Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated
Wednesday 20 November 2019
Paws be at cathedral
Refuge in sport
Page 13
Clouds of colour It was a cavalcade of colour during the annual fun run fundraiser at Neale Park on Sunday afternoon. Hundreds of runners, young and old, started the race in pristine white tees only to end it resembling a rainbow. The fourth annual event acts as a major fundraiser for Girl Guiding NZ, Multicultural Nelson Tasman and Scouts NZ. Runners had the options of a 1km, 3km or 5km race before being pelted with the coloured powder. Photo: Jonty Dine.
Page 22
Nelson’s wildfire future predicted Staff Reporter
New Zealand’s fast-rising fire danger has prompted questions about how prepared our communities are for big blazes - and whether development should even be allowed in highestrisk places. As Nelson firefighters leave to help battle fires across New South Wales and Queensland, a leading fire researcher also says Kiwis should snap out of a prevailing “won’t happen to me” attitude. Today, rural fires cost the economy about $67m each year - but that figure could swell as fire seasons lengthen by an average 70 per cent in a mere 20 years. Unsurprisingly, those regions with higher risk now were characteristically drier ones including Nelson. These trends came down to basic geography: eastern areas were drier as they sat in the rainshadow of mountain ranges, with prevailing westerly wind flows. They also tended to receive strong winds that delivered strong gusts on top of high temperatures and low humidity. Scion fire scientist Grant Pearce says regions with larger population centres saw more fires, which were almost always started by people. What became our biggest wildfire in 70 years - this year’s Pigeon Valley fire that ravaged
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Nelson Weekly
WEDNESDAY 20 November 2019
Locally Owned and Operated
STREET TALK Natureland are currently planning what their future might look like, what animals would you like to see added to the collection?
• Residential, farm and commercial sales and purchases • Subdivision • Building contracts • Company law and business formations • Trusts • Wills and estates
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Bernard Looman, Stoke
Jan Taylor, Stoke
Philip White, Stoke
Julina Ismail, Ruby Bay
It’s only a small space and animals need room to move so I’m not sure what they’ll be able to add.
The Butterfly Forest sounded like a good idea.
I’d like to see the kiwi come to Natureland.
I’d like to see the meerkats breeding.
Nelson Weekly
Drug kicker convicted Sara Hollyman
Locally Owned and Operated
Distributed to over 21,000 homes and businesses in Nelson
Contact us News Charles Anderson Kate Russell Jonty Dine Sara Hollyman
Advertising Sales Lauren Rameka-iti Reuben Dudley
Accounts Queries 75 Tahunanui Drive Phone 548 5900 100% locally owned and operated
The sounds of shoppers and diners down Trafalgar St was interrupted by the rumbles of a motorbike convoy on Saturday morning. The roar was conveying a message about domestic violence and that the silence needs to be broken. Scores of riders rode down Nelson’s main drag in a show of solidarity for White Ribbon Month. Organiser Ken Mahon says the day was for men to stand up and act to stop violence towards women. “I think we have made some noise and got attention.” A female contingent led the convoy into 1903 square, including Nelson mayor Rachel Reese, who was riding on the back of a motorbike for the first time. Photo Jonty Dine.
A man tried to snatch a pink purse of drugs back from police and kick them over a cliff after he had already been arrested. Brad Storer appeared in the Nelson District Court on Monday to answer to charges of possessing a cannabis plant, possessing methamphetamine, possessing utensils for methamphetamine, possessing utensils for cannabis and resisting police. He pleaded guilty to all five charges. The police summary of facts told how the 26-year old and three others were in a parked car at Paddy’s Knob on Stanley Crescent at midnight on October 26. While police were in the area on a routine patrol, they noticed a heavy smell of cannabis so began a search of the car and its occupants. In the front passenger seat, where Storer had been sitting, police found a bong used for smoking cannabis and 2 grams of the Class C drug. Police then found a glass pipe, often
used for smoking methamphetamine, in the footwell of the car. While officers were searching Storer, a pink purse fell from his jacket, which an associate tried to hide by standing on it. Storer then struggled and lashed out at police, so was arrested. The purse contained. 17 grams of a crystal substance, believed to be methamphetamine. Police then found a second bag that had fallen from his jacket which had 15 grams of cannabis head in it. All of the items were being put in the boot of a police car when Storer, with his hands handcuffed behind his back, grabbed the pink purse and tried to kick it over a cliff, which was metres away. The purse was quickly recovered by police. Judge David Ruth convicted Storer, cancelled an existing community sentence, imposed 80 hours of community work and ordered the destruction of the drugs and utensils.
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Nelson Weekly
Locally Owned and Operated
WEDNESDAY 20 November 2019
Nelson’s wildfire future predicted
For a limited time only!
FROM PAGE 1 2300ha of pine forest, razed a home and forced the evacuation of 2500 people - was sparked by a tractor’s plough in a stony, tinder-dry paddock, amid 28C heat, low humidity and blustery, warm wind. Grant pointed out that, despite its risk, fire was still widely used by farmers for removing woody weeds, improving grazing and burning off rubbish and piled tree trimmings. Grant expected a rapid worsening of fire danger in most regions by 2040, before the risk increased more gradually over the rest of the century. That was due to a combination of less rainfall, higher temperatures and stronger winds in many areas, driving a higher number of “severe” fire weather days, especially the east and north of both islands. Grant said fire seasons would also start earlier in spring and drag on later through autumn. That meant fires could break out anywhere there were flammable fuels like gorse, manuka scrub or frost-cured tussock. Further, fires of the future could behave more aggressively - and prove tougher to put out. What firefighters call “extreme fire” has dangerous features like spotting - where embers and other particles are hurled ahead of the fire front; fire tornadoes and whirls; and “blow-up”
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Vern believed all he was saying ‘yes’ to was a glass of Fanta. The Tasman fires earlier this year ravaged 2300ha of pine forest and forced mass evacuations. Photo: File. conditions, where the inferno suddenly escalates in size and intensity. As in other parts of the world, New Zealand has been seeing an increasing number of wildfires threatening not just farmland properties, but also lifestyle blocks and homes on city fringes. “The past few years has seen a dramatic increase in the number of houses being lost and people evacuated in wildfires.” “Population growth will mean more people-caused fires, and expanding urban development will result in the potential for increased losses of homes and lives.” With rural and urban areas increasingly overlapping, there was an obvious need for more proactive district planning. That included tougher restrictions on building in fire-prone areas - right down to what materials homes
were constructed from - and even stopping development altogether in those highest-risk spots. “Greater losses could also see insurance companies stop offering wildfire loss cover in identified high risk areas. Amid these future threats, Grant saw a crucial lesson for the public. “The common view currently in New Zealand is that wildfire risk is somebody else’s problem, ‘it not going to happen to me’ and, ‘if it does, it won’t happen again’,” he said. People could start by removing flammable materials from around their properties, making emergency and evacuation plans, and talking to their neighbours. “A shift in mindset around wildfire risk ownership is also needed, away from the fire services to property owners themselves.” – NZ Herald
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Vandals wreak havoc on baseball club Jonty Dine A local changing shed has become the target of recidivist vandalism. The Nelson Heat baseball club has had the windows and toilets in its changing sheds smashed on several occasions. The shed, opposite Garin College, is a council-owned building, sitting next to Avery Field. Nelson Heat president Tom Kroos says the continued damage has been frustrating for both the council and the club. “It’s been difficult. The first instance was right before an invitational meet, with teams from out of town. It was not a great look for Nelson and devastating for us to arrive and have that destruction.” After repairing the windows four times, the vandals keep returning to inflict further damage. Their latest rampage saw them smash their way in where they took to the toilets with baseball bats. While no motive is yet clear, the club worries the attacks aren’t random and that they are the target.
Nelson Weekly
WEDNESDAY 20 November 2019
Nelson Heat coaching and development officer Marty Grant inspects the damage at the club. Photo: Jonty Dine. “I don’t know if that’s the case here, but there has been a frequency of this senseless destruction.” Police have yet to determine if it’s one person a group of individuals committing these crimes. Tom says to have these senseless
acts is most unfortunate as it is ultimately the children that suffer. “What is difficult, a lot of people here, committee members, parents, coaches that sacrifice time to give kids sport and I think that’s one of the hardest parts.”
Locally Owned and Operated
NEWS Air New Zealand adds flights: Air New Zealand is adding more than 500 flights to the regions, including Nelson, in the wake of Jetstar shutting up its provincial shop. Last month, Jetstar confirmed it is going ahead with plans to withdraw from regional services in New Zealand on November 30. However, Air New Zealand recently announced that 586 new one-way flights will help make up for the loss from January to March next year. They include routes between Auckland and Napier and between Nelson and Wellington. This December, the airline will also add an extra 253 oneway services to the same routes. Air New Zealand is also assisting affected Jetstar customers with a special fare. Eligible customers can email jqsupport@airnz. with proof of their affected Jetstar ticket. House prices jump: Nelson’s median house price has risen by 11 per cent in the last month while the number of houses sold has increased by more than 50 per cent,
latest data shows. The latest REINZ residential property data for October shows Nelson’s median house price to October 2019 has jumped from $518,000 to $575,000. The number of houses sold in the past month has increased by 50.8 per cent – from 65 to 98. This comes as the Top of the South has scored a new high on REINZ house price index for the region, at a score of 2430. This means that the value of housing has increased by more than 140 per cent since 2003.
Pāua catch halves: The recreational limit of pāua is changing in Canterbury, Marlborough and Nelson to ensure the fishery remains sustainable after the impacts of the Kaikōura earthquakes in 2016.The daily bag limit for pāua is being reduced from ten to five, and the accumulation limit from 20 pāua or 2.5kg of minced meat, to 10 pāua or 1.25kg of minced meat. This applies to both black foot and yellow foot pāua. These changes take effect on the 12 December 2019 in the Kaikōura/ Canterbury (PAU3) and Nelson/Marlborough (PAU7) fisheries.
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Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated
Good news for Salisbury Matt McCrorie
“We’ve really seen a success in our girls in the last year – and now imagine On the back of an $8 million funding how much better they’ll be able to do boost to replace Salisbury School’s with a new purpose-built facility.” out-dated classrooms and rundown Last week Education Minister residential accommodation, Chris Hipkins announced an $8 million construction the board has just budget to replace the announced the school’s classrooms and appointment of a new accommodation. principal, Ellie SalcinThe special school for Watts. girls aged 8-15 was Board chair Emma earmarked for closure Thompson says Ellie by the last government has both hands-on and until the process was management experience stopped in 2017. in learning support, and Ellie Salcin-Watts “It is really exciting to as the school’s deputy know we will have new principal for five terms she has a good understanding of the school buildings specifically designed for what our extraordinary students school and its students. “Ellie’s passion for the school is need, given that their needs are a palpable and her strengths are lot more complex today compared to when our current buildings were numerous,” says Emma. The new principal says she is excited designed,” says Emma. The redevelopment, which is about a new future for the school. “We’ve seen huge growth in our expected to begin in 2021, will see students since introducing play- the demolition or removal of the based learning and trying to find existing residential and ancillary new ways of helping our girls see buildings, administration block and day school. themselves as a success.” Ellie has been involved heavily These will be replaced with new with restructuring the school’s residential units to cater for a roll curriculum this year and of 20 high-needs students, a new introducing new and innovative administration block, a multi-purpose ways of learning. She says that it’s hall and dining facility and a kitchen. A rewarding to be able to see the new day school will also be built. growth of students and continue to “It is fantastic that the need of our students has been listened to.” help the school evolve.
