29 April 2020

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wednesday 29 April 2020

Sports stars handle lockdown

Six siblings in home school

page 5

page 20-21

Our Covid-19 heroes For the past few weeks Nelson’s essential workers have been making sure locals get the services they need. More on page 3

Anthony Mollo, delivery agent at NZ Post. “I have enjoyed being outdoors. I feel sorry for everyone that has to be inside. Everyone has been really respectful.”

Petra Apperley, constable at Nelson Police: “For the most part people have been really good and behaving.”

Sophie Solly, activities coordinator at Summerset in the Sun: “We have been busy coming up with ideas to keep residents busy. It’s been amazing.”

Bradley Collins, pharmacist at Life Pharmacy Prices: “It was hectic for the beginning of it, but people have been really understanding and kind.”

Raj Modi, owner of On the Spot Dairy Tahuna: “The local community has been so cooperative. We are keeping everything clean regularly, three or four times a day and making sure we get enough sleep.”

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Piki-Tahi Yates, driver at NBus. “It’s been really good; we obviously aren’t as busy, but people have really followed the guidelines.”

Ngaire-Dawn Munro, nurse at Tahuna Assessment Centre: “Even though people have been coming for the reason they have, everyone has been really lovely, and I have learnt a lot.”


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WEDNESDAY 29 April 2020

What’s the most fun you had during level 4 lockdown?

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Tyla Pine, 6, Stoke Playing Basketball.


Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

Distributed to over 21,000 homes and businesses in Nelson

Contact us News Charles Anderson charles@nelsonweekly.co.nz Kate Russell kate@nelsonweekly.co.nz Jonty Dine jonty@nelsonweekly.co.nz Sara Hollyman sara@nelsonweekly.co.nz

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www.nelsonweekly.co.nz 75 Tahunanui Drive Phone 548 5900 100% locally owned and operated

Laylah Orlowski, 3, Stoke

Jasper Rahal, 12, Nelson

Playing with my toys and I fell off my bike, but I kept on trying.

Getting more time to focus on some trampoline and slack line tricks and spending time with family.

Mackenzie Skye-Gardiner, 17, Nelson No one’s going to see my hair for a month so I’m going to cut my hair into bangs in the bathroom with safety scissors.

Nelson’s frontline against Covid-19

Jonty Dine

Covid-19 threw all of us into uncharted territory, but our health workers have gone beyond the call of duty in the battle against the virus. Just five days after New Zealand closed its borders, Community Assessment Centres were established and fully operational in Nelson, Motueka and Tahunanui. Charlotte Etheridge has been at the forefront of Nelson’s response to the pandemic at the old Suburban Club on Tahuna Drive. The acting general manager of Nelson Bays Primary Health Services has had just two days off in the past seven weeks but says it has been an amazing experience. “It has been some long days, but it has to get done, the priority is the health and well-being of our community which has been at the forefront of my mind.”

Acting general manager of Nelson Bays Primary Health Services Charlotte Etheridge has been on the frontlines since the outbreak of Covid-19. Photo: Jonty Dine. Charlotte says the long hours worst but expect the best.” and constant change has become Charlotte believes strong comthe new normal and it has been munication has been an invaluan ongoing challenge to keep up able weapon. with the variant demand. “It’s a moving beast and it’s about “It really fluctuates so we can’t being reactive to change, we have plan perfectly but we can scale over 160 people in employment up and down dependent on what and it’s important that we are the demand is, we plan for the keeping everyone up to date.”

She says a focus of the CAC was to ease the anxiety of patients. They have also carried out mobile swabbing for patients unable to access the CAC’s. She says working alongside a range of health of organisations such as Nelson Marlborough Health and the Marlborough Primary Health Organisation, has helped them combat the crisis collectively. “It has been a great collaborative approach, the team here has adjusted really well, Kathy O’Malley at the DHB has been wonderful, I take my hat off to her.” Nelson’s last confirmed case of Covid-19 was way back on April 3. As of Monday, there were only three active cases of the virus, with 45 people having recovered. “It has been a real honour to be a part of the fight against covid in our region, we have been really successful.”




What has changed in level 3? Charles Anderson

On Tuesday, New Zealand moved to Covid-Alert Level Three after almost five weeks spent at Level Four Lockdown. This will mean a slight relaxation of the rules around movement, recreation, work and education, but does not mean life will return to normal just yet. Nelson City Council has spent the Alert Level Four period maintaining essential services, including refuse/recycling, public transport, roading, water, wastewater, stormwater and its cemetery/crematorium. Many Council services will stay the same at Level Three but there will be some key changes. Many trails in the Nelson and Tasman region will reopen to mountain biking but there are still some restrictions on Ngati Koata land. The Pascoe Street Transfer Station will reopen for green waste and refuse only. The reuse shop and the public dropoff will remain closed. Payments will be contactless, and cash will not be accepted. Public transport can be used for a wider range of journeys – including going to work and

school. The COVID-19 timetable will continue. Gates to car parks at Saxton Field, Trafalgar Park, Branford Park and Tahunanui Beach Reserve will reopen. Businesses at the marina will reopen and so will the marina hardstand. The marina boat ramp closed as boats are not allowed to be used under Alert level 3. Construction projects at Saxton Creek, Isel Park/Main Road Stoke culvert, the Annesbrook Drive Water Main Renewal, Paddy’s Knob and the Tahunanui shared path to recommence. Building inspections, environmental monitoring and public contact roles such as dog control will be carried out according to the Alert Level 3 requirements. These tasks will be done remotely or virtually where possible. However, recycling and refuse collection will continue to operate as at Alert Level Four – this means everything is collected as usual, but recycling will go to landfill as the regional recycling sorting facility is still not able to be opened. Council facilities such as the customer service centre, li-

braries and swimming pools remain closed. Playgrounds, skate parks and water fountains will remain closed off. There are now more acceptable reasons for leaving your home. These now include: accessing the supermarket and other services that can safely open, work and school if you have to go, low risk recreation and extended bubble arrangements. Physical distancing of two metres outside home, or one metre in controlled environments like schools and workplaces. People can expand bubbles to reconnect with close family, bring in caregivers, or support isolated people. A wider range of recreation is permitted, including fishing from a wharf or shore (not rocks), surfing, if you are already proficient, and a swim at your local beach. Businesses can open premises, but must be able to provide a ‘no-contact’ service. Gatherings of up to 10 people are allowed but only for wedding services, funerals and tangihanga Healthcare services use virtual, non-contact consultations where possible.



WEDNESDAY 29 April 2020

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Playgrounds and skateparks are still closed in Alert Level 3. Photo: Andrew MacDonald.

