8 minute read
Summertime BRING ON
The warmer weather is now in sight and with it comes the weeds, pests and diseases. The focus for November is keeping these under control, and the best way to do that is to make sure your plants are well watered and well fed.
Kitchen Garden
Watch out for and prevent pests. Use an environmentally friendly spray around your vegetables. Spray late in the day when the bees have gone home.
Remove weeds early - this is where pests hide, and weeds take valuable nutrients and water.
Water deeply less often, rather than a little bit every day.
Stagger planting of green salad crops like mizuna, lettuce and mesclun for continuous supply.
Plant seedlings: tomatoes, cucumbers, capsicums, eggplant, lettuce, corn, gherkins, spinach, spring onions, melons, cucumber, beetroot, celery and cabbage. In most areas’ seeds can be planted directly into the garden and now is the time to put in another round of summer crops. Beans, pumpkin, courgettes, carrots, beetroot, radish, corn, capsicum, eggplant, melons and spring onions. Scatter bait to protect seedlings from slugs and snails.
Plant a second crop of potatoes and remember to mound up soil around the foliage as they grow. Plant blueberries, passionfruit and tamarillos. Plant annual herbs like basil and coriander, pinch out the tips for a bushier plant.

Pinch out the laterals on tomatoes.
Fertilise with a specific tomato food.
Feed and water strawberries, mulch underneath and protect from birds.
Spray copper oxychloride and spraying oil to combat verrucosis, aphids and mealy bugs, mildew and blackspot.
Garden Colour
Keep on top of the weeds when they are small, use a torpedo hoe to nip them off at the roots.
Liquid feed all flowering annuals and perennials with an all-purpose fertiliser.
Plant seedlings: cosmos, petunias, lobelia, impatiens, marigolds, phlox, verbena, portulaca, petunias, impatiens, dahlias, verbena, cosmos, marigolds, nemesia and dahlias.
Sow seeds: alyssum, Californian poppy, marigolds, cosmos, nasturtium, portulaca, salvia, sunflowers and hollyhocks. They can be sown directly in to the ground. Plant for bees: pineapple sage, bergamot, lemon balm, blue salvia, coreopsis, gaillardia alyssum, rosemary.
Spray roses with insect and fungus control products suitable for roses and feed with a rose specific fertiliser.
Remove any dead leaves and clippings from the base to reduce the risk of disease.
Feed spring bulbs with blood and bone as the foliage dies away, they use this food for next season. Lift tulip and hyacinth bulbs once the foliage has completely died away, store in a cool dry place ready for next season.
Most other bulbs can stay in the ground for a few seasons.
Use a water retention product to retain moisture in pots.
Trees and Shrubs
Feed flowering shrubs with a side dressing of general fertiliser.
Keep on top of the weeds, fertilise and apply mulch around the shrub beds, trees and rose bushes. The mulch will help conserve water in the coming dry months.

Aria Beauty
Queens Market Mall P: 03 579 4707 E: ariabeautynz@gmail.com
Aria Beauty By Sarah
What do you love most about Marlborough? It has a great family community and the sunny weather. Three words that describe how someone would feel using your business. Pampered, listened to and confident. What is unique about your business? We communicate and listen to our clients needs; they are our top priority. We also do monthly team training sessions to ensure our skills are the very best for our clients. What is something about you that people may not know? I’m a Gin Enthusiast! I love everything about it…the botanicals and the science about it and of course drinking it. If I wasn’t a Beauty Therapist, I would definitely be involved in the Gin industry some how. How would you describe a great day at work? Satisfied happy clients with them walking out feeling great! What 3 celebrities or special people would you like to work with? Jane Wurwand founder of Dermalogica Skin care for her knowledge and passion for the industry and the other 2 would be my old X’Foliate beauty salon co-workers Katie Ewan and Emma Gibson as we made the best team!

Where did the inspiration or motivation for your business come from? I was born wanting to be involved in the Beauty Industry one way or the other so its always been a true passion of mine. I’ve also been fortunate enough to work for some amazing women that helped to shape and make me the Beauty Therapist I am today! What’s next on your wish list? My wish list is always more travel! What’s your favourite way to spend an idle moment?
Spending time with my family and friends, whilst drinking a delicious G&T.

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Ross Broadbridge in the 1966 S-Type Jaguar that once belonged to his father. full SToRy page 6. Photo: Supplied.
Soaring water bills are causing a headache for some Seddon residents - and a thief could be to blame. Bills as high as $3,000 a quarter have been sent to some homes using water metres installed after the Kaikoura earthquake in 2016. Frustrated homeowners are calling on Marlborough District Council to act. But one resident says a construction firm brought in to investigate the issue, have revealed the water could be being siphoned off deliberately. Fed-up resident Sara Grigg says she was billed the equivalent of one year’s normal use in one quarter alone recently.
“We just had our second bill since moving in, all our water usage yearly allocation was used on the first account first bill of High water bills mystify
Paula Hulburt Editorpaula@marlboroughmedia.co.nz
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