WEDNESDAY 20 November 2019
Natureland welcomes in new additions Sara Hollyman Reporter
Natureland has welcomed three new additions over the last seven weeks; one big name in the New Zealand zoo industry and two pint-sized mammals. Twin pygmy marmosets were born on September 30, arriving just a day before new manager Stephen Standley stepped onto the scene. Weighing around 15 grams when they were born, the twins are being collectively raised by parents Inti (mum) and Peru (dad), along with big brother Tunche, and have just begun to venture out independently from the adults. Being the smallest monkey in the world, the gender of the pair is not yet known and is only able to be determined when they get bigger. New manager Stephen brings with him a wealth of knowledge, having been involved in the zoo industry for 40 years. Having moved to Nelson with his wife to retire, he became a trustee of the Natureland
Twin baby pygmy marmosets under the watchful eye of big brother Tunche. Photo: Sara Hollyman. Wildlife Trust in March last year. His impressive CV includes director of both the Auckland and Hamilton Zoo, president of the Zoo & Aquarium Association of New Zealand and contract zoo specialist for the Ministry for Primary Industries. He says there are a lot of changes in store for the zoo, which last year had an uncertain future after Nelson City Council reduced its funding. “We’re in the process of developing a master plan which looks at our vision, including how we are going to develop the zoo. It’s like a plan of ideally what the zoo might look like in 10 years.”
He says they had some help from international zoo design experts who gave them “a very special deal” as he has worked with them before. “It’s a very small site, at just under a hectare, so we are always going to be limited to what we can do, but I think the mix is right; a few domestics, a few exotics and a lot of natives.” He says Natureland will change considerably, but the core collection is unlikely to change. “At the end of the day we’re not just a petting zoo, we’re far more than that. A tropical house is very much a focus of the future plans, that will be quite exciting, providing it all stacks up.”
Nelson Weekly
WEDNESDAY 20 November 2019
Locally Owned and Operated
Great Christmas Market is back Kate Russell
Ian Blackman on the wharf where he arrived in Nelson 50 years ago. Photo: Jonty Dine.
Ian’s trip down memory wharf Jonty Dine As an 18-year-old fresh out of boarding school, Ian Blackman boarded a fishing vessel in England, skippered by his father and bound for New Zealand. It was November 14, 1969, when he started working as an unpaid deckhand on board the MV Boston Seafire, one of Sealord’s North Sea trawlers. “It was a heck of a voyage,” he says. “She was an old rust bucket
and I was violently seasick.” The vessel took a tiki tour through the Azores Islands and Panama Canal, which Ian says was “incredibly eye opening” for a very young 18-year-old. They eventually docked in Nelson where Ian fell in love with the country. The plan for Ian was to visit his family in Nelson before joining the Royal Marines back in England. However, he never left. After receiving his first pay
packet, Ian decided to continue to work on the trawlers, to the disgust of his father. “My dad fired me and told me ‘when I come back from my next trip you better not be home.’” So, Ian went to the Army Office on Nile St and signed up, beginning a lengthy career in the service. Ian did 21 years in the New Zealand army, then worked for 16 years at Waimea Intermediate as a support staff
member, running the school’s outdoor education programme. He now works in a local vineyard. Last week Ian celebrated 50 years on from his arrival in Nelson, with a visit to that same wharf he stepped off in 1969. Sealord staff were on hand to show him around and give him a tour of how the industry has changed. Ian says it’s of part commemorating what he says has been a “great run”.
Buy more locally made and less massproduced gifts is the key message for this year’s Great Christmas Market. Around 130 stall holders will pack into Founders Park this Sunday for the annual event, which is now in its eighth year. From ceramics, textiles, art and clothing to leather goods, garden art and skincare, organiser Paula Ossevoort says it’s a one-stop-shop for your Christmas shopping. “There are lots of local stalls that you don’t see at the Nelson Saturday Market and we’ve got sellers from Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland.” There will be stalls inside the Energy Centre, The Granary and outside. Paula says it’s a great way to support local businesses. “It’s an opportunity to actually meet the maker too - often there’s a story behind their product.” There will be 30 food stalls to keep you fed while you shop as well as entertainment throughout the day. There will be limited Eftpos facilities, so Paula recommends bringing some cash as well as your card. “And make sure you bring some reusable shopping bags.” The Great Christmas Market is on this Sunday, 24 November from 10am – 4pm at Founders Park. Entry is $2 at the door, kids under 12 free.
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Nelson Weekly
WEDNESDAY 20 November 2019
‘They call it the suicide disease for a reason’ Locally Owned and Operated
Imagine feeling like there is boiling gasoline in your blood, burning you from the inside. That’s the way a Nelson woman describes the pain of the condition she lives with. Sara Hollyman reports. Sarah Allsopp was just a teenager when she suffered a minor injury that would lead to a debilitating illness that will affect her for the rest of her life. Years after her initial injury, that started simply as severe swelling, Sarah was finally diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) – a rare but chronic pain condition that affects every aspect of her life. It has been dubbed the “suicide disease” by many, as those who suffer from it have been known to take their own life in an attempt to find relief from the pain. “I’ve learnt what my triggers are. For me it’s noise, so I try and protect myself from that, but for others it can be something like the pressure changes from weather.” She describes the disease as a malfunction of the nervous system which sends the wrong messages from your brain telling a part of
your body it’s in extreme pain. “There’s a connection issue in the network, so your brain is getting all these messages which you don’t understand. “Your brain can see that visually there’s nothing wrong but yet you actually want to chop the limb off because it is so painful and debilitating,” she says. She says it took 13 years to find a support group that allowed her to begin to understand CRPS. “You start to feel like you’re going crazy because normal stimuli of touch, sound and vibration actually become harmful to you. So you start protecting yourself from these things, not understanding why.” Sarah says she has struggled to find a doctor who understands the condition, a battle that is echoed by many who suffer from CRPS. “You’re basically told that the wires in your brain are wrong,
Sarah Allsopp wants more education and awareness around chronic illnesses like hers. Photo Sara Hollyman. there’s nothing you can do, learn to live with it. But when your body feels like gasoline is being injected into you and it’s so bad you actually want to cut that limb off ... there’s no escape from it.” She says the illness, which has no cure, and is still not widely understood, has affected every aspect of her life. “Due to my noise affliction I can’t
sleep with my partner, we sleep in separate bedrooms. There’s no way I’d be able to have children, because I can’t look after myself, so how could I look after someone else? “It’s affected my friendships; I basically feel like I don’t have any friendships left. “The way you eat, the way you breath, the nausea.” She says she can’t get more than
two hours sleep at night. “You can’t function enough to work because your brain is always distracted because you’re always in pain.” November is CRPS Awareness Month with Paint the World Orange Day held on the first Monday in November. CRPS is considered a rare disease, but Sarah says there are more than 300 people in the New Zealand support group. She understands there are more than 20 people in the Nelson Tasman region who suffer, and she wants to see a local support group set up to connect them. “Every aspect of your life is different, it’s not a life you’d wish on your worst enemy; they call it the suicide disease for a reason.” Sarah’s wish is for more people, GPs included, to understand chronic pain. She would love for people to acknowledge the suffering from the condition, that it’s not in their head, and to set up support groups and education. “It sounds so crazy but yet I’m living with it,” says Sarah.
Nelson Weekly
WEDNESDAY 20 November 2019
Locally Owned and Operated
Heather Lackner from Alzheimer’s Nelson and Nelson Hospital nurse Lucy Barron. Photo: Kate Russell.
Hospital staff raise money for Alzheimer’s Kate Russell Dan Phyfer, Joseph McEwan, Tom Roche, Lauren Domigan, Joe Adams and Roni Wyler enjoying Ciderfest 2019. Photo: Jonty Dine.
No rain on cider parade Jonty Dine Reporter
Rain didn’t stop the party as Ciderfest 2019 went off at Founders Park on Saturday. The fourth annual showcase of cider saw thousands of cider lovers pack the park despite the inclement weather. The ciders were flowing, and music drowned out the rain amid a plethora of poncholaden punters. Ciderfest regular Izzy Rose says
the weather didn’t stop her crew enjoying the party. “It’s always one of the best days of the year and we weren’t going to let a bit of rain spoil the fun. We just whacked on some ponchos, had a few ciders and we were all good.” A total of 2200 attended the festival from across the country, only a few hundred less than 2018. Owner of Nelson Venues and Events Shelley Haring says, while numbers were down, the ones who endured the elements
had a great afternoon. “They all loved it, despite the rain. They loved the music and say the variety of ciders was even better than previous years.” She says the dip in numbers can “100 per cent” be attributed to the weather. “People loved the venue as we had lots of inside options including the big music marquee.” Shelley says they will be back in 2020 for the fifth edition which will be bigger and better, and hopefully sunnier.
After 15 years working for Alzheimer’s Nelson, Heather Lackner says she still gets surprised how many people don’t know their services exist. From support groups, to community education - their goal is to break down the stigma associated with the condition, and support those living with it. That’s why staff at Nelson Hospital have banded together to raise money for the organisation, so they can better promote their services. Nurse Lucy Barron says it all started with a “vague idea” when she and some colleagues were out for dinner one night. “We thought, ‘let’s do something to bring hospital employees together while supporting a local organisation’.”
So, they have planned a ‘springtime charity soiree’ for staff at the end of the month, which is being run on donations from local businesses. All proceeds will go towards helping Alzheimer’s Nelson run their services. “Because people are living longer now, we’re seeing dementia and Alzheimer’s more in the heath setting and it is something that families and people living with it are struggling to deal with,” says Lucy. Heather says the support is very much appreciated. “We have a small contract with the DHB, but we have to apply for grants and rely on memberships, donations and bequests. So, for an organisation to put on an event and donate the proceeds to us - that’s fantastic.” If you can donate goods or money towards running the event, contact Lucy at
Talk sport with Keith Quinn Summerset Richmond Ranges welcomes Keith Quinn Summerset Richmond Ranges are delighted to welcome guest speaker Keith Quinn to our village on Saturday 23 November. Keith Quinn is one of New Zealand’s most experienced sports commentators. His broadcasting career has been exceptional. Keith worked for NZBC/TVNZ from January 1965, and for One World of Sport from 1975 until 2007 - a total of 42 years’ service. New Zealand’s most respected rugby commentator has travelled with the All Blacks on numerous tours since 1974. He’s also been involved with broadcasting at eight Summer Olympic Games, 10 Commonwealth Games and has attended three Paralympic Games. Keith has won numerous national TV Sports Journalist awards and is recognised for his work on radio. Keith is also a prolific writer, columnist and the author of 13 books on rugby and sporting matters. We invite you to join us to hear all about Keith’s extraordinary broadcasting and journalism career.
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Nelson Weekly
Locally Owned and Operated
WEDNESDAY 20 November 2019
The Gathering bike rally heading to Nelson in 2020 Jacob Page Nelson is set to host over 600 motorcycle enthusiasts in February when the annual ‘Gathering’ rolls into region next year. The third annual event will be held in the South Island for the first time and will be based at the Ocean Lodge Hotel on February 14 and 15 with a preregistration night the night before. Organiser Evan Still says after hosting two successful events in Whitianga in 2018 and 2019, he was keen to bring it to Nelson. “I was looking for somewhere in the South Island and we wanted somewhere that wasn’t as big and we wanted a venue with a personal touch. “It’ll be a busy weekend for bikes in Nelson that weekend with the vintage veteran’s rally on top.” Evan says the event has taken off from a casual conversation between two mates a couple of years ago. “Back in 2017, Harley Davidson decided to stop hosting their nationals and I said to a mate that it can’t be hard to organise a piss up in a brewery. “Six weeks later we were sold out of our 700 tickets and it took off from there. Each year, the event also supports
Dave Filer, Principle Dealer of Filco getting ready for ‘The Gathering’ in February. a charity with Wakefield School’s outdoor pool project benefiting from the weekend. “We raised $12,000 for Sea Scouts in Whitianga over the two years and Wakefield School has a project we want to get behind this year. “There will be a ‘Show and Shine’ event at the Filco Harley Davidson dealership in Nelson on the Saturday morning before we have a ride out to Wakefield to have lunch before returning to the Ocean Lodge for a night of music.” People who are interested in taking part can visit www.thegathering. bike or keep an eye on Filco’s facebook page.
