Nelson Weekly
Affordable Excellence 69 Haven Road, Nelson 7010 24 Hour Service - 7 Days
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Wednesday 22 January 2020
Skate tour hits town
Pages 14-15
Page 5
Smashing Saiko
Page 22
Rental squeeze forces people into cars Kate Russell
Diving for glory The Nelson Surf Life Saving Club held its annual carnival at Tahuna Beach over the weekend. The carnival pitted young surf life savers in Junior, Senior, IRB and Pool Championships Competition with the IRB Endurance Race proving a highlight on Saturday afternoon. Other events included beach sprints, mixed beach relay, run wade run and board races. Here, Rae Murphy and Penny Anderson from the Kotuku Surf Life Saving Club dive for the win during the beach flags competition. Photo: Barry Whitnall/Shuttersport.
Additional copies $1
The rental squeeze continues to hit Nelson hard as the pressure of the housing market makes an increasing number of people homeless, with some even resorting to hiring vehicles to live in. The problem is being highlighted once again by social agencies as Nelson City Council and central government continue to fight homelessness in the region. Philip Chapman from The Male Room says it not unusual to find people living in vehicles because they have nowhere else to go. “There is lots of it going on, in cars and tents. I knew of a guy living in his car with three dogs, and it’s women and couples, too. We had one guy parked out the back here living out of his van.” Some people are even renting cars to live in, instead of a house. “A man who came through here said, for him, it was cheaper for him to rent a car from a car hire company on a long-term contract. He just slept on a mattress in the back and stopped at the airport every morning for a shower. He had it all mapped out,” says Philip. Property management general manager at Summit Real Estate, Stewart Henry, says they are seeing a constant demand for rental properties. “We are getting around 10 - 15 people viewing each rental and around five will apply. But, one third won’t be accepted after credit checks.” He says private listings are becoming harder to find. “More landlords are listing their rentals through agencies. It’s becoming more complicated because of all the law changes, so they say, ‘can you just deal with it for us, please?’”
WEDNESDAY 22 January 2020
Nelson Weekly
Locally Owned and Operated
Nelson City Council has opened a freedom camping hub on Halifax St which also caters for homeless. Do you support the idea?
• Residential, farm and commercial sales and purchases • Subdivision • Building contracts • Company law and business formations • Trusts • Wills and estates
92 Collingwood St, Nelson Ph: 546 8670 or 0274 312 874
Betty Swartz, Nelson.
Shahar Yahav, Israel.
Hira Boyle, Nelson.
Ofri Weiner, Israel.
“I think we should prioritise our homeless over freedom campers.”
“Absolutely, it’s amazing and if it can be good for the homeless too, then why not?”
“We should be looking after our own first. Of course the homeless need a place to clean themselves and go toilet, unless you want them going in the street.”
“It has everything we need as travellers and makes it easy for us, so, of course.”
Rental squeeze forces homelessness Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated
Distributed to over 21,000 homes and businesses in Nelson
Contact us News Charles Anderson Kate Russell Jonty Dine Sara Hollyman
Advertising Sales Lauren Rameka-iti Reuben Dudley
Accounts Queries 75 Tahunanui Drive Phone 548 5900 100% locally owned and operated
He says a busy winter period last year has also put pressure on the rental market. “There was no drop-off last winter like usual and before Christmas was very busy.” Director of the Nelson Tasman Housing Trust, Carrie Mozena, says they are fielding at least six enquires a week from people living in cars, vans or caravans. “We have 43 houses but a very low turn-over. We only have around three or four vacancies a year,” she says. “In the past two months we’ve had more calls from people who are in the workforce but have to leave their rental due to a fixedterm tenancy ending, or due to their house being put on the market.” She says bad credit is not necessarily a barrier for them
A constant demand for rentals is pushing some to the limits. Photo: File. housing someone. “There are a lot of people who are forced into that situation and we look at what people are doing to address it. We understand that it can be easy to get into financial trouble and try to look beyond the surface.” As of September 2019, there were 178 on the waiting list for public
housing in the region, compared to 123 the previous year. To combat homelessness, The Male Room has teamed up with other local agencies, including Te Piki Oranga and Gateway Housing Trust, under the leadership of The Salvation Army, to introduce a new initiative called Housing First Nelson Tasman. The Government-funded programme aims to house and support homeless people with multiple, high and complex needs and is an expansion of a nationwide programme administered by The Ministry of Housing and Urban Development. Salvation Army envoy and Director Community Ministries, Ros Vercoe, says a team leader has been hired and is due to start in February. “Once they have a housing
procurement tenancy manager in place, they will start the process of acquiring properties for people to live in. That’s when we can start receiving referrals.” Chair of council’s community services committee Matt Lawrey says he wants to prioritise homelessness in Nelson this term. “It’s vital that the work we can get involved with through central government helps all people with housing problems in our region,” he says. “There’s people sleeping rough in our city centre, but there’s also women with children who don’t know if they’ll have a roof over their heads from one day to the next.” Has the rental squeeze put you or your family in a desperate situation? Email charles@ or call/message 027 502 4637.
Nelson Weekly
WEDNESDAY 22 January 2020
Fire risk prompts reserve warning Locally Owned and Operated
Charles Anderson Editor
Increasing fire risk across Nelson has prompted the council to urge walkers to stay in the lower parts of certain reserves in case a blaze breaks out. The warning is to aide evacuation in case of a fire, a spokesperson says. The risk is increasing due to drying winds and low rainfall and the Nelson City Council will be erecting signage on its wellused trails to make sure users are aware of the rising fire risk. Fires are now banned in all reserves. In those areas, council recommends people only use the reserve early in the morning or in the evening. “Please avoid high fire risk areas, such as reserves with forest or dense vegetation, in the afternoon when conditions are at their warmest.” Council strongly advises that reserve users remain in the lower areas only of the following reserves, this is for ease of evacuation in the case of a fire. • Grampians Reserve • Tantragee Reserve (Codgers) • Sir Stanley Whitehead
The scene of Friday’s house fire which has prompted emergency services to hold a session on fire safety. Photo: Supplied. Reserve • Botanical Hill Reserve • Brook Conservation Reserve • Maitai Water Reserve • Marsden Valley Reserve • Roding Water Reserve The BUI (Build Up Index) has reached 60. The BUI is used by Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) and other agencies to measure fire risk – it’s “an indicator of the difficulty in suppressing a fire that has started”. If the BUI reaches 80, council will be seeking FENZ advice on the possibility of closing reserves with a high risk profile. At a BUI of 100, all reserves will close. There is now a complete fire ban
in all parks and reserves. Please take note of this advice for your own safety and if you see signs of smoke or fire in any reserves please call 111 immediately. The move comes as, last Friday, fire crews from around Nelson battled an early morning blaze at a Tahunanui home. A fire spokesperson said that crews from Nelson, Stoke, Richmond, Hira and Appleby were called to the incident at about 2.10am and acted quickly to prevent it spreading to neighbouring properties. Photos from the site show that the single storey home and bush around the property was well ablaze. The fire was put out by 3.40am.
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WEDNESDAY 22 January 2020
Nelson Weekly
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Days of ‘wish-cycling’ are over NEWS Charles Anderson The Nelson City Council is preparing to send a letter to local retailers asking them to consider the way they package their goods as part of a push to get Nelsonians to better recycle. The move comes after the council decided to reduce its recycling to include only glass, fibre, steel, aluminium, and plastics numbered 1, 2 and 5 on a fortnightly basis until a viable long-term, sustainable recycling option was secured for the plastics that can no longer be recycled. Come the middle of the year, these unrecyclable plastics would instead be sent to landfill. “We took a view that unless that we can be sure that the products we are sending off shore are truly being recycled, we are not going to send them there,” says councillor Brian McGurk, who chairs the infrastructure committee. “The days of sending stuff over the horizon are over. It’s untenable.” Of about 240,000 tonnes of recycling collected in Nelson, an average of nearly 150,000 tonnes was plastic types 1 and 2, figures from the council show. Brian says that since council introduced yellow recycling wheelie bins, the volume of material had gone up 40 per cent. However, he admitted that there needed to be a lot more education about what could
Nelson Environment Centre manager Anton Drazevic says the council’s recycling move is a positive one. Photo: Charles Anderson. and what couldn’t be recycled, including how products needed to be rinsed or sometimes washed before putting them in the recycling bin. He says the letter will be telling retailers about the intent of their policy and how council hoped they would work to limit the amount of non-recyclable products they store. “People are wanting to do the right thing.” However, a Nelson Weekly poll on Facebook, which asked if people would change what they bought
because of the council policy, was less than encouraging. Of the over 700 votes, about 70 per cent of respondents said they would not change their habits. “Food is expensive enough as it is,” said Rachel Thompson. “But we are supposed to change what we can afford to buy because the packaging isn’t the right number? Get real.” Steph Anderson said she would try to but “if the food comes in the wrong packaging, I’m still probably going to buy it. If there is two of the same items in
different packaging, I will take the recyclable one.” Karen Whiting said it was time for manufacturers and supermarkets to step up. “Maybe if we started returning all this packaging that’s nonrecyclable to them, they’d soon be looking for alternatives.” Which is the message from Nelson Environment Centre manager Anton Drazevic He says one of the biggest challenges with recycling is contaminated material. “Sorting at source is the most effective way of getting cleaner material and that it has a higher likelihood of being recycled.” He says it was positive that the council was moving in this direction and being transparent about things that would end up in landfill. “We all put things in the recycling bin with the hope that it will be recycled. But that is just ‘wishcycling’.” Anton says people need to think about whether they need to buy a certain product and, if they do, asking whether they could leave the packaging at the retailer. “The more pressure that is on retailers the more pressure there is that they will change their packaging for consumer desire.” He says that New Zealand has clean air, waterways and land, relative to the rest of the world. “But we shouldn’t take that for granted.”
Subsidy for reusable cups: Nelson City Council is offering a subsidy to local cafés and coffee carts to bolster the use of reusable takeaway cups. A subsidy of up to $120 is available to cafés and coffee carts to take part in a cup bond scheme. Cup bond programmes allow customers to “borrow” a cup from the café for a small fee, and either return the cup to any participating cafe to get their bond back, or swap it for a new cup with their next hot drink. Group manager infrastructure Alec Louverdis said the vast majority of disposable takeaway cups are not recyclable and ended up in landfill. The subsidy was one small step to help make Nelson disposable cupfree.
Nelson Lotto player scoops second division: A New World shopper is $26,000 richer after drawing Saturday’s second division Lotto. The ticket was sold at Nelson City New World and was one of 10 nationwide to win a prize of $26,326.
5G protest: Nelson will take part in a global protest concerned at the roll-out of 5G technology on Saturday. The “5G-Free Nelson” group speak about their concerns from their stall at the Evolve Festival in Founders Park from 10am to 5.30pm. There will also be information tables on Trafalgar Street from 10am to 2pm and and information available at the Nelson Market.
Studying music at NMIT ‘changed my approach to education’ Ngaio Richards almost gave up on her dream of studying music when her experience at university failed to live up to her expectations. But when she discovered the New Zealand Certificate in Music programme at NMIT, she realised she could get the more personalised education in her hometown. Ngaio moved from Nelson to Wellington in 2015 straight after high school to study music at university, but the experience of big class sizes wasn’t the right fit for her. She tried switching to another degree, but she soon found herself back in Nelson thinking that study wasn’t for her. That’s when she heard about the music programme at NMIT and decided to enrol. Ngaio says the decision paid off as she finally found study inspiring, fun, challenging and rewarding. The Certificate in Music (Level 4) is a one-year course designed to prepare you to be a professional musician, sound technician or event management assistant. Students get to use NMIT’s state-of-the-art facilities including the Johnny Cash performance theatre and recording studios. Ngaio says the course provides a good balance of theory and practical experience, and the tutors were much more involved than her university lecturers.
