Nelson Weekly - 21 June 2023

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Family homeless after kitchen fire


A family have been left without a home following a fire that engulfed much of their kitchen a little over a week ago, but the family just want to find their missing cats.

Rachael Sheehan says her daughter was cooking on the evening of Sunday, 11 June and had a pot of oil on the stove.

Out of nowhere, the pot caught fire and although her daughter tried to put it out, the flames were

hood fan.

“Within seconds it was everywhere,” Rachael says. She heard the kids calling out that there was a fire and rushed to the kitchen to shut the door, stopping the spread through the house.

Weka St home in just their pyjamas.

Neighbours came to the rescue, one smashing a window, the other feeding in a garden hose, which was able to extinguish some of the fire before fire fight-

Fire and Emergency New Zealand shift manager Daniel Reilly says two crews from Nelson responded to the fire around 5.30pm.

“It was initially reported as oil on fire in the kitchen and spreading,”


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crewman reflects on career
McDougall notched up a combined 275 senior games over the weekend as they teamed up with two other brothers to bring home
Postie Cup for
page 24.
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and Patrick
the Marist
Photo: Jack Malcolm. See
Brothers in arms
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Family homeless after kitchen fire


he says. “When we arrived it was a relatively small fire, contained to the kitchen.”

He says while the fire damage was mostly contained to the kitchen, generally smoke damage is likely to be seen in other parts of the house.

Rachael says the kitchen of their Kāinga Ora home is completely destroyed, along with much of the laundry as the ceiling was ripped off.

She says smoke damage is evident in the rest of house.

Fire crews remained on scene until 7.20pm.

Rachael and her three kids spent the first night at her mother’s house – Rachael sleeping on the floor, while the kids shared a bed.

The next day, Kāinga Ora was able to find them temporary

accomodation in a local motel, however she is unsure what the future holds.

“Not having any belongings and not knowing what the next steps is freaky. We could be moved into a temporary house or we might not. You don’t know where you’re going to end up.”

She says because they vacated the house with only pyjamas on, they had no shoes, clean underwear or clothes.

Work and Income provided them with $300 to purchase essentials.

“I cried in the supermarket the other day. It’s so overwhelming,” Rachael says. “It’s so much more expensive when you’re not at your house. All the food I had just bought that day is gone, purchasing all the condiments to cook with is so expensive.”

To make matters worse, three of

the family’s four cats disappeared following the fire. One has since been found but their black and white boy Kevin and white girl Halo are still missing.

“A lady in Wakefield has taken

them in for us until we get sorted, but we are still missing two. I go back to the house two or three times a day but none of the neighbours have seen them.

“The whole thing has been absolutely devastating,” she says. “Kāinga Ora have been absolutley amazing.”

The family thought they may be able to go back the next morning but the house was boarded up while asbestos testing is undertaken.

“So, we have nothing. But at least we’re in a motel, there’s people sleeping in their car who are worse off, so we know we are lucky.”

A Givealittle page has been set up to help the family get back on their feet. Go to https://givealittle. to donate.

News 2 Wednesday 21 June 2023
Claire Sibley “Summer. I’m a beach yoga girl, not a skier.” Caitlin Ryan
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The kitchen of the Weka St home was destroyed. Photo: Supplied.

Stoke’s new $20m supermarket

MAX FRETHEY Local Democracy Reporter

Stoke’s New World supermarket is set for a major upgrade after Nelson City Council and Foodstuffs South Island agreed to a land swap which will allow for the development of a more modern store.

“I know the local community will be very, very excited about it,” says store owner Brendon Rae. “The building faces many challenges, so we’re very excited about the new build.”

A Stoke local, Brendon adds he is looking forward to being able to give back to the area.

“To come full circle and be back here and being able to provide to our local community and offer such an amazing project for the future is really positive.”

The New World will be extended north to cover the twoway Neale Ave entrance and the old Video Ezy building, while the supermarket will vacate some land in the corner of the square which will replace lost parking and open up Strawbridge Square so it will be less enclosed. The main entrance to the building will move to the south face of the store, looking out on the new car parking area and Songer St. The shift also allows the twoway entrance from Songer St to be widened and made saf-

er. The one-way entry from Neale Ave into the square, by the Stoke Library, will change to exit only. No car parks will be permanently lost as a result of the project, though parking will be impacted during the build itself.

Rebecca Parish, Foodstuffs

South Island head of property strategy, says the company and council have worked collaboratively over many years to get the right design.

“It’s exciting, innovative and it’s really creative.”

Brendon adds that the store currently has an odd layout and so expanding to a larger, rectangular shape will create a more streamlined shopping experience with a larger food hall.

Mayor Nick Smith says the redevelopment is “fantastic news” for Stoke which will enable $20 million of investment

into Strawbridge Square.

“This... could not come at a better time, when we’ve just had the official announcement of New Zealand being in recession. It really solidifies the Stoke shopping centre as a community centre for the 22,000 people that are here.”

The construction of the new supermarket is expected to begin early next year and will create about 20 new jobs at the New World.

The work will be conducted in three phases over two years, allowing shoppers to continue to use the supermarket, and will include a $600,000 upgrade of the stormwater infrastructure at the southern end of the square to fix “longstanding” flooding problems.

News Wednesday 21 June 2023 3 47 Bridge Street, Nelson | P 03 545 6600 | Empowering businesses to focus on their customers In a world of technology Our people make the difference WWW.BKINKY.CO.NZ Kathy - OWNER I t’s important to realise that sexuality needs to be nurtured, and a healthy sex life has a positive effect on people’s relationships. Until you have a conversation you may not even be aware of what you want. Don’t be shy, call in and say hi. Ph 03 545 9997 117 Hardy St (Montgomery Arcade) Nelson Open 7 days and by appointment SHOP ONLINE We offer online grocery shopping - Easy, Convenient, Fresh 107 Neale Avenue, Stoke, Nelson | (03) 547 7788 Open Monday to Sunday 8am - 9pm | Proudly locally owned and operated by the Rae Family Stoke THIS WEEKS SPECIALS 19 - 25 JUNE Coca-Cola, L&P or Sprite Club Deal 1999 ea 330ml, 18 Pack Cans Fresh Quality Mark Lamb Shoulder Chops Plain, Flavoured or Crumbed, Product of New Zealand Fresh Quality Mark Prime Beef Mince Fresh Quality Mark Lamb Leg Steak Product of New Zealand Wattie’s Baked Beans or Spaghetti 420g SUPER SAVER 1399 kg Chelsea Buns Club Deal 5 4 Pack Freshly Baked In-Store White or Red Potatoes, Loose Product of New Zealand MEAT WEEK ON NOW SUPER SAVER 1999 kg SUPER SAVER 499 pkt SUPER SAVER 249 kg SUPER SAVER 1399 kg Product of New Zealand Fresh Chicken Nibbles Pain or Glazed, Product of New Zealand SUPER SAVER 99 kg 3 for
Brendon Rae, Nick Smith, and Rebecca Parish announce the redevelopment of the Stoke New World. Photo: Supplied.

Failure of insect breeding delays wasp biocontrol programme

A “game changer” wasp biocontrol programme has been delayed after the two insects imported to deal with them failed to breed in captivity and have all perished.

The insects were originally planned to be released in April this year.

“This was going to be the one thing that would be so awesome for our community,” says Tasman District Council’s environmental information manager Rob Smith. Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research has been overseeing the application and preparation of the two insects: a species of hoverfly and the wasp nest beetle.

Project lead Dr Bob Brown says the two insects are “extremely difficult” to rear in captivity.

They were imported from England and are reared in a quarantine facility to meet criteria set out by the Ministry

for Primary Industries before they’re released.

“The colonies of these two species did not survive the simulated overwintering programme that they must go through to synchronise them with the Southern Hemisphere season,” Brown explained.

The artificial winter initiates diapause within the insects, an essential step to trigger their development into adults. It’s

this process in which the insects are at their most vulnerable.

“While I was extremely disappointed in how our attempt at rearing the agents this year turned out, this is a great example of the quarantine working exactly as it should, by preventing the release of any individuals that are not in the very best condition,” Brown said.

Man admits ferry crossing scissor attack

Despite the setback, the programme will continue with the aim of releasing the insects next summer, though there are many steps that must go perfectly before they can be released.

“Nationally, it will be one of the biggest game changers in biodiversity. We absolutely want to see that happen,” Smith said.

“Hopefully, next year we’ll have a better story.”

The two insects, the hoverfly species, Volucella inanis, and the wasp nest beetle, Metoecus paradoxus, both infiltrate the nests of common and German wasps to parasitise the grubs, decimating the wasp populations. The two species go through extensive testing to make sure they’re host-specific to the two wasp species and not any of New Zealand’s native flora and fauna.

TRACY NEAL Open Justice Reporter

Passengers on an otherwise standard ferry trip across Cook Strait were alarmed to see a man suddenly lunge at another passenger and stab him with a pair of scissors. A 23-year-old man was remanded for a further psychiatric report in the Nelson District Court on Monday, having pleaded guilty to a charge of injuring with intent/reckless disregard, after the incident on board an Interislander ferry on February 8 this year. The man, who has name suppression, was on the Interislander ferry travelling from Wellington to Picton. At about 4.20pm he and the victim were in the lounge area of the ferry when the man walked towards the victim with scissors in his hand.

The police summary of facts said he then began to “rapidly advance” on the victim from behind with scissors in his hand, and stabbed him in his left side. He swung the scissors twice more, but missed.

In explanation, the man told police he had “wanted to harm the victim with scissors”. Defence lawyer Mark Dollimore told the court on Monday that psychiatric reports already completed confirmed that the man did not have the defence of insanity available to him, but that he did have a “serious mental health problem”.

Lisa Trusler (front centre) presented the White House with $976 that was raised from her Nelson Rugby Football Club fundraiser the previous weekend. Lisa’s aim was to get a coin trail around the perimeter of Trafalgar Park. While the goal fell short, the club managed to raise just short of $1000 to support mental health in the region. She says she chose the White House as the recipient becasue of their open-door policy. White House visitors began discussions about what to use the money for, with Lisa suggesting it be put towards helping more people hear about the services they provide. Photo: Sara Hollyman.

Dollimore said discussions with various doctors showed the man, who appeared in court on Monday via video link from a mental health facility, had made “major progress”. Judge David Ruth remanded the man in the care of the facility until next month for a further report that would help the court better understand the best outcome. Interislander general manager of operations Duncan Roy told Open Justice it would not comment on this particular incident. It was however standard practise for the organisation to review security on its ships ahead of the peak summer period, to ensure the safety of all passengers and crew.

News 4 Wednesday 21 June 2023
The wasp nest beetle is one of two new insects set to be introduced to help combat the region’s wasp population. Photo: Manaaki Whenua, Landcare Research.
Open Justice — Te Pātiti, a Public Interest Journalism initiative funded through NZ on Air

Family of five ‘overwhelmed’ with new Habitat home


There will be no more living in a cold, damp rental for a Stoke family of five, who were handed the keys to their brand-new Habitat home last week.

Tita and Veni Lupeituu, along with their children Eseta 8, Sione 7, and Melelua 5, are one of 14 families to move into Habitat for Humanity Nelson’s latest development on Main Rd Stoke, which was officially dedicated to its new residents last Wednesday.

“We were renting an older house, it was very cold during the winter with mould and moisture on the windows. Our kids were getting constantly sick,” Tita says. She says they are the first in their family to own a home in New Zealand.

“It’s amazing, overwhelming actually. Our plan was to get a house, but we knew we were not eligible to ask for a bank loan. We didn’t have enough saved in KiwiSaver, so we knew they wouldn’t even consider us.”

Twelve of the families will pay affordable rent over several years before they transition to buying their homes through Habitat’s Progressive Home Ownership (PHO) programme.

The other two homes on the site

will be rented out at affordable prices.

Tita says if they hadn’t been accepted for the PHO programme, their goal of owning a home would be a distant dream.

“This is life-changing. We are helping our kids with a stable and

safe future.”

Tita and Veni both work full-time as bakers, which can be hard to juggle with three children.

“We’ve been working different shifts so at least one of us can take care of the kids, while the other one either sleeps after a shift or

works. I saw my husband only one day a week and we were constantly tired.” But now, with an affordable rental and a fixed target, she says there’s no stress anymore.

“The rent is not going to increase every year, it stays the same until

we want to change it.”

Tita says their kids were quick to choose their rooms and already have ideas for how they want to decorate them.

The community of semi-detached two and three-bedroom homes has been designed to encourage neighbourliness, with communal gardens, shared barbeques, and a children’s play area.

“It’s a great environment, safe, dry, and warm. A great place for kids, close to the school, library, parks, shops - and it’s also a community,” says Tita.

“All the kids are already getting to know each other. They are creating natural connections.”

The rent that families pay at the beginning of their PHO journey is affordable, but it’s up to families if they want to increase and thus save more.

Families pay the equivalent of fair market rent determined by their total gross household income. This allows local households to enter an affordable rental programme with secure tenure for at least five years, until refinancing and taking ownership of their own home.

There were 88 applicants for the development, however, another eight homes will be built on a section next door.

News Wednesday 21 June 2023 5 USED JAZZ EHEV BONANZA $29,800 DRIVEAWAY 2022 HONDA JAZZ EHEV MUD FLAPS AND WINDOW VISORS 35 STEP QUALITY APPROVED* 3 YEAR HONDA WARRANTY* 3 DAY RIGHT OF EXCHANGE* *Honda certified use car warranty applies for NZ new vehicles under the age of 8 years and under 100.000 KM at the time of sale* and **Japanese import cars come with a 1 year 3rd party Mechanical breakdown insurance** Honda Store Nelson 10 Elms Street, Stoke. 03 989 2100 SALES: Mon to Fri 8am - 5.30pm, Sat 9am - 4pm | SERVICE: Mon to Fri 7.30am - 5.30pm Henrik Henk Used Car Manager 022 037 4599 Ken Allan Sales Manager 03 989 2106 NOW $29,990 DRIVEAWAY 2021 HONDA JAZZ EHEV WAS $30,500 $30,990 DRIVEAWAY 2022 HONDA JAZZ EHEV SUPER LOW KM’S $30,500 DRIVEAWAY 2021 HONDA JAZZ EHEV SUPER LOW KM’S NOW $28,990 DRIVEAWAY 2021 HONDA JAZZ EHEV WAS $29,900 NOW $27,700 DRIVEAWAY 2021 HONDA JAZZ EHEV SUPER SPECIAL
Tita and Veni Lupeituu received the key to their new Habitat home last Wednesday. Photo: Kate Russell.

Rescue crewman hangs up helmet after three decades

After 34 years of being in the sky, Paul ‘Ernie’ Bryant is hanging up his helmet as a rescue helicopter crewman.

Having notched up more than 4100 flights, he is considered the most experienced crewman in the country.

Ernie says he knew from a young age that he was going to be in aviation.

“I was one of those kids right from the word go, planes, helicopters were always going to be it.”

