19 February 2020

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Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

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Wednesday 19 February 2020

Moonlit museum vows

Pages 16-17

Page 5

What our sports stars get paid

Page 21

Playground pop-up for central city Staff Reporter

Opera dazzles under stars More than 6000 people streamed into Trafalgar Park on Saturday night for Opera in the Park. The event attracted some of the country’s top opera singers and contemporary musical talent. With a programme designed by musical director Pete Rainey, contemporary singer/songwriters Jason Kerrison and Tami Neilson joined baritone Joel Amosa, soprano Eliza Boom and tenor Jarod Holt among the evening’s acts. With the evening’s fireworks cancelled due to fire risk the entertainers got the crowd excited with a rendition of ‘Hey Jude’ instead. Photos: Tim Cuff.

A soon-to-be demolished building next to the Elma Turner Library on Halifax Street, will provide space for a new pop-up playground, thanks to a collaboration between Nelson City Council and Wakatū Incorporation. City centre development programme lead Alan Gray says the project came about after council undertook the Public Life Survey, which measured the footfall of different age groups throughout the city. “We found that out of all the activities we measured, less than two percent included children playing. Less than five percent of the people we saw in the city centre were under five-years-old.” The site of the building, which is in the process of being demolished due to seismic issues, was initially earmarked as a carpark but the results from the survey prompted

a rethink about the ways to encourage more children and families into the city. Alan says he wanted to try something different with the site that connects the river with the city and gives children a place to play. The playground, which will start being built in three weeks and be completed by winter, will include a pump track for skaters, bicycles and scooters, a basketball court, and an imagination playground for younger children. The imagination playground includes foam building materials, which children can use to make their own play structures. Nelson Mayor Rachel Reese said the new playground is in line with council’s plans to revitalise the city centre and riverside precinct. “I can’t wait to see shooting hoops, racing on the pump track, and imaginations running


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WEDNESDAY 19 February 2020

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

A pop-up playground is coming to Halifax St. Is this a good idea? What would you like to see in it?

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Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

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Contact us News Charles Anderson charles@nelsonweekly.co.nz Kate Russell kate@nelsonweekly.co.nz Jonty Dine jonty@nelsonweekly.co.nz Sara Hollyman sara@nelsonweekly.co.nz

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www.nelsonweekly.co.nz 75 Tahunanui Drive Phone 548 5900 100% locally owned and operated

Heinz Schwarze, Nelson.

Temania Renwick, Nelson.

Peter Cruel, Nelson.

Midori Johansen, Nelson.

“Yes, absolutely. A bouncy castle with a gated area would be great.”

“That would be awesome, it would be good to have some more places for the young ones where the mums and dads can just chill.”

“It would be good for when we go out to eat. My wife and I could spend some time together and have a babysitter for 15 minutes. It would need to be fenced off though.”

“Yes, that sounds good, some slides and those animals the kids can bounce on.”

Pop-up playground for CBD FROM PAGE 1 wild in the pop up park - a long awaited place for our tamariki to enjoy in the city centre.” Rachel says the playground ticks a lot of boxes for Nelson. Parents can go for a walk along the Maitai knowing there’s somewhere for their children to play at the end of their journey.” She says it’s a smart way for council to use land in a way that benefits a wide range of Nelsonians. “Thank you to Wakatū Inc for working with us to make it happen.” Wakatū Inc group general manager for property and commercial, Iain Sheves, says that Wakatū Incorporation was happy to support the project by providing a temporary location for the pop-up playground. “The council approached us with

Construction on the new pop-up playground next to the Elma Turner Library will begin in three weeks. Photo: Jonty Dine. the idea of using the area for a new space for children and families.” He says Wakatū Incorporation were planning to redevelop the space as part of the Mahitahi river precinct project, which is about creating a stronger link between

the river and the city centre. “However, the redevelopment is a couple of years away, so we are pleased to be able to support this fun temporary addition to community spaces for young people and families.”

Although the pop-up playground is not a permanent fixture, all of the materials used can be repositioned to another site in the city when needed. Council could not say how much the project would cost.

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

WEDNESDAY 19 February 2020


White supremacist group forms Nelson chapter Jonty Dine Reporter


A white nationalist group spreading across the country has formed a chapter in Nelson. Action Zealandia propagates “building a community for European New Zealanders” and runs a blog spouting racist beliefs. The blog indicates that the group has come to Nelson, with members seen boxing at Cable Bay. Posters and stickers promoting the group have also been seen around the city, most recently plastered outside Nelson MP Nick Smith’s office. Photos of the act were posted to Facebook and met with largely negative comments. “I’ve already started pulling some down because you are lower than dog s*** in the political world,” one user said. “Pulling down your posters is the fun part of my day.” “I mean, there are easier ways of saying ‘we’re racist’ but, whatever.” Nick says this “this white supremacist rubbish” has no place in Nelson or New Zealand. “We are seeing some of this extremist material in Europe and other countries and it’s sad that it’s rearing its ugly head in Nelson.” Nick says the group’s ideals betray the country’s core values

A photo posted to the group’s online blog showing members boxing at Cable Bay. Photo: Action Zealandia. of respecting people regardless of ethnicity, religion or creed. “If these values that I hold dear cause these white supremacists unease and they target my office as a result, I don’t care, they are only hardening my resolve to stand up against such racism.” He challenges the group to come out of the shadows, “I am happy to debate with them any place, any time, why New Zealand must always treat people equally.” Nelson Multicultural Society manager Pablo Salas didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when he heard about the group forming a chapter in Nelson. “I am shocked that it’s happening in 2020.” Pablo says the group has created a platform for refugees and immigrants to report incidents of racism.

“We have had about ten per cent of incidents which is usually someone yelling in the street to ‘go home’.” He says Nelson is generally very embracing of its minority communities. A Nelson Weekly reporter recently attempted to arrange an interview with Action Zealandia but was denied based on his occupation. After an online exchange including a questionnaire a Skype interview was arranged. The reporter was asked about his political ideology, the problems in New Zealand society, people he looked up to and media he consumed. However, on the day of the scheduled interview, the Action Zealandia member decided against the call citing “too much of a risk”.

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WEDNESDAY 19 February 2020

Nelson Weekly


New Wellington flights launched Locally Owned and Operated

Jonty Dine Reporter


Nelsonians looking to cross the Cook Strait now have a third airline to choose from. Originair made its inaugural flight from Nelson to Wellington on Friday afternoon in response to passenger demand. Originair’s CEO Robert Inglis says the decision to reintroduce the route came following Jetstar’s withdrawal from the region. “When Jetstar started, there wasn’t much point in continuing with their competition but, as they departed, we have had a lot of requests to add some Wellington capacity. It’s not a lot at this stage but at least it gives a bit of choice.” Originair’s new Wellington service will initially be limited to 10 sectors per week, concentrating on peak demand times. “It’s an expensive sector to Wellington, any short sector, the on and off ground costs are

Originair CEO Robert Inglis says his airlines new flights will be concentrated on peak demand times. Photo: Jonty Dine. significant,” Robert says. “You can never really be a cheap sector but we’re hoping we are offering fair fares and that passengers will enjoy that choice.” The announcement of the Nelson-Wellington route comes after very consistent and encouraging demand for seats on the airline’s newly-resumed Nelson-Palmerston North service.

“We are very happy with the way that the reintroduction of our Palmerston North service has been going.” He says demand has been solid and that gives them additional confidence to grow. “It’s another milestone.” He says the early indications have shown encouraging reservations. Dan Raggett was aboard the first flight out of Nelson on Friday. “I knew that it had just started but didn’t know it was the first one. I got a free coffee so that’s pretty cool.” Dan is delighted to see another airline flying to and from the capital. “I was pretty bummed out when Jetstar pulled out. Obviously, prices have gone up so it’s really good to get someone else in the mix.” Dan says price was a major factor in selecting his airline. “I booked this pretty last minute, shopped around and Air New Zealand was pretty expensive and this was the cheapest option and it’s good to support them.”

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

WEDNESDAY 19 February 2020


Coronavirus causes forestry slowdown The flow on effects of the coronavirus are beginning to be felt across the region, with those in the primary industries suffering work cutbacks this week. Nelson Forests Ltd general manager of forests Brent Guild says they have hundreds of contractors assisting their business, many of whom had their work cut by 20 per cent on Monday because of a slowdown of exports following the outbreak of coronavirus. Brent says their harvesting operations dropped to 80 per cent on Monday as a first step in managing the slowdown. “The market in China was already quite full of wood, not just from New Zealand but from Russia, Europe and North America. With coronavirus

on top of that, you’ve now got people who aren’t able or can’t physically get to work.” Brent says that part of the problem is that people in China can’t get to work to unload boats or into processing facilities. “Up until the last couple of days the banks weren’t open to get the letter of credit which guarantees payment of the shipment at the other end.” Brent says that the situation is fluid and is one that they will be managing day by day. “I think it’s fair to say the magnitude and the shake that this thing is getting has really taken a lot of people by surprise.” He says, while they are hoping it’s a short-lived event, Nelson Forests is planning for something that may take several months to right itself. “The sorts of people who are going to be affected are the

logging contractors, the carting contractors - right through to the people who provide the services at the port.” He says they are very mindful of the impact to both businesses and individuals and are trying to manage their way through. “We’re hoping for the best but planning for the worst.” Brodie Drummond, general manager at Stuart Drummond Transport, says that they are one of the contractors already starting to feel the flow-on effects of coronavirus. “We’ve had a slowdown, for sure,” Brodie says. “We do have a few other projects at the moment which means we can keep our staff busy, but this is going to hurt us financially, definitely.” In a full council meeting last Thursday, Nelson Mayor Rachel Reese said that the virus would have a significant impact.

