14 minute read
This recipe makes a beautiful cake with true home-baked flavour. The white chocolate acts to extend the freshness of the cake, but has a very mild flavour, making this recipe perfect for adults and children alike.
INGREDIENTS 1 cups of plain flour 1 cup self-raising flour 250g butter, softened 150g white chocolate, broken into pieces 2 cups caster sugar 300ml full-cream milk
2 eggs, highly beaten 1 tsp vanilla extract
DIRECTIONS Preheat oven to 160 degrees celsius. Fill a medium size saucepan to a third full of water and bring to a gentle simmer. Put butter and white chocolate in a heatproof bowl and place in saucepan, ensuring base of bowl does not touch simmering water. Stir well until butter and chocolate have melted.
Add caster sugar and milk to chocolate mix and combine gently with a hand whisk until the sugar is completely dissolved. Remove bowl from saucepan and mix in sifted flour in three lots, ensuring there are no lumps. Whisk in eggs and vanilla extract or flavour choice (see below). Transfer mix into cake tin or cupcake cases and fill to two-thirds full. Bake until a skewer inserted in middle of cake comes out clean. Test after 1 hour and 20 minutes for 23cm round cake and after 20 minutes for cupcakes. Leave large cakes to cool completely for several hours overnight before removing.
FLAVOURING SUGGESTIONS Citrus: Add finely grated zest of 1 lemon or orange or orange essence can also be used.
Raspberry: Swirl (do not mix completely) crushed raspberries through the finished mix.
Caramel: Caramel oil can be bought from specialists. Add a small amount to taste.
Past Lives, Pendulums, Psychic
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We have all seen the headlines, heard the statistics, or perhaps connected with personal stories within our circle of family and friends or in the wider community, there are growing issues in our society that many of us are concerned about. Whether it’s mental illness, suicide, child abuse, teen pregnancy, bullying, drugs or another issue, there is something that deeply touches each of our hearts. But when a problem seems so big, it feels like there is nothing we can do, but, maybe there is…
Local mum and businesswoman Nadine Hickman believes if we teach our children how to master their minds and give them dynamic tools to positively manage their thoughts and emotions, we can literally change the future, and she’s founded an initiative called, “One million happy thoughts” to achieve just that.
Nadine is not shying away from the fact that this is a very ambitious vision. “A year ago, when I started down this path, I had doubts, but knowledge is power. The more I delved into it, the more my confidence and passion grew. This helped me to gain clarity and the certainty that we CAN change the future by teaching powerful mindset practices to kids”. Nadine credits her progress to date on the people who believed in her vision from day one. Their support has been vital.
“It helps that everyone I’ve spoken to, bar none, can resonate with this. We are all touched by the constant headlines that highlight the growing issues we face in our society, and most people either have a personal painful story, or we know someone with one”. An ex-elite sportsperson, and current yoga/meditation practitioner and teacher, Nadine’s passion comes from experiencing the benefits of having a mindset practice. What started out as a desire to improve mental health and to reduce New Zealand’s alarming suicide statistics, grew into a much larger vision as she realised the wider positive implications to society if a whole generation of children are taught the fundamental skills of mindset mastery. What if that young person who was about to take drugs, had a healthier way to escape from their painful emotions, overcome their boredom, or get mental stimulation? What if the dad who was about to lash out at his child, had the capacity to let go of his anger? What if the bully who was about to pick on his fellow student or colleague, knew of a kinder way to feel better about himself? What if the teen feeling down, had the ability to pick herself up with self-empowering thoughts? “If we can teach mindset practices to elite sportspeople that enable them to overcome obstacles and achieve outstanding results, why can’t we teach every child in New Zealand similar techniques that will allow them to overcome everyday life challenges and

Nadine with Kath Potts from Life Pharmacy, one of the local businesses happy to support this proactive project.

