17 July 2019

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Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

Wednesday 17 July 2019

‘Slave labour’ in Nelson ‘This challenges our moral standards and our ethical standards’

Charles Anderson Nelson is playing host to human rights abuses and slave labour when international seafarers visit our shores, says the chaplain tasked with offering them help. The revelations were laid bare by the then Mission to the Seafarers chaplain, Peter Akuhata, who recently told the Nelson City Council of the cases he had seen while in the job. “I have come across many cases where crew are not paid. Crew are not being fed and some of these guys are walking up and down Trafalgar St. It’s a massive problem.”

There are reports of seafarers who are not being paid or fed, wandering Nelson streets. Photo: File.


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Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 17 July 2019

Locally Owned and Operated

Street talk • Residential, farm and commercial sales and purchases • Subdivision • Building contracts • Company law and business formations • Trusts • Wills and estates

Ray White Nelson 38 Buxton Square, Nelson. Phone 03 548 9966 www.rwnelson.co.nz

This week Nelson Weekly caught up with former Nelson Boy Ben Sandall who pulled of a miraculous streak at the Cricket World Cup. We ask, is streaking a public nuisance or just a bit of harmless fun?


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Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

Distributed to over 21,000 homes and businesses in Nelson

Contact us News Charles Anderson charles@nelsonweekly.co.nz Kate Russell kate@nelsonweekly.co.nz Jonty Dine jonty@nelsonweekly.co.nz Sara Hollyman sara@nelsonweekly.co.nz

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www.nelsonweekly.co.nz 75 Tahunanui Drive Phone 548 5900 100% locally owned and operated

‘Slave labour’ in Nelson FROM PAGE 1

Peter said that New Zealand was a signatory to the Maritime Labour Convention that concerns all 8000 seafarers who visit Nelson each year. Part of that agreement is that sailors are paid a minimum of $4 an hour while in the city. “But the fishing industry is rife with corruption in terms of paying below the minimum … this is taking place while they are in Nelson city.” He said that Nelsonians had an obligation to ensure their human rights were protected. “This challenges our moral standards and our ethical standards. If you ask the average Nelsonian how they feel about people walking our streets whose human rights are being abused in our city... we don’t

have a legal but we do have a moral obligation.” Peter was asking the council to help fund the service as, despite being a Government responsibility to uphold the legislation, the task had fallen to the Anglican chaplaincy. Mission manager James Nelson said he believed that Peter had since resigned but the problems endure. “I think they need help; they should be supported in some way. Whether it’s the council or not. The problem is getting worse.” He said that the mission would see about 10 people a day through its doors – all with similar stories of distress and neglect. Over the last decade, the New Zealand fishing industry has been shaken by a series of highprofile allegations of abuse and

exploitation of foreign crews working on foreign fishing vessels within New Zealand’s waters. The Government responded with the Fisheries (Foreign Charter Vessels and Other Matters) Amendment Act which came into force on May 1, 2016. This Act requires any foreign fishing vessel operating in New Zealand waters to reflag as a New Zealand ship, removing their right to fish in New Zealand waters until they do so. According to the Government, this measure is intended to help identify issues of forced labour earlier and to ensure New Zealand employment law is applied uniformly at sea. Numerous independent organisations have produced data suggesting abuse has become endemic. An analysis


by Bloomberg, for example, estimates that approximately 40 percent of squid exported from New Zealand has been caught on a vessel using forced labour, as well as 15 percent of Hoki exports and eight percent of Southern Blue Whiting. A recent Greenpeace report found workers are often promised good wages, but many are at sea for months or years working long hours, earning 15 New Zealand cents an hour. Councillors thanked Peter for bringing the issue to their attention, but he was not successful in receiving funding for the mission. The issues of slavery in New Zealand’s fisheries industry has also been highlighted though the New Zealand NGO, Slave Free Seas, and the U.K.-based charity Human Rights at Sea.


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Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

WEDNESDAY 17 July 2019

Alcohol no excuse for violence, says judge Sara Hollyman

understand why the offender’s like that, they might find out the offender comes from a troubled background, difficult circumstances and often they’ll be quite understanding, and their views will change when they’ve met the person.” He says to stamp out violence you’ve got to start young. “With education; people have got to understand that there’s no excuse for violence. “New Zealand is often thought of as a friendly country with friendly people, so how is it that we’ve got this seemingly significant amount of violent behaviour?” He says sometimes it can be a long process for people to realise that alcohol is a problem. “I’ll look at their criminal history and I’ll see wilful damage, fighting in a public place, disorderly behaviour, common assault, and it’s like you can almost smell the alcohol on their criminal record. They tell me they don’t have a problem with alcohol, but I mean who are they trying to kid?” Judge Zohrab says it’s difficult to deal with the alcohol factor. “It’s tricky. I mean I like to drink, I like alcohol, I don’t get violent … It’s socially acceptable, we try and offer as much help as we can, but it is a huge driver of crime.”



Judge Tony Zohrab has been a sitting judge for the past 14 years and says while things have changed a lot since he first took to the bench, one thing remains the same - alcohol and violence are still a huge issue. When he takes a look at his court list for the day, he says sometimes 80 per cent of it can be for alcohol-related offences. “Alcohol is a huge driver of crime, a key driver.” The Sentencing Act tells Judge Zohrab that he must take into account a range of factors when handing out a sentence. Factors such as someone’s youth, their genuine remorse, or the steps that they’ve taken to address their issues, all affect the sentence. “Alcohol is not a mitigating factor,” Judge Zohrab says. “It’s never a mitigating factor, it might explain why they offend but it’s not an excuse.” Legislation also requires Judge Zohrab to consider whether there is an identifiable victim for any offence to refer it to

Judge Tony Zohrab restorative justice, a process which he says can be very powerful. “It’s quite easy to talk about sentencing in the abstract, you know, someone’s punched someone and broken their jaw on Bridge St. Some people would think that they need to be hung, drawn and quartered and they need to go straight to prison but often you’d be surprised about the approach of victims when they get to meet an offender. “Through the restorative justice process they get to

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Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 17 July 2019

Nelmac ups wages to secure work key talent Locally Owned and Operated

Charles Anderson Editor


Jane Sheard believes in paying a fair wage for a fair day’s work. The English native recently arrived in Nelson to start in the top job at the Nelson City Council-owned environmental management company, Nelmac. With her she brings years of upper management experience from industries as diverse as extreme sports and oil and gas. Jane says the company’s future is in its conservation arm, Kumanu. “That is the growth for us in becoming an environmental specialist.” But she says there is no use having a vision if you can’t attract people to the roles. Right now, they have 50 new jobs in a company that employs 250 people and turns over about $35 million a year. “I always want to make sure it’s fair. I wouldn’t be proud of leading a team below minimum wage.” Jane says the affordability of the region is a concern. “To be frank, I’m here renting a house, but the rents are horrendous. I don’t see how

New Nelmac chief executive Jane Sheard says she is committed to being fair. Photo: Charles Anderson. anyone who is underpaid can afford to live here. We have a massive problem with recruitment and attraction to the area.” To that end she is trying to work with other large employers in the region to share job lists so that if someone is thinking about moving here, they can suggest

another potential role for their partner or spouse. “All the businesses are fighting for the same people. If we get together and make sure people can afford to live here, it’s a win win.” The company has proactively increased its minimum hourly rate in advance of the Government-enforced

movement to a minimum wage of $18.90 set for 2020. Almost 80 percent of Nelmac staff are already being paid more than the 2019 living wage. Jane comes to Nelson after two and a half years working in an executive role in Australia. She was planning on moving back to the UK but then she met a Kiwi

and moved to Te Anau. Then the job at Nelmac came up. After raising her family, she went back to night school to study management and then studied for her MBA while she worked. But now Jane has her eyes on the company’s conservation future. “We want to be guardians. We are excited about it.”

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Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 17 July 2019


Reese to stand again for mayor of Nelson Locally Owned and Operated

Charles Anderson Editor


Nelson’s current mayor Rachel Reese says the momentum she feels in the city is the strongest she has ever seen and wants to carry on leading it as mayor for a third term. Rachel made the announcement last week, joining Mel Courtney, Bill Dahlberg and former councillor Mike Ward as candidates for mayor. “I’m really excited about it. We are really seeing the work we have done over the last three years really come to fruition.” She says that the city is starting to have a transformation, led by the closure of Upper Trafalgar St, which is helping Nelsonians think differently about the CBD. Rachel says she is proud of what she has achieved and getting the recent annual plan through with nine votes was a good testament to that. While she thought the city gave its residents good value for

Rachel Reese says she still has the energy for the role and is excited about the upcoming campaign. Photo: Charles Anderson. money, the council was still a $1.5 billion operation. “Everything of that scale means it doesn’t go right all the time and

if it did then it would mean we weren’t stretching ourselves.” She was disappointed that the Rocks Rd waterfront

development had not progressed as quickly as hoped, due to the NZTA taking more time to come back with options on the future of

the city’s transport. Rachel says she hopes one of those options will be a new arterial route. “It needs to be in a way that reduces emissions that provides the transport systems and networks that Nelsonians want. Whatever we do with the network, it has to be a well-designed solution that creates better places to live.” She would not be drawn on what she thought of her opponents, or the fact that her ex-campaign manager Bill Dahlberg was running against her. She says her husband Richard Harden will be her campaign manager. Rachel says she still enjoys the job, even though it is a 24/7 occupation. “Ninety five percent of the role is thoroughly enjoyable. The other five percent I tolerate. But if you haven’t got lots of energy you shouldn’t be in the role.” Other people putting their hand up to be councillor include Yvonne Bowater, Howard ‘Harry’ Morris, Salvi Gargiulo, Graeme O’Brien and Campbell Rollo.

Come and enjoy culture, cuisine and a night with the stars...

The star cluster Matariki appears in our skies in the month of Pipiri (June–July), marking the start of the Māori New Year. With the season of Matariki upon us, Nelson City Council invite family and friends of Nelson to Founders Park to celebrate with us.

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Saturday 20th July, from 4pm Energy Centre, Founders Park


Bring your beanbag and make sure to wrap up warm! There will also be a beautiful selection of Māori kai/cuisine available for purchase during the event.

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Tātai Arorangi Star Party

6.30pm–8pm Star gazing with Guest speaker Toa Waaka (Vice President, of the Society of Māori Astronomy).


WEDNESDAY 17 July 2019

Dan seeking global downhill glory, Wednesday, June 12: Nelson skater Daniel Waterhouse had a rough introduction to the World Roller Games in Barcelona last week. The 21-year-old finished the downhill senior men’s time trial final in 88th place with a time of 50.12 seconds at Parc de Montjuïc in Passeig del Migdia. Spain’s own Oscar Rodriguez claimed the gold medal in 45.76.

Nelson Weekly


Jose’s journey to climate champion Locally Owned and Operated

Jose Cano is a photographer, conservator and activist. He speaks with Jonty Dine about his latest venture, a community hub looking to be at the forefront of the fight against climate change.

Max makes his mark, Wednesday, June 26: Max Darling and the junior Tall Blacks have finished their 2019 World Cup campaign in 13th place. The U19 side opened against eventual champions the USA, going down 111-71, before picking up wins against Senegal and Lithuania. The side then went down to Mali and Argentina before Senegal avenged its earlier loss. The Kiwis ended the tournament against Thailand, winning 77-74 with Max scoring 16 points and picking up eight rebounds. He topped the tournament scoring charts for NZ with 96. The USA took out the final against Mali, 76-70. Fellworth House sets scene for ‘unique’ hospice fundraiser, Wednesday, June 26: Playwright Michelanne Forster and director Giles Burton performed a gala reading of the play Larnach: Castle of Lies at Fellworth House on June 29 as a fundraiser for Nelson Tasman Hospice. Hudson Dodd, Hospice fundraising and marketing manager, says it was attended by just under 40 people and over $2500 for hospice. Their next fundraiser is a mid-winter Christmas party at The Playhouse on July 26.

Jose Cano is launching Earth Hub on Haven Rd where the cause of the environment can be championed. Photo: Jonty Dine.

Jose Cano stood on a beach in Thailand and looked out across a sea of plastic and rubbish. The Spanish native saw then how the actions of people were having a huge impact on the world. He had arrived there for a different cause - to create the “Life Home Project” with a group of volunteers. The organisation worked to create safe shelters for women and children living with HIV/ Aids, fighting discrimination, stigma and the lack of health resources. “This was the most important and life changing period of my life, as it allowed me to experience how best to enact social change from a not-for-profit organisation perspective,” he says. Jose was named Honorary Consul of Spain in Phuket, receiving the Cross of Knight and the Order of Isabel La Catolica. However, he left Thailand


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Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

with a different mission in mind. It was here where Jose realised the extend of the environment’s exploitation. He saw we were “destroying the Earth” and was inspired to try and change this. It is a feeling that he carried with him when he arrived in Nelson in 2008 and one that permeates his latest project on Haven Rd. Jose has worked in the fashion industry, an aid worker and as a photographer. But for past several years he has thrown himself into climate activism. His passion for conservation has taken him all around the world and even saw him land a spot in a prestigious workshop run by

WEDNESDAY 17 July 2019


Some of Jose Cano’s photography work. Photos: Jose Cano. former U.S. Vice President Al Gore. He has made it his mission to spread the knowledge he has picked up and reduce the damage we are doing to our planet. In that vein, Jose has recently restored what was formerly a seafarer’s chapel, a haberdashery and a café and transformed it into an ‘Earth Hub,’ which will act as a focal point for climate change action. The hub, at 235 Haven Rd, is open to all members of the community wanting to learn more about the crisis. The activist says we need to take the ideological elements out of the conversation and bring it back to what it is. “It’s not about opinions, it’s not a

partisan issue, it’s basic science.” With global temperatures rising, Jose says governments must make financial commitments to reduce the effects of this shift. “We need to decide between something bad now, or something much worse later on.” Jose says the effects of climate change are already being seen in the region in the form of cyclones, fires and droughts. “These are not isolated events, they are events that are telling us: ’Hey, get ready’.” With a 98 percent consensus from the world’s leading scientists, Jose says denial is no longer an option. “Most of the population know the truth, it is real, and we have

to act.”’ Jose wants Nelson to be a pioneer for sustainable cities. He is also a prominent photographer, having published a series of photographs about environmental issues but is perhaps most renowned for his underwater shoots with ‘mermaids’. Jose has a custom-made tank in his home which he submerges himself in along with a model for what he describes as the ultimate serendipitous shoot. His work was featured in an exhibition titled ‘Aqua Ingravitas’ at Parker Gallery, which included a silent auction to the benefit of the Nelson Women’s Refuge.