WANTED NELSON LOCALS WITH HEARING LOSS We’re inviting people in the Nelson area to trial our latest Oticon Opn STM hearing aid range, for free.*
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Out & About
WEDNESDAY 20 November 2019
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Out&About HAVING A PARTY OR EVENT? Call our photographer 548 5900
1 Ciderfest at Founders Park
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China Week Community Day
6 7
Albert Choi and Marcellus Christofan
Brooke Delaney Nick Ohlson and Laura Kearns
Ian and Tommy Mortimer and Mary Bronsteter
Ruth and Jo Lewis and Jifang Black
Areil De Aguiar, Sophie Weenick and Victoria Cockerell
Would you like us to take photos at your next event?
PH 03 548 5900
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Nelson Weekly
Locally Owned and Operated
WEDNESDAY 20 November 2019
Because in most cases it works! Inversion Therapy is the oldest recorded medical cure for back issues, first recorded by Hippocrates in 400 BC, otherwise known as spinal traction. Traction was used by modern hospitals for many years however because it is a slow process and ties up hospital beds for many weeks, they recently stopped using the treatment. Inversion Therapy is gentle and relaxing if done properly and has many other benefits apart from relieving back pain, it helps realign the spine and pelvic area, loosens up tight muscles, increases oxygen to the brain, stimulates circulation and the lymphatic system and has many other benefits.
Inversion helps to: • Relieve Back Pain • Relieve Neck Pain • Relieve Muscle Tension • Stimulate Blood And Lymph Flow • Improve Posture • Increase Flexability
Inversion NZ have been teaching people how to use this treatment for over twelve years, it is an amazing process with most people getting off the Teeter pain free for the first time in years or with their pain substantially reduced. The relief usually lasts around 30 minutes to three hours and as the pain returns you use the machine again, after using this method of treatment, in a few weeks the relief increases, which is the discs starting to retain more fluid, muscles starting to loosen up and the body coming back into alignment. In our experience most people are pain free in around three months, then the Teeter is used daily to maintain the health of the body.
Frank Harwood (84 at time of picture) using his Teeter, Frank’s been Inverting for over eleven years and has found it keeps him young
The biggest issue with inversion tables is there is no safety standards that need to be met. Because of this, other brands use mild steel for 100% of the metal involved. Mild steel is great for static loads, in other words things that don’t move such as chairs, tables etc, however with Inversion Therapy there is considerable movement and this movement causes mild steel to flex. Because it always flexes in the same place it eventually causes metal fatigue and can result in failure. All Teeters are manufactured for extreme safety. Heat treated high tensile steel has been used in all areas subjected to stress. High tensile steel is far stronger and most importantly does not flex. This means Teeters are the strongest and safest tables on the market today.
It uses gravity to apply traction, the traction gently opens the discs and as they open up they create suction, this suction draws fluid from the surrounding tissue back into the discs, re-hydrating them. This is the key! Discs do not have their own blood supply, they rely on trans fer of fluid from the surrounding tissue to keep them healthy and hydrated and over the years as discs get thinner with age, they lose the ability to take on fluid (just like squeezing a sponge) and they start to de-hydrate.
Posture: Poor
posture is one of the major cases of pain and is a major contributor to the deterioration of the body with age. A difference in leg length causes most of the hip and knee issues, as they continue to place uneven loads on the joints; similar to the wheels out of alignment on your car. Trying to correct posture is extremely difficult due to muscle memory, as it constantly pulls the muscles back to where they were. At a level of 40 degrees or more on the Teeter, the muscle groups open up and eventually come back into alignment, using the table daily, does not allow the muscle memory to pull them back out of alignment and slowly the muscles start to lose their memory and go with the flow, allowing the body to come back into correct posture. Then using the table once a day will ensure it is kept there.
De-Hydrated discs are less flexible, they are harder, more prone to injury, they interfere with nerve roots creating pain and ultimately the de-hydration causes degen eration. The Teeter Inversion table slowly and gently brings the hydration back into the discs, plumping them up. It separates the nerve roots far more effectively and This is pure logic, if a machine is out of returns quality of life
Muscles: A lot of pain is muscular, when
muscles are stressed they become tight which restricts the flow of blood and lymph through the muscles so toxins build up, Co2 and Lactic Acid. Traction opens up the muscles, Rhythmic Traction, is a gentle rocking motion that stimulates circulation and encourages blood flow through the muscles, which clears the lactic acid into your lymph system where it stimulates lymph flow and deals with it. Most people with serious neck issues see a large improvement after only one treatment.
MOTUEKA Motueka Bridge Club
32 Tudor Street Sat 16 November 11am - 4pm
RICHMOND Club Waimea
345 Lower Queen Street Sun 17 November 11am - 4pm
alignment it does not last long, the only difference between the body and a machine is that the body is constantly repairing itself, however if the wear and tear on the body is greater than the body’s ability to repair itself, it is a slow decline. The Teeter slowly brings the body out of its decline and allows the body to repair itself, resulting in a far healthier life.
If you are serious about investing in your health and really sorting your issues out, come see us at one of our local roadshows, you have nothing to lose and chances are, a lot to gain.
Trafalgar Street Hall 67 Trafalgar Street Sat 23 - Sun 24 November 11am - 4pm
BLENHEIM Redwood Community Hall
Weld Street, Redwoodtown Sat 30 - Sun 1 December 11am - 4pm
Inversion NZ Ltd
0800 62 62 83
Our Back Pain Expos We host a number of back pain expos throughout the country almost every weekend, these expos are a way for people to try out a Teeter Inversion Table and feel the benefits for themselves in a way that is instructive and informative. It is also a great way for people who already own a Teeter to come along and get a refreshment course on the use and operation of their Table and clear any questions they have about it. Sessions run continuously from 11am to 4pm and there are no bookings required, just come along at a time that suits you. There may be a wait during certain times and in these instances chairs are set out for anyone waiting for a turn, or anyone who just wants to ask us a few questions. We strive to cover the entire country and always try to book the most accessible venues we can. All our upcoming shows in the region are listed in the red bar below, otherwise check out our website for more
RANGIORA Fernside Memorial Hall
287 O'Roarkes Road Sat 7 December 11am - 4pm
LINCOLN Lincoln Community Care
16 Lyttelton Street Sun 8 December 11am - 4pm
Inversion NZ Ltd
0800 62 62 83
WEDNESDAY 20 November 2019
Your Voice
‘I feel my death is a special circumstance’: After having the pleasure of working with Craig, I love this man’s attitude towards life. Mandy Pearcy
Shocking price, sorry this has happened to you and you’re faced with this desperate situation and expense. Lulu Armstrong
I’ve recently met this gentleman and he is truly an inspiration. Karen Burns
Trailblazing firefighters recognised: Well done, Grace Clark and Bella Clark, you should be very proud giving 25 years’ service to fire fighting in Nelson. Liz Robinson
You girls rock! I remember the time you took this on all those years ago. You have
Nelson Weekly
Locally Owned and Operated
forged a way for today’s young women to follow in your big footsteps. Thank you. Marg Parfitt
visitors, and the agencies do well out of that arrangement. Heather Brown
Wow, congratulations Grace and Bella - what a fantastic achievement you both have made to your area. Job well done. Karen Campbell
Pay more and attraction of right skills will come with it. Jil Southon
Talent needed for Nelson: Strange and pertinent fact: Nelson provides many services to our larger centres at large centre rates and maximise profits by paying less to staff for the privilege of living here. No wonder there’s a shortage of talent. Marc Steyn Two things. One, the near Auckland-level rents being charged by landlords using the supply and demand excuse. Two, the sunshine wages as so many have mentioned in the past. People do want to live in Nelson, but not for a pittance. Dennis Goodman Rents are insane. Jobs are filled on temp basis by
Sunshine wages + high housing costs = big problem. TeRina Christieson Meanwhile, highly skilled individuals living in Nelson who are trying to find a job are not even getting an interview. This report does not make any sense to me. As far as I can see, in Nelson, one only gets a good position if he or she knows someone who knows someone. Unfortunately, in my opinion, employment here has nothing to do with qualifications and experience. Vanessa Hardinge Black eye from Black Cap: My husband still recalls the day he got hit in the head at cricket. He was fielding and the ball hit him in the forehead and then reflected and the
other fielder caught it. The batter was deemed out as the ball didn’t hit ground. Hubby was checked for concussion and it became the talk of the club for years after. Debbie Martin The year was 1982, Australia at Nelson. Rodney Marsh hit a ball in practice. It hit my foot and bursted the blood vessels. Their team doctor came and bandaged it up. No ball though. Darryl Clarke You’ll be telling that story forever! Totally worth it. Cushla Vass Big thanks to the staff at Saxton Oval, the Black Caps and English team for looking after James so well. He still enjoyed the game! Sarah McMullen Violence is not just physical: Thanks for sharing your story, so many of these things ring true for me, too. No abuse is acceptable. Thank you for being brave. Emma Eyles
Nelson Matters This week I have been confirmed as National’s Candidate for the 2020 Election. I love my job as your MP and would be privileged to give it my all for a further three years. I enjoy the role of helping constituents and making Government work better for people. The most satisfying part is helping advance projects big and small, that make Nelson a better place to live. Every term of Parliament my goal is to help get a major Nelson project done. These have included, in the past – Whakatu Drive, Garin College, the Early Settlers Memorial, Saxton Stadium, the Suter Art Gallery, School of Music and the Nelson Airport Terminal. This
term was the Waimea Community Dam now underway and on schedule for completion in 2021. My top priority for the 2020 term of Parliament is getting a new hospital underway for Nelson. The current buildings are a seismic risk. It has insufficient beds for our growing and aging population. Nor is the facility up to the standard for patients, doctors and nurses. This new Nelson Hospital will likely cost half a billion and will be the largest infrastructure project ever undertaken in our region. My goal is a new facility that will meet Nelson’s health needs for the next 50 years. My second priority is transport
with the region’s problems with congestion and safety getting worse. Labour has repeatedly increased fuel taxes and road user charges while slashing state highway investment by 70%. They have overturned National’s $135m commitment to the Southern Link. There is an urgent need for major investment in Nelson’s roads to keep up with the growth in population, exports and visitors. The Southern Link has noisy critics, but like the Waimea Community Dam, common sense will prevail. The alternatives are not credible. The solution will be in clever designing of this new stretch of highway between Annesbrook and
Nelson at your fingertips...
Things to do Events Walk/Cycle Tracks Weather
Brave girl. It took me 10 years to finally pluck up the courage to leave. I was also afraid of what would happen to the animals as he had killed or threatened to kill them when he was blackmailing me into spending more money on him. Lorraine Lindsay
Kia kaha wahine and thank you for sharing your story. Peace to you and your whanau. Alli Jackson
Joeline sprinting with the best: Awesome, Jo!! You so deserve to win this after your massive haul of golden medals, and your years of dedication and hard work. Rebecca Pratt
544 Waimea Road, Nelson
the port so as to minimise the impacts on the adjacent community and enhance our network of cycle ways. Richmond too needs significant roading investment. My third priority is education. Nelson has everything to lose and nothing to gain from the nationalisation of NMIT. I worry about the loss of courses and jobs. I’ll be giving voters a clear choice to retain local control of our polytechnic. I will also be campaigning on reducing class sizes and retaining parental choice of schools. I want to help deliver a new Berryfields School in Richmond West. I am also standing again out of concern of this Government’s direction on
Breaking News
My beautiful friend, I'm so proud of you for putting your story out there to help other women/men. You are an amazing mum to your son, always. You are a strong woman and always will be. Haley Nieman
social and economic issues. It is a mistake to go soft on crime and drugs and I strongly oppose the legalisation of recreational cannabis. Labour’s economic policies are damaging Nelson’s business confidence and job growth. It’s not enough to be critics of the Government. I have this year been leading National’s policy development. We have put huge work into our future plans for New Zealand and welcome feedback on our discussion papers available from my office or at My campaign next year will focus on our positive plans for Nelson and NZ. Advert.
Nelson Weekly
Blessed be the pets Locally Owned and Operated
Nelson’s Christ Church Cathedral was transformed into an animal house on Sunday as mammals of all kinds attended the special ‘Pet Service’. Dogs, cats and guinea pigs attended the hour of worship with animal-inspired hymns pelted out from the pews. The predicted chaos never ensued as the pets were all very well behaved with only the occasional bark being heard over the singing. Photos: Jonty Dine.