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WEDNESDAY 29 April 2020


It feels good to be back Takeaways run off their Andrew Board, Nelson Weekly publisher

this process will be to give you accurate, timely news from around Nelson that will help you stay up-toThis week saw us welcome level 3 date with reliable information. and the first step to a return to nor- We’ve been publishing news on the mality. For us here at the Nelson Nelson App throughout the duration Weekly is also means a return to of the lock down and many of you printed media. have been keeping up with news that For us, like many of you, it’s been a way. rather surreal five weeks. Each day of lockdown we As a business owner, the had an average of 48,000 news we were going into page views with a high lock down was frightening. of 69,446 views in one As a newspaper publisher, day. That is an incredible being told by the govamount of interest of what ernment we could, then was happening locally. couldn’t, then could print But it feels good to be back was frustrating. printing a newspaper. As a Kiwi, watching the As noted by the World Andrew number of cases of CovHealth Organisation, readBoard. id-19 – and then the death ing your newspaper is safe, rate – climb was devastating. delivering the newspaper is safe. As a family man, the extra time off So enjoy this edition as we move playing, cooking, reading and walk- into a new phase of our fight against ing with my wife and son was good Covid-19 and lets remember to supfor the soul. port local businesses, it will be the But now what? best way we can support our loWell, today is an important first cal economy and keep people emstep. Some businesses will be open- ployed. ing, many will still be working from Finally, I’d like to pay tribute to all of home and schools will be preparing our essential workers who have kept to open. us safe, fed and parts of our econoIt’s all good progress but we have a my ticking over. long way to go. Our small part of Thank you, from us all.

feet as customers buy local Sara Hollyman Reporter


Nelson hospitality businesses are being “slammed” with orders as they opened for pickups and deliveries yesterday. Dozens of eateries across the region are now open for business after having to shut up shop in level 4 lockdown. Quinn Davis of delivery company Delivereasy says that they have been run off their feet with venues needing a delivery option. But they are also offering free delivery for some time to encourage people to shop local. “It’s just a way of giving back to the community.” Sarah Chapman, owner of The Local in Brightwater says she was inundated with booking requests shortly after the announcement was made last Monday that the country would move to Covid-19 alert level 3. “I had to stop taking bookings to make it fair for customers who wanted to call at the time.” Sarah says she has made physical changes to the front of her fish and chip shop to allow for a contactless pickup. “My partner Shannon came up with the idea. He’s a builder, so we took out a pane of glass from the door and replaced

Sarah Chapman has installed a pick-up window at the front of her store, allowing her to open. Photo: Sara Hollyman. it with a Perspex panel which we can slide down to allow for the order to be placed through along with the Eftpos machine.” Co-owner of Burger Culture Chris Williams says he’s also expecting to be extremely busy during the first week of level 3. The top of Trafalgar St restaurant will be open for delivery from Delivereasy on Tuesday. They are also working on a click and collect model. “We want to make sure we are doing it right but by Monday/ Tuesday I think people will be sick of just eating home cooked so I expect it will be pretty busy.” Chris says customers have also contacted them saying things like “please tell me you’re opening”. “It’s been really nice having

people asking,” he says. He says it will be really important for people to support local businesses as much as they can across all sectors when they are finally allowed to reopen. Chris says they are hoping to have their full menu up and running “pretty quickly” with a few extras in the pipeline for when they reopen. “We’re looking at fried chicken, something you can’t cook yourself at home, hopefully it’ll be something Nelson will enjoy.” Chris spares a thought for the hospitality businesses that won’t reopen until level 2. “There’s a lot of restaurants that it won’t suit to open in level 3, who have never done deliveries, or those who it just wouldn’t work for, fortunately we’re already set up for it.”

Nelsonians encouraged to ‘get clicking’ From ghost town to go town – Nelson’s city centre is slowly coming back to life thanks to the support of Nelson City Council and Uniquely Nelson. Since the announcement of the shift to Alert Level 3, Nelson City retailers and hospitality providers have been working on preparation for limited opening under the new restrictions, which will bring people, business and life back into the city. This will mean contactless retail – online or click and collect where safe to do so, and hospitality providers which can offer contactless food delivery or pick up. Nelson City Council is supporting a “Nelson – Let’s Get Clicking!” campaign being rolled out this week by Uniquely Nelson, the Nelson retailers association, to bring the spirit of Nelson back to life and encourage people back into the city centre. Mayor Rachel Reese says she was happy to support the campaign. “Council is well aware that our city centre is vital to the spirit of our community and our economic wellbeing. We’ve been working over the last year on revitalising our city centre, and while Covid-19 has presented many

unforeseen challenges I am hoping we can also use it as an opportunity to really show how much we value our local food and retail businesses.” Simon Duffy of Uniquely Nelson says that encouraging people back into the city centre is the first stage of recovery. “Getting our retail and hospitality businesses going again after the challenges of the shutdown will take some time but the sooner people start shopping again, the faster we will be able to recover. “These businesses need our support – they are doing all they can to get through this in good shape and we can help them by shopping locally as much as possible,” he says. “It’s really like coming in to the city on any normal day except it is online.” The footpath-widening work starting this week by the council to enable social distancing for people accessing takeaway food services or click and collect retail purchases will mean that people can safely visit the town centre at Alert Level Three. To find out which businesses are open online and what services are available at Level 3, visit uniquelynelson.nz

Teachers ready to return to school Matt McCrorie

Schools in the region will partially reopen today as the country moves to alert level 3. Early learning centres and schools will be open for students up to and including year 10, but only for families who needed them. President of the Nelson Principals’ Association Peter Verstappen people should stay at home under level 3, unless there is no other option for alternative care. “What we can do for the community is to accommodate the community needs as people try to return to some sort of normal.” Teachers around the region have been working hard over the last week to make sure that schools are safe, and Peter says that one of the directions schools have taken is to create their own bubbles. Peter says that other measures are being looked at, for example keeping siblings in the same school bubble, and having playgrounds and most sports equipment off limits. Schools will be maintaining a fo-

cus of having as few people at school as they can. “We will only have as many staff as we need.” One obstacle that has been highlighted for teachers will be managing students in the classroom and those learning at home at the same time. “Most of our kids will stay at home, and the programme at schools will be the home learning programme, along with some extra activities. So, this should make it easier for teachers,” Peter says. He says there may be difficulty where numbers of students returning to school begins to grow. “That period of crossover will be a trickier time.” Peter says the lockdown has been a good chance to think about the future of education. “I’ve always been a strong advocate for breaking down the barriers between home and school in service of children’s learning – and in this region I think we can be well pleased with the way parents and teachers have seen themselves as partners in learning.”


WEDNESDAY 29 April 2020


Nelson siblings Kaitlyn, 17, Hannah, 15, Emily, 13, Vincent, 12, Liam, 9, and Nicola Rodley, 8, have embraced learning from home during lockdown. Photo: Supplied.

Six Nelson siblings tackle school from home Kate Russell Welcome to the Rodley family lockdown school. Six children, two parents (one working from home) and all is going smoothly so far. In the dining room, you’ll find eight-year-old Nicola with Liam, 9, and Vincent, 12, writing or doing algebra. In the lounge, 17-year-old Kaitlyn along with Hannah, 15, and Emily, 13, are working on assignments. “I try to keep them to a normal school day routine,” says stayat-home mum, Ruth. “The children know when they have online video or chat calls

and will usually get all their work done in the morning.” They stop for morning tea and lunch breaks, just like at school, and Ruth makes sure they go outside for playtime “just to get some fun into the day”. Ruth praises the work put in by her children’s schools - Nayland College, Broadgreen Intermediate and Tahunanui School. “They’ve been amazing, setting up all the work for them to do online.” Ruth says she is always nearby to help in case she’s needed but finds her older children will usually step in to help the younger ones. “They really look out for each

other.” She says her younger children don’t mind being online, but her eldest would rather be at school. Ruth says she’s lucky to be in a position where she can be at home with her children. “My hat goes off to all the parents who are having to work as well, you are all amazing.” Her main advice is “don’t stress” and focus on other things if you or your children are finding it hard to focus on the online work. “Learning isn’t just about what you do online. It’s not worth stressing yourself or them out. All we can do is our best.”

