Waimea Weekly 10 November 2021

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Waimea Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

Wednesday 10 November 2021

Cheese rolls for swimming

Page 24

Sam’s Super season

Page 6

$1.9M to bridge Richmond West Sara Hollyman Editor


One hundred trucks, 1500 tonnes of concrete, 55 bridge beams, $1.9 million, and nine-months’ work

by two men have seen a brandnew bridge open in Richmond. The Meadows Crossing which connects two halves of the rapidly growing Richmond West development was officially opened on Saturday.

The 70-metre-long bridge links both sides of Berryfield Drive across Borck Creek, providing an alternative access to the development. Project manager Jo Taylor says the bridge will be widely-used as

it enables better access for many of Richmond West’s residents. “It’s going to be huge for all the residents, particularly when the Sprig and Fern opens and the other commercial tenants. It’s going to open up access in the

Appleby Fields side so it will be hugely used.” The bridge was budgeted at a cost of $1.9 million and Jo says it’s looking as though it will come in

see pAge 2

Holiday paddock needed for helpful horses Jenny Nicholson A charity that connects disabled locals with the gift of horse riding are in need of paddocks to let their animals take a much needed break in. Riding for the Disabled (RDA) horses are so in demand during the term that, even with 82 people currently riding, there is a waiting list. Aged from four to 80-years-old, some clients are wheelchair bound, some are independent riders and some need a leader and two people on the side. Continued on Page 2

Robyn Hurford with one of the horses from RDA that needs a new holiday paddock. Photo: Jenny Nicholson.

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WEDNESDAY 10 November 2021

Waimea Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

Distributed to 12,232 homes in Richmond, Hope, Brightwater, Wakefield and Murchison. 5000 rural properties including all farms and lifestyle blocks and small towns.

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News Sara Hollyman sara@topsouthmedia.co.nz Jenny Nicholson jennifer@waimeaweekly.co.nz Jo Kent jo@waimeaweekly.co.nz

Advertising Sales Kay Jordan kay@waimeaweekly.co.nz Raylene Wadsworth raylene@waimeaweekly.co.nz

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100% locally owned and operated

New bridge connects Richmond West Holiday paddock from PAGE 1 needed for helpful horses slightly under budget. Camo McBride along with Stuart Robertson were the two men who did most of the on-site work between February and October to get the bridge completed. Camo, a Thelin Construction employee, says he has worked on more than 100 bridges across the district during his 28-year stint with the company. He stresses it wasn’t just the two of them that pulled the bridge together. Peter Field, who used to own the land the Richmond West development is being built on, also attended the opening ceremony on Saturday. Peter’s father purchased 100 acres of land in 1942 which slowly increased to 450 acres. He now lives on an acre on Lower Queen St but says they “could’ve done with a bridge” many times over the years, farming on the property.

from PAGE 1

The meadows Crossing opened on Saturday. Photo: Supplied. “I remember quite a few times when that area flooded, and the cows were stuck on the other side.” The private company which owns ‘The Meadows’ development worked with the Tasman District Council to get the bridge built. Developer Andrew Spittal said Richmond West was always going to be an inclusive development. “It was a big vision that we would

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have people walking and cycling and it was clear that a splash wasn’t going to work.” Tasman Mayor Tim King thanked Richmond West Developments for a successful collaboration. “I don’t think anyone anticipated how quickly Richmond West was going to develop.” Richmond West will eventually see more than 1000 homes built.

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RDA has, until now, had two supportive people that have provided grazing land for the horses each holiday. Now, one property has been sold and the other is for sale so RDA has to look for new venues. RDA Richmond president Robyn Hurford says the horses love their holidays, which are a time for them to be free to do what they want. “A few months back they were taken to a 20-acre paddock with a track around the edge,” Robyn says. “As soon as they were let go, they all galloped around and around

the field.” She says the 13 horses are very patient with riders, and deserve a break and a change of scenery and to be able to relax and just be horses. “These guys can have up to 20 different people around them in a week,” she says. “I’ve been a teacher and it’s a bit like that. Toward the end of the term these horses start to get a bit grumpy.” Although a holiday is nice for the horses, the primary reason for a different venue is to rest their usual paddocks. Ideally, the paddocks could be available for the school holiday. If you can help, contact Robyn on 03-544 8960.

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WEDNESDAY 10 November 2021


VTX1800 This bike is loaded with extras.

Waimea Intermediate School students Sam Winn, 13, Ben Jenner, 12, Gemma Armstrong, 13, Shashi Vickrama, 11, and Lilly Tough, 11, with principal Justine MacDonald wearing masks that the school has made accessible. Photo: Jenny Nicholson.

Covid rules frustrate educators Jenny Nicholson

Local education leaders are growing frustrated over a lack of detail surrounding new rules aimed at protecting students and minimising the spread of Covid-19. New legislation requires all education workers to have received their first dose of the vaccine by 15 November 2021. Waimea Intermediate School principal Justine McDonald says that will be hard for unvaccinated teachers who have been on the job for 20 or 30 years, still love the job but don’t want the vaccine. “I understand the reasons why, that it reduces risks to children, but it will be hard for any

teachers involved.” However, she doesn’t think it will be a huge issue for the school. The bigger problem are around camps and buses. Justine says, only being open to vaccinated parents may mean camps not going ahead as parent availability has been reducing in recent years. The other frustration for the school is the mandate that students aged 12 and over must wear masks on buses. With about 25 per cent of the school still aged 11, the difficulty is knowing and enforcing who is required to wear masks. With 300 students travelling on 12 buses, Justine says it is difficult for teachers to know the ages of students.




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“On a cramped bus it just makes sense to make it all Year 7 and above.” To make it easier for their students to wear masks, the school has made available masks with their logo on. Justine says there has been a great uptake of these. Teachers at WIS are also navigating conversations with students as talking about vaccinations can be both sensitive and polarising. Justine says teachers are reporting conversations where someone says they won’t be getting a vaccination and others are making judgements. She says it is good for the children to be able to talk about it, but class discussions have to be handled carefully.

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WEDNESDAY 10 November 2021

NEWS Strategy to increase walking and cycling: The Tasman District Council strategy and policy committee is meeting this week to discuss their walking and cycling strategy, which they are hoping to take to public consultation. The strategy sets targets of doubling the amount of walking and cycling to work by 2030 and tripling it by 2050. The focus is on trips to work and schools in urban areas, as this is a measurable way to track change. Public consultation is planned for 7 February to 7 March 2022. Daring midnight rescue for yachtie: A man was winched to safety after his yacht ran aground east of Awaroa, Abel Tasman early last Wednesday morning. The yacht had run into rock in Shag Harbour around midnight amid 40-knot winds. Thankfully, the one yachtsman on board was able to use a personal locator beacon to alert the Rescue Coordination Centre New Zealand. Nelson Marlborough Rescue Helicopter and Coastguard Nelson were tasked with the rescue. The man was winched from the rocks, uninjured. Second Hand Sunday is back: Tasman residents will have the opportunity to pick up a freebie or rehome items they don’t need any more this Sunday, 14 November. Second Hand Sunday will run from 9am - 2pm. If you have items you want to give away, register online to make sure you get onto the list of participating addresses, print off a poster and put it on your mailbox on the day. Participants are responsible for taking anything back in that doesn't get taken away on the day. The list of participants will be available from the TDC website on 12 November.

Taking the plunge into married life Jo Kent Reporter


Local sea swimmers Pete Gibbs and Cathie Lindsey dived straight into married life at Tāhunanui Beach just hours after saying ‘I do’. Complete with bridal veil, bow tie and wetsuits, they sealed the deal last month with a dip, along with 20 of their swim buddies. “It seemed appropriate, seeing as that’s where we first met,” Pete says. The couple had a brief encounter last March at national ocean swim series The Big Tahuna in Nelson. Pete was the local contact for the organisation and was setting things up on the beach on the Friday prior to the event. He met a few of the Auckland swimmers and they all went for dinner and drinks. Some months later, in July, Pete made contact with one of them, Cathie, for some information about some swims in Auckland. “A relationship blossomed and we began a series of visits between Nelson and Auckland,” Pete says.

Cathie moved to Nelson over last summer and said a final goodbye to Auckland in April this year. “We took part in swim events all over the country and even organised our own 60-person swim the length of Abel Tasman National Park in March.” They decided to get married on 2 October with about 40 family and friends who were meant to travel down from Auckland, but as lockdowns took hold, they postponed the date to 30 October. “We opted for a small weekend wedding for family and close friends.” One of Nelson’s best age group swimmers, Bishop Derek Eaton, was the celebrant and, after the ceremony, went with the newlyweds for their celebration swim. Cathie says that, as she’s Canadian, none of her siblings or her 93-year-old mother could make it. “They all sent messages to be read out.” Pete says the fun doesn’t stop there. For the honeymoon, they’re off to walk the Abel Tasman, and hope to hike the Camino de Santiago.

HITCHED AND DUNKED: Cathie Lindsey and Pete Gibbs going for a sea swim at Tahunanui beach straight after their wedding. Photo: Supplied.


Richmond rainfall up 75 per cent Jo Kent Richmond has received 75 per cent more rainfall over the last four months compared to the same time last year. Tasman District Council hydrologist Monique Harvey says, from July to October, Richmond has had 580mm of rainfall, compared with the average of 331mm. “Looking at the year to date since the start of 2021, so far Richmond has received 989mm of rainfall, compared to the average for these 10 months of 804mm - an increase of 23 per cent.” At this time last year Richmond had only received 456mm of rain, so the town is at more than double that now. “The annual average rainfall for Richmond from January to December is 957mm, but this total has already been exceeded. So, it certainly will be an above average year for

rainfall,” Monique says. Meteorologist for MetService, Tui McInnes, says it appears that July, August and September had a handful of significant rain-maker events which resulted in quite high daily amounts of rainfall. “Typically these were lowpressure weather systems in moist northerly flows, with the lows passing over central New Zealand, which helped exacerbate the rainfall over the area. October was similar, although high-pressure systems were more common and resulted in lows passing farther south.” She says that it looks like 2020 was more like October, with more high-pressure systems and less low-pressure systems moving through. This contributed to much lower rainfall amounts than this year, which was a much wetter period than we’d normally expect, comparing to the 30year averages.

WEDNESDAY 10 November 2021


Top South Media, which publishes Waimea Weekly, got behind I AM HOPE’s Gumboot Friday campaign, collectively raising more than $10,500 for the cause. This was raised from advertising features in both the Waimea and Nelson Weekly and from the team hitting the streets in Nelson and Richmond on Friday, alongside the good folk from Hubbers Flooring. All money raised will stay in the Nelson Tasman region. TSM would like to thank all the advertisers who participated in the features, those who donated on the day and the dedicated team from Hubbers, who were fantastic collectors.

Supermarket staff facing aggressive behaviour Jenny Nicholson Staff at one of the local supermarkets have been subject to some nasty behaviour by a few customers. Pak’nSave Store Manager Andy Ackers says a small minority of customers are rude, and even aggressive towards the staff when asked if they have an exemption for mask wearing.

“That’s really not ok,” he says. Andy says their top priority is always safety of customers and their teams, and they understand if a customer can’t wear a mask and has an exemption. “The majority of customers who are exempt are absolutely fantastic about it,” Andy says. Richmond Fresh Choice owner Gary Watson says their custom-

ers have generally been pleasant to staff, but they have also had one or two who have pushed limits. He says people may be weary of wearing masks and ready for some change. A customer, who didn’t want to be named, says some of the the language the staff have to put up with is outrageous. She says she’s “terribly concerned” for staff at the local supermarkets.