“The tutors also took the time to understand how each person learnt and what we need to apply the theory into our work. For me that was really key and allowed me to enjoy my study experience,” she says. “At uni you don’t even know your tutor, but at NMIT I didn’t feel like I was just a number.” The guitarist and vocalist learned new skills such as how to set up a music venue and use professional recording software. She also developed her songwriting and production abilities and had the opportunity to learn from successful Kiwi musicians, Julia Deans and Hollie Smith. Ngaio says the facilities at NMIT are “awesome” and students always have the freedom to use the music space whenever they feel inspired. “I’ve realised that you don’t need to leave Nelson to get good quality education. My experience at NMIT was way better than my time at university. “I feel inspired now with my music and I have music goals. I’m keen to record my music and catch up with my classmates to play gigs.” For more information about NMIT’s Music programmes, visit Business Update. Adv.
Nelson Weekly
Locally Owned and Operated
WEDNESDAY 22 January 2020
Origin’s Wellington flights welcomed Staff Reporter
Nelson Tasman-based airline Originair has added a NelsonWellington route to its offering in response to passenger demand. “Our customers have been asking us to consider a NelsonWellington route and we’re really pleased to be able to respond to that interest,” says Originair’s CEO Robert Inglis. Originair’s new Wellington service will initially be limited to 10 sectors per week,
concentrating on peak demand times. “We’re not offering an extensive schedule at the outset but we hope that it will provide extra capacity at times that are most useful to travellers on that route,” says Robert. The move comes after Jetstar ended flights to Nelson, Napier, New Plymouth and Palmerston North on November 30, saying that the airline’s regional flights were loss-making, a combination of higher costs and a softening of
Originair will soon fly to Wellington. Photo: File.
the regional travel market. John Milford, chief executive of Business Central, says the service is welcome news to businesses in the region. “With Jetstar pulling out of regional hubs there has been a need for more competition in the regional services and we are delighted that Originair has made the decision to step in and fill the gap. “The increasing demand for the service that Originair experienced is exactly what we
have been hearing from our members, both in Wellington and in the regions, who often need to travel within the area for business. “We can certainly see there will be a positive impact on business connectivity and domestic tourism to Nelson from Wellington. Nelson Tasman-based Originair was established in 2015 and has provided services to Palmerston North, New Plymouth, Napier and Wellington.
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The Tasman Skatepark Tour made its latest stop in Nelson on Saturday. Riders showcased their skills on scooters, skateboards and BMX bikes in junior, senior and open categories at the Neale Park Skate Bowl. Here, Blake Fleming shows his stuff on his scooter. The event was the seventh and final of the summer series. Photo: Evan Barnes/Shuttersport.
Choose from our extensive brunch menu or delicious home-made cabinet food. 186 Queen St, Richmond Morrison Sq, 244 Hardy St, Nelson
nelson buskers festival thu 30 jan – sun 2 feb
BUSKERS ON TRAFALGAR Buskers from around the world come to amaze and entrance with acrobatics, contortion, clowning and, of course, juggling. Trafalgar Street, Church Steps and Mapua Wharf events are family-friendly and free to attend – though bring some cash to show your appreciation for the amazing skills of these talented and hard-working performers. The shows at The Boathouse are ticketed and a little less predictable in content so are rated R16. For more information, visit
Thu 30 & Fri 31 Jan, 11am – 2.30pm & Sat 1 Feb, 10.30am – 2pm // Upper Trafalgar Street, Nelson // Koha
Sat 1 & Sun 2 Feb, 6pm // Church Steps, Top of Trafalgar Street, Nelson // Koha
BUSKERS at mapua wharf Sun 2 Feb, 11am – 2.30pm // Mapua Wharf // Koha
Thu 30 Jan, 8pm & Fri 31 Jan, 8.30pm // The Boathouse, Nelson // Ticket details at
Christmas comes to Victory centre, Wednesday, 4 December: A lunch for 50 people turned into something much bigger at the Victory Community Centre on Christmas Day. Almost 90 people attended the event, which was aimed at those in the community who would have otherwise spent the day alone. “It just got bigger and bigger,” said organiser Jenni Bancroft. The centre was donated cash, vouchers and food with guests being able to take leftovers home. “We had ham, chicken, salads, new potatoes, pavlova, trifle and steamed pudding. It was a real feast - everyone enjoyed it.” Joelle releases first single, Wednesday, 4 December: Since releasing her first single last month, 11-year-old Joelle Noar has been loving life. Kath Bee, who wrote ‘I Love Life’ alongside
Nelson Weekly
WEDNESDAY 22 January 2020
Locally Owned and Operated
Doug Stenhouse says the music video, which came out on 1 January, has had 1.2k views on YouTube and the song has had 1166 streams on Spotify. The video is also now on the TVNZ rotation that is played in between kids’ shows. Joelle is now practicing hard to sing it in front of large crowds at the Picton Maritime Festival this week and the Auckland City Council’s Kids’ Music in Parks in Auckland on 1 February. Art show comes to Queens Gardens, Wednesday, 15 January: Art Group Nelson held their annual summer art exhibition at Queens Gardens on Saturday, and according to president Nicole Russell it was the busiest one yet. ‘It was fabulous, we had the most sales and the most people ever. It was so busy all day and the weather was perfect. We had a lot of out of town visitors attend, too.” Around 50 artists from around Nelson took part in the exhibition with a variety of work on show, including glass, textiles, woodwork, jewellery, mosaics and paintings.
Ray Caird says harakeke or flax is New Zealand’s most under appreciated plant. Photo: Charles Anderson.
Flax story borne of history Charles Anderson Editor
Ray Caird was running up the Centre of New Zealand when he looked out to see the flax that sits at the top in full colour. He had been working on an idea to write a story about his family history – one that connected them to the flax milling industry that dominated New Zealand in the late 19th century. But Ray needed a way in. “The flax was in full bloom,” he says of that run up the hill. “I thought ‘that’s the story’.” So, Ray embarked on a four year journey of research and writing that has ended up in his book ‘Blood of the Flax’ being launched. “It is a story of the beauty and versatility of the plant. It is all around the world, it is everywhere, and we take it for granted.” The book uses poetry-prose style, along with more than 100
photographs, to explore all the ways that the plant, also known as harakeke, intersects with the human world. Whether it is the very beginning of its evolution 30 million years ago when Gondwanaland was underwater, or the way that Maori have used it in weaving, or how it is used on the fashion runways of New York City - the book covers a lot of ground. “We take harakeke for granted because it’s all around us,” Ray says. “The paths on that hill are a seasonal delight as the flax opens and flowers. I’ve become an addict.” Ray first launched ‘Blood of the Flax’ last year and embarked on a 1000km flax “survival’ bike riding tour down the South Island. “It was a huge relief to have the book out,” he says. “It’s a triumph really. You are fighting a lot of factors. This is a niche book.” The book is available from Nelson bookshops and from The Copypress in Pascoe St and other bookstores around Nelson.
ADULT COMMUNITY EDUCATION CLASSES Do you yearn to learn Start dates vary from
Feb - Mar 2020 EvEning ClassEs Monday • Painting For All Levels • Sign Language – Level 1A & 1C • Digital Photography • Woodwork DIY • Te Reo Maori – A Beginning • Raw Foods • Swim Fitness • Swimming Refresher • Hatha Yoga
Tuesday • Woodwork DIY • Sewing With Confidence • Take A Chance Singers • Te Reo Maori – A Beginning • NZ Sign Language – Level 2C • Xero Advanced • Yoga Flow NEW • Keto For Beginners NEW
Wednesday • Te Reo Maori – Advanced Beginners • Thai Cooking • Indian Cooking NEW
Thursday • Speaking Spanish One & Two • Sewing With Confidence • Drawing For All Levels • Cardio Latino – Latin Fitness • Italian Cooking • NZ Sign Language – Level 1D • Family Trusts, Wills & Powers of Attorney
day ClassEs Saturday • Shabby Chic
• Preserve de Taste of Summer (Preserving)
Email: | Phone: 544 6099 Ext 870
2020 is the year to learn, upskill, renew old passions and increase your knowledge or fitness. You can do this at a friendly night class or workshop at Waimea College Adult and Community Education. Qualified Nutritionist Sarah La Touche has returned to help you discover what’s behind the latest Keto hype. In the new “Keto for Beginners” course, Sarah will cover the fundamental principles of keto eating and the science behind it. What is ketogenesis and is it suitable for you? How do you go about getting started and what do you need? You’ll come away with some really tasty mainstay recipes and nutritional tools for eating keto and have you feeling great. With summer fruits & vegetables now ready for harvesting, take full advantage of the one day preserving workshop “Preserve de Taste of
Summer”. A good variety of techniques and recipes will be shown by Tutor Norma Sequera, in this unique course. Learn how to preserve zucchini, eggplants, capsicums, chili, gherkins, artichokes, and make your own sundried tomatoes plus tomato sauce. You will also learn how to bottle your fruits and dry summer herbs. Perhaps you are training for an upcoming triathlon and want some help, if so, improve your fitness in the pool with our experienced qualified swim instructors, while gaining valuable tips to improve your technique and increase your speed in the “Swim Fitness” course designed for this purpose in the heated pool. Please enquire or enrol on line www. or by phone with Jo Johnston now on 544 6099 (870) or email Business Update. Adv.
Nelson Weekly
Locally Owned and Operated
WEDNESDAY 22 January 2020
Alexander, Georgia and Harrison Smith enjoy the spectacular display. Photo: Jonty Dine
Kites soar in Nelson skies The Nelson skies were adorned with quirky, colourful creatures at the weekend as the annual Kite Festival blew into the city. The 30th annual festival saw hundreds flock to the park to see the spectacular display. Panda bears, mermaids, teddy bears, whales and dragons were just a few of the dozens of kites
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decorating the big blue backdrop. The festival marked its 30-year anniversary with its first-ever twoday event. Organiser Ted Howard says the festival has survived thanks to public support, after being taken off the Nelson City Council’s summer events programme over 20 years ago.
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953 Kenepuru Road Mahau Sound A wonderful Sounds beachfront property. It doesn't get much better than this - where you can walk out the front door for a swim or launch your boat from the beach. Properties in this location are closely held and don't come to the market often. So many memories have been created and it is now time for another family to create their own. Separated into two levels, with the upper level consisting of two good size bedrooms, bathroom, and an open plan style kitchen/dining/living area - opening out to a sun-drenched deck. Downstairs consists of a further two bedrooms, bathroom/laundry area and an open plan kitchen/living space. Reroofed 10 years ago with upgraded insulation and double glazing. Comprehensive list of chattels will remain with the property and can include 5.9m Osprey aluminium boat with a Yamaha 4-stroke 100hp motor, Mooring for a 6m boat included as well. A must view Sounds home or bach. See for more details.
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WEDNESDAY 22 January 2020
Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated
Readers’ holiday pics We invited Nelson Weekly readers to send in their favourite photos of the holidays. If you would like to be featured send them to
Lilly Keen at the start of the Abel Tasman track. Photo: Shirley Keen.
Travis Dawkins with a huge blue cod caught at D’Urville Island at Christmas. Photo: Rebecca Dawkins.
Poppy and Parker Port enjoying Totaranui. Photo: Lois Moreland.
John and Charlie at Kaiteriteri loving their swim. Photo: Shirley Keen.
Vito Lammers and Lyndon Chandler about to jump into Wakamarina. Photo: Diane Chandler.
Nelson Weekly
Dale goes the extra mile in Stoke Locally Owned and Operated
Kate Russell Reporter
When Dale Richards signed up for a Nelson Weekly paper run three years ago, he never thought he would enjoy it so much. Dale has been nominated as the newspaper’s Deliverer of the Month by a reader from Kipling Crescent in Stoke where he does his weekly round. He says it takes him about two-and-a-half hours to complete every Wednesday by himself, but sometimes he gets a bit of help from staff at the assisted-living facility where he resides. “It’s something to do so I don’t sit around and get bored. It’s good exercise too - I’m trying to stay fit.” Dale says he likes meeting new people and chatting to residents if they are out in the garden - and he doesn’t mind going the extra mile for people. “There is one lady who finds it hard to get out, so she opens
WEDNESDAY 22 January 2020
Mall Chat
Happy New Year! Remember Valentine’s Day 14th February Be in to win 1 of 10 bouquets of roses. Record a message to your loved one and you could be in to win. Find the display and entry forms between Fresh Choice and Sassys. Competition closes on the 12th February. Winners will be contacted on the 13th to arrange delivery.
