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Community Notices
PHILOSOPHY GROUP Meet 2nd & 4th Mon of the month, 10am. Trafalgar Hall, 67 Trafalgar St, Nelson. All welcome. TXT Zoe 0279741758.
ACTING UP DRAMA GROUP Mon, 10.30 -12pm. Whakatu Presbyterian Church Hall. 271 Songer St Stoke. New members welcome. Ph: Anne 035380400.
HAVEN QUILTERS Friendly group meets every Mon, 9.30am in Nelson. Bring hand or machine work. More info Ph: Lesley 0272954986. $5 per session.
FITNESS & FRESH AIR FREE supervised exercise sessions for seniors. Mon Saxton & Thurs Tāhunanui, 12pm. 30 mins walk & learn to use the outdoor exercise equipment safely. Ph: Ange 021790415
WOULD YOU LIKE A BIKE? Bike Hub Nelson accepts donations of good used bikes, fixes them up and gives them away for a small koha. 142 Saxton Rd. Mon, 5.30-7pm. For other opening times and a map E: bikehubnelson@gmail.com.
WELLBY TALKING CAFÉ Tues, 11 Jul, 10 – 11.30am, Tapawera Community Centre. Wellby Talking Cafés are about social connection and finding out about groups, activities, and services. www.wellby.org.nz 035467681.
WELLBY TALKING CAFÉ: Tues, 11 Jul, 1.30 – 3pm, Richmond Library. Wellby Talking Cafés are about social connection and finding out about groups, activities, and services. www.wellby.org.nz 035467681.
NELSON 50+ WALKING GROUP Tues, 11 Jul, Wakapuaka Cemetery. Meet 9.45am at Miyazu Park. BYO lunch. Ph: Noeline 0210591667.
TUESDAY MUSIC - Sadly can't run our July or Aug programmes - back in Sept. Till then, keep well, keep warm! Ph: Christine 0212486038 or 035442375.
NELSON CREATIVE FIBRE GROUP Welcome you to friendly fibre craft meetings. Meet 2nd & 4th Tues each month. 9.30am, Nelson Golf Club, 38 Bolt Rd, Tāhunanui. Ph: Lesley 035765654. $2 for members, $4 for non-members.
NELSON CIVIC CHOIR rehearses Tues, 6.45 -9.00pm. Nelson School of Musical Arts, 48 Nile St, Nelson. Nelson’s classical music choir, under the baton of Jason Balla. Rehearsing Mozart’s Coronation Mass for May concert. No auditions. Ph: Kay 0211024436.
NOHO PAKARI (SIT & BE FIT) Tues, 10.30 -1.30pm. Tāhunanui Community Hub. Run by Wayne from Te Piki Oranga. Providing exercises that are fun while you’re sitting. Any questions Ph: Wayne: 0273063123. wayne.simons@tpo.org.nz.
REFRAMING RETIREMENT Wed, 12 Jul, 10.30am, Nelson Suburbs Football Clubrooms. An inspiring talk by Angela Robertson, on how to make the most of your retirement. Proudly brought to you by Age Concern. Ph:5447624 ext 5 to register.
CENTRAL GARDEN CLUB - Meet 2nd Wed of the month, 1.30pm. Methodist Church Hall, Neale Ave, Stoke. Guest Speakers and Afternoon tea. New members welcome. Ph: Bob or Lynn 035418468.
EMBROIDERY Wed, 3-5pm. Victory Community Centre. Spaces available for children of school year five and up who would like to learn these amazing skills. No experience necessary, expert tuition provided by the team from the Nelson Embroidery Guild. Cost includes afternoon tea. Ph: 035468389 for info. COST: $20 per term.
RADIO CONTROL SAILING at Best Island on Wed & Sun, weather permitting, usually 1pm onwards. IOMs
DEADLINE: 10AM FRIDAY 50 WORDS OR LESS BY EMAIL ONLY SEND TO: myevent@nelsonweekly.co.nz and Dragon Force etc. New Members welcome. Ph: Peter 027 544 3923 for information and times.
MASSAGE THERAPY Wed, 9 -12pm. Victory Community Centre. Remedial massage is used to relieve tension in specific muscles that have built up due to injury or stress & may be causing pain & dysfunction. Contact us to make an appointment. Times available 9-9.45am, 10.30-11.15am. Cost: Sliding Scale - $5$40.
EHLERS-DANLOS AND HYPERMOBILITY group meeting. Thurs, 6 Jul, 12.15pm, Kush café. Join us, Look for the Zebra table.
NELSON LIONESS - Seeking new members to join our service club. We are very social and active in our community. Meet 1st & 3rd Thurs of the month. Ph: Jillian 0272782743.
