5

POD: Tai

Falcons Vs FC Nelson Little Locos: lost POD: Veda-Sara

g uardian the 22 WEDNESDAY 10 AUGUST 2022 Sport
Talented Tapawera Area School students; Flynn Morgan, Sarah Jones, Rosa Cameron and Ryan Jones. Photo: Susan Fenemor. Below left: Rosa Cameron is all concentration during a volleyball game. Below right: Flynn Morgan gets a touch-down in Ki O Rahi. The AFC Wolves with coach John Henderson.


Week 12 – 13th August

The Dun Run returns after hiatus

Junior Netball


Diamonds Ngatimoti Ferns Ruby J / Rose

2 Tasman Jets MSS Mystics Hannah / Jess

1 MSS Soldiers UMO Eagles Tahla / Ruby H / Ilonka / Mihka

2 Tasman Sapphires Pakarana Taniwha Sophie H/ Rose / Ruby J / Madeleine

Year 7 & 8 and Senior Games

3 Huia A Huia Ora Steph Christoffersen / Emma Graham

3 Huia Kaha MHS Ng Whet Molly Wilson / Raelene Shee

3 Renegade Raiders MHS Maunga

Marcela Blomfield / Jess King

4 ROG Royal Huia Mana Lou Betts / Raelene Shee

5 Huia A Rogue Raiders Carly Graham / Michelle White

1 MSS Steel LMS Galaxy

Char Bone / Anneke Vlamming

2 Vikings Huia Mauri Carly Graham / Jess King

3 Pakarana Pounamu LMS Emeralds Ella George / Ashlee Tolson

4 ROG Blue Huia Ora

Rochelle Roberts / AJ Binns

5 UMO Tuis R waka All Stars Paula Campbell / Aimee Seyb

1 Ngatimoti Diamonds R waka Hot Shots

Lani Richards / Tiana Knoef

2 UMO Titans LMS Stars Hesper Tan / Sanne Appleby

3 Rebel Raiders MHS 10 T Paula Campbell / Molly Wilson

4 Huia Mana Rogue Raiders AJ Binns / Emma Graham

5 MHS Maunga Huia Kaha

1 MHS Ng Whet Huia Mauri

Trish Ross / Michelle White

Aimee Seyb / Shinade Hamilton

2 MSS Rockets Tasman Diamonds Penny Hamilton / Ashlee Tolson

3 MHS 9 Rimu MHS Snr Social

4 ROG Royal ROG Blue

5 Vikings Renegade Raiders


Donna Bradley / Steph


AJ Binns / Rochelle Roberts

Lou Betts / Abby Butler

Please check the draw carefully as double up games are being played to make up the games that were rained off in week 11. This week Grade 1/2 and Grade 3 have 2 games

IMPORTANT: Year 5&6 and Year 7&8 games now have a "Spectator Free Sideline" ruling. This is on the request from MNC, coaches and umpires in support of this being a learning space. We thank you for your cooperation with this.

After two years absence, The Dun Run returns on Saturday, 26 August and with it a record 300 plus field, barring a resurgence of Covid, winter illnesses, lingering or last minute injuries.

Of these numbers a healthy 125 travel from outside the region keen to step into “the backwoods of Nelson” and along its historic mineral belt. Starting from the Maitai Dam

and upwards along the south branch of the river they reach Coppermine Saddle (848m) taking in the breath-taking alpine territory.

Then it’s downwards along the nation’s first railway (1860’s) treading on what remains of the 24000 sleepers that were embedded along the line.

At the “sharp end” of the field will be Matt Ogden and twice long

course winner, Joel Bowater, as will be Josie Wilcox, certain to leave all but the top 5 men chasing her footsteps. Multisporter Elina Ussher will also feature near the front. Starts are staggered from 8.30am with first finishers expected to reach Andrews Farm around 11.30am. Full details plus last minute entries on nelsonevents.

Bowling Out, Sausages In!

The weather forecast for the week had indicated torrential rain for Saturday, 6 August so it was with some relief for the members of Mapua Bowling Club when the day dawned clear and chilly and the planned fundraising was able to go ahead.