Dale Richards is Nelson Weekly’s Deliverer of the Month. Photo: Kate Russell. the door and I take the paper up to her.” And, his great service doesn’t go unnoticed. “Just before Christmas a lady on Songer St came out and gave me a chocolate bar and
some money.” Dale says he enjoys earning some money and is trying to save up to go overseas, if he gets the chance. As Deliverer of the Month, Dale receives a movie pass for
Nelson’s State Cinemas. He’s not sure what movie to see yet, but says he is looking forward to putting it to good use. If you would like to nominate your deliverer, email
Unique online banking training for Nelson Nelson residents wanting throughout the region groups in the Nelson and to get on board for a digital to assist people explore Tasman regions, especially future will be able to access alternatives to paying by those involved in delivering a new mobile learning centre cheque, learn online banking social services and supporting and online banking training and how to recognise and elderly people. avoid online scams. “Our experience is that this week. With the support of The training is delivered free changes in the banking world Kiwibank, online banking and it is open to anyone, have the greatest impact classes are being offered to regardless of who they bank on people who are digitally Nelson and Tasman residents with. excluded.” Helen McCubbin, Laurence Zwimpfer, on DORA - a WiFiThe enabled Experts inExperts Denture Care The Care bus. Operations Director in of Denture the Information Services DORA, which stands for Digital Inclusion Alliance, Librarian for Tasman District Digital On Road Access, will said the organisation has Libraries, says: “We have a be parking up at libraries been contacting community lot of older people living in
NelsonNelson Denture ClinicClinic Denture
our region and being able to do their banking online is one way to help reduce their isolation.” DORA will be supporting Digital Banking classes in the Nelson and Tasman regions from 20 January through to 21 February 2020. It will be at Stoke Library from Monday, 20 January to Friday, 24 January and at Elma Turner Library from Monday, 17 February to Friday, 21 February.
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WEDNESDAY 22 January 2020
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Out&About HAVING A PARTY OR EVENT? Call our photographer 548 5900
Kite Festival at Neale Park 1 2 3 4
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Adrian, Penny, Lucy and Jack Duncan Charlotte and Brodie Hanna Peter, Todd and Jenny Field Sina Moll, Hanne Ulvang and Maja Tangbald
Art in the Park at Queens Gardens
5 6 7 8
Caelia and Rayanna Goodall
Serene Newcombe and Leanne Schmidt
John Reid and Jacqui Tayler Olivia Kemp and Elin Park James, Danna and Kyla Dixon and Dale Kaiser
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Nelson Weekly
Opinion Locally Owned and Operated
Your Voice Transport issues: The January 15 article regarding the pending announcement by Nelson council regarding the Southern Link seems to overlook the fact that we already know the outcome. When campaigning for re-election, Nelson’s mayor did a U-turn on the Southern Link when she spoke at Victory. There is, as a result, no support from council for the road which is vitally needed if large truck transport in and out of the city is not going to be strangled by the increasing traffic volumes. Either support the road, or else council needs to cancel all consents for big new subdivisions which are now in the pipeline. Dan McGuire Brook Sanctuary: The Brook Sanctuary report admits: ''We've been tested with mice, rats and weasels and it's been a constant battle keeping them out.'' So their 'pest-proof ' fence is anything but that, just as the trustees were warned when they first proposed that site in hilly terrain subject also to subsidence. They have already learned the cost of subsidence, still repairing the damage to the historic railway track. Ren Kempthorne Brook Sanctuary confirms entry charges: I've lived in The Brook 18 years and used to walk
the track to the old water source all the time. Last time I went up with my two young kids it cost me $10 - which I know isn't a huge amount, but it stops us from going regularly. I see more birds in my own yard anyway. Come on kids, off to the Maitai! Andrea Warn For a sanctuary like this, $8 admission for adult citizens is a pittance. Seems people want nature experiences to cost nothing. How are overheads supposed to be met? By a donation from Tane, God of Forests? I assist in running the public nights at the Cawthron Atkinson Observatory. We charge a small admission. I'm guessing there're plenty who think we should charge nothing, too. Dennis Goodman And the Nelsonians who cannot afford this fee? How do they enter? This is such a disappointing decision. Lisa Lawrence If you contribute to the sanctuary in volunteer work, you, of course, get in free. I've seen fantastic improvements there, the birdlife is, of course, great and getting better all the time, but the vegetation free from browsing by goats, deer and possums has been stunning. And there is now a beautiful network of tracks throughout the sanctuary that makes the whole area so much more accessible. Peter Olorenshaw
WEDNESDAY 22 January 2020
Well, kind of puts me off going now. Like, I didn’t mind the donations every so often, but now it’s a forced $8 dollars for a walk. As much as I love the birds and taking photos, I won’t be going as often as I once did. Jordan Woolley It's such as reasonable entry fee - so much cheaper than Zealandia in Wellington. Build a science museum at the bottom and use the money for maintenance. Anonymous Freedom campers welcomed into city: We have three motor camps which I believe are leased from the council at some expense. Why should the council offer free services in direct opposition to these leasees? The other elephant in the room is the reality that these freedom campers still have find a place to camp so this is not a solution to the defecating, littering and unsightliness of van-filled carparks around our city. Neil Chesterman So, does this mean I can come and dump my rubbish there for free?? And why isn’t The Brook motor camp utilised? I'll be coming to fill up my water, too. Frances Minogue Nelson’s transport to be decided: This suggestion will probably cause me grief but why not bring back the train, could solve the problem. Rose Neame
Why not build an eastern link over behind The Brook and Maitai all the way to Richmond behind Saxton Field? That’s rural still. Dan Joz Lec The councils are making a killing out of all the subdivisions, i.e. rates, developers, building roads and cycleways. They need to invest in the infrastructure to keep up! Mick Zeewoldt School holidays and no congestion. Wait! No kids in cars removes problem! Hmmm. Tim Monck-Mason We need to query our car culture and try to adopt public transport and bikes into the city. Bruce Bell Just teach everyone how to work a roundabout and how merging lanes work, and hey presto, problem fixed. Nigel Intemann Need to sort out the congestion. Why not make Waimea Rd two lanes all the way from Nelson? There are much busier roads in Aussie with higher speed limits and it seems to work there. Liam Ryan I've been telling folks for the last 15 years that the Nelson region will become the most populated in the South Island at some point in the future.
Nelson Matters The holiday break with family and friends reminds me of just how blessed we are in Nelson with so many opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors. I started my holiday with an early morning fish in Tasman Bay with my brother-in-law and our boys. It was as still as a mill pond and by sunrise we had caught two good-sized snapper. How many places in the world can you so easily catch a fish within 20 minutes of a city’s port? Full marks to Nelson City Council for the recent upgrade of the boat ramp and parking facilities. My favourite recreation is kayaking. I love the quiet exercise and
being so close to the water. My preference has switched from white-water to sea kayaking with age. We are spoilt for choice for places to go between the Abel Tasman, Marlborough Sounds, Waimea Inlet, Cable Bay and Whanganui Inlet. Nelson is also fortunate to have Kayak HQ in Port Nelson. It was also great to get out on our stunning cycle ways. Biking is booming and Nelson has a network of trails to suit all tastes and skill levels. It was one of the most positive legacies of the last National Government. Nelson’s Coppermine Trail was one of the first projects nation-
ally. I know of nowhere in the world you can have such a great mountain bike experience so close to a city. The recent upgrades by our Nelson Tasman Cycle Trails Trust make it even better. The Great Taste Trail is a massive undertaking that we are progressively bringing to fruition. The trust has done an amazing job of rebuilding the coastal Waimea Inlet section after Cyclone Gita and the Tasman District Council deserves praise for ensuring continuity of the Mapua ferry service to Rabbit Island. We need to support the Trust’s work to complete the next sections from Kohatu to
Everyone wants to live here, but the planners don't seem to realise that they should be putting infrastructure in to support this growth. If no sensible plans from roading and water are implemented, we'll soon be in a fine mess. Paul Gray
Intra-urban highways alone always exacerbate (i.e. never alleviate) congestion. Prove me wrong with one example. Andy Williams Regular passenger transport ferry service between Motueka, Mapua and Nelson. Andrei Iwanow
Concerns over digs at historic sites: I love to metal detect! It’s great fun and you learn so much! The thing that really annoys me is when you get idiots like these people who go to the wrong places with no permission and give us all a bad name! To the people who have done this, you are idiots. Tessa Thompson Ignorant people destroying our hobby. Gary Coker
It's the rat plagues DOC keep banging on about… in biblical proportions. Merrick Allan Just could be the freedom campers cleaning up after themselves! Chris Kirby
544 Waimea Road, Nelson
Woodstock and round the golf course to Tahunanui beach. I spent this last weekend with friends in the Nelson Lakes National Park, overnighting at the Cupola Hut up the Travers Valley. These rugged snow-capped mountains, crystal clear lakes and rivers, and grassy meadows on the river flats are as beautiful as anywhere in the world, yet on our doorstep. Sighting a stoat on the banks of the Travers River and the general lack of birdlife in the Nelson Lakes National Park reminds me of how much of a challenge we have with predators. I cannot praise loud enough so many DOC and
community initiatives to save our birdlife, including the latest sanctuary on Farewell Spit. The reintroduction of kaka to Abel Tasman and takahe to Kahurangi are the dividends from effective pest control and we need to do more. I have only one gripe from my experiences over summer. We should not allow people with no on-board toilet facilities to freely camp in areas like the Takaka River. We need a law that makes it plain that people must overnight in campgrounds unless they are fully self-contained. I will be further pursuing this issue in Parliament this year. Advert.
WEDNESDAY 22 January 2020
Nelson Weekly
Locally Owned and Operated
The start of the school year is an exciting time for most kids. Here are some tips to help you help your child make the most of it.
Getting ready for the first day • If your child is new to the school, visit the school grounds over the holidays to help them feel comfortable with their new surroundings. • Walking, scooting or cycling to school is a great start to the day, practice the safest route to school over the holidays. • It’s easy to let bedtimes, and getting-up times, slip during the school holidays. Start getting back into a school bedtime routine a few days before school starts so your child has time to adjust. • If your child is anxious about their first day, make time to talk to them about their worries. There's loads of advice online about how to support anxious children, listening and asking rather than telling them not to worry. • If your child is starting school
child’s books can be really time consuming – don’t leave it till the night before. Look online for ideas such as wrapping the books in plain paper and getting your child to decorate – this can be cheaper and a lot more fun than buying sticky covering. Budgeting for school • Many parents are happy to make a donation to their school, but remember that donations are voluntary payments that can be paid in full, in part or not at all. • If you do make a donation to your school, you can claim back one third of it through Inland Revenue. • The start of the school year can be an expensive time for parents. Citizens Advice Bureau have a list of things you may Nelson College For Girls pride themselves on providing a world-class education for young women in a need to pay for, and they can provide budget advice. very caring and supportive family environment. • If you're on a benefit or low income, you may be eligible for tionery, you’ll probably have a for the first time, look online for • Make sure you’ve labelled your assistance from Work and Inchild’s lunchbox, drink bottle, stationery list from your child’s tips on enrolling and starting come for some school costs. sunhat and any clothing likely school. your child at school. to be taken off during the day. • Most stationery shops have • Get your child to have their deals on at this time of year so it Nelson College for Girls has proclothing out and backpack vided 137 years of quality girls’ pays to shop around. ready the night before to reduce Stationery • Unless the school provides sta- • Covering and labelling your education, ensuring that young stress in the morning.
Nelson Weekly
Locally Owned and Operated
women have the education they deserve. We are proud of this and of the way that our students today can aim to be ‘their best at NCG’ in everything that they do. Our vision is to “educate, empower and nurture each student.” Academically, we offer a wide range of subjects, with most students gaining significant success in NCEA, including high percentages of Merit and Excellence endorsements. Our mentoring programme, ārahi, underpinned by our PRIDE values, provides special nurturing for all students in a safe and inclusive way. Our students are purposeful, responsible and engaged learners, with respectful relationships with each other and with staff. Learning for our students is holistic and includes a sense of understanding of oneself and others, as well as learning the skills and attributes to be successful in the adult world. Inspiring people – Nayland College. Nayland College has been serving the Nelson community for over 50 years.
