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Community Notices
YOGA for people who have or have had cancer. Monday morning, afternoons, and Tuesday evenings. Register info@cancernelson. org.nz or Ph: 539 1137
FITNESS & FRESH AIR FREE supervised exercise sessions for seniors. Mon Saxton & Thurs Tāhunanui, 12pm. 30 mins walk & learn to use the outdoor exercise equipment safely. Ph: Ange 021 790 415.
PHILOSOPHY CLUB meets 2nd & 4th Mon of the month. 10am, Melrose House. Continuing with "How do you know if you're really real?" Ph: Zoe 027 974 1758.
INTRODUCTION TO ZEN BUDDHISM Beginner Instruction available Mon evenings at our Nelson Centre. Learn how to meditate the Zen way. Ph: Gwitha, 021 1218 133 for information. Mountains and Rivers Affiliate Nelson.
NELSON CREATIVE FIBRE GROUP Welcome you to friendly fibre craft meetings. Meetings are on the 2nd and 4th Tues monthly 9.30am in the Jaycees room Founders Park. $2 for members, $4 for non-members. Ph: Lesley 576 5654.
NELSON 50+ WALKING GROUP Tues 31 Jan. Meet 10am at Marsden Valley Cemetery. Marsden Valley Weir Walk. BYO lunch. Ph: Maree 021 165 2855.
COFFEE & CROSS Want to talk to someone about God, church, Jesus? No catch - join me for coffee at YAZA, 11-12 Tues. I'll listen. Rev. Gordon, wearing a Cross & Collar.
STOKE INDOOR BOWLS CLUB meet Tues 7pm, Warnes Stadium, Songer St. New members welcome. Please wear flat-soled shoes. Ph Lynn 547 7112.
OVER FIFTIES SOCIAL GROUP Tues 1.30-3.30pm, 238 Vanguard St. Rummikub, 500, scrabble, crafts and chat. Afternoon tea provided. Ph: Jan on 546 9057 or 027 4577 955, or Grace on 027 310 9975.
COMMUNITY SING A LONG recommences Wed 1 Feb, 1.30pm. Stoke Methodist Hall 94 Neale Ave. Afternoon tea. Gold coin donation for Nelson Hospital Chaplaincy. All Welcome.
BETTER BREATHERS CLASS is now on! Wed 1-2pm. Reformed Church, 15 Burrough Pl, Enner Glynn. $5 per class. Ph: Sue at the Nelson Asthma Society 03 544 1562 or E:asthma.nelson@xtra. co.nz
INDOOR BOWLS - Come and join us for social indoor bowls and a cuppa every Wed and Fri afternoon 1.15 - 4pm. Beginners welcome. Trafalgar Street Hall. Ph: 547 6066 or 027 497 9330.
CENTRAL GARDEN CLUB - Meet second Wed of month 1.30pm at the Methodist Church Hall, Neale Ave, Stoke. Guest Speakers and Afternoon tea. New members most welcome. Ph: Bob or Lynn, 541 8468.
SING YOURSELF WELL – Wed, 10-11am. Age Concern Nelson Tasman Nelson Office. 18 Bridge Street, Nelson. A fun and relaxed singing group where the focus is on wellbeing. You don’t need to be a great singer to join. $3 per session. Ph Marnie 544 7624 ext 5.
MUMS & BUBS Walking Group Thurs 9.30-10.30am, Victory Community Centre. A weather dependent walk for Mums and Bubs around our local community. Dads, Opas, Nanas & their Bubs are welcome too! Led by volunteer Emma, these short hikoi will start at the Community Centre and probably end up at one of our local parks or back at the Centre for a brew! Cost: Free!
FOSTER CARE INFORMATION EVENING Thurs 9 Feb, 7pm. Interested in becoming a Foster Parent? Come find out about our Christian Foster Care programme. Light supper will be provided. 10D Kotua Place, Stoke. RSVP Mika at Open Home Foundation 027 461 0497 or mika.ito@ohf.org.nz
COMMUNITY BOOK GROUP First Thurs of the month booking of the boardroom. Tāhunanui Community Hub. Contact Nathalie
SEND TO: myevent@nelsonweekly.co.nz
Berthelin, Ph 021 320 819. E: hortenseb11@gmail.com. $2 pp donation.
NELSON LIONESS - Seeking new members to join our service club. We are very social and active in our community. We meet every 1st and 3rd Thurs of the month. Contact Jillian on 027 278 2743.
NELSON BAYS HARMONY CHORUS - we are a friendly group of women singers who enjoy barbershop style harmonies. Enjoy singing? Why not visit one of our rehearsals? We meet every Thurs evening at Club Waimea. Check out our website www.nelsonharmony.org.nz and/or Ph: Carole, 027 436 0910.
ARE YOU WONDERING what the Bible really has to say? New Weekly Bible Study Night @ Victory Community Centre 7-8pm Thurs All Welcome! Ph: Pastor Janine 021 0266 4608.
NELSON BAYS HARMONY CHORUS - our friendly group of women barbershop singers meets every Thurs evening at Club Waimea. www.nelsonharmony.org.nz and/or Ph: Carole 027 436 0910.