Three projects have been organised to raise some funds for Relief in Ukraine with a target of $1,000. A raffle for a hamper of luxury produce is ongoing throughout August. The first event was a

Sausage Sizzle, which took place outside the Clubhouse and was supported mainly by the football teams playing on the domain throughout the day. We are about half way to the target and hoping to reach the full amount with the second event, a cake and preserves stall on Saturday, 20 August at Mapua Wharf from 10am.

We are indebted to the Cool Change Gallery for their support with this event.

Anyone wishing

to bake for our Cake Sale will be welcomed with open arms or just come along on the day to buy something tasty for tea.

Mapua Bowling Club is used to fund raising in support of the Club but for once, there is a greater need and we are very pleased to be doing this for the people of Ukraine. The rain did arrive finally on Sausage Sizzle evening but not until the sausages had sizzled and the support crew members were all back home!

g uardian the WEDNESDAY 10 AUGUST 2022 23
Duty Officer 8:00 Shinade 12pm Steph Umpire Officer 8.00 Ann & Nola 12pm AJ Desk Duty 8:00 MHS 9 Rimu 12pm Huia A Court Duty 8.00 UMO Bellbirds &R waka Rockets 3pm Tasman Diamonds Fundraising Parklands
8.30 am 4 UMO Bellbirds LMS Hot Shots 5 Tasman Magic RIwaka Magic Please note these games 5v5 now happen over 2/3rds of the court. Games by Buzzer 8.30am – warm up 8.35 - Skill Session – Week 7 8:50 Transition to game. 4 x 8 minute quarters * 8:52 start game. 9:00 End of 1st ¼ * 9:02 start 2nd ¼ 9:10 half time * 9:12 start3rd 9:20 End of 3rd ¼ * 9:22 start of 4th ¼ 9:30 finish and move from the court 9.40 am 4 Ngatimoti Stars MSS Magic All hoops and equipment
please 5 LMS Sapphires MSS Ravens Please note these games 5v5 now happen over 2/3rds of the court. Games by Buzzer 9.40 am – warm up. 9.45- Skill Session – Week 7 10.00 Transition to game. 4 x 8 minute quarters * 10.02 start game. 10:10 End1st ¼ * 10.12 start 2nd ¼ 10.20 half time * 10.22 start 3rd ¼ 10.30 End 3rd ¼ * 10.32 start 4th ¼ 10.40 finish and move from the court
to be removed from court as soon as game is finished
Riwaka Shooting Stars R waka Rockets
Tahla / Ilonka
2 Pakarana Whetu Brooklyn Koru ÊMihkaÊ/ÊMadeleineÊ
The popular Dun Run is returning this month with an already record number of entries.


Community Notices are free to charitable trusts, gold coin entry where any monies gained go back into a community project. No AGMs, sports notices or church notices. We regret if your community notice ad has not made this week’s column, it is due to the popularity of this column and inclusion cannot be guaranteed for free ads.


ART WORKSHOPS across July and Aug various workshops in Motueka including music, animation, sculpture, craft, visual art. Book now online at motuekaart or email

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Is alcohol causing problems for you in your life? Want to stop drinking but can’t? Maybe we can help. Support meetings every day. Call 0800aaworks 0800 229 6757


(BUWT) is available to give free advice and support if you are having problems with WINZ, ACC or IRD at Motueka Community House on Thursday mornings.


Breathe better, have fun and be more active! Held at the Brass Band Hall, 40 Old Wharf Road, Mondays at 11.30am – 12.30pm. $5 per class. Contact Jess at the Nelson Asthma Society 03 544 1562 or email asthma.

BLOOD CANCER SUPPORTGROUP meet monthly for more information phone Heather 027 444 4708

BREASTCANCER SUPPORTGROUP Cancer Society Nelson 102 Hardy Street, if you have or have had breast cancer come along to this friendly atmosphere. Register 539 1137 or info@cancernelson.