When Bryan and Mairéad Calder pledged their commitment to each other before an audience of noisy birds in Lough Wildlife Sanctuary in Ireland, they never imagined they’d be doing it all again, 19 years later, beneath a giant inflatable moon. However – as winners of a competition inviting couples to renew their wedding vows under the moon, presented by The Breeze in partnership with Nelson Provincial Museum – the couple did just that on Valentine’s Day last week. Mairéad said she heard about the competition and thought how much I’d love to marry Bryan all over again. “I also remember being so worried about getting everything perfect for everyone else the first time around… this time I was able to just enjoy it.” Photo: Michael Robertson.

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“Consequences for our region are perhaps not so significant in relation to tourism but they are already starting to have a quite severe impact on the primary sector in terms of our exports.

“The supply chain has been disrupted so it’s not just supply going into China but the container supply chain has been disrupted, and that is going to impact very much on our horticultural sector.”






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Project Moturoa - ‘the best thing I’ve ever done’ School just wasn’t working for 17-year-old Reann, but she was prepared to give a 10-month conservation course for young Māori a go. Graduating alongside seven other students last November, she said it’s the best thing she’s ever done. The course, delivered by NMIT in partnership with the Department of Conservation (DOC), has helped Reann to become more confident and excited about her future. She now knows what she wants to do with her life and has the skills and knowledge to make it happen. Reann was exactly the person the Moturoa Project was designed for. The purpose of Project Moturoa is to offer up to 22 young people (rangatahi) across Te Tau Ihu the opportunity to gain valuable conservation skills, supported by mātauranga Māori, each year. NMIT delivers the technical aspects of the 10-month NCEA Level 4 programme, which covers conservation from a Māori worldview. NMIT is the only tertiary institute in the country that offers this Kaitiaki Whenua Trainee Ranger programme, which includes on-campus classes, practical training in the field, and regular Marae visits. The Moturoa project was designed specifically with rangatahi in mind, acknowledging that

they are a critical component of future capability and capacity and succession planning for iwi. The content includes culturally safe practices in management of archaeological sites, wāhi tapu (sacred places), urupā (burial grounds) and other taonga (treasures). The participants are also shown how to maintain and manage important ecosystems, including harakeke/flax wetlands which provide a sustainable source of materials for rāranga (weaving), as well as culturally significant sites for gathering kai and harvesting medicinal plants. Reann says it was good to be learning in the Māori world. “We all came from different iwi but most of us had mutual connections,” she said. “From here, I’d like to work for DOC, get more qualified and my end goal will be to work with iwi.” Reann is now working for Kono, a familyowned Māori food and artisan producer of award-winning wine, cider, seafood, fruit and natural fruit bars. The Moturoa Project is running again in 2020 and applications are currently open, apply online now, nmit.ac.nz/kaitiaki-whenua-traineeranger. Business Update. Adv.


Water ban for Champion Rd residents Tasman District Council has imposed the third and fourth stage of water restrictions for the different users on the Waimea Plains. This means Nelson residents living adjacent to Champion Road, where

water is supplied from the Richmond Water Supply Scheme, will come under Phase B water restrictions. This means you can’t water the lawn, fill or top up a pool, spa or water feature or use water for play.


Come join us for FREE! Come join us for FREE!

The Summer Activities Series for Seniors kicks off on 17 February. Over the course of the following six The Summer for Seniors kicks off on 17 February. Over the course of theNelson, following six weeks there isActivities a range ofSeries activities in a number of locations across the region, including weeks is a range of activities in a number of locations across the region, including Nelson, Stoke, there Richmond, Motueka and Golden Bay. Bookings are not required, simply turn up and enjoy. Stoke, Richmond, Motueka and Golden Bay. Bookings are not required, simply turn up and enjoy. Date


Mon 17 Mon Feb 17 Feb Thurs 20 Thurs Feb 20 Feb Fri 21 Fri 21 Feb Feb Mon Mon 24 24 Feb Feb Tues 25 25 Tues Feb Feb Thu 27 27 Thu Feb Mon 2 Mar Tues 3 Mar Thurs 5 Mar Mar Mon Mon 9 9 Mar Mar Wed Wed 11 11 Mar Mar Thu 12 Thu 12 Mar Mar Fri 13 Fri 13 Mar Mar Mon 16 Mon Mar 16 Mar Thurs 19 Thurs 19 Mar Mar Fri 20 Fri 20 Mar Mar Mon 23 Mon 23 Mar Tues 24 Mar Mar Tues 24 Thu 26 Mar Mar Thu 26 Mar

10am – 11am



10am – 11am

10-11am 10-11am

10-11.30am 10-11.30am 10am 10am – – 11am 11am 10-11.30am 10-11.30am 10-11.30am 10-11.30am 10-11am 10-11.30am 10-11am 10am – – 11am 11am 10am 10-11.30am 10-11.30am 10-11.30am

10-11.30am 10-11.30am

10-11.30am 10–11am

10–11am 10-11am

Activity Activity

Tai Chi Tai Chi

Spin Poi Spin Poi

Edible Walk Edible Walk

Tai Tai Chi Chi Guided Guided Walk Walk Sing-a-long in Sing-a-long in the the Park Tai Chi Heritage Walk Spin Poi Tai Chi Chi Tai Heritage Heritage Walk Walk Sing-a-long in the Sing-a-long in the Park


Edible Walk

Edible Walk Tai Chi

Tai Chi


Meeting Point

Founders Park, Founders Nelson Park, Nelson Anzac Park, Anzac Park, Richmond Richmond Orphanage Stream Orphanage Stream Walk Walk Botanical Botanical Reserve, Reserve, Nelson Nelson Maitai Walkway, Walkway, Maitai Nelson Nelson Washbourn Gardens, Gardens, Washbourn Richmond Park behind Motueka I-Site

Meet at the Village Green in the Meet centreat the Village Green in the centre Meet by Age Concern Office, 62 Meet byStreet, Age Concern Office, 62 Oxford Richmond Oxford Street, Richmond Saxton Road East by Covent Drive Saxton Road East by Covent Drive where walkway commences where walkway commences Meet Meet at at Milton Milton Street Street next next to to clubhouse clubhouse


Isel Park, Stoke Broadgreen Gardens, Stoke Stoke Monaco Monaco Reserve, Reserve, Monaco Monaco Miyazu Miyazu Gardens, Gardens, Nelson Nelson Faulkner Bush, Faulkner Bush, Wakefield Wakefield Stoke Railway Stoke Railway Reserve, Stoke Reserve, Stoke Isel Park, Stoke

Isel Park, Stoke


Spin Poi


Mobility Scooter Mobility Scooter Guided Trail

The War Memorial The WarTakaka Memorial Garden, Garden, Takaka Stoke Railway Stoke Railway Reserve, Stoke

Tai Chi

Ngawhatu Park, Stoke

10-11.30am 10–11am



10-11.30am 10-11.30am


Spin Poi

Guided Trail Tai Chi

Guided Walk

Guided Walkin the Sing-a-long Park Sing-a-long in the


Reserve, Stoke

Ngawhatu Park, Stoke Inlet Walkway, Motueka Inlet Walkway,

Motueka Isel Park, Stoke Isel Park, Stoke

Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 19 February 2020

Meeting Point

Meet Meet at at Miller’s Miller’s Acre Acre Car Car Park Park Meet Meet at at the the Fuchia Fuchia House House Information Centre, off Wallace Street, meet by Playground Meet in front of Isel House Meet outside Broadgreen House Meet by by the the Playground Playground Meet Meet at the the carpark carpark off off Atawhai Atawhai Meet at Drive Drive Meet at the Playground

Meet at the Playground

Meet at Standish Place, off Main Meet Standish Place, off Main Road at Stoke

Road Stoke

Meet in front of Isel House

Meet in front of Isel House

Meet in the middle of the garden, 63 Meet in the middle the garden, 63 Commercial Street, of Takaka Commercial Street, Takaka Meet at entrance along from Pics Meet atButter entrance along from Pics Peanut

Peanut Butter

Meet by clubhouse off Suffolk Road

Meet by clubhouse off Suffolk Road Meet at the Motueka Community Gardens Meet at the Motueka Community

Gardens Meet in front of Isel House Meet in front of Isel House

For more information or cancellations see www.facebook.com/ageconcernnelsontasman or phone Age Concern Nelson Tasman on (03) 544 or email community@ageconcernnt.org.nzor phone For more information or cancellations see7624 www.facebook.com/ageconcernnelsontasman

