A very successful climate-focused event!
‘Inspiring’, ‘practical’, ‘enjoyable’ and ‘we got a lot of ideas’ are typical of the feedback Motueka Greens received following ‘Walking the Talk - Local Solutions for Carbon Reduction’ that was held over September and October. Groups of around 20 people toured eight properties in Motueka, Atamai village, Ngatimoti, Tasman and Lower Moutere over three days, escorted by site hosts who showed and described a range of activities and lifestyles that illustrate low carbon living. Tours followed an earlier programme outlining the problem of greenhouse gas emissions exceeding earth’s capacity to absorb carbon, resulting in the climate changes we are seeing more and more frequently.
All sites featured trees, either fruit and/ or timber, with emphasis on trees’ role as carbon support sinks. Systems of pest management and ecosystem protection were highlighted, particu-
larly for management of old man’s beard. Biochar productionan engineered support sink - was featured at three sites, and water management was emphasised at several, in relation to efficient irrigation and low energy methods of moving water around.
Tours were charac-
terised by inspiring, friendly hosts who generously shared a huge amount of knowledge. All within a relaxed atmosphere that enabled open sharing and conversations; a good deal of feedback addressed these points. Organisers were particularly delighted to get the fol-
lowing comments - ‘By pointing out positive ways of doing things these tours were a very nice way to speak about transitioning to a lower carbon carbon life’, ‘The Motueka Greens’ and hosts’ team have done the community an amazing service by making these tours available
and so affordable.’ And as a future pointer from one person, ‘The young woman in Motueka (who has converted her entire property to food production) was the standout for me. If the world changes it will need to be in the subdivisions as well as in the eco-communities.’
Collingwood’s HealthPost awarded
HealthPost was “excited” to be awarded the Judges’ Commendation for the Restoring Nature category on November 25 during the online 2021 Sustainable Business Awards.
“We were in impressive company last night. There is so much trail-blazing in Aotearoa by valuesbased organisations, and we’re truly honoured to be recognised as delivering on our vision to have a lasting, positive impact on the wellbeing of people and the planet,” says Lucy Butler, HealthPost Director and Sustainability Lead.
As a finalist in both the Restoring Nature and Social Impactor categories of this year’s Sustainable Business Awards, HealthPost was amongst inspiring company at the awards – including their brand part-
ners and fellow finalists AWWA and Chia Sisters.
Since HealthPost started in 1988, their ethical values have been at the heart of the way they do business.
As a large employer based in a small community, they’re naturally connected to the impact of their decision-making on those around them.
“Taking care of our planet and its people leads every decision we make - from the criteria we use to assess the brands we choose to partner with, to the important information we share openly with our customers and our everyday business choices. We’re committed to tackling systemic sustainability issues by working within our local community and with our key suppliers and partners.”
HealthPost recently achieved Zero Carbon
certification and is an accredited Walk Ethical and Living Wage employer.
HealthPost also commits hundreds of volunteer hours and a minimum of $100,000 every year to help restore, monitor, and protect the local environment in the internationally significant Onetahua Farewell Spit and Wharariki areas.
“Being valuesled has enabled us to attract and attain a loyal and talented team. This flows through to the depth of knowledge, experience and service that we can offer our customers,” says Lucy.
Going forward, HealthPost’s sustainability priorities are now to address its environmental impacts around waste and carbon minimisation and to continue raising the ethical bar in natural products.
“We’re actively
Advice to help keep yourself safe on a summer road trip
Get a good night’s sleep before setting off. Getting eight hours’ sleep will mean you’re refreshed and in tip-top shape for a long road trip.
Make sure your vehicle is ready for the long trip ahead:
Get the car serviced
Check your tyres are pumped with the correct air pressure
Top up your engine oil and coolant to optimal levels
Check all breaks and lights are working properly and the car battery’s connection is secure
Have an emergency kit handy, including a spare tyre, jack, tyre lever, pump and any other tools that will come in handy in case of a break down, including a basic first aid kit
Pack essential supplies such as food, water, tissues and incar chargers
Store luggage safely
Restrain children and pets correctly
Choose the best travel route
Take regular breaks – if you’re travelling for more than two hours, take regular breaks to stretch your legs and reset your mind
Check weather conditions before setting
off and plan accordingly, even delaying your plans if the forecast is for storms.
Advice to help keep your home as safe as possible:
Secure your home effectively – install robust locks, alarm systems and motionactivated sensor lights, and don’t leave keys outside (even once)
Cash and jewellery are some of the first things a burglar will look for. Ensuring cash, handbags and valuables are out of sight will reduce the temptation for a burglar to attempt entry
Small electricals are still on the list of must-grabs, including laptops, phones and anything that can be sold on quickly. Keep small electricals out of sight where possible
Keep car keys out of sight. As improved anti-theft technology makes cars increasingly harder to steal, thieves will look for the keys so they can drive away without drawing attention to themselves
When on holiday, use technology to create the illusion you are at home, such as:
-Timed lights, radios and TVs
- Automated curtains
working with suppliers to encourage and support more sustainable packaging options, as this is a big issue in our industry. We’re committed to continuing our sustainability journey and making improvements. And it feels great knowing that we’re working with partners, customers and a team united by a genuine purpose.”