PROSTATE CANCER SUPPORT GROUP - meet 1st Thurs of the month Broadgreen House 276 Nayland Rd, 1.30-3.30pm. Ph: Bill 035448635 or 035391137.
ARE YOU WONDERING what the Bible really has to say? New Weekly Bible Study Night. Thurs, 7-8pm. Victory Community Centre. All Welcome! Ph: Pastor Janine 02102664608.
COULD YOU VOLUNTEER on a Thursday? 2.30-4pm to assist elderly people on and off our van? And take them to our day activity programme in Annesbrook Drive. Please Ph: Maaike 032655224 or E: maaikef@ psusi.org.nz
WAITAKI OLD GIRLS' SOCIAL GROUP. Fri, 7 July, 10am. Café Oxford, 20 Oxford St. Pop in for a coffee and chat. All Oamarians are most welcome. Queries Ph: 0276731145.
NELSON NEWBIES WALKING GROUP welcomes new people. Every Tues & Fri, 10am in Nelson, Stoke, Richmond. Ph: Karin 022 152 9963.
STOKE SENIOR CITIZENS is a Friendship Club accepting all indoor bowling beginners and players. Mon & Fri 1:30-3:30pm. Annual $5 subscription and a $2 mat fee covers costs levied for the afternoon. Mats and bowls are provided by the club. Ph: 035479814 or 035473052
AIKIDO Want to learn self-defence and become more confident? Do AIKIDO Japanese Martial Art. We have children’s classes from 8 -16yrs Wed & Fri 5 –6pm. Check out www.aikidonelson.nz or Ph: Callum 0210694211.
VARIETY ENTERTAINMENT CLUB of Nelson Concert, Sat, 8 July, 2pm, Whakatu Presbyterian Hall Songer St. All Welcome Ph: Ken 035474301 Robyn 035473231
Admission $5.
BOWLS TAHUNANUI CLUB - Tues, Thurs, Sat from 12.30pm, all year round. Mufti attire for club days. Come along and give lawn bowls a go. Friendly supportive club supplying free equipment and coaching for beginners. Gentle exercise, Vitamin D and social. What more do you need? Ph: 0211323990 / 035473151.
MAIRE STREAM GUARDIANS/NURTURERS, meets every 2nd Sun, 1-4pm. Next meeting, Sun, 9 Jul, grass area above 41 Highview Dr, Tāhunanui. Your ‘Free’ opportunity to join Us in restoring & rewilding nature.
Bring-sturdy footwear, drinking water. Wear long sleeves & long trou. Ph: Anne 0274393503. HAVE TYPE 2 DIABETES & want to improve your health? Sat, 5 Aug, 16 Sept, 28 Oct, 09 Dec. 9-1pm, Nelson Bays Primary Health. Free lifestyle & medical information group session on type 2 diabetes. Includes a free lunch/light dinner. Ph: Celeste Keesing 021790894. E: celeste.keesing@nbph.org.nz.
General Groups
ART EXHIBITION. During the month of July. Nelson Golf Club Cafe, 38 Bolt Rd, Tāhunanui. A stunning display by Watercolor Artist, Michael Doyle. Open to the public daily.
BLOOD CANCER SUPPORT GROUP meet monthly for more information Ph: Heather 0274444708. NELSON TASMAN HOSPICE Need volunteers to help in Nelson, Richmond, Motueka and Takaka Hospice Shops. Volunteering is a great chance to meet new people, gain new skills and help your Hospice. Morning or afternoon availability appreciated. Ph: 035463912 or E: Krisca.gould@nelsonhospice.org.nz
FOOD, IS IT A PROBLEM FOR YOU? Are you suffering from anorexia, bulimia, obesity and/or compulsive eating? Overeaters Anonymous works. Ph: 0226730237. All welcome.
ARE YOU A CHRISTIAN wanting to make a difference in the life of a child? We are looking for caring Christian people who are willing to open their home to care for a child/young person. To find out more, Ph: Mika at Open Home Foundation 0274610497 mika.ito@ohf. org.nz.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS - Is alcohol causing problems for you in your life? Want to stop drinking but can't? Maybe we can help. Support meetings every day. Ph: 0800aaworks 08002296757.
FEELING SAD, STRESSED, DEPRESSED, OR STUCK? Identify and explore new ways to move forward with a Life Linc Counsellor. Up to 10 face-to-face counselling sessions available now for individuals and couples. Ph: 035482400 or lifelinc.co.nz
Community notices are free to community groups, schools, churches, gold coin donation events and fundraising only. For classified ads and public notices please call 548 5900 Due to the popularity of this column, while every effort will be made, inclusion cannot be guaranteed for free ads.
PH 548 5900 sales@nelsonweekly.co.nz