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WEDNESDAY 10 November 2021

...End of Story Final facts on some of our stories with

Jo Kent

‘Happy photos needed for collage’ 29 September 2021

Mall Chat Our Christmas decorations are up, and we are counting down the days to Christmas!

Santa and his elves are working hard to prepare for a great season. he is checking the list daily – hope you are all good.

Black Friday Weekend (26/11 – 28/11)

retailers are currently stocking up in preparation for a big weekend. We will share the discount offers on our Facebook Page and Website. We are open 9am – 6pm Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm on Saturday and 10am – 4pm on Sunday.

Lions club members Carol Leggett (left) and Jillian Jary (right) joined Richmond Aquatic Centre staff Crystal Gaiger and Lisa Stanley to celebrate raising funds for free swim lessons. Photo: Jenny Nicholson.

Cheese roll drive gives kids free swim lessons Jenny Nicholson

12 Days of Christmas Facebook Promotion (1/12– 12/12)

our very popular promotion starts on the 1st of December with a prize pool over $3000 split over 12 Days. each day one lucky customer will win a variety of vouchers and products donated by our very generous retailers.

Reindeer Hunt (3/12-20/12)

Santa and his reindeer are hiding in richmond Mall, can you find them? Collect an entry form from our information desk. Make sure to search high and low, once you have found the reindeer record their number on the entry form. on completion return your entry form to collect a lollie and go into the draw to win 1 of 3 $100 richmond Mall gift Vouchers. Winners will be contacted on the 21st of December.

Gift Vouchers and Free Gift Wrapping

It took a mountain of bread and cheese to raise more than $2000 for swimming lessons for 26 children. There were 4,300 slices of bread waiting for the ladies from the Nelson Lions Club and their friends when they met together recently to make the cheese rolls. No-one knows how many 5kg bags of cheese they used, but they know it was a lot. Seven hours and much talking and laughter later, they had met their fundraising target of 410 orders. The rolls are all pre-sold by the Lions ladies to family and friends – and a few to the aquatic centre staff. “We’re lucky to be able to use Garin College,” says Lion president Jillian Jary. “They have a long table, and we start a production line.” Jillian says they have a cheese roll fundraiser each August since Car-

ol Leggett joined the group. Carol hails from further south where cheese rolls are a favourite. Having been a regular at Richmond Aquatic Centre aqua gym for nearly 10 years, Carol had noticed children having lessons and suggested the funds from this year’s cheese rolls be put toward free lessons for those who were unable to afford them. “[The rolls] are lovely, and my husband loves them too,” swim school team leader Lisa Stanley says. The $2,652 raised is being matched dollar for dollar by the Richmond Aquatic Centre and 26 children will be chosen to have 12 swim lessons each. Crystal Gaiger says that priority goes to those with community services cards. Each person/parent applying must also give a reason why they would benefit from the lessons. To apply for one of the free lessons please go to https:// clmnz.wufoo.com/forms/swimmagic-funded-lesson-application/

our richmond Mall gift Vouchers are available in $10, $20 and $50 denominations. They are redeemable at all stores and have no expiry date. give them the gift of choice this Christmas. our Christmas gift wrapping paper has arrived a total of 35km of paper! We offer free gift wrapping for all gifts purchased in richmond Mall. a small donations if purchased elsewhere, all donations goes to Big Brothers Big Sisters of nelson-Tasman.

The winners for the Happy in my Neighbourhood photo competition, which was launched during the August lockdown, have been announced. Carol Syme, Pam Frahm, Sean Meir, Sheree Davidson and Jocelyn Winters all walk away with prize packs which include vouchers for Paper Plus, Muffin Break and Richmond Aquatic Centre, and loads more goodies. The winning photos will be on display at Richmond Library from 15 November to 30 November. Top of the South Neighbourhood Support manager Maree Dunlop says she didn’t realise there would be another lockdown when she created the competition. “Serendipitously, the photos came in at a time when we most needed an extra reason to smile,” she says. “It’s fantastic that Waimea residents were able to share the things, places, people and pets that lifted their spirits, and that they didn’t need to leave their neighbourhood to find them. It’s great to take a little time to find what makes you happy. You never know when you may need to access the memory to get you through a hard time.” ‘Hope School Fair goes ahead with restricted numbers’ 22 September 2021 The first school fair in the region to take place during Level 2 was a huge success. One of the co-ordinators, Sarah Whittle, says there was a lovely atmosphere on the day as things were a bit more relaxed due to the pre-bookable ticketed system. “We sold out of all 300 tickets, and although the event had to be scaled down this year, we still made about $13,000 for the school which is half of what we’d usually make.” Hope School were determined to forge ahead. “We were very proud we managed to do it under the conditions and are relieved that we did, as postponing an event on that scale is disappointing for the kids as well as the families who volunteer their time to organise it.”



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Predicting eruptions wins competition Jenny Nicholson A former Waimea College student has won a national competition for research that he hopes will help predict volcanic eruptions and save lives. Charles Ching, who graduated Waimea College in 2016, went on to study geology at the University of Canterbury. He has now gone on to win the National Universities 3MT (threeminute thesis) Masters Research Competition. “I had a lot of help from family and friends and the university to keep on improving it,” Charles says. “It wasn’t just me.” Finalists from universities across

Charles Ching on a field trip to Mount Ruapehū. Photo: Supplied.

New Zealand summed up their thesis in three minutes with the use of just one PowerPoint slide. Charles says he was happy and surprised to win the national contest where he presented ‘how staring at a lake can save lives’. “There were some very high-quality entrants. It’s a cool competition because learning how to communicate your research is so important. If you can’t communicate it, then it’s not as useful,” Charles says. His research involved regularly climbing Mount Ruapehū, which is an active volcano. He observed the crater lake Te Wai ā-moe where all recent volcanic eruptions have occurred. Part of his study involved analysing photos of the lake’s surface, and identifying five volcanic vents beneath the lake where only two were previously known. “All of this information helps to better predict when and where the volcano will erupt from in the future, which will allow people to be evacuated from the busy ski slopes on the volcano before it erupts and will hopefully save lives,” he says. University of Canterbury Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation), Professor Ian Wright, says anyone who watches the presentation will both understand the work and find it interesting. “We’re thrilled for Charles. It’s great recognition from the judges of the quality and impact of his research and his infectious enthusiasm for his subject.”

WEDNESDAY 10 November 2021




WEDNESDAY 10 November 2021

Johnny’s 67km gumboot walk for mental health Jonty Dine Reporter

jonty@nelsonweekly.co.nz jonty@nelsonweekly.co.nz

It took Johnny Arbuckle three days before he could even get down his stairs after walking 67km nonstop in gumboots. Though the journey took its toll on the Nelson man’s body, Johnny pushed through the pain knowing he was ultimately helping save lives. Johnny took on the challenge as part of the na-

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tionwide ‘Gumboot Friday,’ campaign, raising funds for youth mental health services. He set out to walk 125 laps of Champion Green, one for every suicide committed by someone under 24 in the year June 2019-20. The 29-year-old says the final few laps were incredibly strenuous, but he was driven over the line by his desire to make a difference. “It was satisfying but very draining. I heard quite a few stories which puts things in perspective.” Johnny says one mother approached him to say she hadn’t seen her son smile like that in six months. “It was a good feeling, it put you on the other side.” Though he works on a boat as a mussel farmer for up to 18 hours at a time while wearing gumboots, three hours of non-stop walking was a different story. “I thought it would be a lot easier than it was.” Coming off a 70-hour work week probably wasn’t the best preparation, in hindsight. “I got told about 20 times

Johnny Arbuckle walked for almost three hours in gumboots to raise money for youth mental health services. Photo: Supplied. that I’ll save people’s lives, so tell anybody, but you need to that pushed me through the talk to someone.” last little bit.” Johnny’s experience showed At 22, Johnny was diagnosed to him just how bad the syswith manic depression and tem was and prompted him shut himself off from people. to take action. “At the start, I didn’t want to “Knowing what it’s like and

knowing there are alternative routes that are better and seeing the difference it makes is a big factor.” With two daughters of his own, Johnny wants them to grow up in a world where there are many different services readily available for youth suffering from mental health issues. “I am getting ongoing counselling but a lot of families don’t have that funding, and when it is there it can be months or even a year before you can see someone.” Johnny initially set out to raise $120, or the cost of one counselling session for a child. He obliterated his target with the amount sitting at $6000 with more to be counted. “There have been countless local businesses that came forward with gifts and donations.” His own mental health journey is still ongoing though the road has become a lot smoother. “I have learnt to live with it. I am a bit older so now know how to pull through the worst times and I have great support around me.”

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WEDNESDAY 10 November 2021

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The evolution of Tasman names

Ruth Russ

The colonialisation of place names in Tasman/Te Tai-oAorere is slowly giving way to the use of both Māori and anglicised names, side by side. The German settlement of St Paulidorf/Sarau regained its Māori name over a 100 years ago after WW1, when German settlers were pressured to display their fellow New Zealanders’ allegiance to Britain, and German names were anglicised. The town still displays the name Sarau, but it is now more commonly known by its Māori name of Moutere, which means “island”. The new bypass, Te Mamaku Drive, incorporates Ruby Bay’s indigenous name. A mamaku is a black tree fern, which pre-European settlement was plentiful in the

area. Golden Bay was named so after the discovery of gold in the 1850s. It had previously been dubbed Massacre Bay by Dumont D’Urville and Murderers’ Bay by Abel Tasman. The Māori name for the bay is Mohua. Mohua is a pretty, rare yellow bird (nicknamed “custard-head” by scientists) native to the South Island. Speaking of nicknames, in English culture giving places nicknames as a practice is

often a form of endearment, although perhaps not common everywhere; once a man came down from Hastings and was bewildered to find that Motueka is known colloquially as ‘Mot’. (He then proceeded to tour “Nel”, “Rich” and “Wake”. I’m not sure he got as far as Murch, another actual example in this area.) To use this same practice to shorten Māori names, however, is to disrupt the meaning and significance

behind the name, chosen very specifically to denote a place’s characteristics, or to honour an ancestor. In English culture, however, there can be the temptation to shorten names, especially those with many syllables. However, there was on occasion a practical reason to entirely rename places and landmarks Māori had already labelled. I recall a story in the news once about a local council considering changing the name of Māori Road to something else, as the roadsign was constantly stolen. Also, Arrow Rock (or Fifeshire Rock, as many people know it) was originally called Urenui by Māori. The early colonists believed this inappropriate for the new town, as while the word could mean “courage”, it could also be translated as a man’s private parts. Property Management Ltd | MREINZ

Stewart Henry Tina Hebberd Pauline Harris 027 454 5112Property027 233 0260 Ltd | MREINZ 027 664 4424 Management

Got an Opinion? Your Property Property Management Ltd | MREINZ

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Lydia McKenzie 027 886 4192 546 9290

Marie Healy Mandy Troy 027 233 3131 027 230 0201 Ltd Property Management 547 2476

What’s On!

