Waimea Weekly - 1 November 2023

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Waimea Weekly

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Wednesday 1 November 2023

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Free hearing checks for Murch

Shannon back in winning seat

Speed limits could lower across region MAX FRETHEY

Local Democracy Reporter

Most town roads could soon post a new speed limit of 30 or 40kmh, but Nelson and Tasman councillors are split on exactly what the speeds should be for the region’s

urban centres and now the public will get its say. The region must revisit its speed limits as part of developing a Speed Management Plan which will go out for consultation next month. Councils, as road-controlling authorities, must develop

speed management plans to inform and guide “safe and appropriate” speed limits across their regions. The disconnect between the region’s councillors became apparent during discussions on Friday about the joint plan.

Though four options for both rural and urban roads will be put to residents, the joint transport committee for the two councils had to select one of the options for each environment as the draft proposal. The preferred speed limits for ur-

ban areas illustrated a divide between Nelson and Tasman’s committee representatives. Nelson’s acting mayor Rohan O’Neill-Stevens was in support of the limits that aligned with


Masks make return Thousands turned out to watch the Mask Carnival in Nelson on Friday. It was the first time the event has run since it was cancelled in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Pictured are Harlen McIlroy, Leo Carddif, Anton Houghton and Leo Grace Webb from Appleby School. Photo: Evan Barnes.





Wednesday 1 November 2023

Waimea Weekly


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Cathy Tuck Richmond

“Not anymore, we used to when the children were young, but they’ve moved away.”


Nelson South

Karen Grey

Lyndon Churstain

“It’s always a nice event if it’s managed properly, the family always look forward to it.”

“No, we don’t, because we’ve got animals and I’ve seen my animals absolutely terrified of it.”

“We get some fireworks for the kids, but we normally try and go to a public display rather than scare the animals around the neighbourhood.”

Andrew Preece

100% locally owned and operated


Temporary fix for sinkhole KATE RUSSELL

The sinkhole on Feltham St in Berryfields got a temporary fix last week while Tasman District Council carry out further investigations. Photo: Supplied.

A sinkhole in Berryfields has received a $7000 temporary repair job, however, Tasman District Council says follow-up work may cost “significantly” more. The sinkhole appeared in Feltham St on 19 October, and although the exact cause is still unknown, it is believed to be associated with settlement along the stormwater pipe trench. “[This] indicates a flow of groundwater happening along it,” says Tasman District Council’s waters and wastes manager, Mike Schruer. “It appears that the ground

around the manhole has been leaching into the stormwater drainage and that has caused the sinkhole.” The stormwater pipes in this area are made of concrete with the subdivision being completed in 2019. Temporary repairs were carried out last Friday to get the road open again, and an investigation of the cause and remedial works will follow, but possibly in a few months. Mike says Friday’s repairs were estimated to come in at around the $7000 mark. “But the follow-up replacement works may be significantly more depending on what sections of the stormwater pipe

system will require replacement.” Mike says that in the meantime, the area will be monitored. “We will be checking all the other stormwater manholes in the subdivision to ensure this is not occurring elsewhere,” he explains. “While roads have been closed, all properties have access, and the road settlement is isolated to the stormwater piped trenches.” Before the repairs were carried out, the council had traffic management in place on Woodley Rd, closing Feltham St to through access. Residents were asked to access Feltham St via Ascot St.

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Wednesday 1 November 2023


Free firewood sparks traffic carnage JACK MALCOLM, KATE RUSSELL AND ELISE VOLLWEILER Although 450 trailer loads of eucalyptus and macrocarpa were given away on Saturday, Tasman District Council’s free firewood event at Rabbit Island caused traffic chaos with “many lessons to be learned” for next time. A council spokesperson says the 1500 cubic metres of firewood was snapped up much faster than they expected, with the line of traffic cut off at about 11.30am. “The success of the event was far greater than our expectations. We were overwhelmed with the positive response. “There are many lessons to be learned from this event. A full debrief is planned where we will be looking at various options for next time, including restricting trailer sizes to domestic trailers, potentially introducing a booking or scheduling system.” Traffic was at a complete standstill around Rabbit Island after the council posted on Facebook

Traffic was at a standstill around Rabbit Island on Saturday morning. Photo: Supplied. that free firewood would be available on the corner of Barnicoat Rd and Bullivant West Rd. A huge number of motorists, many with trailers, backed traffic up with police and council staff being called in to manage traffic at key intersections. At one point the nose-to-tail line stretched all the way along the Appleby Highway to Connings. Traffic was stopped from entering

Rabbit Island for a period, with road users diverted along the Moutere Highway. The event was planned to run for four hours as a celebration at the end of the month-long Step Out Festival. Motueka resident Gail Jewell was one of the lucky ones who scored some free firewood. She says she arrived at the event an hour early but estimated that

there were already about 100 cars in front of her in the queue. She eventually made it to the front of the line, and commended the helpers who she says were “lovely and very polite”. She says her ute-load of firewood, topped up with a few bags of pinecones, should see her through next winter. “I’m sitting here looking at it, and thinking, ‘That’s amazing’.”

Fellow Motueka resident Debi Jones, however, didn’t see the front of the queue. Debi says she joined the line at about 10.40am, by which time it already stretched back almost as far as the Rabbit Island turn-off. She said they sat in line for almost two hours, creeping along as a couple of small wood trucks and “quite a few really large trailers full to the brim” passed them on the way back out. “We were almost at the end when we were told to turn around as the wood had run out. It was almost 12.30pm by then. Pretty disappointing after waiting for so long.” Debi says that there is obviously a high need, and suggests a booking system next time, with social service agencies having first dibs. “Hopefully the really large loads leaving were being shared between a few.” As part of the free firewood day, council staff were on site hosting a family-friendly event, while the Appleby Volunteer Fire Brigade hosted a fun fire safety activity.

Nelson driver caught six times over the legal limit before midday A Nelson driver, who was caught with more than six times the legal breath limit at 11.30am last Wednesday, has sparked an appeal from police ahead of summer. Police want people to include “pre-planning with their pre-drinking” after catching too many impaired drivers behind the wheel recently. Another driver, who was also six times over the legal breath limit, was stopped in Nelson at 2.30pm on Wednesday, 4 October. “Everybody deserves to have fun, but nobody deserves to share the road with an impaired driver,” says Nelson

Bays road policing senior sergeant, Nathan Snell. “One impaired driver can cause absolute devastation.” Nathan says they are seeing too many people “pushing their luck”. “There’s no excuse ... There is never a reason to justify driving intoxicated, any level of intoxication impacts a driver’s ability to drive safely. “At the worst end of the spectrum, you can kill innocent people or yourself, a family member, a friend, a loved one.” Nathan says people need to plan their way home ahead of time. This could be taking

money for a taxi or rideshare, and making sure their phone is charged so they can call a friend or family member if needed. “If you’ve been drinking, make sure you have a plan B to get home safely, leave the car behind.” He says police will be out in force across the region over the summer period targeting high-risk driver behaviours, including a zero-tolerance policy for anyone driving over the speed limit. “Look after each other and call out your mate’s unsafe driving behaviour - your and their life is too valuable.”

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Wednesday 1 November 2023

More kids getting dental checks, but more needing hospital care KATE RUSSELL A backlog of children overdue for dental appointments in the Top of the South has almost been cleared, thanks to more oral health therapists and some help from private dentists - however, the number of young people needing hospital care for their teeth has increased. The Community Oral Health Service is currently seeing 71 per cent of children on time for their routine appointments - an improvement from 60 per cent at the start of 2023. “We expect the number of children being seen on schedule to continue improving over the next few months,” says Lexie O’Shea, Te Whatu Ora - Nelson Marlborough group director of operations hospital and specialist services. Typically, children receive a dental appointment on an 18-month recall, but those at high risk of tooth decay are seen on a 12-monthly basis. Lexie says that the improvement in the number of children being seen on time has partly been attributed to an increase in staffing. The service currently has 13.3 full-time equivalent (FTE) therapists employed, an increase on

Mackenzie Hollyman, 7, gets her routine annual dental checkup. Photo: Sara Ruffell. the FTE figure from last year. “This is short about one FTE, but we are currently recruiting new graduates from early 2024.” In response to the workforce shortage last year, a new programme was launched to allow children to transfer earlier to participating private dentists in the community in Year 7 instead of

Year 9, to ease the pressure. “Over 900 children were referred, and the programme allowed for shorter waiting times and for many more children to be seen on target. We are grateful to our private dentists for this support,” Lexie says. One of those private dentists is Access Dental on Kawai St in

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Nelson South. Principal Paula Palmer says they have seen “hundreds” of Year 7 and 8 children in this time. However, she says some families are not showing up for their appointments and urges them to make it a priority, as it is a “crucial time” for their oral development. “We often call it the ‘ugly duck-

ling stage’ as they have deciduous teeth and some baby teeth ... It affects their whole body. When we look at the mouth, we are looking at things like soft tissue for oral cancer and instructing them how to brush and floss … making the time to make sure they know how to do it.” Lexie says that this year, far less Year 7 and Year 8 children have been referred to private dental clinics as more children have been able to be seen by the Community Oral Health Service due to the increase in staffing levels. However, children needing hospital oral care is on the rise. Across Nelson and Wairau Hospitals, the Hospital Oral Health Service has seen 607 children for appointments in 2023 so far. This number is up from 565 children in 2022, and 473 in 2021. Lexie says that children need to attend dental appointments in Nelson and Wairau Hospitals for a “range of reasons”. These include appointments for extensive dental decay, those with special needs who can more comfortably be seen at the hospital, those who need specialised care, those with extra teeth or developmental issues, and appointments as a result of dental trauma.


Wednesday 1 November 2023


Speed limits could lower across region FROM PAGE 1 Waka Kotahi’s Safe and Appropriate Speeds – 30kmh for all urban roads, except urban connectors which would go down to 40kmh. A 50kmh zone would be allowed if separated cycleways are present. “The broader impact on things like journey time is far less significant [than speed reductions on rural roads] because you’re retaining the higher speed limits for your urban connectors.” However, Tasman councillor Barry Dowler said 30kmh was too slow for sprawling rural towns. “When you come to the likes of my town, Motueka, you start at the airport and drive for 2.5km to get to the CBD. 30 kilometres [an hour]? I don’t think so.” He supported a blanket 40kmh zone across urban areas, except for 30kmh in the immediate vicinities of schools and 50kmh where separated cycleways are present. That approach, he said, would also be cheaper with fewer speed limit signs needing to be put up or changed. Speed limits already lower than

Residents will be asked about four speed options each for rural and urban roads. The draft proposal is Urban C and Rural 3. Image: Tasman District Council. those in the speed management plan would remain unchanged. This meant if 40kmh speeds were adopted for the region’s urban areas, existing 30kmh zones in urban areas would remain. As the joint transport committee was simply deciding on a draft option for consultation, rather than making a final decision, it

eventually endorsed Barry’s preferred option as the draft proposal. The committee easily picked the draft option for rural roads that, if approved, would see a blanket limit of 80kmh except for 5060kmh zones in rural residential areas and 30-60kmh around rural schools.

Waka Kotahi’s Safe and Appropriate Speeds for rural roads would see many speed limits drop to 60kmh, which the committee deemed would significantly impair Tasman’s distant rural communities. Nelson’s rural roads are already at low speeds and aren’t likely to be affected by the speed

management plan. Councillors emphasized the importance of people submitting on the different speed limit options so they could make an informed decision. “Consulting is about understanding our communities’ views and designing a speed management plan that works for our communities,” Rohan said. “I look forward to the community response, I hope it’s a strong response,” Barry added. Consultation will open before 13 November and is expected to run until 7 January.