Age Concern Nelson Tasman on (03) 544 7624 or email community@ageconcernnt.org.nz

Locally Owned and Operated

‘Free’ school looks to launch Charles Anderson Editor


It’s school but not as you know it - where children are free to pursue their own interests, direct the curriculum and learn from playing. The Aroha Discovery School is on the brink of launching at Fairfield House with 14 families interested in pursuing a different model of education. One of the founders, Anne Marie Richards, says the fundamental tenet of the school is that relationships are the foundation from which students will continually spark their creativity and desire to learn, grow and thrive as confident individuals. It is based on the idea that the world has changed and to better prepare children for that world, education needs to change too. Anne Marie started thinking about education after she began home schooling her son. “I got exposed to the different models that are out there.” One of those models was ‘democratic education’ which is driven by a child’s play, curiosity and passions. They learn by following their natural desires, relishing the joy of discovering knowledge for themselves. The goal is to keep the desire to learn alive, so students remain intrinsically motivated. In some democratic schools the children have a say in its

Peter Washington, Sara Elphick, Anne Marie Richards and Velma Vermaat with Anahera are some of the founding members of the Aroha Discovery School. Photo: Charles Anderson. governance – as well as hiring and firing teachers. She hopes that it will launch for the second term for students aged 5 – 13. Anne Marie says there is a demand for something different and she gets enquiries every other week. “It may not be that it’s for everyone,” she says. “But my experience of these schools has led me to believe how much more confident and self-assured these students are. “They are free to find their passions.” While they still need to hire a head teacher and finalise the

fees, she is hopeful that it will all become clearer soon. Other similar schools around the country can cost up to $10,000 but Anne Marie says that their fees would likely be closer to $3000. The school has registered as a charity and is required to register as a private school with the Ministry of Education. The school is holding a fundraiser on March 1 at Fairfield from 4pm to 7pm with a free pizza with each ticket as well as raffles and entertainment. For more information head to arohadiscovery.school.nz

What does the Kathmandu Coast to Coast and Nelson Shade Solutions have in common? The answer is closer than you think. It’s Saturday the 8th of February at 3.45am in the morning and with only 5 hours of restless sleep I am woken by my alarm clock. I wake with excitement and anticipation as the day has finally arrived after 6 months of training I will be lining up on Kumara beach to run, bike and kayak my way across the width of New Zealand to finish in New Brighton on the same day. Leading up to this moment, getting to the start line has been a combination of many factors and sacrifices. Its not something you can do on your own. You need a supportive team around you. People that will provide you with the right guidance and knowledge to help you prepare. You need to invest in quality and tested equipment that you can rely on. You need to engage in the expertise of people that have the experience to set you in the right

direction and have learnt through trial and error. You need to gain the correct certification to participate in the race. You need a support network that will lift you up and not bring you down. Completing the race has its challenges but the most important work has been done in the preparation. At 6.33pm on Saturday evening I arrived in New Brighton to greet my family and friends tired, fatigued and with nothing left in the tank. I gave it 100%. The next morning I woke up tired and stiff but decided I will go back in 2021 so I could improve on my race. What Nelson Shade Solutions has in common with the Coast to Coast is the preparation, support, experience and the desire to always want to do better. Business Update. Adv.

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

WEDNESDAY 19 February 2020


Ros Vercoe from the Salvation Army and Resene Nelson manager Selina Wilson are banding together to help feed the hungry. Photo: Kate Russell.

Paint pots help feed hungry Kate Russell Reporter


Empty shelves at the Salvation Army foodbank will soon be well stocked, thanks to a colourful partnership that Nelsonians are getting behind. Now in its sixth year, the Resene Hunger for Colour fundraiser lets people swap a can of food for a testpot of paint throughout this month. All the cans go straight into food parcels that the Salvation Army puts together for people in need. Salvation Army Nelson envoy, Ros

Vercoe, says it comes at just the right time, with the foodbank struggling for supplies after a busy Christmas period. Ros also says it’s not just those living in poverty that are struggling to buy food. “The working poor are also accessing this service and the need is not going away.” Resene Nelson manager Selina Wilson says they seeing people donating cans who have used the foodbank service in the past, and now want to give back. The fundraiser runs until 29 February.



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WEDNESDAY 19 February 2020

Mall Chat Hope you all had a great Valentine’s Day and congratulations to our winners who received their bouquets of roses. What a great surprise! Can you believe we are only seven weeks away from Easter and April school holidays. We have some very exciting activities planned for this year’s holiday programmes. Keep up to date with our promotions on our Richmond Mall Facebook page or website.

Easter Hours

10th April – Good Friday – CLOSED 11th April – Easter Saturday – 9am – 5pm 12th April – Easter Sunday – CLOSED 13th April – Easter Monday – 10am – 4pm

Anzac Day Hours

Saturday 25th April – Food tenants from 11am, other tenants 1pm – 4pm. Monday 27th April – Anzac Day Observed 10am -4pm

Easter – I Spy Bunnies

From the 3rd April – 13th April collect your entry form from our information desk. Find the ten bunnies and record the matching number. On completion return your form to the information desk and collect your chocolate Easter Egg as a reward!

April Holidays

We have two brand new activities planned for the April holidays. WEEK 1 - Make your own grass, herb or flower heads (13th April – 19th April)

WEEK 2 – Decorate your own draw string bag ( 20th April – 24th April)

Locally Owned and Operated

Mayor sets top priorities for term As a new look Nelson City Council settles into their first year, Kate Russell sat down with Mayor Rachel Reese to find out how they are coming together and the top three priorities she will be driving for the next three years. A unified council: “The new council is going really well. There’s lots of energy, everyone’s positive, keen to get on with things and taking on responsibilities. We got together very soon after the election and talked about what was key to us as a council. Obviously, climate change remains a big issue and we’ve always got our four pillars around environment, infrastructure, city development and lifting council performance.” Affordable housing choice: “One of the things that has been a real priority for some time in Nelson is affordable housing choice. We want to work on an intensification plan, looking where we can get more townhouse and apartment developments, and making sure we’re supporting that. We’ve got some incentives around supporting intensification and we’ve got the full Nelson Plan that we’ve been working on for several years now and that has a real focus on affordable housing. We’re getting rid of a lot of the red tape and making sure we’ve got choice within that.”

I’ve already had some very constructive meetings with government representatives, MSD and others in the city, and we’re working collectively on our approach to affordable housing choice in Nelson and there are some exciting opportunities coming forward. We’re looking at where we go next when we work through the rest of our community housing project, what happens from that and our intentions to develop a housing reserve.” Transport: “We really want to think about how people move around in the city. The uptake of e-bikes has been phenomenal in the city and we’ve always had a great uptake on cycling, so we want to make sure we’re building on that. We’ve got a big public transport review that will roll out this year and we go onto electronic bus ticketing in May or June. That will see some adjustment to the fares as well, which we’re hoping will attract more people to giving the bus a go. We’re continuing with our cycleway development


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Nelson Weekly

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Nelson mayor Rachel Reese says council will be setting a focus on housing, transport and the riverside precinct this term. Photo: Kate Russell.

and we’ll be advocating strongly to NZTA for investment in our cycle network. The future access study will go through its next stages and we’ll have some options out to the community.”

Riverside precinct: “We want to continue the development we did with the Maitai Walkway but really turn the buildings around so we’re embracing the river and creating great public spaces all the way through as we come to the connection with Trafalgar St. The Elma Turner Library is well and truly ready for development.”

Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated


WEDNESDAY 19 February 2020


Golf tournament for those in need Staff Reporter The Fifeshire Foundation Golf Tournament is on again March 12 at Nelson Golf Club with hopes to raise its annual $30,000 for those in need. The Fifeshire Foundation supports individuals and families as well as the organisations who work with vulnerable people. The foundation knows that many people in our region are coping with things like poverty, unemployment, health crises and domestic violence. In addition people may be managing to make ends meet, but then face a crisis or an unexpected extra expense and need somewhere else to turn. Each year the foundation aims to raise $140,000 through fundraising and donations that go directly to helping the Nelson Tasman community. C & F Legal Ltd has come on board as the official naming rights sponsor for the golf tournament. All Black Wyatt Crockett from Stirling Sports has also lent his support, including sponsorship and prizes from Stirling Sports. NBS is the official course sponsor for the day and there are still opportunities for people to sign up to play or sponsor the event. All players are provided with a range of complimentary on-course food and drink including local produce, BBQ and salmon nibbles. There will also be prizes for the topscoring teams, straightest drive, closest to the pin, best-dressed team and more. Entries close Friday March 6, teams of four players - men, women or mixed. For more details www.fifeshirefoundation. co.nz/events/2012/3/7/golf-tournament-2020

Sally Hetzel from The Fifeshire Foundation, Wyatt Crockett from Stirling Sports and Marie Austin from C & F Legal are looking forward to the fundraising golf tournament. Photo: Supplied.