lead positive, happy lives?”, urges Nadine. “There are more temptations in society than ever before, so kids need a higher level of self-discipline and self-control, these aren’t natural traits we are born with, they need to be taught these things.”
We can teach this stuff, but how?
“We can’t just lump this on our schools, they are already overwhelmed and under resourced. But there are incredible programmes to support teachers to become nurturers of brain development and to deliver tools for mindset mastery”, says Nadine. Nadine was particularly impressed with a programme called Visible Wellbeing™ because of the way it’s

Be one of the first one million to help change the future - visit these local businesses to buy your happy thoughts. • Life Pharmacy • Red Hot Fashion • Blenheim Podiatry • Aria Beauty • Alyssums • Cherubs Childrenswear • Silk Finish Beauty • DML Hair • CBD Cafe Bakery Deli • Tupari Wines Cellar Door • Pep Talk Media • Vanilla Hayes • Spectrum Print • B&F Papers • Platinum Laser • Catherine Van Der Meulen Think Business • Stu Cam Video
integrated into every aspect of the school curriculum. It doesn’t just nurture student wellbeing, but also staff wellbeing, and focuses on enhancing the whole school culture. Visible Wellbeing™ is a science-based approach, with proven success, developed by renowned psychologist and researcher Professor Lea Waters PhD. Numerous studies have shown that in Visible Wellbeing™ schools, not only does student wellbeing increase, but so does academic achievement.
To change the future, requires more than dipping our little finger in. A programme such as Visible Wellbeing™ would need to be adopted at government level and integrated as a core part of the curriculum. annual nationwide inspiring High School speaking tour bringing top youth speakers from around the world to ignite a spark in our teens, plus investing in high impact programmes already happening in our communities.
Nadine is in discussion with several large corporates who have shown interest in supporting this project, but she’s not getting ahead of herself. “Right now, it’s all about getting the momentum going. With enough momentum, anything is possible. There are approximately one million children and teens in NZ, by selling one million happy thoughts, one for each of them, we can kickstart that momentum,” says Nadine, “I believe in the big picture, and I’m determined to go all the way”.
The key outcome of ‘One million happy thoughts’, is to fund the Visible Wellbeing™ programme into a cluster of schools across New Zealand; its success leaving no option but to implement this strategy, or similar, nationwide. Other impacts ‘One million happy thoughts’ will fund include - An
Foundational partners
Thank you to the following businesses who have come on board to support the launch of this project.
What can you do?
Individuals - Get along to the retailers listed and buy your happy thoughts. Visit onemillionhappythoughts.org.nz to find out more and shop other happy products. Businesses - Get in touch to stock happy thoughts, or find out how else you can support. CONTACT NADINE: e: onemillionhappythoughts@peptalkmedia.com Ph: 0275 376 375


From humble beginnings the Marina2Marina event has grown in both size and popularity, attracting runners from across both Marlborough and further afield.
It started seven years ago - a community run to raise money for Waikawa Bay School.
With picturesque views across the Sounds, this course is simply breathtaking. For me though, it’s the Snout walkway which draws me back time after time.
Living in Auckland, my go-to training run when staying with my parents in Waikawa has always been the Snout walkway. It’s a superb mix of hills, trails, views and bush - always something to look forward to. So, when the Marina2Marina event with the Snout Run came up it was the perfect excuse to spend a weekend in Picton. The Snout Run itself was an easy start with a decent climb not far in. This spreads the field a little so it’s a good idea to get to that hill as soon as possible. After that, lots of big ups and downs and amazing views across the Sounds - like nowhere else in the world.
This year’s event will see some changes with a new feature. Part of The Link Pathway between Anakiwa and Picton included for the first time.
The Link Pathway project began in 2005; a vison to build stronger links between inner Marlborough Sounds communities. As initial pathways were created, the idea grew. Hard-work and tenacity saw other pathways gradually take shape. The section between Anakiwa and Picton was completed in late 2018. It’s set to be a great addition to an already wonderful experience. Competitors have the option of enjoying an early morning cruise with Beachcomber Cruises from London Quay, Picton to the start line at Anakiwa. They then face the challenge of running 24km (just over a half marathon) through native bush, around the stunning bays of the Queen Charlotte Sounds, and down to the finish line at London Quay, Picton. The Link 24km is not for the faint hearted, and therefore is only open to the experienced runner. The daunting task of running over Wedge Point comes at the end of the run, and competitors will need to pace themselves.