WEDNESDAY 22 January 2020
about our innovative learning programmes or the highly successful sporting, arts, cultural, outdoor and leadership opportunities that are offered, please visit our website at www.nayland. or phone 03 547 9769.
Founded in 1856, Nelson College has the distinction of being New Zealand’s first-ever state school which is why we have harboured the notion of being trail-blazers ever since! During this time, it has been a leader in developing inspirational learning programmes, nurturing students to reach their potential, and has placed a high value on developing independent, confident learners who have control of
their own futures. In 2019, Nayland College were delighted to be announced as finalists in the Prime Minister’s Education Excellence Awards. As we move forward into 2020, we continue to offer an innova-
tive curriculum which meets the learning needs of young adults of the future. Included in this are the highly-successful Institute of Sport and School of Music programmes. If you would like to know more
Nelson College is a progressive and dynamic boys’ school where each student’s interests and potential are nurtured across academia, sport, arts, culture and leadership. Our role is to inspire young men to take their place in the world by fostering the values of manaakitanga through quality education. With our academic levels well above the national average, Nelson College also has a strong focus on sport, knowing the benefits extend beyond physical fitness, into social interaction, confidence, goal-setting, and comradery. Participation is encouraged across all our co-curricular programmes, providing students with every opportunity to be the best they can be throughout their school years. We’re looking forward to welcoming our 2020 students!
Year 7 and new Year 8s to assemble in the Preparatory School classrooms prior to the Mihi Whakatau at 10.30 am
12.30 pm
Year 8 to Preparatory School
Wednesday 5 February Thursday 6 February Friday 7 February
Waitangi Day (school closed) 8.50 am – 3.10 pm
Normal school day for Year 7 and Year 8 Preparatory School students
SECONDARY SCHOOL Monday 27 – Friday 31 January
9.00 am – 2.00 pm School reception open
Friday 31 January
Staff Only Day
Monday 3 February
Nelson Anniversary Day (school closed)
Tuesday 4 February
10.00 am – 12 pm
Year 11 – Year 13 senior re-enrolment for students with last name M-Z
1.00 – 3.00 pm
Year 11 – Year 13 senior re-enrolment for students with last name A-L
Wednesday 5 February 9.30 am
Brand new Year 10, Year 11, Year 12 and Year 13 students to meet Transition Dean at Reception
10.15 am
Year 7, Year 9, new students and new staff - please assemble on the front lawn in preparation for Mihi Whakatau
12.30 pm
Year 10, Year 11 and Year 12 to College Hall
All students in uniform School buses will run from today at normal times – bus students are welcome to go to the Library until school starts.
3.10 pm
Thursday 6 February
Friday 7 February
Monday 10 February Tuesday 11 February
Year 13 to the New Gym mezzanine floor
10.00 am
School day finishes Waitangi Day (school closed)
8.50 am
School starts - all year levels to ārahi
3.10 pm
School finishes
5.00 – 6.00 pm
Music Festival in the College Hall - all students, parents, caregivers and whānau interested in knowing more about instrumental lessons at the College are most warmly invited to attend
8.50 am – 3.10 pm Normal school day 8.50am – 3.10 pm
Normal school day
9.45 – 10.15 am
Taonga presentation on the front lawn and Head Student badge presentation at school assembly in the Hall
UNIFORM SHOP Wednesday 22 January 11.00 am – 3.00 pm Saturday 25 January
1.00 – 4.00 pm
Tuesday 28 January
11.00 am – 3.00 pm
Tuesday 4 February
1.30 – 2.30 pm
20202020 StartStart of2020 the of Year the Year Timetable Start Timetable o
Quality community-based care and education for children aged 2 - 5 Community-spirited, welcoming, small centre Maximum of 32 children per session Licensed for opening 8am-5:30pm, Monday to Friday
20 hours free ECE for 3 - 5 years. Free for 2 year olds in afternoons Email: | 233 Rutherford St, Nelson Phone 548 9239 …or just drop in!
Auckland Point School & Kindergarten Te Kura me te Kohungahunga o Matangi Awhio ‘Big things happen in small schools.’ Our school is a great place to learn and develop. We pride ourselves on authentic context learning and our children thrive in our vibrant and supportive learning community.
New enrolments are welcomed and we look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Tuesday 4 February at 9.00am. We are open for enrolments, uniform purchases and enquiries on: Wednesday 29 January and Thursday 30 January 9.30am -2.00pm.
Nelson Nelson Nelson College College welcomes welcomes College all new alland newreturning and welcomes returning students students to the to tostart the the of start another of start another busy and busy of eventful and another eventful year. year. bus
NEW ENROLMENTS Students who wish to attend Nayland College and who have not yet enrolled should contact the college office (03 547 9769) to arrange an interview. These will be held for all year levels from 8:30am to 4:00pm on Monday 27th January and Tuesday 28th January.
DEANS DEANS DEANS WEEK: WEEK: MONDAY MONDAY WEEK: 27th to 27th FRIDAY to FRIDAY MONDAY 31st January 31st January All Deans All All Deans areDeans available are available to discuss are to discuss finalavailable option final option changes changes on Deans’ to on Deans’ di Days. Days. Days.
SENIOR STUDENT COURSE CHANGES (YEARS 11, 12 & 13) All senior students will receive a letter detailing their subject selections for 2020. Those with clashes or other compelling reasons for change can book an appointment with their dean 9:00am - 8:00pm on Monday 27 January or 9:00am - 4:00pm Tuesday 28 January at Code: c6s5v. Interviews will be held in the deans’ office.
Monday Monday Monday to Friday to Friday Yearto 13 Year Dean 13 Friday Dean interviews interviews (Pre-scheduled) (Pre-scheduled) Year 1 Tuesday T Tuesday uesday to Friday to Friday Yearto 10-12 Year 10-12 Friday Deans’Deans’ interviews interviews Year 1 by appointment by appointment only only by ap
Thursday Thursday Thursday New & New Returning & Returning Teachers Teachers Day Day New &
FIRST FIRST FIRST DAY FOR DAY ALL FOR DAY STUDENTS ALL STUDENTS FOR ALL STU TUESDAY TUESDAY TUESDAY 4TH FEBRUARY 4TH FEBRUARY 4TH FEBRUAR 8.50 am 8.50 8.50 am Year 9,Year am Year9,13 Year & new 13 &International new Year International students 9, students Ymeet ear mee1 in thein Hall thefor Hall Powhiri for Powhiri in the Hall fo 9.30 am 9.30 9.30 am New International New am International Students Students New Orientation Orientation Interna 10.00 10.00 am 10.00 am Year 9Year & Year am 9 &13 Year College 13 College Y Activities ear Activities Day 9starts Day & starts Yea Mufti Mufti & packed & packed lunch lunch required Mufti required & pack 12.00pm 12.00pm 12.00pm Preparatory Preparatory School School starts Preparatory starts 3.00 pm 3.00 3.00 pm Activity Activity pm Day finishes, Day finishes, students Activity students dismissed dismissed Day
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Re-enrolment for existing international students and orientation for new international students will be held 9:00am - 3:00pm in the school library Monday 27 January and Tuesday 28 January. Wednesday 29 February 10:30am - 3:00pm International Orientation Bus Trip.
STARTING TIMES FOR 2020 Tuesday 4 February 9:00am Y9, new Y10-13 students and new staff powhiri in the Hall 9:30am Y9 and new Y10-13 students to tutor class Y13 Peer Mentor training 1:00pm Y10-13 students dismissed 2:45pm End of School Day Wednesday 5 February 8:50-9:15am Y9 tutor time, Y10 Assembly (Gym),Y11/12 Assembly (Hall) 9:30-10am Y13 Assembly (Hall) All assemblies dismissed to tutor time 10:00-10:30am Tutor time for all levels 10:30-11am Y9 House Assembly (Hall), all other year levels in tutor class 11:30-3:10pm Normal school day Year 11, 12 & 13 students with incomplete timetables or clashes must see their dean before going home Friday 7 February 8.50am - 3.10pm
Normal school day
School office opens Monday 20 January 2020. For bus timetables please visit our website
“Reach for the Stars - Piki ake ki ngā whetū.” Creative, collaborative, innovative, leading the way in the heart of the city School office open 9am to 3pm from Monday 27th January, closed Tuesday 4th February. Contact the office to arrange enrolments, purchase junior stationary or other queries Hampden Street School has a Home Zone in place, please contact the office or visit our website for a Zone map. Teacher Preparation days Tuesday 28th January - Friday 31st January. NOTE: Meet the teachers night will be on Tuesday 4 February 2020 from 5pm.
School opens for Term One 2020: Tuesday 4th February 2020, 9am Enquiries: Helen - Office Administration 548 1825 E: Principal: Don McLean
All other All All other year other levels year levels to assemble to year assemble in thein levels Hall thein Hall uniform in uniform to ass 10.30 10.30 am 10.30 am Year 10 Yearam 10 Year 10 11.00 11.00 am 11.00 am Year 11 Yearam 11 Year 11 11.30 11.30 am 11.30 am Year 12 Yearam 12 Year 12 12.30 12.30 pm 12.30 pm Year 10 Year - pm 1210students - 12 students dismissed Ydismissed ear 10 - 12 s
Monday Monday Monday 10th February 10th February 10th February Music Music Music Introduction Introduction Introduction Evening, Evening, 5pm in 5pm thein Staffroom the Staffroom Evenin All students, All All students, students, interested interested in instrumental in instrumental interested lessons lessons at the at college the college are in are in invited invited invited to attend to attend with to parents with parents attend with paren
Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: +64 3 +64 548 3 3099 548 3099 +64 3 548 3099 Email: Email: Email: excellence@nelsoncolle
Young Young men men taking Young taking their their placeplace in men theinworld the world taki
WEDNESDAY 22 January 2020
Our Nelson
Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated
Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated
Our Nelson
WEDNESDAY 22 January 2020
Shakespeare lighting up outdoors The buzz for Nelson’s Summer Shakespeare’s performance of Romeo and Juliet is growing - a week into their run. Reviewer Donna Chapman says the highly-skilled cast holds the audience “spellbound” from the word go. She says it is a great evening where anyone can go, bring a picnic and witness the famous story of the “star-crossed lovers”, in their own back yard. Romeo and Juliet continues at Fairfield House until Friday 24
Nelson Weekly
WEDNESDAY 22 January 2020
January, then tours to Riverside Community (25 and 26 Jan), Washbourn Gardens (29 and 30 Jan), Isel Park (31 Jan and 1 Feb). All outdoor performances are 6pm start. Tickets: Pay What you Decide. One special indoor performance concludes the tour, at Nelson’s Theatre Royal – Sun 2 Feb, 2pm. Here tickets apply – from Theatre Royal Box Office More details at or Facebook: Nelson Summer Shakespeare
Employment Service
Have a disability or health condition and want to work? We can help you, or your friends and family, to overcome physical and mental health challenges to prepare for work, find a job and stay in employment. Call 0800 236 756 or visit our APM Nelson team at Ground Floor/14A New St, Nelson, 7010. Find out more at
Locally Owned and Operated
Local actor returns for show on parenthood Kate Russell Reporter
Chronic sleep deprivation, getting back into the workforce and rekindling your love life are all things new parents can relate to - so a local actor has decided to create a “cathartic” play about those experiences. Directed by Nelson-bred Fingal Pollock, ‘Femme Natale’ is an entertaining take on parenting, performed by four actors. “It’s a very relatable show. It’s dealing with the preschool years but in very different ways. There’s a lot of real raw emotion but it’s all done with a funny twist.” Think two giant breasts talking to each other and a giant grumpy sanitary pad who is always in a foul mood. Now living in Wellington, Fingal was in the throes of new parenthood when she wrote the show, with a four-year-old son and a one-year-old daughter. After being part of the women’s comedy company ‘Hens’ Teeth’, she got a group of parents together to write and perform a skit each. “I thought, ‘if we’re going to get mothers with little children on the stage, this is how we do it’ because writing a whole show is
Nelson’s Fingal Pollock is directing ‘Femme Natale’ which is on at The Suter next month. Photo: Kate Russell. impossible. “We only had two rehearsals because no one had any time, but it was great. It brought us back into the sphere of theatre and professional performance after having a few years off. It’s a really hard industry to be in when you’ve got little kids.” The following year she did a sequel and then took the best from both and created a twoact show. Other cast members include multi-award-winning playwright, filmmaker and actress of TV’s McPhail and Gadsby fame, April Phillips, actor/author Tracey Savage and stay-at-home-dad, Jeremy Nelson.
