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House and Garden

House and Garden



Cinnamon House is open for inspirati on from Monday to Saturday at 32 Park Terrace, Blenheim, and Bianca’s arrangements can be viewed on Instagram at @_dirtf loral, and she can be contacted on 0211 909 296.

Bianca Nardella does everything on a big scale, she’s a more is more sort of girl and there’s nothing that can’t be used out of a garden.

When the season turns and most fl orists are looking abroad to fulfi l their fl ower supply for the winter, one Marlborough arti st opts to look for what’s left behind. Bianca Nardella has recently returned to Marlborough to open her fl oristry business, Dirt Floral. She has been working along side Simone Hill at Cinnamon House Design, creati ng arrangements to brighten homes throughout the autumn and winter months. The pair compliment one another when it comes to the look and feel of a home, bringing together an eclecti c mix of rusti c and more modern designs. Bianca has spent the past 10 years establishing her style of fl oristry, opti ng for big arrangements and making the most of local resources regardless of the season. “If you look at the garden and think there’s nothing in there you can put in a vase, Bianca will forage and fi nd something beauti ful to brighten any room.” Bianca’s ability to look beyond just fl owers in a garden has come from years of working alongside a mentor in Melbourne, and prior to that, from immersing herself in the work of her mother, an interior designer, and her father, an anti que dealer. “I learnt from a lady in Melbourne who taught me how to forage and to see things I probably wouldn’t have looked for,” Bianca says. “With an interior designer for a mother and an anti que dealer for a father, she really couldn’t miss,” Simone adds. “Bianca grew up around beauti ful quirky pieces that you don’t see in most homes.” As a result, Bianca loves to work with produce not typically associated with fl oristry. “I love using seasonal produce and not buying from the supermarkets, I won’t buy fl owers that are coming from off shore unless it’s for a wedding or something, I try and buy local stuff ,” she says. In winter, this oft en means working with things like fruits, evergreen leaves, branches and seeds. She encourages people to do the same in their own homes to add elements of warmth and style. “Use lots of greenery; when fl owers are limited opt for big bunches of evergreen foliage and textures, like olives, fruits and citrus branches work well … don’t be frightened to have fruit on branches; fruit is the fl ower of winter,” Bianca says. “I have a bowl of quinces on my bench at home and I’m never going to make quince jelly, they just look prett y.” Bianca specialises in fl oristry for events and thrives off putti ng together large scale arrangements. Recently, she has been working with Simone on arrangements to compliment the latest pieces on display at Cinnamon House. “Bianca fi ts in with Cinnamon House because we are a bit eclecti c and individual, we like

• Vintage Industrial • French Shabby Chic • Local original artworks • Lighting, Lamps • Mirrors • Fabulous Fabrics • Exclusive wallpapers • One-off WOW & Quirky pieces • Have your own furniture reinvented

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