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WEDNESDAY 19 February 2020

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Nelson Wine and Food Festival


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Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated


WEDNESDAY 19 February 2020



WEDNESDAY 19 February 2020


Your Voice Jordan given chance to shine: I want to send a massive thanks for the great article you wrote. I’ve never seen Jordan so happy and proud as when his coach and teammates all gathered around to see the copy of the Weekly with him. It also inspired him to play his best game by far! Thanks again for your coverage of the sports, it’s greatly appreciated by us all. Heather Walker Crusaders game turnout: For many years Nelson Crusaders fans have been ignored by the Crusaders Board and the reason given was that games held in Nelson did not cre-

ate a good enough financial return, even though at all previous games held here between 13000 and 17000 fans turned up to watch. The recent game between the Crusaders and Waratahs saw just over 7000 attending, and despite the Tasman Rugby Union saying “that was a good turnout as other things were on”, the fact is, it was a hugely disappointing attendance. This will no doubt impact negatively on Crusaders games being held in Nelson in future. There are two reasons why scheduling the Crusaders first 2020 game in Nelson was a gamble. Firstly, there is no “rugby fever” in Nelson in the middle of summer. If the game had been scheduled for late April or May then Nelson fans would have been there in big numbers. Secondly, and unfortunately sad-

Nelson Weekly


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editorial@nelsonweekly.co.nz facebook.com/nelsonweekly www.nelsonweekly.co.nz ly, it is true to say there is now less interest in going to watch rugby games and that is very evident when we see half empty grounds at most matches screened live on TV. Let’s hope that there has been a lesson learnt and the Tasman Rugby Union insists that the next game for Nelson is held on a more suited date. That may now be a long time coming! Neville Male Opera in the Park - no free buses I was delighted to see free buses to Opera in the Park until I read that it was for a very limited and select bus route. Why is there no service for ratepayers and residents of Atawhai and Marybank? Not good enough. Linda Taylor

Council contempt for democracy: It is truly disturbing that on Thursday, Nelson council denied lawyer Sue Grey a chance to speak on concerns that are shared by many Nelsonians. The unwillingness of council to be questioned on its lack of due process, its efforts to use ratepayer funds to quash community groups, and its absolute contempt for democracy are of serious concern. Much of this appears to be an attempt to hide the fact that the environmental damage done to the historical Dun Mtn. Railway Line is largely the responsibility of Nelson council, which approved, and should have monitored, the resource consent that allowed construction in that area. Council has demonstrated, not only in this instance but in many,

Nelson Matters Corruption is the root cause of so much poverty and mistrust in the world. New Zealand is fortunate to be largely free from graft in business and Government. I am proud that when National left office in 2017 Transparency International ranked New Zealand as the least corrupt country in the world. We must be vigilant in keeping it that way. That is why I have in Parliament this week being questioning and challenging the Coalition Government over New Zealand First’s secret donations scandal. It matters because NZ First and not the public determined the final outcome of Election 2017. Every day NZ First is playing a pivotal role in Government de-

cisions and giving out grants worth billions. The public has a right to know who is paying the piper. Our electoral law requires donations over $15,000 to be declared. National, Labour, the Greens and ACT all complied, publicly disclosing 124 such donations in Election 2017. NZ First declared none. Mr Peters has publicly stated NZ First survives on “cake stalls and raffles” rather than high value donors. It was also odd that NZ First had over $340,000 of anonymous donations, ten times as much as Nationals $28,000 or Labours $26,000. Late last year the President and Treasurer of NZ First re-

signed citing moral issues over the party’s finances. Journalist Guyon Espiner from RNZ and Matt Shand from Fairfax have subsequently disclosed that NZ First has a separate foundation that has received over $500,000 in secret donations from New Zealand’s richest people. Probity questions need to be asked of the Government giving millions in new tax concessions for racehorses and betting in Budget 2018 and 2019 with many of these secret donations to the NZ First Foundation coming from the racing industry. The Electoral Commission stated last week “the NZ First Foundation has received donations which should have been

that it will only listen to selected elite groups, usually from the most privileged sections of the community or else those whose support would advance the political aspirations of one member on council, aspirations for higher office. Ratepayer funds are not being directed to urgent environmental needs - such as the maintenance and upgrading of our sewage system - but instead to the interests of selected groups. This situation must change. Many U.S. British, Australian and Kiwi troops died in the Pacific during the last war to prevent the Empire of Japan from occupying New Zealand, which it had plans to do. The politburo that runs Nelson council shows nothing but contempt for the sacrifice made by these men and women. Dan McGuire

544 Waimea Road, Nelson

treated as party donations for the NZ First party,” and that “the donations were not properly transmitted to the party and not disclosed as required by the Electoral Act.” It has been referred to the Serious Fraud Office. The Deputy Prime Minister’s response has been to threaten and harass those raising questions. I received a letter from Mr Peters’ lawyer threatening a $30 million lawsuit. A Newshub journalist was called “a psycho” for asking questions. Mr Peters admitted his party took photos of journalists meeting with ex NZ First officials. This ugly intimidation and bullying is wrong. New Zealand has been here be-

fore with the 2008 scandal over Mr Peters’ denying he received a $100,000 donation from Owen Glenn. Then Prime Minister Clark rightly stood Mr Peters down. It was appalling that Labour MPs on the Justice Select Committee voted to block the request of the former President and Treasurer of NZ First from being heard. PM Ardern has refused to criticise her deputy. I am pleased National has ruled out forming a Government with Winston Peters and NZ First. New Zealander deserve much better from their democracy and Deputy Prime Minister. Advert.

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

WEDNESDAY 19 February 2020

Filling hunger and loneliness Since 1987, Loaves and Fishes on Vanguard St has helped get people through hungry and lonely times. Charles Anderson sits down for lunch for 2020’s first meal. Down the back of All Saints Church on Vanguard St, people slowly stream through the doors of the hall. There is a spattering of diners today. “Usually there is more,” says volunteer Jo Parkinson, who mans the ticket booth. But this is the first day back after the holiday season. It’s expected that numbers will soon grow. Here, you can get a hot cooked meal and dessert for $3, or even cheaper if you buy in bulk. The Loaves and Fishes project started in Oct 1987. Archdeacon Welch, vicar of All Saints at the time, was quoted in the Nelson Mail: “This meal service is starting due to an everincreasing gap between the haves and have-nots.” In the more than 30 years since then, hot, dinner-type lunches have been provided by teams of volunteers in the hall behind the church on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. And the gap between the haves and have-nots has not stopped growing. Alison Mountfort, who has run the programme for the past six years, says there is a real need for what they do, even if it’s not always clear. However, she says, for some, it’s not the food that is the drawcard, it is the company.

Alison Mountfort, Jo Parkinson and Wayne Moss are volunteers at Loaves and Fishes which has helped people in need for more than 30 years. “Some people say, ‘actually have food, but unless I come out I’ve got no opportunity to talk to anyone. “We are filling a social need and a hunger need.” Alison says diners come and go from time to time, as their circumstances change. What they frequently have in common is the challenge of dealing with the complexities of life such as filling in forms, accessing the internet, and negotiating for reasonable rent or benefit entitlements. “We offer the opportunity for our diners to meet and make friends.”

Down the back of the room is Jeff Gill. He has been coming for 15 years – for the food but mainly for the company. He helps out in the church’s veggie garden which keeps him active. But he really likes coming to Loaves and Fishes because it’s “real”. “Some live alone and don’t cook for themselves. Some live rough, you get to know who is sleeping in their cars and underneath bridges and that sort of thing.” He says you get to meet people you wouldn’t anywhere else. “With Nelson, they hide the fact there is people









EXCLUSIVE ZONE Did you know that there is an exclusive zone within Port Nelson and a Moving Prohibited Zone around a large ship when moving around pilotage waters (the channel)? There are fines up to $500 for impeding into these zones, worse, there are possible disastrous consequences. As the ships moving within Port Nelson have increased in size, so has the danger to the recreational boaties. This year the harbour master’s staff will be out in force and there will be no excuse for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It is the skipper’s responsibility to know the rules and he will be held accountable. If a paddleboarder or kayaker is within the area of the cut, the “exclusion zone”, he / she will be held accountable. The enforcement officers on the pilot boat that accompanies the ship are entitled to get the details of the transgressor.

Here’s your opportunity to re-home household goods! On Second Hand Sunday, people can take away the stuff you don’t want for free!

If in doubt, don’t go out. Always wear your life jacket. HARBOUR MASTER, ANDREW HOGG



Register by going online to the Tasman District or Nelson City Council websites (search phrase = Second Hand Sunday). You can also call the Councils’ Customer Service Centres. Instructions for the day are also online.

Registrations must be in by 10.00 am, Friday 6 March so each Council can publish the list of addresses of people taking part on the website.



03 546 0200

living that way. It gives you a better insight into what’s underneath. Its real.” For Jo Parkinson it was an opportunity to do something useful. She started volunteering when she left work several years ago. She greets the diners as they come into pay. She knows them all by name. “There is a real mix of people but usually more men. The big thing is pride and intimidation.” However, she says that everything is hard the first time. “Once you have sat down and had lunch with someone, it’s so much easier to come by the next time.” Wayne Moss comes down to Loaves and Fishes once a week to cook. He is trained and felt like it was something he could do to help. “I just use whatever we have that day and try and be creative with it,” he says. Today it is quiche with breadcrumbs. Alison says they make good use of Kai Rescue and also have generous sponsors that provide food. But she says it is still amazing that people have not heard of them. “I would just say to anyone who wants to join us, that you are welcome.”