WEDNESDAY 20 November 2019
More hospital carparks on the way, Wednesday, May 15: Nelson Hospital officially opened its new carpark in the first week of October. The carpark, which has been built on an unused greenspace on Franklyn St, is for staff, but the old staff carpark, closer to the hospital, is now available for the public to use. This means there are 29 extra public parks, including eight more mobility parks. To help show patients (and staff) where they can park, the hospital has created a new map, which also includes the location of bus stops and bike sheds.
Event is Nelson’s icing on the cake, Wednesday, October 30: All things cake-related were on show at Club Waimea on 2 November for the annual New Zealand Cake Decorators Guild conference. President of the Nelson guild, Linda Bunt, says more than 250 cake decorators and traders visited the region for the event, and over 600 members of the public attended - with some expressing interest in joining the guild. “We all had a wonderful time,” says Linda. “Nearly two years of planning went into this conference and we were well supported by local businesses. It has been wonderful to know that there is so much interest in this art form.”
Rescue pet becomes ‘dear companion’, Wednesday, 6 November: Despite the rain, the SPCA’s Great Paws Walk fundraiser in Nelson on 9 November was a huge success. Manager of the Nelson SPCA centre, Donna Walzl, says she was thrilled to see so many people make a special effort to be there and support them at the Botanic Sports field. “I think everyone enjoyed the walk, which was a bit of an adventure and all the canines were super well behaved.”
Nelson College NEW ZEALAND Te Kura Tamatane o Whakatu
Nelson College
Nelson Weekly
WEDNESDAY 20 November 2019
Locally Owned and Operated
Every few weeks we sit down with someone with a story to tell at the Vic. We call it ‘Burgers, Beers and Banter’. This week we catch up with Nathan Fa’avae, the six-time world champion adventure racer. Nathan is preparing to give a talk at a fundraiser next week, helping his son get to the adventure racing nationals. Nathan Fa’avae has been all over the world taking on the toughest adventure racing courses the planet has to offer. But most recently he took part in a 10-day eco-challenge exhibition race in Fiji, created by the production company behind TV shows ‘Survivor’ and ‘the Apprentice’. The show is hosted by none other than the world’s most famous survivalist, Bear Grylls. “I was a little bit cynical wondering how much of him on TV was real,” says Nathan. “But I thought he was fantastic and showed a lot of interest in what we were doing, I think he would have preferred to be racing. “It was a really big production with about 50 teams, many of them world-ranked and they dedicated a film crew to every team.” Nathan says the final result will be spectacular as a substantial amount of money had been thrown at it. “With no sponsors permitted, every team was given $50k just to help with costs. They would have had ten helicopters flying above at all times. The budget would have been millions and millions, such a
cool thing to be a part of.” Nathan is under a strict confidentiality agreement, so can’t give the results of his race, but says it included mountainbiking, trekking, stand-up paddling, and rafting. Teams raced through the night, sleeping only about two hours a day. “That was sometimes considered a luxury.” While it was tagged as “the toughest adventure course in the world,” Nathan admits to participating in tougher races. He says the sport isn’t without its dangers. “I’ve been in races where people have been killed. It’s a dangerous sport and there are real risks.” He says the toughest races are when you’re ill or injured. “I’ve had races before with altitude sickness or in the tropics getting an intestinal bug, those are the really hard ones. The worst of these came in 2013 during the world championships in Costa Rica. “Three of us got a tropical foot infection. Our feet were disappearing in front of our eyes,
championships. Nathan’s children are also keen adventure racers having grown up with two outdoor mad parents. His son Zephyr and daughter Jessie are both nominees for the Nelson Sports Awards this weekend as a result of their orienteering prowess. “Our kids didn’t have much choice really; it is just what we have naturally done and essentially by osmosis they have absorbed Nelson adventure racer the perfect skillset for adventure Nathan Fa’avae talks about his racing.” most recent foray into reality Zephyr’s Motueka High School junior adventure team took television. Photo: Jonty Dine. out the regional event and have we had never seen anything like it qualified for the national final at before, so we pulled out of the race Great Barrier Island next month. and went to hospital.” “It’s quite extraordinary what His side went into the race as they’ve achieved as Motueka defending champions but left with does not traditionally have an a ‘did not finish.’ adventure team.” “That was about as bad as it gets, As they weren’t expected to win, we were quite disillusioned and the school must now raise $10,000 bummed out.” to get the team to the final. He says they came away from the To help raise funds, Nathan race spending a lot of time building will speak at Trailways Hotel on REE 28. FNovember a picture of ‘the ultimate team’. This acted as a turning point “If CKin a leadership role and you’re PA 6 for his team, who went on to struggling, SI think you will get a AP Rout win five out of the last six worldWlot of my talk.”
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Engine Briggs & Stratton Engine Power MS 190cc170
WEDNESDAY 20 November 2019
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$799 Always a crowd favourite, the Duck Herding display will take place on Saturday at 12.30 and Sunday at 12.15. Photo: Eyecloud Photography - 2017 Nelson Show.
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Ted Ford Nelson A&P Association President
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Proud to support the A&P Show Wendy Pearson 021 567 722
As President of the Nelson A & P Association I would like to welcome everyone to the 125th Nelson A & P Show. This year, in honour of our 125th Show, we have published the book From the Country to the Town, to commemorate our rich, varied history and the show. The history of the association, formed in 1893, as well as Richmond Park is an interesting one and the book touches on the many trials faced over the years such as the destruction of the picturesque grandstand
by fire as well as the impact of the Spanish Flu and World Wars. Make sure you head to the PGG Wrightson Shed if you wish to purchase the book, see the photo display, or share your own memories of the show with us for a chance to win a great prize. Special highlights this year include live historical performances based on some of the stories in From the Country to the Town, Trans-Tasman competitions in the Dog Trials and Wood Chopping and a Doggy Fashion Show run by The Breeze. Enter your canine companion in the Saturday Fashion Show for a chance to
the continual support and assistance of our sponsors, particularly our primary benefactor and neighbour Golden Edge Nelson Pine Industries. We would also like to thank Haven Motors, the TDC, the New Zealand Community
Trust, Air Rescue Services Ltd, More FM, and the ANZ bank for providing ATM facilities. Thank you all for supporting your local show and joining us to mark this special occasion, we hope to see you this weekend.
Saturday 23rd 7.30am — ‘Tall Poppy’ Dog Trials starts 11am - Brian Shone (at Main Stage), Harcourts Really Young Farmer of the Year Competition begins, Pasture to Table—milking demo at Beef Sheds, TransTasman Dog Trial competition begins (runs until 1pm) 12.30pm—Duck Herding Dog Display (in front of Grandstand), Estella Singer & Guitarist, Wood Chopping: SOUTH ISL vs. NSW TEAMS RACE 12.45pm— ‘History Brought to Life’ Performance (near Food Court & Stage). 2pm—Doggy Fashion Show - FREE ENTRY (in front of Grandstand), 4pm—Main Stage Entertainment ends 5pm—Show closes for Saturday
Sunday 24th 7.30am— ‘Tall Poppy’ Dog Trials starts 10.30am—Pasture to Table— milking demo at Beef Sheds, Wood Chopping 11am—Really Young Farmer of the Year Competition begins, Trans-Tasman Dog Trial competition begins (runs until 1pm) 12.15pm—Duck Herding Dog Display 12.30pm—Wood Chopping: TEAMS RACE followed by JUNIORS CHOP 12.45pm—‘History Brought to Life’ Performance (near Food Court & Stage) Wood Chopping: 2pm—Terrier Racing (registration from 1.45pm in front of Grandstand), Paul Madsen Band (at Main Stage) 2.30pm—Pasture to Table— milking demo at Beef Sheds 4pm—Show Closes for 2019
541 9667 Bulsara Ltd t/a Tall Poppy Licensed under REAA 2008
Proud to celebrate be part ofthe the Nelson A&P Show Supporting the events that make Tasman unique
Visit the animal barn at the 125th a&P show 35 McGlashen Ave, Richmond Ph 544 1200
WIN a $100 Morrison Square voucher plus other prizes. On Sunday the littler dogs can also compete in the ever-popular Terrier Racing at 2pm for another chance to win prizes. The show would not be possible without
70 Gladstone Road Richmond, Nelson Ph 03 543 8041
Nelson Weekly
News / Feature
WEDNESDAY 20 November 2019
Laché does ‘nerd squad’ proud
Locally Owned and Operated
Jonty Dine Reporter
Lifetime water skills skills Lifetime water
Swimming Lessons
Hampden Street School HEATED POOL Learners pool temp. kept at 29-30 degC Laché Melvin was named Nelson College for Girls Dux for 2019. Photo: Jonty Dine. However, it wasn’t all textbooks and tests during her time at college. Laché is also a keen rower and a dancer. “I like to put my foot wherever I can squeeze it.” Unfortunately, Laché’s hectic schedule eventually led to burn out. “I got chronic fatigue last year, I had to quit rowing because I physically couldn’t keep up.” It didn’t take her long to bounce back though, and she soon took up a position as a rowing coach. “I slept a lot, but I got through it.” Laché was also heavily involved in the school’s extracurricular
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groups including the enviro group and GALS (Girls Alliance of LGBTQ and Straights). “I love being able to make it a safer space for students, which means a lot.” Laché is taking an unconventional post college path, opting for a four month ‘bootcamp’. “I am doing a software development bootcamp in Wellington, it is very industryfocused.” She says, though she doesn’t have a dream job in mind, she knows she wants it to involve Fairfax Media makes every effort to create advertisements to meet your specific needs. Please note in some ins solving complex problems. “I’m just really excited to get out to supply additional proofs due to complexity of the request or deadline constraints. © This advertisement has been created as a service of Fairfax Media. It cannot be reproduced witho there and start doing life.”
If you wish to use this material elsewhere, please contact your advertising consultant. Charges
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Laché Melvin is a self-confessed nerd. The 18-year old says she has always had a thirst for knowledge and enjoyed problem solving. “I’ve always been really curious and picked things apart to figure out how they work, that’s just always how my brain has functioned.” This intellectual curiosity saw her awarded Dux at Nelson College for Girls’ for 2019. “My friends were the runners up, so it was so cool to have the nerd squad up on stage.” She says it meant a lot to her family. “My nan was crying, and my brother ditched his prizegiving to come to mine, which was very sweet of him.” Laché sat chemistry, physics, calculus, English and media studies during her final year at school. She says she was privileged to have some “amazing” teachers, friends and parents supporting her journey. “I should divide this medal up and give it to them.”
• Fast Dryers • Sports Gear • Duvets • Mink Blankets • Bedding • Washers • Domestic Laundry
Nelson Weekly
Locally Owned and Operated
WEDNESDAY 20 November 2019
Forge your own knife There is nothing quite like a knife you have made your self, whether for outdoor use or in the kitchen. You can forge a blade as it has been done through the ages, with step-by-step instruction. We offer a full day activity from 8.30am to 4.00pm. Bookings essential. Lunch included. You do not need any previous experience or skills – just enthusiasm and a willingness to give things a go.
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Nelson Weekly
WEDNESDAY 20 November 2019
Locally Owned and Operated
Fun Park
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Nelson Weekly
ARTS Locally Owned and Operated
Four nights of One Act Festival Kate Russell Reporter
Comedy, drama and intriguing situations will be on show next week at the Theatre Royal for the One Act Festival. Three theatre groups, including Nelson Repertory, Wakefield Country Players and MíleGrá Creative are joining forces to perform a total of seven plays over four nights. Plays include the premier performances of RSVP and My Father My Son, and well-known favourites such as Badjelly the Witch, The Real Inspector Hound, Leonardo’s Last Supper, Tess and Flo and Lucy in the Sky. On each night two short plays will be performed. There will also be a
Saturday matinee performance of Badjelly the Witch especially for children and family groups. “Some of these plays will be being performed for the first time in Nelson, two of them having been written by local Nelsonians,” says Nelson Repertory director Hugh Neill. “There will also be people for whom this is their first time as a director, plus some actors for whom this will be a first. It’s an opportunity for less experienced people to have a go.” Hugh says it’s the first time they have organised a one act festival at the Theatre Royal in about a decade and he hopes to continue collaborating with other theatre groups. The One Act Festival is on at the Theatre Royal from 27 - 30 November. Tickets are available from the theatre box office or online at
Theatre troupe out to grant wishes What do you wish for this Christmas? A local improvisation troupe plans to make wishes come true with their original Christmas show on Sunday, November 24. The Wishing Star is the brainchild of local creative Lisa Allan, who has been working with two improvisors, Glenn Cousins and Gina Foley, and a violinist, Fleur Jackson, to create what Lisa describes as “a courageous leap into the unknown”. The story pivots around two children - Anna, who lives with her grandfather and Jeffey, who lives with his grandmother. Every night, they wish on the Wishing Star. Every night their wishes come true. However, one day, the wishes start to go awry. Anna and Jeffey must be brave to seek out the Wishing Star and put things right.