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WEDNESDAY 29 April 2020


“I pay tribute to the huge united effort made in protecting Nelson from Covid-19 that has seen zero fatalities, no community transmission and 18 straight days of no new infections. Let’s keep it up, care for one another and work together in planning Nelson’s recovery.” Nick Smith, MP Nelson

Alert Level 3 SENIORS • Ensure you see your GP and other health services for non Covid-19 issues • Get your flu shots now that distribution of vaccines issues are resolved • Stay home and maintain isolation as much as possible • Food and pharmacy deliveries are available from Civil Defence – 0800 50 50 75 • Phone-a-Friend Service run by Age Concern – 03 544-7624 Ext 3

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FAMILIES • Continue Home eLearning for most children, but if not possible schools open Wed 29 April • www.workandincome.govt.nz For any concerns contact us on 03 547-2314 or email nick.smithmp@parliament.govt.nz Authorised by: Nick Smith, 544 Waimea Rd, Nelson Email: nick4nelson@parliament.govt.nz Phone: 03 547-2314

Join me for CouchChat and Q&A on Facebook at noon each Friday @nicksmithMP


WEDNESDAY 29 April 2020

71km challenge between Bishop and MP Charles Anderson Nelson MP Nick Smith doesn’t like to call himself a loser but for the next week he might not have a choice. Nick has challenged Nelson Bishop Steve Maina in the Red Cross’ fundraising challenge of running 71km, the length of Lake Taupo, over the next week. They will be separately running 10km for each of the next six days from Tuesday and then complete the final 11km next Monday to complete the 71km challenge. They have a $1000 sponsorship from King Salmon and have a $100 wager on the best time to be donated to Red Cross. “I have run 10km before but to do so seven days in a row will be a huge challenge for me,” says Nick. “It will be good to work off the excess of too much good home cooked food over the past month of Level 4 lockdown. My $100 bet with Bishop Maina is a loser bet – not only is he a fit Kenyan Kiwi but has God on his side,” Nick says. Bishop Maina says he is pleased to support Red Cross and admires

their good work here and abroad. “This a tough time for so many charities as demand for their services has increased at the same time as fundraising is much more difficult.” Red Cross’s Nelson-based community fundraising co-ordinator Rachel Lake says she is delighted the pair have taken up her invitation to do the Red Cross Virtual Tour of Lake Taupo. “I encourage others to join them by walking or running over whatever timeframe people wish by going onto the Red Cross website where they can compare their progress to the Bishop and Dr Smith.” To take part, people need to donate $25 which will support the Red Cross’s essential services including delivery of medication, food and clothing parcels throughout New Zealand. “Our work supporting people in times of crisis or disasters is more relevant than ever.” Nick says Red Cross is a wonderful charity that is providing support nationally and internationally for those affected by the health and economic impacts of Covid-19.

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Nelson Bishop Steve Maina is taking on Nelson MP Nick Smith in a Red Cross challenge set by Rachel Lake to 71km for the charity. Photo: Charles Anderson.


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WEDNESDAY 29 April 2020

Hospitality keeping committed to community

Chris Watson, Andrea Gardiner, Dean and Toni Brown became the new owners of the Speight’s Ale House Nelson in December 2018. Three of them were strangers until they joined the Stoke Fire Brigade. Nelson Weekly reporter Sara Hollyman finds out what it’s like to run a business while remaining committed to the community.

They started off as complete strangers but now Chris Watson, Andrea Gardiner, Dean Brown say they are like family, brought together by their passion of volunteering. Dean says a “drunken conversation” in the same bar that they now run, set them on a path of leaving their previous careers behind for one of hospitality, which is something none of them had ever considered. “I sort of mentioned it and it became a drunken conversation of ‘well we should put together a consortium and buy it’,” he says. A business development manager suggested it wasn’t feasible and

the finances didn’t stack up, but they didn’t accept that and pursued it anyway. Now almost a year and a half on, the Ale House doors have been closed for the past month due to Covid-19 alert level 4. The trio have not had time to stop though, all continuing their volunteer work with Fire Emergency New Zealand and Andrea also continuing her role as a St John volunteer first responder. They say buying a business in the same community that they live and volunteer in, was the right fit. “It was our local and probably most of the guys at the station as well. That’s the thing when you live here you know a lot of people that come through the door it’s quite good,” says Dean. “It also helps that it was a Speight’s bar, I’m from Dunedin and Chris is from Invercargill, another beer wouldn’t have sparked that conversation.” With 44 years of volunteering at the Stoke Fire Station between them, they say there is no chance of them giving it up. “The draw for me is that it makes you feel good, I feel like I’m doing something for the community and that’s why I like it. It’s good

Dean Brown, Chris Watson and Andrew Gardiner have been working for Fire Emergency New Zealand and St John’s while also figuring out what is next for their business. Photo: Sara Hollyman. for your mental health to feel like you’re contributing something for no return, that’s my return is the feel-good part of it,” says Dean For Andrea it’s the family environment that the brigade created. She decided to volunteer for St

John on top of her fire duties after seeing them respond to a medical event of a close relative. “It’s a pretty trusting environment with the people that you’re working with and it’s nice to help out the community.” They say each brigade member

would average around seven hours a week of volunteer time, including trainings, but some weeks are much busier than others. “Some weeks will be really quiet, then other weeks you can have 20 call outs,” says Dean. “It’s a close family, there’s a lot of trust in one another, you’re going into situations that are really dangerous and really full on that most people don’t experience so you bond over that because you’ve got to trust each other and it pulls you closer together.” The group also spend much of their limited spare time together, whether it be catching up for a beer, fishing, diving or hanging out with their families. “What normal people do with want of a better word,” says Chris. He says they are all looking forward to re-opening the doors at the Speight’s Ale House and welcoming back their customers. “I think the work we do with FENZ is incredibly important. If we can make a change or a difference in one person’s life in the whole time you’re there, that’s what you’re there for. "But for me now, the priority is here.”

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WEDNESDAY 29 April 2020



Out & About

WeDneSDAy 29 April 2020

Out&About HAving A PArty Or event? Call our photographer 548 5900

Inside Nelson's family bubbles



Thora and Iris Moffat


Edith Bulle with Emile, Annie, Oscar and Nils Pokel


Jason, Willa, Finn Callister and Bonnie Slade


Blakely and Sophie Jamieson


NicolaTahunanui and Edwin PonsBeach


Lizl Matthewson with Jared and Elzette


Cal Irvine with Tom, Meg, Sam and Will


The Darling family Karen, Eli, Hamish, Boston, Max, Amara , Zach


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Alison Blanchett




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8 or email editorial@nelsonweekly.co.nz


Thousands sign Air NZ petition Charles Anderson More than 10,000 people have signed a petition imploring the Government and Air New Zealand to stop a proposal to shift the airline's engineering hub from Nelson. The proposal, which staff were told of last week, will see Nelson will lose at least 100 high paying jobs and $10 million in regional income if the shift of Air New Zealand's heavy aviation maintenance work to Christchurch takes place. The airline has made the decision to transfer its heavy aviation maintenance work for turbo propped aircraft like the ATRs and Q300s to Christchurch in what is being described as a 'brutal blow' for the Nelson region. Will Snowden, who started the petition, says if you live in Nelson, own a business, or support a business in Nelson the proposal will impact you in some negative way.

"Nelson is the last regional base Air NZ has left, all others have been closed. Air NZ and the Government (the majority shareholder in Air NZ) have a responsibility to all of New Zealand to promote and develop regional New Zealand." Nelson mayor Rachel Reese says it is a devastating blow to the Air New Zealand staff who are key members of our Nelson Tasman community, at a time when many families are facing financial uncertainty. “This proposal would see the loss of nearly a hundred highly skilled jobs from our community, and for a workforce the size of Nelson’s that is extremely damaging. She says it is critical that the Government understands the impact changes to the aviation sector have on our region and ensure that support is targeted to help us recover. "We need to find new jobs to keep these skilled people here and our Crown infrastructure

projects offer a window of opportunity if they are supported. I urge Air New Zealand not to close the door on heavy engineering for good." Nelson MP Nick Smith says it is not surprising that Air NZ is downsizing its aircraft maintenance with the global collapse in aviation, but he is very disappointed at the closure of Nelson’s heavy maintenance facility. “The worry is that we will not recover these skilled jobs when the Covid-19 emergency is behind us. The only consolation is the retention of the light overnight maintenance.” Air NZ recently released a new limited domestic schedule for flights during alert level three and Nick remains confident about the retention of air services in and out of Nelson. He says Nelson will retain a strong domestic tourism sector and will in time recover its international tourism business.