03 543 8400 T h e R e g i o n ’s G a t e w a y t o t h e W o r l d



WEDNESDAY 19 February 2020

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

Swap Meet & Bazaar

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

WEDNESDAY 19 February 2020

Swap Meet & Bazaar

Saturday 22 February 2020


Held rain or shine Starts 8am Speedway Assn Grounds Lansdowne Rd, Richmond

The annual Swapmeet – Bazaar, happening this weekend, will be great opportunity to learn about motoring history, with so many fantastic vintage and modern cars on display. The growing event, organised by the Nelson Vintage Car Club, expanded to include a bazaar, with everything from car parts to books to antique radios, plus lots of great food stalls.

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An amazing array of vintage and modern cars will be on show at the Swapmeet-Bazaar this weekend at the Nelson Speedway. L to R: Lloyd Ewing (Chairman of Swap Meet-Bazaar committee) with Max Clarke (committee member) as they dust off the old Motueka fire engine ready for the swapmeet vehicle display.

dive into

Hobby Central

One sunny morning in Richmond last week, three avid car enthusiasts met to discuss the upcoming Nelson Swapmeet – Bazaar run by the Nelson Vintage Car Club. The swapmeet

will take place on Saturday, February 22nd in the Nelson Speedway Grounds. The annual event is growing rapidly, with increased support from around New Zealand. “We’re

expecting around 1200 people on the day and will hopefully get a few more this year,” says committee member Max Clark. “As well as locals from the Top of the South, there will

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be some North Islanders coming and some from further south,” says Chairman, Lloyd Ewing. “This year we are broadening things a wee bit – there will be a lot more food outlets, with some of these guys arriving at 6.30am in the morning,” he adds. “They will need a good strong coffee and a burger or something to get started.” Lloyd says there will also be a bouncy castle on site for children at the event. ‘Eye-catching’ vintage and modern cars on show The Nelson Vintage Car Club is organising a display of cars and people are encouraged to get involved. “We will be happy to see both old and new cars. It’s not just vintage,” says Lloyd. “We have appealed to our members to ‘pull out all the stops’ and get as many cars onsite as we can,” says Jim. “We hope this year’s SwapMeet will be bigger, brighter and better than ever had before. If non-members front up from the classic cars or hot rod club with an eye-catching car or motorbike, we’ll be saying, ‘would you like to put it in

the display?’” Jim says they will still need to pay the usual $5 entry fee, but it will be great to boost the number of fancy cars on the day. “There will be some pretty flash pieces of machinery I’m picking.” 1947 Fire Engine A highlight this year will be the old Motueka fire engine (1947) which will be on show. The Nelson Swapmeet- Bazaar is a unique occasion. “It’s a good opportunity to learn about motoring history,” says Max. Wide variety of bazaar stalls Jim says the swapmeet orginally started with car parts where people swapped and borrowed, and it’s expanded. “We added the bazaar because it’s now got books and antique radios, old sewing machines and so on.” NVCC annual fundraising events Established in 1964, today Nelson’s Vintage Car Club has over 300 plus members. Running such an event is a big undertaking; the Swap Meet Subcommittee has to organise

“Lassie” - entrusted to the

Motueka District Museum AvAilAble for weddings, reunions, AnniversAries or just A ride

Nelson Swapmeet – Bazaar details So, get your site organised – dig out the old car, bike and truck parts as someone may be looking for them and be happy to pay a good price! A 6m x 6m Sale Site is $15 and it’s $10 for a car-sale site. Free public car parking available on site. *Public entry is $5 per person (including the sales area) and accompanied children free. For more information, phone Lloyd on 027 590 1042, email swapmeetnelson@gmail.com or visit https://www.nelsonvcc. org.nz/swap-meet/ The Swap Meet – Bazaar will be held at the Nelson Speedway grounds on the corner of Lansdowne Road and Lower Queen Street on Saturday 22nd February, 2020 from 8am to 2.30pm.

Swap Meet & Bazaar


Held rain or shine Starts 8am Speedway Assn Grounds Lansdowne Rd, Richmond Free Parking Entry Off Lansdowne Rd

Jen - 03 543 2011 MARGAReT - 03 528 8043 MUSeUM - 03 528 7660

Site Enquiries: Merilyn 03 548 3899 Email: swapmeetnelson@gmail.com



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things like parking, arranging volunteers, selling sites, advertising and sorting the finances. The annual event is the one chance for the club to raise a few dollars to keep their building going and they also hold an annual Public Car Rally for the Cancer Society.

congratulations to the NVCC

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Proud to support the Nelson Vintage Car Club


WEDNESDAY 19 February 2020

Our Nelson

Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

Our Nelson

WEDNESDAY 19 February 2020



WEDNESDAY 19 February 2020

Singer Alexandra WoodhouseAppleby will soon be heading to England to train with the National Youth Choir of Great Britain thanks to a local scholarship. The scholarship is administered by Nelson’s Teapot Summer School - New Zealand’s premier non-auditioned choral school that takes place in Teapot Valley. Convener Inga Lane says Alexandra, who is an accomplished singer and soloist, will be an excellent ambassador for the school and says it is all possible thanks to sponsor, NBS. Photo: Supplied.

You could drive away in the stunning new Subaru XV Sport. Simply open a Target savings account* and you’re in the draw to win. *All existing Target account holders are included in the draw. Every $100 in your account equals one chance to win. Please read the full terms and conditions on our website: www.nbs.co.nz

NBS is not a registered bank.

Branches in: Nelson, Richmond, Motueka, Murchison, Westport, Greymouth, Takaka and Ashburton.

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

Giant of jazz to perform Staff Reporter

Jazz lovers are in for a treat with two amazing jazz concerts coming up at the Nelson Centre of Musical Arts over the next few months. Next week, audiences will experience authentic New York jazz with two well-known and respected jazz musicians from the United States, followed by two Kiwi greats, concert pianist Michael Houstoun and Big Band jazz legend Rodger Fox, who will perform together in April. Charlie Porter is an i nte r n at i on a l ly - re n ow n e d trumpeter and composer who first cut his teeth on the New York jazz scene, while simultaneously studying classical trumpet performance at The Juilliard School under the tutelage of famed trumpeter and composer Wynton Marsalis. He has toured the world as a sideman and bandleader in jazz and also as a classical soloist and chamber musician. Performing with Charlie is Grammy-nominated drummer and percussionist David Rozenblatt, who has worked with a huge number of music legends including Paul Simon, Elton John, Bruce Springsteen, Usher and The Killers. With a sweeping collection of

Charlie Porter is an internationally-renowned trumpeter and composer. Photo: Supplied. new music from his latest album ‘Immigration Nation’, Charlie has gathered this dynamic group of forward-looking musicians to celebrate America’s rich immigrant history. The ensemble burns and soars while embracing many global influences that have found their way into the music, including

elements from Porter’s Lebanese/ Greek/Italian heritage, all while fully living in the essence and language of jazz. Charlie Porter Quartet at Nelson Centre of Musical Arts, Thursday 27, February, 7pm, tickets $30 (+ service fee). For more information go to www.ncma.nz

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

Whether you are starting fresh with a new build or renovating your existing garden, Tim’s Gardens can transform your space into an aesthetically pleasing, practical to use and where possible a food-producing garden. We offer a variety of specialist services to help you make the most of your garden from; design, landscaping to maintenance. Our process is simple and tailored to you. Our design package can include design concepts or detailed plans and drawings that will bring your ideas to life. Once you are satisfied with the design our team can help you implement some or all of the transformation. We can then create a regular maintenance package to keep your garden looking beautiful and healthy all year-round. Our shop at 26 Gloucester St is your local gardening hub. Here you can enjoy a calm and relaxed ambience full of gardening inspiration. We welcome you to visit us and talk to one of our specialists about any gardening projects you might have in mind. With a clearance sale happening right now at Para Rubber Nelson, it’s the perfect time to

pop into the store at 165 Haven Road to check out what’s on offer. “We’re getting a late, long summer so many people are thinking, perhaps we should have put in a pool for the kids,” says Manager, Alicia Lasenby.

At Independent Kerb & Concrete many pavers are made as special orders for clients. “We have Intex pools and Intex accessories in our summer sale and if you are wanting a permanent/in-ground pool, our para pools are available, plus the Australian ‘Driclad’ range which is new to New Zealand; these are resin pools, some of which have a deep end.” The experienced team at Para Rubber can give helpful advice, provide water testing and can refer any pool related issues to Lisa Puklowski who owns ‘Nelson Pool Care.’ With some great discounts on pools at Para Rubber Nelson, why not buy one now so it’s ready for next summer?

