21 August 2019

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Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

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Wednesday 21 August 2019

Vern calls time on career

College to host final

Page 8

Page 22

Election season begins Charles Anderson Election nominations for Nelson city’s councillors and mayor have now closed and the sight of hoardings manning our streets will become the norm for the next two months.


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Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 21 August 2019

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Council nominations are in. Have you had a chance to check them out and will you be voting?


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Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

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Contact us News Charles Anderson charles@nelsonweekly.co.nz Kate Russell kate@nelsonweekly.co.nz Jonty Dine jonty@nelsonweekly.co.nz Sara Hollyman sara@nelsonweekly.co.nz

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www.nelsonweekly.co.nz 75 Tahunanui Drive Phone 548 5900 100% locally owned and operated

Patrick Green, The Glen.

Sheila Lyons, Nelson.

Pete Coates, Nelson.

Katie Botham, Richmond.

“Yes, of course I’ll vote. I plan to do a bit more research. There are some interesting parties in the mix. I’d like to see some changes in Nelson that make sense.”

“I haven’t had any information through on the candidates yet but, yes, I do vote.”

“I have checked out the nominations, I think there are some okay options.”

“I have looked at them. There are certainly some strong candidates for Nelson but there doesn’t seem to be quite the same strength in Tasman.”

Election season begins FROM PAGE 1 In total, 31 people have put their hands up to become councillors, with eight of them seeking reelection. There will be at least four new people at the table with Paul Matheson, Stuart Walker and Luke Acland all deciding not to stand while Bill Dahlberg is only running for mayor. Dozens of signs are now dotted around the city streets as part of the candidates’ campaigns. Those in the council and mayoral race are allowed to spend a maximum of $30,000 on their promotions as part of strict rules that govern the campaign. Candidates are not permitted to retain anonymous donations exceeding $1500 and each candidate is required to keep a record of all campaign election expenses.

They are also only allowed 10 signs, known as hoardings, that are meant to be a maximum of .75cm2 per sign. Last election over 50 hours of council staff time was spent monitoring signs and responding to complaints on election signs. This year, the council’s group manager of environmental management, Clare Barton, says that they have already had a number of complaints in relation to election signage. Mel Courtney, who is running for mayor and council, says he is one of those who have been complained about when he put a sign on a road reserve land at the corner of Melrose Terrace and Trafalgar Street. “I am surprised that someone has complained that my ‘V’ shaped sign is on road reserve. I have

been told to remove the sign and I will. It’s positioned in exactly the same place I had it erected three years ago but as Mother Teresa once said, ‘it doesn’t matter’.” He suggests council looks more closely at State Highway 6 along Rocks Rd, where signs should be five meters back from the edge of the carriageway. Mel is joined by Tim Skinner, Rachel Reese, Bill Dahlberg, Mike Ward, John Wakelin and Avner Nahmias in the mayoral race. For council it is a stacked field with current councillors Tim Skinner, Ian Barker, Kate Fulton, Matt Lawrey, Brian McGurk, Gaile Noonan and Mike Rutledge running. Other people who are standing include Yvonne Bowater, Trudie Brand, Allen Chambers, Dennis Christian,

Alastair Cotterill, Glen Daikee, Sunny Daly-Keenan, Judene Edgar, Bernie Goldsmith, Owen J Houliston, Robbie Kavanagh, Luke King, Stephen Lindup, Dai Mitchell, Harry (Howard) Morris, Graeme O’Brien, Rohan O’Neill-Stevens, Pete Rainey, Campbell Rollo, Rachel Sanson, Anjela Sharma, Virat Vij and Mike Ward. Councillors are paid a base of $39,686 while the mayor is paid $144,500. Among other things, their responsibilities include formulating the council’s strategic direction and relative priorities, determining the expenditure and funding requirements of council activities and monitoring the ongoing performance of council. The closing date for people to send in their choices is October 12. More election coverage on page 5.

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

WEDNESDAY 21 August 2019

Nelson Club members gagged after ‘racism’ allegations surface Charles Anderson The exclusive, male-only Nelson Club has refused to vote on an amendment to its laws that would ban “hate speech” in its premises while passing a rule that gags members from speaking out. The move comes in the wake of alleged racist and homophobic slurs by a member which resulted in the resignation of its former chairperson. The club held a special general meeting on Friday to decide the fate of a member who is alleged to have made anti-Muslim and homophobic comments at an event late last year. The incident led to the resignation of the then club chairperson, when the committee refused to censure the member in question. The member in question stepped down from the club’s committee, but at the meeting was permitted to keep his membership while the club voted to make an amendment that would make it forbidden to speak publicly about club business. However, the meeting would not hear an amendment to ban hate speech.

on Selwyn Place being opened in 1903 and does not allow females to join. One member told the Nelson Weekly that the meeting was a “choreographed refusal to address the problem of white supremacist, and anti-Muslim views within the club”. “I also saw a refusal to ban hate speech within the club’s premises and an acceptance of a rule change to make the club a secret society.” The member who made the initial comments in question wrote to the club board saying that the comment about Muslims was about sexual grooming gangs in the UK, which was “factually correct” and that he was “anti-Islam” not “anti-Muslim”. He also denied being “strongly homophobic” but did express a strong dislike for “LGBT activists pushing a pro homosexual agenda to young children in our schools”. He said his decision to move to New Zealand 10 years ago was “hugely based around the spread of Islam in the UK and Europe”. The man was also a former member of the fascist far-right British National Party.

The Nelson Club is in ructions after allegations of racism and homophobia. Photo: File. In a press release, the club president Scott Dodd said that the meeting was an opportunity to “send a clear message that intolerance and bigotry have no place within the club”. It said it censured the member and stated that the club was “inclusive of all ideologies, races and sexual orientations”. However, at that same meeting, the member in question reiterated comments he made, including that he believed black people had lower IQs than white people. These beliefs were also recirculated by the club’s lawyer in an email to other members. The Nelson Club was founded in 1874 with its current building

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Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 21 August 2019

Locally Owned and Operated

Hampden St closure aims to improve safety Sara Hollyman Reporter


The decision to close part of Hampden St to traffic is being praised a resident who says that he is often the ‘first responder’ to accidents at the busy intersection. Hampden St resident Dominic Alford says he has seen many injuries sustained while living there. One time he looked out the window to see what he thought was a mannequin on top of a car. “Then I looked closer, the guy had his motorbike helmet on, and he started moving his arm

and I went ‘oh shit’. I could see the windscreen had been broken and the guy’s jeans had torn, and he had some deep lacerations on his legs.” The west side of the intersection will soon be closed by Nelson City Council as part of a 12-month-trial to improve safety at the site. The closure will see one side of Hampden St closed to traffic using planter boxes and will also provide a protected pedestrian pathway, including kerb ramps. Reflectors will be installed to make them visible at night. Changes will be made to signage

and line marking will be made to show the changed traffic conditions clearly. Dominic says it’s a brilliant idea to combat an issue that he has raised with the council before. He has even watched people drive over the footpath and his front lawn because they are too impatient to wait in the rush hour grid lock. Council say issues with the Hampden Street/Waimea Road intersection have been identified to them as a high crash risk area, especially with the potential for involving cyclists and pedestrians. There have been 14 reported crashes between 2012 and

2019 and half of those involved vulnerable road users. Works and infrastructure committee chair Stuart Walker says it is a known trouble spot on the transport network and the crash rate is “unacceptable”. Council says they have been in touch with stakeholder groups, local businesses, schools and residents of Hampden Street West and Hampden Terrace to get their feedback on the proposal for the trial closure. However, some at last week’s meeting questioned whether true consultation had taken place. Only 22 out of 47 residents and businesses contacted by

the council responded, and no attempt was made to contact residents in streets surrounding Hampden St. Some councillors also suggested it was not just cars to blame, but also cyclists. Councillors Gaile Noonan, Mike Rutledge, and deputy mayor Paul Matheson voted against the closure. But Dominic says if the move stops one more kid going to hospital then it is worth trying. “I just hope there’s not another accident before they put it in.” The public will be notified in advance of the changes being made, but the trial closure is likely to begin in October.

Hampden St resident Dominic Alford is often a first responder to accidents at the intersection. Photo: Sara Hollyman.