“Thank you to the Sustainable Business
Network and to our community of custom ers, team and partners for your support and inspiration for busi nesses like ours on our shared sustain ability journey. And congratula tions to all the award entrants, finalists, and winners this year, and to all busi nesses in Aotearoa who are committed to achieving sustainable change.”
or blinds
- Automated doorbells that can be answered via an app
- Have a neighbour remove mail, newspapers or flyers dropped at your home
Turn off all appliances before leaving home
Turn off water at the mains
Always ensure you have home contents insurance, so you are protected if the worst does happen. Check your existing policy is up-to-date and that you are adequately insured to cover the replacement of contents
Genuine New Zealand Pounamu 190 High Street Motueka Ph 528-6689
HIGH ST, MOTUEKA 528 4726 shop@floralaffaire.co.nz
What is your favourite summer activity?
Council to engage early on their future accommodation options
Tasman District Council has agreed to consider options for future accommodation in the next Long Term Plan 2024-2034 with early community engagement next year as a first step.
The Council’s premises on Queen Street were assessed as earthquake-prone in 2020, with a statutory deadline of 2033 to remediate the building.
In addition to the earthquake prone status, the current office, which consists of four buildings of different ages, styles and configurations has become increasingly problematic. The building is at capacity, lacking in basic facilities, and the layout does not lend itself well to modern workplace conditions such as open plan offices.
Chief executive Janine Dowding says the earthquake strengthening work and a refit of the existing building would incur significant cost without addressing the issues.
“It would be difficult to justify any investment for little to no return. While the property would meet the building standards, we would still have a building with many constraints. We need to ensure a safe environment that complies with the Building Code and provides a fit-forpurpose workspace.”
With many government reforms in train there is a lot of uncertainty ahead. There are opportuni-
ties to co-locate with other agencies, share costs, and scale the Council’s presence up or down in response to change.
“We don’t have that flexibility in the current building because it would fail to meet their standards,” says Janine.
The council is taking a number of measures to optimise the current space until a long term solution can be found including remote working and more open plan where practical. However, the timeframes for new accommodation are such that they may have to find other interim options.
At a meeting on Thursday, 25 November, the Council agreed that a longterm solution for future accommodation would be considered as part of its next ten-year plan (2024 – 2034).
“While that planning cycle is some time away, we have an opportunity now to do some early engagement and gain community input around the possible options, which are essentially to own or lease new premises,” says Janine.
Mayor Tim King endorsed the importance of community input, “We’ll provide as much information as we can to our residents and ratepayers so they can consider the risks and benefits of the options and provide their feedback”.
Early engagement will take place next year.
Rebuilding the beach in time for Summer Holidays
Decorate Your Book Buzz Summer Bee - 29 Dec-29 Jan 2022
Pick up your Book Buzz Summer Bee from the library and colour, embellish, stick, paint, decorate! Entry forms can also be downloaded from our website. Return your masterpiece to the library by 29 January and be in to win.
Book a Book: Click & Collect@Tasman Libraries
No time to come in and select your own reading or viewing material? We can select items for you and put them aside for you to collect. Let us know what you would like. Fill out a form on the Tasmanlibraries.govt.nz website or call your local library. Motueka ph: (03)528 1047; Takaka (03) 525 0059
Book Buzz Bingo – 18 Dec – 29 Jan 2022
Collect a Book Buzz Bingo card from the Library or download from our website from 18 december. Can’t collect a card? Email us at: childrenstream@tasman.govt.nz and we will drop one in the post to you. Complete a line on your bingo card and collect a prize. All completed bingo cards go into a lucky draw for a Family Board Game. Free!
Take & Make: 2022 Calendar & Dream Board - 5 Jan – 15 Jan 2022
Create a Dream Board to start 2022 in a fresh, upbeat way. Your Kit will also contain a blank 2022 calendar to decorate. Free. For all ages.
Take & Make: Book Page Art - 10 Jan – 28 Feb 2022
Transform a book page into a work of art with this fun kit. Use any art materials you like to create something amazing with your page from a book. Bring your completed creation back to the library for a display. Free
Highest Achieving Sports Team
Every year the Kaiteriteri Recreation Reserve spends between $15-30k to have the beach reshaped and repaired in time for the peak summer season. The beach sustains damage over the winter months from storm surges and the sand naturally migrates to the estuary leaving the beach rocky and the road exposed. KRR
has been undertaking this activity annually for over 20 years.
Over 400 tonnes of sand are shifted from the estuary end and redistributed along the length of the beach, maintaining the iconic beachfront.
This work was carried out by a local contractor on Monday, 13 December and required the use of significant machinery.
The work is paid for by the Kaiteriteri Recreation Reserve using the profit generated from visitor spend at the campsite, apartments, Waterfront restaurant, Gone Burgers and the store. Without the support of visitors using the facilities, KRR would not be able to undertake the beach remediation and other environmental protection work.
New Zealand Secondary Schools Hillary Challenge Team were placed 2nd at the Hillary Challenge in Tongariro.
