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What made news in our region...

Money granted for new Nelson homes


Nelson has been granted $36.4 million by central government to allow 1,025 new homes in the city centre. “We know the only way we are going to solve the housing crisis, and to bring costs down, is to build more houses,” says Minister for Housing Megan Woods. Nelson City Council expects this expansion could result in a tenfold increase in the number of central city residents, up from about 100 people. House prices drop

New Zealand’s average home value has recorded its first annual reduction in more than a decade, according to the latest QV Price Index. Homes in Nelson Tasman dropped by 7 per cent to an average value of $800,424 over the three months to September 30. It is looking likely this will drop to below $800,000 in the coming weeks. The buyingselling pattern has also changed, with a more ‘traditional market’ where homes are on the market for longer and vendors have become more realistic with price expectations. Origin offers new flight service

SH6, between Hira and Renwick, is set to be closed from November 1 to December 18 to fix significant damage caused by the recent floods. In order to help people travel between Blenheim and Nelson a new air service is being set up - with more affordable and frequent flights being offered. Nick Smith has brokered the deal with Origin Air and Nelson and Marlborough airports.

Council change-up

Nelson has a new mayor with Nick Smith winning the race last month. Nick says he was privileged to be elected mayor of “the best little place in New Zealand” but warned the challenge of mayoralty has just begun. In Tasman, Tim King has maintained the mayoralty role for a second term after being reelected with a decisive lead of over 9,000 votes. Natureland needs your help

A spate of break-ins at Natureland over recent weeks has left the wildlife park reeling. Most recently two water dragons were stolen from their enclosure and are yet to be found. Before this, other break-ins saw a pair of breeding kāka released when a hole was cut in their enclosure - thankfully they didn’t go far and were coaxed back in. Natureland is appealing for the safe return of their water dragons and is offering a reward for information that helps to bring them home.

THAW’s cool performance

THAW by Legs On The Wall made its first Nelson (and New Zealand) appearance on Labour Day as part of Nelson’s Arts Festival. The performance saw three dancers perform for eight hours on 2.7 tonnes of ice, suspended by a crane over the wharf at Port Nelson. THAW aims to bring attention to the climate emergency and calls on audience members to work towards taking tangible steps to climate change. Nelson Arts Festival executive and artistic director Lydia Zanetti says it went exceptionally well with a beautiful response from everyone.

Things we love

Local Year 13 Nelson College students Patrick Beggs, James Fleet, Sam Perkins and Jack Weaver are raising thousands for charity through their unique initiative – Draw For Your Cause. The group has already recruited well-known New Zealanders; like Steve Hansen and Jazz Thornton, to create a simple A4 ‘doodle’ that is then auctioned off, with the proceeds going to a cause close to the celebrities’ heart. Keep an eye on the Draw For Your Cause TradeMe for more masterpieces coming soon.


“It’s reimagining, pivoting, re-thinking what you do, how you do it and even why you do it.”

Natasha Gordon Pages 21 - 23

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