While going through high school his goal was to join the Air Force. “It didn’t matter whether I was making cups of tea or flying a jet, that was where I was going to go and that’s exactly what I did.”

Having started flying privately, his first solo flight was just three days after his 17th birthday.

He joined the Air Force straight out of school and spent four years learning a ground trade before applying to be an airman aircrew. With 15 applications put forward, he was one of only two who made it through.

He trained on fixed-wing planes that did everything from moving people and cars around to paratrooping and air dropping. The next four years took him on a range of journeys including a peacekeeping tour to Somalia, before cross-training to the heli-

copter side of the Air Force. He then took an opportunity working for the Westpac Rescue Helicopter in Auckland before later heading to Nelson where he has worked on the Nelson Marlborough Rescue Helicopter ever since.

“It was never not going to happen, but it never happened the way I thought it would,” he says.

“When I came to Nelson they had just got the BK117 helicopter and they wanted somebody with experience to be able to train the

guys here.”

He says it was the best of both worlds as he still had a core role of being a crewman - managing scene safety, assisting pilots and medics etc. as well as the other side - doing all the training.

In November 2022, Ernie flew his 4000th flight.

“I’m up around the 4100 and something now. We’re pretty sure I’m the first crewman to whistle through the 4000 helicopter missions. That wasn’t a goal, it just sort of happened.”

While he finds it hard to pick a most memorable mission over his 34 years, he says flying to the White Island eruption and assisting after the Kaikōura earthquake are two that have stayed with him. Night vision goggles are the biggest technology change he’s seen, but safety is the biggest improvement overall.

Ernie says he’s looking forward to not having to get up when it’s raining and go out on missions, and feels like he is leaving his role in safe hands.

“You look at the team and think ‘if I was sick, would I want you turning up?’ And yeah, I would.”

Ernie says he considers his career both fulfilling and successful.

“I just knew that deep down in my core was to be in aviation and to get myself in the air.

The hardest thing I have at the moment is to look back with a bit of pride.”

He says seizing the opportunities when they presented has meant his career worked out well.

“I’ve had the opportunity to do this. And a lot of people don’t. I don’t like the word lucky, but I was fortunate. I had to work at it, I had to pass everything, I had to jump through all the hoops. You never stop learning.

“And I am proud of what I’ve done.”

He says he doesn’t know what he’s going to do with his spare time yet.

“I’m not going to retire, retire, but I’m retired from the aviation industry. So, I’m not going to fly again, professionally, that’s all over for me. It just felt right to go out at the top of the game. I’m going to chill out for a little bit and see what comes along.”

Ernie has a piece of advice for someone who knows in their heart where they want to be.

“Someone reading this will be another me and they need to follow that. Not so much the dream but they need to follow that path.”

Alteration and repair specialists

Located conveniently at the Richmond Mall, with parking right outside the door, Seamless Alterations and Repairs is the only specialised clothing alterations and repairs store in Richmond. Owned by Diane Lamont, providing high standards of workmanship and customer service are the team’s top priority.

Purchasing the business in 2020, Diane has invested heavily in specialised, high-quality industrial machinery, upskilling staff, rebranding, and building strong relationships with customers and local businesses.

Diane and her skilled team provide a wide range of alteration and repair services that cater to people’s unique needs from sewing buttonholes, replacing zippers, hemming and resizing to more complex alterations and repurposing clothing, even altering curtains, and repairing pet garments. They keep up to date with the latest sewing tech-

niques and industry trends, ensuring that every item is handled with care, skill and expertise.

“With our range of industrial machines, we can work with a wide range of fabrics from stretch and knit fabrics to heavier fabrics including leather.”

“We feel strongly about sustainability and have made it an important part of our ethos. We actively promote altering, repairing, and upcycling of garments as an alternative to unnecessary discarding and replacing of clothing. By extending the lifespan of garments through repairs and alterations, we help our planet by contributing to the reduction of textile waste.”

Their focus on clothing sustainability means they encourage customers to bring in ill-fitting clothes for alteration.

“We’ve all purchased an item of clothing only to get it home

and find it doesn’t fit as well as it did in the store. Our team brainstorm together to find ways clothing can be altered to make it something our customers loves to wear.”

“With Ball season upon us, we can help with resizing, shortening, and altering of ball dresses, suit jackets and pants. Last minute alterations are available. We also offer a steaming and ironing service.”

With their attention to detail and high-quality workmanship along with the diverse range of alteration and repair services available, the team excel in providing a welcoming and professional experience for all their customers. Seamless Alterations and Repairs offer a standard seven-day turnaround service as well as a rush service for those last minute and urgent alterations. Contact Diane on 027 885 3777 or email shop@ for more information.

News 6 Wednesday 21 June 2023
Business Update. Advt. Shop 71, Richmond Mall MON - FRI 9am - 5.30pm | THURS 9am - 6pm | SAT 9am - 1pm
027 885
The only dedicated alteration and repair store in Richmond Repairs and alterations of all types of fabrics From hemming and zip replacement to ball gown and suit alterations Parking available right outside No job too small Open Saturdays until 1pm
Paul ‘Ernie’ Bryant is considered the county’s most experienced crewman, but he has decided to retire from aviation after 34 years of flying. Photo: Sara Hollyman. Inset: Paul Bryant on his last flight with the RNZAF in 1997. Photo: Supplied.

Appeal for missing hospital equipment


Have you been hoarding a pair of crutches in your garage that you were given to you after that old knee injury? Well, Nelson Hospital wants them back.

Te Whatu Ora Nelson Marlborough is urging people to return any medical equipment they have been loaned - such as walking frames, crutches, and shower stools.

Director of Allied Health, Hilary Exton, says for the year ending 31 March 2023, 4,541 items were loaned out - but hundreds haven’t come back. “On average, 100 items are loaned to patients every week - however, between five and 10 per cent of this is never returned.”

She says this creates a stack of unwanted replacement bills and Te Whatu Ora Nelson Marlborough spent $16,542 for the year 2022/23 on replacing hospital equipment that has remained unreturned.

“Returning equipment lessens the need for us to replace equipment, leaving more funds available to improve health services for our patients, and helps us to ensure the correct equipment is available for other patients in need.”

Hilary says they are encouraging Nelsonians to take a look around their garages and storage areas for any forgotten equipment.

“Once a patient has recovered and the equipment has served its purpose, we appreciate the timely return of the item so that it can go on to assist more patients.”

Te Whatu Ora Nelson Marlborough equipment can be identified by a grey barcode sticker, and/or by Nelson Marlborough Occupational Therapy or Physiotherapy labelling.

Anything made of soft material like moonboots and elbow slings does not need to be returned, but all mobility, electrical, and respiratory loan equipment needs to come back.

Hilary says to maintain equitable access to medical equipment, a bond is not charged on any items, as this would be a barrier for some requiring care.

“All patients and whānau are provided verbal and written information of when, how, and where to return the equipment, and patients are contacted at the six-week loan mark to check in if the equipment is

still needed, or if it is ready to be returned.”

The return date can be extended if recovery is taking longer than expected. Returns can be made Monday to Friday at The Allied Health Store on Motueka St, next to Taylor’s Laundry between 8am and 4.30pm.


An 82-year-old great grandmother was among a group of 20 swimmers who took the plunge at the annual Blue Duck midwinter swim at St Arnaud on Sunday. Organiser Bill McEwan says the family-friendly event is quiet, small and natural. “Most of us share a love of our greater-than-human world, gratitude for life and a sense of fun.” The idea for the swim was thought up at a Department of Conservation staff midwinter dinner in 2002 and is now in its 21st year. At 600 metres, it’s the highest altitude midwinter swim in New Zealand. Swimmers go in at the East Jetty at Lake Rotoiti’s Kerr Bay as it’s away from the eels. “It’s a great opportunity to do something elemental. Nakedness is really bonding and if you get a group of people who are willing to be naked together, you know you have a fine bunch of interesting people to talk to.” Cold water swimming has been scientifically-proven to stimulate the body, increasing blood flow for major health benefits. Photo: Vicki Cowling.

News Wednesday 21 June 2023 7
Crutches are on the list of hospital items that sometimes end up in people’s Photo: Supplied.

Stoke bus interchange moves near Turf Hotel

The Stoke bus interchange will move to outside the Turf Hotel after businesses successfully rallied in support of the car parks outside their stores.

The interchange was originally planned to be between Songer and Putaitai Streets, but Nelson City Council listened to feedback from residents and business owners and agreed to move the super stop 100 metres back down Main Road Stoke near the Marsden Recreation Ground.

Squires café owner Kim Hall thanked the Nelson City Council for listening to the proposal she and other business owners put forward in her presentation to

Woman faces charges in relation to death

A woman has been arrested and charged in relation to the death of Canterbury man Richard Leman whose body was found in a car in April. A 38-year-old woman has been charged with accessory after the fact to the alleged murder. The woman appeared in the Nelson District Court last Thursday afternoon before Judge Garry

council’s Friday hearing on the bus stop locations.

“We put a lot of time and effort into that, between running our own businesses.”

However, she did think the consultation of the proposal for the interchange had “fell apart”.

Council received more than 200 responses on the 111 new bus stops that will be built as part of the new eBus service which launches on 1 August.

Most changes proposed by residents were accepted which meant council adjusted, removed, or shifted almost a quarter of the bus stops that were originally proposed.

Deputy Mayor Rohan

O’Neill-Stevens acknowledged the community’s submissions

Barkle. Her lawyer, Emma Riddell, sought bail, which was opposed by police. The woman cried throughout the hearing. She also sought name suppression due to fears for her safety, which was granted by Judge Barkle.The woman was also granted bail, with conditions. She is next due to appear in the High Court at Christchurch on June 30. Leman’s dismembered body was

The proposal to put the interchange on Main Road Stoke between Songer and Putaitai Streets was controversial for Stoke locals.

Photo: Max Frethey.

“and the passion they’ve shown”.

“It’s implementation where we get into those more challenging conversations, especially when it becomes personal to peoples’

found in Rangiora about a week after he went missing, sparking a homicide investigation. A 46-year-old man was charged with murder earlier in June.

Dancing for a Cause raises $440k

Dancing for a Cause Charitable Trust has announced the total amount raised from the 2023

places,” they say. “I’m glad that we’ve been able to incorporate a lot of that feedback.”

At Friday’s hearing, some members of the public also expressed

NBS Dancing for a Cause has

“shattered” all previous fundraising records. The whopping $440,000 total came from ticket sales, contestant fundraisers and collections on the evening. Dance contestant Cheryl Candish, Head of English at Nelson College for Girls, was recognised for her exceptional dedication to fundraising at the announcement last week, as she raised $85,462.87.

concern about the buses navigating windier roads, like Tāhunanui’s Bisley Avenue. However, council staff later confirmed that all the proposed routes had been driven using the existing 14-metre-long buses, which are longer than the new electric buses being brought in to service the network.

The bus interchange location will be reviewed within 12 months and further improvements to bus stops will take place over the next few years to take into account demand and usage.

Sport Tasman’s Ryan Edwards along with his dance partner Hazel Adcock won over the judges with their Viennese Waltz and were crowned this year’s NBS Dancing for a Cause winner. Kat Campbell and her dance partner Joel Scott won People’s Choice Award for the evening, determined through audience voting. All funds raised go towards Nelson Tasman Hospice.

News 8 Wednesday 21 June 2023 Your way Your time Mōu Ake Learning that fits with your life Apply now for July 2023

Council funding increase welcomed as community group workload grows

Community groups have welcomed a council decision to increase funding to some organisations in line with inflation.

Nelson City Council had originally been planning to provide a 0 per cent increase to community organisations in its draft Annual Plan for the 2023/24 financial year, which would have been a decrease in real terms for grant recipients.

However, additional savings were found and council will use those funds to give a 7.2 per cent inflation adjustment to the Community Investment Fund and organisations that support Nelson’s communities of greatest need.

Council also approved a 3.5 per cent increase for grants to other community organisations, facilities, and both council-controlled organisations and council organisations.

“Any additional response to the cost of living is really useful, the fact that they are responding to that is a good thing,” says Victory Community Centre manager Jenni Bancroft.

Almost entirely funded through contestable grants, a 0 per cent increase would have likely had a “negative impact” on the centre’s operations, and on any other groups that were successful in receiving council grants, as there would be less money to go around once inflation was accounted for.

“Every funding opportunity that comes up, you go in and you compete with every other organisation for those funds,” Jenni says.

And with about 1,600 non-governmental organisations in the Top of the South all competing for much of the same funds, the money doesn’t go far.

And as more people approach the Victory Community Centre for food, help and support, and access health and governmental services – including new demographics it hasn’t had much work with before, such as retirees – each dollar counts.

“We’re filling a massive gap that councils and Government will always struggle to fill,” reinforces Ventura Fitzgerald, manager of the Tāhunanui Community Hub.

“In a daily situation, we see people coming in with a lot of needs.

“A lot of mental health needs, a lot of needs around kai security.”

She says funding from organisations like Nelson City Council is “utterly crucial” to the hub’s operations, and so is “really happy” council gave some of its community funding a 7.2 per cent inflation adjustment.

“But I also hope that wherever the allocation of funding goes – it’s never going to be enough because the holes are massive – but wherever it goes, that it goes to people who are really tangibly making a difference.”

Lee-ann O’Brien, manager of Whanake Youth, says that any increase to community funding is “gratefully received”, but adds that “7.2 per cent isn’t a significant amount in terms of the increased work we are doing”.

Young people are also being impacted by the rising cost of living, such as having to babysit younger siblings while their parents work later hours, or by being expected to work to help pay for food and rent.

“There’s quite a lot of pressure or expectations on young people to contribute to the family,” Lee-ann says. And while Whanake Youth offers pastoral care, mental health services, and provide a place to hang out for young people, Lee-ann says that the community itself has an important role to play.

“It’s that collective impact, not only from a funding perspective, but from a whole community that’s able to wrap around our rangatahi and our whānau. We’re part of a whole community, so how do we do that together and better with the limitations we have with the funding? It will be interesting to see.”


Nelson Hospital

I am out meeting people in Nelson and Tasman every day, and in the last couple of weeks so many people have approached me to express their disappointment that the Nelson Hospital rebuild has been delayed. I too am extremely disappointed—especially when just eight months ago the Minister of Health promised construction would begin before October this year. But unfortunately, our local hospital has become yet another example of Labour’s failure to deliver.

Two weeks ago, I wrote to the Minister of Health demanding that the Labour government come clean on why they have failed to deliver on their promise and asked for an updated timeline on the rebuild. I am yet to receive a response. We urgently need to get the hospital rebuild back on track because we need safe and modern healthcare facilities that meet the needs of our growing community. National will get New Zealand back on track by fixing the economy so we can invest in our health infrastructure and deliver the healthcare Nelsonians deserve. I will always stand up for our community, especially on issues as urgent as the hospital rebuild. Another issue that has been top of mind for many people this week has been crime and the growing gang presence in our region. In fact, new data shows gang membership has increased by around 200 per cent in Tasman since Labour came into government in 2017. This month I am hosting a public meeting with National’s Police Spokesperson Mark Mitchell to listen to your stories and discuss National’s plan to crack down on gangs and restore law and order.