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Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated


WEDNESDAY 21 August 2019


Seventh mayoral candidate announced Charles Anderson

the city lives up to its potential. “We need actual plans and In what is being thought of as a guidelines. I want to have a record in recent memory, a local unified vision that we are doing business consultant is the seventh this to maintain the beauty of our person to put their hand up to be city.” mayor of Nelson. Avner says he is wanting to create a Avner Nahmias has become the “sustainable” environment but uses most recent person to run for the word in a holistic way. He says the mayoralty and he is “green” but also says he was spurred wants the council to be on after experiencing financially responsible what he says is excess and transparent with bureaucracy at Nelson ratepayer dollars. City Council. “Seventeen years “My apolitical ago, I made Nelson leadership qualities my home, building will restore positivity, and planting so that optimism and a my son and future common vision within generations will council.” continue to enjoy Avner, who came to Nelson’s unique New Zealand from qualities in perpetuity. Avner Nahmias Israel 17 years ago, That’s sustainability.” says the city has been Avner has worked as “hijacked” by bureaucracy and a real estate agent but says he is poor planning. a business consultant working on “I’m not a politician. I have strategy and “design issues” with no self-interest and no agenda large overseas businesses. other than ensuring that the next “I am not running on a single generations can enjoy what we agenda; it is all interconnected.” have.” He joins incumbent Rachel Reese, He says that the “CBD is dead” John Wakelin, Mel Courtney, Bill and Stoke is “bland” and there Dahlberg, Mike Ward and Tim needs to be more vision to ensure Skinner in running for mayor.

Latin American culture came alive at Founders Heritage Park on the weekend for the celebration of the second annual Colombia Day. It was hard to not feel immersed in the culture as music, food and dancing took over the heritage park. Hundreds of people filed through the doors for the free event, which saw locals sampling traditional South American foods like empanadas, arepas and tomales. Sack races and other games kept children entertained, while performances by the likes of Alexandra Orchids Arts Latin Group were just one of many to entertain the huge crowd.


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Nelson’s Jim Carter to enter hall of fame Kate Russell Reporter

Jim Carter on his Spanish semi-acoustic guitar in Wellington during the early 1950s. Photo: AudioCulture.


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Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 21 August 2019



One of Aotearoa’s most formative musical figures - who happens to be a Nelson resident - will be inducted into the New Zealand Music Hall of Fame at the 2019 APRA Silver Scroll Awards this October. Jim Carter, who turned 100 in March this year, will be joined by Ruru Karaitiana and Pixie Williams (both since passed on) in the prestigious honor as together, they created ‘Blue Smoke’ - New Zealand’s first homegrown pop song in 1949. This year celebrates the song’s 70th anniversary. It was the first New Zealand song to be wholly written, recorded and manufactured in New Zealand. It was a huge commercial success and was covered by a host of international stars including Dean Martin.

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Growing up in Wellington, Jim first picked up the lap-steel guitar in 1936 at the age of 17. He aspired to be a dance band guitarist, so took lessons on rhythm guitar and joined a Wellington band called Gerry Hall and his Orchestra, playing in a church opposite the Basin Reserve. During the Second World War he was in the army for a year, but tuberculosis kept him away from the action. Instead, he worked as an army chef and often performed at concerts held in military camps such as Trentham. After the war Carter joined the 2YA Orchestra, which played “pop music of the day”, accompanying a female vocalist broadcasting live-to-air from the station’s Wellington studio. Then Ruru Karaitiana, who wrote ‘Blue Smoke’, approached Jim to play the lap-steel guitar and lead his band on the recording as he wanted it to

have a Hawaiian feel. But Jim’s contribution to New Zealand’s pop music history didn’t stop at that. In the same year it was recorded, he played rhythm guitar on Ken Avery’s ‘Paekakariki’, and in the mid-1950s he played on several pivotal recordings by Johnny Cooper - his biggest hit ‘One By One’, his originals ‘Look What You Done (Lonely Blues)’ and ‘Pie-Cart Rock’n’Roll’, and his version of ‘Rock Around the Clock’. Lap-steel guitar, and music have remained a key part of Jim’s life, including a new recording of ‘Blue Smoke’ he did with Neil Finn for Anzac Day in 2015. While Karaitiana and Williams have now sadly passed on, their children will be accepting the awards on their behalf. The APRA Silver Scroll Awards are to be held at Spark Arena in Auckland on Wednesday, October 2.

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

WEDNESDAY 21 August 2019

Arts Council Nelson Community Arts manager Lloyd Harwood is seeking artworks for 80 flags for the city centre. Photo: Kate Russell.

Artwork sought for 80 city flags

Kate Russell Fancy your artwork being on display on Trafalgar St? Well, here’s your opportunity. Nelson City Council are seeking entries from all abilities and ages to create 80 uniquely designed flags to brighten up the central city. Arts Council Nelson are running the exhibition on behalf of the council, who are funding the $41,500 project. The flags will be rotated around Trafalgar, Hardy and Bridge Streets from this spring, according to Arts Council Nelson Community Arts manager Lloyd Harwood. “You will be able to look down Trafalgar St and see them. It’s going to look amazing,” he says.

Each selected artist will receive $300 per image. Lloyd says they are looking for “bold and bright designs that are colourful, interesting, positive and fun”. “We’ve purposely opened it up to a cross-section of the community. We hope to get young people as well as entry-level and established artists.” The flags will go up in November after the Nelson Arts Festival flags come down. They will come down in December when the Christmas decorations go up, and then come back in February/March. Entries are now open and close on September 23. For full details, entry forms and templates, go to: www. acn.org.nz/art-flags-project.html

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Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 21 August 2019

Lotto struck Vern makes plans after in Nelson ‘lucky’ local career One lucky Nelson Lotto player has 250,000 more reasons to smile after winning a share of Saturday’s first division Lotto draw. The lucky punter purchased their ticket at Nelson City New World on Vanguard St and pockets $250,000 from the win. They share the win with three other first division winners who purchased their tickets in Silverdale, near Auckland, Dunedin and MyLotto. The MyLotto winner also picked up $12 million in Powerball First Division, taking their winnings to $12.2 million. It’s the twelfth time Powerball has been won this year.

Locally Owned and Operated

Charles Anderson Vern Mardon was in Kaiteriteri relaxing when he first heard that one of his dear friends had just had a stroke. It came only a few months after the death of a close friend, and he started to think that maybe he should be slowing down. Vern came to Nelson in 1977 to work as a branch manager for an insurance company before setting out on his own. But on that Kaiteri day he turned to his wife and said: “I think I need to stop. Life is too short.” So soon they will be heading off in their caravan to explore the country. It will mark the end of an era for Vern, who has also been intimately involved with athletics in Nelson for many years. He helped fundraise for the Saxton athletics track, the pavilion and the indoor cricket centre. That passion for sport started

Vern Mardon is finally retiring after first coming to Nelson to work in insurance in 1977. Photo: Charles Anderson. at secondary school in Taranaki. His claim to fame is being the first student to win the two long distance events at the local school champs. “Athletics has always been my sport,” he says. “I love the competitiveness of it.” But when he left school he was unsure what to do. So he studied chemistry and ended up dropping out. “I was concentrating too much on running and just chose the wrong subjects.”


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He applied for a job at some banks but got rejected. Then he applied to some insurance companies and got a job before becoming an adviser. “Sometimes life just happens, and it has been so good to me. I have loved it, absolutely loved the industry. It’s a passion I’ve always had.” Now he is known as “the granddad” of the insurance industry in Nelson. “What a good adviser does is take over, so the stress goes

completely off the client. If I put something in place for you it has to work exactly right down the track. Because if I haven’t done it right then it’s too late.” Now he is handing over the last of his 100 clients to local adviser Mark Sheehan, whom Vern has nothing but praise for. “He is a really great guy.” Vern’s ability to build lasting relationships saw him build up a network of loyal clients whom he treated to a night out last month. “It was an evening to say, ‘thank you for giving me the pleasure of being able to work with you’. It was so humbling. It was an evening I will never forget.” But now it is planning a travel itinerary that will take up Vern’s time. He is especially excited about heading towards Dunedin to check out the albatrosses and penguins. “I’ve just been really lucky,” he says.


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Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

NEWS First flush for new toilets: Visitors to the Queens Gardens will now have new toilets to use, just alongside the Suter Gallery on Bridge Street. The new toilet block is accessed from the Bridge Street footpath and has been designed in a style that complements the exterior of the Suter. It contains two unisex toilets, one of which is disabled accessible and has a baby change table. Council staff wanted to thank all the park users for their patience while construction was taking place.

Saltwater Creek Bridge replacement underway: Work has started on replacing the Saltwater Creek Bridge, which connects the Maitai River Walkway with the QEII bridge underpass. The existing footbridge was removed on Monday, and the new bridge was craned into place on the same day. However, more construction work is needed before the new bridge can be opened for use. This is expected to take up to three weeks so access across the bridge is closed until mid-September and detours will be in place. The 3-metre-wide bridge is made from Glulam timber and incorporates a waka theme, which will reflect a waka prow sculpture that is proposed for the nearby landing site.