Johnny MacLennan, Zefa Fa’avae, Janek Manderson, Bryn Stevens, Kyla Rayward, Maya Gavalas, Hannah Mangnall Absent Rebecca Simcic.
Lock up and plan ahead advice, as kiwis prepare for summer holidays
As lockdown restrictions ease in time for summer and we reunite with family and friends across the country, AMI is reminding fellow kiwis of the importance of preplanning for a stressfree break.
New Ipsos nationwide research [1] from AMI shows that 56% of kiwis are planning a driving holiday this year, and of those, 63% expect to be travelling for 2-5 hours to reach their destination, with 19% between 6-10 hours.
But while kiwis may be eager to hit the road, many haven’t factored in proper break times for their trip, with only 47% saying they plan to take a break every two hours, and 9% every hour. Before leaving home, AMI urges kiwis to make a plan.
“Checking for any planned roadworks or weather warnings, getting your car serviced, doing some general maintenance, and checking availability of rest stops along your route are important parts of a safe and stress-free drive,” says Alex Geale, AMI Executive General Manager, Distribution.
“Make sure your car, camper or caravan is in good working order. You should also check road conditions before setting off and even consider delaying your trip if the forecast shows a significant weather event. If you do get stuck in bad conditions, adjust your driving to remain safe by slowing down, turning on your headlights and leaving enough room between you and other drivers.
“It’s also possible that there will be Covid-related delays with road checks. Plan your trip, be patient, calm and polite to other drivers and officials.”
While the research showed that most
of us will check tyre pressure (72%), water (64%) and oil levels (64%), far fewer of us will get our car serviced professionally (24%), map the route (49%) or check for road works or weather warnings (31%) before setting off.
And don’t overlook what you’re leaving behind either. Before setting off on your holiday, AMI recommends taking action to ensure your home is safely secured.
“While it’s encouraging to see that only 3% of kiwis don’t lock their windows and doors when they leave home, there’s still a lot more we could be doing to help keep our homes safe and avoid any unfortunate events when we’re not there to keep an eye on things,” says Alex.
“For added security, we recommend you look into putting your lights on timers, ensuring alarms are working well, and putting portable, valuable items, like jewellery or electronics, out of sight. Chat to your neighbours and ask them to keep an eye on your property while you’re gone. Small things they can do like regularly clearing the mail can help deter intruders.”
Simple preventative measures like turning off appliances at the wall and, where practical, water off at the mains, can also help avoid the chance of returning home to the unexpected.
“Unfortunately, we do see instances of how quickly water can damage homes,” says Alex. “For example, we had a recent case where a pipe burst when the homeowners were away just for a weekend.
It was only noticed when the neighbour saw water coming out the front door and flowing down the driveway.”
The new Motueka Coastal Bus service was launched recently and locals are thrilled. Operated on behalf of Nelson Tasman Community Transport Trust (NTCTT) the bus service runs three times a week on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Leaving Motueka i-SITE at 9.30am the mini bus travels through Tasman and Mapua, then onto Richmond CBD and Richmond Aquatic Centre, returning after lunch at 1.00pm. A return fare from Motueka to Richmond CBD is just $10.00.
Due to limited seating and Covid restrictions pre-booking is essential, via Motueka i-SITE.
To make a booking for the Motueka Coastal Bus call 03 528 6543.
Make the good times last longer in 2022
The start of each New Year always prompts some personal reflection and planning for the year ahead so the experts at Alcohol&Me have pulled together their top 22 tips to help you have fun and stay safe when out and about drinking with friends and family in 2022.
Jude Walter from Alcohol&Me says, “Alcohol&Me aims to make it easier for Kiwis to have access to practical, factual and best-in-class information about alcohol and how it affects them so they can make smarter, more informed drinking choices. With more than 81,000 Kiwis visiting the website in 2021, our goal is to help more New Zealanders to make the choices that are right for them and to remember their social occasions for all the right reasons in 2022.”
Here are five of Alcohol&Me’s top tips and you can view the full list 22 tips for a better 2022 here. While you’re there why not try out the fun, interactive online modules. You’re bound to pick
up some fun facts to impress your mates at the pub or around the BBQ this summer.
1. Know your standards - How much can I drink to drive home tonight? How much can I drink to stay professional at my client function? The one fact that can typically answer any “how much can I drink” style question is: a healthy adult liver can only process 10g of pure alcohol (1 standard drink) per hour and there is no way to speed up this process.
• 100ml of a 13% wine = 1 Standard drink
• 255ml of 5% beer or cider = 1 Standard drink
• 30ml of a 40% spirit = 1 Standard drink
• 180mL of a 7% RTD = 1 Standard drink
2. Check your labels – To help make it easier, every bottle of alcohol sold in NZ must have the number of standard drinks printed on the label.
3. Choose low/no alcohol options – In
NZ we have wines ranging from 0.5% to 14% alcohol, beers from 0% to 12% as well as low and now alcohol ciders, RTD’s, spirits and more. Lower strength drinks look exactly the same in your glass or hand but they will help you to wake up feeling fresher the next day! Even better, alternate with water or a nonalcoholic drink.