Let us know what you think of our Our Priority Pauline Harris Samantha Burling your Lydia McKenzie Marie Healy Stewart Mandy Henry Troy Tina Hebberd Pauline Harris Samantha Burling Lydia McKenzie Marie Healy Mandy Stewart TroyHenry Tina Hebberd Pauline Harris stories, and community. Our233Richmond team are responsible after 300027properties 027 233 0260 027 664 4424 027 538 3643 027 886 4192 027 3131 027 454 027 5112 230 0201 027 233 0260 for looking 027 664 4424 538 3643 027 886 4192 027 233 3131 027 230454 0201 5112 027 233 0260 027 664 4424 Jemma Gillon Nicki Mel Powell 027 Avei Douglas 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 547 2476 546 9290 547 2476 546 9290 Stacey Howden 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290Morris 547 2476 547546 2476 9290 Barbara Winter 546 9290 546 9290 in the Richmond, Brightwater and027 Wakefield - they have 541 0164 regions 027 454 5106 027 662 1222 027 555 4522 021 279 2796 027 658 0077 Garage Sale Comment on facebook or send over your 25 years of collective547 experience in the 547 field. 2476 2476 544 2900 544 2900 544 2900 528 4001 7.30am-12pm, Saturday 13 November letters to the editor to: Nelson 546 9290 Stoke 547 2476 125 Gladstone 2900RichMotueka 528 4001 Waimea Village, Road, Nelson 545Richmond 6100 544 Stoke 547 5279 Richmond 544 2900 Motueka 528 4001 mond sara@topsouthmedia.co.nz Jemma Gillon Nicki Morris Mel Powell Barbara Winter Avei Douglas Stacey Howden Jemma Gillon Nicki Morris Mel Powell Barbara Winter Avei Douglas Stacey Howden Jemma Gillon Nicki Morris Tina Hebberd

027 454 5106 547 2476

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Nelson 545 6100

Waimea Weekly

027 555 4522 544 2900

Stoke 547 5279

021 279 2796 544 2900

Richmond 544 2900 Locally Owned and Operated

027 658 0077 528 4001

027 541 0164 547 2476

Motueka 528 4001

Have a rummage in everything from 027 662 1222 027 555 4522 021 279 2796 027 658 0077 544 2900 2900 528 4001 household items544and plants 544 to 2900 baking and Nelson 545 6100 Stoke at 547this 5279 Richmond 544 2900 Motueka 528 4001 preserves bargain hunters paradise. 027 454 5106 547 2476

027 541 0164 547 2476

027 454 5106 547 2476

027 662 1222 544 2900

Nelson 545 6100

547 2476

Samantha Burling 027 538 3643 546 9290

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027 555 4522 544 2900

Stoke 547 5279


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Second Hand Sunday

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Email jo@waimeaweekly.co.nz to include your event here.

Stewart Stewart Henry Stewart Henry Henry TinaTina Hebberd Tina Hebberd HebberdPauline Pauline Harris Pauline Harris Harris Samantha Samantha Samantha Burling Burling Burling LydiaLydia McKenzie Lydia McKenzie McKenzie Marie Marie Healy Marie HealyHealy Mandy Mandy Troy Mandy Troy Troy 027 454 027 5112 454 027Property 5112 454Property 5112Property 027 233 027 0260 233 027 0260 233Ltd 0260 027|Ltd 664 027| 4424 664 0274424 664 4424027 538 027 3643 538 0273643 538 3643027 886 027 4192 886 0274192 886 4192027 233 027 3131 233 027 3131 233 3131 027Management 230 027Management 0201 230 0270201 230 Management Management Management |Ltd MREINZ MREINZ MREINZ Property Property Property Management Ltd0201 |Ltd MREINZ |Ltd MREINZ | MREINZ 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290

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Your Property

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546 9290


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WEDNESDAY 10 November 2021


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Your Voice



WEDNESDAY 10 November 2021

We want to hear your opinions on what matters to you and your community

Email: sara@topsouthmedia.co.nz Facing my vaccine fears: I hadn’t had a vaccine since I was 11 years old in Golden Bay where I fainted and went into a spasm. I avoided needles completely and my phobia grew and grew, to the point where I would faint from watching an injection. The thought of getting one made me want to run away forever. At 22 years old, the Covid pandemic forced me to face my biggest fear; an injection. I decided in the second New Zealand lockdown that I had to work on this phobia and create a comprehensive recovery programme for myself so that I could try and receive the jab. This started with yoga, relaxation techniques and eating healthy so that my general anxiety would lessen. I then went on to do some exposure/desensitisation therapy like holding a syringe, imaginary exposure where I would imagine someone getting injected and going with my mum to get her Covid vaccine. I then went to seek help through hypnotherapy. I found a hypnotherapist called Andrea at ‘Transform You’ in Motueka. I explained my problem and my goal and we got straight to it. She has a way of

making you feel extremely comfortable and safe. This is when I really started to feel a change in my perspective towards needles. Through hypnotherapy, I was able to re-programme my mind and how it feels about an injection. I practiced deep relaxation and it became easier to bring myself back to a calm, relaxed mindset. I was able to sort of ‘undo’ my traumatising event with an injection from when I was 11. When it came to getting my Covid vaccine, I was so lucky that the Nelson Marlborough DHB is doing home visits for people who aren’t able to get the vaccine done at a vaccine centre or doctors for whatever reason. The lovely nurses came to my house and gave me my jab in my lounge. I didn’t faint, I was fine. And afterwards, I felt free of something that had been holding me back for so long. It’s a feeling that’s hard to describe, but I feel lighter and more positive. I wanted to share my story because I feel for people that are struggling with the same issue as me. There is help out there and you aren’t alone. It’s not impossible. Betsy Blasdale


waimeaweekly and www.topsouthmedia.co.nz

Moving Finger: I have become aware over the last week or so that there is a massive division in our community around the government imposed mandate on having vaccinated staff and volunteers at the Health Centre, Kindy, Playcentre, School and our close contact small businesses (e.g. hairdressers). So, as a member of this community I am making a choice I am choosing to support all staff in my community whatever decision they decide to make. I accept that they will make different decisions based on different reasons – medical, family, employment and ethics. All of these decisions will have consequences both positive and negative for both them, their families, and also for us as a community. But it is their choice. As a community we have a choice as well. Do we support all these health workers, school staff, our close contact businesses, and accept that they have made the best decision for them and their families, under very difficult circumstances? Or not? I do feel very sorry for these people who have had to make their choice in such a public way, when at this point, I don’t have to. So that is why I am choosing

to support all of these people no matter what they decide, the same as I have and will continue to support all businesses in our community that have had to enforce mask-wearing, signing in, and non-contact pickup and delivery. None of these rules were put in place by these or any other people in this community, but by higher authorities. This is not about whether or not I agree or disagree with vaccinations, the traffic light system, the vaccine mandate etc. in two years’ time we can all let this government know what we think of their decisions. This is about us as a community supporting people who have had to make some very hard decisions affecting their jobs, their businesses, their homes and their families. So I am making my choice for the community. I choose to support all the staff and volunteers of the Murchison Health Centre, I support all the staff and volunteers of the Murchison Early Childhood centres, I support all the Board, staff and volunteers of Murchison Area School, and I support all the owners and staff of the hospitality and small businesses of this great little community, whatever they decide. Tony Peacock


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WEDNESDAY 10 November 2021

Toy Run gives back to kids in need Jo Kent Reporter


Bikers from across the region are set to ride from Founders Park to the Richmond A&P Showgrounds in the 36th annual Nelson Toy Run later this month. The Ulysses Club Nelson branch is inviting anyone with a motorbike to join the procession on 27 November and bring along a brand-new toy or game for a family in need. Coordinator for the club, Rod O’Beirne, says Covid safety rules will still apply. “Nothing will stop our an-

nual toy run, we go ahead rain or shine. It’s about generating enough new toys to distribute throughout the region for those families who need a helping hand at Christmas.” Ros Johnson, assistant corps leader for the Salvation Army, says the Toy Run enables the organisation to help hundreds of families. The public is encouraged to come along to look at the bike display at either the starting point at Founders Park at 10am or the end at the showgrounds around 11.30am. Toys can be dropped off at both venues, too. Rod says they are asking for new

toys as opposed to second-hand or used and they do ask for no soft toys. “We are collecting for children ranging from birth up to 16, so it’s a wide spectrum. We would love to see more family games included this year as Christmas is about bringing people together.” There will be a sausage sizzle as well as a prize-giving for the best decorated bike. If you can’t make the Toy Run but would still like to donate a new toy, drop-off points are Richmond and Nelson branches of NBS bank, and Salvation Army stores.

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Toy Run volunteers (back): Brent Williams, Rod O’Beirne, Pat Lithgow (front): Angela Herbert and Ros Johnson are looking forward to this year’s event. Photo: Jo Kent.



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WEDNESDAY 10 November 2021

Murchison Murchison is an ‘undiscovered paradise’ which is brimming with rural charm and natural beauty, making it the ideal place for people to visit. Only a 90-minute drive from Nelson, the delightful township is located between two stunning national parks and is surrounded by forested valleys and spectacular rivers. So, there’s plenty of scope for outdoor adventures in Murchison, such as hiking, canoeing, kayaking, rafting, jetboating, gold panning, hunting and fishing. The area also has lots of mountain biking and tramping trails, such as ‘The Old Ghost Road’ which is a long-forgotten gold miners’ road. It traverses majestic native forest, open tussock tops, river flats, and valleys. With swift-flowing rivers everywhere in the region, Murchison is known as the ‘whitewater capital’ of New

Zealand. The rivers vary from class 2 to 4 whitewater, so they’re not for the fainthearted. The area is steeped in history. Originally, it was a gold rush settlement, and the town was almost completely destroyed by a large earthquake in 1929. So, while you are visiting Murchison, you might like to visit the local museum to find out all about the district. You could also head over to beautiful Maruia Falls, which is the result of a landslide diverting the Maruia River during the devastating quake. As well as lovely walks to viewing platforms, there is also a picnic area with toilet facilities available. Or you and the kids could enjoy a spot of gold panning at the Buller Gorge Swing Bridge and Heritage Park. This ‘must-see destination is home to New Zealand’s long-

Restore and explore with the wide range of activities available in Murchison.

Maureen Pugh



Ph: 523 9068 48 wAllER St, muRchISON


My local drop-in clinics last week in Franz Josef and Westport had several common themes: Covid, 3 waters, SNAs, debt. The mandating of vaccinations is striking at the heart of some people’s views of freedom and democracy. It is being seen a tool to divide our country and set communities, workmates and families against each other. Covid has become a campaign of fear. The management of NZ’s response is in a complete mess and as the number of infections continues to climb thankfully the hospitalisations do not. The South Island is still in Level 2 meaning most Christmas functions, sports events and A & P Shows have had to be cancelled, even though there has been no community transmissions here for a year. Then along came the 3 Waters mandate and rate payers’ assets are now at risk of being confiscated by the

Public Meeting Murchison

Come and chat with National List MP Maureen Pugh and National’s Agriculture Spokesperson Barbara Kuriger MP speaking on rural issues including Three Waters and SNAs - Q&A session to follow.