WEDNESDAY 21 August 2019

Wide selection at 50/50 art exhibition: A range of 120 art works of all descriptions have come in for 50/50, an exhibition and silent auction fundraiser for the Nelson Suter Art Society and The Suter Art Gallery. It is open to the public now and culminates in a special evening event on August 23. For the exhibition, canvases were distributed to artists throughout the region and beyond and are now all displayed (unnamed) and available at a starting price of $100. Gallery Director Julie Catchpole says there are plenty 3of art works to choose from. Proceeds will be shared 50/50, between the Nelson Suter Art Society and The Suter Art Gallery.


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Nelson Weekly

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WEDNESDAY 21 August 2019

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Nelson Weekly


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WEDNESDAY 21 August 2019

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Your Voice

The Nelson 2060 Strategic Plan ...... What happened to it? Your timely article regarding the lack of progress on the plan highlights why nothing much has happened in getting the plan off the ground during the past five years. It is worth looking back to 2014 when the Nelson 2060 Strategy was first suggested and when there was a fair degree of ratepayer scepticism about preparing a plan with a vision almost 50 years into the future. However, it was accepted that a plan with so called VISION was necessary and was not to be confused with annual Long Term Planning that council undertakes each year where funding of works and projects is the predominant matter. At that time, in 2014, ratepayers were told that the goals contained in the plan would be implemented along a timeline pathway leading to 2060, however, few specific

dates or methods to measure progress were included. To say the plan was a “community led vision” is not entirely accurate and the 10 goals that finally emerged were influenced heavily through consultant and council input. All of this has taken far too long and no end is in sight. The trouble with long-term planning is councils and their staff come and go and important plans almost invariably get caught up in the political machine where new policies, priorities and ideologies take charge and plans produced some years back often get torn apart. Mayor Reese, in her comments, alluded to a new council having “a different approach to planning”. So, what should be done? Firstly, accept the fact that trying to prepare a plan with a vision looking out to 2060 is nonsense. Better to make it a six year plan (two council terms for accountability) with strong annual reporting requirements. Finally, as council has now declared a “Climate Emergency”

Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 21 August 2019

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editorial@nelsonweekly.co.nz facebook.com/nelsonweekly www.nelsonweekly.co.nz

which we are told is urgent and is of concern for the foreseeable future, it makes sense that council vision planning should now align with that. Neville Male Nelson Hospital self check-in kiosk: 15 years ago in the UK, I could make an appointment with my GP through automatic telephone response and check-in at a screen terminal on arrival. 13 years ago, I needed a hospital appointment. I was given a pin number and then went online where I was given a choice over six weeks of four hospitals and the times available. This I did on my laptop from a camp site in France. On arrival at the hospital, on time, I checked in on a computer screen then I waited just five minutes before being seen, first by a technician and later after another five-minute wait, by the specialist. Peter Mayes Ticketless



comes to Nelson: They are great and will save the trees, go for it. Dianne Scott Better to make parking free in the CBD by increasing general rates to cover existing revenue generated from parking fees. Also, build in a rate to pay for cycleway infrastructure. Cyclists are subsidised by motorists currently, not fair. Parking time limits should stay and be enforced by council. Steve Thomas Our business had to provide minimum of five onsite carparks in the suburbs for our small business. We had to tarseal and mark the area. Yet businesses in Nelson city aren’t required to provide any parking or fund the parking. The museum in town was built with no parking requirement. Whereas Richmond parking is free. Guess where we shop? But, a great idea to upgrade to no

Nelson Matters Transport issues were to the fore last week with National Leader Simon Bridges meeting with the Mayors and transport leaders and the Council decision to close off Hampden Street from Waimea Road. Nelson‘s transport infrastructure is not coping with our growth in population, freight and tourism. We have 10,000 more people in the region than a decade ago. Freight volumes through Port Nelson have grown 40% in the last five years. The additional million tonnes equated to another 100 fully laden trucks every day. Visitors to our region have topped 400,000 and are growing at 10,000 a year. The answer is not closing roads.

The Council decision to block off Hampden Street at its intersection with Waimea Road is treating the symptoms. Full points to Councillors Matheson, Noonan and Rutledge for opposing the closure. The fundamental problem is that Waimea Road and Rocks Road do not have sufficient capacity to get the people and freight in and out of our city and port. Congestion is getting worse. The times that Waimea and Rocks Roads get snarled up are growing. It has spread south to Richmond’s roads and intersections. Rat runs are developing on neighbourhood streets not designed for such traffic. Injury accidents and road fatalities are

increasing as our roads are not designed for these traffic volumes and frustrated road users take risks they should not. Labour has had little to say about Nelson’s transport issues. The PM, when Leader of the Opposition, said she opposes the Southern Link as there are better alternatives like barging logs from Rabbit Island or a tunnel though the Port Hills. Neither alternative is credible. Transport Minister Phil Twyford has cancelled billions in highway projects around New Zealand including the $5 million project in Nelson for resurfacing with quiet seal on SH6 in Atawhai and Stoke. Mr Twyford’s statement that New Zealand has long

Back to the drawing board for Modellers Pond: Ah, those of you asking for it to be a kid’s paddling pool, are you aware it's part of the stormwater system?! That's what caused the whole problem in the first place. Concrete it, bypass the storm water and let the tide flush it occasionally. Problem solved. Warwick Rogers

What's needed is movement in this pond. A pump installed to keep the water circulating (when it's not being used for model sailing). This pond collects rainwater which is the stagnation problem. Gill Atkins

544 Waimea Road, Nelson

over-invested in highways gives little hope to Nelson. Green Co-Leader James Shaw and Councillor Matt Lawry promised in 2017 $23 million for a Rocks Road walkway and cycleway but nothing has eventuated. The Transport Agency has rightly stated this is unrealistic without addressing the large volume of traffic and trucks. I have long advocated for Rocks Road being an esplanade for walking, cycling and recreation, but this is only possible by relocating the State Highway. The message Simon Bridges received from our Mayors, Port Nelson, AA, contractors and Road Transport Association was of frustration. Simon’s state-



COMMITTED TO NELSON Authorised by M. Rutledge, 39a Marsden Rd, Stoke

paper machines. But I still don’t understand why local businesses don’t have to provide or fund carparks. Diane Chandler

ment that National would put the Southern Link back on track was welcomed. National has a strong track record of investment in Nelson’s highways. We did QEII Drive in the 1980s, Whakatu Drive in the 1990s and the Ruby Bay Bypass in the 2010s. The Southern Link is just part of what needs doing in the 2020s. We need to be planning for four lanes to the plains – ie out to Three Brothers corner. Our community faces big choices on transport with local elections this October and Parliamentary elections next October. Nelson needs leadership and direction. Advert.

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

WEDNESDAY 21 August 2019

Brodie heads to Outward Bound thanks to NBS Charles Anderson Editor


Brodie Morrison used to be the kind of girl who would sit at the back of the class. But three years ago, she started attending Victory Boxing after her mum Helen saw it advertised. In that time Brodie, 17, has gone from simply showing up to class, to helping run the class. Then the Nayland College student also recently saw that NBS were sponsoring one young person to go to the full Outward Bound course in Anakiwa. Thing we really liked about Brodie is her long connection to Victory Boxing,” says NBS’s Howie Timms. “She is a good, motivated young person – it was perfect for what we were looking for.” She will go on the course at the end of September and spend 21 days in the bush, going hiking and climbing and building life skills. “A bit of everything,” Brodie says. “I feel like the experience will be really cool and I’ll get a lot of out it.” Her mum says that boxing has been great for her daughter’s confidence. “She used to sit at the back of the class and now she is at the front, always talking.” Brodie says boxing has taken her out of her comfort zone and pushed her to exceed expectations. Her trainer Shaz Nicholls says Brodie has just “blossomed” with boxing and is sure the Outward Bound course will take her to the next level.

NBS’ Howie Timms with Brodie Morrison and Victory Boxing’s Shaz Nicholls. Photo: Charles Anderson.

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Every few weeks we sit down with someone with a story to tell at Burger Culture. We call it ‘Burgers, Beers and Banter’. This week we speak to Nelson Marlborough Rescue Helicopter pilot Euan Stratford who has recently returned home to Nelson after working overseas. “I’ve been flying for more than 20 years now but I still remember my first flight. I did my aeroplane licence when I was at school, I could afford half an hour flying time a week with my after-school job (it was a bit cheaper back then). But then mum bought us a joyride down in a helicopter at Tahuna Beach at Christmas time one year and that was it. I thought ‘this is cool’ so that was that. Next it was like ‘right, need to pay for it,’, so I got a job on the fishing boats for a while. I thought if I save all the money up for it and I get to my magic number and I’ve still got that money in the bank and haven’t drunk it or spent it on fast cars and stuff, then I must really want to do it. I saw a lot of other blokes with heaps of nice cars and stuff, but it was a means to an end. My wife was pregnant with our first boy 10 years ago, that’s when I started working overseas, mainly in Indonesia and New Guinea.