4. Weighty topic – Your body tissue affects how you absorb alcohol, so typically larger, heavier people feel the effects of alcohol less BUT…. Individuals with a higher percentage of body fat will have a higher BAC (blood alcohol concentration) than those with less body fat. Good old biology means that women naturally tend to have a higher percentage of body fat than men, so they typically feel the effects of alcohol more quickly. Also important to note, muscle has a high-water content, which helps to dilute alcohol so the more muscular you are the less you will feel the
effects of alcohol.
5. Moods matter –Stress emotions such as sadness, anger, anxiety, and depression can change the enzymes in the stomach which in turn affect how we process alcohol. If at any time you find yourself using alcohol to cope with day-to-day life, you should seek expert help from your GP or health practitioner.
“Alcohol&Me encourages all adult kiwi drinkers to make the choices that are right for them. While “one an hour” is a good rule of thumb you should always drink at the pace that is right for you and remember that you can still have a great time without drinking alcohol. Never put pressure on others to drink and don’t feel pressured yourself.
“Good luck putting those New Year’s resolutions into action and remember how tomorrow starts depends on how tonight ends, so drink smarter and your body will definitely thank you for it,” says Jude.
• 360 kms Range
• 150Kw Motor
• Lexus Safeety System +
• 5 Interior Color Options
• 13-speaker Mark Levinson Premium Surround Sound
• Lexus Quality and Refinement
RRP $79,990
The Lexus UX300e is the first ever fully electric car from Lexus. It is equipped with a high output motor and large capacity lithium-ion battery that can take you a maximum 360kms. The 150Kw motor can propel you to 100kph in 7.5secs. As you can imagine, being a Lexus, you still receive all the attention to detail and luxury that you have come to expect from this great vehicle brand, while operating on nothing but smooth electrical power. We have 1 demonstrator in the dealer group so bookings to test drive this vehicle are essential. Please call and set up a time to try out this fantastic new vehicle.
Jonty Pickworth has been selected for the New Zealand U16 Mixed Touch Blacks Team
Josh Fitzgerald Champion of Motueka High School 1500m fastest time and won the David Fry Cup Champion of MHS senior boys cross country—AL Hucker Trophy Winner of the MHS Ivan Talley Cup for boys fastest cross country 1st at the Tasman Secondary Schools senior boys 3000m 3rd at the South Island Secondary Schools senior boys cross country 3000m 11th place at the New Zealand secondary schools senior boys cross country 3000m
After a lot of planning and research REMAX is now o ering people in the Tasman area a NEW and Dynamic option in the Real Estate arena.
RE/MAX is the largest Real Estate Agency in the world and Dallas and Sandy have joined forces with the Canterbury’s RE/MAX Eclipse team and extends its services to the greater Golden Bay area and Takaka in particular where they both reside.
Dallas and Sandy believe no matter the size – year or scale of the property everyone deserves 100% of their care and attention. Dallas’ Business Model has been built on the ethos of Relationships over Transactions at all cost. Having been Self Employed since her twenties she has found over the years what the true Value of Service means and treating people with the respect they deserved are paramount
to any relationship. Our research tells us these values are often overlooked and these aspects can cause Client and Customer dissatisfaction and unnecessary stress. Dallas has a background in selling Investment Properties in the Canterbury area where she thrived on implementing her unique communication and negotiating skills to great e ect for her clients.
Sandy, joins the team as Personal Assistant to Dallas and is in the last stages of re-certifying as a Real Estate Licensee having re-entered the Industry where she was selling properties in the Nelson region. Both Dallas and Sandy thoroughly enjoy the RE/MAX approach and are fortunate to have huge support from the Christchurch owners Sue and Paul Robinson, formerly of Mapua, who together add another dimension to the Business.
Dallas Beckett
Dallas and Sandy are ready to show people the RE/MAX di erence and how the unique style of this global brand can and does set them apart from other Agencies. Both ladies love the fact they get to help people transition from one stage of their life to another with grace and ease - it is the biggest privilege.
We love working with GREAT PEOPLE to get GREAT RESULTS
– If you are interested in having an informal confidential chat we are open for Business NOW –Ring DALLAS 027-245-3131 or SANDY 027-480-8829
Enjoy your ying toys this summer but stay away from power lines
Drones, model aircrafts and kites make great Christmas presents, but if you aren’t familiar with the rules of ying there is potential for things to go very wrong.
We want everyone to enjoy their unmanned aircraft this summer and we also want everyone to be safe, especially when around electricity. Flying drones, model aircraft and kites close to power lines can quickly ruin the fun and put people and property at risk.
Model aircrafts, kites or drones touching power lines or equipment can risk causing a ashover, explosion, re or electrocution.
Flying too close to power lines won’t just damage your aircraft, it can ruin Christmas for those a ected by the risk of a power cut.
Remember, judging distance from the ground or via an onboard camera is di cult and it does not provide an accurate measurement.
Here’s what you need to do to help you stay safe:
z Always y your aircraft in an area free of power lines and associated equipment
z Keep your aircraft within your line of sight at all times
z Fly drones and model craft in clear, calm weather when it is easier to see them and keep them under control
z Only y your aircraft during daylight hours
z If your aircraft becomes entangled in power lines or electrical equipment, or ies into a substation, phone us on 0800 508 100. We will safely retrieve it for you. The team who work on and around our lines are trained to enter these facilities safely and are on call to help.