Audience members will get to share their Christmas wishes and Glenn, Gina and Fleur will weave them into the show as it unfolds. “There is something so alive and thrilling about improvisation,” Lisa says. “We never know exactly which characters will appear or what they will do, it keeps us on our toes and delights our audiences.” There is also a colouring-in competition. Find a copy at Fairfield House or on the Wintergreen Creative Facebook page. Bring your coloured in page along to the show to go into the draw for a prize. Get along to Fairfield House on Sunday at 6.30pm and see your wishes come to life in this unique family-friendly Christmas adventure. Tickets are $12 from
WEDNESDAY 20 November 2019
Nelsonians have the perfect opportunity to warm up their dancing shoes ahead of the festive season this year when Showtime Australia’s revamped Bee Gees tribute - The Bee Gees Night Fever comes to the Theatre Royal on Monday, 2 December. Tickets are available from the theatre box office or www. Nelson Weekly has a double-pass to give away to the show, just email the name of your favourite Bee Gees song to editorial@nelsonweekly. Pictured from left is Warren Vernon Driscoll as Robin Gibb, Zachary Coombs as Barry and Andre Behnke as Maurice. Photo: Showtime Australia.
Nelson Youth Theatre Company’s production of
y ekl ail We on M n lso els Ne " - N t " s ! ow fea "W isual v "A
Theatre Royal
"th Hu
eb e I st Ne hav you ill, e s th Ne ee the lso n" atr e nW ee kly
Music and Lyrics by Elton John and Tim Rice Additional Music and Lyrics by Lebo M, Mark Mancina, Jay Rifkin and Hans Zimmer Book by Roger Allers & Irene Mecchi Based on the Broadway production directed by Julie Taymor Music Adapted & Arranged and Additional Music & Lyrics and “Luau Hawaiian Treat” written by Will Van Dyke “It’s a Small World” written by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman
Bookings Theatre Royal or TicketDirect - 03 5483840
Licensed exclusively by Music Theatre International (Australasia). All performance materials supplied by Hal Leonard Australia.
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Here’s your opportunity to re-home household goods! On Second Hand Sunday, people can take away the stuff you don’t want for free!
Register by going online to the Tasman District or Nelson City Council’s websites (search phrase = Second Hand Sunday). You can also call the Councils’ Customer Service Centres. Instructions for the day are also online.
Registrations must be in by 10.00 am, Friday 6 December so each Council can publish the list of addresses of people taking part on the website.
03 546 0200
03 543 8400
Hot auto tips for warmer weather
You may think you have an exceptionally reliable car, however vehicles don't stay that way on their own. As with any piece of equipment or machinery, maintain and care for your vehicle and it will generally return the favour.
Weather is heating up - so is your car!
If you have a minor problem with your vehicle now, there’s a much higher probability that it will develop into something more in warmer temperatures. A car engine usually operates at around 95°C, depending on the make and model. When that same vehicle is loaded with your family, friends and camping gear, and is crawling its way up a steep hill in 30°C plus heat (if we're that lucky!), then this will be the time that problems may occur, so let's tackle vehicle maintenance
Nelson Weekly
WEDNESDAY 20 November 2019
Locally Owned and Operated
beforehand and prevent a breakdown.
Simple checks to keep you safe, saving you time and money:
both the New Zealand Brake and Clutch Specialists Association and the Motor Trade Association, you can expect safety, quality parts and workmanship and customer satisfaction every time. If a check-up does highlight an issue, Nelson Brake Services offers a full vehicle workshop and qualiGetting your car checked before hitting the road this summer means fied technicians to get job done. you will see less of this... For more information on getting what happens if your cellphone your vehicle serviced, give them a dishwashing liquid. • Check all your lights are work- won't work? An emergency kit is call today on 546 4749. ing. With longer daylight hours a very useful thing to have. Drive along Haven Road and you may not use your lights very • jumper cables you will doubtless see the Dolmuch, so that blown bulb can go • a jack and wheel-brace larSave building at 221 Haven • torch unnoticed – until you need it. • Make sure your sun visors are • water for both the radiator and Road. Derryl & Tanja Henman have owned the business for over yourself (around two litres) doing the job; glare from the sun, 20 years, and with many services either directly or from other ve- • blanket and towel on offer they are your one-stophicles, can blind you temporarily. • emergency reflectors. • If you are towing, ensure your Warmer weather and busier shop for all things motor related, towbar and braking capability is roads equals greater stress for and the best thing is there is no up to the load you are hauling. you and your car. Be aware of the booking required, just drive in. Because of the strain tow- risks, drive to the conditions, ex- A Wof isn’t just about getting a ing can place on your car, ercise patience and everyone can sticker for your car, motorcycle or trailer, it’s about safety, and at it’s vital your cooling and be a little safer on the roads. Dollar-Save the dedicated team lubrication systems are in Located on Muritai St in Tahuna, make that their number 1 priortop condition. Nelson Brake Services is home ity. They are also well equipped to Do you have an to an expert workshop and sales service and repair all makes and emergency kit? team who are here to provide the models of car, there is no need to In warmer weather many right solution and the best repair drive all over town to use multiNew Zealanders take off for you and your vehicle. As well ple repairers or locations to fix into the back and be- as offering a range of specialised the problem, DollarSave do it all! yond, to escape the hustle services, they’re also on hand The technicians at DollarSave are and bustle, enjoying our to take on all the other jobs like all of the highest calibre and ofincredible scenery. This WOF, lubes, tyres and a Summer fer a great service, so if you want could mean your car tack- check-up for your vehicle. It’s im- your car roadworthy for summer les gravel roads and beach portant to know what condition then look no further than Dollarterrain - there may not be your vehicle is in before you hit Save Auto Centre. You want the too many passers-by and the road and, being members of best, go and see them!
Consider a pre-trip inspection by a trained technician; repairs can be more costly on the road. Ask them to check things like the air conditioning, cooling system, drive belts, hoses and clamps, brakes, along with the fundamentals like fluids, oil and water. High temperatures can also be hard on your battery – get it checked to ensure your car will last the distance. • Check the condition and air pressure in all tyres, including the spare, to make sure they are roadworthy. Remember, heat is a tyre’s biggest enemy. • Replace ragged wiper blades, and make sure the wash reservoir tank is full and you’ve added proper cleaning agents – not
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Nelson Weekly
Locally Owned and Operated
WEDNESDAY 20 November 2019
W aimea C ollege W aimea C ollege Waimea College
Netball Coaches Wanted: Netball Coaches Wanted: Netball Coaches Wanted: Applications for the following Netball Coaches
Applications following Netball Coaches are now openfor for the 2020: Applications following Netball Coaches are now openfor for the 2020: B, Senior are nowSenior open for 2020: C, 10A, 10B, 9B Senior B, Senior C, 10A, 10B, 9B We areSenior seeking knowledgeable, confident, B, Senior C, 10A, 10B, 9B We areandseeking knowledgeable, positive enthusiastic people with aconfident, genuine We arefor knowledgeable, positive andseeking enthusiastic people with with teenagers. aconfident, genuine passion netball and working positive andnetball enthusiastic people techniques with teenagers. a genuine passion for and working with The ability to improve skills, and passion for netball and of working with teenagers. The ability to improve skills, techniques and players understanding the game of netball, The ability to improve techniques and players understanding ofskills, the game of netball, along with having fun and installing great team players understanding of the game great of netball, along with having fun and installing team culture are vital. along culturewith are having vital. fun and installing great team culture are vital. Applications close 4.00pm, Friday 29 November Applications closeto:4.00pm, 29 November 2019. Address KarlaFriday Thurlow, Waimea Applications closeto:4.00pm, 29 November 2019. Address KarlaFriday Thurlow, Waimea College, 60 Salisbury Road, Richmond. 2019. to: Road, KarlaRichmond. Thurlow, Waimea College,Address 60 Salisbury College, Salisbury Road, Richmond. Contact: for Contact:information for further Contact: for further information further information Scott Haines
Waimea College 1st XI Boys Football-Coach Applications for the 1st XI Boys Football Coach are now open for 2020: The successful candidate will have:
• •
A proven record in coaching youth football and will be committed to maintaining the high standards developed and expected of the team both on and off the field A commitment to developing a positive relationship with the team and players is essential.
Scott Haines Principal Scott Haines Principal Principal Creating future leaders
The successful candidate will need to:
• • • • •
Be aware of the travel commitments necessary
Creating future leaders Creating future leaders
Be able to work with the Sports Office and team Manager closely Operate within the school guidelines, policies and procedures Be an effective communicator
Commit to the Waimea College team for a 2-3 year period to allow for continuity.
Applications close 4.00pm, Friday 29 November 2019. Address to: Thurlow, Waimea College, 60 Salisbury Road, Richmond.
Brightwater Engineers is one of New Zealand’s leading engineering providers offering a complete range of industrial engineering services from engineering design through to fabrication, electrical and automation site maintenance and installation. We area now looking to appoint the followingfabrication, important role to our Contact Karla: for further information Brightwaterand Brightwater Engineers Ltd isengineering, leading New Zealand engineering, Engineers Ltd leading New Zealand fabrication, industrial service and industrial ser operation based isinaBrightwater:
maintenance company operating in New Zealand. are delighted maintenance company operating primarily in New Zealand.primarily We are delighted for ourWe current People for our curren Safety Advisor who is expecting child October wishthis her well as she en and Safety Advisor who and is expecting her first child in Octoberher andfirst wish herinwell as sheand enters time. cover her role, we have aforfantastic opportunity for an energetic an exciting time. To cover exciting her role, we To have a fantastic opportunity an energetic and highly organised person join the team•and in providing HR, Health and support organised person to join the team in providing HR, Health SafetyCompetitive support across theSafety business in across the bu • Permanent FulltoTime Role Highly Remuneration the following role: the following role:
Scott Haines Principal
Reporting to the Nelson Branch Manager, the Storeperson will be responsible for accurately managing the receipt and dispatch of goods, completing spot checks and audits on inventory, People & Safety Administrator Peopledeliveries/pickups & Safety Administrator plant/asset management, and admin tasks related to stores and inventory control.
Creating future leaders
• • •
To be successful role, you willBased possess the following skills and attributes: Brightwater Based in•thisBrightwater • Knowledge of engineering equipment and consumables would be advantageous • week Part time 25 hours per week Part time 25 hours per however training will be given • Fixed Term Parental Leave Cover (12 months) Fixed Term Parental Cover (12 and months) • Excellent attitudeLeave towards Health Safety within the workplace • Ability to work autonomously as well as being a good team player
Working within a small but youpreferable will becan a strong whotocan balance your Working within aa small but busy team, you will be abusy strong who balance your time • Hold full drivers licence; forklift ticket and classteam, 2operator licence but notoperator essential and coordinate a diverse range of administration responsibilities facilitate and coordinate aquality diverse range of administration responsibilities related to recruitment, related to recr • Produce highfacilitate work with good attention to detail training and development, maintenance of staffand files, health of and safety and a v onboarding,• training andonboarding, development, maintenance of staff files, health and safety a variety Strong communication, administration & computer skills reporting and general attributes foroperation this month Fixed Term role are: reporting and Key foradmin. this 12 Key month Fixed Term role12are: • Begeneral honest,admin. reliable andattributes provide great customer service to our
Fulton Hogan
No reservations, just walk in!