COLORECTAL CANCER SUPPORT GROUP, Cancer Society Nelson, for those who are going through or who have gone through colorectal cancer, and their carers/support people. Register 539 1137 or

GREYPOWER MOTUEKA welcomes visitors at the Community House office, Decks Reserve, on Wallace street for ongoing service requests. Discount provider list available. Call on 528 9076. or email;

INDOOR BOWLS at Mapua Hall, the 3rd and last Fridays of the month. Bowls at 2pm followed by “bring a plate” afternoon tea. Beginners welcomed. $3. Mapua Friendship club. Contact, Val 03 540 3685

INDOOR BOWLS Monday & Wednesday 1.153pm. All Welcome. Contact Brian 528 5492 Motueka Seniors Hub 10 Pah St.

JUSTICE OF THE PEACE SERVICES Free JP services, including copy certification and witnessing signatures, are available at Elevation Café, 218 High Street, every Saturday from 10am to 12 noon

MOT UEKA 50+ WA LK ING G ROUP www. Walks every Thursday - meet 0845hrs at the Rec Centre car park Old Wharf Road for prompt 0900hrs departure except last Thursday of month – meeting 0930hrs RSA Mot. Information

MOTUEKACOUNTRY MUSIC CLUB Municipal Band Hall Old Wharf Road Motueka. Sunday August 14th 1.30pm - 4 30pm. Phone Chris 022 680 0988

MOTUEKA COASTAL BUS service, operates on behalf of Nelson Tasman Community Transport Trust Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays, leaves Motueka i-SITE at 9.30am to Tasman & Mapua, then Richmond CBD & the Aquatic Centre, returns 1pm. Return fare Motueka to Richmond CBD $10. Pre-booking essential via Motueka i-SITE 03 528 6543

MOTUEKA DISTRICT BRASS Come along and try us out and make music with the Motueka District Brass. Email or phone 021 0223 3244

MOTUEKA G.R.G. Support group welcomes grandparents/kin raising/supporting grandchildren. 2nd and 4th Thursday every month 12.303pm. Motueka Community House Docks Reserve. Join us for a confidential, relaxed and

snow services


SERVICING Waxing, edge tuning, base repairs etc. Snowboard & Boot hire Ph Chris 027 569 8524

supportive time with others. Phone 021 133 7299 MOTUEKA HEART SUPPORT Our next meeting is on Wednesday 17th August at 10.30am at the Elevation Cafe. We are a small friendly group who support others, and their carers, who have experienced a heart event. All Welcome. Janet 528 9442

MOTUEKA MENZSHED Want to do some woodowrk but have no tools? Email SecretaryMotMenzShed@ or just turn up at MenzShed, Marchwood Park, Wednesdays or Thursdays 9-12pm

MOTUEKA NEWCOMERS New to Motueka? We’re a social group, mostly retired (50+) who meet regularly and welcome newcomers. For further information about regular meet ups and social get togethers, phone Jana 528 4355

MOTUEKA SCOTTISHCOUNTRY DANCE CLUB meets every Wednesday at 7.30pm, Lower Moutere hall. Fun and social, supper after. Beginners and newbies welcome. For more info ph Fay 03 543 3650

MOTUEKA SENIORNET Trash to Treasure, a new Interest group meets next Tuesday 16th August at 10am. Join Seniornet Motueka. Phone Kay on 021 109 5902 or go to

MOTUEKA TRAMPING CLUB Daywalk to Third House this Sunday 14th August. Members see your trip list for contact details. Not a member? https://www. for details on how to join. NEED A LIFT? Mapua Willing Wheels Volunteer Drivers Service, affordable transport around Mapua, Motueka, Richmond, Nelson (no airport runs). Contact 022 6822 373 to book a ride / mapuawheels@gmail. com, 24hrs notice required.

NELSON RAILWAY Founders Park. Saturday 13th the Train will run from 11.30am. Sunday 14th will be the Railcar from 11am, weather permitting. Updates on Facebook.

PROSTATE CANCER SUPPORTGROUP meet 1st Thursday of month Broadgreen House 276 Nayland Road 1.30 to 3.30pm contact Bill phone 544 8635 or 539 1137

RADIO CONTROL SAILING at Best Island on Wednesdays and Sundays, weather permitting, usually 1pm onwards. IOMs and Dragon Force etc. New Members welcome. Contact Peter 0275443923 for further information and times.

RED CROSS SHOP Shop open 10-2pm Mon-Fri. All welcome. Donations much appreciated.