Friday 12 November, 12.30 - 2pm Murchison Sport & Rec Centre (hot drinks provided) 0800 MAUREEN

A picturesque place to ‘restore and explore’

Govt to give to an entity made up of 6 council-appointed reps and 6 iwiappointed reps. State sponsored theft at its best. The Govt plans top borrow $180b against the value of those assets, and no points for guessing who will have to repay that debt. Which leads me to SNAs and other planning tools that see private property rights side-lined while further state sponsored theft has parts of your property designated as “significant” and your rights to use it are taken off you, but not the cost of owning it and paying rates on it. The SNAs (significant natural areas) was initially introduced to preserve those very significant and unique parcels of land. This process has been captured, along with private property. There have been concerns raised

about how much New Zealand is borrowing on a daily basis. Although having to borrow to get us through the covid response was necessary, some of the spending has been difficult to track. The Auditor-General has recently reported that some of the Govt’s spending “had been difficult to reconcile”. The response to my mailer, which went out to 26,000 mail boxes throughout West Coast-Tasman, has generated excellent feedback, with practical environmental policies standing out as a key issue of importance. Please complete the survey and have your say on what is important to you, your family and your business. Don’t miss the opportunity to speak up. This Friday’s public meeting in Murchison is another opportunity to air your views and I’m really looking forward to talking and listening with lots of locals. Come along for a listen and a cuppa.

Wanting a straight forward chat about Real Estate?

Lydia Heyward 027 432 8532


Authorised by M Pugh, Parliament Buildings, Wgtn.



Murchison est swing bridge, or you could try the high speed ‘Comet Line’ and ride high above the mighty Buller River. If you enjoy a spot of golf, check out Murchison Golf Club which has a relaxed 9-hole golf course next to the Buller River. The town has plenty of accommodation options, including a backpacker, a holiday park, and

a variety of motels, hotels and lodges. Riverside Holiday Park has a beautiful river hole for swimming, so why not bring the family down for a few days and fill your days with fun outdoor activities? Just 25 minutes south of Murchison on SH65, Maruia River Retreat provides a great place for rest and relaxation, with luxury units, yoga,

WEDNESDAY 10 November 2021

A picturesque place to ‘restore and explore’

massage, sauna treatments and more. It also has a restaurant onsite which is open to non-residents by reservation only. Other dining options in Murchison, includes Zen’s Kitchen which provides nutritious plantbased food, Rivers Café with ‘comfy seats and tasty treats,’ The Cowshed Restaurant, where pizzas are a speciality. Murchison

Tearooms always has great baking, pies and sandwiches. Sweet Dreams, a French Bakery, has delicious home-made pastries and breads, and Commercial Café which provides ‘top notch Kiwi food.’ During your visit, do take the time to stroll around the local shops to browse their wares and maybe do a bit of Christmas

shopping – there are a couple of lovely antique furniture stores, a sprinkling of gift shops, a ‘general’ store (which is also home to the town’s post shop), a supermarket and more. With so much to see and do in Murchison, it’s the ideal place to visit this summer – where you can rest and relax, but also tap into your adventurous side!

Lillianne, Darryll and “The Boss” of Darryll Pugh Agricultural Contracting with their new McCormick X7-650 tractor. Damien O’Connor MP West Coast-Tasman I want to thank my constituents and all New Zealander’s for their commitment and hard work since COVID-19 arrived on our shores. You’ve underpinned the strength of our economy. Your efforts have ensured that Kiwis are

fed, and the steps you've taken to operate safely have helped prevent the spread of the virus. There’s now another big way everyone can help and that’s to get vaccinated as soon as possible. It will benefit those both near to you and far away as we begin to reconnect with the world.

As I write, over 72 per cent of our eligible population in Nelson/Tasman is fully vaccinated, with around 83 per cent having had at least one dose. Since Delta arrived, the rate of vaccination in New Zealand has been among the fastest in the world. Let’s do our bit and maintain the momentum.

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WEDNESDAY 10 November 2021

Ken’s new job gives more opportunity to serve Jenny Nicholson

The tough times Ken Joyes’s family faced as he grew

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up gave him a passion for social justice. His early life, the struggles his family faced and the kindness of those around him have shaped his strong emphasis on social justice. He is bringing that to his new position as Community Pastor at Grace Church. “It’s important that we care for physical, emotional and spiritual needs,” he says. “We’ve helped those who are sick, and others to find a home. And it’s important, especially at the moment, that people connect.” While Ken was born in Auckland, his family moved to Taumarunui when he was three. The company where his father worked as a drainlayer had been given a big contract in Auckland. Before they even started, Ken’s father died, and his mother was left bankrupt with four children to raise. What happened next really impacted Ken’s life. Locals from the Taumarunui Marae travelled to Auckland, collected the family and shifted them into the house next to the marae. “They respected dad, so they helped us,” Ken says. “That was a big part of why helping people has been a prime focus for me.” As he grew up, he knew education was the path out of the spot he was in. At university he was the only student in his dentistry class from a beneficiary background. It was during his uni years that he began a life following God. After graduation

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And it’s important, especially at the moment, that people connect. Later, to support his own family through university, he bought his own dental practice which he recently sold. He still works there two days

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he worked as a dentist at the hospital, a choice he made realising it would be an opportunity to help those who were from underprivileged backgrounds.

W W W. C O P Y P R E S S . C O . N Z


Ken Joyes at Grace Church where he is now working as a Community Pastor. Photo: Jenny Nicholson. a week. “I saw my wife Wendy volunteering with Crisis Pregnancy, Refugee Support, and Habitat for Humanity and couldn’t wait to sell my practice so I could get involved too,” he says. Ken oversees the diverse groups that meet together as part of Grace Church, and encourages those running them to ensure they are places anyone can be comfortable at. Whereas in the past groups tended to all be bible study groups, some now revolve around shared interests. Groups include petrolheads, knit and natter, young

adults, along with walking and cycling groups. He has recently asked what it really means to be truly generous. He says Jesus came to serve so who are we to sit back and do nothing. The bible says, “For even the Son of Man (Jesus) came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” “We will all know families who may lose their jobs,” Ken says. “We want to know how we can help them, serve them and support them. It’s our responsibility.” If you would like to connect with Grace Church please phone 03 544 7071.




WEDNESDAY 10 November 2021


Just a thought... Megan hopes her journey Ken Joyes Grace Church What the World Need Now Is… Extravagant Generosity Generosity involves much more than money. Our time, our attitudes, our whole lives can either be generous towards others or self-focused. Though it is frequently what people need most, time can be a difficult commodity to spare. It takes time to show love and respect, listening to people’s concerns or anxieties. People need someone to care – that takes time. Ultimately generosity reflects the curve of our hearts. Often our hearts curve away from God and generosity, back towards ourselves. We struggle to be generous, forgetting that God has been sacrificially, extravagantly gener-

ous to us. To curve our hearts away from their self-centred trajectories is hard. Yet, more than ever, our community needs extravagant generosity – accepting, loving, and forgiving each other. We need to be generous with all we have, especially our time, if we are to serve and love our neighbour. When Jesus was asked what the most important commandment is, he replied “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.” These words are found in the bible in Matthew 22 v 37-39 and verse 39, which shows the importance Jesus placed on how we treat each other.

will help others to heal

Jenny Nicholson For years Megan Wright felt she didn’t belong but now she is sure of who she is and wants others to also have a place of belonging and support. Her experiences through childhood and early adulthood have given her an understanding of the need for everyone to have a place where they feel safe and loved, and it is this she brings to her new position as women’s pastor at Richmond New Life. When Megan was eight, she was told she was adopted.She had a lovely family, but hearing she was adopted changed who she thought she was. That lingered through to her adult years and came to a head when she found she was expecting twins. Wanting to know her background and health history, she wrote to her birth mother. “She read the letter then put it in an envelope and sent it back to

me,” Megan says. “There was a real sense of rejection.” Megan says the turning point for her was taking her hurt to God. She had a realisation that no matter who birthed her in the physical, she was part of God’s family. “Knowing I was a daughter of God made me whole.” Megan wants to facilitate community, bringing people together to support each other. “It’s so important people find a safe place where they feel accepted and can be free to be themselves.” She says there is so much anxiety in society, and people are feeling on edge. Her dream is to help provide a place where people can enjoy life again. Megan is the first to admit people and churches are not perfect, but she hopes that others can feel the sense of family her local church has given her. To contact Megan or Richmond New Life ring 544 1094.

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PAIRS tyres TYRES? 20 18

WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY 10 28 November November 2021 2018


Summer Motoring

Route 6 Automotive

and operated by Hayden and Belinda Biskin for the past nine years. Route 6 Automotive is in a handy location at 327 Queen St, Richmond. Opening hours are Monday to Friday from 7.30am to 5.30pm and Saturdays from 8.00am to 12.30pm. Before you hit the road this summer, come and talk to the friendly, experienced team at Route 6 Automotive. They can give you some sound advice to keep your car safe and roadworthy.

Gas stay specialists

During the summer months, Route 6 Automotive can take care of all your motoring needs and help to ensure your vehicle is safe to drive. Route 6 provides everything from WOF’s, tune-ups, puncture repairs and tyre replacements to general mechanical repairs for all types of makes and models. The business has been locally owned

Route 6 Automotive at 327 Queen St are your one-stop-shop for vehicle servicing and repairs. Ph: 544 8652 to book your car in for a tuneup, warrant of fitness, or tyre replacement, get in touch with the team today.


To book your car in for servicing repairs, call 03 544 8652 or email: office@route6au At Advanced Automotive on Gladstone Rd, no jobtomotive.co.nz. is too big or tooTo small youmore, can bevisit asfindandout sured that your car is in safe, experienced, qualified hands. A registered MTA member, Ad• Quality Stabilus Struts ‘Route 6 Automotive’ on Facebook. vanced Automotive can service and repair any kind of vehicle, making it roadworthy for sum• Free fitting on most vehicles • Free warranty mer motoring. work to the philosophy that if or give them a call on (03) Tyreworld 4A Gladstone Rd, Heslops To ensure your vehicle is safe it’s not good enough for their 544 1014. Richmond 03 544 1212 enough to drive this summer, you can vehicles, it’s not good Heslops in Stoke has recently opened a Stay Specialists have your tyres checked by for yours. fantastic newGas automotive workshop with It’s always means the expert team at Tyreworld Being car enthusiasts brand new equipment, toangetawkward you backpreon dicament when of experiRichmond! “With people the team has years the road faster this summer. you’re tryto get theservice, shopping in the all makesthe ing going away more than they ence working withOffering same great Heslops back of the WOFs, car but mechanithe boot get- alignments, normally might, they like to and models of vehicles, does wheel lid won’t stay up. If inside and get everything sorted before ting to know them cal repairs, vehicle servicing and you’re much currently having this probin handy Christmas,” says owner-op- out, which comes more. Heslops are motorhome specialists, lem, then you need to erator Daryl Smith. “We are when they need repairing. they have transport engineers onsite, visit and the teammechanics at Gas Stayhave Special& Radiaseeing a lot of cars with tyres Richmond Exhausttheir two automotive over ists. custhat have worn out, espe- tor Specialists provide • All Mechanical • Fully Qualified, 70 years of combined experience between Gasgot struts can be found on service cially where vehicle owners tomers with quality them, so they’ve you covered. Repairs Experienced SameMechanics great serviceare getting 12 month WOF’s. and parts along with bonnets, utediagnostic canopies, The advice business boots, has sophisticated • Free Drop Off & Pick • Gas Strut Re-Gassing marine hatches, office been They think, I’ve got a warrant you can trust. They’ve equipment which is available onsite,chairs, and it facility & •equipment to get you back on the road faster Ups in New Richmond All Vehicles - Petrol campervan beds and even toy Tasman – phew that’s good, then six servicing the Nelson has a VTNZ COF lane – bookings are esSame great servicemonths down the track their region for over 25 sential boxes. years and • Complete Workshop, and Diesel for this service via VTNZ. They also While cleaning gas strutsmachine may befora during that time, have tyre’son blown or there’s WOFs, New Servicing and & •equipment No Job too Big havegained a fuel system facility toorget you back theoutroad faster mechanical device, excellent simple steel hanging out! I see tyres a reputation for petrol/diesel engines which will clean out Repairs too Small they are vital, especially it comes out there putting families at craftsmanship when the engine and complete fuel system. This comesbytonot your car. to risk. “At Tyreworld, we are to repairing or replacing can saveexyou awhen lot of itmoney having Over winter, gas struts tend fuel locals with over 35 years of haust systems, repairing replace/repair fuel pump injectors. to lose pressure because cusexperience between us and tanks and hand crafting Heslops caters for all makes and models of they are affected cold it’s in my best interest that tom radiators and exhausts. cars, light commercial vehicles,by 4 xthe 4 vehiatmosphere. If the last few in you come away with the best With over 220 radiators 4A Gladstone Road, Richmond cles, campervans and caravans. months of winter weather 200 mufadvice.” Before you hit the stock and around Their specialist team of people can advise have loosened strutsand on proud to particular road for your summer holi- flers, the team is you on your vehiclethe problem your vehicle, Gas Stay Speon day, drop into Tyreworld on offer competitive pricing they always provide timely and cost-effeccialists can help re gassing that service actu- and Oxford Street and get your superior products tive repairs in a by professional struts or stocking and supvehityres checked. Tyreworld’s ally fit, ensuring your manner. plying quality Stabilus struts. round. services include wheel align- cle is fixed first time Courtesy cars are available (booking re(booking required) The team offers free fitting is over ments, puncture repairs and Whether your carquired). The workshop has a high roof to most cars and and all struts heating, leaking or making on balancing. accommodate large motorhomes, there come points with a available. warranty. sounds that have are youexternal wor- power service (booking required)Exhaust & Come and see Gas Stay Speried, come and seeHeslops the team Richmond has a modern customer lounge (booking required) you back on the road faster cialists today in the bright at Richmond Exhaust & RaRadiator Specialists onsite and external toilet facilities are availbuilding on Gladstone at 4 green The team at Richmond Ex- diator Specialists today able. NZMCA member discounts. For one(booking Rd today. haust required) & Radiator Specialists Gladstone Road, Richmond stop mechanical and engineering service,