Have fun and play safely this summer!
Relax, unwind and let us look after you
Located at the entrance of Motueka bordered by lush oak’s and ancient beech tree’s is quite possibly the most unique barber’s shop you may have ever seen. The Little Barber Lounge is so much more than a barbersshop, it’s a place to relax, unwind and be taken care of. This exceptional barbers is fast becoming a much-loved destination for our menfolk.
The world of barbering is steeped in history, razors have been found among relics of the Bronze Age (around 3500 BC) in Egypt. In Greece, barbers came into prominence as early as the fifth century, BC, where wise men of Athens rivalled each other in the excellence of their beards.
Beard trimming became an art and barbers became leading citizens. Statesmen, poets and philosophers, who came to have their hair cut or their beards trimmed or curled and scented, frequented their shops. And, incidentally, they came to discuss the news of the day, because the barber shops of ancient Greece were the headquarters for social, political, and sporting news.
All the best Charlotte & Blueblaze!
Motueka local Char alongside her partner Mike are both exceptional barbers, having worked in a number of renowned barbershops both here and overseas including one of New Zealand’s best barbers shop ‘ My Fathers Barbers’. They’ve now returned to our town to open their own barbers shop focussing on grooming our men as well as offering a welcoming, safe space to relax and be taken care of.
With such sublime surroundings one would think their prices would be high, however this could not be further from the truth, a simple buzz cut or beard trim costs just $20. From the latest men’s hair styles to a traditional shave, Mike and Char will have you looking and feeling renewed, all of their services are finished with a hot towel.
The talented couple also hold a strong stance on men’s mental health, which is why having such a tranquil, relaxing environment is important to them. Mental health is an issue that affects both men and women. However, men are more likely not to express their feelings of how they feel emotionally, and this puts them at risk of developing mental health problems later down the road. Just like in ancient Greece, The Little Barber Lounge is a place for men to relax, unwind and talk about whatever is on their mind.
Crafted from an old shipping container, The Little Barber Lounge previously housed Jamie Brown’s art gallery, Twigg. Angie, of Toad Hall fame suggested the exceptional location and structure, pointing Mike and Charlotte towards Cre8tive Construction Concepts for inspiration. Together they have crafted a dedicated space for the Little Barber Lounge and the feedback has been fantastic.
“Ange has been a massive part of helping us grow and getting us off the ground,” explains Mike.
“And Cre8tive Construction Concepts are tremendous, their creativity in setting up our space has been thoroughly inspiring,” adds Char.
The Little Barber Lounge’s ‘waiting room’ is an expansive deck, a soft comfortable sofa sit’s to the left, with a raised bar and bar stools to the right. Magazines and books, including a well-worn hardback dedicated to mullets lay on the wooden bar, while in the background the sound of Jimmy Cash echo’s through the trees.
Inside two dedicated well equipped workspaces with specialist chairs are separated by a wooden bench top, allowing as much privacy as possible for each client. Lush green trees reflect in the large mirrors transporting you to a sanctuary far away from the everyday stresses of life. It’s a distinctive space which blends tradition and nostalgia of an old-world barbershop with the modern comforts and aesthetics of today’s world.
Another part of Char and Mikes ethos is to help make your life easier, which is why you’ll find an uncomplicated booking system on their website along with a detailed price list. Opening hours were created with clients in mind. The Little Barber Lounge is open Tuesday - Friday 10am to 7pm and 9am - 4pm on a Saturday. Their social media is also well worth a visit, where you can see photos of their latest cuts and styles.
Whether you’re looking to get a great haircut or to treat yourself to a relaxing hot towel shave, one visit to Char and Mike at The Little Barber Lounge will make you feel like you’re meeting old friends and you’ll wonder how you didn’t discover them sooner.
the coolest Zephyrs and Triumphs, the much-loved Volkswagens and Morris, through to the ever-strange
Stay a while at the Little Engine Café for a range of fresh and tasty made-on-the-premises meals and snacks. There’s also the Museum Store for a superb
Farewell Spit Tours
Horse Treks in Puponga, Collingwood. “We have trekking like no one else!” Whether it’s cantering along Wharariki Beach or ascending to the top of Old Man’s Range, this is an experience you won’t forget. www. horsetreksnz.co.nz Phone (03) 524 8031
Nelson Classic Car Museum
Nelson Classic Car Museum is one of New Zealand’s top private collections. They have cars from every era – all in mint condition. Come for a wander through and maybe you’ll spot a car your grandad had, and the kids will recognise cars from their favourite movies.