On the spot interviews
•in an Previous experience in anSafety HR and/or Health and Safety administrator or coordina Previous experience HR Health and administrator or coordinator role by 5pm on Monday 9thand/or December 2019. would be of benefit would be of benefit
Strong skillsdeadlines with the ability to meetwork deadlines and prioritise work effe Strong organisational•skills with organisational the ability to meet and prioritise effectively
• knowledge Excellent IT and andcapability systems knowledge and capability Excellent IT and systems
• Theefficiently to with communicate with at all levels of the business The ability to communicate people atefficiently all levels of thepeople business manufacturer andability packer of complementary medicines and natural health
Applications including a Cover Letter and CV should be sent to dylan.adams@brightwater.
Alaron Products Limited is New Zealand’s leading GMP Certified
products. We are now looking to appoint the following key position:
• Strong Manufacturing Background
rd 9.00am on Monday All applications will be treated withand the close strictest confidence and close All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence at 9.00am on Monday 23at July • Dynamic Environment To apply please to send your application to or for 2018. To apply please 2018. send your application or for further information contact Dylan on 021 543 510. information contact Dylan on 021 543 510. We are looking for a strong and capable person to join our Warehouse team in a working team leader
Saturday, 7th December 2019
10am to 3pm
• local Demonstrate high levelswe integrity in to relation tofrom theyou. management of highly con Demonstrate levels ofengineering integrity in relation tooflook the management of highly confidential role withinhigh a strong business, forward hearing information. information.
This role will suit afor capable person looking for partsuiting time hours suiting school hou This role will suit a capable person looking part time hours (potentially school(potentially hours), who work autonomously and cancommitment bring an attitude and commitment to providin can work autonomously can at times, and can bring at an times, attitude and to providing a best practice service acrosstothe business in relation practice service across the business in relation HR, Health and HR, Health and Safety.
Job Fair Waimea Grandstand Richmond A&P Showgrounds Lower Queen Street Richmond
If you are an energetic and motivated person who is looking for a Stores/Warehouse related
Now hiring on a contract basis
Applicants will only be acknowledged where they have the Applicants willcapacity. This role will report to the Logistics Manager and be responsible for ensuring the Warehouse is only be acknowledged where they have the immigration to work andimmigration live in New to work and live in N Zealand on a permanent basis. Zealand on a permanent basis. managed efficiently through sound receipt, storage and dispatch processes and effective leadership
yConcrete placers ySteel fixers yCivil construction workers yCivil labourers yCarpenters
of people, equipment, inventory control and systems in order to strive towards a first-class Warehousing operation. We are looking for an individual who has the experience and capability to lead from the front, demonstrate they can step up and provide a work environment that is professional, compliant and collaborative with the rest of the operation. You will be passionate about efficiently meeting deadlines, planning and motivating staff and ensuring the Warehouse is streamlined in its operation. To be successful in this role you will demonstrate the following skills and attributes: • Effective team leadership skills including the ability to motivate, coach and train staff • Excellent written and oral communication skills • Strong planning and organisational ability • High levels of initiative and problem-solving capability • Efficient systems and computer skills
For more information contact
If you have the skills to perform this key role at a high level, please send your CV and Cover Letter to by 5.00pm, Friday 29th November 2019.
for the duration of the exciting Waimea Community Dam project near sunny Nelson.
Experience in construction?
Want to be part of an exciting project that you’ll be able to proudly tell your friends and family you helped construct?
Recruiting for:
Kirsty Head: 09 589 5221 Ext. 9719
Mall Chat Only 5 weeks to Christmas! Stock up for Black Friday Sales
Swap $20 cash for $30 Richmond Mall Vouchers. One day only - 27 November between 10am - 1pm and 2pm - 5pm. Maximum three swaps per customer.
We are making 10 children’s Christmas wishes come true!
Collect a Santa Letter from our information desk and write Santa a letter, tell him how good you have been this year, and what you would like for Christmas! 10 wishes will come true on the 20th December at Richmond Mall. Have your letters back to us by the 18th December. Only for kids aged 0 – 12 years.
Santa is arriving on 5 December
Santa’s Grotto is in the old Vodafone store next to our play area near the food court. Santa Hours are 10am -12, 12-30 – 2-30pm and 3 – 5pm. PLUS 5.30 – 7.30 pm on late nights. $5 per photo includes a free gift from Santa.
Selfie Competition – win $500 Richmond Mall Vouchers
Take a selfie share it with your loved ones with a Christmas message. We have five selfie boards to choose from. One lucky customer will win a $500 Richmond Mall Gift Voucher. Winner will be revealed on Christmas day on our Richmond Mall Facebook page.
Nelson Weekly
WEDNESDAY 20 November 2019
Locally Owned and Operated
Finding refuge in football Jonty Dine Growing up in Nepal, Miran Magar and his friends were so strapped of sports resources they were forced to play football with balled-up socks. Now living in Nelson, the refugee gets to spend his Saturdays surrounded by scores of soccer balls and even gets coaching from professional players. The 14-year-old moved to the region in 2012 and is one of dozens of young players reaping the benefits of Tasman United’s free training sessions at Nelson Intermediate. Starting on November 9, the sessions will continue to run every Saturday from 1-4pm until February. Miran says it’s awesome to have such quality coaching for free. “It’s great, it’s a lot of fun, great to train with the players and improve my skills.” Coordinator Kate Gallagher
Tasman United players with the latest crop of young Nelson footballers. Photo: Jonty Dine. says the idea is to give these football-mad kids some structured sessions. “If you drive past Victory Square on a Saturday afternoon you will see these kids there kicking a ball around.” She says many of these boys don’t play for a club
for various reasons, so these sessions provide an introduction to what professional football is all about. “The kids seem to be loving it and are getting really familiar with the coaches.” She says the initiative is a win-win as it gets the
Tent Expo We’ve rented extra space so you to see these up! • All tents are erected so you can see exactly what you’re getting
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Tasman United side known in the community. “It’s an enjoyable thing for them, it’s not too serious and they can have a laugh and it is 100 per cent free. Just show up and have a kick around.” The next session will be at Nelson Intermediate on November 23 from 1pm.
Super Mako picked up
Sixteen members of the title-winning 2019 Tasman Mako squad have been picked up by Super Rugby team. Ethan Blackadder, Andrew Makalio, Quinten Strange, Leicester Faingaanuku, David Havili and Will Jordan return to the Crusaders Sione Havili and Fetuli Paea Mitch Hunt shifts south to the Highlanders with Pari Pari Parkinson and Shannon Frizell. Atu Moli and Alex Nankivell return to the Chiefs, with Ryan Coxon. Finlay Christie has been recruited to the Blues with hooker Ray Niuia. Tyrel Lomax is the sole Mako man at the Hurricanes.
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Jellicoe Clothing 4B Wakatu Estate Ph 541 0104 Open: Mon - Fri 9.30 - 4.30, Sat 10.00 - 2.00
Nelson Weekly
Striker sets sights on Black Sticks Locally Owned and Operated
Jonty Dine Reporter
Jessica Kelly hopes to follow the path of her idol, Black Stick Anita Punt. Like Anita, Jessica is a born and bred Nelsonian but bet on herself by moving to Wellington to further her promising hockey career. The gamble paid off and Jessica soon found herself playing for the capital U21 side where her form then earned her selection to the New Zealand U21s. “I was a bit shocked as I’m still only 18, I wasn’t expecting it at all.” These accolades have seen Jessica receive a first-ever nomination for junior sportswoman of the year at the ASB Nelson Sports Awards. The Waimea College alumnus has been playing the game since she was fouryears-old. Though she admits it wasn’t
really hockey, “we would just run around aimlessly”. “My best friend started playing and I wanted to do what she was doing.” Her talent eventually became apparent and she was soon fast tracked into the Nelson and Tasman sides. “I have had great coaches in Nelson and my parents have always backed me 100 per cent. Moving to Welly was a risk, but they supported me.” Jessica says she has made friends all around New Zealand, playing the sport she loves. “That would be my favourite part.” Jessica says her strength on the pitch sets her apart. “I bring quite a dominant presence; I think it’s just the way I’m built and I’m not afraid of a bit of contact.” She hopes to maintain her spot in the U21 side and go to the Junior World Cup in 2020, and possibly emulate the success of New Zeeland’s highest-ever goal scorer.
Hockey player Jessica Kelly has been nominated for junior sportswoman of the year. Photo: Jonty Dine. “When I was growing up, Anita [Punt] made such a big statement when she entered the Black Sticks. And Kelsey Smith, she just has so much grit to her, coming from such small towns with not
as many opportunities as someone from Auckland.” Thanks to the careers of these women, Jessica’s goal remains clear. “One day, I want to become a Black Stick.”
WEDNESDAY 20 November 2019
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T h e R e g i o n ’s G a t e w a y t o t h e W o r l d
WEDNESDAY 20 November 2019
Nelson Weekly
Locally Owned and Operated
Fresh talent for new speedway season Jody Scott
Speedway Reporter
Milestone Top of the South Speedway stocks have been boosted by the next generation of Youth Ministock drivers making their debut this season. Six new drivers have fronted in Nelson and sport some pretty famous last names. The new racing rules were introduced to the youth grade this year with yellow lights and rolling starts having proved successful over the first few meetings. Some of the new drivers are 2nd and 3rd generation competitors. However, these drivers are getting a head start on their parents as the Youth grade has only been around for just over a decade, but has grown to the biggest number of competitors around speedway tracks in New Zealand. The grade has proved a huge stepping-stone for kids moving into multiple forms of motor racing. The class in Nelson has about 19 drivers with visitors often turning up to race as well. However, if you tally up the number of youth drivers coming through over the years it’s become an essential part of the club. Current three-time South Island Stock car champion Keightley Teece started his career
Men’s singles finalist Harry Pugh hits hard from the baseline. Photo: Supplied.
Tennis open a winner for Nelson community Some of the speedway’s new youth drivers; Luke Higgins, Harlen Brunt, Toby Walker, Daniel Yaxley, Campbell McManaway and Jack Burson. Photo: Supplied. in Youth Ministocks, while others have moved into T.Qs, Sprint Cars and Super Stocks over the years. Meanwhile, on what was possibly one of local Speedway’s most important dates, it was the weather that became the eventual winner. Racing was called off on Saturday night after some heavy showers right on race time which made the track impossible to race on. It was a bitter pill for the organisers to swallow after some lengthy build up to this season’s superstock
event. Club president Wayne Martin is still hopeful of a possible rerun at a later date. “All of the drivers who had entered in this event were, like us, pretty disappointed, however, without exception they all still want to race. So, we will have a meeting this Wednesday and hopefully come up with a possible alternative a little later in the season.” As soon as something is decided they will let the public know.
Local tennis players had six weeks of interclub play to warm up their game for last weekend’s Nelson KIA Senior Open 2019. Men’s singles and mixed doubles took place on Saturday with rain delaying the men’s final. Mixed doubles winners Mike and Suzanne Spencer were pushed in the first set by Kate Kroos and Richard Bell. However, they came back strongly in the second set to take the title 7/5, 6/0. Both the men’s and the women’s finals produced close matches, providing great spectator tennis; Alice Anderson and Loretta Hogg took the women’s title,
beating Louise Allan and Kay Luv (Queenstown) 7/6, 6/3. In a first for many years, father and son pair Ian and Oscar Symonds took the men’s doubles title by beating the number 1 seeds Andy Stanger and Amnat Thepprasit 7/5, 3/6, 11/9. This year, Nelson Bays Tennis Association and Nelson KIA took a community approach to the event by partnering with Helping Families Nelson. The event was used to create awareness of this local charity and the work it does for Nelson families. Items of use for families in need and for children’s Christmas were collected over the weekend.