Fingal says she is “excited but nervous” to bring it to her hometown. “A lot of the audience will be people who knew me as a little girl … and the show can get a little risqué.” And it’s not just for mums. “A lot of men came and enjoyed it, even men in their 40s with no children liked the show. I was pleasantly surprised,” she says. “It’s definitely about children, not for them. In ten years, I’ll do the teenager sequel - so stay posted.” ‘Femme Natale’ is on 28 and 29 February, 7:30pm at The Suter Gallery Theatre. Tickets are available from
City gym adds fast, fun 9Round training In a global first, Lift Brands has integrated a before going to work. “Some people say, ‘I don’t 9Round franchise into the newly modernised have time to exercise, but you have 10080 minSnap Fitness gym at 49 Gloucester Street. The utes in a week. It should be a priority to find site is managed by franchisee Sam and Victo- 30 minutes a day to look after your health and ria Helps, who own both the 9Round and Snap wellbeing.” Every five years, Snap Fitness franFitness Clubs. chise owners are required to modernise their “Bringing 9Round into Nelson is very exciting,” clubs and this time has been quite extensive. says Victoria. “This high intensity 30-minute “The equipment was ‘well loved’ and needed full body workout replacing. Our memhas something in it bers deserve the best for every level of fitand we’ve provided ness – it’s fast fun and it.” Sam and Victoria effective. Every three have invested in high minutes a new round quality, modern Italstarts so there’s no ian-made equipment, booking required.” black in colour, which 9Round membership is striking against the offers unlimited group gym’s bold red walls. fitness and access to “We have a few feature Snap Fitness Nelson Sam and Victoria Helps who own Snap Fitness pieces including a Skill 24 hours a day. This are excited to bring 9Round to Nelson. Mill which isn’t motorensures members can work out the way they ised – it’s a self-propelled treadmill that’s really want when they want. At 9Round our trainers good for people who are nervous about motorare always there to guide and encourage you. It ised treadmills. It also works well for people combines cardio and resistance training for a who like mountaineering and rugby training.” full body workout in 30 minutes.” 9Round and You will love the new-look gym at Snap Fitness Snap Fitness gyms utilize the latest wearable and will enjoy meeting the friendly personal technology so you can see real time results. The trainers who can tailor a programme that’s sessions include core, kickboxing and punch- right for you. Signing up for 9Round is a great ing which will get you in shape quickly. way to kickstart 2020. For more information, Although Victoria is very busy, she gets up visit 9Round Nelson on Facebook. early each day and does 30 minutes exercise Business Update. Adv.
Nelson Weekly
Locally Owned and Operated
If you are a complete beginner or are just wanting to get back into yoga, then Loren’s Yoga have the classes for you. My community classes at Saxtons are open to all ages and abilities. My style of teaching is to teach who I have in my class at the time. Offering variations to suit all levels, so people can get what they need at the time while still being able to enjoy the connectedness of a group environment. Currently I have people in my classes who range from 14 to the younger side of 70. Feel free to email or phone if you wish to discuss further or just feel free to turn up. Please note that my pregnancy yoga classes do require bookings due to pregnancy yoga being more specialised. I look forward to seeing you at yoga.
Love the sound of cornets, horns and trombones? Why not take up a fantastic opportunity to learn a brass band instrument in 2020? What’s more – when you join the Nelson City Brass Band, the tuition is free and so is the instrument hire for a whole year! “People of all ages are welcome to participate, and we particularly like to encourage primary, intermediate and college students to join,” says NCB Secretary Wayne Jennens. “The junior band have lessons on Tuesdays after school in the band room at Hathaway Terrace (next to Trafalgar Park). Wayne says it’s a great activity
in which the participants get to travel around. “Once they get up to particular standard, they can join the junior band and play three or four times a year in public. In July we are taking them to the national contest.” The term starts in late February, but people are welcome to join Nelson City Brass anytime. To register, email For over 20 years, F.A. Dance Centre has been providing dancers with the best dance experience possible with classes designed to get the best from each dancer. As well as strong technical training and a variety of classes including Classical Ballet, Jazz, Hip Hop, Contemporary and Lyrical Classes, the studio provides performance opportunities locally and internationally, as well as an elite competition team. Dancers travelled to the U.S in 2018 and 2019, to take part in the Disneyland Parade, take classes at top L.A Studios, and compete in Las Vegas. F.A. Dance Centre caters for the recreational dancer as well as the student wishing to take their dance training to the next level. So whether you have an energetic 4yr old or a shy teen who loves p erforming just as much,
PREGNANCY YOGA TERM TIME - $15 CASUAL $120 CONCESSION CARD MONDAYS - 5.30pm to 6.30pm - Bookings required Saxton Netball Pavillion Rooms
P. 021 119 3211 E. W. Yoga with Loren
contact Trudy at F.A. Dance Centre. The start of a new year is the perfect time to learn something new, so why not learn to dance?! The Gillian Francis Academy of Dance offers a wide range of classes. “We have classical ballet classes, contemporary classes, boy’s classes, yoga and Pilates, plus we do a range of productions,” says Principal Gillian Francis. There’s been an exciting development with experienced dancer and educator Laura Jones coming onboard to teach alongside Gillian in 2020. After joining the NZ School of Dance at age 11, Laura spent 5 years with the Royal New Zealand Ballet. “More recently, I have been in a teaching role which has been an absolute joy and I’m really excited to bring that to Nelson. Everyone is most welcome to come along to my classes, which will include ‘Adult Beginner’s and ‘Open Classes’ which focus on the love of dance.” For more information, visit ‘Gillian Francis Academy of Dance’ on Facebook. Classes start on January 27th. To enrol, phone 021 2643 402.
WEDNESDAY 22 January 2020
The Studio for Dancers Devoted to the development of young talent Jazz, Hip Hop, Contemporary, Classical Ballet Classes resume Monday 10th February CLASSES HELD IN NELSON, RICHMOND & MOTUEKA Beginners to Advanced
For further information contact Trudy NZAMD Examiner, Adv Dip (Hons)
Nelson Academy of Dance
GILLIAN FRANCIS - Principal (Registered Teacher R.A.D. A I D T A)
• Classical • Boys Classes • Contemporary • Pilates • Yoga Classes commencing Monday 27th January 2020
Collingwood St, Nelson 03 547 6743 or 021 2643 402
WEDNESDAY 22 January 2020
for an information day at our Nelson campus. This is a great opportunity for anyone who’s interested in studying or elevating their career to get a taste of what NMIT has to offer. You’ll get to tour the campus and experience NMIT’s world-class facilities in action, including commercial kitchen demonstrations, trades workshops,
Get a taste of student life at NMIT information day. Are you thinking about studying, but unsure about where to start? Come and experience the world-class courses and facilities available to NMIT students on our public information day. NMIT is opening its doors to the public on Wednesday, January 29, from 3-6pm,
Kate Burton and the team at Pilates Nelson welcome back all students
EARLYBIRD MORNING CLASSES TUESDAY and THURSDAY 7-8am OPEN PILATES WEDNESDAY 7pm and SATURDAY 9.30am FLOW (Advanced) PILATES FRIDAY 12.15pm SWISSBALL PILATES THURSDAY 5.45pm Are you ready to improve your stability, mobility and strength? - by improving postural alignment and breathing Pilates will help to reduce pain and injury
For enrolment or more information E. P. 027 366 2213
Nelson Weekly
maritime simulators, aquaculture labs, and our on-site hospital suite for student nurses. Many NMIT students and graduates discovered what they wanted to study by attending one of our information days. Make the most of your chance to get an up-close look at the high-quality, career-focussed education that NMIT is known for. You never know, it could be your first step towards a career you love. The NMIT Nelson campus is located at 322 Hardy Street.
The Tribe Dance Academy was created by Zariyah and Shylah Andrews. They are sisters who dance as a duo called Iconic Duo. Iconic are two-time champions at Hip Hop Unite NZ, and have earned themselves a 4th place title at a world level in The Netherlands 2019. Zariyah and Shylah have a passion for hip hop dance and enjoy sharing their passion, and dancing in the community. They often dance at local events and have taught workshops in primary schools. Zariyah and Shylah will also appear on a new dance TV series called K pop academy later in the year. The girl's decision to open their own dance studio means they can focus on upskilling others in their community while still competing as a duo. Check out their Facebook and Instagram pages for more information on how you can be part of The Tribe community @iconic_duo @ thetribe.da
Locally Owned and Operated
Nelson Weekly
Locally Owned and Operated
Ever thought about Pilates? It’s the ideal way to bring positive change in 2020. Located upstairs at 114 Hardy Street, Kate Burton and the team at Pilates Nelson offer a range of classes and although some are already full, several still have space available. ”Due to popular demand we are opening a new Over 50’s Beginners Class on Tuesdays at 9am. Other beginners classes are Tuesday and Thursday 7pm and Monday at noon. The Early Bird classes on Tuesday
Why choose to study with Community College Marlborough in 2020? We are proud of the achievements of the thousands of students we have trained over the years. On average, around 80% of our students gain a positive outcome, mostly into employment, but also onto further training and tertiary education. While we measure success by the achievement of qualifications, finding employment or going on to further training, many of our students say that their practical training has proved "life changing", especially in terms of their personal growth and confidence. Rest assured, we are Accredited. The Tribe Dance NZQA Academy sisters Each of the quality proZariyah and grammes that we offer Shylah Andrews is accredited by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) and registered on the naand Thursday (7am) and Open tionally recognised National Pilates Saturday (9.30am), Qualifications Framework are good choices to fit a class (NQF). Our training prointo your working week.” grammes are developed after Kate says Pilates is an exercise research, analysis, wide consystem which moves logically sultation with stakeholders and through the body to achieve after a rigorous process of apa fine balance of strength and proval. All of our programmes flexibility. are designed to meet identified “It helps to correct muscle learning outcomes and are regimbalances, releases tension, ularly evaluated and reviewed improves body awareness and to ensure that outcomes are posture, and is regarded as one being achieved. of the safest and most precise Check out our courses includforms of conditioning avail- ing NCEA, Hospitality, Sport able.” To enrol, email kate@ & Fitness and Tourism. These For more are designed to get you into information, visit www.pi- an exciting new career in your preferred industry.
Dancers from Peta Spooner Academy of Dance and Jane Pascoe Academy of Dance, back stage at last year’s ‘Let's Dance’ production. Jane Pascoe offers a unique programme where students are introduced to ballet, theatre craft and modern jazz throughout the year, giving them exposure to all the benefits of the three disciplines. With 20 years of training and experience behind her, Jane is qualified to teach classical ballet, modern jazz, theatre craft, dance exercise and freestyle dance.
With classes on offer for children aged three years and up, Jane’s programme will allow your child to experience the magic of creative movement and learn these dance techniques in a safe and encouraging environment. Students will have performance opportunities and will also take place in IDTA examinations, plus, Jane strives to develop confident, kind and assured
individuals with learning skills and perseverance that can be used in any area of life. For more information on dance yoga and barre classes. Check out her website or Facebook page for her full teaching schedule. Sharing a unique bond with Jane Pascoe is Peta Spooner, who for the last 50 years has been introducing people to the joys of dance at Peta Spooner Academy of Dance. “Jane did her teacher training with me and the philosophy of our studios is essentially the same – such as inclusiveness,” says Peta. “We merge our studios for shows, we share exam sessions so they’re just in one place and we share teachers, many of whom have trained through me. So together we have a strong commitment to sharing our resources.” The Peta Spooner Academy of Dance aims to develop well-rounded dancers who are gracious, considerate and demonstrate a positive attitude. The academy has an excellent record for training teachers and provides outstanding tuition for all levels and abilities in classical ballet, contemporary dance, modern jazz and tap. It also provides many opportunities to perform on stage and sit examinations. For more information, visit
WEDNESDAY 22 January 2020
DANCE | YOGA | BARRE Thursdays: Presbyterian Hall, Songer St, Stoke Programme includes Ballet, Theatre Craft, Modern Jazz in a non-competitive environment. Classes on offer for ages 3+
Poise, confidence and creativity: skills for life.