WEDNESDAY 29 April 2020

Your electricity discount is on its way Network Tasman is pleased to announce that its consumers will receive a discount credit on their next power bill.

$6.4m of discounts to be provided to consumers Network Tasman will credit a total of $6.4m to consumers’ next power bills. Consumer ownership and a focus on cost efficiency has enabled Network Tasman to credit $184 million of discounts back to consumers in the region since the discount scheme’s inception in 1994. Network Tasman will credit $12.1m in discounts back to consumers in 2019/20 —$5.7m was credited to consumers in September 2019 and $6.4m will be credited in the coming weeks.

Real estate back on the agenda Private viewings by appointment will be the way perspective buyers and renters can look at a property under Coronavirus level 3 restrictions. The Government has announced real estate activities can resume under strict guidelines Managing Director of Bayleys Nelson Graeme Vining welcomes the move and says his team is working closely to with the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand and the Real Estate Authority to establish exact guidelines for the industry

going forward. He says such measures that will be taken include keeping a registration of Graeme clients and cusVining. tomers for contact tracing, limiting viewings to a maximum of two people, ensuring social distancing is followed and keeping viewings brief and by appointment only. Agents will be responsible for sanitising any property surfaces touched by prospective purchasers.

He says additional safety measures could also not be ruled out. REINZ chief executives Bindi Norwell says the decision gave people more clarity as they move forward. “This means that the thousands of people around the country who have been left in limbo over the past few weeks can now move forward with their property transactions,” Norwell says. Real estate services account for 13 percent of New Zealand’s gross domestic product



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WEDNESDAY 29 April 2020


Your Voice Anzac spirit felt in lockdown: Bagpipes could be heard playing The Last Post just after 6am from Rocks Rd and Tahunanui beach. Jacinda Stevenson Yes, what a beautiful commemoration, very moving. Paula Palmer Went for a big walk, loved all the Anzac/poppy displays out there. Big poppies were made by my neighbours out of paper and I made smaller ones and lettering from a Warehouse shopping bag and a Mitre 10 shopping bag. Maree McNabb I just love all this. I hope we continue to display this in future years. And I so love that all of them are home made. Karyn Brain Former All Black Wyatt Crockett offers free delivery services to restaurants during lockdown: Good on him! He has got Nelson’s back! Remember that next time you need to buy some sports gear. Richard Marshall Ex Nelson College, well done Wyatt. John Lines Great, just like he was as a player. Thank you. Noeline MacKinnon Good on you Wyatt, great offer. Joan Carmody

Opinion editorial@nelsonweekly.co.nz facebook.com/nelsonweekly www.nelsonweekly.co.nz

Six Nelson siblings tackle school from home: You are all great students. Enjoy these interesting times and I know you will all support each other with your learning. Kay Norgate

Alright for those that can afford to waste money. There are and certainly will be a lot that can’t. Bryan Ayers

We are in a similar position but have two more children. The only issue is the router being overloaded! Lucky I home-schooled my second oldest through primary school, so I have lots of resources for these times. Debbie Gill Thanks for this wee insight into the Rodley family school life in lockdown. A nice, feel good read. Linda Hansen Grocery brands unite to support front-line healthcare workers: This is a wonderful gesture, still I cannot help but think about all our other essential workers out there working in rest homes, supermarkets, pharmacies, dairies, petrol stations and the posties. We are all in this together, right? It’s not just the hospital staff that deserve a gift of thanks. Shaz Blackburn Awesome gestures. Go Nelson. Sandy Brown Nelson hospitality businesses slammed with food orders: To be honest, I really couldn't care less. I've changed my diet and saved money over the past weeks with lockdown. I’m definitely going to keep to it. Neatz Best

ANZAC SPIRIT FELT IN LOCKDOWN: Zoe Jackson joined her mother Lucy Jackson for an Anzac tribute in Stoke. Anzac services around the country were shelved this year because of the Covid-19 restrictions. However, a number of Nelsonians stood at the end of their driveways as the sun breached the horizon in remembrance of those who fought for our country. City of Nelson Highland Pipe Band member Lucy Jackson, played musical tributes although waited until a bit later in the morning. “I decided I didn’t want to upset my neighbours too much, so thought 11am was slightly more respectable.” Lucy played “Amazing Grace” on her bagpipes on Polstead Rd, accompanied by her daughter Zoe on the chanter. Lucy and her band traditionally lead the dawn service but due to Covid-19 restrictions were unable to do so this year. “I still wanted to show my respects and remember my grandfather who fought in World War Two.” Photo: Jonty Dine. Wooot! Our family is hanging out for Burger Culture. Ana Fierek Nope. Won't be spending/ordering from food

venues. June Marshall

Turkish food is the only thing I've missed. But on

a special occasion I wouldn't mind some Nahm or Miracle food. Otherwise, I'm going to buy a deep fryer and stay away from the takeaways and keep making our own pizzas, burgers and fried chicken, and perfect my fried bread and slow-cooker hangi. Allanya Misiepo

Nelson Matters Air New Zealand’s proposal to close Nelson’s heavy engineering workshop for Q300 and ATR aircraft is a brutal blow for hundreds of Nelson families and our regional economy. It means the loss of over 100 well paid jobs. Aircraft engineering is a highly qualified profession requiring meticulous skills. We should be proud of the centre of excellence that has been developed here over 20 years and the new engineering hangar at Nelson airport which was opened by Sir John Key in 2015. The growth saw Nelson doing major overhauls for Virgin aircraft and other Pacific airlines. The proposal means we lose the work

of the major regular overhauls of turboprop aircraft and are left with the minor overnight maintenance checks. The blow to our economy is huge. We lose over $10million a year of regional income. It will force the closure of several other Nelson aviation businesses whose major contracts are with Air New Zealand. It weakens our regional cluster of aviation skills that includes aviation engineering, pilot training and helicopter companies like HNZ. It also weakens the diversity of Nelson’s economic base. The skills of these 100 aircraft engineers cannot easily transfer to other Nelson businesses. Most

will have to leave Nelson to secure work. The impact and disruption flows onto partners and children. I accept that Air New Zealand needs to downsize its engineering staff alongside its pilots, air stewards and ground staff in the wake of the downturn in aviation from the Covid-19 pandemic. My dispute is the permanent closure of Nelson as a heavy engineering base. Aviation will recover alongside domestic and international tourism. It will be very difficult to re-establish this heavy engineering base once the skills have dissipated. The Government is a 52% shareholder in Air New Zealand and

Changes to footpaths and speed limit in city centre: I often find myself driving 30km anyway to be aware of pedestrians and cyclists, just as it is out in Richmond on Queen St. I believe NCC can make it work. However, I do believe they need a better parking system in Nelson, as it is free in Richmond. The footpaths are wide already however, maybe introducing a cycling lane in each direction. I don't know. Doesn't bother me either way. What will be will be. Chantell Smith Just another stupid idea to join the rest of them coming out of NCC! Another nail in the coffin for the desolate CBD. Gina Young Health professionals remind people to seek care in they need it: Funny how they were telling us not to go near them if we even thought we were remotely feeling “sick”. Now they are begging for our business … go figure. Eugene Tackleberry They will come out to your car, my father-inlaw was unwell with something unrelated last week, the doctor did the consult in the car then referred him to the hospital. SarahHope Bailey