RUMMIKUB Thursdays 1 - 4pm friendly group 50 plus includes refreshments. 10 Pah St, Motueka Seniors Hub. Chris 021 251 4359 SURVIVORS AND THRIVERS - If you have or have had cancer, supporting someone with cancer come and meet others in this friendly atmosphere Register or phone 539 1137 for details.

THE DOCTORS MOTUEKA WALKING GROUP Meeting on Thursdays at 9AM by the Janie Seddon Shipwreck carpark. Walking for 30 min, suitable for all fitness levels. Make your daily walk more fun and meet new people! Phone: 03 528 8358

TOASTMASTERS MOTUEKA Toastmasters Motueka meet 1st and 3rd Wednesday each month, St John’s rooms, Jack Inglis Hospital, Courtney St, Motueka. 6.45pm start. Gain speaking confidence, friendly environment. More info, Ph Sierra 027 844 4765 or Peter 027 746 8311.

WALK 4 HEALTH Wednesdays, 10am Mot Community Garden, 30-60 min at your own pace - any fitness level. Contact Well on Track 027 930 5310



SERVICES See website for details: www. tasmansodablasting.

co.nzor email office@ tasmansodablasting. Ph. 022 528 8159


NEL SO N AR EA LOCATOR BEACON TRUST Notice of Annual General Meeting 23rd August 2022 at 7:30pm 68 High Street Motueka.


20th August starting 10am. Held at the Tennis Clubrooms 6 Pah Street, Motueka. We REALLY need your support so we encourage all to come along and support the Future of Tennis in Motueka. Play tennis and socialise after the Meeting. President Kevin O’Gorman 022 542 300


$$$ for your antique furniture, paintings, china, clocks and jewellery. Plus quality restoration & reproduction service. Call at Mariri Gallery, Coastal Highway, Mariri, or telephone 0274484430 (weekdays 9am - 4pm).


A LL TR EE C AR E Pruning, Trimming, Removal, Chipping, Hedge trimming. Professional insured Arborists. Ph: Al 0277 808 344 or 027 494 8028

chimney sweep

CH IMNEY SWEE P Booking, quote or query Phone Steve 021 081 01146


NEW DEN TURES, relines, repairs. Phone Daniela at Bays Dentures 546 4455.








• Farm maintenance

• Land clearing

• Drainage

• Driveways

• House sites

• Transporter

• Retaining Walls

All aspects of earthworks...

Reliable • Efficient


Contact Owner Operator 021 971 828

death notice

NEUMANN Louis (Alan)

Passed away peacefully at Woodlands Rest Home on Saturday, 6 August 2022, aged 88 years. Dearly loved husband of Frances. Adored father and father-in-law of Barrie, Stephen, Mark and Kaori. Much loved grandad to April; Christopher and Emma. According to Alan’s wishes, a private funeral service has been held. Special thanks to the staff at Woodlands, Motueka. Messages can be sent to the Neumann family C/- 164 Tahunanui Drive Nelson 7010 or left online at www. tributes.

death notice


death notice

THOMPSON Elsa Noeleen (nee McGuigan) (Gardener) (Grant)

Passed peacefully on 31 July, 2022, aged 96 years. The treasured mother of Alan and Jeckney Abernethy (Sefton), Kevin and Sue Gardener (Nelson), Jennifer and James Gleeson (Palmerston Nth), and the late Karen Porter. A loved Mother, Sister, Nana, Great-Nana, Aunty and LWR-er, companion and much more. Latterly living at Kaiapoi Lodge, the family appreciate the caring of Staff and Community. A Kaiapoi Celebration of this interesting lady’s life will be held later in the year. In accordance with Elsa’s wishes, she now contributes to Medical Science. Messages to PO Box 1536, Nelson.

for sale

JOHN GULLY 19th Century original painting just arrived in stock.Te Anau 1887. Regarded as NZ’s most famous artist in his lifetime & resident in Nelson (inc Art master at Nelson College) $7900.Absolutely a 135 year old one off ; so why not enjoy a unique piece of NZ historical art on your own wall. View this & many other NZ & British/ European original paintings at Souchebys Antiques, Richmond (Ph 03 5440723)

wanted to buy


Passed away peacefully at home, aged 66 years. Dearly loved husband and soul mate of Christine. Much loved father and father in law of Nathan and Megan; Naomi; Kassandra and Matthew. Loved stepfather of Jackie and Craig; Kerrie, Nicola and John. Treasured grandfather to all his grandchildren and great grandchildren. Special brother to his treasured sister, Debbie. According to Robert’s wishes, a private funeral service has been held but friends are invited to celebrate Robert’s life at the Motueka Hotel Lounge at 2pm on Thursday, 11 August.