Phone 021 995 009
WEDNESDAY 22 January 2020
Nelson Weekly
Locally Owned and Operated
Blind bowlers on a roll Jonty Dine
“I probably made an error by telling him,” says Steve. Nelson’s best vision-impaired The pressure took its toll on bowlers are setting their sights on Gordon early on as he struggled for more gold. form and even rolled a bowl with Steve Delaney and Gordon the bias facing the wrong way. Oldfield won gold in the pairs at “I do that about once a year and the SummerSet Blind Bowls in chose this time.” Christchurch last week, to put the The men were also battling fatigue duo right in the mix for national having come straight from their selection. semifinal victory into the decider. It was the first time the pair had “If you’re tense in this game, you played together in a tournament don’t play well,” says Gordon. and it was a resoundingly However, they eventually clicked successful start to the partnership. to defeat Dean Roberson and Gordon couldn’t see the crowd but Danny Simon from Christchurch could certainly feel the hundreds of and Hamilton in comfortable eyes on him in a pressure-cooker of fashion. a final at the Papanui Club. “We found our rhythm and got the result; we didn’t even play the last end because it was Let me help you obtain the impossible for best home loan for you them to win.” The three-day MARK LANGDON tournament saw Mortgage Services the pair play up Ph 03 544 9977 or 027 262 3594 to nine hours a day, which Steve
Mortgages Made Easy
Steve Delaney and Gordon Oldfield with directors Roydon James and Colin Delaney. Photo: Jonty Dine. says he felt in the aftermath. “It was tiring, took me three days to recover.” He says a few beers were enjoyed too, which probably made him more lethargic. “Rehydration is important,” says Gordon. Steve and Gordon are both visually-impaired but to varying degrees. Bowlers are put into categories based on their different visual abilities with Gordon a B2 and Steve B4. “It makes us sound like Bananas in Pajamas,” Gordon jokes.
Steve’s weekend didn’t end there as he followed the victory with gold in the singles as well. This comes on the back of his win at the nationals last year. “It’s more satisfying being able to back it up, a greater sense of achievement in the sense that nationals wasn’t a fluke.” He says he now has more selfbelief about going on to higher honours. “It makes it more of a reality of what the possibilities are.” Those possibilities have seen him set his sights on the trans- Tasman tournament later this year.
The Blind Jacks team is named at end of the month, Gordon says his partner is a “very good chance to represent that team”. With Steve’s father and Gordon’s brother-in-law acting as the pair’s directors, Steve says it is always a fun time on and off the green. “A lot of humour, a lot of laughing, we enjoy each other’s company.” Gordon says the social aspect of the sport is crucial to those living with a disability. “The chance to have those connections is so important, it can be easy to become isolated.” Gordon says he has known several players who have had serious mental health challenges and playing bowls made all the difference. “Anyone else who is visionimpaired, come and join us, we would love to have you come along.” Tournaments are self-funded, so anyone willing to contribute to costs to help cover travel costs can contact oldfield.gordon@
is Su co pe mi r ng Ru to gb to y wn !
7.05pm, This Saturday Trafalgar Park, Nelson TICKETROCKET.CO.NZ
HC CRU1113
Nelson Weekly
Locally Owned and Operated
WEDNESDAY 22 January 2020
Serrurier ton secures win
There were some close wins and outstanding individual performances in the latest round of 110 overs club cricket competition on Saturday. There was definitely some tension as Nelson College eventually chased down their small challenge of 109 at Brightwater against Wanderers. At 68 for eight the odds were firmly in the combined team’s favour until the unorthodox Dimitri van der Colk and Jack MacNeil saw them reach the total. The all-round skills of the Thomas Zohrab’s (right) superb all-round effort helped the Griffins to a resounding Hawke Cup win against Buller. Photo: Evan Barnes/Shuttersport.
Zohrab outstanding in Griffins’ win Peter Grigg
metres up river and assembled on site. The arduous terrain, however, did them in. Only one stamper made it, the companies went bankrupt, and the rest of the parts lie abandoned near the track still.
Generations of Nelson presents Snippets of History The latest Snippets of History, Volume Four, is now available! Volumes 1–3 are $15 per book Volume 4 is $20 Or get the full set for just $60 Purchase from Marsden House or NZME. 41 Selwyn Place, Nelson.
VOLUM in this third volume of stories featurin g discovery and heartbreak and survival, triumph. These stories are about real people in real Whether you are picking this up for just a quick from read, or are reading cover l,to cover, surviva ry and N discove enjoy g Snippe ts of History as of stories featurin a small glimps real people in real into the Nelson in this third volume e stories are about that These . once was. triumph heartbreak and or are reading just a quick read, picking this up for glimpse Whether you are History as a small enjoy Snippets of from cover to cover, was. once that into the Nelson
An 1860s gold strike at Blue Creek in the Wangapeka Valley prompt‑ ed optimistic parties to invest in quartz‑crushing stampers, mean‑ ing parts up to 400 kilograms in weight had to be brought in by bullock wagon, sledged 20 kilo‑
Hard Going up the Wangapeka
Brought to you by Marsden House
claim the outright win and gain some much-needed momentum heading into this week’s game against Marlborough. The Nelson College product says he was happy to have contributed with both ball and bat. “I guess that what you strive for being an all-rounder going into each game so it’s nice to see hard work in training starting to pay off out in the middle.” The victory keeps the Nelson Pine Griffins Hawke Cup hopes alive as they host Marlborough next weekend in the final round robin match when they hope to qualify for the Zone Final.
Zohrab then anchored the Nelson riposte with a 215ball innings that included 14 boundaries. He was the mainstay of a number of solid top order partnerships - with his brother David, Paddy Howes and then with Nic Clark, which ensured the home team were able to push on for a healthy lead. Nelson established a lead of 191 before declaring prior to lunch on Sunday morning. The die was cast, however, when Buller had already slipped to three for 31 by the break. Zohrab says it was crucial to
consistent Dylan Eginton were instrumental in Car Company Stoke Nayland just getting home in a low scoring thriller against ACOB at Marsden Rec while WTTU put on a 56 run last wicket stand to post a seemingly competitive total against Wakatu at Victory Square. Devon Serrurier dominated the chase, off 83 balls he smote 12 fours and eight sixes to ensure the home team cruised to their target with ten overs to spare. Full results from the latest club round available in the Nelson App.
A great effort from young allrounder Thomas Zohrab was instrumental in a resounding victory for the Nelson Pine Griffins in their vital Hawke Cup Zone 3 match against Buller at Saxton Oval over the weekend. First Zohrab snared five scalps with his mediums as Nelson dismissed the visitors for a below-par total of 121 on Saturday. The metronomic Zohrab came on and, with his impeccable lines and lengths, was well rewarded.
This window was
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installing Francis H Day. Framing, (Artist), Assistant Craftsman August 2007. by JE (Jackie) MacDonald Dedicated on 25th designed and crafted Marsden House Trust. This window was by the Day Family, (Dick) Jones. Donated and building Richard
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Nelson Weekly
WEDNESDAY 22 January 2020
Locally Owned and Operated
Tasman hammer Southern in Blenheim Jonty Dine Reporter
Tasman United’s recent resurgence continued in emphatic fashion in Blenheim on Saturday afternoon as they dismantled Southern United 5-0. There were goals galore at Lansdowne Park as the hosts gave the Marlborough fans plenty to shout about in their first appearance over the Whangamoa this season. Tasman opened the scoring in blistering style as Jean Phillipe Saiko’s superb individual effort put his side ahead after only six minutes. The New Caledonian striker looked in ominous form and Tasman soon went 2-0 up as skipper Fox Slotemaker found the back of the net. Things slowed at the back end of
Tasman United striker Jean Phillipe Saiko smashes home Tasman’s first goal in its 5-0 win over Southern United in Blenheim on Saturday. Photo: Andrew Board. the first, but Tasman remained in control as the sides went to the sheds. New signing Ben Watson ensured the momentum remained with Tasman after the break, with a thunderous strike in the 55th minute to effectively put the game to bed. Jesse Randall piled on the misery for the visitors with a far post finish 10 minutes later. Corey Vickers put the
exclamation mark on a resounding performance to seal the 5-0 victory. Tasman United jumps to fourth on the premiership table with its fourth win of the season and next week will travel to Auckland to take on the ninth placed Waitakere United. Scoring: Tasman 5 (Saiko, Randall, Slotemaker, Watson, Vickers) Southern 0
ROUND 11 John Brydon
Mark Sheehan
Phil Williams
Southern United vs Canterbury United
Waitakere United vs Tasman United
Hawke’s Bay United Eastern Suburbs vs vs Wellington Phoenix Hamilton Wanderers
Team Wellington vs Auckland City FC
The variables change every weekHamilton in the Port Nelson SwimAuckland Series, Wellington Phoenix Wanderers CanterburySea United Cit vs vs vs far from a onevs ROUND 1 but just keeps but Luke Kelly on winning. It was still Eastern Suburbs Southern United Tasman United Team Wellingt horse race, but Luke seems capable of bringing just enough focus to bear to reach the finish line first, whatever the variables. Stuart Hebberd (pictured) has dominated the 70+ age group this summer. Swimming continues in the Port Nelson series each Thursday, while many swimmers prepare for national ocean swims in the next months, starting with the Capital Classic in Wellington on the weekend. Full results and details, Photo: Pete Marshall.