There are more than 150 cars on display – from iconic Fords and Cadillacs, the sleekest Jaguars and Ferraris,
Treat yourself and your family or friends to a new adventure that’s as old as civilisation itself. Feel the breeze on your face, the drag of the water against your paddle and the hugely rewarding sense of working together as one. Paddling waka connects you to a rich cultural heritage but it’s also great fun. Prepare to get
We begin and end all our trips with a blessing (karakia) ciated with waka before becoming familiar with the boat and embarking on our journey (haerenga). Come join us for a truly unique cultural experience that’s suitable for all
18 December – 30 January
For Primary school age children
Burst the boredom bubble with Book Buzz Bingo. Collect Your free Bingo card from your
longest swing bridge, pan for abundant gold treasure, or simply relax and view some of New Zealand’s best native flora and fauna on one of the many nature walks.\
Whether you can spare five minutes or a few hours, they’ll be well spent in the Buller Gorge Swingbridge Adventure and Heritage Park. bullergorge.co.nz
Golden Apiaries
Golden Apiaries is a small, family run beekeeping business based in Motueka. Our Tasman Gold honey range is raw, straight from the hive – not fine filtered or heat treated, thereby retaining all the goodness of the naturally occurring pollens, vitamins and minerals in the honey.
Our reusable beeswax food wraps and bags are made out of 100% cotton fabric, jojoba oil, tree resin and beeswax from our own hives and they have a reputation for being extremely durable and sticky! We also provide pollination services, both residential and commercial.
The Rock Fella
David Dunning’s enthusiasm is contagious, his knowledge on rocks and stones is both vast and impressive. When it comes to rocks David Dunning is quite possibly the most knowledgeable individual in our region and he has access to a large network of resources. David Dunning is the Rock Fella
If you would like to make new friends, have fun and get some gentle exercise then Golf may be what you are looking for. We have a marvellous course and we pride ourselves on being the “Friendliest Golf Club in the Top of the South”.
We have a range of membership categories including a special price for members new to golf. Our course is flat and easy to walk. Lined by beautiful trees and alive with birds it can be a challenge to concentrate on your golf!
If you would like to know more call into our Clubrooms or ring our President Peter Johnson on 021 02246728
My Ride Motueka
My Ride Motueka is a locally owned bike shop which offers professional and reliable service with honest advice. We stock great brands including Rocky Mountain, Scott, Avanti, Pro, Shimano, Sram, Maxxis, Muc Off, Cateye, Evoc and heaps more!
Our full service workshop is staffed by our pro mechanics who have an outstanding knowledge base and professional attitude towards servicing your bike!
You’ll find My Ride at 79 High St, Motueka, give them a call on 039298128 or visit their website myride.co.nz
from their licensed café. Start planning your experience
today. Pre Booking is essential over the Christmas break.
Dunbar Estates’ Ngatimoti property includes a cent to the picturesque Motueka River. We offer a unique opportunity to taste and purchase wines, not only from the Nelson site, but also from our Central Otago
Dunbar Estates’ wines include Pinot Gris, Riesling, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Tasman Rosé, Pinot Noir Rosé and Pinot Noir. Come and spend time with us to experience the wines and enjoy the food and Supreme coffee in the cafe whilst relaxing in the beautiful countryside. OPEN - 10am to 4pm - 29 December to 6 April 2022 Wednesday to Sunday, 9 April to end of May, Weekends only.
Hop Federation Brewery
Located in the village of Riwaka, our brewery is in the heart of hop region and on the way to some of the best recreation in the Top of the South. We’re on the main road to Golden Bay, the Abel Tasman National Park and Kaiteriteri’s popular beaches and mountain bike park, and just a short detour from the Great Taste Cycle Trail. We offer free in-store tastings of everything in our range and look forward to seeing you during the festive season. Find us at 483 Main Road, Riwaka, we are open daily from 11-6pm (We only close Christmas Day and NY Day).
The Rocks Chalets
Situated on the edge of Takaka Township, a short 10 minute stroll to town. The Rocks Chalets offers 5 private motel style open plan self-contained ensuite Chalets - Pukeko, Fantail, Kiwi, Kereru and Tui. These are set amongst scenic karst rock formations. Also available onsite is a 3 bedroom fully furnished house including linen - Morepork that can sleep up to 9. A wonderful base to explore Golden Bay.
The Rocks Chalets features air-conditioning, free WiFi and free private parking. Find out more at www.accommodationtakaka.co.nz or www.therockschalets.co.nz or give them a call on 027 490 5881 or 03 525 8096.
www.therockschalets.co.nz Ph:
Helicopter Nelson
For the flight of a lifetime, let our experienced helicopter pilots take you to some of the most remote and breath-taking places that prove New Zealand is one of the most beautiful countries in the world.
Be taken to extraordinary places that only a helicopter can get you to. Our team of local pilots are experts in finding the best hiking, biking, fishing and hunting spots in the Top of the South Island.
If you are looking for a truly unique experience or have a dream flight in mind, we also specialise in creating bespoke itineraries for our clients. Give us a call – we love to make dreams come true! Find out more at www.helicoptersnelson.co.nz
Riwaka River Estate Wines
Riwaka River Estate is the home of award winning, hand crafted Resurgence artisan wines and our wonderful Riwaka River Estate extravirgin olive oil.
Our aim is to produce fine wines that truly reflect their origins, in a manner
Quinney’s Bush is a popular, back-to-basics adventure holiday park set in spacious grounds of 10 ha with native trees and safe river swimming. Hosts Mark, Marama and Andrew Quinney would like to welcome you to Quinney’s Bush, a camp which promotes memorable, traditional family holidays. Conveniently located 52 km from Nelson, 70 km from Murchison and 58 km from Motueka on SH6.