0800 427 782


Get your vehicle ready for summer OPENING SOON…..


Same Samegreat greatservice service facility&&equipment equipment to on on thethe road faster Newfacility toget getyou youback back road faster New

• Motorhome Specialists Specialists •Motorhome External power points available Motorhome Specialists • • Motorhome Specialists High roof to accommodate large motorhomes • •External power points External power pointsavailable available • External power points available Modern customer lounge large High roofto toaccommodate accommodate large motorhomes • •High roof motorhomes • High roof to accommodate large motorhomes • External toilet facilities Modern customer lounge • Modern customer lounge SOON….. • • Modern customer lounge •External Courtesy carsfacilities available External toilet facilities toilet TYRES t • Wheel alignments available on site •NEW External toilet facilities Courtesy carsavailable available • Courtesy cars WHEEL ces12” incltyres ude fitti•nfrom g,Courtesy bal•NEW aALIGNMENTS nci$VTNZ ng & gst.TYRES COF lane on site Wheel alignments available on site cars available • Wheel alignments available on site WHEEL ALIGNMENTS MARSHALL BATTERIES s13” call 0800 HESLOP (437 567) or email: ad tyres from • Transport engineers on site $ VTNZ COF lane on site min@heslops.co.nz. MARSHALL BATTERIES 79 MAG WHEELS • Wheel alignments available on site • VTNZ COF lane on site For more information, visit www.heslops. available co.nz. Heslopsfrom Motor Group located at 7 MAG WHEELS The best quality products & service the isteam • Diagnostic equipment available Transport engineers on site TYRES 14” tyresS/H Kotua Place, Stoke. from $99 • Transport engineers on site that have stood by their work for over 25 years date large motorhomes S/H TYRES • VTNZ COF lane on site PUNCTURE REPAIRS • Servicing & repairs for motorhomes & caravans Diagnostic equipment available Prices include fitting, balancing & gst. REPAIRS PUNCTURE Prestige Euro Works Service nge •Best equipment available Go to the guys that specialise • A good selection ofDiagnostic mags is also available. Best Service • Transport engineers on site • NZMCA member discounts Servicing & repairs for all makes (cars, utes, motorhomes & caravans) Best prices Servicing & repairs for motorhomes & caravans • Puncture repairs, second handprices tyres. Are you planning on clocking up a few km’s Best over the summer? Prestige Euro Works advice. s• Good honest GUARANTEED!! • Servicing & repairs for motorhomes & caravans GUARANTEED!! will take care of all your European vehicle • NZMCA member discounts • Diagnostic equipment available needs. Whether it’s a basic service, a spe-


good selection of mags is alService so available. Best prices uncture repairs,Best secondBest hand tyres. prices ood honest advice.



NZMCA member discounts

(booking required)

• Servicing & repairs for motorhomes & caravans • to NZMCA (Entrance Warringmember car-park) discounts Proud to support Nelson Motor Show Tyrethe & Alignment Specialists

ilable on site PH: 544 7575 RICHMOND PH: 544 7575 RICHMOND 38 Oxford Street, Richmond 38 Oxford Street, Richmond

(Entrance to Warring car-park)

Daryl Smith Smith Daryl Owner/Operator Owner/Operator

cialised repair, or perhaps an extra bit of horsepower – Prestige Euro Works has you covered on all bases. Located on Gladstone 4 Gladstone Rd, Richmond Rd in Richmond, their(opposite talented NPD) technicians have a knack for identifying small issues


PAIRS tyres TYRES? 18

WEDNESDAY 28 November 2018

Feature Feature

WEDNESDAY 10 November 2021


Summer Motoring

before they become big headaches. With the ability to source even the most hard-to-find parts, you can feel confident in Prestige Euro Works to get the job done right. Their proud team of specialists want you to get the most out of your European vehicle - and with the latest diagnostic equipment, you can be sure you are in capable hands. Have a query or want to book a repair? Phone 544 9853 or email info@prestigeeuroworks.co.nz. Keep up with the latest deals on the Prestige Euro Works Facebook page.

Gas stay specialists


At Advanced Automotive on Gladstone Rd, no job is too big or too small and you can be assured that your car is in safe, experienced, qualified hands. A registered MTA member, Ad• Quality Stabilus Struts vanced Automotive can service and repair any kind of vehicle, making it roadworthy for sum• FreeAuto fitting on most vehicles • Free warranty Nicholls Centre mer motoring. work to the philosophy that if or give them a call on (03) Tyreworld 4A Gladstone Rd, Nicholls Auto Centre is owned and opit’s not good enough for their 544 1014. To ensure your vehicle is safe Richmond erated by Kim & Freya Hogarth who 03 544 1212 vehicles, it’s not good enough to drive this summer, you can are dedicated to delivering the highest Gas Stay Specialists for yours. have your tyres checked by level of service to customers. It’s always an awkward preBeing car enthusiasts means the expert team at Tyreworld MTA approved and selected as a top dicament when you’re trythe team has years of experiRichmond! “With people workshop in the area for the Auto Suing to get the shopping in the ence working with all makes going away more than they per Shoppe network means customers Prestige Euro Works pride themselves on investing in the most up-to-date and relevant diagnostic and in of the car equipment but the boot normally might, they like to and models of vehicles, get- backmechanical can rest assured their vehicle is in the order to ensure they can offer all relevant services to the most modern European vehicles at a realistic price. Call now and talk to get everything sorted before ting to know them inside and lid won’t stay up. If you’re best hands. the team on 03 544 9853. Christmas,” says owner-op- out, which comes in handy currently having this problem, then you need to visit erator Daryl Smith. “We are when they need repairing. 5pm) Auto Exhaust Centre & is Radiacen- tothe Theirseeing automotive series teamforat WOF’s, Gas Stayservicing SpecialRichmond a lot of cars withintyresNicholls and repairs. cludesthat carhave servicing, warrant trally located in theprovide Richmond ists. tor Specialists cusworn out, espe• All Mechanical • Fully Qualified, the friendly team on at and offers of fitness, repairs, Gas struts can be found tomers Centre with quality service Phone cially tyres, wherebrake vehicle ownersShopping Repairs Experienced Mechanics cambelts, Nicholls Auto to discuss your car air-conditioning, courtesy cars or a local pickup are getting 12 month WOF’s. and parts along with advice boots, bonnets, ute canopies, • Free Drop Off & Pick • Gas Strut Re-Gassing oroffice making car battery, cv joints, electrics, delivery service.They’ve been vehicle marineneeds hatches, chairs,a can trust. They think, I’ve got a warrantandyou booking, phone 543 9225. engine management & diagnosNicholls Auto Centre is located Ups in Richmond • All Vehicles - Petrol – phew that’s good, then six servicing the Nelson Tasman campervan beds and even toy find out more, visit www. tics and we also offerthe a 24-hour Queen St, 25 Richmond. region for over years and Toboxes. months down track theirat 176 • Complete Workshop, and Diesel supershoppe.co.nz. Monday to Friday tow and salvage service. While gas struts may be a during that time, have (8am gained auto tyre’s blown out or there’sOpen WOFs, Servicing and • No Job too Big or steel hanging out! I see tyres a reputation for excellent simple mechanical device, Repairs too Small out there putting families at craftsmanship when it comes they are vital, especially risk. “At Tyreworld, we are to repairing or replacing ex- when it comes to your car. locals with over 35 years of haust systems, repairing fuel Over winter, gas struts tend experience between us and tanks and hand crafting cus- to lose pressure because they are affected by the cold it’s in my best interest that tom radiators and exhausts. you come away with the best With over 220 radiators in atmosphere. If the last few 4A Gladstone Road, Richmond advice.” Before you hit the stock and around 200 muf- months of winter weather Nicholls Auto Centre offer a large range of vehicle services including road for your summer holi- flers, the team is proud to have loosened the struts on WOF and 24 hour tow and salvage. Contact them on 543 9225, they day, drop into Tyreworld on offer competitive pricing on your vehicle, Gas Stay Spewould love to talk about your vehicles needs. Oxford Street and get your superior products that actu- cialists can help by re gassing tyres checked. Tyreworld’s ally fit, ensuring your vehi- struts or stocking and supservices include wheel align- cle is fixed first time round. plying quality Stabilus struts. ments, puncture repairs and Whether your car is over The team offers free fitting heating, leaking or making on most cars and all struts balancing. 327 Lower Queen St, Richmond sounds that have you wor- come with a warranty. Come&and see Gas Stay Speried, come and see the All teamMakes Richmond & • AllExhaust Mechanical Repairs • Servicing Models at Richmond Exhaust & Ra- cialists today in the bright Radiator Specialists • Warranty Servicing & Repairs • Puncture Repairs/Tyres • W.O.F The team at Richmond Ex- diator Specialists today at 4 green building on Gladstone haust & Radiator Specialists Gladstone Road, Richmond Rd today.

0800 427 782


Get your vehicle ready for summer

PH: 544 8652

NEW TYRES WHEEL ces12” incltyres ude fittinfrom g, balNEW aALIGNMENTS nci$ ng & gst.TYRES WHEEL ALIGNMENTS Performance Tuning Nelson MARSHALL BATTERIES 13” tyres Keeping your performance and European cars road safe from $WHEELS MARSHALL BATTERIES MAG MAG WHEELS TYRES 14” tyresS/H fromS/H $ TYRES PUNCTURE REPAIRS Prices include fitting, balancing & gst.


good selection of mags is alService so available. Best 99 Best prices uncture repai r s, second hand tyres. PUNCTURE REPAIRS Best Service Best prices Best prices ood honestGUARANTEED!! adviGUARANTEED!! ce.


