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Network Tasman Trust gives $80 to every household in the Network Tasman electricity network

Residents from Golden Bay, Murchison, the Tasman region and outlying parts of Nelson will receive $80 off their power bill during December/ January.

This comes from the Network Tasman Trust which represents the end-users of the Network Tasman electricity network.

The Trust owns Network Tasman Ltd on their behalf.

“We are delighted to be able to make this payment to consumers again this year through their energy bill”, says Gwenny Davis, chair of the Trust.

“Between the

Open from 10am5pm daily during the exhibition, artists will be onsite to “teach and enthuse people” to hopefully join the friendly group that meets every Thursday from 9am-12pm at the Hall.

Members emphasise all are welcome.

Company itself, which gives regular discounts to its consumers, and the Trust, a total of around $230 million has been paid out to the consumers since the Company was formed in 1993.

“This is money retained in the region, for the people of greater Nelson,” says Gwenny Davis.

“I and my fellow Trustees are proud of the company and of its local ownership. We look forward to many more years of supporting the local community in this way.”

The $80 will come off your power bill this season.

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