Here at Furniture Gallery, we’re the exclusive stockists of Devon Outdoor Living Furniture in Nelson and Marlborough! Visit our locally owned and operated showroom at 48 Grove Road, Blenheim and check out for yourself our iconic range of stunning Devon pieces. What is it that makes Devon Outdoor Living Furniture stand out from the rest? The innovation and design speak for itself. Behind that you'll find the best raw materials, sourced from around the world, leading edge construction techniques that cut no corners, and the most important of all – a passion for outdoor living brought to every piece of furniture made. Design & Construction - Devon Furniture is constructed to cope with the stresses of weight and movement. Joints are designed to flex with the timber movement, and extreme weather conditions won't contort the furniture thanks to quality materials and precision design. Shiny Bits - All Devon Outdoor Furniture's fittings are made from quality stainless steel, aluminium and zinc alloy to prevent rust. Their natural finish will keep shining through rain, shine, salt and water spray.

WEDNESDAY 19 February 2020



Every few weeks the Nelson Weekly sits down to have lunch at Burger Culture with someone interesting doing something interesting. This week we catch up with Sarah Dodds, owner of Pole Artistry Studio Nelson. Sarah is hosting Nelson’s secondever pole competition at the Theatre Royal on Saturday. Tell me about your background and passion for pole dancing? Strong is the new sexy and I want to be a ninja on a pole. I never had a background in dance. I remember reading about pole dancing classes in a magazine, but it was Australian and there were no classes in New Zealand. I wanted to be the person to bring that here. But isn’t pole dancing ‘just for strippers’? Early on it was very much the perception, but originally It was a man-only sport in India, called mallakhamb. I think everyone is a lot more aware that pole fitness is a thing now as it’s become more popular. It’s a functionality thing, not an aesthetics thing to wear less clothes. You can still maintain your sensuality and femininity and stay and look strong. It’s even under observer status for becoming a sport in the Olympics. What are some of the benefits?

Dance is cathartic and helps come as well. me express myself. Pole is my What prompted you to start medicine. It’s empowering, running competitions? I see women growing in I noticed that throughout New confidence every time, and Zealand there were a whole lot their achievements are my of amateur competitions and achievements. We don’t leave the pro competitions but nothing floor and hang upside down on to bridge the gap. That’s where the first day but you can have a I have brought in the semi pro really bad day but you still walk division. We will have 20 people away feeling a lot better. There from around the country coming 500GM BBQ STEAK are some really• intricate moves to compete. 8 Xstrength BBQ PATTIES that require a lot• of and What can we expect from the • 8 X FRESH SAUSAGES flexibility. Everyone tones up, competition this weekend? • 4 X CHICKEN your balance becomes better. BURGERS Everything is so fusion now, you • 1 women, X GARLIC BREAD And it’s not just men have contemporary, jazz, acro,




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tap and ballet all mixed in. This is the competition which will display that there’s no right way to do pole. We will also have variety acts to break up the routines from fire eating to burlesque and freak shows. We have our own student entered too. She’s 54, and she’s amazing. Pole Artistry presents Grand Masters Semi Pro Pole Competition and Variety Show Saturday February 22, 7-10pm, Theatre Royal, Tickets available at the Richmond Mall, Ticket Direct or at the Theatre Royal.







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Nelson pole dance teacher Sarah Dodds will host her second competition in Nelson this weekend. Photo: Jonty Dine.



Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 19 February 2020




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Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

WEDNESDAY 19 February 2020



What are Nelson’s sports stars paid?

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Ever wondered what our region’s top sports stars are paid? Jonty Dine went to four of our top franchises to find out. Tasman Mako Tasman Rugby Union commercial marketing manager Les Edwards says the Mako earn based on proven experience and ability. Players in the Mitre 10 Cup receive a salary range of $21,000 to 50,000. “Rookies start at the lower end of this scale while Super Rugby players are at the top.” The Mako will have no less than 16 players in Super Rugby this season. Tasman United Tasman United operations manager Matt Campbell says, as the ISPS Handa Premiership is an amateur league, no players get paid to play football. “Players in the Tasman United squad may receive a weekly training reimbursement as per NZF regulations.” He says this payment is to cover the actual costs of players to train and play at this level.

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The Tasman Mako are among the region’s best paid athletes. Photo: File. Central Stags New Zealand Cricket Players Association CEO Heath Mills says, under their collective agreement, there are 16 players contracted to each domestic team and they are ranked each year 1-16. The retainer for number 1 is $54,500 and drops in increments of roughly $2,000 down to number 16 at $27,500. These contracts are for a 7 ½ month period from September–April. Players also get 10 percent of their retainer value put into a superannuation fund.

They can also earn match fees of $800 for a Ford Trophy match, $1650 for Plunket Shield and $575 for Supersmash matches. If they play all games, they would get $29,000 in match fees. Nelson’s Willie Luddick made appearances across all three formats for the Stags in 2019. Nelson Giants While Steven Adams is earning $22million a season with the Oklahoma City Thunder, the Nelson Giants is predominantly

made up of amateur players. Former Nelson Giants general manager Bill Dahlberg says while the top player in the NZNBL may fetch up to $50,000 a season, local players aren’t paid for games and instead have travel and accommodation expenses covered. He says players are also given gym memberships and access to health services such as physios. He says the franchise relies largely on gate sales to stay afloat. Imported players to the Giants can bank between $15 and $30k a season.


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nies with s have balco ’s plenty ion room views! There and funct ing beach and the facility is occasion have a happy the events we stunn n parking, people to from Nelso at of onsite mingling minute drive from the we enjoy only a five minutes rt and 10 n Conference cater for.” side Nelso cater for 10 Airpo . more visit The Beach can city centre To find out s Centre o.nz it has seven and Event and e sidenelson.c peopl ble, www.beach to 300 plus rooms availa function multi-day a g different are holdin whether you a train, conference a wedding ing day, private banquet, al. The party or funer Nelson Beachside take care team will thing from Lincoln of every flowers to ort Carol and catering to and also Proud to supp ond equipment, catering Avenue, Richm offer a full 41 McGlashen 544 6137 Beachside’s service. & Friday, PHONE , Wednesday y. spaces and outside Monday, Tuesday m Saturda are per8am-6pm y, 8am-4p areas OPEN n Thursda garde 8am-6.30pm relaxed ocfect for a two of its and , casion

and Operated


day spa

for wom

en & men


Anja, both Therapists, qualified Beauty we have products offer on a special that best Mondays and Tues- type, including beaut suit your skin days. with iful brand as Environ, Lauren and s such your a manicure or Pier pedic Anja are cals and Pure Augè, O2 Intrac in any of confident euti- and eyebrows and eyelas ure; have Fiji. our Enjoy the tidied; come hes tinted if you book treatments, and oasis that out glowi a glorious is Woman ty Day with either ng with tan; girls, you Beau- a of the laxati Spa and indul can pleasurable pamper yourself with ge in pure on. any treatm get half price for massage re- with ent over or Indul a full day ge in a $50. offer is availa spa packa luxuriate ge. ble for one [This ment facial gorgeous skin only on treat- For month ; maintain Mondays more inform your look and Tuesdays].” ation, visit womanbeau www. ty.co.nz Delene Baige nt was about years old 27 when she first starte working in d the ing at Elega industry, worknce Beaut “I then opened my y Salon. Delene and tle place her team own litare excite called d to be in Buxton Squar Xpressions in their new “I felt it would e which I premises 10 years, had for on New Stree spent on some be money well mainl t. nails. I sold y doing acrylic tastefully where else. thing new somedecorated moved back the business and out, with I kept seeing throughbuilding mural which the includ four treatment on New Street in 2008 and to Christchurch rooms ises complete with comfy leather ing a online, so worked in called ‘Magn covers two walls my work pop up relaxation double room and Spa.” a Medi ificent Mena couch and a cosy fire – ideal for a Creat Bridgette colleague lounge, “wher gerie.’ ed by an and I went Delene, who ents Auckland grabbing a coffee and sitting and realis holds an along their can go after they’v e cli- pany, the comed ploma in wallpaper e had has treatment, down for a chat with one of the perfect; it it was Beauty TheraItec Diart, which ” says Delen been printe had just worki py, ng was e. friendly team. Prior to starting d to the for herself the right of the wall, at home amount a year before is a strikin scale the business, Rochelle and Brenof rooms the earthq for g green and bestruck jungle uakes . don moved around New Zealand design, intering in town “So, Richa would spersed ‘chasing jobs’ until realising they be better with brigh rd and I for us in came back to t flowe A lot has changed in the three Nelso rs needed to settle in Nelson. Ron and I took and birdli the long term fe. at Woman up As client years since the Mathews’ fam- chelle was working fulltime and would get – we s come into Beauty undera role previo the more ily opened The Bike Station in us owner the entrance encouraged her husband to find foot traffic before buyin area, the busin they will here its central location on Vanguard something that ‘made his heart g than Nile ess two not only Street." years later. “Bridgette be Street; the business has been greete sing.’ “Brendon has come from She says d by warm and Holly the new have been with me smiles on evolving and growing to meet an a biking background; he’s been premises since that reception, Hayle time allow they increasing demand for quality y for just and s will notice racing since he was 9; his fathem to on three the have with new beautiful bikes and reputable brands. With ther owned bike shops so, when same numb the new recep staff comin years, board er tion g easy access and great off-street of desk create as well. on carparks the rear of he was growing up, that was his at “Ther d by the "We have Bays Joiner parking, you’ll love visiting The world. We decided it was time e is also an "It’s a small property. good solid y. adjacent has team er space; for nails “It been aroun Bike Station 7-days a week. The to open our own store. Brendon has the that area ance heat and easier to and a make appeard for a while of marb to cool down We are where up shop offers a spacious interior is so passionate about it. He saw friendly . previous . Our pedic clients can also area at its base,” le with real Kauri and location bring helpfu says and huge selection of bikes – from an opportunity. That’s how we got ing a down have “We ures.” was Delene. l, ful, but the are very to earth New Street beauti- You’ll love proach to commuter, road and kids bikes started. The rest is history.” apThe new has its own building service; this way it’s turne happy with the Wom in charm; we new locati Woman Beauty’s an reflec the new to all manner of E-bikes (comBeauty Day ts perfect place it here.” on all love The range d out.” Spa is a pictu Beauty has direction Woman and mode – it’s fresh, clean to relax and of muter, trail and mountain) with perts. Filled with re of luxur rn able at Wom treatments availtaken, which E-Bikes Not a be pamp very y character, ment room with one treatand ered by the an Beauty relaxed yet popular brands like Pivot, Focus, is Beauty’s in particular is endless, Day Spa spa's beaut the fessio treatments, still very ‘Lazy’ Option new home Woman ing very cateri prov- men y expronal, apply Kalkhoff, Avanti, Cube, Merida, spray tannin popular. has been enhancemen The Bike Station stocks an exand wome ng for both g, eye edge as traine ing our knowl“Our client Kona and Marin available. There’s n. s love the a lot of nail ts and we also do ty website, where you’ll tensive range of popular brands, Therapists.” d Beauty & Skin incredible “We have every also a cool café area on the premthing from massage or without treatments – with formation about fabulo find in- You’ll but its main focus is on E-bikes. to facial shellac.” love cials includ us s to body The full ing one happe spe- of effect the amazing range list of treatm right now. ive, qualit ning available ents y produ skin is “To on the Wom care cts availa introduce ble at Wom an Beauan staff memb our two newer Beauty. ers, Laure Take advan n and tage of the care analy free skin sis and purchase