Garin College whare blessed GORDON PREECE Million-dollar projects to accommodate Garin College’s roll increase will follow a newly-opened whare [gathering shelter] on Monday to represent its Māori and Catholic heritage. Principal John Maguire says the college received $316,000 from the Essential Property Maintenance Package (EPMP) provided by the Ministry of Education and the Association of Proprietors of Integrated Schools, in 2021. He says, along with additional funds from parents and the Archdiocese of

Wellington, it ticked off plans for the Te Wharemaru O Garin development which was led by a “steering committee” of students, staff, board members and Māori representatives. “We had previously surveyed our staff and community around some essential needs at the college, and shelter from the elements was identified as the key area for development,” he says. “The original idea was a fale which is your Pasifika equivalent [of a whare]… and that idea was extrapolated into this whare style. “Garin College is a place of shelter and protection, pro-

Te Wharemaru O Garin was blessed and officially opened on Monday. Photo: Gordon Preece.

tecting our story and curriculum, and so its people entering the whare are able to recognise our heritage as a Catholic school but also a school in Aotearoa.” John says four new classrooms and a multipurpose centre were the next assignments after receiving $5.6 million from the Archdiocese of Wellington. “Garin College has a got a property development plan in place now as we go towards our maximum roll, our maximum roll is 670 and we’re looking at around 635 next year plus our international students,” he says. “Over the past two to three years we’ve seen it start to accelerate and I think that combines with the quality of education and learning environment we’re providing at Garin. “We’re hoping that [the classrooms] will be finished around this time next year so they’ll be open in operation for the start of 2025, the multipurpose centre is likely to be built in 2025 and ready for opening, probably in 2026 or later in 2025.”

Keeping the energy flowing

Notice of Helicopter use for maintenance work on transmission lines in your area. Transpower, the owner and operator of the National Grid, is undertaking maintenance (joint inspections) on sections of its Islington to Kikiwa 220 kV transmission line (between Islington and Kikiwa).




The helicopter will be operating at around 50m above the conductor, with a line worker suspended underneath and will hover stationary for approximately 3mins while testing each joint, as highlighted on the accompanying map.

The work is planned to occur between Monday 30 October and Friday 24 November 2023.

St Arnard

Helicopter will be operating at low levels in around the transmission line in highlighted zone.

Hanmer Springs 7




Waipara 1

Helicopter73 operating zone

Ashley 72



The work is weather dependent and may change at the last minute. In the event of bad weather or strong winds the work will be rescheduled to the next fine weather day.


Kaiapoi 77

Other transmission lines

Christchurch 1


It’s important to us that you are kept informed and updated on our activities. 72 If you require further information, please call Brendon Townsend on 027 675 5840. 1





Wednesday 1 November 2023

New direction for Hope building GORDON PREECE A long-established Hope building will have a new occupier after the building was recently sold. The building, located on the corner of White Rd and Main Rd Hope, was first established in 1955 as a grocery store and, after an interior fire in the late 70s, it was revitalised to facilitate a second-hand store before becoming a vet clinic until 1996 when it began its hospitality journey. It facilitated a bar and café named Helvetias until 2004, Bedford Bar and Restaurant between 2004 and 2018, and most recently, the Dress Up Box and Café between 2018 and 2023. Waimea Weekly understands the site has been purchased and will become an Indian restaurant. Naomi Winslade leased the building for about eight years in the 1990s when it facilitated Helvetias. She says the location had “the most amazing local connection”

and the atmosphere won’t be mild for its new tenants. “Look after your locals and people who are your bread and butter, there’s some lovely people who will look after you, they certainly did for me,” she says.“[Helvetias] was the first of the little urban bars before the Sprig and Ferns came along. It was a community bar and we built an outside area with a window bar onto it because the non-smoking laws came in while I was there. I’m pretty sure that I heard more than one local say it was the best use of the building that they had seen for a long time… we used to have the UK apple pickers in and they kept it humming in summer, and the motorbikers loved it, too.” Dot Humphries, who owned the building between 2004 and 2018, offered advice to its new tenants. “Be friendly, support the locals, advertise, create a great atmosphere, try to make it a destination,” she says.

A new cuisine will soon be added to the menu of a Hope building’s history. Photo: Andrew Board.

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Meditating to happiness in the park ANNE HARDIE Sharing the skills to relax and become a happier person has led a Richmond woman to initiate free meditation sessions in the park. Diana had her first session last week at the gazebo in Washbourn Gardens and says the best part about sharing her meditation skills is seeing happy results. Her interest in the mind led her to study neuroscience which dealt with the science of the mind. But she still had philosophical questions and a scientist suggested she go on a mediation retreat. “It was a pivotal point of my life. I became more peaceful; I had a sense of inner freedom and I was happier and more content.” She says the tools to enable the mind to relax, become clear and more effective should be more accessible and mainstream as society has become more stressful and reliant on devices.” “Especially with our smart phones where everything is designed to get that instant gratification. That’s why kids’ attention span is a lot shorter now. They don’t have the tools to deal

Diana says the gazebo in Washbourn Gardens is an ideal place to meditate. Photo: Anne Hardie. with boredom, craving or dis- meditation sessions overseas satisfaction and normally they and now that she is living in reach for their phones or put on Richmond, she wants to give lovideo games or go to the fridge. cals of all ages the opportunity “By relaxing the body, they can to get together and meditate as relax the mind. The mind be- a group. comes clearer because it’s doing Just a few people attended the less. By training the brain in this first session. way, a brain actually changes in If there is enough interest, she structure in beneficial ways.” says they can meet each week. She says meditation is like the Initially, she will show up at software that can change the Washbourn Gardens at 3pm on hardware of the brain. Saturdays where there is already When it comes to her desire to some seating for people under share her skills, she says it is a the gazebo. natural instinct for humans to She says anyone who is interestshare and the act of sharing or ed can bring a chair or mat. giving makes them happier. To find out more, email mediShe has previously held free taterichmond@gmail.com


Wednesday 1 November 2023


Adopt-a-spot on Waverley St ELOISE MARTYN A community project led by Waverley Street Kindergarten has seen the community come together to turn an unused patch of land into a creative and productive spot to be enjoyed by all. Richmond Holy Trinity Anglican Church offered the opportunity for the kindergarten to ‘adopt-a-spot’ on their grassy hill. The area is nestled under huge trees where birds can be heard singing, and no fences give the space a natural feel and an opportunity for children to be emersed in nature. Tamariki from the kindergarten have been actively involved in the project and spend time at the newly-created spot a few times each week. The area has been cleared of overgrown shrubbery, with local businesses and organisations contributing to the space in various ways by building planter boxes and donating trees, grasses, stones, soil, discounted waste removal and volunteers at working bees. Head teacher Matthew Shea says, the project, which now hosts vegetable gardens, has

Two people were injured when a car crashed into a parked vehicle in the Berryfields development on Saturday. A police spokesperson says they were notified of the crash at the intersection of Drayton St and Upton Lane at around 1.15pm. “One person had moderate injuries, and another had minor injuries,” the spokesperson says. Traffic management was in place at the scene at the time. Photo: Supplied.

Waverley Street Kindergarten tamariki getting seed potatoes to plant in their new community garden. Photo: Supplied. “brought all different people ty that we don’t know stop to and we are hoping people from and groups from the commu- chat,” teacher Tessa Hick adds. these places will come and ennity together”. “It’s been great to engage with joy this accessible space,” “This is not just a space for kin- them and the tamariki have en- Vicar Zane Elliot says they dergarten tamariki, it’s a space joyed the interaction, too.” were “super keen” to support for everyone and the involve- “The new housing develop- the concept and share their ment from the community has ment down the road has no space with the kindergarten. been amazing.” greenspace,” says teacher Leah “We hope it will create some “Each time we have been work- Kilkelly. “We also have sever- really positive intergenerationing in the garden, we have had al motels in walking distance al connections for our church people from the communi- that have long-term residents whānau as well as the students.”

Meth possessor arrested at airport

A man in possession of a kilogram of suspected methamphetamine was taken into custody on Thursday night after disembarking a flight from Auckland. Nelson Police says the drugs were destined for sale in Tasman. Detective Inspector Lex Bruning says the 38-year-old was charged with possession for the supply of methamphetamine/amphetamine. “Police will continue to disrupt this criminal activity and hold those involved to account.”

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Wednesday 1 November 2023


Mayor wants to keep council workshops closed despite Ombudsman’s request MAX FRETHEY

Local Democracy Reporter

Despite a call from the Ombudsman for all council workshops to be open to the public by default, Tasman’s mayor says he doesn’t intend to open his council’s workshops. Eight councils around the country have been investigated by Chief Ombudsman Peter Boshier over concerns they were using closed-door workshops to make decisions free from public scrutiny. Tasman District Council was not one of the councils being investigated. Though the Ombudsman found no evidence workshops were being used to make decisions, he is calling for all council workshops to be open by default to the public. “Transparent decision-making in local government increases public confidence in councils and their processes,” he says. However, mayor Tim King says closed-door workshops are “critical” tools for elected members to be well-informed and able to share their perspectives “in an environment where they feel really comfortable” before they eventually make a decision in a public council meeting. “[Councils need] all the tools you

Mayor Tim King says closed-door workshops give councillors a “comfortable” space to learn about topics and share perspectives. Photo: Max Frethey. can have and all the varying options where you can get the best out of what is a mix of individuals that get elected to these positions, all with their strengths and weaknesses.” However, the Ombudsman says closing workshops simply to allow “free and frank discussion” is not allowed under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act.

“Local authority meetings are precisely where elected members are expected to hold their free and frank discussion and debate in full view of the public.” But Tim points to parliamentary and governmental processes where decisions about the direction of the country are frequently made behind closed doors. “If it’s sufficient for Cabinet and select committees to operate in

this mixed bottle of open and closed… then I don’t see it as unreasonable [for councils] to have that same mixture of models.” The Ombudsman draws the line between open meetings and residents’ trust in their local councils. Though it’s not uncommon for residents to allege that council has already made its decision when it consults on various issues, Tim doesn’t think that hold-

ing open workshops would make a significant difference in convincing residents that a decision has yet to be made. “In a representative democracy, I think the vast majority of people expect us to get on and use every tool and method we have to arrive at the best decisions.” And if residents want to see the background information on decisions that are made in a full council meeting, he says they don’t need to look further than their “voluminous” meeting agendas. “Sometimes I wonder if there’s too much information, but I doubt the majority of people would consider there is a lack of information about the decisions that we ultimately make.” TDC has recently made the decision to release the presentations given to elected members in workshops on a quarterly basis. Tim says the council will continue to look at how it releases information from workshops but “I don’t intend to move to the suggestion that, by default, they are open.”

Bluesound NODE: Your gateway to hi-res music streaming There’s an exciting promotion happening at Beggs Musicworks on Hardy Street, that you won’t want to miss! The Bluesound NODE Wireless Multi-Room Hi-Res Music Streamer, typically priced at $1099, is now available for just $899. According to owner, Tim Babbage, this is a fantastic deal that should not be passed up. “The Bluesound NODE is a game-changer when it comes to streaming high-resolution audio. It seamlessly integrates into your existing sound system, whether it’s a stereo or a set of loudspeakers. This means you don’t need to replace your current setup to enjoy the benefits of hires music streaming.” One of the standout features of the Bluesound NODE is its exceptional sound quality. This system delivers a rich and immersive audio experience, is user-friendly and incredibly easy to install, making it accessible to anyone regardless of their technical expertise. “It is simply great sound at a really great deal. This is the best deal we have in a long time, the system is really good quality and really good sound quality. It is nice to use and so super easy to install that anyone can do it!” Working with the newly updated Bluesound

system, the device is the perfect addition to your audio needs. “One of the most significant updates to the Bluesound system is its new 4.0 interface, which performs flawlessly!” With the Bluesound NODE, you can access a world of hi-res music streaming and multiroom audio. You can explore a vast catalogue of music, from internet radio stations from all over the world, to various streaming services or your digital music library, using the intuitive BluOS Controller app, compatible with iOS, Android, Mac, or PC. The device comes with various connectivity options, including HDMI eARC, digital, optical, and analogue inputs and outputs. It also supports wired and wireless headphones and subwoofer outputs, making it versatile for different setups. Create a seamless multi-room audio system using the BluOS Controller app, and it even has touch controls with presets for added convenience. It’s compatible with Amazon’s Alexa, and AirPlay 2 support lets you play music or podcasts wirelessly throughout your home. Talk to one of the friendly team at Beggs Musicworks on Hardy Street about their amazing deal! Business Update. Adv.