ANTIQUES furniture, paintings, collectibles (inc toys, rugs, books, cameras, fine china, pottery, silver, militaria) etc. Huge selection in 6 rooms to browse. Sell-Buy-Value.Open Mon - Sat. Souchebys Antiques,75,Gladstone Rd,Richmond (Ph 03 544 0723) www. antiquesnewzealand.

wanted to buy

$$$ TOP PRICES $$$ All Tools, Shed Gear Also Collectables or Vintage Items Tools & Fishing gear

Old shipping items Coins Watches Clocks Oil & Petrol Items

Large NZ Photographs Coloured Glassware Old Tobacco tins & signs. Plus much much more.

Lawson ph/txt 027 538 0020

Thu 11th Aug - Wed 17th Aug 2022 ELVIS • 2hr40min (M) ONE SESSION ONLY Sat 5.30pm TOP GUN MAVERICK • 2hr40min (M) ONE SESSION ONLY Sun 6.10pm NOPE • 2hr10min (R13) Thur 8.00pm Fri 8.00pm Sat 8.15pm Sun 8.25pm Mon 8.00pm Tue 5.45pm Wed 8.00pm CABARET (50th ANNIVERSARY) • 2hr40min (R13) Sun 1.45pm Tue 1.45pm BULLET TRAIN • 2hr15min (R16) Thur 5.45pm Fri 5.45pm Sat 1.00pm Sun 3.55pm Mon 5.45pm Tue 8.00pm Wed 1.15pm THE PRINCESS • 1hr45min (Rating Exempt) Thur 1.45pm Mon 1.45pm Tue 3.55pm (Last Session) WHERE THE CRAWDADS SING • 2hr10min (M) Thur 3.35pm Fri 1.30pm Sat 3.15pm Wed 3.30pm THE PHANTOM OF THE OPEN • 1hr55min (M) Fri 3.45pm Mon 3.45pm THOR (LOVE AND THUNDER) • 2hr5min (M) Sun 11.35am Wed 5.45pm (Last Session) MINIONS • 1hr35min (PG) Sat 11.15am Sun 10.00am (Last Session) Rec Centre, Old Wharf Road
LO NG TERM R EN TA L for father and son. 2 bedroom. Motueka/Riwaka area. References Ph Jon 022 642 7519 wanted to rent HANDYMAN Storage. Motueka's newest most secure storage unit. Security cameras. Insurance approved. 26 Huffam St, Motueka. Ph 0274 344 254. Courtesy trailer available.
from $6.20pw.
dry, secure units. Insurance approved. 24/7 access. Ph 528 0071. STORA GE Systems Motueka. Secure self storage available from $6 a week. Ph 528 4060. storage
TASMAN Storage units available

Nelson Tasman Community Transport Trust Annual General Meeting 2022

Nau mai! Haere mai!

Monday 5 September 2022 5.30-7.30 pm

Wangapeka/ Heaphy Rooms TCD ground-floor O ices Queen Street Richmond –Guest speaker – Drew Bryant TDC – Transportation Manager

The Trust and Trustees have greatly appreciated your interest, involvement and support over the past challenging year and would like to take this opportunity to meet you face to face ( including on ZOOM) ; express our thanks and update you on progress

RSVP by August 15 2022 with organization /names/ numbers to :

NTCTT’ Administrative Assistant - Jacqui Taylor email or Chairperson - Elena Meredith

Phone/Text : 027-2433511

Please indicate if you would prefer to attend via ZOOM link & include your email connection

Disposal of surplus furniture and shelving from Motueka Library

Tasman District Libraries have an amount of surplus furniture and shelving from the old Motueka Library in Pah Street to dispose of.

We are inviting expressions of interest from community groups and schools in the Motueka area.