DRAW Gary Hinks
Jonty Dine
Nelson Weekly
Let us turn your dream into a reality
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Matt Stringer
Gill Ireland
Jo Lavington
Chris Butler
FREE - VX40 pool cleaner worth $2,500
if you’re signed up by middle of February 2020
DRAW Mike Goodyear
Tim Morozgalski 16/49
Ph: 03 547 3411 Glen: 027 444 61 88
Nelson Weekly
Community Services
Locally Owned and Operated
Community Notices NELSON CATHEDRAL FLOWER FESTIVAL Come and visit 14 & 15 Feb 9am-6pm and enjoy the celebration of Flowers. Festival Opening Service 13 Feb, 5.30pm. Closing Service 16 Feb, 10am. All welcome and free entry. TABLE TENNIS HOLIDAY PROGRAMME: Kids why not try something new and come to Saxton Table Tennis Stadium on Tues 28, and Thurs 23 & 30th Jan 0930 till 1200. Bring sport shoes and drink/food for mid-morning break. For further information ph Ted 0275220979. NELSON CREATIVE FIBRE - First meeting of the year 28th Jan 10am on the Founders Park main lawn just out the back of the Jaycees room or indoors if it’s too hot or cold. A more casual gathering than usual as we ease back into a busy year BYO drink and morning tea, cafes may be open. NELSON 50+ MINI WALKERS Jan 28th, Saxton to Ngawhatu. Meet 10 am at Saxton top car park. ph. Jan or Alan, 547 7690. NELSON 50+ WALKING GROUP January 30th, Whisky Falls and Coldwater Hut. Ph Jane, 548 3404 or Paddy, 5471291. CAKE DECORATORS are holding an all-day Grape and Country Mouse workshop. Sat 1 Feb 9:30 to 4 pm. You will learn how to create grapes ona vine using sugar paste. There will be a demonstration on how to make a country mouse. Contact Lyn 0276682809. START THE NEW YEAR WITH LAUGHTER: Laughter Yoga starts again Wed 22nd Jan 5.30pm Victory Community Centre $2 koha. Bring something to lie on for relaxation. Cath 5451207. NELSON DANCE ALONG 25th Jan Richmond Town Hall, 7.30pm to 11pm, Music by Warren Fenemor, $6pp Plate for supper, Everyone Welcome,
For further info ph.Rosalie Winter (03)538-0133. LINE DANCING for new beginners courses start Tues 11th Feb. No need to register, bring a cup for free morning tea and social chat. Just arrive, Stoke Methodist Church. Meet and make new friends, suitable all age/gender. We are a caring Community. Ph 0274 491 569 Diane Sutherland/Arbuthnot. SWEDISH CONVERSATION GROUP All levels welcomed. I am learning Swedish and I would like to meet with others for conversation. Initial meeting FrI 31 Jan 4pm - 5.30pm Cod and Lobster Cafe, Top of Trafalgar Street. Just turn up or phone Claire 0211192533 for more information. DRIVING MENTORS NEEDED to help former refugees gain their Restricted Licence. Volunteers are given full training, support and full use of our dual control car. Email or call Margo 021 255 8550. A little bit of your time and patience can make a huge difference to the learner and their families. BROADGREEN HISTORIC HOUSE - VOLUNTEER GUIDES: A local treasure that is world famous needs more guides to keep the story alive. Four hours per month contact Di 0211854679. NELSON RAILWAY Founders Park. The railcar will be running daily until 3rd Feb, weather permitting. The Train will operate on Sun 26 Jan. Both run between 11am and 4pm. The railcar on demand and train on the hour. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Is alcohol causing problems for you in your life? Want to stop drinking but can't? Maybe we can help. Support meetings every day. Call 0800aaworks 0800 229 6757 FRENCH CONVERSATION GROUP (Alliance Francaise) All levels welcome. Meet Fridays at The
WEDNESDAY 22 January 2020
Honest Lawyer, 4-6 pm. ARTHRITIS SOCIETY COFFEE MORNING: We meet at Flock in Church St 10am on the 4th Wed of the month. Next Gathering 22 Jan 2020. Ph Claire 035450835 or 0273601039. NEW TO NELSON? Join Nelson Newcomers Network for Coffee & Connections, 3rd Tues of the month 10:30am at Morrisons, 244 Hardy Street, Nelson. Call Jane 03 546 7681. YOGA FOR PEOPLE AFFECTED BY CANCER, Thurs 5.15pm Register or ph 539 1137 for details. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Is alcohol causing problems for you in your life? Want to stop drinking but can't? Maybe we can help. Support meetings every day. Call 0800aaworks 0800 229 6757. NELSON NORTH LIONS CLUB welcomes new members to join their small established group that are passionate of providing voluntary services through community involvement. John Rodger on 0276749333 DO YOU LIKE TO TEACH? Are you patient? Have a passion for working with different cultures? Are you an experienced driver with Full license for 2 years or more? Interested in supporting former refugees get their license? Contact Margo at Red Cross 59 Parkers Rd 021 255 8550 or NELSON ASTHMA SOCIETY Better Breathing Classes help you improve breathing through fitness. Two venues Nelson, Reformed Church, Enner Glynn 1:00-2:30 every Wed during school terms starts back 12 Feb; Motueka, Te Awhina Marae, 11:30-12:30 on 2nd and 4th Mon of each month, starts back 10 Feb. Contact Sue on 5441562 or
STOKE TAHUNANUI MEN’S FRIENDSHIP CLUB welcomes new members. Monthly meetings with guest speaker on 3rd Tues of month start 10am, Reformed Church, Enner Glynn. Regular outings, activities. Ian 5477841. CITIZEN ADVICE BUREAU is looking for new recruits for the next training intake that begins on the 26 Feb 2020. If you’re interested in finding out more please email coordinator.nelsontasman@, ph 5482117 or pop into the office at 9 Paru Paru Rd between 9-4.30pm Mon-Fri. BETTER BREATHER CLASSES Improve your breathing by improving your fitness at our Better Breathing sessions held in Nelson, Richmond and Motueka. Sue at Nelson Asthma Society 5441562. ENGLISH CONVERSATION GROUP for ESL speakers: students, locals, visitors. Wed 4.30-6pm, Trinity Church, back right hand door, 64 Nile Street, by Nelson Central School. Informal conversation, tea,coffee. Inquiries: Rachael Ph 02102686970. SUMMER INDOOR BOWLS 2020 Wed 7pm Warnes Stadium, Songer Street, Stoke. Open to all ages, family friendly, come and give it a go. $2 mat fee. Shirley 539 6205. DEATH CAFÉ facilitated discussion; topics determined by attendees. NB this is not a bereavement support group. See Last Sat monthly, Activities Room, Elma Turnbull Library, 1.30-3.00pm. koha requested. DEATH MATTERS FILM last Fri monthly. $4 koha. Kristine or Barbara 027 939 0024. BLOOD CANCER SUPPORT GROUP meet monthly for more information phone Graham 544 3037 or Lloyd 5442636. SURVIVORS AND THRIVORS If you have or have
had cancer, supporting someone with cancer come and meet others in this friendly atmosphere. Register 5391137 or info@cancernelson. VICTORY SIXTY PLUS every Tues 1.30-3.30pm, 238 Upper Vanguard St. Join us for cards, games and a cuppa. Jan 546 9057 or 027 4577 955. GROW gives us the opportunity to overcome problems around our wellbeing. A 12-step program and method toward change and growth. Just turn up. 9 Paru Paru Rd. Ph Patricia 547-6120 Fri 10-12. or NEW! BETTER BREATHING CIRCUIT 10am-11am, each Tues of the school term at Club Waimea. Perfect for those who have completed Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Sue at Nelson Asthma Society 5441562. or MONDAY ACTIVE STRENGTH/BALANCE CLASS also seated options presented. Tahunanui Community hub, Muritai Street 1.30 pm. Get fitter to great music. Shirley 5471433 or 0211218023. NELSON STEINER PLAYGROUP for children and caregivers- you’re welcome to join us for breadmaking, songs and movement, playing, art play and connection. Thur 9am-12pm, Jaycee Room, Founders Park. nelsonsteinerplaygroup@gmail. com THURSDAY ACTIVE STRENGTH/BALANCE CLASS seated options presented. Trafalgar Street Hall, 10am. Get fitter to great music. Shirley 5471433 or 0211218023. $3 LUNCHTIME MEALS do you get hungry or lonely or both at lunchtime? If it’s a Tues, Wed or Thurs, you’re welcome to come for a dinner type meal, 12pm at All Saints hall behind the church, 30 Vanguard St, cost $3. Ph 5482601
Community notices are free to community groups, schools, churches, gold coin donation events and fundraising only. For classified ads and public notices please call 548 5900. Due to the popularity of this column, while every effort will be made, inclusion cannot be guaranteed for free ads.
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426 Easy
6 3 1 2 5 6 9 7 3 1 6 5 9
Down 1 A woodwind instrument (7) 2 Stupefaction (9) 3 A desire to harm (6) 5 Put down (4) 6 Long-tailed gamebird (8) 7 Indian monetary unit (5) 8 Legal punishment (7) 11 Surrounding (7) 14 The swiftest mammal (7) 17 Little known competitor (4,5) 18 Beyond what is evident (8) 19 Western US state (7) 21 Formal objection (7) 22 At full speed (3,3) 24 Person of great stature (5) 26 To leave (4) Answers next week
10 11
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Book a 60 min Face to Face Psychic Reading with Suzanne Ph/Text 022 042 9652
Psychic Clairvoyant
1080 REFERENDUM PETITION Sign petition at: Nelson SPCA Shelter, Hunting & Fishing Richmond & Nelson, Victory Square Vet Clinic - Vanguard St, Toad Hall - Motueka , The Stable Tavern & Dales Barber – Croucher St Richmond.Greenman - High St Motueka, Hotel Motueka, VTS - 25 Huffam St Motueka.
Call Paula 021598822
FIREWOOD End of season special. Shed dry pine, 6mtrs $400 delivered. 3mtrs $240 delivered. Only at Quality Firewood, phone or txt 0274 490 622.
Taoist Tai Chi Internal Arts of Health No bookings required / bring a friend
NEW BEGINNING CLASSES Start: Wed 5 February 2020 7-8.30pm Sat 8 February 2020 9-10.30am VENUE: Tai Chi Clubrooms, 55 Muritai Street, Tahunanui, Nelson Phone 03
545 8375 (please leave a message)
Advertise your public no- Advertise your garage tice here. Ph 548 5900. sale here. Ph 548 5900.
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PH 548 5900
Linedancing new beginners Tues 11th February Soke Methodist Church Hall. Free cafe chat. Just arrive. All ages gender. $7.
PSYCHIC Readings, Divine Energy Healing & Reiki Training
Nelson Weekly
WEDNESDAY 22 January 2020
Antiques, furniture (desks, bookcases, chests of drawers, tables, chairs, chaise lounge, wardrobe, mirrors, rugs etc). Collectibles, paintings, toys, books, records etc. Sell, buy, value. 6 rooms at Souchebys Antiques, 75 Gladstone Rd, Richmond ph 544 0723. Open Mon-Sat.
TOOLS, SHED GEAR, COLLECTABLES Hand tools, workshop tools. Also collectables, old toys or interesting household items. From small lots to estates or downsizing CASH PAID Ph Steve 027 538 0020 or 03 5380020
Classifieds / Trades & Services
Locally Owned and Operated
Nelson Weekly
Caroline Elizabeth
Died peacefully on 9th January 2020 at Kensington Court, Stoke, in her 95th year. Much loved mother of William, Neil, Douglas, and Dawn. Loved grandmother and great grandmother. Messages to 13 Rutland Street, Stoke, Nelson 7011. According to Caroline’s wishes, a private cremation has been held.
PH TIM GLADSTONE PH T&B VINTAGE 0800 653 935 or 548 5235
Casual help required in rural Marlborough.
PH 548 5900
SITUATIONS VACANT Advertise your situations vacant here. Ph 548 5900
• Full design and build • Full after sales back up • Extensive range of leading brands available
Your announcement here for FREE.
Your announcement here for FREE.
Or email us your memorial notice by Friday to get it in the following week’s edition.