Wednesday 1 November 2023


Free hearing aid clinic for Murchison ELOISE MARTYN For the first time ever, Murchison residents, who don’t have a local audiologist, will have the opportunity to get free advice and have their hearing aids professionally cleaned. Hearing Nelson - a non-profit organisation that provides hearing advice, support, and education - has teamed up with the Murchison Hospital and Health Centre to bring a mobile service to the area. “Thanks to Tasman District Council funding we are able to bring this service in to support the Murchison community as well as making it free for anyone who attends,” says Hearing Nelson’s manager, Peter Dowling. “It’s really important that anyone with a hearing aid dries it every evening to prevent condensation affecting the electronics. At our mobile clinic, we will have an ultra

vac drying unit which only takes four minutes to dry a hearing aid and freshen it up.” Other services include cleaning and removing earwax from hearing aids. Earwax can obstruct or block the hearing aid filters, reducing their effectiveness. “We can also give great advice on anything hearing aid-related and we will have a range of hearing aid accessories available,” says Peter. Hearing Nelson say they are committed to bringing their mobile unit to Murchison twice a year and will look to increase the frequency based on demand. There are 20 free appointments available on 9 November at the Murchison Hospital and Health Centre. If you would like to book, phone Hearing Nelson on (03) 548 3270 or email office@hearingnelson. co.nz








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Trained hearing aid specialist Jackie Cooper will be assisting members of the Murchison community with their hearing aids, for free. Photo: Supplied.




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Wednesday 1 November 2023


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Sunday lunch at Grape Escape 1 2 3 4 5

Dave Chapman and Chontelle Schierny David Ashton and Lev Gimelfarb Kathy Eade and Gael Gordon Trisha Eden and Kim Anderson Victoria Sketcher and Michael Audet


5 Te Wharemaru O Garin opening 6 7 8 9 10


Maddie Hall and Finn Campbell Peter Mellor, Reuben Norris, Moeke Paaka and Belinda Mellor Sarah Cools and Cherry Moore Theo Simone and Kate Rankin Tony Etchells, John Maguire and Markelle Ward





Would you like us to take photos at your next event? PH 03 544 9037 or email sara@topsouthmedia.co.nz

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Parking... You come back to your car after browsing the shops and – oh no! - there’s a ticket under the windscreen wiper. You’ve got a parking fine. What are your rights? Before you’re tempted to throw the ticket away, look at it carefully. Who issued it? Can you appeal? How long have you got to either put your case or pay the fine? What are the penalties if you miss the deadlines? It’s all there in the fine print. If you park in one of Nelson City Council’s parking areas, you need to enter your registration plate number in one of the machines, even for the first free hour offered by Council. At this time of year, parking is also free after 3pm, but prior to that you must register. If you don’t do this, or if you stay for longer than you paid for, the Council will issue an infringement notice. Private carparks, such as the ones at the supermarkets or next to your pharmacy, may be supervised by a contractor. This means the ticket won’t be issued by the Council and could look unfamiliar. You can check out the contractor online or ask the business you were visiting if this is the contractor they use. Don’t rely on social media. People who declare parking fines are a scam still have to pay them! Usually, carparks have their terms displayed, but who reads long notices on the way in? Go and have a careful look. Most businesses state their parking spaces are for customers only. Even if you don’t overstay the time given, you can get a ticket if you don’t use the business. It’s a good idea to keep your receipt to show that you are a genuine customer. Parking in a private parking space and not using the business at all might even get you towed away. It’s tempting when you’re in a hurry, but don’t risk it. If you feel the fine is unfair or excessive, you have a short period of time to appeal it. Carefully follow the instructions on the ticket. While you’re at it, check out the penalties for late payment – fines can grow very rapidly if unpaid. Eventually, some businesses involve debt collectors who will contact you at home. They will also charge a fee on top of the original fine and overdue penalties. What starts out as a small slip-up can end up being stressful and costly. CAB Nelson Tasman, Ph: 03 5482117 or 0800 367 222. email: nelsontasman@cab. co.nz, Website: www.cab.org.nz


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Wednesday 1 November 2023

exploring our

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Local History


Postmaster and Linesman ROBYN PARKES Martha Anne Warne, one of Murchison’s most respected pioneers, passed away on the 12th of August 1942. Martha was born in Waimea West in 1861 to William and Harriett Hughes. She lost both her parents at an early age, her father dying in 1866 aged 58 and her mother in 1870 after an accident at the Brightwater River crossing. She had been travelling in a coach on a dark and wet night and on reaching Waiiti River, which was swollen, the trace broke, and the horses stopped. While the coach driver tried to assist Harriett to get to the riverbank, she slipped, fell into the river, and drowned. When older, Martha moved to Longford to assist at the accommodation house owned by Joseph Gibbs and it was there that she met her future husband, Lyvian Warne. They married at Murchison in 1878. Lyvian was born in 1839 in St Issey, Cornwall, to William and Thomasine Warne. He had been working at a whaling station in Kaikoura before going to Longford in 1877 where he entered the postal service, and in 1878 became postmaster and linesman at Longford, a job he held for around 30 years. During the years that he was

Old Longford Post Office. Photo: westcoast.reflect.co.nz in charge at Longford, he often went out on some rough and perilous journeys repairing and maintaining single-handed the line from Top House to Lyell. While he was away Martha took charge of the office and carried out all the necessary duties. The couple raised a large family of 8 sons and 5 daughters, most remaining in the Murchison district. Martha was said to be an accomplished horsewomen in her early life although she experienced one nasty fall in 1914 after being thrown from her horse and receiving cuts to the face. She was very interested in everything pertaining to the welfare

of Murchison, was a member of the Longford branch of the Women’s Institute, also the Murchison branches of the League of Mothers and the Women’s Division of the Farmers Union. Lyvian retired in 1908 and took up farming. The family lived in Longford House, a well-known building that was for many years a stopping place for the Westport and Nelson coaches. The two-storied building contained about 25 rooms. In March 1909 the house was unfortunately burnt to the ground. The Warne family were able to escape but lost all their possessions in the fire.

Son Lyvian Thomas Warne, after leaving school worked for Messrs Cable and Co, on the construction of the Matakitaki gold dredge ‘Kohi Kohi’. Later he joined the staff of Mr D O’Sullivan as assistant linesman in the Telegraph Department where he was employed from 1903 to 1906. He resigned that position to help his father on the farm. After his father’s death he took over a portion of the farm and in a partnership with his brother Leslie took up sheep country in the Upper Matiri. Lyvian Snr died in 1912 and was buried in the Murchison cemetery aged 72 years.

41 Nile St East, Nelson • 03 548 2770 • marsdenhouse.co.nz •



Wednesday 1 November 2023

Opinion Queen St carparks to be replaced by cycleway I was astonished to read that the section of Queen Street between Salisbury Road and Hill Street was described by the TDC’s Transportation Manager as “currently a dangerous street for cyclists”. This is a very misleading statement, as I have cycled along that section many times and I consider it reasonably safe – it’s straight, reasonably wide, with good visibility and on a gentle slope. I could take the Manager cycling to many other streets in Richmond which I would regard as far more dangerous that this stretch of Queen Street e.g., parts of the following, Lower Queen Street, Wensley Road, Dorset Street and Hill Street. Yes, we want to encourage more cycling but please let’s have a less emotive discussion with due regard to all stakeholders. The two major drawbacks of the cycle lane proposal are 1) the removal of on-street parking for visitors with limited mobility and 2) the frequency of driveways and side streets which necessitates cyclists

ur Property ur Priority

546 9290

a small group who may not even pay residential rates in this area. Jessica Gray

turning right leaving the cycle lane and crossing the traffic. A 30kph speed limit is essential on all roads in Richmond if the Council wants to encourage more cycling, particularly following the introduction of the large new buses. John This is simply crazy. I struggle to understand how this decision was made. The council needs to sit down, with a calm mind, and urgently re-think this issue. Where on earth are the visitors of residents in the upper Queen St location going to park? Where are the courier drivers, home help drivers, and trades people going to park? Has there been the problem for parking space any intelligent thought given to to Washbourne Drive and surthis aspect.Management Ltd | MREINZ rounding streets. We ratepayers Property Also, any reductions in parking deserve better than this. Comon upper Queen St merely shifts munity needs must come before

Stewart Henry Tina Hebberd Pauline Harris 027 454 5112Property027 233 0260 Ltd | MREINZ 027 664 4424 Management 546 9290

Have your say: sara@topsouthmedia.co.nz facebook.com/waimeaweekly

546 9290

What’s On!

I was very disappointed that your headline and Page 1 article indicated that it was a shame that car parks on Queen St are being removed for a cycleway. The facts of the matter did not emerge until halfway down Page 5. This change had been well advertised by the TDC and public meetings had been held. Householders had a letter drop. Roads are for transport and not parking. Cyclists have to swerve out around parked cars and kids on bikes go to school along Upper Queen St. It is about time that we accepted that parking along roads is dangerous for other road users. Jean Gorman

Security arrives at Richmond West

Number plate recognition, facial recognition... Next it will sync with your digital passport and start deducting funds from your bank account when you’re naughSamantha Burling Lydia McKenzie Marie Healy Mandy Troy 027 538 3643 027 886 4192 027 233 3131 027 230 0201 Ltdty! Property Management | MREINZ 546 9290 546 9290 547 2476 547 2476 Carolyn Luxford Let me help you obtain the

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Is it a place where criminals dare venture? Tracy Jane Neal It’s keeping an eye on the sinkhole. Bas-Fred Smith Interesting that the rest of Richmond hasn’t got that ‘to make it a safe and happy place to live’? What makes Berryfields different, I wonder? Janet Ellison Good idea, hopefully keep the criminal element at bay. Murray Webber It’s the start of the monitoring in the 15-minute cities, they want to keep an eye on everyone. Noel Gallot Would be good in Stoke with all the thefts and car break-ins! Julie Higgins Wow, must be a dangerous place to live. Libby Bibby Did residents get a say on this? Kerri Bowman