• A good selection of mags is also available. Best Service • Puncture repairs, second handprices tyres. Best • Good honest advice.


12F Gladstone Rd, Richmond O Loc ally w d &Smith Ph: 544 9853 or 022 361 6586 Ope neDaryl Smith ratDaryl Owner/Operator PH: 544 7575 RICHMOND Owner/Operator 544 7575 RICHMOND ed www.prestigeeuroworks.co.nz

The best quality products & service from the team that have stood by their work for over 25 years

Go to the guys that specialise

Proud to support Nelson Motor Show Tyrethe & Alignment Specialists 38 Oxford Street, Richmond 38 Oxford Street, Richmond

James Martyn

(Entrance to Warring car-park) (Entrance to Warring car-park)

4 Gladstone Rd, Richmond (opposite NPD)


WEDNESDAY 10 November 2021



Feast of films comes to Nelson Kate Russell Reporter


A feast of films will be taking over The Suter theatre for the next 22 days. The Nelson leg of Whānau Mārama: New Zealand International Film Festival (NZIFF) kicks off today and features 51 feature films from 21 countries. NZIFF has worked with partner venues and cinemas around the country to present the festival under the new Alert Level 2 requirements in 12 towns and cities nationwide, and with the cancellation of its Auckland screenings, they are relying on regional screenings more than ever. “We’re excited to share our fantastic 2021 programme with Nelson audiences in a safe environment this November,” says festival director Marten Rabarts.

“We hope that Nelsonians will show their support for the festival by coming to check out as many of the outstanding New Zealand and international films on offer as possible.” Films joining NZIFF’s 2021 lineup for Nelson include Sundance Film Festival’s Grand Jury prizewinning documentary, Flee, decorated Chinese director Zhang Yimou’s love letter to cinema, One Second, and Bosnia and Herzegovina’s contender for the 2021 Best International Feature Oscar, Jasmila Zbanic’s Quo Vadis, Aida? Fifteen films direct from the Cannes Film Festival are confirmed to screen in Nelson, including Palme d’or winner Titane, Grand Prix award winners, A Hero, from decorated Iranian director Asghar Farhadi and Juho Kuosmanen’s offbeat train romance, Compartment No. 6, and Venice Film Festival highlights, Golden Lion-winning drama

Berlin Golden Bear nominee, I’m Your Man, featuring Downton Abbey’s Dan Stevens, will screen in Nelson as part of the New Zealand International Film Festival. Photo: Supplied. Happening and Special Jury Prize winner Dear Comrades! In addition to seven New Zealand films screening in Nelson, short film competitions New Zealand’s Best and Ngā Whanaunga Māori Pasifika Shorts will screen at the festival. Delivering some star power is Berlin Golden Bear nominee, Maria Schrader’s I’m Your Man,

featuring Downton Abbey’s Dan Stevens as a love android, Oscarwinning Danish director Anders Thomas Jensen’s black comedy revenge thriller Riders of Justice, starring Mads Mikkelsen, and moving literary memoir My Salinger Year, starring Sigourney Weaver and rising star Margaret Qualley. Whānau Mārama: New Zealand

International Film Festival is run by a charitable trust to enhance local appreciation of, and engagement with, global art and culture by providing access to a diverse range of high-quality films. The NZIFF is on from 10 November - 1 December. To view the programme and buy tickets, go to www.nziff.co.nz/2021/nelson/


WEDNESDAY 10 November 2021



WEDNESDAY 10 November 2021




Sam set for Super season Jonty Dine Reporter

jonty@nelsonweekly.co.nz jonty@nelsonweekly.co.nz

After seeing a women’s rugby team for the first time as a tenyear-old, Sam Curtis knew she wanted to be part of it. She had just finished up playing with the boys at Jubilee Park when she saw the all-female Waimea side and her future. More than a decade later, Sam will be part of history as the first-ever Super Rugby women’s competition is introduced. She was so excited to hear she was going to play for the Blues that she almost fainted. The 25-year-old Waimea winger’s name was included in the Auckland-based franchise’s squad for the inaugural Super Rugby Aupiki competition next year. “I didn’t expect it, so I am super chuffed.” After getting the news from head coach Willie Walker, Sam was straight on the phone to tell her biggest fans.

Former Waimea College star Sam Curtis has had the Super Rugby Aupiki call-up. Photo: Shuttersport (File). “My parents have always been so supportive.” Sam was part of the wider training squad at the start of the year when the Blues and Chiefs met in the first-ever women’s Super Rugby match in 2021. “It was amazing, to think how far women’s rugby has come.

When I was younger there were nowhere near the opportunities that there are now, which is really exciting for the youth.” A move to Auckland for her career coincided with a shift from Canterbury to the Auckland Storm where she reunited with twin sister Taylor.

“I had a really good opportunity to work at an awesome company, so I jumped at it.” A graphic designer for Media Works, Sam says the work and rugby balance is still challenging. “I have come up with a routine that works for me. I just try to be really organised and have good communication with my coaches and bosses.” Though the women are being paid, it is not enough to sustain them. “I’ll still need my job, but it is nice to see it moving in that direction.” Sam says while getting paid is a bonus, most of the players would be out there regardless. Sam helped form the first-ever Waimea College women’s first XV, coached by her father. Sam hopes to soak up as much knowledge as she possibly can from the training in the Blues environment. “These are the best 105 women in the country, so the opportunity is there to go out and grab it.”

Nelson wins Newman Peter Jones The Newman Shield is back in Nelson hands after their senior rep cricket side scored a thrilling fourrun win over Marlborough on Sunday. Nelson put a score of 212 on the board, losing their final wicket in the 49th over, as Marlborough finished on 208-8, unable to push for victory in the nail-biting final stages. After losing an early wicket, Nelson fought back strongly through a 104-run partnership between James Graham, who scored 47 from 54, and Jonty Raxworthy, who top scored with 52 from 54. Late in the chase, a first-ball six from number 10 Jerrym Lamb left Marlborough needing eight runs from the final over. However, they could only manage four as the Nelson paceman Josh Newport bowled cleverly and accurately. Nelson coach BJ Barnett said his side were “forced to fight hard with the bat and, in terms of the bowling, we just kept in the game”. “For us to stay involved was really good and to then take it down to the wire was fantastic.”

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FEB 2022



Hamish recognised for long kicking career Jonty Dine Reporter

jonty@nelsonweekly.co.nz jonty@nelsonweekly.co.nz

With a competitive taekwondo record of 170-4, Hamish Wybrow knows how to win a fight. However, as a coach, the result comes second to seeing his students thrive. “Years ago it was all about winning, but now it’s watching their faces and seeing what they get out of competing.” For some, simply walking out to the centre ring is a huge victory. “I have taken some students to international events and won gold medals, but for some I’m happy for them just to enter.” After a fiercely competitive fighting career, Hamish now simply encourages young people to have a go. Hamish’s significant influence on countless students has seen him nominated for the Rātā Foundation’s Lifetime Contribution to Sport for the 2021 Nelson Sports Awards.

The 51-year-old was taken back his junior, Hamish was comfortably ahead on points and by the news. “I thought ‘wow,’ but was very looked set to end the contest. “I could’ve knocked him out, pleased.” Hamish’s martial arts jour- but I didn’t need to, so I stopped ney began as a five-year-old my foot, and the crowd gave through judo and then karate me a standing ovation.” classes. He received his black As well as a taekwondo masbelt at 15 with his first major ter, Hamish is also Richmond’s title win coming in 1988 at School community officer. His skills as a martial artist transSouth Island Championships. He went on to face the national late nicely into his work teachchampion later that year, los- ing children about safety while ing the fight but getting his his time in the classroom helps revenge the following year in improve his teaching ability. what would become a trend for “It is a great job, I learn a lot Hamish. His career saw him from the teachers and kids, and represent New Zealand for 12 vice versa.” years, accruing 11 national Hamish says he takes great in seeing shy and reblack belt titles. SHOW YOURpride GARDEN Among his many career high- served children come to his lights was winning the Oce- classes and grow in confidence. ania Championships in 1999 The former New Zealand and coming third at a Korean champion says he has met a tournament with 80 competing number of interesting and inspirational people during his countries. Another moment that stands four decades in the sport. † GST OFF SELECTED like having an extended out for Hamish wasGET when he ON“It’s POWER TOOLS AT STIHL SHOP received a rapturous applause family.” for his display of discipline and The Nelson Sports Awards will respect. Fighting as a 29-year- be announced via live stream old against someone ten years on December 3.




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MASPORT PRESIDENT® 1000 ST S18 with EasyStart LAWNMOWER Full product range nowPETROL available for in-store

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Taekwondo instructor and Nelson Sports Awards nominee Hamish Wybrow with his students. Photo: Jonty Dine.

WEDNESDAY 10 November 2021


purchases or buy online for contactless Home $765 $499 $430 GSTDelivery or Click & Collect. NOW



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Stihl Shop Richmond 62 Gladstone Rd, Richmond Ph 544 6122

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our Fair Flat Fees irst Class

e has changed.


WEDNESDAY 10 November 2021

bunnings WAREHOusE

nPC 2021

Taranaki v Southland

Manawatu v Otago

Hawkes Bay v Tasman

Waikato v Canterbury

Matt Goodman 38/48

Tyla Gardiner 36/48

Anton Segner crashes over for his first try in Mako colours. Photo: Shuttersport.

Quest for three-peat still alive

Jacqui Kalka 33/48

Sara Redwood 31/48

Jonty Dine

Louise Sangster 31/48

03 547 4666 www.coman.co.nz

Main Contractor - Proud to have constructed 203 Queen St, Richmond

Main Contractor - -Proud 203 St, Richmond Main Contractor Proudtotohave have constructedOLD 203Queen Queen St, Richmond PROUD SPONSORS OFconstructed WAIMEA BOYS RUGBY

Flynn Drummond 29/48

Simon Brown 29/48 “ I live it, love it & sell it.” “I am looking for new listings NELSON & TASMAN AREAS

in this area now !

With many years experience as an agent in the Nelson area I have consistently marketed and sold homes in the “Nelson & Tasman areas” for a premium price. I’d be delighted to sell your property too! Call me today for a FREE no obligation market appraisal.

If you are considering making Real Estate decision in 2020 please call me. I’d love to help!”