mber 2018
day spa
for wom
en & men
15 Bridge Street, Nelson For bookin gs call: 022 383 7968
Stacey Pow er is ope new clin ning her ic on the 5th of Oct ober 15 Bridg e Street, For book Nelson ings call: 022 383 7968
and Operated
nies with s have balco ’s plenty ion room views! There and funct ing beach and the facility is occasion have a happy the events we stunn n parking, people to from Nelso at of onsite mingling minute drive from the we enjoy only a five minutes rt and 10 n Conference cater for.” side Nelso cater for 10 Airpo . more visit The Beach can city centre To find out s Centre it has seven and Event and e sidenelson.c peopl ble, www.beach to 300 plus rooms availa function multi-day a g different are holdin whether you a train, conference a wedding ing day, private banquet, al. The party or funer Nelson Beachside take care team will thing from Lincoln of every flowers to ort Carol and catering to and also Proud to supp ond equipment, catering Avenue, Richm offer a full 41 McGlashen 544 6137 Beachside’s service. & Friday, PHONE , Wednesday y. spaces and outside Monday, Tuesday m Saturda are per8am-6pm y, 8am-4p areas OPEN n Thursda garde 8am-6.30pm relaxed ocfect for a two of its and , casion
and Operated
day spa
for wom
en & men
Anja, both Therapists, qualified Beauty we have products offer on a special that best Mondays and Tues- type, including beaut suit your skin days. with iful brand as Environ, Lauren and s such your a manicure or Pier pedic Anja are cals and Pure Augè, O2 Intrac in any of confident euti- and eyebrows and eyelas ure; have Fiji. our Enjoy the tidied; come hes tinted if you book treatments, and oasis that out glowi a glorious is Woman ty Day with either ng with tan; girls, you Beau- a of the laxati Spa and indul can pleasurable pamper yourself with ge in pure on. any treatm get half price for massage re- with ent over or Indul a full day ge in a $50. offer is availa spa packa luxuriate ge. ble for one [This ment facial gorgeous skin only on treat- For month ; maintain Mondays more inform your look and Tuesdays].” ation, visit womanbeau www. Delene Baige nt was about years old 27 when she first starte working in d the ing at Elega industry, worknce Beaut “I then opened my y Salon. Delene and tle place her team own litare excite called d to be in Buxton Squar Xpressions in their new “I felt it would e which I premises 10 years, had for on New Stree spent on some be money well mainl t. nails. I sold y doing acrylic tastefully where else. thing new somedecorated moved back the business and out, with I kept seeing throughbuilding mural which the includ four treatment on New Street in 2008 and to Christchurch rooms ises complete with comfy leather ing a online, so worked in called ‘Magn covers two walls my work pop up relaxation double room and Spa.” a Medi ificent Mena couch and a cosy fire – ideal for a Creat Bridgette colleague lounge, “wher gerie.’ ed by an and I went Delene, who ents Auckland grabbing a coffee and sitting and realis holds an along their can go after they’v e cli- pany, the comed ploma in wallpaper e had has treatment, down for a chat with one of the perfect; it it was Beauty TheraItec Diart, which ” says Delen been printe had just worki py, ng was e. friendly team. Prior to starting d to the for herself the right of the wall, at home amount a year before is a strikin scale the business, Rochelle and Brenof rooms the earthq for g green and bestruck jungle uakes . don moved around New Zealand design, intering in town “So, Richa would spersed ‘chasing jobs’ until realising they be better with brigh rd and I for us in came back to t flowe A lot has changed in the three Nelso rs needed to settle in Nelson. Ron and I took and birdli the long term fe. at Woman up As client years since the Mathews’ fam- chelle was working fulltime and would get – we s come into Beauty undera role previo the more ily opened The Bike Station in us owner the entrance encouraged her husband to find foot traffic before buyin area, the busin they will here its central location on Vanguard something that ‘made his heart g than Nile ess two not only Street." years later. “Bridgette be Street; the business has been greete sing.’ “Brendon has come from She says d by warm and Holly the new have been with me smiles on evolving and growing to meet an a biking background; he’s been premises since that reception, Hayle time allow they increasing demand for quality y for just and s will notice racing since he was 9; his fathem to on three the have with new beautiful bikes and reputable brands. With ther owned bike shops so, when same numb the new recep staff comin years, board er tion g easy access and great off-street of desk create as well. on carparks the rear of he was growing up, that was his at “Ther d by the "We have Bays Joiner parking, you’ll love visiting The world. We decided it was time e is also an "It’s a small property. good solid y. adjacent has team er space; for nails “It been aroun Bike Station 7-days a week. The to open our own store. Brendon has the that area ance heat and easier to and a make appeard for a while of marb to cool down We are where up shop offers a spacious interior is so passionate about it. He saw friendly . previous . Our pedic clients can also area at its base,” le with real Kauri and location bring helpfu says and huge selection of bikes – from an opportunity. That’s how we got ing a down have “We ures.” was Delene. l, ful, but the are very to earth New Street beauti- You’ll love proach to commuter, road and kids bikes started. The rest is history.” apThe new has its own building service; this way it’s turne happy with the Wom in charm; we new locati Woman Beauty’s an reflec the new to all manner of E-bikes (comBeauty Day ts perfect place it here.” on all love The range d out.” Spa is a pictu Beauty has direction Woman and mode – it’s fresh, clean to relax and of muter, trail and mountain) with perts. Filled with re of luxur rn able at Wom treatments availtaken, which E-Bikes Not a be pamp very y character, ment room with one treatand ered by the an Beauty relaxed yet popular brands like Pivot, Focus, is Beauty’s in particular is endless, Day Spa spa's beaut the fessio treatments, still very ‘Lazy’ Option new home Woman ing very cateri prov- men y expronal, apply Kalkhoff, Avanti, Cube, Merida, spray tannin popular. has been enhancemen The Bike Station stocks an exand wome ng for both g, eye edge as traine ing our knowl“Our client Kona and Marin available. There’s n. s love the a lot of nail ts and we also do ty website, where you’ll tensive range of popular brands, Therapists.” d Beauty & Skin incredible “We have every also a cool café area on the premthing from massage or without treatments – with formation about fabulo find in- You’ll but its main focus is on E-bikes. to facial shellac.” love cials includ us s to body The full ing one happe spe- of effect the amazing range list of treatm right now. ive, qualit ning available ents y produ skin is “To on the Wom care cts availa introduce ble at Wom an Beauan staff memb our two newer Beauty. ers, Laure Take advan n and tage of the care analy free skin sis and purchase
Quality Brands, Expert Service and Good Vibes at City Bike Shop
Stacey Pow er is open new clini ing her c on the 5th of Octo ber
n Nelso Weekly
n Nelso Weekly
number of tracks in a short space of time, which is important to me as a busy mum. Nelson is ideal for biking; in terms of our weather and proximity to everything.” Sunshine. Exercise. Good for the environment. Fewer cars on roads. Endorphins. The benefits of owning an E-bike are endless.
Valued Team brings Wealth of Experience
Three years ago, Brendon and Rochelle Mathews first opened The Bike Station in central Nelson and today the vibrant, expanding business has fantastic stock and a passionate, experienced team. Rochelle says contrary to what some may think, Ebikes aren’t a lazy option. “Ours are pedal-electric, so you still have to pedal but you get assistance as
you need it, so they’re suited to anyone, including those with a medical condition. “Using an E-bike allows me to get uphill quickly and ride for longer. They’re great enablers. I can do a
Staff are a massive part of The Bike Station. “Without them, we wouldn’t be here today,” Rochelle says. From the outset, Brendon and Rochelle have been focussed on having high-quality staff and, because they all have significant experience with bikes, the couple have 100% faith in their ability to provide fantastic service. Yohann, who is from the UK, says, “It’s been useful to experience how bike shops operate in other countries, including New Zealand. I picked Nelson because of its awesome mountainbiking trails and The Bike Station had cool brands, a nice workshop and it’s a great place to work.” Meanwhile, two-time national track cycling champion and national record
holder Kaio, loves working at The Bike Station while teaching young bike enthusiasts (in schools) how to ride and it helps build up the local junior base. Hunter, who has recently left college has been working fulltime at the store since November last year. “I’ve done a lot of mountainbike racing, so my passion has inspired me to work here as a bike mechanic and be part of the mountainbiking community. It’s an awesome business and getting to work on bikes all day long is great.” Lindsay, who has been with The Bike Station for just under two years, says he had been looking to get back into the bike industry as a mechanic after a stint in Whistler, Canada. “This is a nice place to work; a good bunch of guys. They have the same kind of passion that I have for mountainbiking, so it’s a no-brainer really.” Finally, Sam began working for the business in December after moving from Auckland. “I started as a customer and ended up working here; I love the team; we all get on well. It’s always a good sign of a great workplace
mber 2018
DAY 19 Dece
d They agree together. each functions so that they in heaven proper share esses. “The match made businesses to a own busin er was the It was a had their hospitality togeth when two to create ‘Beachside first thing we did around s awards for joined forces rence and Event business really well nt 2017 e; that went says Nelson Confefacility sits adjace 430 peopl successful,” just uil sea and and was really Centre.’ The to tranq sed anui’s was suppo to Tahun , making it an attrac ht we Carol. “It ; we thoug golden sands for special functions be a one off thing a good up, have on s tive locati s, corporate would just catch ber award conference e pardo the cham such as ln. time and ng days, privat says Linco besevents, traini and funerals. Car- night together,” ey..we’re ings Catering) “But we were like..h ties, wedd Carol is history. y (Gourmet ol Shirle ersley (Mc- ties!” The rest since done ln Wom ln have en and and Linco Linco Kitch such as and together Brewery make a local Cashin’s functions ed they would ty ball, the r’s ca- other Socie r ssfully Bar) realis the Cance after succe and the Brewe good team together last punk ball which ran for have a function ln in 2009 Steam Catering) rencethe child catering for Confe bring Guild it back when y (Gourmet met Linco mber and in Septe Carol Shirle year. “I first t into the Grape grows four out ofdays it and get a full re- busiBar) and e. “The Kitchen and Centre. when I boughsays Carol. “At that for 430 peopl fund oftered the purchase price as over a 500 er we make ’s Brewery rence and Events s s was justbike quoted chef; togeth (McCashin Escape Café,” my catering client award credit against the next-sized n Confe fantastic all also just g ness ln Womersley side Nelso spacious team.” time I gave just startin e, and up to 20”peopl wheel size.we’ve combo,” for 700 peo- Linco d up to create Beach side’s light, who were at- a great just a really good After only doesrence for 2020 to ess. “Not in the Beachplain to see those to Lincoln e it enable parents availa- teame both see eye ber then catering busin Escape I a confe on. “We’r was place came want “We it cham this ln. locati we foyer, out in the the Linco on the rightln,sized When ‘do you space. “The a host a ‘Busireally well; at The Grape to puta their g were loving had a couple says Linco ’” door three years retired, then after said toage, bikes from which and get along hard and have as a base? bleaIyoung if we would so we turned tendin this is days; we’ve then next eye and ed tofor their d and usebut we “It’s early sold out I decidgood really work ideals in busievent, facility asked confidence, expan bored, so ainer. The , and ness after 5’ Numerous of smaller gatherings, tmas func- both very to values and own, year I got ed our opening!’ donates theIt returned bikes refurb to lo-ished was a no-br Chris the same out on my d up for it into our we have a we had finishcan see thing e,” says totallywe start back 2012 cal then kindergartens because feel Confer‘I 200 peopl owners turne donning week ness. After Then in Carol was ded as ‘Beachside e,’ with business catering for front of rence I said, andpassionate funcquietly.” last week, about all kids being and tion “My strength is in first confe rebran a notch gathering s Centr a few more side up attire the singly . d Event doing y ising I outandto ride,” sayse up the ampe increa able toln learning enceshow Christmass sitions. While Carol and in the organ ln is a you and lf getting Linco plans to spruc found herse approachedRochelle. happy dispo scrumptious house s, whereas Linco r future she a to do bigge busier so s of thing enjoying would like “It prevents parents needing to s and nibble to see if he buy low-quality, cheap bikes elsearray of drink where that are heavy and hard to ride, that don’t last and are too big for their child” says Brendon. “Our trade-in programme is good for parents, good for kids, good for local kindies – so it’s a multi-win for everyone.”
Whatever kind of bike you require – whether it’s commuting, for exercise or exploring the great outdoors, drop into The Bike Station at 54 Vanguard Street and have a chat with one of the friendly team. For more information, visit www.thebikestation. & carol evard Cafe lincoln ly Boul Ply d tosuP supp Prouto Proud
Owners of The Bike Station, Brendon and Rochelle Mathews, have focussed on having high-quality staff whose combined wealth of experience is invaluable to the business. (Front L to R: Hunter, Sam, Kaio. Back L to R: Rochelle, Lindsay, Johann, Brendon). if you are socialising outside of work and the general vibe of the place makes it pretty fun to be in.”
Trade-In Programme for Kids' Bikes
The Bike Station offers a
al people. ed. Loc ally own iness. Loc ts, lots of choice. Local bus duc n Local pro d linCol
an s Carol tulation supplier Congra ce. Right Right servi . Right price
fantastic deal on kids' bikes. Pay full price for the first bike then
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rence, it’s a confe n, whether d, professional side Nelso ience ions at Beach The exper ion at their for all occas or funeral. your special funct s available , wedding for ion room private party e gourmet catering of There’re funct , training day, de divin it!” Paula event n can provi fun doing corporate will have ibes Carol side Nelso a. descr Beach brilen a at team Tahun ’s Kitch old; she’s boss I’ve location in 17 years Fran, Paula ‘most generous stunning at Beachas the while, was worker.” Meanwhile Carol at Carol says, er!” Mean liant the full of worked with her as ever had.” n it’s all about tions togeth Lincoln are want who first e, describes is ca- side Nelso Carol and “We ience, about Grape Escap their team. n who mer exper ver people praise for d by us; we an amazing woma great men- custo le; whate feel value says and a being flexib we’ll provide! We people to level,” to inded me reer-m what the same we say n she asked side she want is do; we want are all on make sure tor. “Whe what we Lincoln. “We ensure our staff come onboard at Beach but we do love and . work hard, ‘thankyou,’ after,” says Carol said, ‘we will d get looke Georgia since she “We’ve had
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