Late resource consents Isn’t it so disgusting that in this cost council $190k

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cameras at their property if they wish. We don’t want to be spied on. Matt Simpson

day and age absolutely everyLydia McKenzie Healy you have Mandy Troy where you goMarie now to Perhaps look at simplifying the e responsible after 300027properties 027 233 0260 for looking 027 664 4424 538 3643 027 886 4192 027 233 3131 Mortgage 027 230454 0201 5112 Services 027 233 0260 027 664 4424 027 538 3643 027 886 4192 027 233 3131 027 230 0201 Howden Jemma Gillon Nicki Morris Mel Powell 027 Avei Douglas 546 9290 Stacey 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 547 2476 547546 2476 9290 Barbara Winter 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 547 2476 547 2476 Wakefield School Twilight Gala be on camera? When, in fact, we process! htwater and027 Wakefield - they have 541 0164 regions027 454 5106 027 662 1222 027 555 4522 021 279 2796 027 658 0077 Ph 03 544 9977 or 027 262 3594 of collective547 experience in the field. 2476 547 2476 544 2900 544 2900 544 2900 528 4001 Saturday, 4 November, 3-6.30pm used to be able to leave things Janine and Graham mark@langdonmortgages.co.nz Wakefield School unlocked, go away for weekends 546 9290 Stoke 547 2476 2900 Motueka 528 4001 Nelson 545Richmond 6100 544 Stoke 547 5279 Richmond 544 2900 Motueka 528 4001 www.langdonmortgages.co.nz Fantastic kids activities: bouncy castles, and come home and nothing rides, painting, crazy hair and had been Good on you Join the world’s hi-tech Jemma Gillon pony Nicki Morris faceMel Powell Barbara Winter Avei Douglas Stacey Howden Jemma Gillon Nicki Morris Mel Powell Barbara Winter touched. Avei Douglas 027 454 5106 027 662 1222 027 555 4522 021 279 2796 027 658 0077 027 541 0164 027 454 5106 027 662 1222 027 555 4522 021 279 2796 027 658 0077 547 2476 544 2900 544 2900 544 2900 528 4001 547 2476 547 2476 544 2900 544 2900 544 2900 528 4001 many more. Featuring live entertainment, guys though for making that area treasure hunt Kapa Stoke haka,547 rock band, choir 544 and2900 more! Be 528 4001 safe - can’t trust no one Nelson 545 6100 5279 Richmond Motueka Nelson 545 6100 Stoke 547 5279 Richmondsomewhat 544 2900 Motueka 528 4001 there! these days. It is the greatest fun, but someLisa Maree Christie times frustrating when you can’t Art in the Park at locate the cache! Washbourn Gardens People should organise their own Jonathan Seagers Sunday, 5 November, 10-12pm Washbourn Gardens CRE ATIV E PATH WAY S Your go-to destination for a creative morning with the whole family, where your artistic talents can truly shine. FRUIT times to make it more manageRos Johnson A & RICE C H I IN Experience India – Diwali 2023 A Salvation Army able, even exciting! GR Sunday, 5 November, 12pm – 4pm The busy time of Christmas is Founders Heritage Park We are more than halfway just around the corner, and as Giant Rangoli Making, Music, Food Stalls, through spring and on our way Christians we know the reason Buffet Lunch, Lots of fun. Let’s come togethto summer and it is likely to be for the season is Jesus. Jesus came er as a community to celebrate the victory of warmer, drier weather. We live in to change the lives of people and the light over dark. $2 Entry. a world of constant change, and restore relationship between huthe change in seasons is a remind- manity Property Ma and God. Email: office@topsouthmedia.co.nz er that nothing stays the same. I wonder if you have considered to include your event here. Change can sometimes be chal- what a life changed by Jesus would lenging but can also provide new look like for you? As the weather call us for your print solutions opportunities that we perhaps and the seasons change, look for 03 543 9480 sales@printhouse.co.nz had not considered. the possibilities and opportunities 16 Tokomaru Place, Wakatu Estate, Nelson It can be helpful to explore the opof changeHarris in your life that Jesus Kylie Fiona Stewart Adele Henry Tina Hebberd Pauline S Sharon Sheree www.printhouse.co.nz 233 0260 027 664 4424 0 Conning Harris 027 Calteaux 454 Stockdale Hahn 5112 Property027 Management Ltd | MREINZ portunities that can arise in these could bring. 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 5 Tina Hebberd

Pauline Harris

Samantha Burling

Lydia McKenzie

Marie Healy

Mandy Stewart TroyHenry

Tina Hebberd

Pauline Harris

Samantha Burling




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our Property

Jane Smith

While every care has been taken in the compilation of this guide, Printhouse Marketing cannot accept responsibility for any inaccuracies or changes since going to press, or for any consequential loss arising from such changes or inaccuracies. Maps that have been included are a general guide only and may not be to scale.

Cover sculpture by

Michael MacMillan

Stacey Whale

st TO OUR REGIONS n’s be As MAP GUIDE m a r k e t i n gNelso rie ARTISTS AND CRAFTS PEOPLE RURAL galle ide to their uratgu Limited Printhouse Nelson Printed Yo – in 16 Tokomaru ansPlace laces Estate, Stoke, Nelson orkp Wakatu arBoxtis l w r ca 7040 Nelson 437, PO ei lo03 543 9480 E: sales@printhouse.co.nz T: d in th an www.printhouse.co.nz

Just a thought...


Mango offering delicious Malaysian and Indian cuisine Family owned and operated and offering a mix of delicious and authentic Malaysian and Indian cuisine, great service and highquality food, Mango Richmond, Nelson and Blenheim cuisine is not only incredibly nutritious but also amazingly priced. With their top chefs, Mango uses very highquality ingredients. Enjoy yummy curries and noodles, along with other unique options made with the highest quality spices. Mango offers true quality for money, with fantastic lunch specials. Open for takeaways and prompt deliveries, as well as relaxing dine-in options, Mango are open for lunch from Monday to Saturday from 11:30am to 2pm and every day for dinner from 5pm to 10pm. Book your special event at Mango today. Hosting a family get-together or big group function including work shouts or Christmas parties, Mango Richmond, Nelson and Blenheim can cater to your needs.

Italian dining experience Eat Italy Ristorante Pizzeria is ready to welcome its patrons with

an authentic Italian dining experience. Eat Italy provides an inviting space to gather with friends, family or work colleagues to celebrate their special Christmas event. “If you are celebrating a special occasion our friendly staff will ensure that your experience is unforgettable. From our homemade pasta and wood-fired pizzas to our succulent meat dishes and fresh seafood. Renowned for taking customers on a journey of the senses, Eat Italy offer a huge range of traditional handmade pizzas, antipasti’s, homemade pasta options, lasagna, yummy Italian pork shank, side salads and desserts. Eat Italy Ristorante Pizzeria is open from Monday to Sunday, 12pm to 2pm for lunch, and 5pm to 9.30pm for dinner. “Book a table to fully experience the heart and soul of Italy in our friendly and welcoming atmosphere.”

you can relax in the beer garden and share a pizza or platter with friends. Our menu offers a large range of options, including salads, burgers, steaks and our popular seafood chowder. Our spacious Tap Room is perfect for your Christmas functions and any other special occasions. We’ve also got you covered for sports, with big screens to catch all the live action. Unwind with a wine and a hot meal on Thursday evenings, while enjoying live acoustic music by local artists. The McCashin’s Tap Room is family

Wednesday 1 November 2023

owned and operated by Stoke locals, serving our very own Stoke brews. Book now at office@mccashinstaproom.co.nz.

Swiss Bakery work shouts and Christmas parties Indulge your team with delectable delights from The Swiss Bakery & Cafe on Queen St. The little gem of a café caters for all cravings with their range of freshly baked croissants, hot pies, filled rolls, sandwiches, slices, Danishes, scones, muffins and cookies, or satisfy the taste buds with their delicious buttery

pastries, sweet treats and freshly-baked breads – all handmade on the premises! Perfect for breakfast or lunch and catering to work shouts and Christmas parties, the warm and friendly team provide excellent service and ensure their high quality, freshly-baked products are available any time of the day. Their fresh barista-made coffee and mouth-watering food is available for both dine-in and takeaway. Follow their Facebook page @TheSwissBakeryCafé or call 035448621 for more information

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Wednesday 1 November 2023

Specialist Specialist Orthodontic Orthodontic centre centre expands expands its its reach reach across across the the region region Creating Creating smiles smiles ofof confidence confidence Nelson NelsonOrthodontics Orthodonticswas wasproudproudfor forlocals localssince since1991, 1991,the theteam teamatat lylyone oneofofthe thefirst firstNew NewZealand Zealand Nelson NelsonOrthodontics Orthodonticson onWaimea Waimea Association Association ofof Orthodontists Orthodontists Road Roadhave havelong longprovided providedspecialspecial- (NZAO) (NZAO)accredited accreditedpractices practicesinin ististknowledge knowledgecoupled coupledwith withstatestate- the thecountry countryand andtheir theirvalues valueshave have of-the-art of-the-arttechnology technologytotohelp helppapa- never neverwavered. wavered. tients Expanding tientsand andtheir theirfamilies. families. Expandingtheir theirreach, reach,the theteam team foratedscreens, screens,we welooked lookedtotoeleelefromRedbox RedboxArchitecture Architecturesays says forated dentalspecialist specialisthub, hub,including including from The Thepractice practicewas wasfirst firstestablished established are arepleased pleasedtotoannounce announcethe therere- a adental vatethe thedesign designtotobecome becomea apiece piece otherhealth healthfields fieldsfor forRichmond, Richmond, itithas hasbeen beena aspecial specialproject projecttoto vate bybyDr DrAndrew AndrewLush Lushover overthirty thirty cent centopening openingofoftheir theirnew newclinic clinic other bebeinvolved artininitself." itself." involvedwith. with.“We “Weare arevery very ofofart Tasmanand andNelson Nelsonfamilies. families. years yearsago, ago,with withDr DrAndrew AndrewMarMar- on onSalisbury SalisburyRoad, Road,ininRichmond. Richmond. Tasman Thenew newclinic clinichas hasbeen beena afew few proudofofthe theresult. result.From Fromthe theiniini- The “Thebuilding buildingisisa amodern modernspace. space. proud riott riottjoining joiningthe theteam teaminin2002, 2002, AApurpose-built, purpose-built,state-of-the-art state-of-the-art “The yearsininthe themaking, making,explains explainsDr Dr tialdesign designstages stagesand andour ourclient’s client’s years literallybreathes, breathes,with with6-10 6-10air air tial and andDr DrAna AnaLow Lowinin2018. 2018.As Asthe the building buildingand andorthodontic orthodonticpracprac- ItItliterally visionfor forthe thepractice, practice,itithas hastaktak- Low. Low.“Being “Beingthe theonly onlyorthodonorthodonchangesper perhour hourtotobring bringititup up vision only ticethat thatwas wasdesigned designedbybyRedbox Redbox changes only specialist specialist orthodontist orthodontist inin tice tistsininthe theNelson Nelsonregion, region,our our hugeteam teameffort efforttotobring bringthe the tists thehighest highestoverseas overseasstandards standards enena ahuge the theregion, region,Nelson NelsonOrthodontics Orthodontics Architects Architectsand andbuilt builtbybyComan Coman totothe Richmondand andTasman Tasmanfamilies families buildingtotofruition. fruition.We Wewere wereinin- Richmond forhealthy healthybuildings. buildings.We Wehave have building isisalways alwaysbustling, bustling,caring caringfor forpapa- Construction, Construction,Dr DrLow Lowsays saysthe the for werehaving havingtototravel travellong longdisdistenton ontrying tryingtotohave haveasaslittle littleimim- were solarpower powerwhich whichpowers powersfast fast tent tients tientsfrom fromGolden GoldenBay BaytotoNelNel- aim aimwas wastotocreate createnot notonly onlya amodmod- solar tances for for their their appointments, appointments, carchargers chargersasaswell wellasasoffsetting offsetting pact pactasaspossible possibleon onthe thesurroundsurround- tances son, son, and and down down toto Murchison. Murchison. ern ernorthodontic orthodonticpractice practicebut butalso also car the oftengetting gettingstuck stuckinintraffic trafficdropdroping residential residential neighbourhood, neighbourhood, often the power power ing requirements pingtheir theirkids kidsback backtotoschool schooland and wehave havedesigned designeda awelcoming welcoming ping requirements sosowe ofof the havingtototraverse traverseback backtotoNelson Nelson streetfrontage frontagethat thatinvites invitespeople people having the pracprac- street tice. ”” inside. inside.ByByessentially essentiallypresenting presentinga a for forwork. work. tice. Nick “Wewere werealso alsogetting gettingbusier busierand and muraltotothe thestreet streetwith withthe theperper- “We Nick Burn Burn mural