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Nelson Weekly
WEDNESDAY 20 November 2019
Newman Shield comes home Locally Owned and Operated
Peter Jones The Newman Shield is back in Nelson hands after their senior cricket representatives completed a clinical victory over Marlborough at Horton Park on Sunday. Marlborough, who won the toss and elected to bat first, were bowled out for 205 in the 49th over, setting a mediocre target on a good batting deck. Nelson paced their run chase superbly, reaching 207 for the loss of just three wickets in the 48th over. The visitors suffered a setback before play began, keeper Jack Aldridge injuring his ankle in the warm-up, being replaced behind the stumps by coach Ryan Edwards. The disruption did little to affect Nelson’s early efforts, paceman Josh McKay finding the edge of Ma’ara Ave’s bat in the very first over. However Prabodha Arthavidu joined Tom Sutherland at the crease and the pair set about building a partnership. They looked comfortable, taking quick singles to rotate the strike, before Sutherland ran himself out after misjudging a push to a close-in fielder. Skipper Matthew Stretch then joined Arthavidu and the pair amassed the game’s largest
The victorious Nelson side with the coveted Newman Shield. Photo: Peter Jones. partnership. However, at 1322 in the 28th over, medium pacer Thomas Zohrab got the key breakthrough, trapping the Sri Lankan in front for a wellcompiled 51 from 64 balls. Five runs later Stretch followed him back to the pavilion, bowled by Zohrab for 49 from 63 balls and the tide began to turn. Marlborough were bowled out with 10 balls remaining. Zohrab finished with the outstanding figures of 5-24 from 10 overs, his accuracy and variations reaping a rich reward. McKay bagged 2-33
from 9.2, Max Mannering and David Zohrab grabbing the other wickets to fall. Nelson set out on the run chase in a sensible, sedate fashion. Openers Zohrab and Finn Raxworthy had reached 31 before Zohrab departed. However, this brought Nelson’s best batsman, the vastlyexperienced Greg Hay, to the wicket and he underlined his class with an unbeaten 83 from 113 balls to guide his side home without undue fuss. He lost Raxworthy, who scored a solid 56 from 83 balls, at 117,
but then found a reliable ally in Patrick Howes (21 from 32) who helped take the score to 154 before falling to a superb outfield catch by Arthavidu. Despite the home side’s efforts to put Nelson under scoreboard pressure in the final overs, Hay and new batsman David Zohrab (19* from 26) ensured there would be nervous moments by slamming three consecutive boundaries in the 48th over to seal the deal. Marlborough coach Jarrod Englefield, while disappointed to open the season with the loss of
a prized trophy, was happy with some areas of his side’s game. “The positive thing is that we got two guys that created a good partnership and were well set, the disadvantage is that they didn’t kick on … and we also failed to bat our 50 overs which always hurts. With the runs we were definitely 20 to 25 runs short, minimum.” Nelson Griffins skipper David Zohrab said it was good to get their hands back on the shield, especially given the close games between the two Top of the South rivals in recent times. “It’s been nice to get one over [Marlborough] again. It’s been tit-for-tat recently, they had the wood over us last year with the draw and a win, so it’s good to start our rep season with a win. “Today was a great hit-out. We have a relatively young, inexperienced side so it was good to blood a few players. Finn Raxworthy batted really well in only his second game … it was very positive to see that from a young player. “Also, Thomas Zohrab bowled well and his figures showed that … “Artha and Stretchy were batting well and looking dangerous and [Thomas] blunted that and got through them, really opened them up, which was nice for us.”
WEDNESDAY 20 November 2019
Stihl ShoP MaRine
s w e N g n i h s Fi Tasman Bay snapper Dominik Berghamer M.P.I. are now starting the process to review the area 7 Snapper TAC. To date one meeting has been held to outline the process to all fishing sectors with the next meeting to be held in early December when there will be a presentation of the new science reviewing the status of the Snapper stocks. I think all agree that it is pleasing to see the Snapper in Tasman Bay increasing in numbers. A public consultation process will start in February 2020 with any changes coming into effect in November 2020. During the public consultation process I believe that it is time to review the amateur regulations for Snapper in area 7. Marlborough Sounds has three Snapper per person and long lines only in the outer sound. Do we need 10 Snapper each and 2 long lines per boat...? Just a thought. The weather is still doing it’s
spring thing and for the lucky ones (those who are enjoying retirement) who can go fishing any day when the weather is good – results have seen some excellent catches of good size snapper. The catches have been mainly in the 30 to 40 metre line area, but also there have been reports of catches from Rabbit Island and the bottom area of Tasman Bay. But not as many as in the deeper water. One of the techniques you could try for snapper fishing this season is to leave the bait at home and use jigs, the same as winter fishing at d’Urville Island. Preference of jig type has been the Docan and Baku Baku in the forty to eighty gram size range, depending on the depth of water and current. Both are available from Big Blue and Hunting and Fishing, along with all the advice you need. Tight lines! Find more info on www.dawn or on Facebook.
Nelson Weekly
Locally Owned and Operated
Pub run celebrates 40 year anniversary Jonty Dine Reporter
Mike Ward likes to earn his beer. The former MP is the founder of the Nelson pub run which celebrates its 40th anniversary this year. Mike says it was 39 years ago that running mates Rick Rawson and Eddie Saxon approached him wanting to start a series of races in Nelson over summer. As a member of the Harriers Club, Mike ran with the idea and started a 40 year-long tradition which Athletic Nelson has now incorporated into its yearly calendar. Each Saturday throughout summer, a group of runners
will meet at a Nelson pub from where they will race and return for some well-deserved refreshments. Mike says the run has outlived a number of the pubs they used to frequent. The group hits all the local hot spots including Prince Albert, Turf, Wakatu, Free House, McCashin’s, Ocean Lodge, the Honest Lawyer, Styx and the Speight’s Ale House. Mike says the most memorable run over the 40 years was the very first one. “The guy was about to win, he was just 10 metres from the finish line when he went down and crashed with heat exhaustion.” Things have been far less dramatic in the ensuing years and Mike says they continue
to be popular due to the run’s simplicity. “It’s easy to organize, we just go out and find somewhere to run. We don’t need marshals, expectations are minimal and no one gets upset about not winning.” The 7 km races generally start around 4pm to ensure they arrive in time for happy hour. Mike says even those physically unable to race enjoy participating. “We are indebted to those who turn up to hold the stopwatch, record times and hand out place tags.” Anybody is welcome to take part in the pub runs, all you need to do is turn up. The next run will start from the Prince Albert at 3.45pm this Saturday.
Tasman United vs Team Wellington - Sunday 24 Nov, 2pm, Saxton Field Southern United Wellington Phoenix vs vs Hamilton Wanderers Auckland City FC
ROUND 4 John Brydon
Jonty Dine
Nelson Weekly
Canterbury United vs Hawke’s Bay United
Tasman United vs Team Wellington
Eastern Suburbs vs Waitakere United
Locally Owned and Operated
Snapper caught on a Baku Baku Jig on the 20 metre line in early October by Toby Munro.
Gary Hinks
Chris Butler
Matt Stringer
Jo Lavington
Phil Williams
Mike Goodyear
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Tim Morozgalski
Reliable Motors, Safe Boats
Nelson Weekly
Community Services
Locally Owned and Operated
Community Notices
FREE PULSE CHECKS OUTSIDE NBS 207 Queen St, Richmond. 22 Nov, 10.00am – 12noon. NELSON QUILTERS GUILD Monthly meeting Weds 20 Nov 7.30pm Stoke School. Guest speaker:Maggy Johnston about her fabric art and exhibition. Sales table. All welcome. Alison 0210766486 SPIRITED CONVERSATIONS Wed 27 Nov. Hear marketing expert Dr Jessica Vredenburg from Auckland University of Technology on social media and 'hyper-consumerism'. Yaza Cafe opens 6pm, speaker 7.30 pm. No reservations. Koha. Ph 548 6241. NELSON 50+ WALKING GROUP 21 Nov, Roding Coppermine - Aniseed Valley. Jeff 5418639 or Debbie 545 8698. NELSON 50+ MINI WALKERS Nov 26, Maitai Caves. Meet 10am at Maitai Dam car park. Ph. David or Lynne, 540 3161. MEET LOCAL CONTEMPORARY JEWELLERS Katie Pascoe, Kay van Dyk and Joel Fitzwell,as part of Sympathetic Resonance. The Suter, Thurs 21st Nov5.30pm, floor talk, free entry, all welcome. LEGO @ NELSON PUBLIC LIBRARY Free Event, All ages. Come and get creative, playing with Lego. Community corner (next to childrens library). Last Thurs of each month. Nov 28th 3:30 pm till 5pm. QUIZ NIGHT FUNDRAISER FOR SUPPORT PERINATAL SUPPORT NELSON Speights Ale House, Mon 25 Nov, 6.00pm. Tickets $10 per person, call 03 548 3555. Raffles and Auctions on the night. A fantastic fun night and all proceeds going to this charity supporting mothers during pregnancy and after baby is born. EXPERIENCE THE SOUND OF SOUL Sing HU, a sacred sound and ancient mantra, to expand
your awareness and gain spiritual insight. Wed 20 Nov 5.30-6.30pm, Magnolia Room 44c Bronte St. Lyndy 0211567914. CAKE DECORATORS Christmas all day workshop on Sat 30 Nov. You will make a Poinsettia flower, a Santa and an elf using sugar paste. 9.30am to 4pm. Desiree 0276302359. ALZHEIMERS NELSON monthly Library sessions provide an opportunity for those looking for information, advice and support around Dementia. NELSON: Wed 27 Nov 10-11.30am. STOKE: Thurs 28 Nov 9.30-11am. ISEL LADIES PROBUS CLUB welcome to our friendly club, 4th Wed monthly (Thurs 28 Nov), Baptist Church Stoke at 10am. Joy 5380035 or Sue 5486062. ARTHRITIS SOCIETY COFFEE MORNING meet at Flock in Church St 10am 4th Wed of month. Next Gathering 27 Nov. Claire 035450835 or 0273601039. BOOK SALE incl, CDs, DVDs & Vinyls. Sat 30 Nov, 10am-3pm, Stoke Primary School, Main Road, Stoke. Sausage sizzle. Fundraising, Nelson Savage Club. Ken Holmes 5474301. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF NELSON CREATIVE FIBRE GROUP held at Jaycees room Founders Park, 26 Nov, meeting commencing 10.30am. Come along at 9.30am for cuppa and chat prior to meeting. Also bring along some finger food so we can have lunch together afterwards. HERITAGE ROSES Farm Gardens Tour Sat 30 Nov, Waimea West, Richmond and Upper Moutere. Non members welcome $5.00 entry fee. Marian 0211611385. HERITAGE ROSES, 11 Dec twilight garden ramble Central Nelson and pub dinner. All welcome. Non
WEDNESDAY 20 November 2019
members $5.00 entry fee. Clare 03 5450455. HAMPDEN STREET SCHOOL GALA Fri 22 Nov, 5pm-8pm. Come along and join us for a fantastic family night out. Lots of entertainment, games and stalls to keep the whole family happy. With food galore why not come and have dinner too. ARE YOU A PAST PUPIL OF TIMARU GIRLS OR TIMARU BOYS HIGH SCHOOL Past pupil branches in Nelson and Marlb are holding a combined luncheon on Sat 7 Dec at Club Waimea 12 noon. You are most welcome to attend. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. Is alcohol causing problems for you in your life? Want to stop drinking but can't? Maybe we can help. Support meetings every day. Call 0800aaworks 0800 229 6757. NELSON ASTHMA SOCIETY Better Breathing Classes help you improve breathing through fitness. Two venues Nelson, Reformed Church, Enner Glynn 1:00-2:30 every Wed during school terms; Motueka, Te Awhina Marae, 11:30-12:30 on 2nd and 4th Mon of each month. Contact Sue on 5441562 or NELSON RAILWAY at Founders Park. Sat 23 the Railcar will be running, weather permitting. Sun 24 the Train will operate. Both run between 11am & 4pm. Adults $6 Children $4 Under 3 years free. LAUGH WITH THE FLOWERS Laughter Yoga, laugh for no reason. Victory Community Centre 5.30 Wed $2 koha. Bring something to lie on for relaxation. Cath 5451207. DEATH CAFÉ facilitated discussion; topics determined by attendees. NB this is not a bereavement support group. See Last Sat monthly, Activities Room, Elma Turnbull Library, 1.30-3.00pm. koha requested DEATH MATTERS FILM last Fri monthly. $4 koha.