Following his move to Nelson, Jose has been involved in a number of actions focused on solving the climate crisis. He has now created a centralized location for his fellow activists to meet, plan and act. Jose says Earth Hub will also act as a place to share knowledge and for anyone who wants to know more about the climate crisis, to learn. Within the hub lies an extensive library of climate change material as well as vegan recipes, documentaries and workshops. Earth Hub will have an official opening on July 18 from 5.30pm. To book your spot go to https:// www.earth-hub-nelson.org/


Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 17 July 2019

Locally Owned and Operated


Spa top of good design: Nelson-based company Vortex Spas won big at Australia’s top industry design, winning a Good Design Award for its IKON spa. Judged alongside nearly 700 submissions, IKON won a prestigious Gold accolade for outstanding design and innovation in the product design category. With a New Zealand design team, including Nelsonians, Vortex Leisure CEO Andrew Pullen says the win is fantastic recognition of the collaborative team effort that has gone into the design and production of IKON spa.

Brynley King, 13, is Nelson Weekly’s deliverer of the month. Photo: Kate Russell.

Deliverer of the month Nayland College student Brynley King has been delivering the Nelson Weekly for almost a year and a half rain or shine. His run includes Annesbrook Dr, Parkers Rd and some of Muritai St. The 13-year-old was nominated by delivery manager Karl Hadfield. “Brynley has delivered since 13 February 2018 and has never had a complaint and is always

Every Wednesday the Nelson Weekly is delivered to more than 21,500 letterboxes in the region thanks to 60 deliverers on 86 different runs. Every month, we’ll introduce you to our ‘deliverer of the month’ who receives a double pass to State Cinemas and is nominated by either you, the readers, or our delivery manager. This week, we meet 13-year-old deliverer Brynley King. willing to do extra work or runs to help out,” he says. Brynley says the papers are dropped off to him on a

Love the Choice

Wednesday morning and when he gets home from school he hops on his bike and gets delivering.

“It takes me about an hour and 20 minutes, so not too bad.” The keen mountain biker says he enjoys earning money from his run and saved up to buy a new bike, and now he’s looking to add another to his collection. His most memorable delivery was shortly after he started the when ex-cyclone Gita hit Nelson. If you would like to nominate your local deliverer, email kate@nelsonweekly.co.nz

Book fair raises big money: The Founders Book Fair raised $175,000 for heritage park. The nine-day event in June, along with the Summer Reads Book Fair in December, contributed to the overall total. The money goes back into the park development rather than on maintenance. The fair has been running for about 30 years and has grown to be one of the biggest of its kind in the country.

Property still on the up: Most other regions around the country are going through a dip in property sales volumes, however, the Nelson region is still experiencing high sale volumes and prices. Seventy-four houses were sold in Nelson throughout June, an increase of 7.2 per cent on the 69 sold in June 2018. Median house prices also continued to rise in Nelson during the same period, up 8.2 per cent from $490,000 to $530,000. REINZ spokesman for Nelson Darryl Marshall said the region was not experiencing the traditional slowdown that usually accompanied winter months.

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Sunday 21 July 10.30am

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

WEDNESDAY 17 July 2019

Phillip Archer of St Johns receives keys to the new Nelson Health Shuttle from Keith Adams. Photo: Jonty Dine.

New shuttle for region Jonty Dine

St Johns Nelson has been gifted a new state-of-the-art health shuttle to continue carrying out crucial services in the region. The shuttle comes with a greater patient capacity, allowing the busy shuttle service to provide more trips for those unable to get to health appointments. In the past year, St John Health Shuttle volunteers have transported clients on 2333 trips, travelling almost 30,000km throughout the wider Nelson area. The St John Health Shuttle service supports people in the community, often those who are older, living alone or impaired in some way to get to healthcare appointments such as doctor visits, dental appointments, specialist appointments or hospital day-stays. The donation of the shuttle was made possible thanks to the New Zealand Community Trust and St John donors. Nelson Health Shuttle team leader Philip Archer says the service is vital for many people, who have no other transport options to get to essential

health-related appointments. “This new vehicle provides easier access and more headroom for clients, and the capacity to transport five clients and a wheelchair, allowing our team of volunteers to support more people in our community.” The vehicle was officially dedicated at a ceremony on Saturday morning with more than a dozen crew members in attendance. St John South Island community programmes manager Suzy Mitchell says for many of their clients, the Health Shuttle is their core method of transport. “Not only that, the regular visit from our friendly St John Health Shuttle volunteers and drive around town can be a highlight,” she says. The Nelson service is one of 14 St John Health Shuttle services throughout the South Island. The St John Nelson Health Shuttle service operates Monday to Friday, except public holidays. Bookings are required at least 24 hours prior to appointment and by 2pm Fridays for Monday appointments. To book the Health Shuttle phone 0800 333 781.



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Nelson Weekly

Out & About

WEDNESDAY 17 July 2019

Locally Owned and Operated


2 4 St Johns Shuttle Dedication


1 2

Heather Kelling and Cam Fraei

3 4 5

Clive Smale and Marilyn O'Connor

Erin Beatson, Pete Nicholas and Annette Nistor


Jenny Thomson and Ralphe Bradley Sophie Armstrong and Barbara Harford

Victoria Nicholls' 40th


6 7 8 9

Chris Valentine and Victoria Nicholls Ciara, Alex and Scott Halkett Phil Nicholls and Jason Hollyman


Victoria Nicholls and Coral Collison

7 Would you like us to take photos at your next event?


8 PH 03 548 5900

or email editorial@nelsonweekly.co.nz

Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated


WEDNESDAY 17 July 2019


Vanuatu donation builds connections Sara Hollyman

The next generation of footballers on a small island in Vanuatu have been given a boost by Nelson Suburbs. Anika Maite is a resident of Epi, a small island in Vanuatu with a population of just over 5000. She is in Nelson working under the RSE scheme. Suburbs’ director of football Ryan Stewart says the club has collected excess gear over the past few years and the donation of 450 balls and 25 player kits is a way to give back to a country they know loves their football. “Football gear will go a long way in the islands because they love their football, so anything we can do to help as a club we want to get involved in. Hopefully in a few years we can bring a couple of players out and solidify that link even more,” says Ryan. Last week Anika, along with her employer Golden Bay Fruit Packers and Birdhurst Ltd, arrived at Nelson Suburbs Football Club to collect the donation. A visibly emotional Anika says the opportunity it will give to the children on her island is “a blessing”. She says there is not any money left for sports in the schools on her island so to be able to go home in September and be able to distribute enough gear to cover every school on the island with leftovers for clubs. “Just imagine the happiness.”

Giena Appleton and Mike Perrett of Golden Bay Fruit with Nelson Suburbs director of football Ryan Stewart and RSE worker Anika Maite. Photo: Sara Hollyman.


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WEDNESDAY 17 July 2019


Your Voice

Local body elections: Mayoral candidates are again making the mistake of claiming that they will create a team that is on the same page. The community votes for candidates based on their individual views. To do otherwise negates the very purpose of the voting process. The last thirty years has seen a steady erosion of the democratic process around council tables. Due to the gagging effects on councillors of the Local Government Act, the Resource Management Act and Codes of Conduct, mayors have been able to shut down councillors who attempt to express their views on the basis that they are deemed to be humiliating their fellow councillors. Because of this pressure, many starry-eyed new councillors, with rightful independent views, rapidly change into pawns of the system.

Defending a corrupt system must stop. Mayoral candidates must become aware of the damage that the democratic process is suffering. Don’t give us the same old platitudes and clichés on what great deeds you have done. Commit to recognising that the local government system has been cunningly manipulated by the establishment to self-serve which has left the people with little to no voice. Ask anyone who has tried. Candidates must pledge to work very hard to return councils to the people, not defend the indefensible, otherwise voting is a waste of time. Kerry Neal

Teen’s mission to clean up Nelson: Well done Sophie on getting so much support behind you for this, you are one of those people that makes Nelson a better place. Tracy Kellor Brilliant effort Sophie you are an inspiration for the future. Sandy Brown

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

editorial@nelsonweekly.co.nz facebook.com/nelsonweekly www.nelsonweekly.co.nz Go girl. And also a great momma to help behind the scenes. Rebekah Joy I love this idea.... but how about along by Countdown and surrounding areas.? Nelson is full of rubbish blowing about everywhere.... carparks, bike tracks etc... the beaches are pretty clean compared to the rest of Nelson. Frances Minogue Wonderful to see you supported so well Sophie. I agree about 'attacking' other trouble spots. I cleared what I could reach from Tahunanui KFC, then messaged the manager to get into the bushes with a rake! One person told me they keep their nearby walkway litter free. Let's all adopt a street and take a glove and bag out for walkies! Jane Morrison You will go far Sophie! What a great idea and what a wonderful role model you are to other young people. Big

Brothers Big Sisters of Nelson-Tasman Awesome effort Sophie and same to the people who helped you out. Tahunanui Community Hub Rocks Rd revamp delayed again: Rocks Rd should be Nelson's pride and joy. Move State Highway designation across to Waimea Road, and make this a world class local road for vehicles, cyclists and walkers. I mean - that view! Unsurpassed! Erina Parks Rocks Road is no longer suitable as an arterial

route. A Southern Link option is essential, but not in a form that divides the Victory/Toi Toi community in half. Dennis Goodman

Does NZTA have any evidence that the sea level is rising? If so I'd like to see their figures. Craig Dodds

Nelson Matters This week I called on our District Health Board to unequivocally apologise to Nelson woman Sarah Preece. It seems, as Elton John said in his famous song “Sorry seems to be the hardest word”. Sarah was brutally assaulted and raped in her Brook Street home in late 2017. The assailant, Jacob Jensen from the West Coast, had presented at Nelson Hospital at 3.30pm in a clearly psychotic state. He said people wanted to kill him. He was assessed as a high risk of self-harm or harming others. After being unattended for three hours he left. Soon after he made his way up the Brook where he committed

his appalling assault on Sarah in her home. Mr Jensen was subsequently found not guilty by way of insanity and committed to psychiatric hospital care in Christchurch. There are three aspects of this horrible constituency case that I have been working on with Sarah Preece. The first is for our health bosses to acknowledge that our hospital service failed that day. We encourage people with mental health illness to seek help. Mr Jensen should not have been left unattended for three hours at the Emergency Department and been able to walk out. While they have expressed sympathy to Sarah, they refuse to ac-

cept the service was inadequate. My second concern is our privacy laws. My requests on behalf of Sarah for information in this case from the DHB which date back to November 2017 were declined on privacy grounds. It is wrong that this rapist could access very personal details of Sarah as part of his court case, but she was denied any of his. I am pursuing changes to our privacy laws to fix this. My third concern is over the rights of victims of serious crimes where an offender is found to be insane. Sarah’s experience repeats that of Wendy Hamer who was also viciously assaulted by a psychotic man.

Nelson at your fingertips...

Things to do Events Walk/Cycle Tracks Weather

We need to deal with alcohol: Raising the price is again punishing the people who don't deserve to be punished and again will just put more pressure on families. Binge drinking in teens has always been a problem... I’m guilty myself. I would much rather my teens had a RTD than mix a drink themselves. But, just my 10 cents worth of course! Lisa Trusler

The need for drinking, especially in teens must be addressed. What feelings and situations are they avoiding? I recall the abject boredom of smalltown Nelson as a kid. Ross J Exton Young giant has eyes on future: Aww so cool Tysxun! Shaz Nicholls Just love this guy, he is the most humble young man I know. Lee Corlett

544 Waimea Road, Nelson

Victims of such crimes are denied a say over future release or conditions. “Wendy’s Petition”, with Sarah’s support, has secured the signatures of thousands of Nelsonians. I am determined these Nelson cases trigger a change in the law. National introduced a Bill into Parliament to have this anomaly fixed. I pay tribute to both Sarah and Wendy and their partners and family supporting them. It is incredibly brave of them to come forward and tell their horrific stories. They are doing so in the hope that we can learn from what went wrong. Our duty is to heed their message and put

Breaking News

Lovely Rocks Road, whatever you do, do it right!! Theresia Van Der Lee

things right. I am proud of Nelson Hospital and its dedicated board, managers, doctors and nurses. I get hundreds of reports from Nelsonians of superb lifesaving care. Mr Jensen, not the DHB, is responsible for this horrific assault. I commend the DHB on strengthening mental health services at our Emergency Department. However, Sarah Preece will live with the physical and emotional scars of her assault for the rest of her life. It was preventable. An apology from hospital bosses is overdue. Advert.

Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

“It was 1998 and I was at the halls of residence in Christchurch for university. This story is about New Zealand cricket and the beginnings of the Beige Brigade. The following year I started flatting with Mike Lane. He received a package and it was former New Zealand cricketer Bruce Edgar’s uniform. It was a beige one-day uniform. He was an opening batsman and famously he was at the opposing end during the underarm delivery. It was horrendous piece of kit in 1999. But now it’s fashionable. The package had a note saying: “You are the only person I know who is stupid enough to wear this.” He was right. Mike wore it everwhere. I feel like we all got jealous that he was getting all this attention. So, we nagged and nagged and nagged him. I remember one day we got home from a lecture and he was sitting in the living room with our flat mate’s Singer sewing machine. The beige kit was sitting unpicked on the floor. He had made patterns of the kit out of Tui billboards and stitched us up all our own beige kits. You picture the sort of character of man that might do this. That was not Mike Lane. So, we went on tour wearing this. And in Taupo’s Owen Delaney Park, that summer of 1999, we lost horrendously to Zimbabwe and the New Zealand Herald didn’t want to cover that so instead they did this major spread on us saying “Glory days of the beige brigade”. Mike just started making these outfits. It went nuts, it was a thirst for this throw back of New Zealand cricket. We all lived in Wellington for a short time and it just exploded in popularity – Mike said


WEDNESDAY 17 July 2019


Every few weeks we sit down with someone with a story to tell at the Vic Brewbar. We call it ‘Burgers Beers and Banter’ This week we speak to Luke Acland who has a small but important part to play in the beginning of a New Zealand cricketing phenomenon.

Luke Acland tells his tale about the beginnings of the Beige Brigade. Photo: Charles Anderson The Beige Brigade became the largest supplier of beige stubbies in the whole country. They sold thousands of these shirts. It’s been pretty phenomenal. So yea, I was in the original Beige Brigade. Now I’m just a lawyer. But I’m pretty sure I

got an interview with a law firm because I said I was a founding member on my CV.” Have you or someone you know got a good (but appropriate) pub story to tell? Email editorial@ nelsonweekly.co.nz with the gist of it and you might find yourself treated.

Jazz icon expected to wow local fans Not to be missed, the upcoming Nathan Haines concert, which celebrates ‘Shift Left’ with the original Shift Left Band, promises to be the ultimate audio-visual experience. There will only be ONE South Island show, right here in Nelson on August 17th. “The tickets have just gone on sale and there’s a lot of buzz about it,” says Jane Baken, Studio and Artist Manager at Studiobox. “We are partnering with Lifestyle Audio Visual and Event Audio to bring Nathan Haine’s fans a high-end musical experience. So, we have made choices to ensure it is going to sound beautiful. We are using the Trafalgar Centre as a case in point that we can fill a large venue and make it feel intimate.” Originally released in 1994, the ‘Shift Left’ album is a subtle, astute meltdown of jazz and hip hop by the hugely talented saxophonist, Nathan Haines and his fellow musicians whose diverse backgrounds came into play across the 11 originals. Released by Verve Records (UK) in 1995, it remains New Zealand’s biggest selling jazz album, while also forming the blueprint for Nathan’s future releases and international career path. “What makes it unique is the way they have fused hip-hop and Urban

Pasifika with experimental improvised jazz,” says Simon Grigg (who released the NZ edition on his Huh! Label.) With excellent remastered tracks and three remixes, the innovative album sounds contemporary, yet nostalgic. Jane says the special evening will see the original Shift Left Band reunited after 25 years, featuring a spectacular array of iconic artists. “We decided to only use Nelson hospitality, so we have partnered with Tasteology to bring you the best Nelson wines, beers and ciders and 7010 your local picnic boxes for two; curated with local specialties such as Cultivate Mushroom Pate, Rodrigo Sourdough and Cranky Goat Cheeses.” The Nathan Haines ‘Shift Left’ concert is proudly produced by Studio Box. “We are predominantly a recording studio, but we are also ‘opportunity creators’ in the area of artist management, event management hosting national or international acts. We work closely with engineering studio expert Mark Patterson at Lifestyle Audio and Andrew Shellock (Smiley) at Event Audio to create fantastic events.” Tickets available now via Ticket Direct. Visit www.ticketdirect.co.nz Business Update. Adv.


WEDNESDAY 17 July 2019

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

Chopper appeal a success Staff reporter

Geoff Proctor of the Thames-based Butterfly Forest with one of its attractions. Photo: Sara Hollyman.

Natureland butterfly plan on the move Sara Hollyman Reporter


Natureland may get the wind back under its wings with the addition of a North Island butterfly sanctuary moving one step closer. The embattled wildlife sanctuary was denied extra funding as part of Nelson City Council’s Long-Term Plan last month, but another group pitched the same

LTP to take over or join the Natureland Wildlife Trust. Three members of Thamesbased Butterfly Forest have now been appointed to the trust board. Glenn Turner, Daniel Adam and Janie Proctor have grand ideas, the first of which will be to relocate their extensive botanical plant and butterfly farm to Natureland. Chair of the Trust Alan Hinton says the first full meeting with the new trustees won’t be

untill August, at which time they will be discussing plans to move forward. “It’s no secret of the fact that they’re on board to help the trust with the butterfly sanctuary but there’s a significant amount of work to be done to get things ready.” He says without having held a full meeting to confirm, the intention is to pursue the butterfly idea. “It would most likely be toward summer of 2020/21

realistically before it would be up and running, it’s going to be a good addition.” In the meantime, the trust will have to continue operating on the reduced funding from NCC which Alan says will be “the challenge”. “We just have to cut the costs to suit the income we’re getting and continue working hard to get support from other areas. I think in the long run it will be a good thing.”

The Top of the South has raised nearly $25,000 to support the Nelson Marlborough Rescue Helicopter Trust through the Westpac Chopper Appeal. Together New Zealanders raised more than $1.26million, beating last year’s appeal by $400,000. The Nelson Marlborough Rescue Helicopter will receive a total of $24,625. Funds raised through the appeal are distributed to the 15 rescue helicopter services across the country, with each individual donation going back to the region it was collected from. “We are so grateful to the community and the local staff of Westpac for supporting the Annual Chopper Appeal so passionately with our fundraising activities,” says Nelson Marlborough Rescue Helicopter Trust General Manager Paula Muddle. “The funds they’ve raised will be invaluable in helping us continue to provide this vital service free of charge, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year”. This year was memorable for New Zealanders going the extra mile (and a few more) in their fundraising drives. Westpac’s Gina Dellabarca paid tribute to the hard work and dedication of Westpac staff, volunteers and New Zealanders. “So many people have pushed themselves right to the limits to fundraise this year, and their determination is incredibly inspiring,” she says. “The theme of our campaign this year was that Chopper Country is often closer than people think, and that message has rung true for a lot of people”, she says. Donations are welcome throughout the year and can be made at www.chopperappeal.co.nz or any Westpac branch.

Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 17 July 2019

the best of the best Locally Owned and Operated





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Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 17 July 2019

Locally Owned and Operated

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

Tahuna Community Hub

MONday Kai Rescue: 10.30am - 2.30pm Budget Services: 11.30am - 2.30pm Senior Fitness: 1.00pm - 2.15pm DRU Yoga 5.30pm - 7.00pm

Nelson City Council, the Department of Internal Affairs, and all of the major funders are happily supporting us again, and the future is looking bright for the Hub.

FRIday Yoga & Mindfulness: 9.15am - 10.15am Art and Craft Group: 10.30am - 10.30am Legacy: 12.00pm - 1.30pm More details can be found on our Facebook page – ‘Tahunanui Community Hub’ and posted on the Hub reception and main entrance doors.

WEdNESday Kai Rescue: 12.00am - 2.30pm

We do need support and sponsorship from our local community though – any donations are very welcome.

If you’d like to hire the Hub and/or add a class to our timetable email - centreoffice.tcc@gmail.com Office Open Mon to Fri 10am-3pm. Ph: 548 6036

Drop in and see us – we’d love to meet you.

THURSday Gardening Group: 9.30am - 10.30pm Cultural Connect: 12.00pm - 1.00pm

Murray Leaning

Returning or Coming Soon...

- Chairman Of The TCH

Nelson Tasman Trust Biz Break Workshop - Tuesday 24th July Free Pacific Feed/ Island Gospel Singing - 4 nights 21st - 24th July Zumba - Tuesday 30th July TCH Volunteer Morning Tea - Tuesday 30th July Community Nurse - TBA Speed Dating - TBA Dancing Freedom Meditation - TBA Fox in Flow Yoga - Wednesday 31st July Brain Gymnastics with Bruno - TBA Book Club 1 - Wednesday 28th August Book Club 2 - Thursday 1st August Belly Fit with Debbie Sumner - Thursday 8th August The Tahunanui Community Hub

Jolene Marsh! The WINNER of the Tahunanui Community Hub Survey Prize draw!

104 taHUnanUi Drive, neLSon

“Your One Stop Property Maintenance Shop”

for indoor entertainment Foam Pit

Trick Trampolines

Kids Arena

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DoMeStic & coMMerciaL


tos of how it could be set up for weddings and events. I will then be exhibiting the Venue at his Wedding Expo to get more promotion up for the Venue. The other part of my role is keeping our Hub nice and clean and while I’m away for the next week I have organised the Hub to get it’s 6 monthly ‘Deep Clean’ Call in soon and check out the Hub.


BBQ and the next volunteer event is well underway with planning, so keep an eye out for details on that. We have held our first Cultural Connect meetings, the low attendance was disappointing but we are

hopeful for better turn out for the next two, we won’t give up hope! We are also very fortunate to have been asked to get on board with a youth project with Neighbourhood Support Nelson, so watch this


whelming response was the beach, with friendly people and it being a convenient location also popular answers. • A large proportion of answers suggested a supermarket is needed in Tahunanui, as well as making the community a safer place in terms of crime and traffic. • Support groups, educational programmes and a children’s play group were the services most desired at the Hub. • Classes for fitness, arts and crafts and


dancing were the most popular activities that people would like available at the Hub, with many others suggested. Over the next few weeks we will be reviewing all surveys in more detail to ensure everybody’s opinions have been heard so we can build a strategy that best suits the community’s needs. If you missed your chance to fill in a survey, please do not hesitate to drop into the Hub and have your say.

Anything from Savings, Kiwisaver and funding applications to debts, advocacy with debt collectors and insolvency. Talk to a friendly and supportive financial mentor. It's free! Don't forget, it's only 24 weeks until Christmas.

The time to start saving is now! Let’s korero. Our trained Financial Mentors are very experienced and won’t judge you. We can help you make a plan, answer your questions and support you to meet your goals.

You can meet us every Monday from 11:30 till 2:30 at the Tahunanui Community Hub. Call to make an appointment or just turn up. Or come to our offices at 29 Selwyn Place in Nelson. 03 546 9021 Website www.nelsonbudget.co.nz

Karen Petrie - Quit Coach for the Nelson Marlborough Stop Smoking Service

As a dedicated Quit Coach, I am passionate about supporting peo-

MuriTai SErvicE cEnTrE Tyres WOF Lube & Service cable Making

• Many see the main purposes of the Hub as a place to bring the community together, somewhere to provide services to the community and a multi-purpose venue. • Social media is the preferred method for the Hub to get in touch with the community. Other popular methods of communication are email, face-to-face at the Hub and through our notice board. • When asked what residents liked most about living in Tahunanui, the over-

Flywheel Machining Hose Manufacturing Brake & clutch Parts rebonding

ple to achieve their smokefree goals. With a background in social work, I have spent 30 years working in community services,

specialising in mental health and disabilities. I have lived in Nelson for nearly 25 years and am originally from Canterbury.

Nelson’s only locally owned & operated bed manufacturer N E L S O N

Proudly part of the Tahuna community

I have three teenage children and also teach yoga in my free time.

With three bars | 17 tV screens a full serVice tab | 18 gaming machines 4 Pool tables | Juke box Poker tournaments | saturday karaoke and friendly staff, with an attitude, the ocean lodge is a must for all sports fans.



0800 677 005

space for what this means! Finally, we are always on the lookout for new volunteers so if this is something you may be interested in please don’t hesitate to get in touch, I am happy to answer any questions!

Rosalie Grant - Nelson Budget Service - Manager, SIO Supervisor, Financial Mentor

Money Worries? Nelson Budget Service offers confidential, professional, non-judgemental support in all areas of your personal finances.

Thanks for donated items from local businesses. - The Hot Rock Gourmet Pizza Pasta Bar, Ruth French "icuthair" , Harley's Pharmacy, Raglan Roast Tahunanu,i Nelson Fun Park, The Dog Spa & Wagging Tails Day-care Nelson, Pascoe Auto, Sprig and Fern Tavern Tahuna, Haircraft Tahuna & Macdonalds Tahunanui

The perfect destination

Tumble Tramp

As many of you will know, we have been asking for your feedback over the past few weeks in the shape of our survey and we would like to say a big thank you to everyone who took the time to fill in the survey, as well as a big thank you to all local businesses who donated gifts to the prize draw. Here are some standout points from the feedback we received:

a MaSSIVE Congratulations from all of the team here at the Hub, we sincerely hope you enjoy all the beautiful goodies!