News Wednesday 21 June 2023 9
Public Meeting with Mark Mitchell, Spokesperson for Police & Blair Cameron, Candidate for Nelson Authorised by B Cameron, 544 Waimea Rd, Nelson Whanake Youth’s Lee-ann O’Brien says it’s important the community supports young people in today’s difficult economic times. Photo: Max Frethey. Victory Community Centre’s Jenni Bancroft says a 0 per cent increase, as was originally planned by council, would have had a “negative impact”. Photo: Max Frethey. Tāhunanui Community Hub’s Ventura Fitzgerald says the funding needs to go to the groups that are “really tangibly making a difference”. Photo: Kate Russell.
Out & About 10 Wednesday 21 June 2023 OPEN 7 DAYS: Mon-Fri 8am-6pm Sat & Sun 8am-4pm Ph: 544 6137 Chicken Pot Roasting Fowl $ 3.49 kg Product of NZ This week’s specials only at 41 mcglashen ave, richmond Monday 19 June - sunday 25 JUne 2023 Free Farm Pork Loin Chops $ 13.99 kg Product of NZ Lamb Legs $ 12.99 kg Product of nz frozen Local news Sports Events Property Flights It’s all on the app Are you? Scan here to download the app today Out&About SPONSORED BY... p. 03 542 2328 e. w. Would you like us to take photos at your next event? PH 03 548 5900 or email 3 2 1 4 5 9 6 8 7 10 Ed and Ishana Massey Goldie, Amy-Rose and Percy Roberston Jayden James and Heather Palmer Lola, Zac and Oisin Holloway Varghese Pv, Kunjumol and Sneha Varghese with Elzia Praison Jason Deer and Aaron McLean Oscar and Janine Bowater Scott and Kate McCashin, Haylee and David Eagle Tony Bowater, Vinnie and Hayden Thompson Tyler and Wayne Langford 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Amazing Dinosaur Discovery Toyota Mobility Project VIP Club launch GR Garage, Bowater Toyota

Justin Gold’s story of success

Justin Gold, the founder of ground-breaking US nut butter company ‘Justin’s’ and a huge Nelson fan, shares his story of success and reveals what New Zealand companies need to do before trying to crack the North American market in Episode 8 of The Nelson Pod. Justin started his company as a university student in Colorado in 2004 and sold it 12 years later for $US 286 million. It’s fair to say, however, that the road to success was a rocky one. A keen mountain-biker looking for a protein snack, Justin came up with the idea of putting his nut butters in squeeze packs. Unfortunately, none of North America’s squeeze pack manufacturers wanted to do business with him because of concerns about nut allergies. Convinced the idea would work, Justin borrowed US $75,000 and bought a second-hand squeeze pack machine. He spent a year figuring out how to how make it, launched the product in the energy bar sections of a group of supermarkets and, to his horror, watched the product spectacularly flop. After three months of the packs not selling, the supermarkets’

buyer asked Justin to remove them from its shelves. As a last ditch effort, Justin moved the packs to the spreads section and sales took off.

Not only did the squeeze packs turn out to be a success, they also led to more people buying them as tasters, which led to even more sales of jars of the company’s products.

Justin has spent the last 12 months living with his family in different spots around New Zealand.

Nelson wasn’t originally on the Golds’ radar but numerous mountain bikers they met told them they would love it. Those people were right because upon arriving in Nelson the family quickly came to the conclusion that they should have spent the whole year here and just done trips to other parts of the country.

“I love the community. I love how it’s a very safe community, it’s a very warm and welcoming community and it’s a

cycling-friendly community. I love the markets. Unlike some other communities that we’ve visited in New Zealand, it’s not overly fancy; there aren’t massive homes everywhere and there isn’t a lot of ego in the community and I really appreciate that, Everyone’s really in it together and I really like that,”



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Proud sponsor of this episode of The Nelson Pod Economic Strategy & Innovation Investment Attraction & Promotion Business & Workforce Development Regional Tourism Organisation UNLOCKING the economic POTENTIAL of Nelson Tasman
Justin Gold shares the story of his success and offers advice to exporters on The Nelson Pod. Photo: Be Seen More.

Winter energy savings

There was a comment in your Street Talk section in the Wednesday 24 May edition where a lady said her top winter tip for saving energy was to set the heat pump on auto. As a retired heat pump installer and serviceman I can tell you that this is completely wrong and will waste much energy. As heat pumps have one degree of sensitivity, when set at 20 degrees on auto setting it will heat until one degree above 20. It will then switch to cooling until one degree below this setting. It will fluctuate from heating to cooling within this two degree range and so will heat up to 21 degrees then cool to 19 degrees. This two degree range of fluctuation on auto will use much more energy. If you want it to heat, set it on heating. If you want it to cool, set it on cooling. This will save a lot more energy than setting it on auto. AC technicians know this.

Alan Livingstone

Dog walkers cautioned after traps found

I thought these types of traps were banned.

Lou Nicholls

Trapping in such an inhumane way, anywhere, should be illegal; those who support it might like to test the traps and see what they think.

Val Ryder

I’m all for possum trapping, but not in places frequented by people and pets.

Dennis Goodman

Council seeks clarity on rebuild delays

It is NOT a rebuild. A rebuild is when the old structure is demolished and a new one is built. This is more of a refit.

Jo-Anne Glennie

Fishing on Tāhunanui front beach a ‘safety issue’

I have never seen anyone fishing where people are swimming! If I did, common sense would say get in the water further away from them.

Connie Quence

Don’t swim around people fishing, its not that hard, the beach and sea are for all to enjoy. So work together, we should not have to have rules for everyone and everything.

Brian Bishop

99 per cent of the time the people fishing are cautious where they fish and are in the channel where I wouldn’t exactly call it safe to swim due to the current, especially for kids, Can’t say I’ve ever seen anyone fishing down near the playgrounds etc as it just not exactly practical or worthy of throwing a bait out there.

Bowel screening is easy

Common sense seems to be swear word around the country nowadays and is replaced with a rule or simple NO!! You can’t do that. It’s a very, very simple fix, don’t swim where people are fishing!! And where people are swimming, don’t throw a bait over them. There’s a hell of a lot of room and water on that beach.

Saxon Balck

It’s a long beach - room for everyone and fisher people should only be allowed on the back beach. After all, dogs are confined to there and what better place for them to cock their leg on than a stationary fishing rod!

What a bloody joke, the beach goes for miles. There’s plenty of room for everyone.

New manager starts at the

Super proud of the Tāhunanui Community Hub, the work it does for our Community is special. Huge credit to Mark for the years of service he gave the hub starting it from breaking point to now. Thanks to Ventura for coming onboard to help the Hub see its full potential.

Spin a Story

Friday, 23 June, 7pm Fairfield House

Come and see 11 - 18 year olds perform engaging and inspiring stories from their own lives that they’ve shaped and developed to perform for you. Tickets through Eventfinda.

World Ride MTB Movie Night Fundraiser

Wednesday, 23 June, 7pm Nelson College

Nelson’s first ever World Ride MTB Movie Night Fundraiser. Support women’s mountain biking worldwide through this entertaining movie night. Auction Prizes and more! Tickets:

The NBS Volunteer Expo

Saturday, 24 June, 10-2pm Annesbrook Church, Saxton

A significant event on the Nelson / Tasman calendar that celebrates and highlights the efforts of all volunteers from cultural groups to environmental charity’s all the way through to social care organisations. Come and see what it’s like to be a volunteer.


Stoke has been my home for nearly 30 years and I love it. There is Isel Park, Broadgreen Gardens, Nayland Park Pool, the Classic Car Museum, the Railway Reserve and many good cycleways. It’s only five minutes to Tāhunanui Beach, Saxton Field, the Richmond Aquatic Centre and Nelson Airport. The views across Tasman Bay to Mt Arthur are spectacular. It is no wonder Stoke is so popular and growing so strongly.

My greatest contribution as MP to Stoke was getting the Bypass or Whakatu Drive built 20 years ago. It removed the through traffic and enabled a much more friendly local town centre. But it needs new investment. Councillors, staff and I have been working hard on solving three Stoke issues.

We have struck a deal with Foodstuffs South Island to enable a new and larger New World supermarket, worth more than $20 million, to be built in Strawbridge Square. We are swapping land between Council and Foodstuffs to enable the company to better use its site and the adjacent former Video Ezy site. We are retaining the same number of carparks, improving the square’s layout and widening the Songer Street entrance. Council is also investing $600,000 to fix the stormwater problems that lead to the southwest corner flooding regularly.

We are also improving the bus services in Stoke on 1 August by doubling the frequency to Nelson and Richmond, with new e-buses and a local On Demand minibus service. The new service down Nayland Road means we needed to move the bus stop currently outside Countdown further south. This has been controversial. The final decision was made last Friday after consultation and puts it outside the Turf Hotel. It’s a good compromise.

Council has also come to a new lease agreement with the Stoke Rugby Football Club for the eastern top floor of the Greenmeadows Centre that will see the club invest more than $400,000 for lights on the adjacent fields. The club has been in dispute with Council for years dating back to troubles over its construction. This new deal will enable the club to thrive and grow.

Change always causes a few bumps but Council is getting stuff done. These three initiatives are going to make Stoke even better.

Opinion Opinion Have your say: 12 Wednesday 21 June 2023
Email to include your event here Nelson | 03 545 6100 Stoke | 03 547 5279 Richmond | 03 544 2900 Motueka | 03 528 4001 What’s On! You’ve got this! Free - Do it at home If you’re aged 60 to 74, you can have free bowel screening. A bowel screening test kit will be sent to your home every two years. This simple test can help find bowel cancer early when it can often be successfully treated. When you get the test, just do it! It could save your life. To find out more go to or talk to your doctor Bowel screening is easy You’ve got this! Free - Do it at home If you’re aged 60 to 74, you can have free bowel screening. A bowel screening test kit will be sent to your home every two years. This simple test can help find bowel cancer early when it can often be successfully treated. When you get the test, just do it! It could save your life. To find out more go to

Upgrades for twelve Murphy St homes


Kāinga Ora is upgrading 12 homes on Toi Toi’s Murphy St. Each of the homes was built more than 70 years ago and will receive the refurbishment as part of their retrofit programme.


Twelve Kāinga Ora homes on Murphy St in Toi Toi are getting a major refurbishment. Significant improvement work is currently underway on three of the houses as part of the public housing provider’s retrofit programme. A further six homes are currently in the design and consent stage, with assessments to be completed on a further three homes in July. All of the homes are around 72 years old, built in the early 1950s.

This information is brought to you by Nelson Electricity who owns and operates the electricity distribution network in Nelson City and supplying approximately 9,200 consumers in what is mainly an urban area.

Trees close to power lines are a safety hazard. On 1 st July 2005 the Tree Regulations came into effect to protect the security of the supply of electricity and for t he safety of the public. There is the potential for injury or even death by electrocution if you touch a tree which is touching a power line. Children in particular like to climb trees and when these trees are close to power lines, there is always the ri sk of serious injury or even death. Trees can cause power cuts especially in strong winds, rain and snow. Your power supply may be disrupted when trees fall or branches break, damaging power lines, poles or other structures. In dry conditions serious fi res can be caused.

Julia Campbell, Kāinga Ora’s regional director for Nelson, Marlborough, and West Coast, says the homes are being modernised and the layouts changed to make them more open plan.

“New double-glazed joinery and insulation are being installed. We are also installing new kitchens, bathrooms, heating, carpet, and vinyl.


This information is brought to you by Nelson Electricity who owns and operates the electricity distribution network in Nelson City and supplying approximately 9,200 consumers in what is mainly an urban area.

The Tree Regulations spell out the responsibilities for electricity lines companies and tree owners in making sure that trees are kept safely trimmed away from the lines. They define two zones around power lines as shown in the diagram below.

Trees close to power lines are a safety hazard. On 1st July 2005 the Tree Regulations came into effect to protect the security of the supply of electricity and for the safety of the public. There is the potential for injury or even death by electrocution if you touch a tree which is touching a power line. Children in particular like to climb trees and when these trees are close to power lines, there is always the risk of serious injury or even death. Trees can cause power cuts especially in strong winds, rain and snow. Your power supply may be disrupted when trees fall or branches break, damaging power lines, poles or other structures. In dry conditions serious fires can be caused.

“We also do any other maintenance, such as reroofing and replacing framing, where required.”

Julia says, because of their age, the homes were poorly insulated and in need of an upgrade. “They were assessed as being suitable for the Kāinga Ora retrofit programme, which renews the life of a home for up to 50 more years and ensures they are warmer, drier, healthier, and more energy efficient.”

Growth Limit Zone – no part of a tree or other vegetation should be inside this zone. Lines companies are required to issue Cut or Trim Notices to owners when their trees are within the Growth Limit Zone.

The Tree Regulations spell out the responsibilities for electricity lines companies and tree owners in making sure that trees are kept safely trimmed away from the lines. They define two zones around power lines as shown in the diagram below.

Notice Zone – if your trees reach this zone you may receive a Hazard Notice warning that the trees must not enter the Growth Limit Zone.

She says retrofitting a home generally takes around four to five months and work on the first three homes is expected to be completed within the next month.

“This includes construction and time for us to support customers who were living there to relocate to temporary accommodation.”

Julia says the cost of the work varies depending on the amount and type of work that is needed on each home.

Growth Limit Zone - no part of a tree or other vegetation should be inside this zone. Lines companies are required to issue Cut or Trim Notices to owners when their trees are within the Growth Limit Zone.

Nelson Electricity carries out routine surveys on its network and issues Cut or Trim Notices to owners of trees that have grown into the Growth Limit Zone. If you receive a Tree Cut o r Trim Notice it is important that you read the information sent to you and respond accordingly.

She states that they are unable to disclose the cost of this work for commercial reasons.

Notice Zone - if your trees reach this zone you may receive a Hazard Notice warning that the trees must not enter the Growth Limit Zone.

Tree owners are required to respond to Notices by either:

Nelson Electricity carries out routine surveys on its network and issues Cut or Trim Notices to owners of trees that have grown into the Growth Limit Zone. If you receive a Tree Cut or Trim Notice it is important that you read the information sent to you and respond accordingly.

Mortgages Made Easy

 Arranging for trees to be trimmed at their cost by a professional lines-qualified arborist to a cle arance outside the Notice Zone; or

Tree owners are required to respond to Notices by either:

• Arranging for trees to be trimmed at their cost by a professional lines-qualified arborist to a clearance outside the Notice Zone; or

 Informing the lines company that they have no interest in the trees. The lines company may then fell the trees (in some instances they may choose to trim).

• Informing the lines company that they have no interest in the trees. The lines company may then fell the trees (in some instances they may choose to trim).

If trees on your property have not previously been trimmed by the Nelson Electricity you may be eligible for the first trim free of charge. In exceptional circumstances, a dispensation from the regulatory clearances may be applied for.