Michelle Westrupp 29/48

Michelle Westrupp 03 544 2900 • 021 760 068 michelle.westrupp@summit.co.nz

Raylene Wadsworth 28/48

Waimea Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

Grant Chaney 27/48

It’s not over yet. The Mako season was on the line at Lansdowne Park on Saturday, but the defending champions responded with a strong performance to take maximum points against Wellington. The hosts made a stunning start to the contest before the Lions staged a late comeback. However, the Mako survived for a 3422 victory. Local veteran Quentin MacDonald kicked off the scoring from a trademark Tasman rolling maul before Jacob Norris was the second beneficiary of another powerful surge from the pack. Just as the Lions looked to be building some momentum, Leicester Fainga’anuku snatched it away as he latched onto a poor pass and went 80 metres. The all-important bonus point came after just 25

minutes through rampaging centre Levi Aumua. Taine Plumtree finally got the visitors on the board with a try in the corner. Mitch Hunt struck back with a penalty to give his side a 20-point advantage heading into the sheds. Wellington reduced this to 10 points early in the second, with Jackson GardenBachop making up for his intercept pass with a try before replacement hooker Tyrone Thompson sent a scare throughout the ground with Wellington’s third try. However, Tasman illustrated its championship calibre, Anton Segner dotting down in injury time for his first try for the Mako to claim its fourth and most important win of 2021. The wins sees Tasman earn themselves a semi-final spot, against the high-flying Hawke’s Bay Magpies this weekend. Kick off on Saturday is 4:35pm.

th november 3 1 y a d satur

Peter Wilson 26/48


Pierre Marquet 25/48 This week’s specials

specials VAlid from Monday 20th January - Sunday 26th January 2020

only available at Raeward Fresh Wholesale Butchers \41 McGlashen Ave, Richmond

made in store

Beef Tenderised Steak

Pork Loin Chops

Skinless Chicken Breast

Boneless Hogget Leg

Beef and bacon sausages




14 .49


Nish Lal 23/48






41 McGlashen Avenue, Richmond Phone 03 544 6137 Open: Mon-Fri 8am-6pm, Thurs till 6.30pm, Sat & Sun 8am-4pm While stocks last. 100 % Locally Owned and Operated

NOW OPEN 7 DAYS – Export Quality Meat at Wholesale prices – Open to the Public

Stephen Johnsen 24/48

ow more?



Chris Downey 22/48

t 6pm starts a G in c a co.nz r , m peedway. en at 5p .neLsons Gates op w w w pLeby ne rd, ap Lansdow

Photo supplied by BM Photography


Adult Children 5-15 years Pensioner Member Children under 5 Family Pass (2 adults and up to 3 children)

$20 $10 $15 $15 Free $40

tickets also at richmond mall. see website for cancellations.

top of the south

speedway nelson speedway association inc

Community Notices

Mondays Waimea SWimming Club’S summer season starts Monday 15 Nov. in the Waimea College Pool. A small, friendly Club offering swim training up to 4 times a week for children of all ages (who can confidential swim one length). Come along any Monday night from 5pm for a trial or visit our website www.waimea.swimming.org.nz or email waimeasecretary@gmail. com for more information. nelSon-Waimea PoWerTalk Mon 15Nov Richmond Town Hall 9.30-11am Special Occasion Speeches. Contact: Sandra Johnson 027 766 0347 lighThouSe SPiriTual aWareneSS. Mondays 7.30pm, Trafalgar St Hall, opp Trailways. Talks, clairvoyance etc. Ph Carolyn 5474613 aCTive STrengTh/balanCe ClaSS: seated options. ACC accredited provider. Mental agility, co ordination, stretching & leg exercises for strength & balance. On Mondays @ 10.30 am & Thursdays @ 1.30 pm Richmond Church of Christ hall, Darcy & Croucher Sts, Ph Shirley 5471 433 / 021 121 8023 kaPa kōrero - nau mai haere mai! Connect with others & practice te reo Māori in a relaxed setting. st setting out, or a fluent speaker,?all levels are welcome & encouraged to join in. Richmond Library, every Monday 10.am-11.am. Free. riChmond CroqueT Club TWilighT Golf Croquet Tournament Teams of two players Monday 22 Nov & Thursday 25 Nov . Monday 29 Nov & Thursday 2 Dec 5.30 - 7.30pm Come & have fun. No experience needed. Guidance & light meal provided. Cost $5 registration per person $5 per night for food. Sponsored by Nelson Pine Industries. Contact Brian Smith 021 142 9170

nelSon 50+ TueSdaY Walking grouP. November 16th, Rotoiti East Side. Meet 10am at Rotoiti eastern car park. Ph. Jenny, 542 3136. nelSon live PoeTS Tuesday 16 November 7pm, Prince Albert, Nile St. Guest Poet Mark Raffills, founder Nelson Live Poets. All welcome to enjoy, read or recite, koha entry “500” Card enThuSiaSTS. Waimea Lounge at A&P Showgrounds. Twice weekly. Tuesdays & Thursdays 1:30 -4pm. $2 entry fee covers comfortable surroundings, prizes, afternoon tea and limitless parking. Ph. Kath 5445563 SToke Tahunanui men’S Club welcomes new members. Meet 10am 3rd Tuesday monthly with guest speaker. 15 Burrough Pl, Enner Glynn Regular outings & activities. Ph: Ian 5477841 hoPe SoCial indoor boWlS Club. Hope Recreation Hall, Tues. 1.30-3.30pm. $3 per session. A fun social group caters for everyone. New members welcome. Robin 0275442518 CirCuiT fiTneSS ClaSS aCTive You a fun new community. All fitness levels welcome. Receive encouragement plus healthy eating tips. $8.00. Tuesdays 6 pm Richmond location. Contact Nicola 0210788609 or email nicola. rae.11@gmail.com beTTer breaTherS CirCuiT is now on! At Club Waimea, on Tuesdays and Fridays at 10.00am – 11.00am. $5 per class. Contact Sue at the Nelson Asthma Society 035441562 or email asthma.nelson@xtra.co.nz


foreST & bird Wedn 10 November. Evening talk by Sian Reynolds about Wilding Pines. 7.30pm Tahunanui School Hall, Muritai Street, Tahunanui. Attendees must be vaccinated and wear a mask. WanT To learn Self-defenCe and become more confident? Do AIKIDO a Japanese Martial Art We have children’s classes from 8yrs -16yrs Wed & Fri 5pm – 6pm Check out our lunCh on The hill: Hot drinks and lunch facebook, www.aikidonelson.nz or call Callum from 11am at Kainga Manaaki, 27 Dorset St., 0210694211 Richmond on Tuesday 16nd November. (koha) Waimea harrierS Sharland CYCleS 5k fun run & walk from Club Waimea, Richmond. Holy Trinity Church Ph 03 5448844


Everyone & all abilities welcome. Starts 3rd November for 8 weeks. See website for details. Ph 0223729432. The beTTer breaTherS ClaSS now on at Refor5 Burrough Place, Enner Glynn, on Wednesdays at 1pm – 2pm. $5 per class. Contact Sue at the Nelson Asthma Society 035441562 or email asthma.nelson@xtra.co.nz arThriTiS SoCieTY Coffee morning meet at Melrose House Cafe, Brougham St, 10am, 4th Wednesday of the month. Next Gathering 24 November 2021. Ph Claire 035450835 or 0273601039

Thursdays riChmond ladieS friendShiP Club: Meet - 10am 1stThursday of the month at Church of Christ, Croucher St. Welcome ladies looking for friendship with other women. Lunch optional. Interesting guest speakers & an outing Visitors welcome. Ph Marion 544 4833 or Joan 544 1854. riChmond WelCome grouP Like to make new friends. Join a friendly group for coffee and a chat.10am on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month HappyzCafe Bateup Road. Ansley/Phillip 5410350 Waimea Combined friendShiP Club: Interested in making new female or male friends of a similar age & interests? We invite you to monthly meetings, 3rd Thursday 9.45am at Hope Church Ranzau Rd. Interesting speakers, outings & group activities, Ph Frances 5443085/0212111347 or Rosalie 0272491080





Across contd. 21 Irrelevant (9) 24 Undue speed (5) 25 To glut (7) 26 Setback (7) 27 Tease cruelly (7) 28 Very old (7)

455 Medium

7 2 5

6 4 7 5

8 8


2 6 7 5 3

1 2 6 1 8 3 7 4

Down 1 Qualified (7) 2 If nothing else (2,5) 3 The world’s oceans (5,4) 4 Roman corn goddess (5) 5 Strictly practical (9) 6 Corruption in public life (5) 7 A speech defect (7) 8 Convince (7) 14 Harsh (9) 15 Cause utter confusion (4,5) 16 Down payment (7) 17 Sparkle (7) 19 To comment (7) 20 Ostensible reason (7) 22 Barely perceptible amount (5) 23 Middle East republic (5) Answers next week


in General










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ON farM SErvicE TEchNiciaN ING


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Brothe for Yo rs compe te ung Fa of th e Year rmer

you are implementin what it is she is pair each a definite sharemil in a different with So to a higher heat ofmany of g working alone. king on enjoying parents’ level than the Aorangi step he says. g. the in the go about it, things region, competing her grandfarm. The pair Mazda absolutely How you on youcompetit TeenAg,” both need ion. that impact day to day got a degree BT 50 The you have to reach they would She found being are uncontrol-Now 18 years final to competin lable.both of control have experien Forgott the national tions old, Nick will be able to that over, and g atFrom the markets at en Sister is always other this compete against ask quesone of district older brother knows ce the focus. to the tions of the end of various petitors the level, he year. HowWest each we the competit Peter winning with but hopes younger com- Both Nick secshe learned Coast see and having District page 2 the ous experien in 2018. a lot eachion meant previ- tor Amy White-Cpast competi- entered, ce in competit tion the competi- of the Just prior ion Whilewill help. larke say age othersand she would time she major to that the competit benefits one Nick of entering This 54th to give it a go. encourcompetit and fencing covered the dairy can learn. ion is how ion competit season side much you Young Farmer of the ion, he of the TeenAg Amy White-C FMG off this of the hopes month larke grew Year that this farm in Marlboro petitions with district kicks up on tered the and the a ugh and winners comcompetit has en- moving through of each ionCALL finals. four times. to the OUR regional SPECIALIST Continu ed on VITICULTUR page 2 E TEAM TO DISCUSS

Top of the Trail er Hire Karamea, South from Golden Mini EARTHMO Murchison, Bay, excav VING Nelson Lakes, aTors Blenheim, Mini CONSTRU TipperCTION Nelson GARDENIN New and sTuMp G Used Tractors Grind& LANDSCAP TRAILERS ING



er liGHT Tower PUMPS s 32 King 26 lansdo 03 528 9065Edward St, Mouteka wne www.motf beconstru rd, richm arm.co.nz ction.co.n ond z 027 318 lambecons 5885 truction.co

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St, Richmond


No liceNs

Bus teR

Gamo swarm e RequiR ed! Magnum Gen 2 Gas

High powered Piston Air Rifle pest great on the farm! control up to 100 metres,




3/186 Queen

Your wanted ad here. Phone 544 9037.