Quality Brands, Expert Service and Good Vibes at City Bike Shop

Stacey Pow er is open new clini ing her c on the 5th of Octo ber


number of tracks in a short space of time, which is important to me as a busy mum. Nelson is ideal for biking; in terms of our weather and proximity to everything.” Sunshine. Exercise. Good for the environment. Fewer cars on roads. Endorphins. The benefits of owning an E-bike are endless.

Valued Team brings Wealth of Experience

Three years ago, Brendon and Rochelle Mathews first opened The Bike Station in central Nelson and today the vibrant, expanding business has fantastic stock and a passionate, experienced team. Rochelle says contrary to what some may think, Ebikes aren’t a lazy option. “Ours are pedal-electric, so you still have to pedal but you get assistance as

you need it, so they’re suited to anyone, including those with a medical condition. “Using an E-bike allows me to get uphill quickly and ride for longer. They’re great enablers. I can do a

Staff are a massive part of The Bike Station. “Without them, we wouldn’t be here today,” Rochelle says. From the outset, Brendon and Rochelle have been focussed on having high-quality staff and, because they all have significant experience with bikes, the couple have 100% faith in their ability to provide fantastic service. Yohann, who is from the UK, says, “It’s been useful to experience how bike shops operate in other countries, including New Zealand. I picked Nelson because of its awesome mountainbiking trails and The Bike Station had cool brands, a nice workshop and it’s a great place to work.” Meanwhile, two-time national track cycling champion and national record

holder Kaio, loves working at The Bike Station while teaching young bike enthusiasts (in schools) how to ride and it helps build up the local junior base. Hunter, who has recently left college has been working fulltime at the store since November last year. “I’ve done a lot of mountainbike racing, so my passion has inspired me to work here as a bike mechanic and be part of the mountainbiking community. It’s an awesome business and getting to work on bikes all day long is great.” Lindsay, who has been with The Bike Station for just under two years, says he had been looking to get back into the bike industry as a mechanic after a stint in Whistler, Canada. “This is a nice place to work; a good bunch of guys. They have the same kind of passion that I have for mountainbiking, so it’s a no-brainer really.” Finally, Sam began working for the business in December after moving from Auckland. “I started as a customer and ended up working here; I love the team; we all get on well. It’s always a good sign of a great workplace

mber 19 Dece NESDAY



d They agree together. each functions so that they in heaven proper share esses. “The match made businesses to a own busin er was the It was a had their hospitality togeth when two to create ‘Beachside first thing we did around s awards for joined forces rence and Event business really well nt 2017 e; that went says Nelson Confefacility sits adjace 430 peopl successful,” just uil sea and and was really Centre.’ The to tranq sed anui’s was suppo to Tahun , making it an attrac ht we Carol. “It ; we thoug golden sands for special functions be a one off thing a good up, have on s tive locati s, corporate would just catch ber award conference e pardo the cham such as ln. time and ng days, privat says Linco besevents, traini and funerals. Car- night together,” ey..we’re ings Catering) “But we were like..h ties, wedd Carol is history. y (Gourmet ol Shirle ersley (Mc- ties!” The rest since done ln Wom ln have en and and Linco Linco Kitch such as and together Brewery make a local Cashin’s functions ed they would ty ball, the r’s ca- other Socie r ssfully Bar) realis the Cance after succe and the Brewe good team together last punk ball which ran for have a function ln in 2009 Steam Catering) rencethe child catering for Confe bring Guild it back when y (Gourmet met Linco mber and in Septe Carol Shirle year. “I first t into the Grape grows four out ofdays it and get a full re- busiBar) and e. “The Kitchen and Centre. when I boughsays Carol. “At that for 430 peopl fund oftered the purchase price as over a 500 er we make ’s Brewery rence and Events s s was justbike quoted chef; togeth (McCashin Escape Café,” my catering client award credit against the next-sized n Confe fantastic all also just g ness ln Womersley side Nelso spacious team.” time I gave just startin e, and up to 20”peopl wheel size.we’ve combo,” for 700 peo- Linco d up to create Beach side’s light, who were at- a great just a really good After only doesrence for 2020 to ess. “Not in the Beachplain to see those to Lincoln e it enable parents availa- teame both see eye ber then catering busin Escape I a confe on. “We’r was place came want “We it cham this ln. locati we foyer, out in the the Linco on the rightln,sized When ple.kids ‘do you space. “The a host a ‘Busireally well; at The Grape to puta their g were loving had a couple says Linco ’” door three years retired, then after said toage, bikes from which and get along hard and have as a base? bleaIyoung if we would so we turned tendin this is days; we’ve then next eye and ed tofor their d and usebut we “It’s early sold out I decidgood really work ideals in busievent, facility asked confidence, expan bored, so ainer. The , and ness after 5’ Numerous of smaller gatherings, tmas func- both very to values and own, year I got ed our opening!’ donates theIt returned bikes refurb to lo-ished was a no-br Chris the same out on my d up for it into our we have a we had finishcan see thing e,” says totallywe start back 2012 cal then kindergartens because feel Confer‘I 200 peopl owners turne donning week ness. After Then in Carol was ded as ‘Beachside e,’ with business catering for front of rence I said, andpassionate funcquietly.” last week, about all kids being and tion “My strength is in first confe rebran a notch gathering s Centr a few more side up attire the singly . d Event doing y ising I outandto ride,” sayse up the ampe increa able toln learning enceshow Christmass sitions. While Carol and in the organ ln is a you and lf getting Linco plans to spruc found herse approachedRochelle. happy dispo scrumptious house s, whereas Linco r future she a to do bigge busier so s of thing enjoying would like “It prevents parents needing to s and nibble to see if he buy low-quality, cheap bikes elsearray of drink where that are heavy and hard to ride, that don’t last and are too big for their child” says Brendon. “Our trade-in programme is good for parents, good for kids, good for local kindies – so it’s a multi-win for everyone.”

Whatever kind of bike you require – whether it’s commuting, for exercise or exploring the great outdoors, drop into The Bike Station at 54 Vanguard Street and have a chat with one of the friendly team. For more informafantastic deal on kids' bikes. Pay tion, visit www.thebikestation. & car ol d Cafe oln evar linc ly Boul full price for the first bike then co.nz d tosuP Ply supp ud to ProProu

Owners of The Bike Station, Brendon and Rochelle Mathews, have focussed on having high-quality staff whose combined wealth of experience is invaluable to the business. (Front L to R: Hunter, Sam, Kaio. Back L to R: Rochelle, Lindsay, Johann, Brendon). if you are socialising outside of work and the general vibe of the place makes it pretty fun to be in.”