Ph 03 544 9977 or 027 262 3594

If trees on your property have not previously been trimmed by t he Nelson Electricity you may be eligible for t he first trim free of charge. I n exceptional circumstances, a dispensation from the regulatory clearances may be applied for.

If tree owners do not comply with the Regulations and fail to have their trees cu t or trimmed they can be fined up to $10,000 along with $500 per day for ongoing offences. Tree owners may also be liable for the cost of outages and repair of power lines if damage has been caused by their trees.

If tree owners do not comply with the Regulations and fail to have their trees cut or trimmed they can be fined up to $10,000 along with $500 per day for ongoing offences. Tree owners may also be liable for the cost of outages and repair of power lines if damage has been caused by their trees.

Cutting or trimming trees near power lines is an extremely hazardous activity. If branches or people come into contact with a live line while the tree is being cut a potentially fatal electric shock may result. If live lines are brought down by cutting trees, then serious safety hazards to other people and property in the vicinity may occur. Trimming or felling trees in close proximity to power lines must only be carried out by professional arborists who have had specific training and are qualified to work near power lines.

Cutting or trimming trees near power lin es is an extremely hazardous activity. If branches or people come into contact with a live line while the tree is being cut a potentially fatal electric shock may result. If live lines are brought down b y cutting trees, then serious safety hazards to oth er people and property in the vicinity may occur. Trimming or felling trees in close proximity to power lines must only be carried out by professional arborists who have had specific training and are qualified to work near power lines.

For further details and information on professionally qualified arborists used and recommended by Nelson Electricity please contact: Phone: 03 546 9256


News Wednesday 21 June 2023 13
me help you obtain the best home loan for you
For further details and information o n professionally qualified arborists used and recommended by Nelson Electricity please contact: Overhead Line Notice Zone Growth Limit Zone 33kV – HV 3.5 metres 2.5 metres 11kV – HV 2.6 metres 1.6 metres 400V/230V – LV 1.5 metres 0.5 metres Growth Limit Zone Notice Zone
Photo: Kate Russell.
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Simplicity Funerals offer a professional and respectful service, provided by experienced and fully qualified staff. Every service is different, and with the knowledge and extensive experience in helping families from various cultural and religious backgrounds our funeral directors can arrange a memorable service of celebration to honour the life of your loved one.

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Summit Property Management is the largest and longest serving property management company in the Nelson Marlborough region, from small beginnings in the 1990’s Summit Property Management has grown from excellent word of mouth and referral of new clients. We have always focused on the core areas of customer service and industry-leading systems to do our upmost to provide a personal yet professional service with communication as the key.

At Summit Property Management we have offices in each local town; Nelson, Stoke, Richmond, Motueka, Blenheim and Picton – this way we have our Property Managers looking after a small geographic area and as our property managers are local they are able to keep a close eye on their clients’ rental properties and be there when we are needed, this gives our clients real peace of mind that things are being well looked after. We get great deals from trades people

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If you are looking for great communication from a property manager then look no further than the team at Summit. We make a real effort to make personal phone calls to our clients rather than just send off e-mails and that way we can hold open discussions and often work out solutions together. Right now, we are offering a special deal for clients who have tenancies up and running wishing to change agencies, where we transfer the management of your rental property from another company on your behalf, and we also have great discounts for owners of more than one rental property. For more information give us a call and we can catch up for a chat, or hop onto our website.


Agraphic designer and illustrator for more than 15 years, Katerina Garnyk’s unique style of illustrations are recognisably appealing. Working as a children’s book illustrator and creator, Katerina offers graphic design services within a wide range of print products including annual reports, event flyers, navigation maps, invitation cards, business cards, digital presentations and booklets, as well as layout and preparing files for printing. “I believe that including an original, hand drawing or digital illustration to a flyer or an invitation will make the design eye-catching, unique, and stand out from others. I have my unique hand drawing style, which is rather distinctive, and its main trait is kind, gentle humour which I like to bring to the illustrations. The characters of my illustrations are easily spotted around us, and this makes my drawings so charming.”

Showcasing her work to the public, Katerina is excited to announce, with the support of Multicultural Nelson Tasman, an upcoming exhibition at the Elma

Turner Library along with the publishing of her new book of English idioms.

“This exhibition will be devoted to Kiwi language which contains particular words and expressions that many native English speakers from other countries might not be even aware. This event is to be at the end of September so keep an eye on the library announcements!”

Wanting to be an artist for as long as she can remember, Katerina loves to visualise ideas, bringing to life characters that her imagination created. “I absolutely love to notice something funny around and make it visible for others. When I see smiles which my cartoons bring on people’s faces, this is priceless for me and gives me so much energy and willingness to keep on drawing.” A portfolio of Katerina’s work is available through and her Facebook platform: @katerina.garnyk

Call 022 522 6097 or email katykamf@ for more information.

022 522 6097

Feature 14 Wednesday 21 June 2023
LINDA LUCRE Funeral Director
If you have tenants in place or are with another company, we’ll take care of all the details - that’s what Summit does best! Shift your rental property to Summit and you’ll receive 3 MONTHS FREE! Visit or phone your nearest branch for more details. Nelson 546 9290 Stoke 547 2476 Richmond 544 2900 Motueka 528 4001 Blenheim 578 0404 Picton 573 6166


Spinning stories at Fairfield House


Fairfield House will be brimming with stories from local youth this Friday night.

Fourteen young raconteurs aged from 12 to 17 years old will be telling their own authentic and original stories in an event called ‘Spin a Story’.

“These well-told stories will be an opportunity for individuals to share their own life experiences with young and old,” says organizer Nikki Karki. All stories will be recited in and around the grounds of the iconic and historical venue on Van Diemen St. Nikki says ‘Spin a Story’ started as a workshop run by local musician, teacher, puppeteer, and actor, Roger Sanders.

“In the workshop, youth learnt

storytelling skills, and from this, they came up with a story from their own lives.”

They then attended mentor sessions with Nikki to help shape their story and be ready to perform it to an audience.

Nikki chose the event to take place at Fairfield House as the venue is close to her heart.

“I was in a theatre company called Body in Space for years, and Fairfield was our theatre residence. We rehearsed in there weekly, sometimes daily, and performed various shows, as well as ran drama and improv classes for youth and adults,” she says.

“I love how it has the beautiful grounds around it as well.”

On Friday, they will use some of the rooms to perform in, such as the ballroom with the

open fire going to create atmosphere.

“As it will be nighttime and winter we will serve hot chocolate, and have the brazier going with marshmallows to roast, whilst some perform their stories. We will also use the meadow,” Nikki says.

“Some youth will also play instruments to add to the atmosphere of being around a campfire.”

People are encouraged to come prepared with a torch, warm clothes, a blanket, and comfortable shoes.

‘Spin a Story’ is on this Friday, 23 June, 7pm until 8.30pm. Tickets are $5 for youth and $10 for adults, and are available from

Update from Rachel Boyack MP

Last week was an exciting week for Nelson, with the celebration of the beginning of one big project, and the start of another.

On Wednesday we opened 14 new Habitat for Humanity homes in Stoke. 12 of these homes have been built with $3 million of funding support from the Government’s Progressive Home Ownership programme. It was wonderful to celebrate with the families moving into these warm, dry and affordable homes. My congratulations to all involved in the project, especially those who supported the build through volunteering and financial support. Habitat Nelson have more homes planned for Stoke and Richmond, so more local families can be supported into home ownership.

The Government’s public housing provider has also announced 49 new public homes to be developed in Nelson South. These are desperately needed and will make a big difference in addressing Nelson’s housing needs.

On Tuesday we marked the beginning of the development of the Port Nelson slipway. The Government has provided nearly $10 million towards this project, which will support jobs in the marine engineering sector, while also protecting the environment.

This week I’m at Parliament, and meeting with local health and Police leaders. On Friday I’m visiting more Nelson housing projects and the Nelson Community Foodbank.

Entries open for Mask Carnivale

Nelson’s much-loved Mask Carnivale will be back this year on 27 October and entries are now open. The event, which is part of the Nelson Arts Festival, is set to transform Nelson’s inner-city streets into a colourful explosion of joy, community, and creativity. The theme of this year’s Carnivale is ‘Rewild, Regenerate’. People can interpret the theme as they see fit and are encouraged to get creative. If you’re keen to be part of the Carnivale, go to and register by 30 September.

Te Ramaroa returns

Nelson’s outdoor light festival, Te Ramaroa, is on from 30 June until 4 July, with more than 40 installations created by primary school kids, artists, community groups, architects, scientists, and even dentists. This year, installations will be spread across the city centre - including upper Trafalgar St, around the Cathedral, Hardy, and Bridge Sts, Morrison Square, NMIT, Albion Square, and Queens Gardens - and range from tiny discoveries to massive projections.

Arts Wednesday 21 June 2023 15
Nelson youth will be spinning stories at Fairfield House this Friday. Photo: Supplied.

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Advert 16 Wednesday 21 June 2023
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Empathy Meets Expertise: Atkinson Crehan Law transforms the legal landscape.

Two months in, the new firm Atkinson Crehan Law is going from strength to strength. Keep an eye out for their new signage and branding which they are super proud of!

The firm combines the expertise of former Knapps Partners and now founding directors Jacintha AtkinsonManson and Amanda Crehan, with the ongoing expertise of Christine Allison, Kirsty Goodall, Nick Moore, Merv Huston, Marie Austin, Alison Macbeth, and Sarah Clements, alongside Hamish Kennedy (formerly Kennedy & Associates) who is based in the Motueka office. They are also delighted to welcome Judith Stamper to their Motueka team. You will also find many other familiar faces when you walk into any of their three offices with many of the previous Knapps' support team remaining with the new firm.

By creating a more collaborative environment the team is dedicated to building a flexible, adaptable and cohesive future-focused firm providing a

comprehensive, integrated service. “We believe in making your experience with us as easy as possible. You'll get expert, friendly advice from our qualified legal staff who know what they are doing. We are in the business of law because we love what we do, we enjoy helping our clients, and we believe in making a positive difference.”

With offices in Richmond, Motueka and Nelson, the team at Atkinson Crehan Law have the ability to accommodate clients throughout the region and to ensure they have the best person for the job. The firm has embraced new technology, using cloud-based systems as well as audio visual technology to deliver its services to clients beyond the Nelson Tasman Region- the sky is the limit!

Atkinson Crehan Law are recruiting both legal and non-legal staff interested in a career in the law, with opportunities available across all three sites. "You will be working in a law firm that truly values what you will bring to the firm.

We will provide ongoing mentoring with some well-respected, long-standing staff members who have continued to work with us through the transformation of our new firm. You’ll have the opportunity to build on your skills to develop and grow and also have the chance to extend yourself and build a truly rewarding career. Please check out our careers page on our website for more information.”

Atkinson Crehan Law continues to offer the following services: Property and Commercial Law, Estate & Asset Planning, Estate Administration, Wills and Powers of Attorney, Family Trusts, Dispute Resolution, Subdivisions and Relationship Property.

“You will find useful information about current topics, along with the people you can talk to should you need our help, on our website.”

Atkinson Crehan Law - Where expertise and empathy go hand in hand.

Feature Wednesday 21 June 2023 17
Where expertise and empathy go hand in hand. 22 Oxford Street, Richmond P: 543 8600 563 Main Road, Stoke, New Zealand
Ink Creative specialises in creating brands for businesses, building websites, copywriting, photography, graphic design and launching marketing campaigns across digital and print.

National Volunteer Week (Te Wiki Tūao ā-Motu) celebrates the collective contribution of all volunteers who enrich Aotearoa, including the wonderful locals who volunteer in our region. Running from June 18 - 24, it is a time to recognise and celebrate those who generously donate their time and skills and take a moment to thank our volunteers for the tremendous work they do. Volunteers are a rich collective of people who help to connect communities, through a myriad of organisations - the list is truly endless.

National Volunteer Week (Te Wiki Tūao ā-Motu) celebrates the collective contribution of all volunteers who enrich Aotearoa, including the wonderful locals who volunteer in our region. Running from June 18 - 24, it is a time to recognise and celebrate those who generously donate their time and skills and take a moment to thank our volunteers for the tremendous work they do. Volunteers are a rich collective of people who help to connect communities, through a myriad of organisations - the list is truly endless.

NBS Volunteer Expo 2023

NBS Volunteer Expo 2023

NBS Volunteer Expo 2023 is a collaboration between Volunteer

NBS Volunteer Expo 2023 is a collaboration between Volunteer

Nelson and Age Concern, sponsored by NBS and supported by Tasman District Council, which provides a unique platform for community organisations to recruit volunteers and network with the community. It gives exhibitors a chance to engage and connect with visitors and prospective volunteers, and the Expo also enables these organisations to raise their profiles. It is an opportunity for locals to visit over 40 groups that support many different causes. There will be a broad selection to choose from with everything from personal health, aged support, heritage protection, environmental and social responsibility programmes to sporting

Nelson and Age Concern, sponsored by NBS and supported by Tasman District Council, which provides a unique platform for community organisations to recruit volunteers and network with the community.

It gives exhibitors a chance to engage and connect with visitors and prospective volunteers, and the Expo also enables these organisations to raise their profiles.

It is an opportunity for locals to visit over 40 groups that support many different causes. There will be a broad selection to choose from with everything from personal health, aged support, heritage protection, environmental and social responsibility programmes to sporting

Te Wiki Tūao ā-Motu national volunteer week

18-24 JUNE 2023


across Nelson Tasman who give back via a variety of roles, from ambulance operations and Major Incident Support Team, to St John retail stores and charitable community health initiatives, including Health Shuttles, Friends of the Emergency Department, Therapy Pets, Caring Callers, St John Youth, Area Committees, and community educators.

across Nelson Tasman who give back via a variety of roles, from ambulance operations and Major Incident Support Team, to St John retail stores and charitable community health initiatives, including Health Shuttles, Friends of the Emergency Department, Therapy Pets, Caring Callers, St John Youth, Area Committees, and community educators.

associations. Connecting and strengthening social ties with others promotes a healthy mental well-being, and getting involved doesn’t require hours of precious time. Visit the Expo and see how you can benefit! There will be a kids play area available as well as a pop-up Wellby Talking Café.

associations. Connecting and strengthening social ties with others promotes a healthy mental well-being, and getting involved doesn’t require hours of precious time. Visit the Expo and see how you can benefit! There will be a kids play area available as well as a pop-up Wellby Talking Café.

Visit Annesbrook Community Church on June 24, from 10am until 2pm.

Visit Annesbrook Community Church on June 24, from 10am until 2pm.

St John Nelson Tasman

St John Nelson Tasman National Volunteer Week is the perfect opportunity for Hato Hone St John to shine a light on the amazing work of its more than 8,000 volunteers nationwide.

National Volunteer Week is the perfect opportunity for Hato Hone St John to shine a light on the amazing work of its more than 8,000 volunteers nationwide.