544 Waimea Road, Nelson

is providing $900 million to support it through this crisis. Nelson provides 2% of the New Zealand Government’s tax revenues and so is providing $18 million of this support. I resent providing this when the company is treating Nelson so poorly. I commend Mayors Rachel Reese and Tim King for standing up for this local industry and jobs. We want to see an alternative transitional plan to the Covid-19 crisis that helps Air New Zealand retain its engineering workshop here. I am very disappointed at the silence of the Government parties of Labour, NZ First and the Greens on this closure. It is an-

other example of their neglect of Nelson after earlier this year announcing $8billion of projects around New Zealand with nothing for Nelson. The Government is putting billions into speculative job creating projects in regions like Northland but turning a blind eye to this established industry in Nelson. Parliament resumes this week and I will be asking the Government to reconsider. I also encourage Nelsonians to sign up to the locally initiated petition on change.org. There has to be a better way to handle this aviation crisis without sacrificing Nelson’s aviation engineering industry. Advert.


WEDNESDAY 29 April 2020

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WEDNESDAY 29 April 2020


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WEDNESDAY 29 April 2020

Get your Good Wood delivered now Nelson’s Good Wood suppliers are ready to deliver your firewood during Alert Level 3.

Burning damp or wet wood with a moisture content greater than 25% is illegal and usually results in smoky chimneys, clogged up flues, complaints from neighbours and risks the attention of compliance officers. The best time to buy firewood was yesterday, but if you need more now is a good time to get it delivered.

16cm (h) x 13cm (w)

A shed full of dry firewood is like money in the bank, and can give you the security of knowing your home will be warm and dry as winter gets closer.

It’s best not to wait until later in winter to get your firewood as often there is very little or no dry firewood available, and what is there is expensive.

Be aware that not all firewood is equal and that roadside firewood may be too wet to burn this winter. Buy from a Good Wood Supplier for quality dry firewood.

Bay Firewood (03) 525 9560 or 027 769 6348

Richmond Wood and Coal (03) 544 6473

Buyright Firewood 021 127 8957

Wholesale Firewood (03) 546 9595 or 027 922 9611

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Quality Firewood 027 449 0622

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WEDNESDAY 29 April 2020








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News / Feature

WEDNESDAY 29 April 2020

Journey back from the brink in bubble James Maxwell was running on empty even before lockdown began. Here he shares his mental health experience from inside his bubble in the hope it might help others that are feeling overwhelmed with life. To say that I shed a tear or two during the first week of lockdown would be a bit of an understatement. I cried daily. I’ve been grieving and often small things would bring me to tears. I was already facing some big challenges and overwhelmed by a burning desire to change. But how could someone feeling so lonely and unsettled already in life find themselves in isolation for at least a month with a severely autistic daughter, a cat, and a brand-new puppy? It’s usually hard enough managing my daughter’s needs on any given day but now I’ve got to do everything, and do it alone. As men we are learning to talk more and share our feelings but being left alone with nothing more than feelings to consider

was beyond overwhelming. My business, my relationships, my own health and wellbeing and parenting had become overwhelming for me and I reached a point where I just couldn’t cope with coping anymore. But I had so much responsibility to look after my daughter’s needs and had a business full of great people from staff and suppliers to clients and my always supportive business partner. How could I let them all down? I was shattered and angry with myself that I’d let it come to this. Now life in a bubble had to begin, I was afraid. I’d always been aware of how much sadness I had attached to parenting an autistic child. From all the birthdays and Christmases gone in our lives with no requests for presents, or anything else that we commonly define as love, to all the opportunities I had missed out on due to the total lack of flexibility in our lives. I had no idea at the time that these feeling were called grief and that it was OK to feel them. I had no idea that I needed to reach out and ask for help.


James Maxwell of Green Hornet has had a turbulent time in lockdown but can see the otherside of it now. Photo: Supplied Things fell apart very quickly for me and I was devasted and found myself at breaking point. I remember dropping my daughter at school and driving home with tears raining down my face and the feeling that behind my ute’s tinted windows and my dark sunglasses that nobody knew I existed let alone how much I needed

we are

their help. Perspective, though, is an amazing thing and can be hardest to find when we look for it. It’s been nearly two months now since I started along a healthier path. I watched something interesting last night that talked about blame and that if I was to blame my daughter for everything

then I should blame her for the strength I’ve had to endure all this sadness. I should blame her for the love and friendship that I’ve encountered, I should blame her for giving me the opportunity to experience and develop myself and to come out of the other side as a man on a mission to not only change his own world but to help others that are struggling in theirs. The time in lockdown to reflect and take care of myself has given me a chance to think about what I would like life to be like now. I’ve been eating, sleeping, resting, exercising, feeling and sharing and I look forward to enjoying more and worrying less. I wanted to share a simple message that you are not alone out there. Reach out whenever you want or need and if you’re doing well then try to reach out and find someone that needs you. *Green Hornet will be getting back to work this week and considers it a privilege, so it will be donating $25 in vouchers bought from local businesses for every day they are working until level 2. It hopes others will do the same.



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WEDNESDAY 29 April 2020



Tasman boss hopes for rugby return in 2020 Peter Jones Tasman Rugby Union chief executive Tony Lewis is confident community and NPC rugby will be played in 2020. Although all sport in New Zealand has been locked down for a month, moving into at least two more weeks of level three constraint, the Tasman boss says indications, at this stage anyway, point to the possibility of play resuming within the next few months. Early in the piece Tasman announced that all representative rugby, including the Red Devils, Griffins and Tasman B and under-19 programmes, were cancelled. However rugby at junior, age group, school and senior club levels was very much on the cards. “We are extremely positive that there will be community rugby this year,” said Tony. “We would like to think that the senior club competition could start sometime in June … and that age group and JAB would start in term three [which begins on July 20], but we

are governed by exactly what the Government tells us to do. “Looking at what has been happening over the last three or four weeks we think that could be a possibility.” Tony said Tasman had received no indication from NZ Rugby as to starting times, the local union merely monitoring proceedings carefully. “We have just been watching carefully, communicating with our clubs where we sit and trying to work out what is best for this region. “From our perspective it is highly unlikely that there is going to be any sport in schools in term two … it just doesn’t seem possible. So we are looking at and planning, with fingers crossed, seeing JAB and age group rugby back in term three.” Tony said Tasman were working with schools and clubs to come up with a workable competition and team structure for when lower grade rugby resumed, but said nothing had been decided yet. The union were taking a “fluid approach” to the on-going situation, adapting plans as they go along,

Tony Lewis, Tasman Rugby Union CEO. Photo: Shuttersport. with the goal of getting back onto be good because the Mitre 10 the field very much in mind. Cup players who are not playing “We have been watching the lev- in that competition will be able to els carefully … every day has been play club rugby.” positive since we went to level If that happened, Tony envisfour, the Government has done aged a scenario where a senior a good job. We will stay with our club match could be played as a plan, there is a draw sorted out curtain-raiser to a Mitre 10 Cup for division one and two, with a match. He suggested that memdate in mind, but if that doesn’t bers of the Mako squad not rework we will keep on moving it. quired on game day, or returning “I would imagine the senior com- from injury, would likely slot into petition would run into a bit of club sides, making for some exthe August-September window citing possibilities. to get it completed, which would Tasman made an early move to

cancel rep rugby, below Mitre 10 Cup and Farah Palmer Cup level in 2020, deciding to concentrate on JAB, age group and club play. “Community rugby was our focus,” emphasised Tony, “and the Mitre 10 and Farah Palmer Cup [competitions] would take place when the levels had been lifted. We are always confident that there will be some play in those competitions, in some format, at some time this year.” As with most businesses, the biggest issue for Tasman is a drop in revenue. Television rights are the biggest earner, making a return to NPC competition essential to help maintain the coffers. The speed with which players get back onto the field after they resume full contact training will vary, suggests Tony. “At an All Black and Super level they believe they need three weeks of contact work before they can start playing … at a senior club rugby level they would probably get away with two [weeks].” Tony said Tasman rugby staff, had all agreed to take a 20 percent pay cut during the lockdown.

