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Are you a Customer Services super star?


Permanent position 1 day a week, part-time hours
Plus extra hours as required to cover sta leave
• Initial training will be provided while working Tuesday to Friday, 5.5 hours per day whilst you learn the role.
You will then work sole charge to cover Senior Customer Services O cer on annual leave for 7 weeks.
• On return of the Senior Customer Services O cer you will revert to the permanent part-time position of 1 day per week (Friday) + casual hours to cover sta leave.
• Base salary + 6.2% bene ts package +3% Kiwisaver + Health Insurance
About the role:
This permanent part time position will be front of house greeting customers and responding to their Council and library requirements for 1 day per week (plus covering sta when they take leave). Initial training period will be Tuesday - Friday 5.5 hours per day whilst you learn the role shadowing our Senior Customer Services O cer.
This will prepare for sole charge cover whilst the Senior Customer Services O cer is on leave for 7 weeks. With the role reverting back to the permanent part time hours (1 day per week) plus cover as required.
There is also the chance to broaden your horizons as you continue your career in our Service Centre, where you can learn more aspects of the Council's Customer Services role. There is a lot to learn, and we provide comprehensible on-the-job training.
Things you will be proud of:
You will be proud of providing a high quality, professional response and adding value to the customer experience.
The boxes you will need to tick:
You will need to be enthusiastic and passionate about providing quality customer service. Experience in a similar customer services environment would be an advantage. Being calm under pressure and good problem-solving skills will be put to good use in this position, as will your sharp and well-honed computer skills. Great things are happening in the Tasman District - come and join our team! If this sounds like you, apply now!
Further information can be obtained by contacting the People & Wellbeing
Sits Vacant
Looking for someone to clear leaves from a driveway in Richmond a couple of days a week. flexible hours and perfect for after school work. $15/ hr. For more information please call Iain 022 085 8955.
Wanted To Rent
1 bedroom flat for older person. Fit, reliable, honest, quiet. Reasonable rent. 021 038 9192.
For Sale
Your For Sale ad here. Phone 544 9037
Garage Sale
Saturday 13th May. Paton Road, Hope (next to Hope School). Gates open 9am-2pm. Tools, Bricks, Weatherboards, reno items, double kayak, household items & more.
For Rent
Your for rent ad here. Phone 544 9037
New shop now open. Huge stock inc fresh stock arriving from all over NZ. Easy parking & easy peaceful access at our lovely new location. Sell-buy-value,with 30+ years experience. Souchebys Antiques, 92 Bateup Rd, Richmond.
(Formerly Happy Z Cafe, Next to MacMillans/Alchemy Pottery) Open 6 days. Ph 5440723 or 021417413. www.antiquesnewzealand.co.nz
MURPHY Michael Joseph (Mike)
Karen, Jade, Todd, Joel and families would like to express immense gratitude to you all for the support and kindness you have shown as we navigate our way through the sad time since we lost Mike. The flowers, food, visits, calls, messages and cards have been simply amazing. Thank you all.
Roberta (Bobby)
Wife to the late Sydney Page, mum to Steve and Jenny, and Lianne Boreham and grandmother and great grandmother. Died April 30th at her home in Waimea Village Richmond Nelson. A private service has been held and Mum was cremated as per her wishes. Aged 84. She wanted to thank her friends both in Chch and Richmond with special mention to the folk at Hospice Care in Nelson and her lovely neighbours at Waimea Village.
Your announcement here for FREE.
Your announcement here for FREE.
Your announcement here for FREE.
Your announcement here for FREE.
Your announcement here for FREE.
Deliverers Wanted
We are looking for individuals or groups to deliver our award winning newspapers. Our runs can be done individually or shared amongst a group , as the famous saying goes. “Many hands make light work”
For further details please email: deliveries@thedeliveryguy.co.nz