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needed more space to complement our Nelson practice. After spending a bit of time during lockdown, our plans started to materialise even though the original design had started five years previously.” “We really wanted the building to be a positive factor for the community and to tell a story. The screen around the building was designed from a commissioned artwork by Golden Bay artist Robin Slow. It shows Tui representing the guardians of knowledge, while the Kowhaiwhai represents connection to the whenua. It also references haumanu, which means to revive and restore to health from hau, meaning breath, air or wind and manu meaning bird. A particular feature has been the two-storey green wall inside the building.” Since opening the doors on October 9, Dr Low says the team have been blown away by the feedback they have already received. “We have been humbled by the positive comments from our patients, their families, and the local community, on the design of the clinic. They have commented about the nice and modern feel

of the building, great design and fantastic location close to all the Richmond schools.” The changes in technology since Nelson Orthodontics was originally established have been phenomenal, but evolving with the times and staying true to their ethos has seen the long-standing clinic in good stead. “We have embraced the advanc-

es in orthodontics and are now one of the most technologically advanced practices in Australasia. This includes 3d printing of models and jigs to put braces on, designing and making our own aligners, robots bending wires to move the teeth into their best

Wednesday 1 November 2023

positions, 3d planning of cases. These advances help us to get the best results for our patients when aligned with our specialist knowledge. We have treated thousands of cases. We have seen



everything. The new practice enables us to continue to improve the management and treatment of orthodontic problems in a modern, patient-centred environment.” “Our mission has always been simple: to create smiles of confidence and achieve the best possible results for our patients and their families. Our welcoming environment, state-of-theart technology and dedicated friendly team ensures that each and every visit is a positive and happy experience. We are all involved in our local communities, and we love being a part of them. As the only specialists in the area, we can provide you the expertise and advice to give you the best range of options, but now in two locations.” Open from 8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Thursday, and till 4pm on Fridays, all three orthodontists will be available for both new and existing patients in the Richmond clinic.


Wednesday 1 November 2023


Burger Burger NN Beast Beast -- AA flavourful flavourful journey journey from from vision vision to to reality reality InIna aworld worldwhere whereculinary culinaryinnoinno- embark embarkon onsomething somethingincredible. incredible. vation vationisison onthe therise, rise,the thejourney journey "I"Iwanted wantedthis thisproperty propertyvery verybadbadofofbringing bringinga anew newburger burgerjoint joint ly," ly,"hehesays. says. totolife lifecan canbebeasasexciting excitingasasititisis After After securing securing the the property, property, challenging. challenging.For ForAravinda AravindaMaMa- the thereal realwork workbegan. began.Mac Macspent spent dapati, dapati,otherwise otherwiseknown knownasasMac, Mac, countless countless hours hours meticulously meticulously the thedream dreamofofopening openinga aunique unique crafting crafting architectural architectural plans plans for for burger burgerjoint jointhas hasbeen beena ajourney journey the the restaurant. restaurant. His His vision vision for for filled filled with with dedication, dedication, innovainnova- Burger BurgerNNBeast Beastwas wasambitious ambitious andintricate, intricate,resulting resultinginina adedetion, tion,and andthe thedesire desiretotoserve servethe the and signthat thattook tooklonger longertotofinalise finalise community. community.Mac's Mac'svision visionisisnow now sign thanhehehad hadinitially initiallyanticipated. anticipated. set settotobecome becomea areality realitywith withthe the than However, Mac's Mac's tenacity tenacity and and upcoming upcoming opening opening ofof ‘Burger ‘Burger However, BurgerNNBeast Beastmanagers managersTJTJand andSri Srilook lookforward forwardtotobringing bringingthe therestaurants restaurantsunique uniqueflavours flavourstoto commitmenthave havebeen beenunwaverunwaver- Burger NNBeast’ Beast’ininthe thevibrant vibranthub hubofof commitment theregion. region. ing, ing,and andheheisisnow nowon onthe theverge vergeofof the Richmond's Richmond'sBerryfields. Berryfields. realisinghis hisdream. dream. The The journey journey towards towards opening opening realising While the the restaurant restaurant does does not not culinary culinaryworld, world,we wedelved delvedinto intohis his for forthe theregion. region.Mac Macwas wasdrawn drawntoto Asthe thedoors doorsofofBurger BurgerNNBeast Beast While Burger BurgerNNBeast Beasthas hasbeen beenananarar- As currentlyoffer offerdelivery deliveryservices, services, background backgroundand andaspirations. aspirations.Mac Mac Richmond's Richmond's beautiful beautiful weather weather duous duousone, one,filled filledwith withexcitement excitement prepare preparetotoswing swingopen, open,Mac Macshares shares currently Machas hasensured ensuredthat thatconveniconveni- arrived arrivedininNew NewZealand Zealanda adecade decade and anditsitstight-knit tight-knitcommunity. community.The The and anddetermination. determination.ItItallallbegan began details detailsabout aboutthe theoperating operatinghours. hours. 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He He started started working working buzz buzz and and excitement excitement that that fuelled fuelled home homeofofhis hisburger burgerventure. venture.His His tend tenditsitshours hourson onFridays Fridaysand andSatSatmobileapp. app.This Thisuser-friendly user-friendly ininvarious variousfood foodchains, chains,where wherehehe his hisinvestment. investment. immediate immediateconnection connectionwith withthe the urdays urdaysuntil until11pm. 11pm.This Thisensures ensures ededmobile approachreflects reflectsMac's Mac'scommitcommit- learned learnedinvaluable invaluablelessons lessonsabout about The Thestar starofofthe theshow showisisthe themenu menu location locationwas wasa adefining definingmoment, moment, that that burger-lovers burger-lovers everywhere everywhere approach menttotoserving servinghis hispatrons patronsininthe the branding, branding,entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship,and and atatBurger BurgerNNBeast. 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Our Our seasoning seasoning isis comcomHe Heengaged engagedwith withfellow fellowbusiness business pletely pletelydifferent, different,and andthat's that'sour our owners, owners,eager eagertotounderstand understandtheir their strength." strength."It's It'sevident evidentthat thatBurger Burger struggles strugglesand andgain gaininsights insightsinto into NNBeast Beastisisset settotobring bringa aunique unique the theindustry. industry.These Theseexperiences experiences and and unforgettable unforgettable flavour flavour toto FLOORING FLOORING TO TO sparked sparkedhis hisentrepreneurial entrepreneurialspirit spirit the theregion. region. and and set set him him on on a a path path to to realise realise One One ofof the the highlights highlights ofof the the SUIT SUIT YOUR YOUR STYLE STYLE his hisdream. dream. Burger BurgerNNBeast Beastmenu menuisisitsitsininChoosing ChoosingRichmond Richmondasasthe thelocaloca- clusivity. clusivity. The The restaurant restaurant offers offers tion tionfor forBurger BurgerNNBeast Beastwas wasa adecideci- gluten-free gluten-free options, options, ensuring ensuring sion sionrooted rootedinina adeep deepappreciation appreciation that thatpeople peoplewith withdietary dietaryrestricrestric-

All Allthe thebest bestfor foryour yournew new venture, venture,Burger BurgerNNBeast Beast MOTUEKA MOTUEKA 23 23Old OldWharf WharfRoad Road 03 03528 5287530 7530

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Burger N Beast team, SRI, MK, Meika Anderson, Stevie Burke, Aneka Mclutyre, Madison Biggs, TJ and Swaroop. tions can savour the deliciousness too. For the growing number of vegan and vegetarian customers, Burger N Beast also features homemade vegan burgers, proving their commitment to catering to all tastes and preferences. In a world where food allergies are becoming increasingly common, Mac wants to make sure that everyone can enjoy a meal at his establishment. Burger N Beast isn't just about the

food, it's about the overall experience. The restaurant is designed to be family-friendly, making it a welcoming place for both adults and children. With a menu that caters to diverse tastes and a kid-friendly atmosphere, Burger N Beast aims to be a go-to spot for families looking for a delicious and enjoyable dining experience. The journey from envisioning Burger N Beast to its upcoming

Wednesday 1 November 2023


Located in the vibrant hub of Richmond’s Berryfields.

opening in Richmond has been a labour of love for Aravinda Madapati and his team. His unwavering determination, commitment to inclusivity, and passion for delivering a unique culinary experience are sure to make Burger N Beast a beloved local destination. With innovative flavours, a welcoming atmosphere, and a focus on accessibility, Burger N Beast is

poised to become a delightful addition to Berryfields vibrant dining scene. Having celebrated their grand

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Wednesday 1 November 2023


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Wednesday 1 November 2023


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people here aren’t sick, they are aging or have disabilities that have required them to enter the Home. I am the first owner/manager to own the business which brings insights into how the business runs compared to someone who puts a manager in to run the business. I see all areas that need attention and the cost of the overall running of building and business. I see myself as the guardian to the Home and I hope to be able to pass on the business in a healthy state, to go into the future with its place in Wakefield secured for future people who will require care.” “We have a passion for the care of vulnerable and elderly people. Here our residents walk to the local shops, they go to the park, and interact with local people. The staff are locals, they understand the demographics of the people they are caring for and often there may be a connection through family to the people they are caring for, it’s intimate and close. I will always be grateful to everyone who supports us including the fabulous volunteers who deliver The Meals on Wheels five days a week.”

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Wednesday 1 November 2023

Conley Webley set for speedway double-duty for good cause night which will also include the annual Grim Racing Coca-Cola Fireworks display, always a hit with families. Conley raced in Blenheim this past weekend as the 14-year-old Waimea College student continues to progress. Over the summer he competes on the speedway track in the quarter-midgets and ministocks

and on the track he competes in the 2K Cup and even fits in some go-kart racing as well. Conley’s dad, Chris, says his son is motivated to make his mark in speedway. “Conley has one more season in the quarter-midgets and two more seasons in the ministocks, so he wants to run them.” After school, Conley spends most of his time on the racing simulator or preparing his cars for the weekend. Conley has his 88 Club which has 20-odd members paying $88 to sponsor him this season and that’s more for Conley to understand the value of sponsorship and the important part relationships and connections have in the sport, Chris says. “Conley has to decide himself how that money is spent, he does all his printing and helmet designs so it’s all part of the life skills.” Chris says he has seen a shift in his son mentally over the past 12 months. “A year ago, it was just another sport but now he’s determined and he’s putting everything into it. “His school is very supportive of his motor racing and we are fortunate that he is a bright student.” Conley receives mentoring from

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2K Cup veteran Graham Reynolds and his wife Roz, which is proving invaluable. “Graham can believe how consistent and smooth Conley is, so people are watching him, which is good. “Conley is listening to his mentors and taking it. “Conley is a forward-thinker… he’s picked it all up so quickly,” Chris says. Experiencing a variety of tracks, cars and conditions continues to be a priority for Conley and his team. “Conley is still learning but he’s a natural, and with every new track or scenario he does he is becoming a better driver,” Chris says. “It’s why we went to Western Springs last year because it’s important to meet people and make contacts. Valvoline’s Tim Yellowlees, who sponsors Conley and is also vice-

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Talented teen speedway driver Conley Webley and Express Lube WOF and Tyres are racing to raise money for Heart Kids New Zealand on Saturday night. Express Lube WOF and Tyres will be supporting Conley as he races in the quarter-midgets and the ministocks classes at the Milestone Homes Top of the South Speedway’s Racing For The Kids

Ryan Sendall – owner Lawry Trewavas 027 411 9799 027Testing 399 8578 Happy to support Waimea Vehicle Station ryan.sendall@mtf.co.nz All the best Conley lawry.trewavas@mtf.co.nz Webley

O co le Se


president of the Ellesmere Motor Racing Club just out of Christchurch, says Conley reminds him of a young Liam Lawson. “Conley did a lot of training with us when he got into quarter midgets,” Tim says. “He will be able to go places, he has the talent, mindset and attitude to make it, it’s just a case of finding the right opportunities. “I came across Liam Lawson when he was racing Formula Fords and I think Conley has the same skill sets as Liam did when I first met him.” Liam is the latest Kiwi to race in the Formula One. Tim says Conley needs to drive and race as much as he can in as many different places around New Zealand so he can get in front of new people who can offer him opportunities. “Conley has the ability and passion to take this as far as he wants and his dedication at the age of 14 is to be admired.” Tim says Conley’s commitment to increasing his profile off the track is just as important as his efforts on it.