I’ve really enjoyed the contact with all current and future venue hirers and the feedback has been positive. Currently working in partnership ‘Pop Up Events’ so we can offer a safe and responsible environment for people who may consider the venue for Weddings etc. Very excited as I will be setting up the Hall with Alex Bradley from Pop Up Events so we can take some pho-

Rob Myers - TCH Survey Coordinator - NMIT Student Student / Volunteer


Manor ProPerty ServiceS


The last two months have been extremely busy but super exciting. We have held a successful Volunteer

Pilates For Everyone: 6.00pm to 7.30pm

TUESday Quit Smoking: 11.30am - 2.30pm

more professional, transparent and easier, when we hire out our amazing venue. We have created new booking forms, a shared (live) calendar, invoicing has been upgraded, spreadsheets created and systems for record keeping. Running our community Hub with less staff and less overheads and with the aim of delivering more, is achievable.

Elle Pittman - Volunteer Coordinator, NMIT 3rd Year - Bachelor of Social Work


The Kai Rescue and Kai with Love programmes have grown hugely, thanks to some wonderful donors – and is proving to be a valuable source of support for our community.


It’s been very busy and bookings just keep coming in; our calendar is looking pretty good, but always at work on achieving more. I’ve been in the background working away and updating systems to streamline hall bookings, venue hire and make it a lot

We have a fantastic Hall or Boardroom option available. Please enquire at centreoffice.tcc@gmail.com Ph: 5486036 We are open 10am to 2pm Mon to Fri if you’d like to see the venue and discuss your enquiry!!

The hall is becoming very popular as a hire venue for functions, and the Hub is now seen as the go to place for information for services needed by the community.


Deryn French - Property Administrator

Looking for a venue to hire for your class/ event/ meeting/ activity?

The Tahunanui Community Hub is really starting to hit it’s straps. Mark and Deryn have done a fantastic job of re-establishing the volunteer classes, and have added a number of new ones.


Tahuna Community Hub


What a great 6 months!

WEDNESDAY 17 July 2019

Serving the top of the South since 1881

15 Muritai St · Tel: 546 4749 · E: nelbrakes@xtra.co.nz www.nelsonbrakeservices.co.nz

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the ocean lodge proudly boasts value for money dining with a real home cooked flavour. We are repeatedly told by our customers that we serve the best value for money pub food in town. We have our nibbles menu that runs all day open - close. our specials, at a very reasonable $15.00, change daily. function facilities available, email info@oceanlodge.co.nz 20 Muritai St, Tahunanui | Ph 548 5179


WEDNESDAY 17 July 2019

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

Nelson Weekly

Buying & Selling

If you are thinking of selling your business please contact me now. 14 confirmed business sales in the past 12 months.

Reece Forbes

DDI: 03 546 3565 M: 027 229 0026 reece.forbes@bayleys.co.nz

Rout Milner Fitchett • Residential sale and purchase transactions including re-financing • Subdivision work and lease renewals


Contact Selena Roberts Phone: 03 548 0064 Fax: 03 546 9107 Email: selena@rmf-law.co.nz

Marble Arch Arcade, 167 Hardy Street, Nelson

WEDNESDAY 17 July 2019


Buying & Selling

Property Business Listings Required


Locally Owned and Operated


For 19 years, Reece Forbes has been successfully selling businesses within the Bayleys real estate team, and is the experienced professional you need to talk to when it comes to selling your biggest asset. As well as his time in real estate, Reece is fully aware of the satisfaction and challenges that come with being a business owner, having previously owned and operated two of his own business ventures. This has given Reece a comprehensive understanding of businesses and allows him to better meet the needs of his clients, who want to receive a result that represents the hard work they’ve put into their venture. His career as a business broker has also been highly rewarding with Reece sometimes selling a business three times, “so repeat business has been very strong, as well as new clients.” From retail and hospitality to tourism, engineering and food manufacturing, there’s not much Reece hasn’t sold and says it’s that variation that makes the job enjoyable, as well as the chance to work with some very skilled and hardworking people. Bringing his honest, straight-talking and trustworthy sales approach to the Nelson, Tasman and West Coast areas, contact Reece Forbes from Bayleys today.

The Rent Shop is an award-winning property management company which can ensure the full property management service on your residential investment property. Established 30 years ago, the family business owned by Geoff Lovegrove has now expanded to Nelson, utilising the same effective, experienced team with more support available for local property managers. The Rent Shop has some unique advantages; it has the ‘Geoff Lovegrove guarantee’ which means any of its landlords can contact the company any time and their concerns will be addressed within 24 hours; it also has a service standards guarantee. The benefits of using The Rent Shop includes zero tolerance for rent arrears and client concierge assistance to help tenants move. “Our property managers also have regular training to ensure we are up to date on any legislation, therefore as a landlord you are protected,” says Head of Business Development, Charlotte Murphy. “We can also provide accurate appraisal of what your home would be worth as a rental property, which can be used when re-financing to buy a second property. We provide tailormade packages for landlords which suit your needs and have no upfront costs when tenanting your home. Contact Business Development Manager (Nelson), David Turnhout on 0211207408.

Are you planning on putting your property up for sale? First impressions are important. The houses exterior and garden should be kept tidy, we know this can be time consuming but lucky for you Al Fresco can help! Since establishing the business in 2008, owners Wendy and Andrew Neame have had a great deal of experience in Garden and Property Maintenance services for a range of clients from Atawhai to Wakefield and can spruce up your house in no time. Some of the services Al Fresco provide are weeding, mulching (to help keep the weeds at bay), trimming trees, regular lawn mowing or a splash of paint on your fence, gate or front door. The hard-working team at Al Fresco has the experience and expertise to have your garden and property looking its very best. They have an excellent track record of completing jobs on time and on budget. So, if you putting your house on the market and need any work done in the Nelson or Tasman areas (other areas by arrangement) call Wendy today for a FREE quote on 021 0500 250. For more information, visit www.al-fresco.co.nz

Buy your new home or building with confidence – organise a pre-purchase building inspection with Little Pig Building Inspection Services. You will get a qualified, professional inspection and report which will outline any major or minor defects in the home you are thinking of buying. Don’t take the risk of buying without an inspection – it could cost you thousands of dollars in the years to come. Little Pig Building Services is a division of The Little Pig Building Company which has been building environmentally friendly homes and business premises in Nelson since 1992. “We bring experience, local knowledge and professionalism to prepurchase inspections in the local region,” says owner Nick Marer. Little Pig Building Inspection Services can provide a 24-hour turn around for standard reports from the time of inspection. Thermal imaging and meth testing are available and drone aerial inspections can be used for roofs and high walls as required. “Nick did an excellent job in assessing a residential property urgently for me. He did a prompt and meticulous assessment and report. I was very grateful that he advised me on what would need to be done if I purchased, giving me an idea of the costs.” (Anne Stark). For more information, visit www.nelsonbuildinginspections.co.nz

Since the 1880’s, Rout Milner Fitchett has provided expert legal advice across a broad range of legal areas and is currently owned by Craig Morice and Robert Fitchett, a 3rd generation partner. Rout Milner Fitchett is a friendly, professional law firm with a solid client base, which can help people at whatever stage they are at, whether buying or selling property, subdividing, dealing with estate matters and so on. The centrally located firm is situated at 167 Hardy Street in the Marble Arch Arcade, so it’s easy to drop in to make an appointment or you can call them anytime to arrange a time to suit. Registered Legal Executive Selena Roberts, who has recently joined the team at Rout Milner Fitchett, enjoys working with clients to achieve the best possible results. Selena deals with conveyancing files on a daily basis and enjoys helping clients into their new homes. “We can help clients during the whole process of the sale or purchase transaction from drafting the agreement (if it is a private sale) to advising on conditions and assisting first home buyers with their Kiwisaver applications. It is our aim to make the overall process as smooth as possible for our clients.” For more information, visit www.nelsonlaw.co.nz

Established in 2009 by Grant Unsworth, GBU Realty is a results focused retail and commercial agency providing a personalised service to its local and national clients. “We pride ourselves in finding the right tenant or property solution for clients through our extensive knowledge of the New Zealand retail market,” says Grant, Director of GBU Realty. “Our agency has been built on delivering clients with professional, timely advice to resolve their property needs. Knowledge, experience and focus give us a unique selling position. Having Craig Chalmers recently join our team has been a coup; his local knowledge particularly in the industrial sector will further strengthen what we can offer our clients.” In the last 12 months GBU Realty has sold 170 Rutherford Street (Houston Motors), a Placemakers building in Mount Maunganui and a retail property in Sundial Square after negotiating new leases to Vivo and $2 Fantastic. Currently GBU Realty is selling a prime CBD asset with built in growth – 28 Halifax Street, Nelson. “Rarely do such investments come available. The property is in a sought-after location in the heart of the CBD, with a long-term lease to Nood and Halifax Café. It’s a golden opportunity for a smart investor to secure a prime investment in a tightly held market.”

If you want to add value to your property, need a pre-sale makeover or require some maintenance or landscaping work done, look no further than Maintenance Masters. “We do full maintenance, renovation and repair work,” says Director Hayden Bird. “There’s nothing we can’t do – from full house reno’s to kitchens and bathrooms, to fences and garden features, right down to little window latches.” A family-owned business, Maintenance Masters was first established in Auckland in 2013 where it grew quite large, with 13 staff and 10 vehicles. “A year ago, we decided to settle in Nelson, so we are letting people know we are available to do landscaping, construction, renovation or repair work for your property. The majority of our work tends to be for rental companies because our team is so reliable.” Maintenance Masters are very experienced at what they do and pride themselves in their work, so if there’s ever any issues, they will promptly return to sort it out. Whatever work you require, Maintenance Masters can get it done. Tiling? No problem. New cupboards? Easy. Landscaping? Maintenance Masters can create a superb outdoor entertainment area just for you. For more information, visit Maintenance Masters on Facebook, phone Hayden on 021 450 968 or email hayden@mmasters.co.nz

Want to get your garden in tip top shape for summer? Lawn need manicuring? Going on holiday and need someone to keep your garden alive? Need some help clearing up some rubbish? Then you need Crapper’s Gardening Services. Alex Crapper worked on fishing boats in Australia on and off for 8 or 9 years before permanently moving here in April 2018, then he started up his gardening business about a month ago. “Originally I was in Australia working with my Mum in her gardening business, so it’s something I’m experienced in and enjoy doing,” says owner Alex. Lawn Mowing Lawn Mowing Lawn Mowing Gardening Gardening “A few friends Gardening have liked what I did with their gardens, so I started my own business. I do weeding, tidying, lawn mowing, planting, odd jobs, Odd Planting LawnJobs Mowing Lawn Mowing Gardening Gardening etc. Recently, I’ve been helping a lady with feeding her horses and I’m Odd jobs Odd jobsPlanting also looking forward to working for a client at their holiday home in the Planting Marlborough Sounds.” Crapper’s Gardening Services is reasonably priced Odd jobs Odd jobsPlanting “This includes taking away green waste and any gardening Lawn Mowing Gardening at $30 an hour.Planting crappersgardening@gmail.com 02041741946 crappersgardening@gmail.com @crappersgardening @crappersgardening mess. I don’t charge any extra unless it’s 30 minutes outside of Nelson.” crappersgardening@gmail.com For all your gardening needs, call Alex on 020 4174 1946. For more @crappersgardening crappersgardening@gmail.com 02041741946 crappersgardening@gmail.com @crappersgardening @crappersgardening information, visit Crapper’s Gardening Services on Facebook. Odd jobs

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AV Architects are Nelson’s Audio-Visual Technology specialists, whose aim is give you a crystal clear audio visual experience and simple control over all your lifestyle technology, for your home, business or live event. AV Architects design, supply, install, and service sound systems covering Home Theatre and Multi Room Audio, Board Rooms & Conferencing systems and Nurse call/Hearing aid systems. We are now fully home automation certified in KNX, URC, Vantage and Alexa integrations, and can also assist with Event Hire and Management including both sound and lighting, having access to a large projector range including Education and Outdoor IP weather rated models for Digital Signage. “We have just pre-wired the penthouse of the new Betts apartments for full Multiroom Audio and Video distribution,” says co-owner Julian Macpherson. “We also do high-end custom PC builds and upgrades for gaming and Audio Production, as well as music studio design!” Please call or visit us at www.avarchitects.co.nz

16 Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 17 July 2019

Locally Owned and Operated




“Music has been my lifelong passion, so when I search for speakers for my customers, they have to be a product I would have in my own home,” says Mark. Rather than having a separate amplifier, CD player and speakers, you can enjoy the all-in-one Kef LSX speakers, without the need for cables. Utilising modern technology, you can stream Spotify straight from your phone. Kef LSX speakers are small but put out a big sound. “They come in 5 cool colours – white, green, blue, black and red. Female customers love the look, Techno-phobic people love the simplicity, and everyone loves the sound. Hear them in-store now.



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‘Anywhere. Anytime. Technology.’ is what the team at 1Call strive to provide for Nelson businesses. Managing director Peter Johnstone believes that there shouldn’t be any limitations to what people can do when working away from the office. “We have the view that you should be able to access your tech resources from anywhere, anytime,” he says. Peter and his team provide the infrastructure that makes technology onthe-go possible, whether it be working from home, on the factory floor, out in the vineyard or travelling both domestically and overseas. The highly-experienced team at 1Call has been providing information technology support to Nelson’s business community since 1995, specialising in computers, servers, networks and mobile devices in business and commercial environments. “We have huge experience in challenging environments, offering technologies that enable people to work anywhere, anytime,” says Peter. “We don’t specialise in just one product - we provide a generalised skill-set which means we can look at problems holistically and come up with solutions outside the box.”

We do Looking to get that big, clear, all round sound in your home in a stylish, tidy, compact package? Then Mark Patterson, owner of Nelson’s new Lifestyle Audio Visual Tahunanui store, invites you to come and experience the amazing Kef LSX wireless speakers.