AMPUTEE SOCIETY Top of the South meet last Friday of the month for coffee and a chat at the Honest Lawyer around 10am. Outside if sunny –inside if wet. Bring a friend or support person. Look forward to seeing you there.
SENIOR 3D FLOW FITNESS WITH COACH D Every Fri 1.00pm. Come join in and improve your health and fitness, including strength, coordination, balance, mobility, and agility. Tāhunanui Community Hub. Ph: 021 411 700. $5 per session.
CULTURAL SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Fri 10-11am. Come along and share morning tea & a cuppa with Victory’s friendly multicultural roopu. Volunteer opportunities for all people to participate.
ART & CRAFT GROUP every Fri. A social art and craft get together for people of all levels and ability. A warm friendly, and welcoming group and a great space for you to create whatever art or craft project you may be working on or wanting to start. Please bring your own materials. E: helenos@xtra.co.nz. $2 per person
DROP IN AND OP SHOP Fri 9am-1pm. St Stephens Community Church, 61 Tāhunanui Dr. Come join us for delicious food, browse through our preloved clothing collection and stay for a chat.

NELSON DANCE ALONG Sat 28 Jan. 7.30-11pm. Richmond Town Hall. Plate for Supper, Music by Warren Fenemor. Cost $6.00 per person. Everyone Welcome. Ph: Rosalie Winter 03 538 0133.
BALANCE JIU-JITSU Children's Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Classes (ages 8-12). Every week, starting 11 Feb, 9am. Confidence, self-defence skills & make new friends. Ph: David 021 169 2748.
General Groups

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for 1.5 hours on Wed, Thu or Fri either 8.30am or 2.30pm. Assist elderly for pick up and drop off in Presbyterian Support van from Annesbrook. Ph: Maaike 03 265 5224.
THE NEW ZEALAND RED CROSS supports families of refugees as they settle into a new life in Nelson. We are looking for volunteers who would like to be part of the team and make a real difference in somebody’s life. Full training provided and time commitment is very flexible. Text John on 027 223 5972 or migration.volunteers@ redcross.org.nz
BEYOND THE FACE EXHIBITION by Age Concern Nelson Tasman. Until 27 Jan, 9-5pm. Pūtangitangi Greenmeadows. Come along and find out the interesting story behind the face.
ART EXHIBITION - During the month of Jan. In the Art Corner of the Nelson Golf Club Cafe, 38 Bolt Road Tāhunanui. A display of Art Work by three Local Artists, Pat Reid, Claire Dowson and Glenis Ambrose, Open to the public daily.
BREAST CANCER SUPPORT GROUP. Cancer Society Nelson 102 Hardy Street, if you have or have had breast cancer come along to this friendly atmosphere. Register 539 1137 or info@cancernelson.org.nz.
SURVIVORS AND THRIVERS If you have or have had cancer, supporting someone with cancer come and meet others in this friendly atmosphere. Register info@cancernelson.org.nz or P: 539 1137 for details.
KIDS YOGA 6-12 years old in bright new studio in Tahuna. Book 03 545 8289. info@cancernelson.org.nz or Ph: 539 1137
NELSON HINEMOA CROQUET CLUB Saltwater Lane (off Halifax St, beside squash & tennis courts). Give Croquet a Go: Friendly supportive club, for competition or just fun. Coaching and equipment available. Individuals or groups catered for. Nettie 548 8432 / 027 682 8168 nettiebarrow@gmail.com
ENLIVEN POSITIVE AGEING social and activity groups. Looking for volunteers to help on vans or chat, make tea, help games etc. Ph: Maaike 03 265 5224.
NELSON TASMAN HOSPICE Need volunteers to help in Nelson, Richmond, Motueka and Takaka Hospice Shops. Volunteering is a great chance to meet new people, gain new skills and help your Hospice. Morning or afternoon availability appreciated. Ph: 03 546 3912 or Email Krisca.gould@nelsonhospice.org.nz
GROW Needing help. Use a Program and Method. We are here for your mental health. Koha appreciated. Ph: Patricia 547-6120.
ASTHMA? COPD? Nelson Asthma Society offers a free eightweek Pulmonary Rehab Course - Nelson course in August, and Motueka in November. This course can help you improve your respiratory self-management skills and shortness of breath. Phone your medical centre for a “Pulmonary Rehab course referral” or contact asthma.nelson@xtra.co.nz
CAKE DECORATORS are inviting new members to join. You don't need any skills. Come and learn how to work with fondant, sugar paste and chocolate. Creating flowers, figurines and covering a cake. Ph: Desiree 027 630 2359.
SEEKING VOLUNTEERS to help support Nelson Hospital. This is a social opportunity for people to donate their time to a 3-4 hr shift during the week in a variety of roles. You will be supporting our patients, visitors, whānau and staff while receiving sense of purpose, enjoyment and belonging to a group. Visit www.nmdhb. govt.nz and search ‘volunteering with us’.
Community notices are free to community groups, schools, churches, gold coin donation events and fundraising only. For classified ads and public notices please call 548 5900 Due to the popularity of this column, while every effort will be made, inclusion cannot be guaranteed for free ads.