The work is month on month off which is OK but was hard on the family. You fly home in your time off so you can imagine three and a half weeks goes pretty bloody fast. A lot of the work was for mining companies, looking for gold or oil and stuff. We would be living in bush camps in the jungle some of them were pretty terrible. My last trip in Indonesia was pretty bad, the food was awful, I pretty much lived off rice and cabbage for a month. I lost so much weight. There’s no internet or air conditioning, and the bugs. It was quite hard, our nine and seven-year-old pretty much grew up with me doing the month on month off thing. Coming home is great, but you can imagine, before you know it, you’re back at the airport and it’s time to go. I had some shoulder surgery at the end of last year and was gearing up to go and work away

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Euan Stratford reflects on his careers as a helicopter pilot. Photo: Sara Hollyman. again but then the job came up here with the rescue helicopter and I couldn’t believe it. I’m stoked, it’s so good. I still love it and catch myself sometimes taking it for granted but this job

is pretty cool. It’s cool to be able to do what you love doing but also be helpful.” Have you or someone you know got a good pub story to tell? Email editorial@ nelsonweekly.co.nz.

Celebrating 25 years of dentures Bays Dentures has a 5% special offer to celebrate making dentures for 25 years Daniela Steenpass of Bays Dentures is cel- ing, because there was nothing more I could ebrating a special milestone this year – she learn, so I did some further study at the denhas now been in the dental industry mak- tal school and for the past three years I have ing dentures for 25 years. To celebrate this been self-employed making dentures and really enjoying it.” milestone, Daniela is offering a Daniela has had a lot of happy 5% discount on new dentures if clients over the years with great you make a booking during the month of August and Septemresults and positive feedback. This is what her clients say: “The ber. It’s a great opportunity for fit is most comfortable and aesyou to renew your old dentures. thetically pleasing. You have Having a new set made has made the whole procedure a many benefits. You will have pleasant experience and I have less painful sore spots. The fit is no hesitation in recommending tighter and more comfortable. your work. Thank you again.” It becomes easier to chew with Daniela says, “my clients like them. There will be less food the calm, friendly atmosphere at getting trapped underneath Daniela Steenpass Bays Dentures; it is also modern them. Or maybe the dentures are just worn down and you want to show a bit and private with easy access.” At Bays Dentures, your initial consultation more teeth. Daniela can design the denture in a way, with Daniela is completely free of charge. Beso they look more natural. During all these fore you miss this great opportunity, make a years, Daniela has held a high standard and booking for new dentures and phone Daniela produced high quality dentures. on 03 546 4455. For more information, visit “I used to work for a local dentist in Nelson www.baysdentures.co.nz Bays Dentures is for 10 years, making all his dentures, then I located at 41 Washbourne Drive, Richmond. came to a point where it seemed to get borBusiness Update. Advt.

Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated


WEDNESDAY 21 August 2019



WEDNESDAY 21 August 2019

Nelson Weekly


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Nelson Weekly


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Nayland College shines in PM’s Education Excellence Awards

Nayland College has received high praise from the judges who recently selected the school as a finalist in the 2019 Prime Minister’s Education Excellence Awards, in the ‘Excellence in Leading’ category. One of five potential categories, the award celebrates leadership and its influences on creating changes in conditions, leading to improved and sustained outcomes for children and young people.

High praise for leadership capability and transformational learning strategies

The judges said, ‘Nayland College demonstrated clear leadership to change the college over several years to successful, sustainable practice. The entry also showed a focus on the development of a more flexible curriculum to meet the needs of

the students. Using research-driven methodology, they have addressed some key issues and have shifted the culture of the school. The college reflected on leadership, attitude, values and entrenched systems and initiated a ‘values-based learning revolution’. They localised the curriculum and transformed learning across the school. The implementation of cultural responsiveness and relational strategies have ensured the college is a safe, supportive and respectful environment. The result has been an increase in the college’s roll and retention of students in the senior years. Achievement levels have significantly increased, particularly for Māori students.’ (www.pmawards.education. govt.nz) Principal of Nayland College, Daniel Wilson, who commenced his role in 2015, says to be considered for the award, the application process re-

WEDNESDAY 21 August 2019


Block Two redevelopment - now a modern, flexible learning space

Nayland College principal Daniel Wilson is rapt the school has been chosen as a finalist in the 2019 Prime Minister’s Excellence in Education Awards in the ‘Excellence in Leading’ category. The winners will be announced next month. quired a detailed submission including a video entry and statistics to show they met the criteria. “Our application was focussed around the changes we have made at the school in the last five or so years to ensure it is the most engaging place it can possibly be,” says Daniel. “It also reflects on our important relationships with feeder schools around Stoke. In addition, we have done a lot of work around our curriculum so that it’s inspiring, is

much more culturally responsive, and is meeting student’s needs. For example, for senior students who don’t have a clear pathway post-school, we have introduced our Pathway+ programme that develops mentoring partnerships and networks across the main industries in the Nelson/Tasman region. We have a philosophy that promotes learning programmes that are relevant, engaging and fun.” Daniel says their application

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for the 2019 Prime Minister’s Excellence in Education Awards was a reflective exercise which showed improvements across the board, with statistics demonstrating that Nayland’s achievement rates had improved and that its roll, retention and attendance rates have all increased. “Overall, it’s been an empowering exercise for everyone and essentially it is recognition that Nayland College staff are doing an awesome job,” says Daniel. “It’s also

Year 10 pupils at Nayland College appreciate their new ‘university-style,’ flexible learning spaces with integrated technology. (L to R) Tayte Hunwick, Kimberley Fitzergerald, Zoe Jurgeleit, Jojo Lavington and James Burns. great to know our school is catering for different learning needs and that our students are having fun and achieving positive outcomes.” Daniel believes that the Nelson community is extremely lucky to have a range of successful schools across the city. “We have five brilliant secondary schools across the Nelson/ Richmond region; students have every opportunity to succeed no matter where they attend school and we are proud to be associated with such a powerful network of educators.”

Daniel says, “as a learning organisation, Nayland College understands that transformation is a journey, there is always a next step. The school is looking forward to continuing to improve and grow over the coming years.” A combination of eight student leaders and staff from Nayland College will attend a special awards ceremony at Parliament buildings on September 10th at which time the winners of The Prime Minister’s Education Excellence Awards will be announced.

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warm welcome to members of the derful, newly-refurbished Block Two public to the official opening of Block and would love to show you around.” Two (central driveway) which takes R.S.V.P to Cristy Monds (PA) place on Friday, August 23rd, comE: cristy.monds@nayland.school.nz A year has passed since the mencing at 3.30pm. For more information, visit redevelopment of Block Two “We are up and running in our wonwww.nayland.school.nz got underway and in the last few weeks, eager students and teachers have been able to move into the refurbished space. “It has been a significant project for the school and the result is brilliant,” says Nayland College principal, Daniel Wilson. “It’s modern, with flexible spaces and integrated technology. It’s also well insulated with heat pumps throughout so it will be fantastic in both summer and winter.” Built in 1966, the old building was looking pretty tired when IBM Construction took on the rebuild, with architectural plans drawn up by M J Properties. “The teachers are loving the new classrooms and the students are describing it as a ‘university-type space that feels really grown-up, modern and fresh. They respect that the school has gone to the effort of creating fantastic learning spaces for them, with furniture that provides opportunities for them to work at different levels, whether they are standing up or sitting down.” Two science labs have also received a • Maintenance • Industrial significant makeover. • Commercial • Design Nayland College extends a

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Nelson Weekly


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Public invited to grand opening of boutique garden shop

Members of the public are warmly invited to the grand opening of Tim’s Garden design and retail space next weekend. “It’s very exciting that our business will have its own boutique garden shop, to complement our existing gardening and landscaping services,” says Tim, the owner. “We have done much of the fit-out ourselves and have been quite creative with the design of the shop which is nice and central on Gloucester Street. It’s essentially a showroom for all things gardening – a place where people can buy a variety of plants, pots and products to use in their gardens. Come along to the opening and get a feel for the new space and see what we can offer by way of design and landscaping as well.” Established three years ago, Tim’s Garden Services offers one-to-one garden design, installation and maintenance services using organic methods and permaculture principles.