Day Visitors are also welcome to experience everything at Quinney’s Bush. This is charged at just $7.50 per person with the gates opening for day visitors at 8am and closing at 8pm. To make a booking or find out more go to https://www.quinneysbush.co.nz/ or give them a call on 03 5224249
Motueka iSite
Come and meet our team at Motueka i-SITE, the one stop to organize your stay in our backyard: the Tasman region. From transport, accommodation, DOC tickets, activities to events and tips, our experts have it all to make your holidays easy as! The icing on the cake: no booking fees, special prices all year around and a great selection of local retail!
Open every day (except Christmas Day). For more details contact us directly 03 528 6543 or info@motuekaisite.co.nz and follow us on Facebook @motuekaisitenz for the latest updates.
Abel Tasman Sea Shuttles
Abel Tasman Sea Shuttles are your local transport and adventure tourism operators in the Abel Tasman National Park. They specialise in taking clients into the Abel Tasman National Park by boat with their customised fleet of ferries and with their sea kayak company, Kaiteriteri Kayaks.
It’s an exciting maritime environment and their team take pride in teaching their guests about the area, including the history, landscapes and creatures within it. Not only do Abel Tasman Sea shuttles provide transport in the beautiful Abel Tasman National Park but they also do a tremendous amount to help our environment and support our community.
Make a booking and find out more about Abel Tasman Sea Shuttles online www.abeltasmanseashuttles.co.nz and don’t forget to check out their specials page.
Freephone: 0800 732 748
Whether it’s a short hop from Motueka to Kaiteriteri or your friends and family are arriving at the airport, call us for reliable, affordable, friendly transportation. Phone 027-228-7081 www.shuttle.tapubay.nz
9/400 High Street Motueka (022) 137 4574
• Unique creations made on site.
• Stone cutting and polishing service available.
• Workshop sessions where you can create your own masterpiece.
• Holiday programmes.
You imagine it, together we will make it happen!!
Adventure Campingfor KiwiFamilies
Community Notices are free to charitable trusts, gold coin entry where any monies gained go back into a community project. Notices for businesses and organisations who charge for courses or events cost $12.50+gst. No AGMs, sports notices or church notices. We regret if your community notice ad has not made this week’s column, it is due to the popularity of this column and inclusion cannot be guaranteed for free ads.
DEADLINE: 12 NOON MONDAY. 30 WORDS OR LESS BY EMAIL ONLY guardian.motueka@xtra.co.nz
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS s alcohol ca sing problems for yo in yo r life Want to stop drinking b t can t Maybe we can help. pport meetings e ery day. Call 0800aaworks 0800 22 757
W is a ailable to gi e free ad ice and s pport if yo are ha ing problems with W , CC or at Mot eka Comm nity o se on h rsday mornings.
BETTER BREATHERS CLASS MOTUEKA held at the rass and all, 40 ld Wharf oad, Mondays at 11.30am – 12.30pm. 5 per class. Contact e at the elson sthma ociety 0354415 2 or email asthma. nelson tra.co.n
BLOOD CANCER SUPPORT GROUP meet monthly for more information phone eather 027 444 4708
BONANZA BOOK SALE Map a Library, ran i oad, Map a. Monday 3rd an ary 2022 am 1pm Look for the balloons f wet, will be held on the esday
BREAST CANCER SUPPORT GROUP, Cancer ociety elson 102 ardy treet, if yo ha e or ha e had breast cancer come along to this friendly atmosphere. egister 53 1137 or info cancernelson. org.n
COLORECTAL CANCER SUPPORT GROUP , Cancer ociety elson, for those who are going thro gh or who ha e gone thro gh colorectal cancer, and their carers/s pport people. egister 53 1137 or info cancernelson.org.n
GREYPOWER MOTUEKA welcomes isitors at the Comm nity o se office, ecks eser e, on Wallace street for ongoing ser ice re ests. isco nt pro ider list a ailable. Call on 528 07 . or email greypowermot gmail.com
INDOOR BOWLS e ery Monday and Wednesday 1.15 3.00pm. ll welcome. Contact rian 528 54 2 Mot eka enior Citi ens 10 ah treet.
JUSTICE OF THEPEACE SERVICES ree ser ices, incl ding copy certification and witnessing signat res, are a ailable at le ation Caf , 218 igh treet, e ery at rday from 10am to 12 noon.
MANDALA ART THERAPY a o rney to the spirit al self. ery Wednesday 4pm pm at Comm nity o se. ring yo r drawing s pplies. 4 koha for the room. Maddy 027 33 300.
MOTUEKA TOASTMASTERS Like to speak with more confidence riendly, s pporti e en ironment.
1st and 3rd Weds, .45 8.30pm, t ohns rooms, ack nglis hospital gro nds, 15 Co rtney t, Mot eka. isitors welcome. More info email am tortipon gmail.com or ph 021 0873 8 .