Level 3 at Richmond Mall Essential businesses open as normal with a few more retailers offering a Click & Collect and delivery options. Please remember that the rest of the mall remains closed to the public during Level 3. Click & Collect will take place from the kerb side near the tenancies. We have seen some great examples of how our families are bonding during these times on Facebook. Thank you for sharing and participating in our competitions. The hair cut competition was great entertainment. Keep checking in we have a few more competitions lined up. Keep Safe, looking forward to having you all back at Richmond Mall in Level 2.

From 28th April Click & Collect is available. Open 7 days from 9am – 3pm. Place your order: ginger-espresso-bar-limited.myshopify.com Any questions contact 03 544 7136

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Online ordering up and running soon. Visit their Facebook page for updates and links. Click & Collect service will be available daily between 9am – 1pm. Collection from the kerb side near the Westpac ATM.

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Offering online orders and delivery from 28th April. Visit their Facebook page.

Monday – Friday Saturday Sunday

9am – 5.30pm 9am – 4pm 10am – 4pm




WEDNESDAY 29 April 2020

Hunting and Fishing stores back with a bang The Hunting and Fishing stores in Nelson and Richmond are eager to serve their community once again. Owner Michael Darling says phone and online orders with contactless pick-up and free delivery is in full swing during Level 3 Coronavirus restrictions. People can phone a store to get an order placed and there will be a ‘click and collect’ station set up safely outside the store.” Michael says people will be able to pay online or have the option of a paywave payment system. ”We’ll likely have all our usual stock

that we would have had before this coronavirus outbreak and we’re looking forward to serving the community again,” he says. ”I have to say a huge thanks to the community for being patient with us.” Michael says the hunting restrictions seem reasonable. “You’re not going to please everyone but it seems to be the right move.” Hunters can hunt within their own region as long as they have the landholders permission. They can only hunt on foot, go with people in their own bubble and cannot stay out overnight.

The use of motorised vehicles is also prohibited. The duck shooting season, due to start on May 2, has also been postponed. Michael says the current retail market relies on locals supporting locals. "There’s a lot of crystal ball gazing at the moment and no one has any definite answers. We all have to come together and support each other to get through this. Hunting and Fishing Nelson at 50 Achillies Avenue can be contacted on 5481840 and the Richmond store at 213 Queen St at 5437095.

Hunting and Fishing Nelson and Richmond owner Michael Darling.

Former All Black turned delivery boy

rd i yb ls l ia r Ea pEc s

Jonty Dine

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Fancy having your food delivered by a former All Black? Nelson-based Wyatt Crockett has offered his services to local restaurants requiring delivery people during the lockdown. As a local business owner himself, Wyatt says he was inspired to make the offer after hearing that his friend in Christchurch will be unable to operate during level three as delivery is simply not financially viable. "There must be a lot of restaurants in a similar situation, and I am not doing heaps at the moment so thought maybe I could do a night or two a week to help out." Wyatt says he even promises not to eat any of the food and will not charge for his time. "We are really keen for Nelson to come back as a vibrant city, it's good for us so if we can do a little to help, we will." Wyatt understands that many businesses are struggling and have fears over the future but urges them to reach out. "I guarantee I'm not the only one, there will be others willing to help, so I urge them to ask for help if they think it's going to be too tough." The 71-test veteran says though it's a challenging time, business owners should try to stay positive. "People do want to support you so if you can find a way to operate, then reach out and make that happen." Wyatt is the owner of Stirling Sports on Trafalgar St and has managed to maintain all staff and transition to online sales. He says he is excited to once again see his local customers. "We love being on the main street and having people pop in everyday and say 'g'day’.” The former Crusaders and Mako prop says he is sick of cooking at home and looking forward to the option to eat out again. He says he is also dearly missing live sport on TV as well as supporting his sons' rugby teams.

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WEDNESDAY 29 April 2020


Nelson’s sports stars make the most of lockdown With sporting events across the world cancelled, reporter Jonty Dine catches up with Nelson’s stars who have been trying to still stay active in lockdown. Amelia Abbott, Football. Nelson footballer Amelia Abbott making the most of her limited space during lockdown. Photo: Supplied. Amelia Abbott’s plans to start at the University of Texas in August are still in place and the young footballer has been busy preparing for her transfer on the small strip of grass in the backyard of her Nelson home. The 18-year-old says as long as she has a ball, the possibilities to still keep skills up are endless. “Perhaps it’s a chance to develop other areas you normally wouldn’t focus on, whether that be physically or even mentally,” she says.

Tara Hope, SUP. Nelson stand up paddle-boarder Tara Hope can see the ocean from her home and is tortured by the fact it’s off limits. “Not being able to get on it is pretty tough; the water looks very enticing.” Though her national season was winding up, Tara’s hopes to compete internationally this year have been quashed due to the global Covid-19 outbreak. With recreational beach activities banned during lockdown Tara has been utilising a balance board and working on her technique on dry land. “There’s not a huge amount you can do.” Max Darling, Basketball. Max Darling had a ‘mad rush’ to the airport to get home from Croatia before the borders were closed. The former Nelson College star was plying his trade for KK Vrijednosnice Osijek before his scramble to get on a plane

es and while many athletes will be heading straight to the gym after lockdown is lifted, Max has other ideas. “The first thing I do when I finish quarantine will be to get McDonald’s probably.” Mitch Drummond, Rugby. Crusaders halfback Mitch Drummond is yearning to get back on the footy field with his teammates. The former Nelson College captain says the isolation has been challenging. “At the Crusaders we pride ourselves on being a tight knit group, and to go from seeing your mates every day to not seeing them at all is definitely the toughest thing.” Mitch says while he is champing at the bit to get back into rugby, his first stop post lockdown will be to a barista. “I am sick of instant coffee so a nice coffee is definitely high on the priority list.”

Max Darling training at his Nelson home with brother Zach. Photo: Supplied. back to Nelson. “During the first two weeks I had to self-isolate which was weird as I couldn’t touch anything in the house or really leave my room, but mum looked after me.” The 19-year-old says he has been trying to work out as much as possible with his limited resourc-

Ricky Esilva, Kickboxing. The national lockdown has given Nelson fighter Ricky Esilva the perfect chance to rehabilitate a gruesome injury he suffered inside the ring last month. Ricky’s right tibia and fibula were both broken after he connected a kick with his opponent's knee. The South African-born Ricky says being essentially housebound has been a difficult adjustment however the timing of the lockdown has been a silver lining. “I’d definitely rather have this in-

Tara Hope has been forced to train off the water Crusader Mitch Drummond has been working due to the national lockdown. Photo: Supplied. hard in his home gym. Photo: Supplied

jury during this time then when everyone else is unable to fight and train.” Josh Stove, Inline hockey. Inline hockey player Josh Stove was preparing to represent his country before the global outbreak of Covid-19. However, the virus put an abrupt halt to his plans to wear the fern and see his family for the first time in over a year. “We booked an extra week around the tournament for time with the family, so that is the worst part.” Josh is currently under level three restrictions in Vancouver where all training facilities, including public rinks, are closed, so the former Nelson College student is keeping his skills sharp with puck handling drills at home. Jeremy Brockie, Football. Nelson footballer Jeremy Brockie is more than 10000km from his family and has no idea when he will see them next. The former All White is in South Africa while his wife and three children flew to Australia prior to the national lockdown. "We just thought Australia would be a safer place to be for them and we didn't know how South Africa was going to deal with the whole corona situation." Jeremy says it has been difficult having his young family on the other side of the world but still feels it was the right decision.