The place to find inspiration for your garden

For Tim and his experienced team, the idea of combining a retail area and design stu-

WEDNESDAY 21 August 2019


for people to come and meet the team and ask some questions. “It will also give you a taste of what’s to come. In the future we plan to run evening classes for people to learn about things like composting, tree pruning, seasonal growing, companion planting, etc. Ultimately, it’s about improving people’s knowledge about gardening to make it more accessible, so it doesn’t feel too overwhelming. You can start with whatever you’re interested in, whether it’s fruit trees or flowers or soil.” Don’t miss the grand opening of Tim’s Garden Shop at 26 Gloucester Street on Saturday, August 31st from 10am – 4pm. Tim’s Garden Services team. (L to R) Tim, Jamane, Emma, Derek, Rick and Will. dio has been to provide somewhere people can come and find inspiration for their gardens. “We will have things like decking wood, stones, gravel or bark for sale that’s a bit different than what’s available elsewhere. Customers can order the products through us or organise to have their whole project installed by us. We have a team of skilled, qualified people onboard who come from horticultural, landscaping and woodworking backgrounds, so we can offer a rounded service of

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quality garden design and implementation. We have the expertise to design and install beautiful gardens and can build wonderful features such as pergolas or planter boxes.” The open day is an opportunity

To more information, visit www. timsgarden.co.nz. You will also find Tim’s Garden Services on Facebook or Instagram.


WEDNESDAY 21 August 2019

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

Tickets selling quickly for fun Spring Fashion Fling

Spring fashion comes a little earlier this year with the Nelson College for Girls PTA Spring Fashion Fling event being held on Saturday, 31st August. Once again the enthusiastic PTA organising team has spared no effort to make it the best show ever. In its eighth year of running, the Fling promises a fun-filled evening out, previewing Nelson’s leading fashion shops’ spring/ summer line-ups, presented by dedicated modelling volunteers drawn from all walks of life in the Nelson community, including teachers, students, corporate organisations and councillors. As the College’s main fundraising drive for the year, delivering

value for money is paramount to the organisers. The ticket price of $35 buys a seat for the 2-hour show, supper canapes, a table gift and discount vouchers, while contributing to facilities which will benefit the students of Nelson College for Girls now and in the future. An example is the planned Astroturf covering planned for the old tennis courts, which will provide bigger and better sports facilities for the college and the local community. This year, men and women’s fashion is featured and has been expanded to include sportswear. Shops presenting are: Portmans, Jacqui E, Taking Shape, Shine, Frock & Soul, BeeTees, Nelson

Tailors Menswear, Little Boutique, The Shoe Clinic, Nancy Loves Bikes, Tineli, Robyn Reynolds, Papercut Patterns and Little Beehive. A wine (including a little bubbly..) and beer bar will be available on site, as well as hot drinks and dessert table for later in the evening.

“We work really hard on delivering a programme that will entertain and entice a wide audience. It’s important to get the details right,” says Nelson College for Girls’ PTA chair, Helen Arkless. “It should go well, particularly because we have a similar team this year but with several more great volunteers helping out.” “To date, a lot of full tables have been grabbed by corporates or groups of friends. We have some room left but it looks like you’ll have to be pretty quick. Last year was our best year for fundraising and we hope to match it this year. We don’t do any other fundraising during the year – this is the big one!” Major sponsors this year are Beau-

tiphi (beauty products), CSG (print services), Brown & Syme and Insite. To book a ticket, contact the Nelson College for Girls’ administration office on finance@ncg.school.nz

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Nelson Weekly


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WEDNESDAY 21 August 2019


Ballet brings tales of Beatrix Potter to life Kate Russell Reporter


The timeless stories of Beatrix Potter will come to life on the Theatre Royal stage this week. Nelson Academy of Dance is performing Tales of Peter Rabbit and The Jewels for four shows only, starting on Thursday, August 22. It’s not the first time they have staged the production - director Gillian Francis opened the academy in 1977 and says the stories of Beatrix Potter are still as popular as ever. “Everyone knows the stories. It’s just a lovely collection that we have put our own dance to.” A total of 80 dancers, ranging in age from three-years-old to 50-years-old, will be portraying much-loved characters such as Peter Rabbit, Mrs Tiggywinkle, Jeremy Fisher, Squirrel Nutkin, Two Bad Mice, Pigling Bland, Country Mice and Tabitha Twitchett. “The dancers stay realistic to what the animals do, with stunning costumes and they are

Beatrix Potter’s much-loved characters will grace the Theatre Royal stage this week. Photo: Aleisha Johnson. all wearing masks - which is a challenge in itself,” says Gillian. “We have been rehearsing flat out, seven days a week for the last four weeks, so we’re ready for some great shows.” Gillian says the whole performance runs for two-anda-quarter hours and is suitable for all ages. It will begin with a pure classical ballet, The Jewels - emerald, ruby and diamonds. Both ballets feature music by well-known composers, with Tales of Beatrix Potter arranged

by John Lanchbery. The production also sees the return of American dancer, Jordan Nelson, who will portray Johnny Town Mouse. Jordan has been a professional ballet dancer with Columbia City Ballet, Madison Ballet, Elements Contemporary Ballet, Ballet Chicago and Saint Louis Ballet. Tales of Beatrix Potter and The Jewels is on at the Theatre Royal from August 22 to 24 at 7pm with a matinee performance on

August 24 at 1.30pm. Tickets are available from TicketDirect or the Theatre Royal.

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WEDNESDAY 21 August 2019


Nelson Weekly


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Nelson to meet Christchurch in UC final Jonty Dine Reporter


Nelson College captain Anton Segnar will this weekend look to cement his legacy as one of the greatest skippers the school has produced in recent memory as his side hosts the UC Championship final. After three seasons in the blue stripes, the 18-year-old will play for the final time at home when Christchurch Boys High comes to town. Anton has enjoyed a superb 1st XV career for Nelson, winning the Quad Tournament twice and being selected in the New Zealand schools’ side. After a dramatic semi-final win against Christ’s on Saturday, the young German says it’s a surreal feeling to be contesting the UC final. “I’m struggling to wrap my head

around it, the fact it’s a final and on the front field is pretty unreal.” Anton has played transTasman fixtures for his adopted nation as well as for Crusaders’ development sides, but says the stakes have never been higher than they will be on Saturday. “This is 100 per cent the biggest game I’ve ever been involved in.” Nelson has suffered a setback for the final with flanker and vicecaptain Fergus Hughes ruled out after fracturing his skull in a tackle. Fergus has formed part of a formidable loose trio this season with Anton and Taya Brown. “It’s a massive loss,” Anton says. “He plays such a big role in our team, he and Mason (Lund) make my life so much easier on and off the field.” However, Anton is confident the side will step up in his absence. “Jono (Phillips), our coach, has done a great job at building depth

Anton Segner will play his final home game for Nelson College on Saturday. Photo: Evan Barnes/Shuttersport. in the side so my confidence is high we can get the job done.” The side booked its spot to host the final after a dramatic semifinal against Christ’s College Nelson survived atrocious conditions, a late yellow card and an all-out Christ’s onslaught in the dying minutes to hold on for

a famous 16-10 win. “We left heaps of points out there, but in some ways it’s positive because we know how much better we can be for next week.” The side showed tremendous grit in the dying minutes to survive a Christ’s onslaught while camped on its own line.

The win gave Nelson hosting rights for the final for the first time since 2007. Should Nelson win on Saturday, the side will travel south to take on Otago Boys for a spot in the country’s coveted top four tournament. “I am hoping this is not my last game and that the best memory is still to come.” Anton says he is extremely grateful to be part of the Nelson Rugby College legacy. “There is so much history and have been so many great players come through the school.” While he is staying in the region to take up a Mako contract next year, Anton says it will be hard to walk away from Nelson College “I just want to leave my mark and make the school proud.” UC Championship Final: Nelson College vs Christchurch Boys High School, 12.40pm, Nelson College

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Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

SportS Football: FC Nelson has claimed the Division One Championship despite losing its final fixture on Saturday. Goals to Christian Benitez, Nick Crosswell and Brandon Pierie weren’t enough as FC went down 4-3 to Suburbs development at Saxton. However, FC went on to win the title after its nearest rivals were also defeated. Tahuna, sitting second on the table, lost 4-1 to College to hand FC the crown by just two competition points. League: Local rugby league made a welcome return to the region after a two-and-a-halfmonth recess with Nelson/Tasman taking down Marlborough at Lower Ngawhatu on Saturday. Marlborough opened the scoring in the first set of the game benefiting from an error as Nelson Tasman failed to regather from the kickoff. The teams traded three tries each in the first half with the difference being the goal kicking from Nelson Tasman who held a narrow lead at half time 16-12. However, the hosts ran away with it in the second, the final score ended up 38-24. The return leg will be held in Oliver Park, Blenheim next Saturday. Rugby: The region’s prized Seddon Shield will spend a second summer in Marlborough after the Tasman Red Devils produced a compelling display of wet-weather rugby to beat the Tasman Griffins 21-7 at Lansdowne Park on Saturday. By halftime the Devils led 8-7, courtesy of a try to hooker Billy Collins who was on the back of a lineout drive. The Griffins were well led by loosie Tim Sail, while fellow flanker Jacob Norris was busy. Football: Nelson Suburbs has kept its Southern Football League title hopes alive with an emphatic 5-1 victory over Otago on Sunday. Suburbs now sit one point clear of MPL champions Cashmere Technical at the top on the table with just one round remaining. A double to Ryan Stewart helped the hosts bounce back for its minor hiccup last week when they drew with Caversham.