Hato Hone St John has volunteers

Hato Hone St John has volunteers

Tracy Simonsen, Hato Hone St John Nelson & Tasman Bays Area committee chair says, “We are extremely grateful for the time and effort that each of our volunteers give, whether it’s responding to emergencies, helping people live independently or get social connections, raising vital funds or teaching first aid, and skills to our youth cadets. We are always looking for new volunteers as they help deliver on our Waka Manaaki strategy.”

Visit or contact (03) 548 8157 for more information.

Tracy Simonsen, Hato Hone St John Nelson & Tasman Bays Area committee chair says, “We are extremely grateful for the time and effort that each of our volunteers give, whether it’s responding to emergencies, helping people live independently or get social connections, raising vital funds or teaching first aid, and skills to our youth cadets. We are always looking for new volunteers as they help deliver on our Waka Manaaki strategy.” Visit or contact (03) 548 8157 for more information.

Last year our volunteers dedicated hours of van riding, talking, listening, laughing and, playing. �ey positively impacted the lives of so many older people, children, youth and their families in the Marlborough region

to all our amazing volunteers who support our Family Stores to serve others and our community. We could not achieve what we do without you!

We are always looking for more helping hands, so if you are interested in volunteering, email or call 022 013 2317



Feature 18 Wednesday 21 June 2023 18-24 JUNE 2023 #nvw2023 More than just a store
all our amazing volunteers who support our Family Stores to serve others and our community. We could not achieve what we do without you!
are always looking for more helping hands, so if you are interested in volunteering, email
call 022 013 2317
all our wonderful volunteers for their kindness and generosity A HUGE THANK YOU
you enjoy the company of older people, please get in touch on 03 544 7624, or email:
learn more about becoming a volunteer, contact Tricia Dawson: 03 265 4240 ext 8450 or
our volunteers
Te Wiki Tūao
national volunteer week
will you join
Thanks! To
#nvw2023 More
than just a store
you enjoy the company of older people, please get in touch on 03 544 7624, or email:
about becoming a
To all our wonderful volunteers for their kindness and generosity contact Tricia Dawson: 03 265 4240 ext 8450 or
To learn more
our volunteers
year our volunteers dedicated hours of van riding, talking, listening, laughing and, playi
�is year, will you join them?! www
Thanks! To
ng. �ey positively impacted the lives of so many older people, children, youth and their families in the Marlborough region

Te Wiki Tūao ā-Motu national volunteer week

Connection and community through Presbyterian Support Enliven – Thanks to our volunteers!

Dale Felmingham was introduced to Presbyterian Support’s Enliven service after being invited to play piano to their members.

Maaike Faber-van Burik, Enliven Team Leader, says Dale connects extremely well with their clients, and brings a warm, fun and positive energy to their programme. Dale is one of almost 200 volunteers supporting their local community through Presbyterian Support Upper South Island (PSUSI) and says he enjoys helping others but being part of the Enliven community has also made him feel valued and more connected.

“Our Enliven volunteers are vital to the work we do,” says Maaike. “They help create an environment that is inviting and homely, and something they look forward to each week.”

Last year, volunteers positively impacting the lives of many older peo-

ple and their families in the region. Opportunities such as minivan driving and helping with programme activities ensure there are plenty of ways for someone to give back. To learn more about Enliven, contact Maaike: 03 265 5224 maaikef@psusi. or visit www.psuppersouth.

Honouring Hospice

Volunteers this National Volunteer Week

Hospice volunteers play an invaluable role in the lives of patients and their families, offering support at a challenging time. National Volunteer Week is the perfect time to acknowledge those extraordinary individuals

who gift their time, talents, and compassion to support those in need.

Despite the dedication of over 500 volunteers, the ongoing demand for support means there is always a need for more helping hands. Nelson Tasman Hospice has a variety of voluntary roles available, catering to most interests, skills, and schedules. Krisca Gould, hospice’s volunteer programme manager, explains that volunteers can focus their time which then makes the role they are performing that much better. “Volunteer roles can fit around your schedule, allowing you

to give the time you’d like to give.”

Nicole Goldsmith gave time to volunteer for hospice last year, gaining work experience in an administration role. When asked how she fits volunteering in her schedule, she explained, “You don’t need to give much time; an hour a week is better than nothing.” Volunteering with hospice gives individuals the opportunity to match their commitment with their personal schedules and interests. For more information, please contact Krisca Gould on 546 3912 or email

We'd like to thank the 500+ Nelson Tasman residents that volunteer for our community Hospice

If you'd like to join the team, please contact Krisca Gould on 03 546 3912 or email

Feature Wednesday 21 June 2023 19 18-24 JUNE 2023 #nvw2023
VN_Volunteers Rackcard_PATHS_Aug18.indd 1 03-Sep-18 11:34:57 AM Thank you to our 210 dedicated volunteers in Nelson & Tasman Bays and over 8,000 across the country! For opportunities to volunteer in your community visit or phone 03 548 8157 ANIMAL ADOPTIONS - PH 547 7171 Tues - Fri 10-3pm, Sat - Sun 10-2pm, (Closed Mondays) Volunteers needed for Nelson Centre, Richmond & Nelson Op Shops. Foster carers needed for Nelson Centre. And the best thing is, when you buy products from us you are supporting the SPCA! Pet supplies shop at SPCA, quality, well priced animal products. Thank you to our existing volunteers and foster carers
Nelson Tasman Hospice Volunteers Liz Gillespie, Krisca Gould and Jan Lord.

Laying the foundation for growth, success and achievement within its learners

Laying the foundation for growth, success and achievement within its learners

Founded in 2002, Kāreti o GarinGarin College, inspired by the faith and visionary leadership of Father Antoine Marie Garin, embodies the unwavering commitment of the Catholic Community in restoring Catholic Secondary Education in Te Tau Ihu - Top of the South. As a state-integrated co-ed Catholic College, Kāreti o Garin stands as a beacon of excellence, nurturing both education and faith development for learners. Its remarkable growth and enduring presence illuminate a bright future for all. Celebrating 21 years of educating,

Founded in 2002, Kāreti o GarinGarin College, inspired by the faith and visionary leadership of Father Antoine Marie Garin, embodies the unwavering commitment of the Catholic Community in restoring Catholic Secondary Education in Te Tau Ihu - Top of the South. As a state-integrated co-ed Catholic College, Kāreti o Garin stands as a beacon of excellence, nurturing both education and faith development for learners. Its remarkable growth and enduring presence illuminate a bright future for all.

Celebrating 21 years of educating,

supporting and nurturing its learners, the founders believe that the college epitomises the significant work that Father Garin had started all those years ago.

supporting and nurturing its learners, the founders believe that the college epitomises the significant work that Father Garin had started all those years ago.

Known as the ‘Apostle of Education’, Father Garin was a French Catholic Marist Priest, a missionary who established Catholic education, churches and faith community in Te Tau Ihu from 1850 and on through the following 40 years.

Known as the ‘Apostle of Education’, Father Garin was a French Catholic Marist Priest, a missionary who established Catholic education, churches and faith community in Te Tau Ihu from 1850 and on through the following 40 years.

Father Garin strongly believed that education was the key that allowed young people to make their way into the world. In 1999, Cardinal Thomas

Father Garin strongly believed that education was the key that allowed young people to make their way into the world. In 1999, Cardinal Thomas

Williams recognised a growing need for a Secondary Catholic College in the region and received the full support of the then Minister of Education, Nick Smith.

Williams recognised a growing need for a Secondary Catholic College in the region and received the full support of the then Minister of Education, Nick Smith.

Congratulations on 21 Years, Garin College!

IMB Construction would like to congratulate Garin college on their fantastic 21 years.

After twenty one years we again acknowledge an architect Les Clapcott, a team leader Arthur Grant, a project manager Greg McFetridge and a group of builders & subcontractors who built a school for the future of the Nelson Tasman region.

After twenty one years we again acknowledge an architect Les Clapcott, a team leader Arthur Grant, a project manager Greg McFetridge and a group of builders & subcontractors who built a school for the future of the Nelson Tasman region. 86 Vanguard Street, Nelson

Garin was the first state or state integrated College to open in New Zealand for 27 years and within a very short space of time the site was blessed, and the first soil turned in January of 2001. With the Catholic community mission to grow Garin College as a centre of excellence for Education and Faith development, the architecturally-designed college was opened on January 28, 2002.

Garin was the first state or state integrated College to open in New Zealand for 27 years and within a very short space of time the site was blessed, and the first soil turned in January of 2001. With the Catholic community mission to grow Garin College as a centre of excellence for Education and Faith development, the architecturally-designed college was opened on January 28, 2002.

Principal, John Maguire says the college’s values are founded on the teachings of Christ within the Gospels and underpin the relationships they aspire to where the dignity of all is upheld.

Generosity through service and community, Aroha through manaakitanga and compassion, Rangimarie through whanaungatanga and dignity, Integrity through pono, truth and justice, and New Life through hope and forgiveness lie at the core of the college.

Principal, John Maguire says the college’s values are founded on the teachings of Christ within the Gospels and underpin the relationships they aspire to where the dignity of all is upheld. Generosity through service and community, Aroha through manaakitanga and compassion, Rangimarie through whanaungatanga and dignity, Integrity through pono, truth and justice, and New Life through hope and forgiveness lie at the core of the college.

“Our Catholic Special Character and lived Values guide the positive culture and learning

“Our Catholic Special Character and lived Values guide the positive culture and learning

environment we evidence in the College.”

environment we evidence in the College.”

When asked to reflect on his role as the principal, John responded, “I recognise within my role, alongside our board, staff, learners and community, a significant responsibility for guardianship within the college. If we are to succeed in our mission, we must take time to connect, to learn and to know our heritage and our Garin story, it is rich in faith, tikanga māori and wairua.

When asked to reflect on his role as the principal, John responded, “I recognise within my role, alongside our board, staff, learners and community, a significant responsibility for guardianship within the college. If we are to succeed in our mission, we must take time to connect, to learn and to know our heritage and our Garin story, it is rich in faith, tikanga māori and wairua.

This is the privilege we share with our learners each day at Garin, it is through sharing in our mission and vision as a

This is the privilege we share with our learners each day at Garin, it is through sharing in our mission and vision as a

Feature 20 Wednesday 21 June 2023
86 Vanguard Street, Nelson P. 03 546 8161 | E. WWW.IMB.NZ IMB Construction would like to
Garin college on their fantastic 21 years. Congratulations on 21 Years, Garin College! COMMERCIAL BUILDING WASHING 0800 101 216 For a free quote call Brad With the exclusive soaps and methods used by Wash Rite, we are able to wash your building as per the builders and material suppliers standards. We can wash your home too!
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546 8161 | WWW.IMB.NZ
COMMERCIAL BUILDING WASHING 0800 101 216 For a free quote call Brad With the exclusive soaps and methods used by Wash Rite, we are able to wash your building as per the builders and material suppliers standards. We can wash
home too!

Each family that was enrolled at the school upon its inception was invited to bring a rock that they felt best represented their family. These rocks were used to create the school's cairn where the cross was placed. It is an icon and a monument of great significant meaning to Garin College.

College that we can overcome challenges, enlighten the lives of others and lay the foundation for growth, success and achievement within our learners.”

Garin College places active emphasis on inspired student leadership alongside a comprehensive pastoral care

network that includes a vertical Whānau class format that fosters growth and inclusive relationships between the students, their teachers and support staff.

Student well-being and learning is supported by a broad and comprehensive curriculum. Alongside classroom

based learning the College celebrates rich and diverse learning opportunities outside the classroom including the well-established Journey Programme for year levels 9 to 13 each year. Learners enjoy opportunities and outstanding success within the extensive co-curricular programme in sport, performing arts and culture.

John states that, “Our learners are our inspiration, their engagement in our college life and wider community is outstanding, their unique participation, talent and creativity within performing arts, academia, sport and culture is heartening. The environment we strive to create and maintain at Garin is one of inclusion and self-expression, it is within this climate we see our learners at their best, functioning well, growing and flourishing. As a college now 21 years established, we are actively engaged in exploring and developing initiatives to enhance our existing learning and assessment framework. Embracing this change is essential, we look forward to tomorrow and the future to ensure we maximise opportunities for our Rangatahi.”

With a roll of 600 students, and growing, Garin provides a safe space for learners to feel welcome and supported. “The College is on track to

reach our maximum roll of 670 students enrolled by 2025. With approved property development to the value of $5.6 million, the Garin Board is in the process of designing four new classrooms, a multipurpose centre and additional resource space to be built and ready to meet the expected roll growth.” Building completion of Te Wharemaru O Garin - place of shelter and protection, is almost complete and soon to be opened.

“The vision for the whare started with looking at the school's needs, and a limited covered space was a key driver. This is a new and exciting development that will provide increased shade and shelter for learners. The architecture is sympathetic to that of the College and constructed in the form of traditional Māori whare, the decorative panels, facade and four pou recognise and speak to the localised Kāreti o Garin curriculum.”

Established at the same time as the

PROUD TO SUPPLY QUALITY MEAT AND PRODUCE TO garin college Building of Te Wharemaru O Garin – place of shelter and protection, is almost complete and soon to be opened. (Artist’s impression)

College, the Garin hostel also opened its doors in 2002 to provide boarding for boys and girls from across the top of the South Island and as far away as the Chatham Islands. The vision of the Garin College Hostel is for all students seeking a Catholic secondary education in Te Tau Ihu are able attend the College as a boarder in the hostel.

Commonly, the hostel accommodates boarders from as far afield as Kaikoura, Blenheim, Westport, Golden Bay and everywhere in between.

Garin Boarding Hostels consist of Mother Teresa House for female students and Francis Douglas House for male students. The hostels are modern, and vibrant places, overseen by hostel parents, and designed to be like large family homes, creating a living in a family environment for 28 boarders in each house. Long-time supporter of Garin

College, Bob Powick has been involved with the school since before its inception. He has had a multitude of family members attend the college and was a member of the establishment committee of the school’s two hostels.

“Garin is a great little college that provides above all an extremely safe and caring environment for its families. They are passionate about making a difference and provide a phenomenal remedial system to help those who are struggling. They help to educate and support those who wouldn’t pass otherwise.”

In today's environment especially, it is important for students to have a solid platform from which to learn, says Bob, and Garin College provide that setting, the students up well for the future.

“The people at the top make the difference and set the standard.

They have made a difference for a lot of families, and the school has produced some great students.

I believe people learn better in a caring environment.”

“The main idea behind the hostel was to create a safe home-awayfrom-home environment for students from the Top of South, with people the students can talk to. It is run separately from the college, but we work under the same values as the school to help get the best result for the students.”

The Garin College hostel and the boarders bring a vibrancy to the college community, learners meet and interact with their peers who bring a range of life experiences from their communities across this vast region. Boarding at Garin offers great experiences and the chance to meet new people, experience new cultures and make new friends. Being in Nelson and at Garin College offers great opportunities to be involved in schoolbased, after-school and weekend activities.