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WEDNESDAY 29 April 2020

For access to food or essential items

Services and support

We all need food and essential items such as medicine, so please don’t try to go without. There are plenty of ways to get this to you.

It’s OK to ask for help. As we work through this together, there are people and agencies able to support you. Here’s a range of advice, help, or support if you need it. In an emergency For health advice It’s as important as always to get medical support if you’re unwell. You don’t need to wait.

For health advice about babies or children

Call 111 for Fire and Emergency, Police, Ambulance or Civil Defence.

111 (Emergency Line)

Call your Doctor, or contact Healthline for free health advice and information provided by trained professionals.

0800 611 116 (Healthline)

Call Plunket to speak to a Plunket nurse.


0800 933 922 (PlunketLine)

Talk to your support networks like family, whānau, friends, iwi and neighbours to see if they could deliver essential items to you.

shop.countdown.co.nz/shop/content/priorityassistance (Countdown )

If you don’t have support networks, or they are unable to help you, you can order groceries online from some stores.

shop.sva.org.nz (Student Volunteer Army)

If the options above don’t work for you, or you don’t have internet access, you can contact your Civil Defence Emergency Management Group to deliver essential items, including:

Civil Defence Emergency Management Groups

> Food

Waikato – 0800 800 405

> Water

Bay of Plenty – 0800 884 222

> Groceries

Tairāwhiti – 0800 653 800

> Pet Food

Taranaki – 0800 900 077

> Medication

Manawatū-Whanganui – 0800 725 678

> Cooking

Hawke’s Bay – 0800 422 923

> Fuel

Wellington – 0800 141 967

> Clothing

Nelson - Tasman – 0800 50 50 75

> Bedding

Marlborough – 03 520 7400

Southland – 0800 890 127 1737 (1737 Helpline)

However you feel, there’s someone to talk to if you need it.

For specific help, you can contact the Depression Helpline or Alcohol Drug Helpline.

0800 111 757 (Depression Helpline)

For support with family violence or sexual violence

Call 111 if you or someone else is in immediate danger of being harmed or may harm themselves.

Chatham Islands – 03 305 0033 ex 715

1737.org.nz 0800 787 797 (Alcohol Drug Helpline) 111 (Emergency Line) 0800 211 211 (Family Services 211 Helpline) www.familyservices.govt.nz/directory/ 0800 733 843 (Women’s Refuge)

Contact your local Rural Support Trust. They can point you in the right direction for the support you need.

0800 787 254 (Rural Support Trust)

For animal welfare matters

Call Ministry for Primary Industries for animal welfare concerns and enquiries and to report cruelty.

0800 00 83 33 (MPI)

For employment advice and support

Contact Work and Income if you’re looking for work or have a vacancy that needs to be filled.

0800 779 009 (Work and Income’s Job Search line) www.workandincome.govt.nz

Know your rights as an employee and keep yourself safe.

Contact Employment NZ or visit their website for information on your rights as an employee.

0800 20 90 20 (Employment New Zealand) www.employment.govt.nz

Contact Worksafe for information on working safely.

0800 030 040 (Worksafe) www.worksafe.govt.nz

Visit the Work and Income website for financial support for emergency and ongoing needs.


You can apply for a main benefit online and check your eligibility for food assistance.

0800 559 009 (MSD General Line)

For financial support

For concerns about the wellbeing or safety of a child

Call Oranga Tamariki if a child or young person is unsafe, not being cared for, or separated from their parents or caregivers.

0508 326 459 (Oranga Tamariki)

For temporary accommodation

Contact the Temporary Accommodation Service if you urgently need a place to stay.

0508 754 163 (Temporary Accommodation Service)

If you are struggling financially, it’s ok to ask for support.


https://temporaryaccommodation.mbie.govt. nz/how-we-can-help/ 0800 836 262 (Tenancy Services) www.tenancy.govt.nz 22 April 2020

Contact Tenancy Services for information about your legal rights.

For rural and farming support

0800 32 668 65 (Elder Abuse Hotline)

Call the Elder Abuse Helpline for a free service that older people can contact if they or someone they know are experiencing elder abuse.

For renting and tenancy advice

Auckland – 0800 222 296

Otago – 0800 322 4000

Call or text 1737 to talk to someone trained to help.

Call Women’s Refuge for advice, support and safe accommodation when you’re dealing with violence in your life.

Northland – 0800 790 791

Canterbury – 0800 24 24 11

For mental health or addiction support

Find local social support services in your area, call the Family Services 211 helpline.


West Coast – 03 900 9329

PlunketLine is a free parent helpline and advice service available to all families, whānau and caregivers.

It’s ok to leave your bubble to keep yourself or someone else safe. If you need to leave, help will be there.

ishopnewworld.co.nz (New World)

For further information on other support There are a number of organisations working to make sure everyone is looked after.

Visit the Unite Against COVID-19 website or contact the New Zealand Government Helpline.

https://my.msd.govt.nz/ (Food grant & benefit app) 0800 552 002 (Seniors 65+) 0800 88 99 00 (Students) 0800 779 997 (New Zealand Government Helpline) www.Covid19.govt.nz www.govt.nz/about/about-us/contact-us/

Information taken from the Covid-19 website, which is updated regularly. Current as of April 2020.


Cultures bond in Nelson College super bubble Jonty Dine

Though some of us are itching to get away from our families during lockdown, a group of Nelson students are a world away from theirs. The Nelson College bubble comprises of 60 international students who opted to stay at school during lockdown and 20 support and staff members. Acting headmaster Tim Tucker says when the country went into lockdown, Nelson College had to act fast. “It's one of those things where there's absolutely no script.” Tim says they soon settled into a relaxed routine which is a credit to the staff who have “put their hands up unconditionally". “They have so completely thought of every detail and gone far beyond the call of duty." Tim says they have students from all around the world from Thailand to Germany - staying within the school’s boundaries. “It has been an incredible bonding experience for them, I think they will look back on this will

plenty of nostalgia.” Tim says the faith parents have placed in the school is humbling. “Parents have put a lot of trust in a school to send their sons so far away to an island in the middle of nowhere. It’s a big deal and the boys are brave to do it but during a pandemic is on a whole other level.” He says he can’t imagine how grateful they must be for our staff treating them as if they were their own sons. Year 13 student Mac Harris was contemplating flying home to Japan to be with his family, however, opted to stay at school. “I’m pretty happy I made that decision, there aren’t too many challenges being locked down here." He says New Zealand was probably a safer place to be. “I was thinking about going home but at the same time I wanted to stay here in case things got worse and I couldn’t come back.” Mac and his fellow boarders have been treated to activity days hosted by former All Black

Students have been locked down at Nelson College for nearly five weeks. Kane Hames which include eve- again, hopefully we get to play.” rything from touch rugby and Mac says once lockdown is tug of war to gumboot throwing lifted, he will go straight to the and log sawing. river or beach with his friends. “The teachers have all been Tim says he has been very proud treating us really well." of the way the young men have Mac says he is also relishing the stepped up. opportunity to learn from the “These guys have come from different cultures he is quaran- 10-20000km away and there is tined with. plenty happening at home, deep “I didn’t really get to know the down they must be worried, international students until and you feel for them." now that I live and play with However, despite the angst and them, they are pretty awesome.” unknown, Tim says the students As a 1st XV squad member, Mac have embraced the adventure. has also been able to maintain “For them to participate so his fitness with daily sessions at completely is a very cool thing, the school gym. and in a spirit which they want “I am looking forward to rugby to get everything out of it.”