WEDNESDAY 21 August 2019

Nelson College student Henri Hufflett carves up some snow on Rainbow Ski Field during the Tasman Secondary Schools competition last week. Henri finished his second runs with a time of 37.25 and to claim victory in the Giant Slalom. The 15-year-old’s total time of 71.26 was almost seven seconds faster than second-placed Django Gearing. Henri is a first year FIS skier, training throughout the year in New Zealand at Rainbow, Porters, and Mount Hutt and during the summer in Japan and China. The second fastest total time on the day went to first-placed female Kate Southwick in 75.97. Photo: Supplied.

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WEDNESDAY 21 August 2019


Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated



Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

WEDNESDAY 21 August 2019


Mako take down Canterbury Jonty Dine and Peter Jones If Tasman rugby fans were wondering if their side is the real deal in 2019 they can begin to believe. The Mako has comprehensively achieved the toughest task in provincial rugby on Sunday, defeating Canterbury in Canterbury. Sometimes fond early impressions flatter to deceive, with subsequent outings bringing supporters quickly back to earth. However, on the basis of the Mako’s showing in Christchurch on Saturday afternoon, there is more than enough cause for optimism. The 23-7 result, coupled with the positive style and creativity the Mako brought to the table, suggest a feast of rugby is about to be set before the Tasman faithful. They were more clinical than their hosts, more aggressive and effective at the breakdown, kicked more accurately and chased better, applied massive pressure at set piece and subsequently “bossed” the game. The Mako scored two first half tries, including a scorcher from winger Leicester Faingaanuku to lead 18-3 at halftime and effectively put the result to bed soon after the break with a third. Ethan Blackadder was immense at flanker for the visitors while halfback Finlay Christie controlled his troops - effectively giving the likes of Will Jordan and Levi Aumua

room to make inroads. Tasman now sit top of the premiership table one point ahead of 2019 champions Auckland. The Mako took just five minutes to cross Canterbury’s line, Havili’s break giving Aumua a simple run in down the right flank for the opening try. Brett Cameron and Mitch Hunt traded penalties before Faingaanuku made a rampaging bust from inside his own half, breaking four tackles on his way to score Tasman’s second. Canterbury made the perfect start to the second half, winning a turnover on its own line as Josh McKay sped 99 metres to score the hosts’ first try. However, the Mako responded almost immediately through Shannon Frizell, the try shutting the gate on Canterbury who offered little in the way of resistance and struggled to find answers to Tasman’s resolute defence. Mako co-coach Clark Dermody said skills coach Gray Cornelius had been putting in a lot of work with the halfbacks to ensure their box kicking was on point and it had certainly paid dividends. “We were able to play a bit faster today. The game opened up a lot more than last week, but we still need to nail some of our execution under pressure.” The Turbos are next on the Mako radar, with that match scheduled for Blenheim at 2.35pm on Saturday.

Leicester Faingaanuku scored a superb try for the Mako as his side defeated provincial powerhouses Canterbury in Christchurch on Sunday afternoon. Photo: Barry Whitnall/Shuttersport (File).


REGISTER NOW! Here’s your opportunity to re-home household goods! On Second Hand Sunday, people can take away the stuff you don’t want for free!

How does it work? Register by going online to the Tasman District or Nelson City Council’s websites (search phrase = Second Hand Sunday). You can also call the Councils’ Customer Service Centres, Ph. Tasman 03 543 8400, Ph. Nelson 03 546 0200. Instructions for the day are also online. Registrations must be in by 10.00 am, Friday 6 September so each Council can publish the list of addresses of people taking part on the website. You can find out about other reuse options on either Council’s website, tasman.govt.nz or nelson.govt.nz




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Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 21 August 2019

Locally Owned and Operated

Refugee relishing freedom to run Jonty Dine

Agha Mohammad Naqshbandi outside the Hardy St Backpackers which he manages. Photo: Jonty Dine.

RUGBY TippinG Our lOCAlS PiCk THeir WiNNerS

Round 3 Aaron Neighbours - 10/14

Craig Morice - 9/14

Simon Charles - 8/14

Brendon Sinnott - 8/14

Glenn Fleming - 8/14

Hawke’s Bay vs Otago

Wellington vs Canterbury

Auckland vs Bay of Plenty

Tasman Counties Manukau Taranaki vs vs vs Waikato Northland Manawatu

Southland vs North Harbour

Agha Mohammad Naqshbandi was sure never to run too far in his homeland out of fear of entering a war zone. The Afghani refugee spent much of his younger years running for his life to escape the Taliban. “You can’t run on the hillside or anywhere rural, people are not comfortable with that back in Afghanistan,” Agha says. “There is just too much risk, too much fighting.” However, now based in Nelson, he enjoys the freedom to run throughout the region. “Everywhere is peaceful and I am always comfortable to go anywhere, unlike in Afghanistan. Hopefully that will change, but it hasn’t for the past 40 years.” Agha escaped his war-torn country at the turn of the century as a 17-year-old. He was a member of the infamous Tampa Boys, a group of asylum seekers which caused international controversy in 2001 after being rescued at sea and denied entry to Australia. After a diplomatic incident, New Zealand welcomed 208 of the Tampa refugees, including Agha. His father was killed by the Taliban for refusing to appease the extremist

group. With his family left without support, Agha made it his mission to bring them to New Zealand. Working a variety of jobs, he managed to save enough to sponsor his mother and seven siblings to seek asylum. “I have worked at the freezing works, Sealord, King Salmon, KFC, on vineyards, a butchery, a vegetable store and Pak n Save.” Having almost always worked at least two jobs, Agha recently landed a position managing the Bridge St Hostel. The job has finally granted Agha some spare time on weekends which he has used to get back into running. After joining the Waimea Harriers Club last year, Agha has become a popular figure in the running club, drawing attention for his running attire which was always pants and a sweatshirt. Fellow Nelson runner Phil Barnes says when Agha arrived on the running scene, he was like a breath of fresh air with his unusual approach. “He would run in his normal clothes, yet still do surprisingly well.” Phil says since then he has steadily improved and has a very positive enthusiastic attitude. Agha recently ran in the Dovedale Hill Race, finishing 12th overall in 55m 10s.


Michael Lash - 8/14

Brought to you by Marsden House

Installed Solutions

James Grove

Bridget Taylor - 7/14

Peter Grigg - 7/14

Jonty Dine - 7/14

Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

Brad McNeill - 7/14 Locally Owned and Operated

The latest Snippets of History, Volume Four, is now available! Volumes 1–3 are $15 per book Volume 4 is $20 Or get the full set for just $60 Purchase from Marsden House or NZME. 41 Selwyn Place, Nelson.








VOLUM in this third volume of stories featurin g discovery and heartbreak and survival, triumph. These stories are about real people in real Whether you are picking this up for just a quick from read, or are reading cover l,to cover, surviva ry and N discove enjoy g Snippets of History of stories featurin as a small glimps real people in real into the Nelson in this third volume e stories are about that These . once was. triumph heartbreak and or are reading just a quick read, picking this up for glimpse Whether you are History as a small enjoy Snippets of from cover to cover, was. once that into the Nelson



Grant Chaney - 5/14

Generations of Nelson presents Snippets of History GENERATIONS

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Nelson Weekly

Community Services

Locally Owned and Operated

Community Notices

HOW DO WE BUILD RESILIENCE IN OURSELVES, players, employees so that we/they can respond well under pressure and perform at their best at all times? Mainland Tactix netball coach, Marianne Delaney-Hoshek, will discuss these and other key skills which have helped her turn around the Tactix - who sat at the bottom of the table for most of the 10year history of the ANZ netball competition prior to her taking the reins in 2017. 25 September at Beachside Conference Centre. Get tickets at events.commerce.org.nz PEPPA PIG MUDDY PUDDLE Stoke School Main Rd Stoke Saturday 24 August 10.30am-1.30pm. Koha entry Meet Peppa, join her in a singalong. Fun activities and challenges -puddle hopping, splash pool and lots more Face painting, crafts, cupcake decorating, sausage sizzle. Fancy dress welcome Save the Children fundraiser. ALZHEIMERS NELSON monthly Library sessions provide an opportunity for those looking for information, advice and support around Dementia. STOKE: Thursday, 22nd August 9.30-11am. NELSON: Wednesday, 28th August 10-11.30am. STOKE METHODIST CHURCH HALL Neale Avenue, Stoke. Saturday 7 Sept. 8.30 until 3.30pm Entry $3.00 Cut flowers, daffodils, floral art. Stalls selling all kinds of plants, also raffles. RICHMOND GARDEN CLUB meets Weds 4 Sep 1pm, at Hall Our Lady of the Bay Parish Centre, William Street, Richmond. Friendly club, great speakers, sales & interest tables. Do join us. Paula 547 2537. LOOKING FOR A REWARDING VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY? Red Cross Refugee Settlement training course and be a part of settling former refugee families from Myanmar and Colombia into a new life in Nelson. 7th September. 5465012 email, nelsonadmin@redcross.org.nz CANCER SOCIETY/VINTAGE CAR CLUB popular Daffo-

