A Day in the Life of Andrew Hogg
2pm 4pm 5:30pm
I head out in the harbourmaster boat to patrol the harbour. Most people were being safe today, but there there were still a few I needed to educate - like paddle boarders needing a lifejacket and staying out of the swim zone, boats staying on the starboard side of the channel and jet skiers sticking to five knot speed limits in the harbour. No infringement fines today, which is great.
Out in the boat again to try and find and then retreive the object. I find it over by the lay-up berths and it is close in to the rocks. The wind has increased a lot now and it is very tricky to get in close enough to tie a strop around it without getting too close to the rocks. On the third attempt I manage to get it and tow it to safety where it is picked out of the water and disposed of.
I get back into the office and answer emails and make some phone calls.
First thing at the office is a daily morning meeting with all the operations departments at the port where we coordinate shipping, cargo and people. I attend a Zoom meeting about Covid at the maritime border with Public Health, NZ Customs and Port Marlborough.
I drive past the boat ramps and beach on the way to work to get a feel for how busy it is. The craziness of summer has settled down now and there are only the paddle boarders and powerboats making the most of lighter winds.
Back into the office to look through some survey results from dredging in the harbour. This is something Port Nelson does every year and ensures there is enough depth of water for ships to come in and out. I am just starting work on a harbour risk assesment when I get a call that there is an old pile floating in the harbour that could be dangerous to other water users (the irony).
Arrive home and spend time with my girls and chat about their day. If I’m lucky I get home in time to bath, read a story and put them to bed but my partner Holly is a super mum and has things running like clockwork at home.
Back home in time to get the girls (two and four years old) up and fed. Olivia wants her hair in a french braid today which is well outside my capability so I manage to negatiate a pony tail with a very high ratio of bows and hair clips as a compromise.
I drag myself out of bed and head out for a run. I try and get one in before the house wakes otherwise its hard to find the time. I prefer heading into the hills and trails but weekday runs are normally limited to the road because of time constraints.
Andrew Hogg is the Nelson Harbourmaster and the Marine Operations Manager for Port Nelson. He manages the ships coming in and leaving Port Nelson as well as overseeing the safety of the harbour and Nelson region waters.
Dinner with Holly once the kids are all tucked up and we have time to ourselves. After dinner and dishes we watch the last episode of The Queen’s Gambit, a short Netflix series which we both have been a little hooked on, before heading off to bed.