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Nelson Weekly


ARTS Locally Owned and Operated

WEDNESDAY 17 July 2019

Levity’s musical inventions to debut at school of music Kate Russell Reporter


The Nelson City Brass contingent who performed at the nationals in Hamilton. Photo: Supplied.

Nelson City Brass triumphant Nelson City Brass took out the national B Grade title at the 2019 New Zealand Brass Band Championships which finished in Hamilton on Saturday. In only its second year in the B grade and following a close 2nd placing in 2018, the band was competing against nine other New Zealand bands and one from Australia. The band, led by musical director Nigel Weeks QSM, won all its stage events. In addition to this the band had several members recognised for


their performances and a number who won or gained placings in the solo events held earlier in the contest. Jan Lewis won the award for best soloist in the test piece with Steve Rudhall and Doug Couchman – winning for best principal cornet in the own choice. Guro Klaave, Josh Mansbridge and Mike Ford all came away with individual wins with Pauline Boyd also being awarded the Accompanist of the Year award.

ABI Music and Nelson City Brass Present International Cornet/Trumpet Virtuoso

HARMEN VANHOORNE 7PM | Friday 2 August Nelson Centre of Musical Arts Adults $15.00 Children / Students $10.00 Tickets from

Booking fees apply

Musical Director: Nigel E. Weeks QSM Workshop: 7PM Wednesday 31 July Nelson Centre of Musical Arts All Brass Players Welcome $5 Entry. Pay at door

Have you ever seen musical instruments made from heaters, airbed pumps and tyre valves? Well, you can when awardwinning children’s musician Levity Beet performs in Nelson this weekend. Labelled as a ‘musical inventor’, the Golden Bay local is bringing his mesmerising live show to the Nelson Centre of Musical Arts on Saturday, July 20. In the 45-minute show, he will perform original music on newly invented instruments that he makes out of “anything imaginable”. Levity is a three-time APRA NZ Children’s Song of the Year Winner and 2018 NZ Best Children’s artist and is well known for his fun, dynamic

Award-wining children’s musician Levity Beet is bringing his musical inventions to the NCMA this weekend. Photo: Supplied. performances in schools, earlylearning centres, festivals, libraries and private parties. In May, Levity released a fivepart series, funded by NZ On Air, filmed in his backyard studio in Takaka where he creates new instruments, including a castanet from native harakeke and a ‘fizzunkafone’ from recycled plastic bottles.

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After producing six albums, numerous singles and a CD/ songbook, Levity says he was inspired to create the series when his live shows garnered so many questions from children in his audiences and he wanted to share more of his creative process. He also produces music for the TV2 show ‘Darwin and Newts’ and runs ukulele, guitar and songwriting lessons for children. Following his performance this Saturday, there will be an opportunity for fans (both little and big) to chat with Levity about his creations he’ll be signing CDs and colouring books. Levity Beet’s show is on Saturday 20 July, 2pm at Nelson Centre of Musical Arts. Tickets are just $10 and available from www. ticketdirect.co.nz


Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 17 July 2019


Locally Owned and Operated

Delivering smiles of confidence for 20 years. nelsonortho.co.nz 03 546 6981

Nelson College old boy pulled off the streak of the Cricket World Cup Jonty Dine Reporter


A “lethal” combination of sun, cider and peer pressure led to the arguably one of the greatest streaks in sporting history. While the Black Caps may have not pulled off a win in the Cricket World Cup final against England, Ben Sandall still feels he has one up on them. The Nelson College alumnus pulled off a miraculous naked dash onto the pitch during New Zealand’s Cricket World Cup pool game against England on July 3. The 33-year-old showed lightning speed and agility to not only make it to the middle but spend almost a full minute showing off his “glory” before eventually being caught by security. However, he wasn’t done yet. While being escorted off the field by five marshals, Ben decided to continue his streak, brushing off

would-be tackles in an elusive display that Jonah Lomu would be proud of. The streak would provide the biggest ovation of what was a slow and subdued game of cricket. Ben has pulled off plenty of memorable streaks in his time, but his effort at Chester-le-Street easily tops his list. “This has shot straight to number one,” he told the Nelson Weekly from his Morpeth home, where he is based. Everything about Ben’s streak was spur of the moment, including the decision to attend the game. “We got tickets a bit last minute and right in the front too.” As Ben and his friends soaked in the sun and cider, the banter began. “There was a lot of reverse psychology going on.” The constant calls of ‘you won’t do it’ started to get to Ben and, as the game slipped away from the Black Caps, he took it upon

Ben Sandall in during his streaking run at the Cricket World Cup. Photo: Supplied. over my shoulder and there were no marshals.” After being turned down for a fist bump by New Zealand batsmen Tom Latham and Mitch Santner, the burly prop offered the pair some advice. “I just told them to dig deep, keep chipping away and bring it home, obviously that didn’t work so just continued on my merry way,

himself to try turn things around. “The boys looked like they needed a bit of a pep talk and the crowd needed a bit of a morale boost. I just wanted to get out there and lift some spirits, so I took my kit off and away I went. “I knew I wasn’t going to be out there for too long, so I would have to get a bit of pace up but then I got to the middle, looked

did a cartwheel, always a crowd pleaser.” Ben says the marshals “took their sweet time to get me off,” and when they did, little restraint was used. While he looked to be caught several times, Ben somehow got away from Ben says he even surprised himself with his evasion skills. “Hopefully can take some of those back to the rugby field this season because I’ve never broken tackles like that in my life.” Security handed Ben over to Durham Police, who gave him the chance to reflect on his moment in a cell for four hours. He was then simply given a caution, with no fine or bans. While Ben has streaked at rugby games, birthdays and weddings, he says his days of naked runs are now likely behind him. “It will be a big ask to top it, but never say never.”

mber 2018

DAY 19 Dece




day spa

for wom

en & men

Woman Beaut to New Street y Day Spa’s recen t shift “The been a really from Nile Street lease on has Street our buildi Delene Baige positive move for ng wasn’t for owner nt and her much longe in Nile of Beauty vibrant team was such a big Therapists. area which r and it for a much -needed freshe was ready and out,” n up inside says Delen e.

n Nelso Weekly Locally

15 Bridge Street, Nelson For bookin gs call: 022 383 7968

Stacey Pow er is ope new clin ning her ic on the 5th of Oct ober 15 Bridg e Street, For book Nelson ings call: 022 383 7968




and Operated

nies with s have balco ’s plenty ion room views! There and funct ing beach and the facility is occasion have a happy the events we stunn n parking, people to from Nelso at of onsite mingling minute drive from the we enjoy only a five minutes rt and 10 n Conference cater for.” side Nelso cater for 10 Airpo . more visit The Beach can city centre To find out s Centre o.nz it has seven and Event and e sidenelson.c peopl ble, www.beach to 300 plus rooms availa function multi-day a g different are holdin whether you a train, conference a wedding ing day, private banquet, al. The party or funer Nelson Beachside take care team will thing from Lincoln of every flowers to ort Carol and catering to and also Proud to supp ond equipment, catering Avenue, Richm offer a full 41 McGlashen 544 6137 Beachside’s service. & Friday, PHONE , Wednesday y. spaces and outside Monday, Tuesday m Saturda are per8am-6pm y, 8am-4p areas OPEN n Thursda garde 8am-6.30pm relaxed ocfect for a two of its and , casion

and Operated


day spa

for wom

en & men


Anja, both Therapists, qualified Beauty we have products offer on a special that best Mondays and Tues- type, including beaut suit your skin days. with iful brand as Environ, Lauren and s such your a manicure or Pier pedic Anja are cals and Pure Augè, O2 Intrac in any of confident euti- and eyebrows and eyelas ure; have Fiji. our Enjoy the tidied; come hes tinted if you book treatments, and oasis that out glowi a glorious is Woman ty Day with either ng with tan; girls, you Beau- a of the laxati Spa and indul can pleasurable pamper yourself with ge in pure on. any treatm get half price for massage re- with ent over or Indul a full day ge in a $50. offer is availa spa packa luxuriate ge. ble for one [This ment facial gorgeous skin only on treat- For month ; maintain Mondays more inform your look and Tuesdays].” ation, visit womanbeau www. ty.co.nz Delene Baige nt was about years old 27 when she first starte working in d the ing at Elega industry, worknce Beaut “I then opened my y Salon. Delene and tle place her team own litare excite called d to be in Buxton Squar Xpressions in their new “I felt it would e which I premises 10 years, had for on New Stree spent on some be money well mainl t. nails. I sold y doing acrylic tastefully where else. thing new somedecorated moved back the business and out, with I kept seeing throughbuilding mural which the includ four treatment on New Street in 2008 and to Christchurch rooms ises complete with comfy leather ing a online, so worked in called ‘Magn covers two walls my work pop up relaxation double room and Spa.” a Medi ificent Mena couch and a cosy fire – ideal for a Creat Bridgette colleague lounge, “wher gerie.’ ed by an and I went Delene, who ents Auckland grabbing a coffee and sitting and realis holds an along their can go after they’v e cli- pany, the comed ploma in wallpaper e had has treatment, down for a chat with one of the perfect; it it was Beauty TheraItec Diart, which ” says Delen been printe had just worki py, ng was e. friendly team. Prior to starting d to the for herself the right of the wall, at home amount a year before is a strikin scale the business, Rochelle and Brenof rooms the earthq for g green and bestruck jungle uakes . don moved around New Zealand design, intering in town “So, Richa would spersed ‘chasing jobs’ until realising they be better with brigh rd and I for us in came back to t flowe A lot has changed in the three Nelso rs needed to settle in Nelson. Ron and I took and birdli the long term fe. at Woman up As client years since the Mathews’ fam- chelle was working fulltime and would get – we s come into Beauty undera role previo the more ily opened The Bike Station in us owner the entrance encouraged her husband to find foot traffic before buyin area, the busin they will here its central location on Vanguard something that ‘made his heart g than Nile ess two not only Street." years later. “Bridgette be Street; the business has been greete sing.’ “Brendon has come from She says d by warm and Holly the new have been with me smiles on evolving and growing to meet an a biking background; he’s been premises since that reception, Hayle time allow they increasing demand for quality y for just and s will notice racing since he was 9; his fathem to on three the have with new beautiful bikes and reputable brands. With ther owned bike shops so, when same numb the new recep staff comin years, board er tion g easy access and great off-street of desk create as well. on carparks the rear of he was growing up, that was his at “Ther d by the "We have Bays Joiner parking, you’ll love visiting The world. We decided it was time e is also an "It’s a small property. good solid y. adjacent has team er space; for nails “It been aroun Bike Station 7-days a week. The to open our own store. Brendon has the that area ance heat and easier to and a make appeard for a while of marb to cool down We are where up shop offers a spacious interior is so passionate about it. He saw friendly . previous . Our pedic clients can also area at its base,” le with real Kauri and location bring helpfu says and huge selection of bikes – from an opportunity. That’s how we got ing a down have “We ures.” was Delene. l, ful, but the are very to earth New Street beauti- You’ll love proach to commuter, road and kids bikes started. The rest is history.” apThe new has its own building service; this way it’s turne happy with the Wom in charm; we new locati Woman Beauty’s an reflec the new to all manner of E-bikes (comBeauty Day ts perfect place it here.” on all love The range d out.” Spa is a pictu Beauty has direction Woman and mode – it’s fresh, clean to relax and of muter, trail and mountain) with perts. Filled with re of luxur rn able at Wom treatments availtaken, which E-Bikes Not a be pamp very y character, ment room with one treatand ered by the an Beauty relaxed yet popular brands like Pivot, Focus, is Beauty’s in particular is endless, Day Spa spa's beaut the fessio treatments, still very ‘Lazy’ Option new home Woman ing very cateri prov- men y expronal, apply Kalkhoff, Avanti, Cube, Merida, spray tannin popular. has been enhancemen The Bike Station stocks an exand wome ng for both g, eye edge as traine ing our knowl“Our client Kona and Marin available. There’s n. s love the a lot of nail ts and we also do ty website, where you’ll tensive range of popular brands, Therapists.” d Beauty & Skin incredible “We have every also a cool café area on the premthing from massage or without treatments – with formation about fabulo find in- You’ll but its main focus is on E-bikes. to facial shellac.” love cials includ us s to body The full ing one happe spe- of effect the amazing range list of treatm right now. ive, qualit ning available ents y produ skin is “To on the Wom care cts availa introduce ble at Wom an Beauan staff memb our two newer Beauty. ers, Laure Take advan n and tage of the care analy free skin sis and purchase

Quality Brands, Expert Service and Good Vibes at City Bike Shop

Stacey Pow er is open new clini ing her c on the 5th of Octo ber

n Nelso Weekly

number of tracks in a short space of time, which is important to me as a busy mum. Nelson is ideal for biking; in terms of our weather and proximity to everything.” Sunshine. Exercise. Good for the environment. Fewer cars on roads. Endorphins. The benefits of owning an E-bike are endless.