dil Car Rally; Sunday 25/8/2019. More than 200 Classic, Vintage and Veteran cars displayed and on the road. Food stalls, monster Raffle (drawn on the day). Rally entrants congregate from 11-30, Public viewing from 2-30 at VCC Club Rooms, Speedway Circuit Lower Queen Street, Richmond. CATHEDRAL CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL An invitation for Community Groups to enter the very popular and well loved Festival. Fun for families, businesses and schools. All are welcome. For entries please email: fred. bev@xtra.co.nz CELTIC EVENSONG AT ST JOHN’S, HIRA. 5pm, Sunday, 25 August. Be spiritually uplifted by Celtic Hymns and Prayers in our beautiful country Church. BALLROOM DANCE WORKSHOP dance like the stars. A fundraiser to help iconic duo get to the world hip hop dance championships Hosted by a professional dance teacher with over 30 year experience Saturday 24th & 31st August & 7th September 3-4:30pm Broadgreen Intermediate Hall $50 Single, $60 Couple, $70 Family (10yrs +)Spaces limited, to book email iconic_duo@ outlook.com MOTIVATIONAL SEMINAR – Harness the Power of Emotional Quotient – Live Happier, enjoy greater success! 25 August at 3pm, 61 Nile St. (NMIT – G Block). Free community event. Register now at www.acceleratenow.co.nz/nelson THE DIRECTOR PRESENTS themes running through Cleavin work and a guest printmaker Kathy Rielly will discuss print making techniques. Sunday 25 August 1.30pm The Suter Art Gallery Gold Coin donation. HEAR FROM THE WOMEN candidates at 7pm, Wednesday 28 August, Tui Room, Green meadows Centre, Main Road, Stoke. Koha. CAKE DECORATORS Sat 24 August 1:30-4 pm. Creating animals using sugar paste. Stoke Methodist Church.


WEDNESDAY 21 August 2019


Desiree 0276302359. SPIRITED CONVERSATIONS Wednesday 28 August. Award-winning educator and TEC Commissioner John Russell on proposed reforms of NZ education system. Yaza Cafe opens 6pm, speaker 7.30 pm. Koha. No reservations. Ph 548 6241 NELSON COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB. The next Club Night will be held in the Club Waimea hall on 25th August at 6:00pm. Come along and have a sing or sit back and be entertained by our members. Contact; Paul, 5480926. ARTHRITIS SOCIETY COFFEE MORNING Flock in Church St 10am on the 4th Weds of the month. Next Gathering 28 August 2019. Claire 035450835 or 0273601039. SATURDAY 21ST SEPTEMBER 9am -3.15pm Brightwater Hall, Plants, cakes and produce for sale. Food available, Entry adults $4 Children free. 5287653 ENNER GLYNN PLAYCENTRE free spaces for preschoolers. 3 free visits. Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, 9.30-12.00. Come and play and have a chat to other parents. 03 547 4007. CASUAL SPANISH CONVERSATION GET together on Monday from 6-7pm, Victory Community Centre. All levels/ages. Native speakers free, learner’s min $4per session. Fundraiser for Play Centre and Toy Library. Just turn up! Femke 0212988332. NELSON GUILD OF WOODWORKERS 7 pm on the last Wednesday of the month. Contact the President, Bill Filmer, on 03 547 5104 for details. PILATES Tahunanui Community Centre 61 Muritai street. Suitable for all levels. 6pm Thursday’s. $10. Marion 021 08399290 WARM YOURSELF WITH SOME LAUGHTER. Laughter Yoga. Wed. 5.30pm Victory Community Centre. $2 koha. Bring something to lie on for the relaxation at the end. Cath 5451207 NELSON NORTH LIONS CLUB welcomes new mem-

bers to join their small established group that are passionate of providing voluntary services through community involvement. PH John Rodger on 0276749333, john.rodger@xtra.co.nz VICTORY COMMUNITY CENTRE. FITNESS FIRST. Come join in this relaxed fun and social class. Great for beginners or those who want to increase their fitness level. Monday’s 6pm $7. Marion 021 083 99290 LINE DANCING beginners Tues/Thurs 9 15 am all ages/ gender. Stoke Methodist Church Hall. Bring your friends and just arrive. Bring a cup. Free morning tea. Diane 0274 491 569 MINDFULNESS AND RELAXATION for people affected by or supporting someone with cancer. Tues 1pm Fairfield House $3 donation Cancer Society 539 1137 CONVERSATIONAL MANDARIN GROUP Are you a learner or native speaker of Mandarin Chinese? Join us for conversational practice each Thurs downstairs at NMIT library 4.30 - 6.pm. All ages/levels welcome. Jane 027 260 2808. DO YOU LIKE TO TEACH? Are you patient? Have a passion for working with different cultures? Are you an experienced driver with Full license for 2 years or more? Interested in supporting former refugees get their license? Contact Margo at Red Cross 59 Parkers Rd 021 255 8550 or openroad.nelson@redcross.org.nz NELSON GUILD OF WOODWORKERS meets 7pm in the Nayland College wood working room on the last Tues of month between Feb and Nov. Bill 5475104. NELSON CAMERA CLUB meets 2nd and 4th Mondays 7/30 pm Netball Pavilion, upstairs Saxton Road, Stoke. We welcome all photographers from beginners to experienced. 021 2360 847. www.nelsoncameraclub. co.nz CENTRAL GARDEN GROUP Stoke Methodist Church Hall, Neale Ave. Every 2nd Wed of the month, 1.30pm.

New members welcome. Barry 547 9086. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS alcohol causing problems for you in your life? want to stop drinking but can’t? Maybe we can help. Meetings every day. 0800 229 6757 BREAST CANCER SUPPORT GROUP Cancer Society Nelson 102 Hardy Street, if you have or have had breast cancer come along to this friendly atmosphere. Register 539 1137 or info@cancernelson.org.nz DEATH CAFÉ Facilitated discussion; topics determined by attendees. NB this is not a bereavement support group. Last Sat monthly, Activities Room, Elma Turnbull Library, 1.30 - 3.00pm koha requested. FLEX AMERICAN FOOTBALL TRAINING Sun at Tahunanui Back Fields at 12pm with Nelson Wolverines, Great for beginners Males/Females 16 & older, 02040573202. nzflexfootball@gmail.com DEATH MATTERS FILM last Friday monthly. $4 koha. Contact nelsondeathmatters@gmail.com or Barbara 027 939 0024 FEELING SAD, STRESSED, DEPRESSED, OR STUCK? Identify and explore new ways to move forward with a Life Linc Counsellor. Up to 10 face to face counselling sessions available now for individuals and couples. 548 2400 lifelinc.co.nz VIBRANT NEW STANDING STRENGTH & balance class, Mon @ 1.30 pm in Tahunanui Community Centre. Improve your overall fitness, cardiac & brain functioning, great music. Shirley 547 1433/021 121 8023 LAUGH YOUR WAY INTO WINTER. Join us at Victory Community Centre for Laughter Yoga. 5.30pm Wed. $2 khoa. Bring something to lie on. Cath 5451207 SOCIAL START UP Advice from Chartered accountants, lawyers for Setting up Non-profit Finance Organization to help first home buyers. Vivian 0210390211 vivajoy19@gmail.com.

Community notices are free to community groups, schools, churches, gold coin donation events and fundraising only. For classified ads and public notices please call 548 5900. Due to the popularity of this column, while every effort will be made, inclusion cannot be guaranteed for free ads.