“Gaining a following comes from strong results and we as sponsors love to see our drivers at the pointy-end of the standings, but it’s also important Conley gains fans through social media. “It’s a huge part of getting yourself out there these days and making

yourself marketable and allowing people to stay up-to-date with what you are doing,” Tim says. “Conley is doing a great job at gaining a following and I’m sure that will continue to open doors for him as he chases his dream of driving professionally one day.”

Wednesday 1 November 2023

Chris says it is an honour for his business Express Lube WOF and Tyres to support the Heart Kids NZ race night. “The speedway family likes to do what they can to help out,” he says. “We’ll help out a fellow driver

conditions, lending criteria, responsible lending inquiries and checks. See mtf.co.nz/terms for details.


Conley Webley, 14

Talk to the team today.



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03 544 0450 richmond@mtf.co.nz 251 Queen Street mtf.co.nz/richmond





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Offer of finance is subject to terms, conditions, lending criteria, responsible lending inquiries and checks. See mtf.co.nz/terms for details.

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and that’s just how it is, so this is a great cause to support.” Each week, 12 Kiwi families are told their child has a heart condition. The news can be devastating and families need to know they are not alone. Heart Kids New Zealand has been providing support, connection and information for the past 40 years. With no cure for a childhood heart condition, Heart Kids New Zealand is committed to providing lifelong, vital services at no cost to ensure all those impacted will feel supported, informed, educated, and connected. Heart Kids New Zealand offers help at every step of the journey; from diagnosis, through childhood, the teenage years and into adulthood. Their practical and emotional support is vital in helping individuals and families cope with the day-to-day challenges of living with a childhood heart condition. Racing at Milestone Homes Top of the South Speedway will start at 6pm, with people being encouraged to bring cash to donate to Heart Kids NZ during the night.


Wednesday 1 November 2023


Hewetson back in the winning seat ELOISE MARTYN After a crash took him out of the sport 10 years ago, motocross rider Shannon Hewetson is back in the seat and claiming top accolades. A nasty crash resulting in a broken vertebrae, sternum, and punctured lungs saw the then 24-year-old switch his motorbike passion to mountainbiking; where he has also earned himself a reputation as a fierce competitor, taking home various awards and trophies in New Zealand and Australia. Wanting to encourage Shannon back into the racing seat, Marlborough Motorcycles’ new owner Daniel Morton offered to supply Shannon with a bike. Within just a few months, Shannon won the South Island Championships held in Dovedale at the start of October. The following weekend he won all five of his races at the New Zealand Vet Nationals in Hastings. “It’s good to be back scratching the itch again,” Shannon says, “The last race in the South Island champs started with myself and another rider being in a tie with the same number of points, so it was a bit of a nail biter who was going to win.” Shannon managed to take the lead and says that he was not really expecting to be in the winning position at the end of it all. Now with a partner and a six-

Richmond-based Shannon Hewetson is back in the winning seat, recently winning the South Island Championships and the New Zealand Vet Nationals. Photo: Eloise Martyn. year-old daughter, full-time work in civil construction, and general life stuff, Shannon says it’s going to be a juggling act, but he is dedicated to both mountainbiking and motocross. “Between work and family it’s going to be hard to do it all justice, but I’m keen to give it a go.”

Shannon says that each sport not only requires an investment of time, but also cost. When you take into consideration that a lot of the motocross events involve transporting a vehicle and trailer around the country, as well as accommodation, you start to understand some of the commit-

ment the father is taking on. Shannon says, physically, both sports can be demanding. “A lot of people overlook the physical side of motocross, they think you are just sitting in a seat, but you actually need to be fit and strong.” Shannon grew up alongside his

For the first time since 2019 the Simon Mannering Cup was put on the line as primary schools from around the Top of the South came together for a one-day festival of rugby league. With Simon in attendance to watch the games and present the trophy, it was the visiting Renwick side who came out on top with a 24-12 win in the final despite some hard carries from the likes of 11-yearold Sydney Hunter of St Paul’s (pictured). Photo: Anton Meyer.

brother and sister in the motocross world and says he really enjoys following the sport nationally and internationally. “Once it’s in your blood it’s hard to shake it out. I’m keen to head up to the Grand Prix in Woodville in January and see what happens up there.”

Rugby 7’s: Kahurangi have won the men’s and women’s Club 7’s titles held in Motueka over the weekend, while Stoke won the senior second division. Earlier in the week, Nelson College’s Junior and Senior teams won the boy’s Tasman Secondary School 7’s, and Nayland/Stoke won the girl’s division. Basketball: The Nelson Giants have finished

fourth at the 3x3 basketball nationals. The team battled through the adversity and tiredness with no substitutions, with captain Sam Dempster having to sit out a large portion of the tournament due to injury.

Golf: Tasman Golfers have finished third at the

South Island Interprovincals at Dunedin, with wins over Southland and Aorangi and losses to Canterbury and Otago.

Cricket: The first round of premier grade twoday matches has Wolves (Wanders/Motueka) 91-5 in their chase of Stoke-Nayland’s 229/9-dec, while Waimea Toi Toi United 171/10 looks to be good enough with Wakatu 74/9 and ACOB sit at 163-6 chasing Nelson College’s 200-9-dec.


Wednesday 1 November 2023





DEM Waimea College’s sports captains for 2024 were announced at this year’s school sports awards. They are Hayden Jones, Tessa Honey, Bryn Thurlow, Grace Shirley, Harry Horncastle and Shaylee Manson. Photo: Waimea College Sport.

Waimea College sports stars shine bright at awards’ night JACK MALCOLM Basketballer Hayden Jones has been awarded the Glue Family Cup for the Greatest Achievement in Sport at this year’s Waimea College Sports Awards. It’s been a blockbuster year for the young star, having been a core member of New Zealand’s U16 team, winning the U17 nationals with Nelson and finishing runner-up at Secondary School Nationals, for which the team won the Sports Team of the Year award. Hayden also won the boys’ MVP trophy for basketball and was named a school sports captain for 2024 alongside Tessa Honey, Bryn Thurlow, Grace Shirley, Harry Horncastle, and Shaylee Manson. With 14 students earning badges for national representation or a national title, Waimea College has continued to pave a pathway for as-

piring sports stars in a range of fields. Students of the school represented everything from swimming to target shooting, and even the rodeo. The 1989 Girls Prefects Cup for General Excellence in Sport went to Maia Kininmonth, who was the only student to earn representation in three different sports; netball, tennis and volleyball. Maia was also awarded netball’s K Thelin Cup for Best All Round Performer and Coppell Trophy for Most Inspirational Leadership and Sportsmanship, as well as the Egan Cup for Greatest Contribution (Girls) and a Service to Sports award. The Errol Beattie Cup for All Round Excellence in Sport was awarded to William Blight, who was part of the volleyball and basketball teams to finish runners-up at nationals this year.

He was also a member of the New Zealand U17 team, won nationals with the representative U17 team, and was awarded the Jovan Vucinic Cup for Best Boys Defensive Player in basketball. William Seymour won the Māori Sports Person of the year award alongside the Andy A Cup for Senior Boys Swimming Champion, having won a 50m backstroke national age-grade title. Jonty Bond was awarded the Student Volunteer of the Year trophy, having also been a member of New Zealand’s U17 basketball team, the U17 team to win nationals and the school team to finish national runners-up. He jointly picked up the boy’s Greg Wright Memorial Spirit of Basketball Trophy with Coen Williams, the Manawanui Pairahe award alongside Lucas Trench and a Service to Sports award.

For the first time in the school’s history, Makenna Holland (pictured) and Waimea College’s girls 7s team are off to the national championships. After an impressive performance at the local secondary school 7’s, the team earned qualification to the Condor 7’s in Mount Maunganui at the start of December. Photo: Tasman Community Rugby.

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Wednesday 1 November 2023




Fireworks and cycle race for Heart Kids NZ family fun night

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The Heart Kids NZ ‘Bike Race for the Kids’ will be just one of the highlights at the upcoming family fun night at Milestone Homes Top of the South Speedway. The youth grades are all involved and will be collecting on behalf of the ‘Heart Kids NZ’, buckets will be taken around the crowd in the Nelson clubs’ annual contribution to the children’s charities. The meeting will conclude with the Coca-Cola Fireworks display in Nelson’s only premier pyrotechnics’ show where the sky will light up once again with a mix of whizzes and bangs as rockets roar towards the moon before exploding in an array of colours. Organised by the Nelson Junior Members Club, the kid's bike feature will take place on the clay track, at night, for

participants to cycle across the finish line. Size restrictions will be in place. The club are expecting up to 100 entries on the night with bikes and kids of all ages able to happily pedal their way around. Entries for the bike race can be found on the Nelson Junior Members Facebook page. The Nelson Junior Members Club runs throughout the season. Kids aged up to 12 years old have organised activities planned every meeting and partake in the Christmas parade. As part of the membership, they get a season entry pass and a teeshirt as part of the ‘Nelson Tow and Salvage Junior Members Club’. Junior Membership forms will be available on the night in the souvenir shop. The Nelson Speedway Club along with Coca-Cola, provide


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the province with Tasman’s only annual fireworks display. It’s the safest way to see the sky light up from a professional fireworks team! Watch the skyrockets head high in the night sky before they go boom, hear the whizzes and whistles before they explode into the brightest colours imaginable. The fireworks are normally set to go off just after 9pm, once the sky is dark enough and a clearance has been received from the airport to make sure there are no planes in the area. Organisers say the Youth Ministocks have grown in numbers over recent seasons. Boys and girls between the ages of 12 and 17 years old compete in Nissan or Toyota 1200cc race cars which are smaller type versions of stock cars but are non-contact.