If you are interested in being given any of the furniture or equipment for your community group or school you can request an inventory and application form.

Email or ask the service desk at Te Noninga Kumu Motueka Library, 32 Wallace Street, Motueka.

Expressions of interest close on 26 August 2022 03 929 514 5 Assistance with $2150 WINZ Funeral Grant (IF APPLICABLE) Available 24hours No hidden costs SIMP LE CRE MATI ON PACKAGE: $2,250 (INCL GST) INC LUDES CAS KET ANNA L OACH Dip F D Reg. FD (FDANZ) Manager & Funer al Director Richmond | 276b Queen Street funerals 59A College St, Motueka | 03 970 5180 Mon to Thu 9am - 5pm For all your denture requirements Free initial consultation Felicity Hart, Clinical Dental Technician dentures Notice of Annual General Meeting FENZ NGATIMOTI VRFF To be held at 7:00pm Wednesday 24th August 2022 at the Ngatimoti Community rooms/Fire Station. 1425 Motueka Valley Hwy, Ngatimoti. All interested parties to attend. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Monday 15 August 7.30pm MYCC Clubrooms Ward Street, Port Motueka public notice public notice funerals up to 16 words Email us or bring your Garage Sale Listing into the office by 12 noon Monday 19 Wallace Street Motueka • 467 3 18 1 5 3 61 915 76 2 64 3 7 9 58 24 97 4672 359 18 3281 967 45 1594 782 36 6 4 3 8 1 2 5 7 9 8915 476 23 2759 631 84 9 3 2 7 5 4 8 6 1 7146 893 52 5863 214 97 Junior crossword Standard crossword 1668 Junior crossword Standard crossword 1668


Subsidised pest traps now available across the District – and cheaper

The wait is over! Our new subsidised pest traps are coming to a service centre near you.

If you are keen to carry out pest animal control on your property, you can purchase a subsidised pest trap through our backyard trapping programme.

Tasman's submission to the Water Services Entities Bill

We have taken a long-term view of the proposed Three Waters reforms in our submission to the Water Services Entities Bill.

While we recognise the need for reforms, the structure needs further work to provide trust and confidence in the outcomes being sought by the Government.

The current proposal of four large entities from 67 Councils poses its own challenges. As well as the complexity of joining so many systems together under one management system, the fact that the majority of the other Councils in Entity C are in the North Island creates a greater risk of Tasman’s needs being lessened in the shadow of larger populated areas. Should the reforms proceed, we have submitted, with the support of Nelson City and Marlborough District Councils and iwi of Te Tauihu, to be part of the South Island Entity D with whom we share geography and our rural identity and have a greater chance of sharing the proposed benefits of the structure.

There are a number of other technical suggestions in our submission about expectation setting, reporting and billing.

Read our submission at

Second Hand Sunday

Sunday 14 August, 9.00 am – 2.00 pm.

Second Hand Sunday is a fun way for Nelson and Tasman residents to declutter and re-home unwanted household goods for free. If you have items you want to give away, simply register online before 10.00 am Friday 12 August to be included on the list of participating addresses. Print off a poster to put on your mailbox and put your items on your driveway at 9.00 am on the day.

A list and map of participating addresses will be available to download from 12.00 pm Friday 12 August. Check out the map to plan your fossicking route and pick up some free second-hand items! The event will take place rain or shine. For more information and to sign up, go to

We received a great deal on the construction of the new trap boxes, so we are pleased to announce a drop in pricing for the DOC200 and Trapinator traps for Tasman residents. Available traps and new pricing are as follows:

• Victor snap trap in a wooden tunnel for rats: $15 (no change).

• Trapinator traps for possums: $20 ($10 cheaper).

• DOC200 trap in a wooden box for stoats, weasels and rats: $50 ($10 cheaper).

These updated prices only apply to Tasman District Council traps bought in Tasman District or Nelson City. Nelson City Council also sell traps which may be priced differently.

Our subsidised traps can now be purchased by Tasman residents at the following locations:

• Nelson DOC Visitors Centre – Millers Acre Carpark

• Richmond Service Centre – 189 Queen Street

• Motueka Service Centre – 7 Hickmott Place

• Tākaka Service Centre – 78 Commercial Street

To ensure these traps are available for all Tasman residents, there is a limit of one of each trap type per property. These traps will provide their owners with many years of service.