Feature 22 Wednesday 21 June 2023 Proud Sponsor of Come and see our team for all furniture fit outs andoffice stationery SPECIALISTS IN Standard and custom made office machines, cafeteria,cleaning, and all office stationery. McG ELS 03 % Proud Sponsor of Nelson Netball Come and see our team for all your commercial office furniture fit outs andoffice stationery requirements. made office furniture, business machines, cafeteria,cleaning, packaging, workwear and all office stationery. z/richmond RICHMOND OFFICE PRODUCTS DEPOT � SUPPORTERS OFTHE nef!l.01t IANT We take care of all your work place needs! From making sure there's paper and ink for the printer, coffee and tea for the kitchen, tissue for the bathroom, and everything for your stationery cupboard choose Richmond OPD! We also specialise in office fit-outs, new furniture Proud Sponsor of Nelson Come and see our team for all your commercial furniture fit outs andoffice stationery SPECIALISTS IN Standard and custom made office furniture, machines, cafeteria,cleaning, packaging, and all office stationery. McG ichmond, NELSON 03 544 6116 E % Proud Sponsor of Nelson Netball Come and see our team for all your commercial office furniture fit outs andoffice stationery requirements. SPECIALISTS IN Standard and custom-made office furniture, business machines, cafeteria,cleaning, packaging, workwear and all office stationery. 7 McGlashen Avenue, Richmond, NELSON 7020 P 03 544 6116 E richmond@opd co nz www opd co nz/richmond % Come and see our team for all your commercial office furniture fit outs andoffice stationery requirements. made office furniture, business machines, cafeteria,cleaning, packaging, workwear and all office stationery. /richmond RICHMOND OFFICE PRODUCTS DEPOT ARE PROUD SUPPORTERS OFTHE nef!l.01t IANT We take care of all your work place needs! From making sure there's paper and ink for the printer, coffee and tea for the kitchen, tissue for the bathroom, and everything for your stationery cupboard choose Richmond OPD! We also specialise in office fit-outs, new furniture solutions and custom-made furniture. Congratulations Garin College on 21 years! We take care of all your work place needs! From making sure there’s paper and ink for the printer, coffee and tea for the kitchen, tissue for the bathroom, and everything for your stationery cupboard choose Richmond OPD! We also specialise in office fit-outs, new furniture solutions and custom-made furniture. we love your work 7 McGlashen Avenue, Richmond, Nelson P: 03 544 6116 E:
Your trusted partner in structural steel and coded pipe work QUALITY COACH TOUR LINERS Charter services and bus hire options for sightseeing, winery tours, guided tours, school trips and everything in between. Contact us today 03 547 1113 Proud supplier of school transport solutions for Garin College students PHONE (03) 548 0121 MOBILE 027 251 8229 EMAIL ...Throughout the Top of the South Fighting the good fight on pest control... Proud to support Garin College
Ph 544 8024
The Father Garin carving on display in the school’s library integrates symbols unique to Garin College. Presented to the school by Jim Davis, the silhouette of Father Garin incorporates the names of the then principal, deputy principal, 25 staff members and 305 students who started at the school.


Top 5 reasons to repair instead of replacing

1. Save money

Repairing rejects the idea that new is always better. By prolonging the lives of belongings you love, you’re reducing the need to buy new and saving yourself that extra cash. Even employing the professionals is (most of the time) cheaper than replacing an item.

2. Reduce your emissions

Repairing both reduces demand for virgin materials and energy resources and is direct action against unsustainable fast consumerism – a big win for the planet. In fact, waste organisation WRAP claims that by extending the life of your clothes by just nine months, your carbon, water and waste footprints fall by 20-30% each.

3. Form a better connection

Loved items last. And those with a backstory are particularly special. Giving an item new life strengthens your sense of connection and ownership to your belongings. The BBC’s popular programme The Repair Shop demonstrates the emotions and sentiment we assign to objects and heirlooms and how repairing brings that history to life again.

4. Up-skill or support a repair professional

From sewing on a button to the Japanese art of fixing broken pottery, there’s unlimited learning opportunities waiting to be discovered. And when you do, you’ll feel empowered by the achievement. Don’t forget to support the professionals too – from cobblers to jewellers, seamstresses to electronic technicians.

5. Discover mindfulness

Mending is a slow and soothing activity. The problem-solving aspect requires creativity and focus and there’s a great sense of achievement once complete. The process of working with your hands away from screens can help relax and bring you into the present moment, a key way to foster mindfulness.


new needle, re-threading, cleaning and lubricating.

At Smart Phone Repair, we understand devices and the need for a quality, speedy repair.

We know that devices have toxins and harmful chemicals, so by cost-effective repairing and recycling (where possible) we are keeping this rubbish out of the landfill and waterways.

• Had an accident? We replace screens on almost all brand/models, generally within an hour.

• Claiming Insurance? We provide a comprehensive report for Insurance purposes.

• Water damaged device? We specialise in recovering your precious, one of a kind data (Pro tip: Rice does NOT work)

• Device not charging/battery discharging quickly/somethings stuck? We do cleans, replace batteries and ports.

• Software or data management issues? With 10+ years of experience, diagnosing issues like apps crashing and malware happen daily.

So, if you have a cracked screen, broken button, dirt in a grill or just need some technical advice, come and see us, we know devices!

"We can help you with any machine problem, whether it's a home sewing machine, industrial, a 19th century treadle machine or modern electronic machine. We hold many parts for old and new.

"We also sell good second-hand machines and most makes of new machines.” Free pickup and delivery service in Nelson, Richmond and Tasman.

Drop your machine off at Nelson - Quilts 'n' More (Crafty or Wot) Richmond - Stitch'n'Sew Takaka or to us at 19 York Street, Motueka. Call Gary on 027 696 1466.

This winter season, head down to the On Farm Agri Centre, your local supplier of Husqvarna outdoor power products, chainsaws, mowers, hedge trimmers, blowers, brush cutters, waterblasters, rideons and more.

The team at On Farm Agri provide servicing and repairs for all makes and models of outdoor power products, from chain sharpening to rebuilds, “we are the ones to see.”

On Farm Agri has a huge range of products in store, including oils, trimmer line, files and axes. The Husqvarna range of chainsaws includes Casual Saws which are ideal for homeowners and hobby work, Powerful Robust Saws for contractors and landowners and Tough, Durable Saws for professionals.

“We sell the best and service the rest.”

Is your sewing machine or overlocker playing up? It may just need a good service or check over. In Stitches has been proudly servicing and supplying sewing machines throughout the Top of the South since 2015.

The owner, Gary Hucker, is a qualified industrial sewing machine mechanic with over 30 years’ experience.

“Often problems with sewing machines or overlockers can be simple fixes like installing a

Feature Wednesday 21 June 2023 23
On Farm Agri at 31 Venice Place, Stoke, phone 035473276 or go to www.
19 York Street, Motueka. 027 696 1466.
Sewing Machines and Overlockers Professional service for all types of sewing machines and overlockers SERVICES: • New and used machines • Sewing machine and overlocker repairs and servicing • Domestic and industrial All brands serviced Pick up depots in Richmond, Motueka and Golden Bay.
Trafalgar St, Nelson We also stock cases and accessories COMMON REPAIRS • Charging issues • Button repairs • Screen repair • Battery issues • Water damage REPAIRS & SERVICES • Smartphone Repairs • iPad & Tablet Repairs LOCAL, QUALITY, AFFORDABLE REPAIRS
In Stitches
03 545 7536

Late goal dashes local hopes of football glory

A late goal has knocked Nelson Suburbs out of the Chatham Cup as they looked to secure a spot in the quarter-finals.

In a double-header of elimination football at Saxton Fields, the home side came out on the wrong side of the ledger in both games as the women lost their Kate Sheppard quarter-final 6-0 to Cashmere Technical.

On a cold Sunday afternoon, the women managed to keep in touch through the first

45 minutes to be down 0-2 going into the break, but they weren’t able to keep the floodgates closed as the visitors ran away with the game in the second half. While the men were able to keep Cashmere Technical scoreless in their game for the first 80 minutes of play, they also weren’t able to find the back of the net despite numerous good chances. The late goal, with Suburbs caught off guard on the counterattack and leaving a man unguarded on the far post, gave the visiting side

the advantage they needed to advance to the fourth round of the knock-out Chatham Cup.

The 0-1 loss does come with positives, as Suburbs showed they have what it takes to challenge the best teams in the South Island.

With Cashmere Technical sitting second on the Southern League table having lost just once this season, they were the clear favourites coming into the game and were made to work for the win.

Suburbs will be able to keep

their heads held high, despite the heartbreak of nearly getting over the line.

It was clear how much the game meant to them by their reaction after the goal as they looked to chase down the deficit in the final minutes, but it was too little, too late as Cashmere parked the bus.

Both teams return to their regularly-scheduled Southern Conference competitions this weekend, with Suburbs looking to avenge their loss with an away rematch against Cashmere.

Brothers in arms and in scrums

It was an all McDougall front row for Marist as four brothers took to the field in their second division match against Nelson over the weekend.

In a game that was played with the intensity of an elimination playoff for the Postie Cup, the brothers had extra reason to celebrate as two of them picked up milestone achievements alongside each other.

Patrick (prop) brought up 150 senior games, while Isaac (hooker) brought up his 125 games milestone as their team won 27-12 to hold on to the cup, alongside brothers Duncan on the other side of the scrum and James in the reserves.

Speaking after the game, they say it was “cool” to have their brothers alongside them for the special game.

“I’ve been coaching and sitting on 149 for a while,” Patrick says.

“There was a bit of luck involved,” Isaac says.

“When the stars align like that.”

While Patrick started playing senior rugby well before Isaac, having notched up about 60 games before his brother started playing, he says it was special to have his brothers in the team to celebrate the milestone.

The pair say there were more than two reasons to celebrate as they also took home the Postie Cup, which the club has held since its inception.

The Postie Cup is played in remembrance of Kyle Post who they say was a close col-

league and “good mate”. “It’s a remembrance of mental health and to look after each other. No one can win life by themselves,” Isaac says.

“We definitely felt it today in the warm-ups.”

Patrick says it’s always a goal at the start of the season for the team to keep hold of the trophy, with the game always played like it’s a season ender.

“There’s always a big emphasis on this game,” Patrick says. “It’s like a final.”

Sport 24 Wednesday 21 June 2023
Movies They’re on the Nelson App
The intensity was high from both Suburbs and Cashmere Technical in the winner-takes-all Chatham Cup match on Sunday as Jordan Yong looks to beat his man.
FROM PAGE 1 SUPER RUGBY TIPPING PTS CHIEFS vs CRUSADERS OUR LOCALS PICK THEIR WINNERS 65 James Tuhakaraina 67 Simon Charles 61 Brad McNeill Johnston Associates South Chartered Accountants Johnston Associates South Chartered Accountants 70 Vern Mardon 61 Toby Hoebergen 75 Grant Unsworth 62 Reuben Dudley 71 Monique Abel 65 Dean Brown 70 Darryl Letton 71 Brad Allam Commercial Sales & Leasing Broker 65 Brett Newcombe FINALS 73 Mason Thelin 53 Tahi Spinks 78 Craig Morice
Photo: Trina Brereton/Shuttersport.

Mika Vukona celebrated as a Giants legend

Mika Vukona’s #14 jersey was immortalised on Saturday night as it was lifted into Trafalgar Centre’s rafters to be retired.

As one of only three players to receive the honour, emotions were raw as the crowd gave Mika multiple standing ovations as he walked onto the court after the game to watch his number hung in the rafters alongside Phill Jones’ #4 and Nenad Vučinić’s #13. Having played 11 seasons

for the Giants between 2004 and 2020, Mika was a crucial part of the team’s culture throughout his over decade-long service.

In attendance were some of New Zealand Basketball’s royalty and former teammates, Tom Abercrombie, Pero Cameron and Dylan Boucher alongside Phill Jones.

“I couldn’t have asked for anything more,” said Mika during the ceremony after the game.

“To all (Mike) Fitch and the Giants organisation of past, present,

Party for a week at Filco Farm & Sport

Celebrating ten years since the launch of the 2013 Harley Davidson Twin Cam Breakout, Filco Farm & Sport are inviting the public to help them kick off their Breakout celebrations with barista-made coffee and bacon butt

ies on Saturday June 24, from 10am to 1pm.

Running through to July 1, the owner of Filco’s, Dave Filer says the week-long anniversary bash will also include outstanding specials across the store. “We will be offering anywhere from 10 percent to up to 50 percent off ranges of products along with amazing prices on motorcycles. We will also be giving away free barista-made coffees from 10am to 11am throughout the week.”

Selling and servicing for over 36 years, Filco Farm & Sport stock a large range of new, used and demo motorcycles from Harley Davidson, Triumph, Yamaha, Kawasaki and Aprilia, along with a massive range of riding gear, parts and accessories.

design print deliver.

and future, thank you.

“I’m truly blessed to have played this sport in a place like Nelson.”

Before the ceremony at a fireside chat alongside his past teammates, he says the whole thing still hadn’t quite sunk in.

“It’s hard to explain, man.

“There’s two main legends of this city up there already and to be a part of that, I’m honoured,” he says.

“Nothing’s ever expected. It’s a blessing even to be asked.”

He says the retirement of his

number isn’t just about him, it’s about everyone who’s been a part of his journey.

“It’s not just my jersey.

“When you come into Nelson, like I had done, there was a history of making it to the Tall Blacks. . . and as a young 17 year old coming down from Tauranga and learning the ropes from these guys. I couldn’t have asked for anything more.”

The culture of Nelson is what kept him coming back, saying “it’s who we are” that makes it

“the best place to play”. “It was us against everybody else. It’s head down, ass up and go to work, and that’s who Nelsonians are.”

The ceremony culminated a busy day for the NBS Nelson Giants as they posted their first back-toback win of the season to re-enter the playoff picture.

The 100-91 win over the Hawke’s Bay Hawks has bumped the Giants up to sixth on the competition ladder and into a playoff spot if they can hold their position.