Sudoku 2 6 9

7 2 6

419 Easy

3 4 1 7


1 9 5 8 6 5 7 1

1 4 7 4

8 6 2 3

1 8 4 5

Across contd. 21 Report others’ misdeeds (4,5) 24 Ending in disaster (5) 25 Aperture (7) 26 Washing oneself (7) 27 Plead with (7) 28 Something of little value (3,4) down 1 Abandoned (4-3) 2 Artist (7) 3 Zeal (9) 4 Fragrance (5) 5 Begin to suspect trickery (5,1,3) 6 Nervous excitement (5) 7 Hilly country (7) 8 definitely stated (7) 14 Of the highest class (3-6) 15 derived advantage (9) 16 Result (7) 17 Most noticeable (7) 19 Unusually large (7) 20 Great pleasure (7) 22 Commonplace (5) 23 Restrained (5) Answers next week


























4 1 9 5 3 2 7 8 6

8 3 2 7 6 9 1 4 5

6 7 5 4 8 1 3 2 9

3 4 6 9 2 5 8 7 1

9 2 7 8 1 4 5 6 3

1 5 8 6 7 3 2 9 4

2 9 4 3 5 8 6 1 7

5 6 1 2 9 7 4 3 8

7 8 3 1 4 6 9 5 2


Puzzle 2219

Across 1 An evergreen conifer (7) 5 Spread over (7) 9 Small pebbles on seashore (7) 10 Cover completely (7) 11 External (5) 12 Forbearance (9) 13 Aggressive quarrelsome person (4-5) 15 Groundwork (5) 16 desert watering-place (5) 18 keep in abeyance (3,2,4)

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Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 21 August 2019


Locally Owned and Operated

Classified deadline - 5pm friday

pH 548 5900 sales@nelsonweekly.co.nz

pUBliC nOTiCe


GaraGe sale

GaraGe sale


Taoist Tai Chi

Antiques, furniture (desks, bookcases, chests of drawers, tables, chairs, chaise lounge, wardrobe, mirrors, rugs etc). Collectibles, paintings, toys, books, records etc. Sell, buy, value. 6 rooms at Souchebys Antiques, 75 Gladstone Rd, Richmond ph 544 0723. Open Mon-Sat. www.antiquesnewzealand.co.nz

1 Fridge-freezer, 2 large Lazyboy recliners, 1 smaller vinyl Lazyboy recliner, motorcycle clothing, boots and gloves, nine fin oil heater, 12ft wooden ladder, a dozen leather jackets and dress coats. 47 Roto Street. Saturday morning 24th August.

Lowry St, Richmond. Saturday 24 Aug 8.30am - 3pm. Lounge Suites, Furniture, and other Miscellaneous Household items. Include table and chairs (antique style) and full length fridge that runs well.

Shed dry pine 6 mtrs $450 delivered. 3 mtrs $250 delivered. Only at Quality Firewood, phone or txt 0274 490 622.

pUBliC nOTiCe

GaraGe sale

Advertise your public notice here. Ph 548 5900.

TOOLS, SHED GEAR, COLLECTABLES Hand tools, workshop tools. Also collectables, old toys or interesting household items. From small lots to estates or downsizing

Internal Arts of Health No bookings required / bring a friend

NEW BEGINNER CLASS Starts: Thursday 5 September 2019 5.30 - 7.00pm VENUE: Tai Chi Clubrooms, 55 Muritai Street, Tahunanui, Nelson Phone 03

545 8375 (please leave a message)

visit www.taoist.org.nz pUBliC nOTiCe

Notice of Special General Meeting All Members of the Senior Citizens Friendship Club are urged to attend the Special General Meeting programmed for Friday 29th August 2019, 1.00pm. New Zealand Inland Revenue in reply to our original application has agreed to grant Stoke Senior Citizens Friendship Club an EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE FOR OUR ANNUAL RESIDENT WITHHOLDING TAX STATUS and requested three areas that involve the transfer of assets of the Club that must be approved at the (SGM) Special General Meeting. On agreement by the majority of Members at the SGM to accept the changed Constitution Rules, a signed copy by three members of the executive committee will be send to the Department of Inland Revenue, to issue us an EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE FOR OUR ANNUAL RESIDENT WITHHOLDING TAX STATUS that will be held on file by the Club’s Secretary. Willy Botes Stoke Senior Citizens Friendship Club - Treasurer

Advertise your garage sale here. Ph 548 5900.

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Call Paula 021598822 www.divinepsychicvisions.co.nz

fOr sale Advertise your for sale ad here. Ph 548 5900.

Richmond Antiques & Curios 2 Salisbury Rd, Richmond Ph: 544 7675 (opposite Burger King)

fUneral serviCes

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D eN gl AN

- TR IP ToRNAmeNT Coll eg e l Rugby 7’sinTou England oNA Ne lsoN School INTeRNATI at Rugby

The Clifton Terrace School Board of Trustees invites applications from parents who wish to enrol their sons and daughters for 2019/20 who live outside the enrolment zone. Enrolment at the school is governed by an enrolment scheme, details of which are available on the school website www.cliftontce.school.nz. Families who wish to apply should do so in writing addressed to Rob Wemyss stating the child’s full name, date of birth and current address. The deadline for receipt of applications for out-of-zone places is Fri 23 August. Parents of students who live within the home zone should also apply by this date to assist the school to plan appropriately for next year. The board has determined that 20 places are likely to be available for out-of- zone students for the next year. Preference will be given to those in the Year 1- 3 age group (those born 2011 - 2015). The exact number of places will depend on the number of applications received from students who live within the school’s home zone. If the number of out-of-zone applications exceeds the number of places available, students will be selected by ballot. If a ballot is required it will be held on Fri 30 Aug 2019. Parents will be informed of the outcome of the ballot within three school days of the ballot being held. Rob Wemyss Principal CliftonTerrace School

Notice to all Advertisers: By placing your advertisement you agree with the terms and conditions of the Nelson Weekly Ltd. Namely, payment by the 20th of the following month, or in the event of non payment, the recovery of any debt and its costs will be charged to the customer. This includes all costs and commissions paid to a debt recovery service. Should you require any further information please phone the newspaper on 548 5900.


- Hosted


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ta’s sole represen to look As New Zealand College will Rugby 7’s tives, Nelson International by Rugby take out the being hosted e tournaments to help celebrat School in EnglandAnniversary. 450th the Schools onship) our (UC Champi opporration for terrific know it’s a and I of season, we part be boys to proud. tunity for the do the region know they will difficult to assess how was it be he Peter says teams would the speed man strong the other t his team had Andrew Good was confiden to impress. Thomas Corbin Peter Grigg levels needed Goodand fitness by Andrew Cale Dunca “Any team coached to go.” CoACH n to be ready man is going H



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Joe Taylor

rd Neo Mulligan-Richa

art Graham Urquh

tt Ben Hazle

Nelson College old boys Association


Kyle TeTai

son Taine Robin


Archie Smith

k Quick Quic Diggers

ff Karl Ratcli


Lost for words to express how much we miss you. Your light shines night and day, our love for you will never fade.

Passed away peacefully at Nelson Hospital on Sunday 11th. August in her 91st. year surrounded by her loving family. Special thanks to the staff in Emergency & Ward 10 and also to Shone & Shirley for your kindness, compassion and support. Beloved wife of the late Bill. Will be sadly missed by all her children-Colleen (deceased) & Larry, June & David, John & Lynda, Rex & Lyn, Garry, Terry & Gaye, Ross & Victoria, Ian & Pam, Peter & Trish, Karen & Jim, and all their families. At Shirley’s request a Private Cremation has been held.

Your announcement here for FREE.

. in New Zealand

Tragically passed away 14 August 2019, beloved wife of Cobber dearly loved mother of Sarah, treasured ‘granny rob’ of Harper, Lou Lou and Frankie. A celebration of her life will be held at 2pm on Wednesday the 21st of August at The Shone and Shirley Funeral Chapel, 164 Tahunanui Drive, Nelson.


memOriam the birthpla is condsidered ort. Nelson College Symes/Shuttersp Photo: Chris

George Stephen

(nee Moodie)

Shirley margaret






pUBliC nOTiCe

Zak Baker

air conditioning

Loved son of Stuart and Emma Curnow Stillborn at 23 weeks Forever loved, always missed Rest in peace little boy

pUBliC nOTiCe

Out Of Zone Enrolment Applications


robin Fiona

Your announcement here for FREE.


Passed away at Nelson Tasman Hospice on Tuesday 13 August 2019, surrounded by family. Much loved husband of Jill, treasured father and father in law to Dee & Nathan and Anthony & Aimee, loved grandfather of Liam and Harrison. Brother and brother in law of Mary & Peter, Peter & Don, Eddy & Faye, Danny & Bernie, Cathy, Bernie & Beverli, Gerrard and Betty and the late Phillip. “Will be sadly missed” Messages to 24 Clifford Ave, Nelson. To honour Pat’s wishes Tasman Funeral Home has held a private family funeral. “Always wanted a bet on a winning horse and typical golfer, a hole-in-one”



Val (Kaveney) Mum, you were someone we could talk to that no-one can replace, You were someone we could laugh with until tears ran down our face, You were someone we thought more of as each year came to an end, You were our dearest Mum and also our dearest friend. Thank you for the memories that are yours and ours alone, For they recall so many special moments that only we have known. Always loved, always missed. Forever in our hearts. Kath, Pam and Mark

Announcements It’s FREE!

email: sales@nelsonweekly.co.nz

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WEDNESDAY 21 August 2019

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WEDNESDAY 21 August 2019


Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

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