Three Waters you have? SheepHeal andthe ‘a step too go about cattle. soilIt’s implementin far’ Tasman/Mou anda typical reduce tere g a lot of these things carbon farm big enough emissio to keep you that is what we are is as important as not enough ns busy but implementin NZ farmers Mental health to g. most at Between what make a living off. is a huge risk of skin Even we own and issue. 12we lease cancer Featurin what peoplejust recently, one it’s about of the I know irrigatio g 220 acres. with the tragic had experience n Farmers Farming with end of the are your health mental of forestry a side 15 does that impact peers. How Zealandspectrum in rural New Rural women your work as and this mayor? again home that Jenny It’s model Nicholsothis is not brings a huge for advantage demic conversation. an acan cancerto my derstanding charity It’s an absoof challenges un-Nicklutely Nick and particularlycalenda Nick thatup andand crucially important Peter r Peter O’Conno O’Conno issue won was part of one of the to meet communities impact on rural side-by-s things rthat the team the ide grew tinues to need 16 A revolut . But it outside r will be Young each other that a farm con- petition TeenAg National also presents its’ own of Westporon in the a huge Farmer amount ion emphasis ing to just of and says national hoping challenges. of the is Com- year studying t but are underw meet as is that a degree Year. Photo: final of when mentalhop- Peter was ofay for a Bachelor empathy and I have FMGconversation. he heard Agricultu Young rivals in this healthFarmer competing standing, Supplied underin Farmer year’s Universi ral Science but also of the The two of During . 24 The true of the at Lincoln Year, he the Young give it ty on the other have obliga18 tions Year. knowled will have a go. He her first decided teredWhatbrothers value Farming have both side. You don’t “Young placed this about have to petition. ge and help widened his she was working competit of Golden a year’sthe stressors third. Nick lated farmers? of choices en- re-similar Farmer a ions, touch lot with Bay in the by others, competit just on legislative with the in thetoTasman ofstuff comWith Dolomite forestry things of the Year Peter Often, but now farms owned about the 50/50 district, ion; up it’s competin was but When new the neighbours complain about the cows






is both a farmer the Tasman and the mayor The plan District. of Jenny Nicholson to bring with backhim about how wild mussels talked he balances What type his jobs. of farm do 10 06




Life as a far me r and a mayor





RAND ALL circuLatin 027 233 g to 14,500  9170

of the toby.r South andall ideas month Rural @harc , Old ourts.c schoo Team Toby november o.nz l value www. s!” Randall tobyra Top of Farmer ndall.c ’s plea “New ideas, the South Rural 9170 o.nz to governm toby.rand Old school all@harco regulat ent over urts.co.nz values!” ions www.tob yrandall.c o.nz 04 MP: Three Waters be ditched Timmust King



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Puzzle 2374











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fireWood fundraiSer Silent auction trailer load of pine wood. Donated by Carter Holt, Eves Valley Bidding open ‘til Sat 13 Nov. Visit FRIENDS OF SNOWDONS BUSH on Facebook CiTizen adviCe bureau. Are you interested in learning? Are you empathetic, have nelSon aSTronomiCal SoCieTY host an interest in helping people learn about their ing it’s popular public viewing nights on Friday rights & responsibilities, & belonging to a pronights through winter, 7.30-9.30pm. weather fessional & caring work environment? Recruitpermitting. At Cawthron Observatory Clifton ing for volunteers now for becoming interTerrace School. $5 Koha ($15/family) to help viewers at our Nelson Burea. Training begins maintain the facility. Updates on our Face- March 2022 Contact Manager, Megan Cole 548 2117, email: coordinator.nelsontasman@ book page & Neighbourly elYSium WidoW and WidoWerS cab.org.nz or pop into 9 Paru Paru Rd. Nelson., grouP meet for lunch at Bar 321, 321 Lower or visit our website: www.cab.org.nz Queen Street, Richmond at midday Friday 12th November.

Weekly Puzzles

Across 1 A work of lasting merit (7) 5 Mythical flying horse (7) 9 Long tedious business (7) 10 Unyielding (7) 11 Muscular strength (5) 12 Now and then (9) 13 Fanatical (9) 15 Ward off (5) 16 French impressionist (5) 18 Exultant (4-1-4)


REMEMBERANCE DAY – SUNDAY NOVEMBER 14TH 2021 On November 14th at 11am a service will be held by the Richmond/Waimea RSA in the Church of St. Andrew Stanley Brook, Motueka Highway. Refreshments after. All welcome.

Last issue solutions



Car booT markeT daY Richmond Church of Christ , Darcy St. Sat. 13 Nov. 2021 9 am12pm. Set up stalls after 8:00 am .Open to individuals and groups . Anyone looking for books, dvd clothing, plants and more treasures .” There is no place like our market “. Contact : Richard 5448028 /0276180547 Note : inside Hall if rain. SoCial TenniS at Richmond Tennis Club on Saturday afternoons 1.30pm. FREE Bring a friend. Public and players from other clubs most welcome. Contact 0274 872 480. love TenniS: ALWAYS watching but never on the court - your chance LOVE TENNIS at the RichMond Tennis Club Sunday 21st November 10am - 4pm. FREE coaching, fun activities, BBQ and a bouncy castle. Contact Trish, 027487240

Community Notices are free to community groups, schools, churches, gold coin donation events and fundraising. Due to the popularity of this column,while every effort will be made, inclusion cannot be guaranteed for free ads. If you want to place a business advert or want to advertise a course you are running, please call classified ads and public notices on 544 9037.






Puzzle 2373

Community Notices

WEDNESDAY 10 November 2021









r 2021



WEDNESDAY 10 November 2021

for sale

situations vacant

antiques Antiques, collectibles, furniture etc. Huge selection with new stock arriving weekly. Large & small in 6 rooms. Open Mon - Fri 9.30 to 5pm & Sat 10 to 4pm. Soucheby Antiques, 75 Gladstone Rd, Richmond (Ph 544 0723).www.an tiquesnewzealand.co.nz

FOR SALE 3 BAY DUTCH BARN & GARAGE For Removal from Richmond Good Iron & Timber condition Barn 12.9 m x 5.75m + 1m Canopy Garage 3.8m x5.75 m + Roller Door OFFERS INVITED Tel 021 423 899



DUNCAN Brian James

R.I.P 27-07-2021

27.10.1953 - 26.08.2021

garage sale

public notice

Your garage sale ad here. Phone 544 9037.


for sale


Your For Sale ad here. Phone 544 9037.

On 14th November at 11am a service will be held by the Richmond/Waimea RSA in the Church of St. Andrew, Stanley Brook, Motueka Highway.

wanted Your wanted ad here. Phone 544 9037.

Christmas presents etc. Great selection for all ages. Lasting quality & items that are special. Do call in to Souchebys Antiques, 75 Gladstone Rd, Richmond (Ph 544 0723).

public notice

situations vacant

for rent Your for rent ad here. Phone 544 9037.

Your announcement here for free.



Support Workers

Live Life Disability Support Information and assessment centre - 22 November We have a number of permanent and casual positions available, working mornings, afternoon/ evenings and/or weekends. By applying to this vacancy you will be sent details of our information and assessment centre evening to be held on Monday, 22 November. Please note that you must attend in person to be considered for an interview. Closing date: Wednesday, 17 November 2021. Ref: N21-717.

Your announcement here Your announcement here for free. for free.



Your announcement here Your announcement here for free. for free.

Your Announcement here FREE

Including the exciting new range of Fiat Ducato

PhoneMotorhomes 544 9037. with the 160HP Euro 6D engine and 9-speed full automatic transmission


garage sale



For your Caravan or Motorhome

FREE NZMCA subscription for 1 year with any new Elddis motorhome or caravan sold in March or April.*

Online application, CV and cover letter are required before your application can be processed. Enquiries can be made to Human Resources Nelson telephone: (03) 546 1274 or email vacancies@nmdhb.govt.nz



Come and seeDeadline the 5pm Monday by email only: 2020 Elddis range sales@waimeaweekly.co.nz at to let Include your photos for Births and Anniversaries! RV Leisure Centre Your to let ad here.


Register for job alerts and view full details of vacancies

Sadly we have had to say goodbye to our beautiful Pauline. Greatly missed by Val, Fay (dec), Barry, Yvonne and Murray, Owen and Narelle. Loved by nieces, nephews, greatnieces and nephews, and friend to many. A memorial service has been held. No flowers but if you wish a donation to Cranford Hospice Hastings would be appreciated. Thank you.

My sincerest thanks to you all for the many expressions of kindness you gave to me and our family. Reflecting on your thoughtfulness has been, and is, such a comfort to us. People meant a lot to Brian, and your kindness has meant a lot to me. He was and is always, my darling Brian. Marea Duncan


There will be refreshments after. All welcome.


Pauline Margaret (Andrews)

*Terms & conditions apply.


Phone 03 543 8284



The Blue Heron Lodge The Drive, Waimea Village Saturday the 13th Nov, 7.30am - 12 noon

Phone +64 03 543 8284 Email barry@rvleisurecentre.co.nz mike@rvleisurecentre.co.nz joe@rvleisurecentre.co.nz

Indoor & Outdoor household items, Treasures, Clothing, Tools, Hardware, Toys, Jams, Preserves, Baking, Garden Plants and Produce. Includes an Estate Sale. Eftpos Available.

All covid rules will apply, as per government guidelines.



Cremations from


♦ ♦ ♦ ♦


includes… Wooden Coffin ♦ All Transport Cremation ♦ Newspaper Notice Death Certificate ♦ Paperwork Ashes personally returned to family

03 929 5145

- $2100 WINZ benefit available -

Do not let the cost of saying goodbye add to your grief Phone Owen Haring anytime on

541- 0820 or 021 120 1314


Need staff?

Advertise your job vacancy to over 12,000 households across our region!

Call us on 544 9037


Manager & Funeral Director

Classifieds PUbliC NotiCe

wANted to bUy

We are currently undergoing the free cleaning and best restoration of headstones in the Wakapuaka Cemetery. Most are around 150 years old. While most families are happy for us to do this we understand some are not. If you do NOT want us to work on your family headstone please contact us on Brian 027 548 0757.

Cash paid for old wristwatches. Scrap gold & Silver. Old coins & Jewellery. Vintage / quality tools. Military & Firearms items. General antiques. Also buying estate & shed items. Collection & downsizing. Ph Tim Gladstone. T&B Vintage 0800 653 935 or 548 5235.

PUbliC NotiCe Alcoholics Anonymous. Is alcohol causing problems for you in your life? Want to stop drinking but can’t? Maybe we can help. Support meetings every day. Call 0800aaworks 0800 229 6757.


WEDNESDAY 10 November 2021

PUbliC NotiCe

ChurCh NotiCes

Sunday 14th Nov 2021 | 3pm

Richmond Community Church

www.holytrinityrichmond.org.nz Ph 5448844

Holy Trinity

27 Dorset St, Richmond

Mozart. Dvorak. Rossini. Vivaldi.

wANted to bUy $$ Top prices paid $$ Vintage Household Items. Tools & Shed gear. Fishing rods & reels. Old Toys of any sort. NZ Photos & Postcards. Records Books & Coins. Vintage Comics. Military items. Plus Much More. Estate Lots & Downsizing. Steve Lawson 027 538 0020 or 538 0020. Nelson Based.

Nelson Centre of Musical Arts $30 plus service fee Tickets available at NCMA and ncma.nz

Delivering now for next wANted deNtUres years firewood. Douglas, beech, gum. Good Wood New dentures, relines, Your wanted ad here. supplier Bay Firewood repairs. Phone Daniela Phone 544 9037. 027 769 6348. at Bays Dentures 546 4455.

for sAle Your For Sale ad here. Phone 544 9037.

Currently Services are held on Sundays at 9.00am (Traditional) & 10.30am (Contemporary) Wednesday 10.00am St Albans Every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 10.30am Previous week’s services can be accessed on YouTube under Richmond Anglican Parish

The Church with Community at Heart

Celebrating ~ Sundays 10am 243 Queen Street, (behind the Asian Supermarket).


Keep your community informed, tell us first

Phone us on 544 9037

Waimea Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

Trades&Services AeriAl Photos


Chainsaws - Lawn Mowers Blower/Vacs - Weedeaters Ride On Mowers We sell the best and service the rest

drone PhotograPhy High quality imaging stills and movies. Latest drone technology. Friendly, professional service and great rates. Weddings, sports, media, corporate - all events!

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E aglE I magIng Toby: 027 775 5995

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WEDNESDAY 10 November 2021


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21 Bolt Road, Tahunanui | 03 546 5155 Visit our showroom Mon - Thu 8:30am - 5pm, Fri 8:30am - 4pm trendskitchens.co.nz

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