Sport Wednesday 21 June 2023 25 DOVEDALE NUTRITIONALINFORMATION ServingSlicesperpackage:slices): per serving Qty100g EnergyProteintotal-saturatedCarbohydratesDietaryFibre Gluten 780kj3.8g2.8g0.7g37.4g 44.6g0.2g3.0g 384mg otherwiseareaveragesunless specified Made NewZealand Dovedale Ltd Stoke,Nelson 1167 Slicedbread—630g gluten free vegan added sugar INGREDIENTS SourdoughCulture(FilteredWater, OrganicBrown Flour),Filtered Water,White Flour,Modified TapiocaStarch,VegetableGums 466)Buckwheat,Linseeds,SunflowerSeeds,Chia (0.8%), ChicoryRoot, CiderVinegar, Bran, CoconutOil. in handles seeds Best Refrigerateopening Consumewithin Suitablefreezing CHIA GRAIN NoAddedYeast free DOVEDALE Size Qty Energy CarbohydratesFibre 846kj 2.7g values Dovedale Sliced bread — 640g gluten Rice(Filtered Rice Currants) 461, also &FRUIT RICE No Added Yeast soy 9 call us for your print solutions 03 543 9480 16 Tokomaru Place, Wakatu Estate, Nelson
CREATIVE PATHWAYS A MAP GUIDE TO OUR REGIONS RURAL ARTISTS AND CRAFTS PEOPLE YourguidetoNelson’sbest localartisans–intheirgalleries andintheirworkplaces NELSON CITY 2020 2021


Buzzer-beating try topples Central


It was thunderous from the local crowd as Stoke captain Taine Robinson scored to take the lead with minutes on the clock to bring home a massive win over Central. Following a giant 106-3 win over Murchison in the second division, Stoke’s first division team had their work cut out for them against last year’s Tasman Trophy winners and they looked to be in all sorts of trouble late in the game before a breakaway try sealed their win and the top spot on the competition leaderboards. In other results from the region, Marist were too good for Nelson in their local derby 47-10, Kahurangi outclassed Moutere 67-0 and Waitohi beat Waimea Old Boys 31-24. While in local women’s rugby, the Tasman Trophy finalists have been found as Marist beat Waimea Old Boys 32-15 and Kahurangi beat the Wairau Wāhine 47-10 in the semi-finals. Having scored three times in the opening 15 minutes to build a 21-0 lead, Stoke let Central back into the game as the momentum swung multiple times in an exciting match that went down to the final whistle. Having trailed for the majority of the game, Central dragged themselves back into it on the back of their powerful set-piece. With kicking almost perfect from both teams - a long penalty kick from over 50m out the only miss of the day - it was all or nothing for Central as they continued their march forward.

A great inside ball and multiple broken tackles as Central’s centre

Nigel Satherley slipped through the defence to tie the scores at 21-apiece.

Stoke built the pressure and scored through number 8 Tevita Koloamatangi as he crashed through the defence following an attacking lineout after a penalty to give his team a seven-point lead. Minutes later he was shown a yellow card as Central looked to maul the ball over the try line, giving them even more emphasis and dominance in the forwards, as the visiting crowd erupted in celebration as they tied up the scores with 10 minutes on the clock by pushing the scrum over the line.

It looked like the tide had well and truly turned, that was until a thunderous breakaway run by reserve forward Te Ahiwaru Cirikidaveta as he effortlessly bumped off the first tackler and skipped through the ankle tap attempt before beating the last line of defense and offloading the ball to Taine to run under the posts.

Stoke coach Joe Kirker says it was an “awesome” win for his boys.

“We’ve been on a roll, but we knew coming up against this team that it was a whole different factor.

“We knew we’d have to be physical up front and we let them get back into the game. We played with a high tempo and that’s hard to keep up. We always knew they were going to come back. . . the message at half-time was pretty much keep doing what we’re doing.”

He was impressed with how the forwards put their heads down and continued to work under the adversity, saying they just had to get on with the job.

Strong local showing in national squad

Three local volleyballers have been selected for the women’s national team for a tour of Chile, flying out this weekend.

Lily Zwart, Holly Chandler and Katie Adamson were selected in the 12-person Volley Ferns squad announced last week.

Holly says it’s exciting to make the next step up and to be recognised as one of the best in the country, having previously made national age-group teams in both indoor and beach volleyball. Having made the squad last year, she says they did not travel to compete because of costs and Covid 19 and it’s exciting to get the opportunity to wear the silver

fern and represent her country. “This is my first time playing for the Volley Ferns. . . It will be cool to play with the people I’m usually playing against.

“It’s a cool achievement to come from New Zealand and to go over there and compete at that level. Everywhere else is so much bigger than us.”

Holly says Chile is known to have a strong volleyball programme. Having travelled to Christchurch multiple times for training camps, she says she still didn’t expect to make the team.

“I guess I’m not one to rate myself, so I kind of hoped but didn’t actually really expect it.”

Sport 26 Wednesday 21 June 2023
OUR LOCALS PICK THEIR WINNERS PTS CANTERBURY RAMS vs OTAGO NUGGETS FRANKLIN BULLS vs WELLINGTON SAINTS AUCKLAND TUATARA vs NELSON GIANTS HAWKE’S BAY HAWKS vs OTAGO NUGGETS MANAWATU JETS vs WELLINGTON SAINTS TARANAKI AIRS vs SOUTHLAND SHARKS ROUND 12 Bowater Toyota Nelson Proud. We have been with the Giants since the very beginning. Nelson | Richmond | Motueka or phone 0800 269 283 37 James Fitchett Shaun Thomason 35 Scott Bradley 40 Craig Hamilton refinance REAL ESTATE 36 Jeremy Richards 45 Blair Cameron 35 Brendan Hodgson 35 33 Martin Thompson
Stoke’s Tevita Koloamatangi was in top form on both attack and defence, says coach Joe Kirker after a tense battle with Central. Photo: Evan Barnes/Shuttersport.

Community Notices


PHILOSOPHY GROUP Meet 2nd & 4th Mon of the month, 10am. Trafalgar Hall, 67 Trafalgar St, Nelson. All welcome. TXT Zoe 0279741758.

STOKE SENIOR CITIZENS is a Friendship Club accepting all indoor bowling beginners and players. Mon & Fri 1:303:30pm. Annual $5 subscription and a $2 mat fee covers costs levied for the afternoon. Mats and bowls are provided by the club. Ph: 035479814 or 035473052

HAVEN GAMES - Mon, 1.30-3.30pm. Nelson Baptist Church, 193 Bridge St. Join us for Board games, cards, puzzles, cuppa, and chat. All Welcome. Koha appreciated.

TEA AND TALK – Mon, 10-1.30pm. Victory Community Centre. Join us for a cuppa tea and a wee treat. Meet new friends and enjoy morning tea served on vintage China with occasional entertainment and guest speakers. Ages 60+ COST: $2.


NELSON CREATIVE FIBRE GROUP Welcome you to friendly fibre craft meetings. Meet 2nd & 4th Tues each month. 9.30am, Nelson Golf Club, 38 Bolt Rd, Tāhunanui. Ph: Lesley 035765654. $2 for members, $4 for nonmembers.

STOKE CENTRAL COMBINED PROBUS welcomes new members. Meet 4th Tues of the month, 10am. Stoke Methodist Church Hall, 94 Neale Ave. Interesting speakers, outings, and lunches. Ph: Rosemary 039706872.

VICTORY SOCIAL GROUP. Play Five Hundred and Rummikub every Tues, 1:30- 3:30pm, Victory Community Church, 238 Vanguard St. Gold Coin donation. Queries Ph: Jan 0274577955

KIDS-N-KOFFEE PLAYGROUP term time. Tues, 9.4511.45am. All Saints crèche, 30 Vanguard St. Indoor/outdoor play areas, crafts, toys, music session, fun and fellow-

ship. Ph: Lois 0274331213.

LA CORALE - COMMUNITY CHOIR Tues, 6.15-7.45pm. Victory Community Centre. Open to anyone who wants to sing! Coordinated by Alvaro Moreno, this choir enables involvement and inclusion no matter the level of musicianship. People can learn to sing by singing! There’s an eclectic “world music” repertoire reflecting the diversity of members.


CAKE DECORATORS, Wed, 21 Jun, 6.30pm. We are learning a new skill, painting with cocoa butter on a plaque. New members are welcome. Ph: Desiree 0276302359.

U3A - Wed, 28 Jun, 10am, Elim Church, Main Rd Stoke.

U3A is sociable, fun, and enlightening. Guest speakers and Study Groups keep us actively involved, challenged, and stimulated. Guest speaker: Author, journalist, photographer; Gerard Hindmarsh.

All welcome.

SPIRITED CONVERSATIONS, Wed, 28 Jun, 7.30pm, Yaza

Café. "Chat GPT and the AI boom": Don't miss Wellington software developer Nick Koirala on the technology behind the 'magic', its implications, and opportunities. Yaza opens 6pm, Ph: 035486241. Koha.

WELLBY TALKING CAFÉ: Wed, 28 Jun, 1.30 -3pm, Halifax Café, Nelson. Wellby Talking Cafés are about social connection and finding out about groups, activities, and services.

Ph: 035467681.

ALZHEIMERS NELSON TASMAN monthly Library sessions provide opportunities for information, advice, and support around memory Loss. Nelson Library, every 4th Wed, 9.30-10.30 / Stoke Library every 4th Thurs, 9.3010.30am.

LA LECHE LEAGUE NELSON Last Wed of the month 9.3011.30. Richmond Plunket, Oxford St. All welcome. Support and info also available by Ph/txt: Ruth 0272433469.


ISEL LADIES PROBUS CLUB Welcome to our friendly club, 4th Wed of the month, 10am. Baptist Church, Stoke (also coffee, lunch & book groups). Ph: Gill 035472134 or Sue 035486062.

AIKIDO Want to learn self-defence and become more confident? Do AIKIDO Japanese Martial Art. We have children’s classes from 8 -16yrs Wed & Fri 5pm – 6pm. Check out or Ph: Callum 0210694211.

PLAY PÉTANQUE at Nelson pétanque club. Wed & Sun. 1.15-3.00pm. A game for all ages. Come along and try us out. Ph: Roger or Shirley 035466562.

BEGINNER BRIDGE LESSONS. Wed, 7pm. Nelson Bridge Club. To book Ph: 035481999. contact@nelsonbridge. First “taster” session. FREE.


LOCAL HISTORIAN, Heather Thomas, will share lots of ways to share your family's stories, and why it's so important. Thurs, 29 Jun, 1.30-3.30pm. Victory Community Church, 238 Vanguard St. RSVP by 20th. Ph: Tracey-Lynn 0220996556. Gold Coin entry.

MAKE-A-WISH FUNDRAISER, Thurs 29, Jun, 6-8pm, The Suter. It involves a movie following Rose and Tom cycling the South Island to raise funds for Make-A-Wish, an inspirational talk by Nathan Fa’avae and fabulous raffles. Tickets are $25 from Carol Parkinson 0274862462 & Janet Growcott 0274530755.

LEGO @ VICTORY COMMUNITY CENTRE Meet Last Thurs of the month. 3.30-4.30pm. Get creative, playing with Lego. Free Event, All ages. Ph: 0211069000.

ALZHEIMERS NELSON TASMAN monthly Library sessions provide opportunities for information, advice, and support around memory Loss. Nelson Library, every 4th Wed, 9.30-10.30 / Stoke Library every 4th Thurs, 9.3010.30am.

EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME and hypermobility coffee

group meeting Thurs, 6 July, 12.15pm, Kush café. Please join us.


AMPUTEE SOCIETY Top of the South meet last Fri of the month for coffee and a chat. Honest Lawyer around 10am. Outside if sunny –inside if wet. Bring a friend or support person. Look forward to seeing you there.

SONGBIRDS LADIES CHOIR, Fri morning Rehearsals in Stoke. New female singers welcome. If you enjoy singing and can hold a tune, please give me a call. Ph: Mary 035448232 or 0211334805.

DROP IN AND OP SHOP Fri, 9am-1pm. St Stephens Community Church, 61 Tāhunanui Dr. Join us for delicious food, browse through our preloved clothing collection and stay for a chat.


HAVE TYPE 2 DIABETES & want to improve your health?

Sat, 24 June, 5 Aug, 16 Sept, 28 Oct, 09 Dec. 9-1pm, Nelson

Bays Primary Health. Free lifestyle & medical information group session on type 2 diabetes. Includes a free lunch/ light dinner. Ph: Celeste Keesing 021790894. E: celeste.

NELSON ROSE SOCIETY Rose Pruning Demonstration.

Sat, 24 Jun, 1.30pm, Broadgreen Rose Gardens. All Welcome. (If wet Sat, 1 July) Enquiries Ph: 0272054587

NBS VOLUNTEER EXPO, Sat, 24 Jun, 10-2pm, Annesbrook Community Church, Looking for a volunteering opportunity? Begin your search here; over 35 organisations to talk to! Coffee/food cart and entertainment. www.

NELSON DANCE ALONG, Sat, 24 Jun, Richmond Town Hall, 7.30 - 11pm. Plate for Supper, Music by Warren Fenemor. Cost $6 pp. All Welcome. Ph: Rosalie 035380133.


4-5:30pm. Nightingale Library Meeting Room. Learn how to remember and interpret your dreams and apply your dream wisdom to everyday life. Join us for a lively spiritual discussion. Ph 0211882036

VARIETY ENTERTAINMENT CLUB of nelson Concert, Sat, 8 July, 2pm, Whakatu Presbyterian Hall Songer St. All Welcome Ph: Ken 035474301 Robyn 035473231 Admission $5.


WAIMARAMA COMMUNITY GARDEN Get ready for your spring planting - rent a garden plot at Waimarama Community Garden. Garden plots are now available to rent. Ph: Sally 0211709443.

ART EXHIBITION - SILENT AUCTION. Until 30 Jun, in the cafe at Nelson Golf Club,38 Bolt Rd, Tāhunanui. A very varied display of second hand art works is on show. Open to public daily.

SUTER ART SOCIETY MC KEE GALLERY, a colourful show of New Zealand works by Desiree Henry and Anna Pickersgill-Brown titled “Impressions to bloom”. 21 Jun – 9 Jul. All Welcome.

SEEKING VOLUNTEERS to help support Nelson Hospital. Social opportunity for people to donate their time to a 3-4 hr shift during the week in a variety of roles. You’ll be supporting patients, visitors, whānau and staff while receiving sense of purpose, enjoyment and belonging to a group. Visit and search ‘volunteering with us’.

THE NEW ZEALAND RED CROSS supports families of refugees as they settle into a new life in Nelson. We are looking for volunteers who would like to be part of the team and make a real difference in somebody’s life. Full training provided and time commitment is very flexible. E: or TXT John 0272235972.

Community notices are free to community groups, schools, churches, gold coin donation events and fundraising only. For classified ads and public notices please call 548 5900 Due to the popularity of this column, while every effort will be made, inclusion cannot be guaranteed for free ads.

Community Notices Wednesday 21 June 2023 27
Puzzles Your Last week’s solutions Weekly 4 6 84 7 5 16 2 85 34 5 8 7 96 7 3 47 21 8 6 5 1 47 6 62 9 Clues Answers next week PL ACAR D RE LI EVE R R B R I Y G P EN CL OS E NA IR OB I S H U G G N T T AWA IT SHA NGR IL A G I T B S P EX CLU SIV E CA TC H R N L O P AGA N CO LD STE EL A L O T M O TR APP IN GS AG ON Y T R R C L R T A EP IT OM E IN ITI AL R N N R C C V T NE GL EC T KN AV ERY Puzzle 2452 Su D o K u 482 Medium SuDoKu 483 Easy Across 1 Founder of Methodism (6) 4 Pertinacious (8) 9 Smelling stale (6) 10 A culinary herb (8) 12 Notoriously wicked (8) 13 Underground passage (6) 15 Burn without flame (4) 16 Objections (3,3,4) 19 Working in secret (10) 20 Feign (4) 23 Spasmodic (6) 25 Uphold (8) 27 Creative (8) 28 Treeless Arctic plain (6) 29 Indulgent (8) 30 Smother (6) Down 1 At daggers drawn (7) 2 Coolness under strain (9) 3 Riddle (6) 5 Hidden danger (4) 6 French wine-producing area (8) 7 Keyboard instrument (5) 8 Perplex utterly (7) 11 Clown (7) 14 Entrance (7) 17 Without precedent (7-2) 18 Gaming table official (8) 19 Paid in advance (7) 21 Everyday (7) 22 Affront (6) 24 Frustrating person (5) 26 A fine linen (4) 123 4 5678 910 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Puzzle 2453 © Gemini Crosswords 2012 All rights reserved Across contd.