Church Hall, 94 Neale Ave Stoke 10am. Speakers, activities, new friends. Colleen 5470941 STOKE TAHUNANUI MEN’S FRIENDSHIP CLUB welcomes new members. Monthly meetings with guest speaker on 3rd Tues of month start 10am, Reformed Church, Enner Glyn. Regular outings, activities. Ian 5477841. SURVIVORS AND THRIVORS If you have or have had cancer, supporting someone with cancer come and meet others in this friendly atmosphere. Register 5391137 or info@cancernelson. COLORECTAL CANCER SUPPORT GROUP Cancer Society Nelson 102 Hardy St, for those who are going through or who have gone through colorectal cancer, and their careers/support people. Register 5391137 or MONTHLY CARERS SUPPORT GROUP for Partners/Family/Friends supporting someone with cancer or recovering from cancer. Meet others and discuss what you would find helpful from this group. Register 5391137 or info@cancernelson. BREAST CANCER SUPPORT GROUP Cancer Society Nelson 102 Hardy St, if you have or have had breast cancer come along to this friendly atmosphere. 539 1137, MINDFULNESS AND RELAXATION for people affected by and/or supporting someone with cancer. Every Tues 1pm Fairfield House $3 donation to Cancer Society. 5391137 ENGLISH CONVERSATION GROUP for ESL speakers, students, locals, visitors. Every Weds 4.30-6pm, Trinity Church, back righthand door, 64 Nile St, conversation, tea, coffee. Rachael 02102686970.
Kristine or Barbara 027 939 0024. VICTORY SIXTY PLUS every Tues 1.30-3.30pm, 238 Upper Vanguard St. Join us for cards, games and a cuppa. Jan 546 9057 or 027 4577 955. BETTER BREATHER CLASSES Improve your breathing by improving your fitness at our Better Breathing sessions held in Nelson, Richmond and Motueka. Sue at Nelson Asthma Society 5441562 or NEW! BETTER BREATHING CIRCUIT 10am-11am, each Tues of the school term at Club Waimea. Perfect for those who have completed Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Sue at Nelson Asthma Society 5441562 or MONDAY ACTIVE STRENGTH/BALANCE CLASS also seated options presented. Tahunanui Community hub, Muritai Street 1.30 pm. Get fitter to great music. Shirley 5471433 or 0211218023 THURSDAY ACTIVE STRENGTH/BALANCE CLASS also seated options presented. Trafalgar Street Hall, 10 am. Get fitter to great music. Shirley 5471433 or 0211218023. $3 LUNCHTIME MEALS do you get hungry or lonely or both at lunchtime? If it’s a Tues, Wed or Thurs, you’re welcome to come for a dinner type meal, 12pm at All Saints hall behind the church, 30 Vanguard St, cost $3. Ph 5482601. HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT OF BECOMING A VOLUNTEER? Are you a community organisation looking for volunteers, training, info or advice? Check out our website nz Ph 5467681. STOKE CENTRAL PROBUS CLUB welcomes new members looking for Fellowship and Friendship. Fourth Tues every month at Stoke Methodist
Community notices are free to community groups, schools, churches, gold coin donation events and fundraising only. For classified ads and public notices please call 548 5900. Due to the popularity of this column, while every effort will be made, inclusion cannot be guaranteed for free ads.
Gerry and Grace welcome all new and existing patients 14 New Street, Nelson. Ph 03 928 0121
Now open alternate late night Monday & alternate Saturday mornings, also late night Thursday
6 7 1
SuDoKu 6 4 3
423 Hard
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9 1
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4 3 6
Across contd. 23 Emphasis (6) 25 As it happens (2,6) 27 Introductory music (8) 28 Elf (6) 29 Large-scale orchestral composition (8) 30 Pestilence (6) Down 1 Tedium (7) 2 Conspicuous courage (9) 3 Easily irritated (6) 5 Immediately following (4) 6 Ultimate (8) 7 Australian wild dog (5) 8 Italian astronomer, d.1642 (7) 11 Slander (7) 14 Word of opposite meaning (7) 17 Basic knowledge of subject (9) 18 Excellent (3-5) 19 Bewildered (2,1,4) 21 Go ahead of (7) 22 Place of worship (6) 24 The pick (5) 26 Country formerly Persia (4)
2 8
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3 8 2 6 5 7 9 4 1
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7 4 6 5 1 2 3 9 8
Puzzle 2232
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Weekly Puzzles
Puzzle 2233
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Classifieds AUCTION
Book a Psychic Reading with Suzanne at
TOOLS, SHED GEAR, COLLECTABLES Hand tools, workshop tools. Also collectables, old toys or interesting household items. From small lots to estates or downsizing
Formerly Wills Auctions
Accepting items to sell now so just give us a ring or email to arrange collection (Free local collection) or simply drop off.
53 Rutherford St, Nelson. 545 1199 or 021 119 3899
LOOKING FOR GOOD WOMAN TO MARRY 57yr old man seeking nice lady aged 47 to 79 with view to marriage. Only sincere persons, pls email bio w/ recent photo to:
End of season special. Shed dry pine, 6mtrs $400 delivered. 3mtrs $240 delivered. Only at Quality Firewood, phone or txt 0274 490 622.
CASH PAID Ph Steve 027 538 0020 or 03 5380020
Antiques, furniture (desks, bookcases, chests of drawers, tables, chairs, chaise lounge, wardrobe, mirrors, rugs etc). Collectibles, paintings, toys, books, records etc. Sell, buy, value. 6 rooms at Souchebys Antiques, 75 Gladstone Rd, Richmond ph 544 0723. Open Mon-Sat.
YOGA YOGA FLOW - weekly at Tanunanui Community Hall, Muritai Street. $12. Wednesdays 5.30pm - 6.45pm. Gentle and nourishing Dru and Hatha styles combined with a restorative relaxation to complete your practice. Phone Amanda 021 023 024 97.
PUBLIC NOTICE Advertise your public notice here. Ph 548 5900.
GARAGE SALE Advertise your garage sale here. Ph 548 5900.
We wish to thank everyone for their love and support over his illness and death. Thank you to those who attended his service and all the beautiful flowers and cards. Also many thanks to the lovely staff of the Ernest Rutherford Hospital for their care and kindness to Frank and Kathy. Marsden House has helped us so much and treated us with kindness and respect. Kathy, Philip and Gary Baigent.
Passed away suddenly but peacefully surrounded by family and friends at Nelson Hospital on Wednesday November 13, 2019. Aged 47. Devoted husband of Tracey, adored daddy of Hannah, and Emily. Much loved son of Ian and Kay Shanks (Masterton) loved brother of Jo Shanks and the late Bill Wilson (Napier). Loved and admired son in-law of Bryce and Carol Buckland, brother in-law of Craig and Kirilee Buckland, loved uncle of Ellie and Kelia Buckland (Franz Josef Glacier). Generously supported throughout his illness and in the last days of his life by wonderful family, friends, and compassionate medical professionals to whom we are eternally grateful. In particular a special thanks to Tracy, Jared, Sarah and Steve and the wonderful staff of Nelson Cancer Society, Nelson Tasman Hospice and Nelson Hospital for their love, care and continued devotion. Messages can be sent c/- the Shanks family 164 Tahunanui Drive, Nelson 7011 or email to funerals@ In lieu of flowers donations to would be greatly appreciated and may be made at the service or made directly to the Nelson Cancer Society or Nelson Tasman Hospice . Rest in peace after a long, brave battle. A celebration of Brent’s life will be held at The Shone and Shirley Funeral Home 164 Tahunanui Drive, Nelson at 1:30pm on Wednesday November 20. Respectfully cared for by Shone and Shirley Funeral Directors. F.D.A.N.Z.
Passed away 4th November 2019 at home. Loved brother and brother in law of Gaye and Terry, Phillip and Jan and uncle to all of his nephews. Loved son of the late Keith and Dos McIntosh. As per Raymond’s wishes a private burial has taken place. Special thanks to the various support organisations and relevant staff for supporting Raymond over the years.”
After a brave fight against cancer, Heather passed away peacefully at home surrounded by loved ones on Friday 15 November 2019. Heather fought an amazing fight and was her stubborn self right until the end. She is now at peace fishing with her Dad and Charlie. Gordon, Matthew, Shelley, Michelle, and Billy invite you to join them in celebrating Heather’s fabulous life at Marsden House Funeral Home, 41 Nile Street East, Nelson on Saturday 23 November at 11.30am. Heather wanted this to be a celebration, so she requested that people wear bright colours (minimal black). MARSDEN HOUSE FUNERAL DIRECTORS N.Z.I.F.H.
The family are devastated to announce that Jacob passed away on Wednesday 6th November 2019. His lifelong suffering and pain is finally over and he is free of his broken body. His parents Neil & Fiona, siblings Emma, Ben, Claudette, Matthew and Harmony, and his niece & nephew Zachary and Violet release him into the arms of the angels. RIP Jacob you deserve your wings in heaven. Messages of condolence can be sent to 7 Sugar Loaf Place, The Brook. His funeral service was held on Monday.
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Zak Baker
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Archie Smith
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TUESDAY 26TH NOVEMBER 2019 6-7PM At the Tahunanui Community Hub 61 Muritai Street Last December there was community uproar and concerns about the future of the former Tahunanui Community Centre which was closed due to a dire financial position. You are invited to attend this very important Public Meeting and find out more about the current position and the positive future ahead. The Tahunanui Community Hub needs your support so please show it by attending.
Announcements It’s FREE!
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PRomPt SeRviCe
Whakatu Kids and Youth Group
Welcomes B ible believing Christians and those seeking truth ... No law but love No book but the Bible No creed but Christ No denominational ideas No opinions of others
at 9.45am Enquiries - Ph 547 7773
Sturrock & Greenwood Ltd
You are invited
Notice to all Advertisers: By placing your advertisement you agree with the terms and conditions of the Nelson Weekly Ltd. Namely, payment by the 20th of the following month, or in the event of non payment, the recovery of any debt and its costs will be charged to the customer. This includes all costs and commissions paid to a debt recovery service. Should you require any further information please phone the newspaper on 548 5900.
WEDNESDAY 20 November 2019
Brent James
PH 548 5900
Or email us your memorial notice by Friday to get it in the following week’s edition.
Classifieds DEATH
Heather Ellen
Ask your funeral director to advertise your loved one’s passing with us.
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Raymond Keith
Under 15 Boys
PH 548 5900
We go into every home and it’s
An exciting opportunity has arisen for a Site Manager to join the Talley’s Havelock team. The key responsibility of this role is to manage the day-to-day activities of the 24/7 mussel grading operations, which continuously feeds two large multi-faceted sites.
Applications with CV and references should be emailed to:
PH T&B VINTAGE 0800 653 935 or 548 5235
Talley’s Group is one of the largest privatelyowned companies in the South Island, with teams spanning across the country. What began as a small local fishing business over 80 years ago, is now one of New Zealand’s largest food production and supply groups.
Applicants must be eligible to work in New Zealand.
Locally Owned and Operated
You will have: • experience in staff supervision • proven ability in leading a team of people • an understanding of processing • drive for continuous improvement • experience with documentation and systems, including quality, food and safety • ability to relate well to a diverse group of people • an organised and systematic approach • demonstrated tenacity and drive • a pragmatic approach in a fast-paced commercial environment • an engineering background would be advantageous.
Nelson Weekly
WEDNESDAY 20 November 2019
Advertise Your Church Notices Here
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Phone Bruce on
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Trades & Services
WEDNESDAY 20 November 2019
Locally Owned and Operated
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Now at 56 Tukuka Street
PH 548 5900
We are LocaL!
Nelson Weekly
Trades & Services
Locally Owned and Operated
WEDNESDAY 20 November 2019
PH 548 5900
Original Design:Original Design:
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