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Wednesday 1 November 2023


again this season. Last year’s champion Locky Martin races the 48n machine but is likely to move into Youth Ministocks when he turns 12 later in the season. The nights' racing is bought on behalf of the Grim Racing Team which are behind the 71n Streetstock of Josh Atkinson. Wife Stephanie keeps one eye on the racing while juggling her Nelson secretary duties and compiling race results throughout the night. Josh was part of the Nelson Knights Streetstock team and will be contest-

Any of the drivers can start in the Youth Grade and move into Adult Classes later on. Super Stock drivers Blake Hearne and Callum Russ are now doing battle once again this season after moving up from the Youth Grade. The Quarter Midget grade is for boys and

girls aged 8 to 15 years old. A couple of new drivers will have Hi-Viz-type flags on their cars to show they are new drivers. All drivers go through a mentor programme before starting with the regular drivers as a standard procedure. They normally start of the back of


the grid for several meetings until they pass their training programme (this applies to the Youth Ministocks as well). There are many visiting drivers keen to race once they have passed their mentorship, and they have the Mike Greer (Nelson) series which will run

ing the Tri series in a few weeks that takes in meetings at Greymouth, Nelson and Blenheim over three consecutive nights. Pre-sales tickets can be purchased via the Nelson Speedway website or the kiosk at the Richmond Mall. The pits are open prior to 5.30pm and after racing if you wish to get photos and meet the drivers. Public gates open at 5pm. Racing starts at 6pm with warm-ups from 5.30pm. Gates sales are available on the night. Follow the Nelson Speed-

Proud sponsor of 81N Superstock



Wednesday 1 November 2023

Only the finest cut its at Stoke Stakes JACK MALCOLM It was a star-studded cast at this year’s Stoke Stakes as the women’s pairs battled over the $10,000 prize money on offer. With several World Champions and New Zealand representative players in the mix, Sunday’s finals were an exhibition of some of the best bowls in the world as Tayla Bruce and Amy McIlroy walked away as outright winners over Val Smith and Jo Edwards after finishing runners-up last year. With Tayla the reigning World Singles Champion and Amy, a Stoke local and bronze medalist from the Glasgow Commonwealth Games, the pair formed a formidable combination that ultimately proved too good for the rest of the field. The pair had a strong performance in the semi-finals with an 18-6 win, while Val and Jo’s path to the finals wasn’t as easy of a one to walk. With Debbie White teaming up with last year’s winner Kirsten Edwards, they pushed Val and Jo to their limit. Kristen is a Commonwealth Games bronze medalist, but Jo and Val are two of the greatest

Olympian Val Smith (right) and World Singles champion Tayla Bruce (middle) have played alongside each other but were on the other side of the ledger in the finals of Stoke Stakes on Sunday. Photo: Jack Malcolm. players to ever wear the silver fern, with Val fresh off a silver, bronze and team gold at the recent World Champs, while Jo has retired from international play. The two teams traded blows from the outset, with the lead swinging back and forth as some clutch bowls saw neither team take a decisive advantage. It was only in the final end, with

Val and Jo ahead 13-12, that the pair showed off their World Championship winning acumen by scoring with five of their six bowls to take a 18-12 win. Tayla and Amy produced a strong start in the final, taking an early lead, which they grew to 14-7 by the 11th end. But, three ends later and Val and Jo had evened it back up at 14-14

with some pinpoint precision. The shock of dropping seven shots in three ends looked to surge Tayla and Amy and they grew another small lead before it was clawed back again to set up a thrilling final end. With just one point in it, 18-17, both pairs had their chances to walk away as winners, but it was Amy’s first bowl of the end that

was the scoring shot to win the title 19-17. The $20,000 Stoke Stakes Men’s Pairs starts this week There are a huge number of national titles littered throughout as well as a handful of emerging talent, some Australians and a dozen full-capped Blackjacks, with a huge amount of dark horses also in the mix. Defending champions Craig Carter and Tom Tamati return, having been almost rank outsiders in the TAB market last year, while defending National Pairs champions Gary Lawson and Tony Grantham will be looking to start the new season with Stoke glory. Local Stoke player Shannon McIlroy, who was denied the opportunity to defend his singles title in a blaring omission from the recent World Champs, joins the consistent Roger Stevens. Last year’s runners-up, Jordan King and Nathan Glasson, are another combination that needs to be respected, while Australians Shannon Gittins and Jake Graham come with big wraps. All 32 teams have a logical chance of winning what is one of the strongest men’s events on the New Zealand Bowls calendar.

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Community Notices

Community Notices MONDAY NELSON/TASMAN ENDOMETRIOSIS GROUP having an informal chat night Mon, 20 Nov, 7pm, upstairs at Stables 1 McGlasĥen Ave Richmond. Light refreshments provided. Gold Coin Donation appreciated Info nelsonsupport@nzendo.org.nz PHILOSOPHY GROUP meets in Trafalgar Hall, 67 Trafalgar St., Nelson on the 2nd & 4th Mon each month at 10am. All welcome. Text Zoe: 027-974-1758 ELYSIUM WIDOW AND WIDOWERS GROUP meet each Mon for coffee and friendship at Oxford St Cafe at 10am. New members welcome. Phone Margaret 027 2600 748

TUESDAY WELLBY TALKING CAFÉ: 10AM – 11.30AM, Tues, 7 Nov, McCashin’s, Stoke. Wellby Talking Cafés are about social connection and finding out about groups, activities and services. www.wellby.org.nz .03 5467681. NELSON 50+ WALKING GROUP Tues Nov 7. Kimi Ora, Kaiteriteri. BYO lunch. Meet at 9.45am at the main Kaiteriteri carpark. Contact Linda on 021 1805692 for car pooling information. TUESDAY MUSIC, Tues. 7 Nov, 10am, Richmond Town Hall Mtg Room. Selections from Andre Rieu with Mirusia, & New York Memories. Also many varied items to enjoy. Come join us! Ph Christine 0212486038. COME SING WITH TASMONICS! Friendly mixed acapella chorus seeks new singers, especially in bass and baritone range. Rehearsals Tues 7.15 at Club Waimea, Richmond. More information phone Philippa: 027-549-7713. FITNESS & FRESHAIR RICHMOND. FREE exercise sessions for seniors. 30 mins walk, use the outdoor equipment safely + strength & balance exercises. Tues 11.30am. Bill Wilkes Reserve, Hunter Ave. Ange 021 790415 WRIGGLE & RHYME RICHMOND LIBRARY 10am–10.30am, Tues during term time. Ages 0 – 2 years

RICHMOND PIPE BAND, welcome past players & new to join us for social playing of pipes and drums. Meet Richmond Town Hall, Tues nights 7-9pm. Contact Margaret 0275440460 JUDO IN RICHMOND 20A Gladstone Rd, access via stairs at rear of Waimeo Old Boys Rugby Building. Juniors Tues/Thurs 6-7pm. Seniors Tues/Thurs 7pm. Pee wees Thurs 5.15pm. Contact Michelle 0275422254 HOPE TENNIS CLUB. Tues morning Social Tennis from 9.30 am. Courts in Hope Domain, Main Road, Hope. All abilities most welcome. Queries 0211729257 RICHMOND TENNIS CLUB - Tues10 - 11.30am POP Tennis. $3 non-members. Contact pop@richmondtennisclub.co.nz. Come, enjoy and have a go. ALSO Tuesday from 6pm Social fun night. Lights and balls provided. Contact Trish 0274 872 480

WEDNESDAY SHARLAND CYCLES 5K FUN RUN AND WALK from Club Waimea. Every Wed starting 1st Nov until Wedn 20 Dec. Registration from 5.30 pm at Club Waimea. Race starts 6pm. All abilities welcome. $3 entry. Spot prizes. More information www. waimeaharriers.nz Queries 0223729432 STORYTIME RICHMOND LIBRARY, 10am-10.30am, Wed during term time. Ages 2 – 5 years CENTRAL GARDEN CLUB meet 2nd Wed each month 1.30pm Stoke Methodist church hall, Neale Ave Stoke. Guest speakers & afternoon tea new members welcome .Lynn or bob 5418468 CELEBRATE DIWALI The Festival of Lights Want to know more about this festival? Come and explore with Anjali Puri from “Experience India” group, Wed 8 November 5.30pm. Free. GOOD CRAFTERNOON! Bring your craft project and work on it in the company of other crafters. Bring your own materials and lunch. Free. Richmond Library. Wed, 12.30pm-2.00pm.


Wednesday 1 November 2023



We meet 2nd Thurs each month (Feb-November) at 10 am, The Nelson Golf Club, 38 Bolt Rd, Tahunanui. Contact the Secretary on nelsoncitygroupgmail.com WAIMEA COMBINED FRIENDSHIP GROUP meet monthly at 9.45am 3rd Thurs of month in Hope Church, Ranzau Rd for Friendship, Fellowship & Learning. Contact Denise on 027 765 000 or Rosalie on 027 249 1080. TAICHI THURSDAYS, 10:30-12:30, Beginner & Regular tai chi & qigong. Stillness, breath, movement. Anglican Church community hall, Dorset St. Donation. Contact Merrick, email quiet.heart.tai. chi@gmail.com Ph 021 063 6620 RICHMOND WELCOME GROUP: Do you want to make new friends join a friendly group for coffee & a chat.10am the 1st & 3rd Thurs of each month at Paragon Cafe Langdale Dr. Richmond LAW FOR LUNCH - Enduring Powers of Attorney. Trevor Irwin of Nelson Bays Community Law will talk about EPOAs in this informative lunchtime session. Free. Thurs 2 November 1pm - 2pm.

RICHMOND OLD TIME DANCE, Sat, Nov 4th, at Richmond Town Hall, Cambridge St., Richmond. 7.30 to 11pm, Live Music, Raffles and Prizes. Entry $8, bring a Supper plate, please. Phone Richard 5444 120.

SUNDAY HIGGINS HERITAGE PARK 222 PIGEON VALLEY RD, WAKEFIELD - Sun 5 Nov, Steam Up & rides, enjoy time at our park open day of museum sheds, vintage vehicles, machinery & equipment, bush rail jigger. rides.10am- 3pm. info@higginsheritagepark.co.nz NELSON TASMAN METHODIST PARISH warmly invite you to their regular Sun worship at 10 am followed by morning tea. An inclusive, Christ focussed, community supporting church at 94 Neale Ave Stoke. Everybody welcome.



LINE DANCING, Fri 9am Richmond Birch Hall A&P show grounds . Free morning tea. Just arrive. Dianeneil6@gmail.com WAIMEA LADIES FRIENDSHIP CLUB welcomes new members Interesting speakers, morning tea, dining out, outings. 3rd Fri each month 9.45am. Richmond Church of Christ, corner Croucher and D’arcy Sts. Phone Bev 5441469 RICHMOND TENNIS CLUB - Fri 9.30 - 11.30am. Pickle ball. $3 non-members. Contact pickleball@richmondtennisclub.co.nz Come, enjoy and have some fun. i-PAD PROCREATE® ART WORKSHOPS with Jane Jensen Richmond Library. Places are limited. Ph. 03 543 8500 for further details and to register. Free. All Fri in Nov 1pm – 2pm. WAITAKI OLD GIRLS’ SOCIAL GROUP NELSON. Pop in for a coffee and chat on Fri 3rd Nov at The Ernest Rutherford Cafe. 49 Convent Drive in Stoke from 10am. Queries 027 673 1145

NELSON HAVEN CLUB PROJECT Pinc Next Steps (cancer rehabilitation), now available Rakaia Lions Lilies. Bag of 4 Oriental Liliy Bulbs $10, bag of 20 Freesias $5 plant now & will flower this season.Available until end Nov. Email margaret.ralph.c@xtra. co.nz or Ann Law ph 5475661 Margaret Ching ph 5476571 RUTHERFORD ROTARY New members welcome. Please contact 021 147 5357 U3A – Interest groups & social activities for the over-55s. From Quiz mornings to walking groups, digital photography to wine appreciation. Meet like-minded inquisitive people who share your interests. www.u3anelson.org.nz FALLS PREVENTION. More Stable More Able. FREE 2 hour session for anyone who has fallen or is at risk of falling. Relaxed & informal setting. Book in with Ange 021 790415 Nelson Bays Primary Health NELSON AMATEUR WINEMAKERS & BREWERS CLUB wel-

NELSON CITY PROBUS CLUB welcome both men & women.