WEDNESDAY 29 April 2020


Smale takes national crown Peter Gibbs Nelson swimmer Abbey Smale has won the national Banana Boat Ocean Swim Series. The seven-race series was cut to four swims thanks to the Covid-19 outbreak, but Abbey was by then unbeatable in the series, having won all four races in Auckland, Wellington, Akaroa and Nelson. Last year's winner Sierra Thomas finished in third place after a season plagued by injury. The pair train in Richmond under coach under coach Daniel Bell, logging sessions from 5.15am six mornings a week, as well as three afternoon training sessions and racing in the weekly Port Nelson swim series. The series rankings were taken from each swimmer's best two results, rather than the best three which is normally the case. The altered ranking system worked against Nelson swimmer Luke Kelly, who won the races in Wellington and Nelson. Auckland swimmer Sebastien Priscott also had two wins, but had the advantage of winning the pair's only headto-head in Akaroa. Ironically, Luke would probably have been declared joint winner had he not competed in the Akaroa swim. Full results at oceanswim.co.nz



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Wayne passed away suddenly on the 17th April in Nelson, aged 74. Dearly loved father and father-in-law to Shelly and Steve, Carla and Rex, Marc and Lauren. Loved Grandfather of Kyle and Cameron, Millie and Gus, Piper and Tanner. Messages may be sent to Shone and Shirley Funeral Directors, 164 Tahunanui Drive, Nelson 7011. A memorial service will be held at a later date to celebrate Wayne’s life in Christchurch.

Passed away 21st April 2020 at Nelson Hospital aged 92 years. Dearly loved wife of the late Colin and loving mum of the late Tracey Lee. Together at last. A private cremation has been held.

Treasured Memories

Died peacefully on Tuesday the 14th of April 2020 at home. Beloved mother and mother-in-law of Stephen and Leonor, the late Colin, Lynette and Lawrence. A loved sister to Joanne Millin, Alan Millian, Wilima and Len Chapman (Australia). Loved Grandmother to Leanne and Klley, and Jeanine. Loved Great Grandmother to Lilly. Messages to 57B Croucher Street Richmond, Nelson, 7020. A private cremation has taken place to celebrate Clarice’s life.

Bob (Robert Allan) 26.9.1947 - 19.4.2020 in his 73rd year.

Loved husband and best mate of Linda. Loved Dad of Diane and Baeden, and Cathy and Mike. Loved Pa of JeAnne and Simon, and Stepdad of Karle, and Quinn. Loved Grandad and Great Grandad. ‘Sail away on your last voyage Chief ’ Unfortunately due to the current restrictions, there will be no service. Bob will be interred at Marsden Valley Cemetery on Tuesday 21 April at 11am. Please join us from wherever you are in observing a moments silence in remembrance of his life. MARSDEN HOUSE FUNERAL DIRECTORS N.Z.I.F.H. www.marsdenhouse.co.nz

Rangitahi Kuia (nee. Merito)

Left us to be with our Dad, Jim (Ripper), peacefully at home on 17 April 2020. Loved Mum of Patricia & Mita, Edna & Ross, Luana & Keith, Penny & Iain, Greg & Heni. Much loved Nannie to all her mokopuna. Our thanks and gratitude goes out to all our whanau and friends who supported Mum and to all the many “angel’s” who cared for her. Nga mihi maioha atu ki a koutou katoa. No flowers please. At Mum’s request any donations or koha to Jack Inglis Community Hospital or Nelson Tasman Hospice, would be appreciated. Memorial service details will be advised at a later date. Golden Bay Funeral Directors www.gbmfs.co.nz



Donald Tenterden Much loved husband of Merle for 73 amazing years. Passed away at home on Wednesday April 15th, just three weeks after his 95th Birthday. We are so thankful that Don has been able to spend his last days at home cared for by his family. Very much loved father of the late Ann and Noel Gore, Yvonne and Ross Ferguson, Peter and Tina and Paul. Adored ‘Grandpop’ of his eleven grandchildren and ‘Popstar’ to his nineteen greatgrandchildren. ‘The righteous man walks in his integrity; His children are blessed after him.’ Proverbs 20: 7 A celebration of Don’s life will be held at a later date. Messages to: 7 Shearer Terrace, Richmond. Nelson. 7020 ryferg70@gmail.com Purely Cremations



locally owned and operated


COUNSELL Edna Mary (Beau) formerly Linton, nee Scholefield

Beau passed away peacefully on 18 April 2020, at Ernest Rutherford Retirement Village. In her 90th year. Dearly loved mother of Cathy Hiku (Nelson) Steve Linton (Masterton) and John Linton (Perth). Loved Mother in law of Co, Jack, Mary and Karin. Treasured Nan, Nana, and Nanny Beau of her many grandchildren, great grandchildren and great great grandchildren. Beloved sister of Pat and the late Baz, Doris, and Cliff. Messages can be sent to the family C/- 164 Tahunanui Drive, Nelson, 7011 or you can leave a message on Beau’s facebook page. A private cremation has taken place and a “celebration of her life” will be held at a later date.


Wayne Leslie



Maureen Louisa (nee. Brand) Peacefully at home in Riwaka on 25 April, 2020; aged 83 years. Dearly loved wife of the late Peter. Loved mother of the late Michael, David, Beverly, the late Murray, and Patricia. Adored by all her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. As per Maureen’s wishes, a private cremation has taken place. A Memorial Service to celebrate Maureen’s life will be held at a later date details to be advised. Golden Bay Funeral Directors www.gbmfs.co.nz


CRAMOND John Albert

It is with such sadness we place this notice to inform of John’s passing. A much loved husband to Jan; Dad to Chris and Jihane, Nigel and Roimata, Livy and Pat; grandfather to Hunter, Tiana, Adam, Benji, Jonas, Cleo and Jade, passed away on 22 April. A proud Lion and lifetime member of Huia Rugby, John was a pillar in both his family and community. His humour, compassion and energy will be deeply missed. A service to celebrate his life will take place at a later date when we can all come together in his memory, details will follow. Golden Bay Funeral Directors www.gbmfs.co.nz

ANNIvErSArY Your announcement here for FREE.

Rayna Merle



RACKLEY Clarice Ivy


QUINNEY Elspeth Joy

17.01.1961 - 23.04.2020 Bethie passed away peacefully in her sleep on 23 April 2020 at her community home in Hoult Crescent, Stoke. She had been unwell for some time and although we are sad at her passing we are glad that she is now with Jesus. Youngest and much loved daughter of the late Ray and Marjorie Quinney and sister of John and Colleen (USA), Jennifer and Lee (USA), Ruth (Gold Coast), Peter and Gerda (Appleby), and Mark and Marama (Motupiko). Special thanks to all the kind and caring staff at Hoult Crescent who have done their very best to provide for her needs over the years.Bethie has been cremated and a memorial service will be held at a future date which will be advertised. Her ashes will be interred at St George’s Church at Motupiko as a part of this service. MARSDEN HOUSE FUNERAL DIRECTORS N.Z.I.F.H. www.marsdenhouse.co.nz

mEmOrIAm Your announcement here for FREE.


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WEDNESDAY 29 April 2020

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