Valued Team brings Wealth of Experience

Three years ago, Brendon and Rochelle Mathews first opened The Bike Station in central Nelson and today the vibrant, expanding business has fantastic stock and a passionate, experienced team. Rochelle says contrary to what some may think, Ebikes aren’t a lazy option. “Ours are pedal-electric, so you still have to pedal but you get assistance as

you need it, so they’re suited to anyone, including those with a medical condition. “Using an E-bike allows me to get uphill quickly and ride for longer. They’re great enablers. I can do a

Staff are a massive part of The Bike Station. “Without them, we wouldn’t be here today,” Rochelle says. From the outset, Brendon and Rochelle have been focussed on having high-quality staff and, because they all have significant experience with bikes, the couple have 100% faith in their ability to provide fantastic service. Yohann, who is from the UK, says, “It’s been useful to experience how bike shops operate in other countries, including New Zealand. I picked Nelson because of its awesome mountainbiking trails and The Bike Station had cool brands, a nice workshop and it’s a great place to work.” Meanwhile, two-time national track cycling champion and national record

holder Kaio, loves working at The Bike Station while teaching young bike enthusiasts (in schools) how to ride and it helps build up the local junior base. Hunter, who has recently left college has been working fulltime at the store since November last year. “I’ve done a lot of mountainbike racing, so my passion has inspired me to work here as a bike mechanic and be part of the mountainbiking community. It’s an awesome business and getting to work on bikes all day long is great.” Lindsay, who has been with The Bike Station for just under two years, says he had been looking to get back into the bike industry as a mechanic after a stint in Whistler, Canada. “This is a nice place to work; a good bunch of guys. They have the same kind of passion that I have for mountainbiking, so it’s a no-brainer really.” Finally, Sam began working for the business in December after moving from Auckland. “I started as a customer and ended up working here; I love the team; we all get on well. It’s always a good sign of a great workplace

mber 19 Dece NESDAY



d They agree together. each functions so that they in heaven proper share esses. “The match made businesses to a own busin er was the It was a had their hospitality togeth when two to create ‘Beachside first thing we did around s awards for joined forces rence and Event business really well nt 2017 e; that went says Nelson Confefacility sits adjace 430 peopl successful,” just uil sea and and was really Centre.’ The to tranq sed anui’s was suppo to Tahun , making it an attrac ht we Carol. “It ; we thoug golden sands for special functions be a one off thing a good up, have on s tive locati s, corporate would just catch ber award conference e pardo the cham such as ln. time and ng days, privat says Linco besevents, traini and funerals. Car- night together,” ey..we’re ings Catering) “But we were like..h ties, wedd Carol is history. y (Gourmet ol Shirle ersley (Mc- ties!” The rest since done ln Wom ln have en and and Linco Linco Kitch such as and together Brewery make a local Cashin’s functions ed they would ty ball, the r’s ca- other Socie r ssfully Bar) realis the Cance after succe and the Brewe good team together last punk ball which ran for have a function ln in 2009 Steam Catering) rencethe child catering for Confe bring Guild it back when y (Gourmet met Linco mber and in Septe Carol Shirle year. “I first t into the Grape grows four out ofdays it and get a full re- busiBar) and e. “The Kitchen and Centre. when I boughsays Carol. “At that for 430 peopl fund oftered the purchase price as over a 500 er we make ’s Brewery rence and Events s s was justbike quoted chef; togeth (McCashin Escape Café,” my catering client award credit against the next-sized n Confe fantastic all also just g ness ln Womersley side Nelso spacious team.” time I gave just startin e, and up to 20”peopl wheel size.we’ve combo,” for 700 peo- Linco d up to create Beach side’s light, who were at- a great just a really good After only doesrence for 2020 to ess. “Not in the Beachplain to see those to Lincoln e it enable parents availa- teame both see eye ber then catering busin Escape I a confe on. “We’r was place came want “We it cham this ln. locati we foyer, out in the the Linco on the rightln,sized When ple.kids ‘do you space. “The a host a ‘Busireally well; at The Grape to puta their g were loving had a couple says Linco ’” door three years retired, then after said toage, bikes from which and get along hard and have as a base? bleaIyoung if we would so we turned tendin this is days; we’ve then next eye and ed tofor their d and usebut we “It’s early sold out I decidgood really work ideals in busievent, facility asked confidence, expan bored, so ainer. The , and ness after 5’ Numerous of smaller gatherings, tmas func- both very to values and own, year I got ed our opening!’ donates theIt returned bikes refurb to lo-ished was a no-br Chris the same out on my d up for it into our we have a we had finishcan see thing e,” says totallywe start back 2012 cal then kindergartens because feel Confer‘I 200 peopl owners turne donning week ness. After Then in Carol was ded as ‘Beachside e,’ with business catering for front of rence I said, andpassionate funcquietly.” last week, about all kids being and tion “My strength is in first confe rebran a notch gathering s Centr a few more side up attire the singly . d Event doing y ising I outandto ride,” sayse up the ampe increa able toln learning enceshow Christmass sitions. While Carol and in the organ ln is a you and lf getting Linco plans to spruc found herse approachedRochelle. happy dispo scrumptious house s, whereas Linco r future she a to do bigge busier so s of thing enjoying would like “It prevents parents needing to s and nibble to see if he buy low-quality, cheap bikes elsearray of drink where that are heavy and hard to ride, that don’t last and are too big for their child” says Brendon. “Our trade-in programme is good for parents, good for kids, good for local kindies – so it’s a multi-win for everyone.”

Whatever kind of bike you require – whether it’s commuting, for exercise or exploring the great outdoors, drop into The Bike Station at 54 Vanguard Street and have a chat with one of the friendly team. For more informafantastic deal on kids' bikes. Pay tion, visit www.thebikestation. & car ol d Cafe oln evar linc ly Boul full price for the first bike then co.nz d tosuP Ply supp ud to ProProu

Owners of The Bike Station, Brendon and Rochelle Mathews, have focussed on having high-quality staff whose combined wealth of experience is invaluable to the business. (Front L to R: Hunter, Sam, Kaio. Back L to R: Rochelle, Lindsay, Johann, Brendon). if you are socialising outside of work and the general vibe of the place makes it pretty fun to be in.”

Trade-In Programme for Kids' Bikes

The Bike Station offers a

Dona te to

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an s Carol

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Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated


WEDNESDAY 17 July 2019 of 42.03mins. Daryl Nish was first home in the walk in 63.25mins, one minute ahead of the rest of the pack. Elaine Llewellin, was a clear winner in the women’s walk, completing her 10kms in 75mins. Athletes now look forward to the next 10km Road Race to be held on Saturday July 27, hosted by the Motueka Sprig and Fern.


a thirty-minute stalemate, Smith finally broke the deadlock. Despite its chances, neither side was able to convert in the second as the hosts eventually shut out the Christchurch side with a 1-0 victory. The result sees Suburbs sitting second on the ladder behind Mainland champions Cashmere Technical. Suburbs will take on the powerhouse club in a top of the table clash in Christchurch next Sunday.

Harriers: Conditions were excellent for the second Waimea Harrier Sprig and Fern 10Km Road Race of the season. The course, incorporating part of the Great Taste Trail up Higgins Road and the scenic Mt Heslington Road, is becoming increasingly popular each year, with 75 Football: After being knocked out of the runners and walkers enjoying the event Chatham Cup last week, Nelson Suburbs Cricket: Nelson Cricket will host an on Saturday. While he held the lead from has bounced back to edge past Nomads indoor open day this weekend. The the start, Chris Sharland said after the in Southern Football League action on free event invites players to batting and race he had no idea how close his nearest Sunday. A solitary Adam Smith goal bowling sessions as well as the chance Tasman Rugby League stalwart Paul rival was. Brian Kemp, running strongly, ensured Suburbs started its campaign with to bowl to Nelson Griffins players. The Rosanowski with his distinguished services finished in 37.50mins, just 10 seconds two wins from its first two fixtures. Both day will run from 1-3pm at the Nelson behind him. Kathryn Bunchenburg was sides opted to play cautious football early Cricket Indoor Centre at Saxton Fields. award. Photo: Jonty Dine. This information is brought to of you Nelson Electricity andSaxton operates distribution network in on atowns a sodden Field the untilelectricity after A bowling the first theby women home in a time who machine will also be available.


Paul’s a ‘leaguey’ for life Jonty Dine

Nelson City and supplying approximately 9,200 consumers in what is mainly an urban area.


Trees close to power lines are a safety hazard. On 1st July 2005 the Tree Regulations came into effect to protect the POWER LINES – Electricity (Hazards from Trees) Regulations 2003 security of the supply of electricity and for the safety of the public. There is the potential for injury or even death by electrocution if you touch a tree which is touching a power line. Children in particular like to climb trees and when This information is brought toofyou by Nelson Electricity whoTrees ownscan andcause operates these trees are close to power lines, there is always the risk serious injury or even death. powerthe electricity distribution network in Nelson and supplying cuts especially in strong winds, rain and snow. Your power supply may be City disrupted when treesapproximately fall or branches9,200 consumers what is mainly urban area. break, damaging power lines, poles or other structures. In dryinconditions seriousan fires can be caused.

Trees close to power lines are a safety hazard. On 1st July 2005 the Tree Regulations came into effect to protect the security Though it may be on The life support, Tasman Rugbyspellofout Tree Regulations the responsibilities fortheelectricity companies and tree in making that if the supply of electricity and for safety of thelines public. There is the potential forowners injury or even death bysure electrocution League would be longtrees dead and buried if not for you touch a tree which is touching a power line. Children in particular like to climb trees and when these trees are close to are kept safely trimmed away from the lines. They define two zones around power lines as shown in the the efforts of Paul Rosanowski. power lines, there is always the risk of serious injury or even death. Trees can cause power cuts especially in strong winds, diagram Whether it was helping revivingbelow. the game in the rain and snow. Your power supply may be disrupted when trees fall or branches break, damaging power lines, poles or region through administrative roles, or simply other structures. In dry conditions serious fires can be caused. setting up the field, Growth Paul has always dedicated Limit Zone – no part of a tree or other vegetation should The Tree Regulations spell out the responsibilities himself to rugby league. be inside this zone. Lines for companies are required Cut or in electricity lines companies to andissue tree owners With almost 50 years of service given to the Trim Notices toZealand owners when their areare within the trimmed Growthaway game, Paul was recognised at the New making sure trees that trees kept safely Growth Limit Zone Rugby League AGM earlier month. from the lines. They define two zones around power Limit this Zone. The deputy chair of Southern Zone Rugby League lines as shown in the diagram below. Notice Zone was presented with a distinguished service award Growth no part a tree or reachLimit this Zone zone-you mayofreceive a other in Auckland on July 7.Notice Zone – if your trees vegetation should be inside this zone. Lines Paul says he was very proud Notice and humbled but that the trees must not enter the Growth Hazard warning companies are required to issue Cut or Trim Notices was quick to acknowledge support he’s had Limit the Zone. to owners when their trees are within the Growth over the years. Limit Zone. “It was also for a whole bunch of great people I Nelson Electricity carries out routine surveys on its network and have worked with over the years, you just don’t Notice Zone - if your trees reach this zone you may do it on your own.” issues Cut or Trim Noticesreceive to owners ofNotice treeswarning that have grown a Hazard that the trees into must The 63-year-old’s involvement in the game stretches the Growth Limit the Growth Limit Zone. If not youenter receive a Tree CutZone. or Trim Notice it back to the 1970s as a player and continues to this is important the information sent you and day in various administrative roles. that you readNelson Electricity carries outtoroutine surveys on its After stints with Linwood and accordingly. Riccarton clubs, network and issues Cut or Trim Notices to owners respond Paul joined Canterbury University and later sat of trees that have grown into the Growth Limit Overhead Line Notice Zone Growth Limit Zone on the club’s council. Zone. If you receive a Tree Cut or Trim Notice it is Tree owners are required to respond to Notices by either: 33kV – HV 3.5 metres 2.5 metres “This was my first foray into admin work.” important that you read the information sent to you 11kV – HV 2.6 metres 1.6 metres Paul was eventually appointed treasurer of and respond accordingly. Canterbury Rugby  League and had a heavy 400V/230V – LV 1.5 metres 0.5 metres Arranging for treesTree to be trimmed at their cost bytoaNotices by owners are required to respond involvement on the schoolboy board. professional lines-qualified arborist to a clearance outside either: After a year in Palmerston North serving on the • Arranging for trees to be trimmed at their cost by a professional lines-qualified arborist to a clearance outside Notice Zone; or Manawatu board, Paul moved the to Nelson in 1997. the Notice Zone; or “Rugby league was going strong at that the timelines company Informing that they have no interest in the trees. The lines company may then fell the trees • Informing the lines company that they have no interest in the trees. The lines company may then fell the trees under the guidance of John Bergman,” Paul says. some they mayinstances choosethey to may trim). (in some choose to trim). Paul served on the Tasman (in Board untilinstances 2006 when he took over as chairman, a year after the If trees on your property have not previously been trimmed by the Nelson Electricity you may be eligible for the first trim game began to “die away”. If trees on your property have previously been trimmed by the Nelsonfrom Electricity youclearances may be eligible for the free ofnot charge. In exceptional circumstances, a dispensation the regulatory may be applied for.first “We kept it going with half a dozen clubs for a few trim free of charge. In exceptional circumstances, a dispensation from the regulatory clearances may be applied for. years there.” If tree owners do not comply with the Regulations and fail to have their trees cut or trimmed they can be fined up to Paul managed to keep the game alive right up until $10,000 along with $500 per day for ongoing offences. Tree owners may also be liable for the cost of outages and repair his resignation in 2016 If with five owners clubs still remaining. tree do not comply withlines theifRegulations and fail to havetrees. their trees cut or trimmed they can be fined up to of power damage has been caused by their However, following Paul’s departure, rugby league $10,000 along with $500 per dayorfor ongoing Tree owners may also beactivity. liableIffor the cost of outages Cutting trimming trees offences. near power lines is an extremely hazardous branches or people come intoand contact with has experienced a steep decline in the region. repair of power lines if damage has been caused by their trees. a live line while the tree is being cut a potentially fatal electric shock may result. If live lines are brought down by cutting After a 2018 season, which saw just three sides trees, then serious safety hazards to other people and property in the vicinity may occur. Trimming or felling trees in close compete, the competition folded this year due to to power lines only be carried out by professional arborists who haveorhad specificcome traininginto and contact are qualified lack of numbers. Cutting or trimming trees proximity near power lines is must an extremely hazardous activity. If branches people to work near power lines. Despite the setback, Paul is confident the game with a live line while the tree is being cut a potentially fatal electric shock may result. If live lines are brought down by can be brought back to life with the likes of cutting trees,officer thenDom serious safety hazards to other people and in thequalified vicinityarborists may occur. or felling For further details and information onproperty professionally usedTrimming and Tasman Rugby League development Toala at the forefront.trees in close proximity to power lines must recommended by Nelson pleasearborists contact: who have had specific training only be carried out byElectricity professional “Has done a great job the last couple of years Phone: 03 546 9256 and are qualified to work near power lines. particularly with the juniors, the game is in good Website: www.nel.co.nz hands.”