comes anyone currently making, or interested in making, their own wines, ciders & beers. Meet monthly. Ph Will 5447650 or John 021 2167143. SENIOR MOBILITY CLASSES Tues, Thurs & Fri from 10.30am at the Wanderers Community Gym 12 Charlotte Lane, Brightwater. $2 donation. Improving balance, mobility & independence among our aging populations (55+).Contact James Cooper for info: 021 044 1526. WAIMEA MENZSHED - catering for the interests, health and well-being of men since 2010. The shed is open Mon - Fri at Richmond Park, 384 Lower Queen St. Inquiries: mens.shed.waimea@ gmail.com. 027 282 0185 JOIN CAKE DECORATORS Come & learn how to work with fondant, sugar paste & chocolate. Desiree 027 630 2359. SEEKING VOLUNTEERS TO HELP support Nelson Hospital. For info visit www.nmdhb.govt.nz and search ‘volunteering with us’. Social opportunity for people to donate their time to a 3-4 hour shift during the week in a variety of roles. Supporting our patients, visitors, whānau & staff while receiving sense of purpose. NELSON WOODTURNING CLUB. Join us at our clubrooms for Turning, camaraderie & sharing of knowledge. Ph or txt Allan for more information 021543345. FEELING SAD, STRESSED, DEPRESSED, OR STUCK? Identify & explore new ways to move forward with a Life Linc Counsellor. Up to 10 face to face counselling sessions available now for individuals & couples. 548 2400 lifelinc.co.nz HELP NEEDED. WAKEFIELD COMMUNITY BUS Nelson Tasman Community Transport Trust dedicated to providing affordable community public transport in the areas where little is available. Contact: 020 4196 0553 Wakefield Bus is in need of some support – can you help? Contact - 020 4196 0553, marketing.ntctt@ gmail.com / www.ntctt.org TO BOOK A SEAT on the Wakefield bus- call or txt 020 4195 8866. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS - Is alcohol causing problems for you in your life? Want to stop drinking but can’t? Maybe we can help. Support meetings every day. Call 0800aaworks 0800 229 6757.


Community Notices are free to community groups, schools, churches, gold coin donation events and fundraising. Due to the popularity of this column,while every effort will be made, inclusion cannot be guaranteed for free ads. If you want to place a business advert or want to advertise a course you are running, please call classified ads and public notices on 544 9037.


Your Weekly Puzzles




© Gemini Crosswords 2012 All rights reserved 3








13 14




18 19


5 3 8 6 7 9 6 2 8 2 1 6 3 9 8

Answers next week


22 23


25 26





Puzzle 2478

489 Hard

Down 1 Keep going (7) 2 In the first place (3,1,5) 3 French impressionist painter (6) 5 Popular fashion (4) 6 Supersede arrogantly (8) 7 Hard dull work (5) 8 Depart from main subject (7) 11 Scent (7) 14 Woodwind instrument (7) 17 Naive (9) 18 Unbecoming (5,3) 19 US university (7) 21 Spanish treasure ship (7) 22 Large lizard (6) 24 Essential to existence (5) 26 Knock senseless (4)


SuDoKu 489 Easy

1 6 3 4 9 5


Last Last issue issue solutions solutions

SuDoKu 7




Across contd. 23 Return to former state (6) 25 Poor verse (8) 27 Agent to counteract poison (8) 28 Waste time (6) 29 Industrious (8) 30 Deep gorge (6)

Across 1 African hunting expedition (6) 4 Ineluctable disaster (3,2,3) 9 Run aground (6) 10 Transitory (8) 12 Patronage (8) 13 A card game (6) 15 Undiluted (4) 16 Reservations (3,3,4) 19 Aimed at random (3-3-4) 20 Large draught of liquid (4)


Puzzle 2479




Wednesday 1 November 2023





Kia Ora, Looking for a long term land lease in Nelson/Tasman. Fee to be negotiable for available services for self-contained/off-grid tiny home. Must have a minimum of safe and drinkable water supply to connect to. I will consider as far south as Wakefield inclusive of Brightwater, Hope, and outer Richmond. West to Motueka inclusive of Moutere, and North to Todds Valley. Land space must provide for privacy, a sunny and sheltered aspect, level ground with some elevation and no flood zone. Ideally I need to find and secure this space by early January 2024. Please contact Liz on 0210 319 386.


A small black soft shoulder pad was lost at the Waimea Town & Country Club. If you have picked it up, please contact Sarah Jane Revs 027 481 5255


DENTURES New dentures, relines, repairs. Phone Daniela at Bays Dentures 546 4455.

FOR RENT Your for rent ad here. Phone 544 9037.

Scrap gold & Silver. Old coins & Jewellery. Vintage / quality tools. Military & Firearms items. General antiques. Also buying estate & shed items. Collection & downsizing. Phone Tim Gladstone. T&B Vintage 0800 653 935 or 548 5235.

WANTED Your wanted ad here. Phone 544 9037.

TO LET Your to let ad here. Phone 544 9037.

GARAGE SALE Your garage sale ad here. Phone 544 9037.

We warmly welcome you to hear Joshua Burley

Israel - A witness to the existence of God


Join us Tuesday, 7th November 2023 at 7.30pm Richmond Library, Constance Barnicoat Room, Queen Street Entrance www.nelsonchristadelphians.nz

Your For Sale ad here. Phone 544 9037.


TO LET Your to let ad here. Phone 544 9037.



Interested in fundraising for a club or social group? THEN WE HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU! We are looking for individuals or groups to deliver our award winning newspapers. Our runs can be done individually or shared amongst a group , as the famous saying goes. “Many hands make light work”

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Reporter Wanted!

TO LET Your to let ad here. Phone 544 9037.

Local news



WANTED Your wanted ad here. Phone 544 9037.


It’s all on the app

Are you?

Full time, or close to it. Experience preferred but not necessary, however a good knowledge and passion for our region is a must.

Waimea Weekly has been the newspaper for the Richmond and wider Waimea region since 2005 and we’re looking for a passionate reporter who can help tell stories from our beautiful part of the world. Please email Sara Hollyman with a CV and Cover Letter to sara@topsouthmedia.co.nz Scan here to download the app today




WANTED Your wanted ad here. Phone 544 9037.





Patterson Dane (Pat)

GARAGE SALE Your garage sale ad here. Phone 544 9037.


You are invited to a celebration of Graham’s life which will be held at the Kartsport Nelson Track (208 Moutere Highway)

Much loved husband of Marion for 62 years, loved father and father-in-law of Karen and Eric (Christchurch), and Mark and Irene.

FOR SALE Your For Sale ad here. Phone 544 9037.

Saturday 4 November commencing at 2pm

Treasured granddad and great-granddad. A private cremation and service has been held, in accordance with Pat’s wishes.

ANNIVERSARY Your announcement here for FREE.

ENGAGEMENT Your announcement here for FREE.

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Your announcement here for FREE.

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Notice to all Advertisers: create@inkcreative.nz inkcreative.nz

By placing your advertisement you agree with the terms and conditions of Top South Media NZ. Payment is due by the 20th of the following month. All debt recovery costs will be on-charged to the customer. Interest will be charged on overdue debts greater than 90 days. Cheques are no longer accepted. Should you require any further information please view our Terms of Trade at https://topsouthmedia.co.nz/terms-oftrade/ or call 544 9037.

563 Main Road, Stoke, New Zealand


Motueka Tide Chart 5 am









Nov 1

Nov 2

Nov 3

Nov 4

Nov 5

Nov 6

Nov 7



pm am




pm am




pm am




pm am




pm am




pm am





What matters to you


Let us know what is important to you and your community.

4 3 2 1 0

Highs am Collingwood pm 12:22 4.6 am 12:20 3.9

Tarakohe pm 12:49 3.9 am 12:41 3.9

Mapua pm

1:11 4.0

am 12:23 4.1

Motueka pm 12:52 4.1 am 12:18 4.2

Nelson pm 12:47 4.2

Fishing Guide














5:59 0.6 6:17 0.7

12:34 4.4 1:00 4.4

6:37 0.9 6:57 1.1

1:16 4.0 1:38 4.2

7:16 1.1 7:41 1.3

2:03 3.8 2:22 3.8

7:58 1.4 8:38 1.7

2:57 3.6 3:17 3.6

8:48 1.7 9:55 1.8

3:59 3.4 4:34 3.5

9:51 1.8 11:15 1.8

5:08 3.4 6:01 3.5

11:12 1.9

6:31 0.5 6:50 0.5

1:00 3.6 1:26 3.7

7:10 0.7 7:30 0.8

1:43 3.4 2:05 3.5

7:49 0.9 8:15 1.0

2:31 3.2 2:49 3.2

8:32 1.1 9:12 1.3

3:26 3.0 3:46 3.0

9:23 1.3 10:27 1.4

4:31 2.9 5:06 2.9

10:27 1.4 11:47 1.4

5:41 2.8 6:33 2.9

11:47 1.5

6:52 0.7 7:11 0.9

1:19 3.7 1:47 3.8

7:25 0.9 7:47 1.1

1:58 3.5 2:22 3.6

7:59 1.1 8:25 1.3

2:41 3.4 3:02 3.5

8:35 1.3 9:10 1.5

3:31 3.2 3:55 3.3

9:17 1.5 10:12 1.7

4:32 3.1 5:13 3.2

10:13 1.7 11:34 1.7

5:41 3.1 6:31 3.2

11:33 1.8

6:43 0.7 7:01 0.8

1:04 3.9 1:30 3.9

7:21 0.9 7:41 1.1

1:46 3.6 2:08 3.7

8:00 1.1 8:25 1.3

2:33 3.4 2:52 3.4

8:42 1.4 9:22 1.6

3:27 3.2 3:47 3.2

9:32 1.6 10:39 1.7

4:29 3.1 5:04 3.1

10:35 1.7 11:59 1.7

5:38 3.1 6:31 3.1

11:56 1.8

6:24 0.7 6:42 0.8

12:59 4.0 1:25 4.0

7:02 0.9 7:22 1.1

1:41 3.7 2:03 3.8

7:41 1.1 8:06 1.3

2:28 3.5 2:47 3.5

8:23 1.4 9:03 1.6

3:22 3.3 3:42 3.3

9:13 1.6 10:20 1.7

4:24 3.1 4:59 3.2

10:16 1.7 11:40 1.7

5:33 3.1 6:26 3.2

11:37 1.8

Rise 6:16am Set 8:08pm


Best Times


3:34am 4:02pm Set 7:59am


Rise 6:15am Set 8:09pm

Rise 6:13am Set 8:10pm

Best Times


4:30am 4:58pm Rise 12:12am Set 8:48am

Rise 6:12am Set 8:11pm

Best Times

5:26am 5:53pm


Rise 1:10am Set 9:44am

*Not for navigational purposes.

6:19am 6:45pm

Rise 6:10am Set 8:14pm

Best Times


Rise 1:57am Set 10:46am

Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa.

Need staff?

Rise 6:11am Set 8:13pm

Best Times


7:09am 7:33pm Rise 2:35am Set 11:50am




Need staff?


Peacefully on Saturday 21st October, 2023, at Stillwater Gardens in Richmond, aged 88 years.

Wednesday 1 November 2023


Rise 6:09am Set 8:15pm

Best Times


7:56am 8:18pm Rise 3:06am Set 12:53pm

Best Times


8:39am 9:00pm Rise 3:31am Set 1:56pm

Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.

Waimea Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

Send a letter to the editor to: sara@ topsouthmedia.co.nz



Wednesday 1 November 2023


PH 544 9037





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Wednesday 1 November 2023

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44 Beach Rd, Richmond

Phone 03 544 6352 mortimerupholstery.co.nz

rubbish removal

Residential Refuse Wheelie Bin Service Order online at www.smartenvironmental.co.nz or phone 0800 424 990


Wednesday 1 November 2023



W W W.T R E N D S K I T C H E N S . C O . N Z

03 546 5155

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