General household bits, Plus much more

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Huge selection at our new shop. Sell - Buy - Value. Over 30 years experience. Open 6 days. Peaceful easy parking now @ 92 Bateup Rd, Richmond.

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Handheld Radio at the Maitai Dam. Contact the caretaker on 548 4055.


Down sizing - furniture, 3 seater, 2 lazyboy chairs, Duchess, TV cabinet, plus bits and pieces.

Saturday 24 June, 9am - 1pm. 669 Atawhai Crecent, Nelson.



It all starts with shaky hands. Essential tremor is a neurological disorder. Learn more at the NZ Essential Tremor Support Group on FRIDAY, 23 JUNE 2023 from 3.00 to 5.00pm at Victory Community Centre 2 Totara Street, Victory





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Monday 26th June 2023 at 2pm LeCren Room, Broadgreen House Nayland Road, Stoke

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PH T&B VINTAGE 0800 653 935 or 548 5235 WANTED

Ink Creative specialises in creating brands for businesses, building websites, copywriting, photography, graphic design and launching marketing campaigns across digital and print.

Classifieds 28 Wednesday 21 June 2023 Classifieds CLASSIFIED DEADLINE - 5PM FRIDAY PH 548 5900 INSTANT CASH FOR GOLD AND SILVER WANTED TO BUY Nelson Under look for track for result tournament week schoolholidays The competed tournaments disappointingtournamentperformance score second prom- ise winning and - theSupportersCup Trophy strongwestcoastThe been with structure skill, training during nationals.lead Withflying national hadweekend, last - urch, won nationalstough boys compete against Tauranga their match- last 16 players are only players have returned boys work- both on and fitness possible. being massive ex- for these - ers, has big - cluding BBQ’s with major business sponsorship advertisement would to spon- their that the opportunitiesmostwithin they The developed short are - ing superior play belief which performancethe success had appreciate - port havefromthe - munity you con- follow our throughout tourMachen U15 Coach U15 supporters they Blenheim. Joseph Vaughan Sam Connor Wetzelberger Jamie Richards Josef Maxwell Cale Rushbrooke Manager Rushbrooke Corbin Thomson Jamal Murray Bishop Daniel Zachary Moffat Baker Addition Spon or Under 15 Boys Spon MTJ Transport STOKE CAKE Original COATINGINDUSTRIALSPECIALISTS RED CLOUD DEVELOPMENT NelsoN College - TRIP To eNglAND NTeRNATIo l Rugby 7’s TouRNAmeNT Hosted at Rugby School in England Archie LeicesterFaingaanuku Ratcliff Ben Hazlett Taine Robinson Caleb Coventry Nelson willNew global secondary schools rugby at the the Rugby School England, month. Nelson widelythe rugby Zealand 12-strong first tothe will Rugby will former Mako England, Ireland, Ireland, South amongst will team chance The Close wheresaid invented the picking balland withit Nelson presence tournament been supported both theRugby the Rugby Nelson man Grigg team make impression on of have trained hard summer get and areas wecan disjointed first Andrew Goodman ACH Peter Grigg CoACH Graham Urquhart Kyle TeTai Sturrock& reenwood NeoMulligan-Richard College Association Joe Taylor Quick Quick Diggers Pool Marris Fraine Zealand’s representatives, College the International Rugby tournaments being hosted Rugby in England help celebrate the 450thAnniversary. our (UC Championship) season, terrificthe boys of and know theregion itwas assess strong teams he confident hadthe and levelsneeded impress. team Andrew - Nelson condsidered birthplace New ChrisSymes/Shuttersport. PUBLIC NOTICE


Peter Hewitt

Passed away peacefully on 13 June 2023 at home surrounded with love aged 73. Loved husband of Julie, cherished father and father-in-law of Craig & Megan, Jason & Rebecca, Aaron & Laura, stepfather of Shaun, Trudy & Mark. Loved Grandad to his Grandchildren. As per Pete’s wishes a cremation has taken place and a memorial service will be held at a later date.


Brian Forbes

Aged 80, passed away at Poneke House, Wellington on 6 February 2023. Formerly of Nelson, later Australia and the Philippines. Brian was the youngest son of Irvine and Ella Kinraid brother to Jackson, Murray and Graham. Always remembered by his family Denyse, Nicholas and Julian, and grandchildren Matilda, Willa and Hugo. Brian has been cremated and will be interred with his parents at a later private ceremony. Here he lies where he longed to be; Home is the sailor, home from sea, And the hunter home from the hill.

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Classifieds Wednesday 21 June 2023 29 YOUR TRADE OR SERVICE RIGHT HERE? only $26 +gst pw 6cm x 1 column PH 548 5900 ARBORIST AUTOMOTIVE BEDS AUTOMOTIVE The Gas Stay Specialists 4A Gladstone Rd, Richmond Ph 544 1212 Small Team, GreaT Service Boot Struts Re-Gas and New BUILDER Builder / Handyman Materials at Trade Cost Quality workmanship guaranteed • Fences • Decks • House Repairs • Doors • Flatpack Kitchens • Concrete / paving • Landscaping Richard 021 118 1183 or 545 2298 BUILDER • General Building Work • Decking / Fencing • Verandas / Pergolas • Home Improvements • Building Maintenance Phone Bruce on 021 025 16646 Qualified with 18yrs Experience CHURCH NOTICES BUILDER Classifieds BUILDER Builder / Handyman Trade Qualified, Experienced 25+ Years Nelson Renovations & building requirements Home Maintenance Building and Carpentry service For all your building requirements Call 021 100 6820 NELSON WEEKLY DELIVERED? Call 5485900 Ext 4. Leave a message with your address, the date the delivery was missed & when you last received a paper or visit Trades&Services CLEANING CARS WANTED AUTOWRECK NELSON $$ CASH PAID $$ * CARS VANS UTES TRUCKS FREE REMOVAL 022 024 8914 *Conditions apply FUNERAL SERVICES Simple Direct Funerals Call Owen today 541 0820 / 021 120 1314 Burials are now $2,288 includes gst Do not let the cost of saying goodbye add to your grief See website or call me for details
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BUDDHISM NELSON BUDDHIST CENTRE Good Heart Warm Feelings Kindness 87 Nile Street, Nelson For events and programmes go to: BUILDER
Classifieds 30 Wednesday 21 June 2023 LANDSCAPING MASSAGE NELSON RELAX THAI MASSAGE Buxton Square Nelson ph | txt | walk-in 022 453 3679 shop 03 265 5040 Open 7 days a week 10am - 7pm WE OFFER: Body Relaxation Massage Thai Traditional Massage Deep Tissue Palm Massage Neck & Shoulder Massage Foot Reflexology Massage Trades&Services PH 548 5900 GARDEN MAINTENANCE y One-off garden clean ups y Regular maintenance Mowing and maintenance y Pruning and trimming Roses and fruit tree care y Qualified staff and no-obligation quotes 0800 nelmac | Ask for a FREE quote GARDEN MAINTENANCE 31 Venice Place, Stoke Phone 03 547 3276 Mowers Chainsaws and more Repairs and Sales We sell the best and service the rest Chainsaws - Lawn Mowers Blower/Vacs - Weedeaters Ride On Mowers Sharpen and Set Reel Mowers Pick up and Delivery Available HOUSE WASHING NELSON • House Washing • Commercial Building Washing • Roof Washing • Gutter & Driveway Cleaning • Moss & Mould Treatments 022 132 6947 SPECIAL ROOF MOLD AND MOSS REMOVAL Ph: 021 482 088 or 542 2328 Registered Electricians Domestic & Commercial Wiring PV Solar expert Maintenance & Repairs Ltd 18b Wakefield-Kohatu Highway, Wakefield ELECTRICIAN LANDSCAPING ELECTRICIAN A HANDYMAN Brent hashtagahandyman 020 4156 7993 GARDEN SHEDS DECKS & FENCING LANDSCAPING HOME MAINTENANCE PAINTING EXTERIOR/INTERIOR JOINERY/CABINETRY # HOME MAINTENANCE Stoke LawnS Lawn mowing One off/regular Free quotes Winz/pensioner rates A/h: 547 4839 M: 027 522 5223 LAWN MOWING 26 Gloucester Street, Nelson 03 539 1122 GARDENING HOME MAINTENANCE Regular maintenance Pruning Lawn mowing & care Handyman work Window Cleaning Small jobs welcome Lesley & Nick 027 831 4414 GardenAffairs HOME MAINTENANCE YOUR TRADE OR SERVICE RIGHT HERE? only $26 +gst pw 6cm x 1 column PH 548 5900 YOUR TRADE OR SERVICE RIGHT HERE? only $26 +gst pw 6cm x 1 column PH 548 5900 ENGINEERING Ph 544 8024 Your trusted partner in structural steel and coded pipe work ENGINEERING GARDENING KITCHENS PAINTING CONTRACTORS Ph 03 548 5259 locally owned and operated FREE QUOTES REFRESH YOUR KITCHEN WITH A COAT OF PAINT MASSAGE THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE Tim Young 75 Russell Street, Nelson 027 256 4404 Reduce pain and tension and get relief for: - LOWER BACK - HIPS - NECK - SHOULDERS Meet Dallas Woods Specialising in Senior Law Wills - Estates - Powers of Attorney House sales - Retirement Villages Ring for a no obligation discussion Seniors, do you need to talk to a lawyer? SeniorLAW Dallas Woods LLB - Solicitor Ph 547 33 66 Stoke Central Mall LAWYER Download the Nelson App for free It’s all on the app Are you? Local news Sports Events Property Flights HOUSE WASHING YOUR TRADE OR SERVICE RIGHT HERE? only $26 +gst pw 6cm x 1 column PH 548 5900 MASSAGE THE BEST DESTINATION FOR RELAXATION 20% OFF all treatments Level 1, 280 Trafalgar Street 03-539-1188 HEALING Clean Split Dry Gum, Pine Mix. 6mtrs $500 delivered. 3 mtrs $300 delivered. Only at quality firewood. NCC & TDC Good Wood Approved Phone or txt Lindsay 0274 490 622 Firewood FIREWOOD
Classifieds Wednesday 21 June 2023 31 ROOFING Proudly supplying Orange Residential Homes roofing requirements for over 10 years Stoke REAL ESTATE COMMERCIAL | INDUSTRIAL BUYING OR LEASING Bevan Dixo n nelson’s Commercial Specialist 0274 755 063 545 6100 STUMP REMOVAL Stump GrindinG ServiceS Stump Grinding Tree Felling & Removal Site Clearance Andrew Workman 02108182123 Free Quotes & Prompt Service PAINTER - Exterior/Interior - Airless Spraying - Waterblasting - New & Old Work - Fully Qualified Tradesmen - Obligation Free Quote Call Adam 027 671 8417 or 544 9415 ROOFING Notice to all Advertisers: By placing your advertisement you agree with the terms and conditions of the Nelson Weekly Ltd. Payment is due by the 20th of the following month. All debt recovery costs will be on-charged to the customer. Interest will be charged on overdue debts greater than 90 days. Cheques are no longer accepted. Should you require any further information please view our Terms of Trade at or call 548 5900 option accounts. Trades&Services PH 548 5900 PAINTER PAINTER Call Steve for a quote Ph: 538 0755 or 021 0235 2728 Interior & exterior New homes Wall papering Repaints & renovations Award winners Television - Aerials and Installation Telephone, Internet Problems and Installation TV AERIAL/INSTALL PLUMBER plumb er YES. A FEMALE PLUMBER maria wilson certifying/craftsman plumber female plumber cell. 027 6316 319 email: 03 547 0002 Plumbing Gas Drainage No job too big, too small or too ugly! PLUMBER PAINTER REAL ESTATE RUBBISH REMOVAL WARDROBES APPLIANCE REPAIRSREPAIRS STORAGE 19 Elms Street, Stoke Phone 544 4545 For more information, check our website • 24/7 electronic access • Individually alarmed units • CCTV monitoring • Undercover access • Packaging materials PLUMBER YOUR TRADE OR SERVICE RIGHT HERE? only $26 +gst pw 6cm x 1 column PH 548 5900 022 064 9822 Roof treatment for lichen, moss & mould House washing Gutter cleaning Solar panel cleaning Paths, decks & driveways WATERBLASTING PLASTERING PLASTERING TJ & Call Tony 021 209 3313 Qualified and Experienced Plaster and Painter FREE QUOTES YOUR TRADE OR SERVICE RIGHT HERE? only $26 +gst pw 6cm x 1 column PH 548 5900 YOUR TRADE OR SERVICE RIGHT HERE? only $26 +gst pw 6cm x 1 column PH 548 5900 YOUR TRADE OR SERVICE RIGHT HERE? only $26 +gst pw 6cm x 1 column PH 548 5900
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Articles inside

Community Notices

pages 27-31

Strong local showing in national squad

page 26

Buzzer-beating try topples Central

page 26

design print deliver.

page 25

Party for a week at Filco Farm & Sport

page 25

Mika Vukona celebrated as a Giants legend

page 25

Brothers in arms and in scrums

page 24

Late goal dashes local hopes of football glory

page 24


page 23


page 23

Laying the foundation for growth, success and achievement within its learners Laying the foundation for growth, success and achievement within its learners

pages 20-22

Te Wiki Tūao ā-Motu national volunteer week

page 19


page 18

Empathy Meets Expertise: Atkinson Crehan Law transforms the legal landscape.

pages 17-18

Update from Rachel Boyack MP

pages 15-16

Arts Spinning stories at Fairfield House

page 15


page 14

Mortgages Made Easy

page 13

Upgrades for twelve Murphy St homes

page 13


pages 11-12

Justin Gold’s story of success

page 11


page 9

Council funding increase welcomed as community group workload grows

page 9

Stoke bus interchange moves near Turf Hotel

page 8

Appeal for missing hospital equipment

page 7

Alteration and repair specialists

page 6

Rescue crewman hangs up helmet after three decades

page 6

Family of five ‘overwhelmed’ with new Habitat home

page 5

Man admits ferry crossing scissor attack

page 4

Failure of insect breeding delays wasp biocontrol programme

page 4

Stoke’s new $20m supermarket

page 3

Family homeless after kitchen fire

page 2

Family homeless after kitchen fire

page 1
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