We would like to thank the great team at the Waimea Menzshed for building the trap boxes for us. For more information or to purchase a trap, get in touch with one of our service centres.

Art brightens Motueka alleyway

A Motueka alleyway that had become overgrown and unwelcoming has been given a facelift and a new lease of life thanks to the vision of two local artists and a group of willing youngsters. The alley linking Wilkinson Street and McCarthy Crescent had fallen into a state of semi disrepair attracting taggers. That was until artists Dani Hedges and Melissa Linton got hold of it and revamped it into a community art space.

The pair worked with young people over several weeks to create 13 marine plywood art pieces for one side of the alleyway, while on the other side Dani and Melissa painted a stunning mural depicting Papatūānuku – Earth Mother – and all she created. Funding for the project was provided by one of our Creative Communities Grants and covered partial costs of workshops with the young artists, materials and the mural installation.

By tidying up and brightening the area, the artists have created a lighter, brighter, safer space to encourage the community, particularly families with children, to use as a link to town.

Sign up to get Newsline via email

If you prefer to read your news online, you can sign up to receive a copy of Newsline straight to your inbox. Visit and follow the link to join the mailing list.


At Orange, meetings will take place in person and via Zoom. Public forum presenters can speak in person if they wear a mask, follow one-metre distancing, and attend one at a time. Visit for details and the Zoom link.

Full Council

Thursday 11 August, 9.30 am

Enterprise Committee

Tuesday 16 August, 10.00 am. No public forum

Motueka Community Board

Tuesday 16 August, 4.00 pm

Strategy and Policy Committee

Be in the know with Antenno

We’re using a free mobile app called Antenno to send you alerts and notifications about places and topics you care about, like reminders about recycling or road closures. You can also use the app to engage with us easier and get involved in your community by reporting issues and providing feedback. Antenno is simple and easy to use, and no personal information or log on details are required. Download it for free from the app store on your phone.

Thursday 18 August, 9.30 am

Submissions Hearing

Monday 22 August, 9.30 am

Joint Shareholders Committee

Tuesday 23 August, 9.30 am. No public forum

g uardian the WEDNESDAY 10 AUGUST 2022 27 PUBLIC NOTICES
22728 HotHouse Creative
g uardian the 28 WEDNESDAY 10 AUGUST 2022 Sport
174 High Street, Motueka Phone 528 7120 OUR MOST RELIABLE BRAND BOSCH FRONT LOAD WASHER - 8kg wash load capacity - 400-1100rpm spin speed - Express 15 minute wash - Large LED display BOSCH DISHWASHER (WHITE) - 14 international place settings - 4 stage ltration system - HalfLoad wash - Time delay start - Time remain display - Quiet operation 46dB BOSCH DISHWASHER (STAINLESS STEEL) - 14 international place settings - Load Sensor - HalfLoad Wash - Heat Exchanger - Quiet operation 46dB BOSCH PYROLYTIC OVEN (SELF CLEAN) - 10 Functions - 71 litres capacity volume - 5 shelf positions - Retractable control knobs - LCD display - 30 automatic programmes - Self cleaning NOW $229999 WAS $249999 BOSCH OVEN (STAINLESS STEEL) - 7 Functions - Cavity volume 71L - Triple glass door panel - Eco clean - almost no cleaning is necessary - Electronic functions - Display panel - 3D Hotair BOSCH DISHWASHER (STAINLESS STEEL) - 14 international place settings - Load Sensor - HalfLoad Wash - 4 Energy rating - Push button front controls - Quiet operation 46dB NOW $109999 WAS $129999 NOW $119999 WAS $139999 Reliance will always match a deal NOW $139999 WAS $159999 NOW $158999 WAS $179999 NOW $169999 WAS $199599
Some of the AFC Falcons Football team, from left; Max ‘the wall’ Berkahn, Ben Hailes, Barend Burger, Sam Hailes, Ali Kelly, Remy Hawkridge and Luca Murphy following a successful game this season as they played their final game in the 9th grade before being elevated to the 10th grade.

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