Returning is the iconic Snout run, a 13km race from London Quay, Picton over Victoria Domain to the end of the Snout and back. Previously this has been a runner only race. This year it will be open to walkers.
The Marina2Marina 9km walk and run is a popular choice with families and groups as is the ever popular 2km Kids Dash. It’s really well organised, more relaxed than the North Island events I have done (which is a good thing!) and it’s great to support local schools and not for profit groups. The first year that I did the run I may have been the only runner from Auckland. However, I’m sure word has got around and with the addition of the Link Run this year there should be much wider interest from around the country. I predict the Link Run will be the next “bucket list” one.
Marina2Marina is a community run event with the profits going back to the local community. In previous years the event has been organised by members of the Waikawa Bay School community as their annual fundraiser.
Due to the events growth the funds raised this year will be distributed to various community groups and schools. If there has been some rain, the track can be quite muddy in parts, this adds another dimension and good grip makes a difference. You are never far from a marshal, there are loads of fantastic volunteers out there ready to help if you need it.
At the end there are so many spot prizes the prizegiving never seems to end! If you are really lucky (like I was) there may be a prize of a luxury night away at Punga Cove Resort - a great reason to go back to Picton ASAP!

SATURDAY 19 October 2019

Bought to you by For more information and to register visit: www.marina2marina.co.nz

Last week, a client came to see me. She was so nervous, it was painful to see – admittedly, she had come for anxiety. She had a great fear that I was ‘going to take control’ of her mind, and make her pretend she was a chicken or some such foolishness. Nothing could be further from the truth. The stage performers have a lot to answer for!
So, what is hypnotherapy, and what can it do for you. The simple and short answer is that it moves people from where they are, to where they want to be. This of course applies to everything, from giving up smoking to losing weight, to regaining a sense of calm, to saving a relationship. Having settled them in my super comfy chair, my first question will often be,“If I had a magic wand, how would you want I explain that I never try and take control, or impose ways of doing things on them. I harness their imagination to help them realise that there are better and more effective ways to achieve their goals. So for weight loss or smoking, they no longer have to ‘diet’ or go ‘cold turkey’. These methods relying on willpower alone or medical supplements, can often work short term, but then they often return to the habit which has been running them for a long time. In contrast, hypnosis is a collaborative event, in which the hypnotist becomes the facilitator, not the director. The therapist is just a guide. Furthermore, the temporary abandonment of the conscious mind, with its continuous state of alert, and its replacement with the sub-conscious, is in itself a ‘trip’ that is in itself a pleasurable experience. When Lorraine came to see me to lose weight, she told me that I would find her a challenge. I quietly explained that if there were to be a challenge, it would be her challenging herself. We had an excellent first session, but she told me at the end of the session that it hadn’t worked, she had heard every word I said, and, although When she returned the following week, I asked her how the week had gone. Her reply: “It was really strange. I left thinking the two hours were a waste of time, but I then felt so happy and relaxed during the week. That chocolate, which had been like a magnet for me, now became as interesting as a packet of soap powder. I couldn’t believe how un-hungry I was, but also how quickly I became satisfied with the smaller portions I was choosing and how good the food tasted. Really weird”. We laughed together. To date, Lorraine has lost 20kgs. And Clare, who has suffered panic attacks and anxiety for the best part of her life, now feels as though she is wearing an invisible coat which is protecting her from outside pressures and stresses. She says she has forgotten what it feels like to panic. Mike, a 30 cigarettes-a- day smoker, has no longer wanted or needed a cigarette since his first session with me - and so the list goes on….. So, if you or someone dear to you needs help, don’t hesitate, just give me a call and we can have a quick chat.

naya cunningham
mind and body therapy