WEDNESDAY 17 July 2019

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

Gymnasts in town

The Top of the South gymnastics’ competition came to town at the weekend with hundreds of young athletes from all over the country showcasing their skills at the Trafalgar Centre over the three-day event. Photographer Barry Whitnall of Shuttersport went along.

Ashton Calveley shows his strength on the rings in which he claimed level 2 gold. Download Nelson App free at

Nina Usui makes a perfect landing.

A DAmp TrAnsfer

In March 1927 the Duke and Duchess of York arrived at Nelson on HMS Renown, exciting much anticipation amongst the local dignitaries. The Mayor, his wife, and the Town Clerk were invited on

Generations of Nelson presents Snippets of History The latest Snippets of History, Volume Four, is now available! Volumes 1–3 are $15 per book Volume 4 is $20 Or get the full set for just $60 Purchase from Marsden House or NZME. 41 Selwyn Place, Nelson.













VOLUM in this third volume of stories featurin g discovery and heartbreak and survival, triumph. These stories are about real people in real Whether you are picking this up for just a quick from read, or are reading cover l,to cover, surviva ry and N discove enjoy g Snippets of History of stories featurin in real as a small glimps in this third volume into the Nelson about real people are e stories that These once was. triumph. heartbreak and or are reading just a quick read, picking this up for glimpse Whether you are History as a small enjoy Snippets of from cover to cover, was. once that into the Nelson


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Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

WEDNESDAY 17 July 2019


Marist number 8 Taina Fox-Matamua crashes over for a crucial try during his sides semi-final win over Stoke at Trafalgar Park at the weekend. Photo: Evan Barnes/Shuttersport.

Get ready for finals Jonty Dine The club rugby season wraps up this weekend with two mouthwatering finals to crown our 2019 champions. In a rematch of their epic Tasman Trophy final clash, Marist will meet Waimea Old Boys to decide the sub-union title at Trafalgar Park. The teams reignite their rivalry which saw them play out a thrilling 100-minute final to decide the Tasman Trophy. On that occasion it was Marist sneaking home 32-29 thanks to a clutch penalty from skipper James Hawkey. Both sides booked spots in Saturday’s showdown in contrasting styles. Marist hammered Stoke 46-24 while Waimea only just sneaked past Wanderers 29-20. Stoke put up a stern challenge in the first 40 minutes but the Tasman Trophy champions would ultimately run away with it in the second half. Marist coach Gavin Briggs says,

being finals footy, they were always expecting Stoke to come out with plenty of intent. “They certainly brought it and we probably weren’t clinical enough, but we addressed a few things that we knew we were letting ourselves down with and things seemed to come right in that second half.” Stoke opened the scoring against the green machine through the boot of Declan Smith. Marist’s Jamie Spowart and Sam Briggs looked in ominous form with ball in hand early, asking numerous questions of Stoke’s line defence. Marist’s pack then made a statement with a dominant rolling maul that hooker Sam Moli would finish off for the game’s first try. Smith kept his side in touch with a second penalty before Stoke took the lead against the run of play. With Marist hot on attack, winger Chris Little picked off an intercept and streaked 80m to put Stoke ahead 13-7.

Marist took the lead back through Briggs’ boot and then stretched its lead further as Rahiti Witehira finished off a superb movement. Stoke replied through winger Nikora Kanara before Taina Fox-Matamua and Hopo Taufua put the nail in the coffin with back to back tries. Spowart then produced some magic using his lightning agility to break the line before chipping over the last defender and regathering to ensure a new sub-union champion for 2019. In the women’s final, it will be a repeat of the 2018 decider between Waimea Old Boys and Moutere. Waimea sent a statement to the Marlborough side after crushing Motueka 73-10 at Jubilee. Moutere however also put in an impressive performance against Wanderers, winning 42-22. Finals: Saturday July 20 Trafalgar Park Waimea vs Moutere 1.15pm Marist vs Waimea 3pm

Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

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Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 17 July 2019

Locally Owned and Operated

The Nelson Suburbs colts celebrate their win at the U14 Christchurch International Cup. Photo: Supplied.

Suburbs win Christchurch International Cup Jonty Dine Reporter


The Nelson Suburbs colts have won the U14 Christchurch International Cup 2019 following a dramatic penalty shootout. All square after regulation time in the final against Western Springs, Nelson netted four penalties to

claim the most coveted title in Australasian junior football. Manager Rob Murdoch says the final was a hard fought, gritty game where both teams created chances to finish 0-0 at full time. “All the squad played their part in a successful tournament, trusting the process and themselves to go out there and do a job – win the tournament.”

Suburbs were the only side to go 6-0 in the two-day tournament on the July 6 weekend. It saw over 1000 young footballers across 74 teams play at the state-of-the-art Christchurch Football Centre in Yaldhurst. The tournament acts as an introduction to youngsters for what professional football is like. Tournament director Lew

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pivotal saves during the shootout, was awarded the tournament golden gloves. “The hard work and dedication from this tight group of lads is testament to their character, who go out and play for each other until the final whistle has blown.” Rob says these players deserve all their success, both now and in the future.

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Gordon says that the players love coming to Christchurch because they get a small taste of what it is like on the big stage. “We try to run every game like it is a FIFA event, with proper match officials, coming onto the pitch with music and just making sure all the details feel professional, and the players love it.” Josh Booth, who made two







14 99



Nelson Weekly

Community Services

Locally Owned and Operated

Community Notices

ENNER GLYNN PLAYCENTRE is having free spaces for preschoolers. 3 free visits. Open on Mon, Tuesd, Thurs, Frid 9.30-12.00. Come and play and have a chat to other parents. 03 547 4007 WARM YOURSELF WITH SOME LAUGHTER. Laughter Yoga. Wed. 5.30pm Victory Community Centre. $2 koha. Bring something to lie on for the relaxation at the end. Cath 5451207 CHARITY MID-WINTER CHRISTMAS PARTY, 26 July Two course Christmas dinner, great auction items, live music, Santa, 3 live bands, all for a great cause, raising money for Hospice and the Rescue Helicopter. Tickets from Eventbrite. The Playhouse, Tasman TABLE TENNIS school holiday programme dates 9, 11, 16, 18 July. At Saxton Field, Ph Gordon 021 462399 NELSON NORTH LIONS CLUB welcomes new members to join their small established group that are passionate of providing voluntary services through community involvement. Call John Rodger on 0276749333 or email john.rodger@xtra.co.nz for more details. MONDAY COMMUNITY EXERCISE CLASSES 10.15am Seated exercise for all ages, $5.00, 11.30am Circuit Class for All, $7.00. All welcome, fun and social. Football Clubrooms, Saxton Field NEW TO NELSON? Join Nelson Newcomers Network for Coffee & Connections, 3rd Tuesday of the month 10:30am at Morri Café, Hardy St. Call Jane 03 546 7681 SURVIVORS AND THRIVERS If you have or have had cancer, supporting someone with cancer come along and meet others in this friendly atmosphere. Register 539 1137 or info@cancernelson.org.nz ARTHRITIS SOCIETY COFFEE MORNING We meet at Flock in Church St 10am on the 4th Wednesday of the month. Next Gathering 24 July 2019. Ph Claire 035450835 or 0273601039

INTRODUCTION TO ZEN BUDDHISM run over 4 consecutive Monday evenings at 7:30.Nelson affiliate MRO. 4th session July 8th:Beginner Instruction and the Zen Liturgy:All welcome Contact Gwitha, 0211218133 CANCER SOCIETY/VINTAGE CAR CLUB popular Daffodil Car Rally; Sunday 25/8/2019. More than 200 Classic, Vintage and Veteran cars displayed and on the road. Food stalls, monster Raffle (drawn on the day). Rally entrants congregate from 11-30, Public viewing from 2-30 at VCC Club Rooms, Speedway Circuit Lower Queen Street, Richmond WAIMEA MUSIC CLUB meets on Sunday 14th July in Loney Hall Wensley Rd at 1.15PM Contact Pat 5445766 Clive ph 5530526 PILATES Tahunanui Community Centre 61 Muritai street. Suitable for all levels. 6pm Thursday’s. $10. Enquires Marion 021 08399290 LINE DANCING beginners Tuesday Thursday 9 15 am all ages/gender. Meet and make new friends. Great music excellent gentle cardio. Stoke Methodist Church Hall. You can bring your friends and just arrive. Please bring a cup. Free morning tea and chat. Diane Stherland/Arbuthnot 0274 491 569 NEW TO NELSON? Join Citizens Advice and Nelson Newcomers for coffee at Morri Cafe, 244 Hardy Street from 10am third Tuesday each month. Call Jane 546 7681. Next meeting 16th July. SPIRITED CONVERSATIONS Wednesday 24 July Charles Waldegrave, from the government's 2018 Welfare Expert Advisory Group, on 'Whakamana Tangata: Restoring dignity to social welfare in New Zealand'. Yaza Cafe opens 6pm, speaker 7.30 pm. No reservations. Koha. Ph 5486241 NELSON WINTER FESTIVAL Brightwater Public Hall Saturday 13 July – Doors open 12.30pm 1st event


WEDNESDAY 17 July 2019


1.30pm Come and watch a great afternoon of ballroom dancing. All welcome MINDFULNESS AND RELAXATION for people affected by and/or supporting someone with cancer. Tuesdays 1pm Fairfield House $3 donation to Cancer Society phone 539 1137 CANCER SOCIETY/VINTAGE CAR CLUB popular Daffodil Car Rally; Sunday 25/8/2019. More than 200 Classic, Vintage and Veteran cars displayed and on the road. Food stalls, monster Raffle (drawn on the day). Rally entrants congregate from 11-30, Public viewing from 2-30 at VCC Club Rooms, Speedway Circuit Lower Queen Street, Richmond HERITAGE ROSES Nelson July meeting 23 July 5.30 Richmond Library.Speaker Carolyn Ferraby, of Barewood Garden and Garden Marlborough. Sales table, raffle. Non members welcome $2.00 entry fee. Contact Clare 03 5450455 PRETTY CRAFTY WINTER MARKET - Sunday 21 July, Stoke Memorial Hall 10am-2.30pm. Huge variety of local crafters and artists. On site cafe for delicious baking and soup. Gold coin entry donation going to the Koha Shed. txt 027 3077 410. Also find us on Facebook. prettycraftychristmasmarket@gmail.com NELSON LIVE POETS Open Mic Night. Nelson Tuesday 16 July, Prince Albert, Nile Street 7pm start, Koha entry, ph 0276435123 WOMEN DECISION-MAKERS invite prospective candidates and supporters to a Standing for Election Workshop Wednesday 17 July, 7 – 9 at Fairfield House. Koha Phone Gail 545 1210 POP-UP POTTERY PAINTING at the Garden Window cafe stoke. Lots of things to paint whilst sipping a delicious coffee. Sessions on 8th, 12th and 15th of July various times. Check out facebook for full details: Pottering about Nelson.nCall Pottering About to book a table or email info@potteringabout.co.nz

days 7/30 pm Netball Pavilion, upstairs Saxton Road, Stoke. We welcome all photographers from beginners to experienced. Contact 021 2360 847. www. nelsoncameraclub.co.nz NELSON RAILWAY at Founders Park. The Railcar will be running daily from Saturday 6th until Sunday 21st July, weather permitting. First ride is at 11am. Adults $6 Children $4. See you at the station. CENTRAL GARDEN GROUP Stoke Methodist Church Hall, Neale Ave. Every 2nd Wed of the month, 1.30pm. New members welcome. Barry 547 9086 RICHMOND GARDEN CLUB meets Wednesday 07 August 1pm, at Hall Our Lady of the Bay Parish Centre, William Street, Richmond. Friendly club, great speakers, sales & interest tables. Do join us. Contact Paula 03 547 2537 PULMONARY REHABILITATION PROGRAMME The next 8-week course starts in September. Please ask your doctor/nurse if you match the referral criteria to the management of your respiratory condition. Or contact Nelson Asthma Society on 544 1562 or asthma.nelson@xtra.co.nz BETTER BREATHER CLASSES Improve your breathing by improving your fitness at our Better Breathing sessions held in Nelson, Richmond and Motueka. Contact Sue at the Nelson Asthma Society on 544 1562 or asthma.nelson@xtra.co.nz ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS is alcohol causing problems for you in your life? want to stop drinking but cant? maybe we can help. support meetings every day. ring 0800aaworks 0800 229 6757 NELSON QUILTERS GUILD Monthly meeting Sat 20 July 10.00am at Stoke School. Guest speaker Ruth Carlile. Sales table. Stained glass window quilted mat workshop until 3pm. All welcome. Queries Alison 0210766486

0220975995 DO YOU LIKE TO TEACH? Are you patient? Have a passion for working with different cultures? Are you an experienced driver with Full license for 2 years or more? Interested in supporting former refugees get their license ? Contact Margo at Red Cross 59 Parkers Rd 021 255 8550 or openroad.nelson@redcross.org.nz RED CROSS REFUGEE SUPPORT. Would you like to make a difference to a family’s life? Refugee Support Volunteers help former refugees from Myanmar and Colombia resettle in Nelson whilst learning about their culture. Next training starts 20th July. Contact:nelsonadmin@redcross.org.nz 546-5012 FRIENDS SOCIAL CLUB welcomes new members to a club for active SINGLE men and women aged 50 plus for weekly activities. for more information ph Clive on 0212054731 or 03 4572725. NATIONAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN Nelson Branch and Annual General Meeting 1-3 Wednesday 17 July Methodist Church meeting room Neale Avenue Stoke“Voice of Women’s Rights and Gender Equality”Prospective Members welcome Phone 03 545 1210 Email nelsonncw@gmail.com ARTHRITIS SOCIETY COFFEE MORNING We meet at Flock in Church St 10am on the 4th Wednesday of the month. Next Gathering 24 July 2019. Ph Claire 035450835 or 0273601039 July meeting 23 July 5.30 Richmond Library.Speaker Carolyn Ferraby, of Barewood Garden and Garden Marlborough. Sales table, raffle. Non members welcome $2.00 entry fee. Contact Clare 03 5450455 NELSON GUILD OF WOODWORKERS meets 7pm in the Nayland College woodworking room on the last Tuesday of each month between Feb and Nov. Bill Filmer 5475104 NELSON CAMERA CLUB meets 2nd and 4th Mon-

Community notices are free to community groups, schools, churches, gold coin donation events and fundraising only. For classified ads and public notices please call 548 5900. Due to the popularity of this column, while every effort will be made, inclusion cannot be guaranteed for free ads.