MOTUEKA 50+ WALKING GROUP: www.mot eka50pl swalkers.org.n Walks e ery h rsday meet 0845hrs at the ec Centre car park ld Wharf oad. nformation from secretary50pl swalkers gmail.com
NEED A LIFT? Map a Willing Wheels ol nteer ri ers er ice, affordable transport aro nd Map a, Mot eka, ichmond, elson. Contact achel on 022 822 373 to book a ride, 24hrs notice re ired / map awheels gmail.com
PROSTATE CANCER SUPPORT GROUP meet 1st h rsday of month roadgreen o se 27 ayland oad 1.30 to 3.30pm contact ill phone 544 8 35 or 53 1137
RADIO CONTROL SAILING at est sland on Wednesdays and ndays, weather permitting, s ally 1pm onwards. Ms and ragon orce etc. ew Members welcome. Contact eter 0275443 23 for f rther information and times.
RED CROSS SHOP hop open 10 2pm Mon ri. ll welcome. onations m ch appreciated.
9 8651 41 3 2 98 46
MOTUEKA G.R.G. s pport gro p welcomes grandparents/kin raising/s pporting grandchildren. 2nd and 4th esday e ery month 1 3pm. t ndrew s lo nge. 4 igh treet. oin s for a confidential, rela ed and s pporti e time with others. hone 021 133 72
MOTUEKA NEWCOMERS ew to Mot eka We re a social gro p, mostly retired 50 who meet reg larly and welcome newcomers. or f rther information abo t reg lar meet ps and social get togethers, phone ana 5284355
SURVIVORS AND THRIVERS f yo ha e or ha e had cancer, s pporting someone with cancer come and meet others in this friendly atmosphere egister info cancernelson.org.n or phone 53 1137 for details
Meeting on ridays at 10 M by the anie eddon hipwreck carpark. Walking for 30 min, s itable for all fitness le els. Make yo r daily walk more f n and meet new people hone 03 528 8358
AGE CONCERN TEA & TALK 24a dor treet he hed ery Wednesday 10am More info phone 027 21 4074
THE MALE ROOM ree er ice for male s r i ors. eer s pport. 24a dor treet Wednesday and h rsday and other days by appointment. Call Carl 022 452 4215 or email steppingstone4 gmail.com www.maleroom.co.n
GATEWAY TO YOURWELLBEING he shed is a mental health day ser ice for anyone who needs s pport and meaningf l acti ities d ring the days in a s pporti e and caring en ironment. h 027 21 4074 for more info or pop in 24a dor treet Mot eka. SUSTAINING TENANCIES a ing tro ble with yo r enancy eed help working things thro gh with yo r landlord or tenant ateway o sing r st. Contact s today ho sing ght.co.n h 03 545 7100
$$$ for yo r anti e f rnit re, paintings, china, clocks and ewellery. l s ality restoration reprod ction ser ice. Call at Mariri allery, Coastal ighway, Mariri, or telephone 027 4484430 weekdays am 4pm .
A LL T REE CARE r ning, rimming, emo al, Chipping, edge trimming. rofessional ins red rborists. h l 0277 808 344 03 5278 42
carpet cleaning
• reat ser ice
• co friendly
• reat al e
For a free quote ring Greg 0274 300 626
NEW DE NTURES, relines, repairs. hone aniela at ays ent res 54 4455.
he year has gone swiftly by since yo left s. Miss yo heaps. Lo e from Colleen and e ille, Margaret and the late eg.
to let
HOLID AY GARDE N pro ects timber, b lky timbers from garden edgings to leepers etc etc. Length milled with 3 days incl ding holidays. m, Macrocarp or ld Man ine. hone eter he Woodman near Weka eckers ef se Centre 03 528 7554 for disc ssion or lea e a message. Wholesale prices. for sale JUNIOR CROSSWORD STANDARD CROSSWORD 59
wanted to rent RE TA IL A R CADE PRE MISE S with igh treet frontage ne t to ew World permarket and opposite Wareho se. 75m2 of hop pace, pl s an arcade display/ seating area of 41m2. ossibility of reliable s btenant for part of premises if re ired. h 527 82 1
L ON G T ER M RE NTA L for father and son. 2 bedroom. Mot eka/ iwaka area. eferences h on 022 42 751
For advertising features -
Notice to all Advertisers:
By placing your advertisement you agree with the terms and conditions of the Motueka Golden Bay Guardian Ltd. Namely, payment by the 20th of the following month, or in the event of non-payment, the recovery of any debt and its costs will be charged to the customer. This includes all costs and commissions paid to a debt recovery service.
Kaiteriteri 15 Tapu Place
Tantalising tranquility in Tapu Bay
If you're drawn by the lure of the beach and the promise of a more laid-back lifestyle, then this truly is the ultimate opportunity. Live here permanently, work from home, or keep it as a holiday retreat. Inside this expansive home with vast bay and ocean views, direct beach access and luxurious living there are seven bedrooms that ensure abundant accommodation, and three superbly appointed bathrooms enhance functionality. The modern kitchen includes a wide freestanding oven with ceramic cooktop, wooden joinery and feature corner window. The large, open plan living areas spill effortlessly outside, while a range of intelligent heating solutions guarantee year-round contentment. bayleys.co.nz/4051682
7 2 3 2
Auction Tue 25 Jan 2022
View 4-4.30pm Wed 29 Dec or by appointment
Matt Galvin 027 768 6288