Gerry and Grace welcome all new and existing patients 14 New Street, Nelson. Ph 03 928 0121

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13 NEW ST, NELSON | P. 546 8890 Opposite back entrance to Warehouse Stationery



pH 548 5900 sales@nelsonweekly.co.nz

Classifieds Classified deadline - 5pm friday




Experienced workers required for casual wrapping work available in vineyard at Hope. Text 0272400204

Brand new long range target rifle. Not yet fired. Tikka T3x Tactical A 1 in 6.5 Creedmore with rings, scope (Burris C4 3-9 x 4.) bipod, case, ammo. Was $4839.65 now $4200.00 ph 03 541 8859.

Avon clearance, with household and boating items. Saturday 24 July 10am to 12 pm. Waimea Village on Gladstone RD, at Blue Heron Lounge.




psyCHiC Psychic Clairvoyant Readings, Divine Energy Healing & Reiki Training


Call Paula 021598822 www.divinepsychicvisions.co.nz

antiQues Antiques, furniture (desks, bookcases, chests of drawers, tables, chairs, chaise lounge, wardrobe, mirrors, rugs etc). Collectibles, paintings, toys, books, records etc. Sell, buy, value. 6 rooms at Souchebys Antiques, 75 Gladstone Rd, Richmond ph 544 0723. Open Mon-Sat. www.antiquesnewzealand.co.nz

GaraGe sale

GeNtle YoGa wIth CoNNIe NelSoN - Hearing House, 354 Trafalgar Square, Nelson tuesday Mornings: 10.30-11.45am 23rd July - 24th Sept thursday evenings: 5.30-6.45pm 25th July - 26th Sept RIChMoNd -Headingly Centre, Lower Queen St wednesday Mornings: 10.45-12 noon 24th July - 25th Sept • No Yoga Experience Needed • Feel relaxed yet energised $100 for 10 week term or casual $13 per class Spaces limited Phone Connie 027 297 6147 connie@jnc.co.nz

yes... our photos are

for sale

Wanted to Buy BUYING TOOLS, SHED GEAR, COLLECTABLES Hand tools, workshop tools, garden tools. Also, antiques and collectables of any sort. Large or small lots Estate & downsizing specialist. Top Prices - Cash Paid Ph Steve 027 538 0020 or 03 5380020 Nelson Based

puBliC notiCe A Single Lady Searching For Love Slim lady with Brown hair, stunning green eyes and happy disposition. Interests include dancing, music and the great outdoors. Seeking an honest caring gentleman. Call 0800 315 311 to make contact today.

puBliC notiCe

AGM Kartsport Nelson 7pm on Wednesday 7th August

Judith Ann

Robert Douglas On July 13 2019 at Nelson Tasman Hospice surrounded by his loving family. Loved son of the late Ernest and Jean Wilson in his 67th year. Much loved brother of Ernie, Thelma and Roger, Trevor and Brian, the late Baby Wilson, Gloria and Steven, Peter and Sonia, Karen and Ian. Special uncle and friend of Kerrie and Darren, Nathan and Debbie, Anisha, Philip and Monique, Yvonne and Mark, Sheryl and Peter, Neroli and Gareth, Kathleen, Tania and Neil, Robyn and Peter, Dayna, Kylie and Callum, Darren and Mia, Ricki and Michelle, Ben and Lisa, Charlotte and Linton, Hadleigh and Samantha, Hannah, Hamish, Joel and Hayley and Tuiana and the late Cameron and Joshua. Special friend to all his great nieces and nephews, along with respected and loved cousin of the Wilson and Bannan whanau. Much loved friend of Chris and Molly, Michael, Hery. Loved and treasured by many special friends and colleagues who have been a part of and touched his life. The service to celebrate Roberts life will be held at the Whakatu Presbyterian Church, 271 Songer Street, Stoke, on Thursday 18th July at 10:30am, followed by internment at the Marsden Valley cementery. Family flowers only please. In lieu of flowers a donation to the Nelson Tasman Hospice would be appreciated. Messages to 8 Shelley Cresent, Stoke, 7011 or rpandtme@gmail.com

Announcements It’s FREE!

email: sales@nelsonweekly.co.nz

At Kartsport Nelson Club Rooms Redwood Valley, Appleby

On 9 July 2019 in her 79th year. Loved mother and mother-in-law of Kerry and Jo, and Tonii and Shane; cherished Nana of Emily and Tony, and Alex and Alicia; great Nana to Asher and Stella; and wonderful friend to many. Judy lived life to the fullest and went out with a bang as per her wishes. A celebration of Judy’s life will be announced at a later date. MARSDEN HOUSE FUNERAL DIRECTORS N.Z.I.F.H. www.marsdenhouse.co.nz

Lost a loved one?

Ask your funeral director to advertise your loved one’s passing with us. We go into every home and it’s


Or email us your memorial notice by Friday to get it in the following week’s edition. sales@nelsonweekly.co.nz

funeral serviCes

Judith Ann (Judy)

271 Songer St. Stoke RNA Coll eg l Rugby 7’sinTou England oNA Ne lsoN School INTeRNATI at Rugby

Under 15 Boys


Zak Baker

MTJ Transport

021 685 910



locally owned and operated

Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

Zachary Moffat

Daniel Stock

AdditionAl SponSorS

Logan Bishop

Sam Burke



Jamal Murray

James Thoms on

Jacob Patel

Joseph (Joe)


Maxwell Busby nutrimetics.


Tarn Richar ds

Connor Wetzelb erger

Thomas Corbin Peter Grigg Cale Dunca n


Lachlan Rushbr ooke

Jo Rushbrooke Manager




“Stoke’s Original N LTD Bakery”

ta’s sole represen to look As New Zealand College will Rugby 7’s tives, Nelson International by Rugby take out the being hosted e tournaments to help celebrat School in EnglandAnniversary. 450th the Schools

man Andrew Good


er Faingaanuku Leicest Josef Scott

Jamie Mache Pool Brad n Coach

Daniel Marris

Sunday Service at 9.45am

- Hosted


play on The The Nelson a chance to where WilUnder 15 Boys will replook in great to a Close grounds Nelson College shape for the The team have been Ellis is said Zealand at 2016 season liam Webb resent New the game by and are on playing with great ry schools track for a structure global seconda at have invented ball and good result and skill, tournament up a soccer in Auckland sevens rugby game, picking at the national they are training hard it in 1823. thee of the tournament on both , running with the birthplac field presence in the first during the weeks leadand in Englandskill sport College’s week of the Rugby Schoolfitness to get the Nelson they love. school holidays ing up to nationals. ent has been best result possible at The team has the tournam in a weeks’ With flying later this month. the Tas-d time. bothdevelope widely re-. to national over thed by With The team has short season the Nelson College, tournam of supporte and and e ent competed in tournament this comUnion birthplac are being the Rugby continui two mini tournam a massive will man ing weekend ng garded as to Union. come Rugby , the team together ents so had pense Zealand ex- New Zealand far in Blenheim as a unit, manrugby in Newforgthese of one last hit playline up . ing out last College teamshowers, fundrais superior The first tournam Nelson the weekend in team play send a 12-stron ing event says on has the Grigg to the Christchent saw a been a big field Peter disappointing and belief in ager an first XV players ask in- other, to make performance urch, where they won each cludingbe part of Rugby is keen in terms of teamwhich 3 out of 4 tough shows tournawhich will raffles, BBQ’sons results score line, celebrati games. on on thein the and carwash but in the the second School’s 450th performance es and andimpressi saw great prom- At nationals the boys with success ise after winning ment. will in 2017. major be support squad coachedhad to 12 ofthat havehave the we and re- 15 compete against bysquad will date. local taining the “All The business other teams Supporters hard over We apprecia sponsors Tasman Mako with Cup Trophy with trained tereally by formerhip inn the all months the sup-to get and will strong wins Northland, Tauranga port the advertisement thatsummer against west we haveand Andrew Goodma believe I below. coast and Bull- and North Harbour Canada been this gettingready from The teamswould in fromfor er and a draw their pool play the local comface team as we can Ireland, Nelson U15 , like with Marlmunitywe to thankEngland as prepared arehope boys with the borough. and es. From last matchthe sponWales, you consupporters Australia year’s team tinue sors Ireland, to n cup for follow of of players they won in 16 players there Northertheir supportamongst be. ourhas meant a bit that have returned Blenheim. throughout it journey are only 5 Africa and belief “While national and South in these for another The boys have XV prepatournament. disjointed first season. young ing hard both been work- making others.lads that arethe team a give thewill also on and off most It of their opportunities within the Jamie Machen U15 Hockey Coach

027 366 1835


onship) our (UC Champi opporration for terrific know it’s a of and I season, we boys to be part proud. tunity for the do the region know they will difficult to assess how was Peter says it would be he other teams the speed strong the t his team had was confiden to impress. levels needed Goodand fitness by Andrew coached team “Any to go.” to be ready man is going

Max Fraine

try Caleb Coven

Joe Taylor

ce of rugby

the birthpla is condsidered ort. Nelson College Symes/Shuttersp Photo: Chris

rd Neo Mulligan-Richa

art Graham Urquh

tt Ben Hazle

Nelson College old boys Association

Kyle TeTai

Sturrock &Ltd Greenwood N A T I O I G E R R E F R

son Taine Robin

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Archie Smith

k Quick Quic Diggers

ff Karl Ratcli

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- Celebration of Life As per Judys’ wishes, there will be a private gathering of close family and friends to celebrate her life on Saturday, August 3rd, 2019. There is a page set up at Nelson Mail where tributes can be posted. Nelson Mail Guest Book - Judith Hill. The Family sincerely thank the first responders that aided and comforted Judy in her time of need. To those that had the unenviable task of notifying and helping us at this difficult time we are thankful for your kind words and professionalism. The Family.

WEDNESDAY 17 July 2019

Sturrock & Greenwood Ltd

One church, Many expressiOns

gl To eNmeN T e - TR IP

548 5900

pH 548 5900

ChurCh NotiCes


situations VaCant

Notice to all Advertisers: By placing your advertisement you agree with the terms and conditions of the Nelson Weekly Ltd. Namely, payment by the 20th of the following month, or in the event of non payment, the recovery of any debt and its costs will be charged to the customer. This includes all costs and commissions paid to a debt recovery service. Should you require any further information please phone the newspaper on 548 5900.

Classifieds / Trades & Services

Locally Owned and Operated

GaraGe sale

Advertise your garage sale here. Ph 548 5900.

The position of (live-in) Assistant Manager has been created to support and assist the owner with the dayto-day motel operations and management. You will be physically fit as required to work in all facets of the business, from reception and handling reservation system, to housekeeping and some minor exterior maintenance tasks. This is position where you will be required to work 4 days/stay 4 nights a week October - April. Each week you will arrive with your bag at 10am on Monday morning and leave at 10am on Friday morning. Please apply in the first instance by email stayingoldenbay@gmail.com with a personal introduction as to why you think this position might suit you and what experience you have to offer. Short-listed applicants will be then sent full job details and application forms. New Zealand residency or a valid NZ Working Visa is required.

Classified deadline - 5pm friday

Nelson Weekly

for sale

Advertise your situations vacant here. Ph 548 5900

aSSIStaNt Motel MaNaGeR - GoldeN BaY (live-In 4 days per week)

Locally Owned and Operated

situations VaCant

situations VaCant

situations VaCant

Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 17 July 2019



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Nelson Weekly

Trades & Services

WEDNESDAY 17 July 2019

Trades&Services concRETing




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Your Voice editorial@nelsonweekly.co.nz facebook.com/nelsonweekly www.nelsonweekly.co.nz


WEDNESDAY 17 July 2019

Nelson Weekly


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