Trade-In Programme for Kids' Bikes

The Bike Station offers a

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rence, it’s a confe n, whether d, professional side Nelso ience ions at Beach The exper ion at their for all occas or funeral. your special funct s available , wedding for ion room private party e gourmet catering of There’re funct , training day, de divin it!” Paula event n can provi fun doing corporate will have ibes Carol side Nelso a. descr Beach brilen a at team Tahun ’s Kitch old; she’s boss I’ve location in 17 years Fran, Paula ‘most generous stunning at Beachas the while, was worker.” Meanwhile Carol at Carol says, er!” Mean liant the full of worked with her as ever had.” n it’s all about tions togeth Lincoln are want who first e, describes is ca- side Nelso Carol and “We ience, about Grape Escap their team. n who mer exper ver people praise for d by us; we an amazing woma great men- custo le; whate feel value says and a being flexib we’ll provide! We people to level,” to inded me reer-m what the same we say n she asked side she want is do; we want are all on make sure tor. “Whe what we Lincoln. “We ensure our staff come onboard at Beach but we do love and . work hard, ‘thankyou,’ after,” says Carol said, ‘we will d get looke Georgia since she “We’ve had



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A District Branch of Mainland Football

Another season of region’s most popular team sport is about to kick off with hundreds of players preparing to lace up their boots for a busy year of football. Last year saw FC Nelson bring the division one title back to this side of the Whangamoa's while the Richmond Hothouse Foxes dominated the

Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 19 February 2020

Locally Owned and Operated


women's top grade. Nelson Suburbs also claimed an innagural Southern League title after being pipped in the Mainland League by Cashmere Technical. The region's top side enjoyed a late season resurgence and are currently in contention for the National Football Championship play-offs. Another busy season of football lies



Present, Past and New players welcome For more information contact Ged at juniors@richmondathletic.co.nz Clay at seniors@richmondathletic.co.nz

RICHMOND ATHLETIC AFC - Family Friendly Football www.richmondathletic.co.nz




ahead. Established in 1964, Richmond Athletic AFC was the result of two local Nelson clubs merging. The two clubs had been around since about 1948 but made the decision to join based on player availability in the region at the time. Since 1964, the home ground of Richmond Athletic has been Jubilee Park. Richmond Athletic AFC enjoy focusing on player development and getting everyone involved in participating at the best of their abilities. With enthusiastic and qualified coaches there is a level for everyone to both enjoy and challenge themselves in a football environment. They also encourage those players who want to further their careers, when they’re ready, to take the next step and represent the region at either Mainland Premier League level with Nelson Suburbs, or the National League with Tasman United. The club caters for everyone and has teams that compete in the Nelson Bays Football leagues from First Kicks to Masters. Registration enquiries: fdm@

TBALL richmondathletic.co.nz If the outdoor game isn’t for you then the region also offers the rapidly-growing sport of Futsal. Futsal is the only FIFA and NZ Football-approved version of five-aside football, a small-sided game played with a size 4 low bounce ball, on a basketball-sized court without rebound walls or nets. With millions of players worldwide, futsal is a fantastic game in its own right, with professional leagues throughout Europe, South America and Asia and a FIFA Futsal World Cup every four years. Futsal also produces technically excellent players and as such is an invaluable tool for football development. New Zealand Football is confident that with the support of all its affiliates and the ongoing support of FIFA and Oceania, futsal will continue to grow in popularity in New Zealand. Contact - Nicole Cooley Email: nbfadmin@mainlandfootball.co.nz FC Nelson was formed in 2011 as a result of the merger of the

Nelson City, Nelson Metro, Nelson United and Tahuna Juniors football clubs. Each of these football clubs had their own proud history and the decision to merge was not taken lightly. But it was felt that by amalgamating into what has become FC Nelson, they would be able to offer ongoing opportunities to all their members which may not be possible while continuing to operate as smaller independent units. For the 2011 season the club had over 900 members spread across junior, youth, and men’s and women’s teams which made them the largest football club in the Nelson Marlborough region. In 2019 we had over 100 First Kicks & Fun Footballers, 23 Junior & Youth teams and 9 Senior teams. Our FC Nelson first XI (men) won the local 1st division and cup in 2019 and is aspiring to compete in the Mainland Playoffs in 2020. FC Nelson’s long term aim is to make football accessible and enjoyable at all levels of the game and to give players of all ages and coaches the chance to

Celebrate the Champions

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated


A District Branch of Mainland Football

develop to whatever level they aspire to. To join the FC Nelson family visit www.fcnelson.co.nz or contact info@fcnelson.co.nz Nelson Suburbs Football club was formed in 1962 with the merger of two other Nelson clubs, Hospital and Waimea College Old Boys. Nelson Suburbs Football Club is based in its own clubrooms at Saxton Field and has access to great training and playing facilities. Nelson Suburbs enters teams in all Nelson Bays Football competitions from junior 9th grade to

WEDNESDAY 19 February 2020

senior men and women. They also run First Kicks (4-6 yr old) and Fun Football (7 to 8yr old) competitions. Nelson Suburbs also has a senior men’s team competing in the Mainland Football Premier League; a travelling league against seven teams from Christchurch. In 2019 the team won the Southern Football League. Suburbs also provide special programmes designed to enhance the skills both physically and mentally of all players. If you have any questions about our club please contact Ryan (Skippy) Stewart, Director of football. Mobile: 027 248 0170.




FC Nelson Garin College Golden Bay Mapua Rangers FC Motueka Nelson College Nelson College for Girls Nelson Suburbs Richmond Athletic Tahunanui Waimea College Waimea Plains Wakefield

Tj Hansen Fred Cucksey Donna Griffith Olivier David Rob Anderson Ryan Stewart Clay Wilhelmus Abbi Robinson Karla Thurlow Hayden Ingham

tjhansen@fcnelson.co.nz fredcucksey@gmail.com akadonna@hotmail.com eeto@hotmail.fr ra@nelsoncollege.school.nz ryan@nelsonsuburbs.co.nz seniors@richmondathletic.co.nz office@tahunafc.co.nz karla.thurlow@waimea.school.nz wakefieldfootballclub@gmail.com

Email: co.nz


Tahuna FC turns 51 this year, welcoming back four men's and one women's team for the 2020 season. The club has a great social feel and prides itself on treating its members equally. The club provides players with training shirts and club polos for travel and after-match events. Some amazing sponsors support the club and provide members with multiple perks, including the club's main sponsor, Sprig and Fern Tahuna, which provides after-match meals for all the club's teams and any

TBALL visiting teams. Tahunanui playing fields hosts home matches and floodlit training in the darker months. Pre-season training is currently happening on Sundays at 10am and preseason friendly matches are currently being organised, so come down, meet the crew and have a kick! If you fancy a more leisurely version of the beautiful game then walking football may be the code for you. The low-speed version has exploded in popularity particularly among the

BEST VALUE! Call Scott to organise

Kids Zone Photography

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Tj Hansen Martine McCabe Pew Singh Donna Griffith John Henderson Rob Anderson Jon Routhan Ryan Stewart Ged Clark Karla Thurlow Hayden Ingham

tjhansen@fcnelson.co.nz martinemccabe@cloudgarincollege.ac.nz pewst@gmail.com akadonna@hotmail.com goodman.henderson@gmail.com ra@nelsoncollege.school.nz jon.routhan@ncg.school.nz ryan@nelsonsuburbs.co.nz juniors@richmondathletic.co.nz karla.thurlow@waimea.school.nz waimeaplainsfootballclub@gmail.com



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FC NELSON 2020 - Football for First kicks (4-6yrs), Fun Football (7-8yrs), Junior & Youth football (9-19yrs) and Seniors Men & Women. FC Nelson opening day and registration deadline March 1st. Information and registration here


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over 50’s community. Started in 2019, Walking Football Nelson hosts games at Hope Hall every Wednesday night during the school terms. With a wide range of fitness and skill levels among participants, it is fun, social and a great opportunity to reap the mental and physical health benefits of being involved in active sport again. To get involved contact walkingfootballnelson@gmail.com



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Club Team Photos


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Walking Football Nelson


Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 19 February 2020

Locally Owned and Operated

More silverware for Stoke Nayland Peter Grigg

Car Company Stoke Nayland comfortably defeated Wanderers/ Motueka to claim the NCA 110-over title in club cricket on Saturday. They are in the TPL final next weekend and will go into that playoff at short odds. Wanderers/Motueka v Car Company Stoke Nayland The game lasted just 29 overs as Car Company Stoke Nayland blasted Wanderers/Motueka at Brightwater in a seven-wicket victory. Opening bowlers Dylan Eginton and Thomas Chambers made the initial inroads but all five bowlers used picked up

wickets. Boe Bamford batted for over an hour but there was little resistance elsewhere. Indeed, the 20 wides delivered were the next best top scorer after Bamford. Stoke Nayland chased down the miserly total in 10.1 overs as opener Paddy Howes batted like he was in a hurry. Wanderers/Motueka 74 (Boe Bamford 25, Dylan Eginton 3/19, Thomas Chambers 2/12) Stoke Nayland 78/3 (Paddy Howes 43*) Stoke Nayland won by 7 wickets Wakatu v ACOB ACOB chased down

See 2020 with 20/20


171-run total against Wakatu at Victory Square with consummate ease. Wakatu had begun the day disastrously, losing their top three batsmen for ducks and reeling at three wickets down for four runs. Brad Smith and Campbell McLean steadied the ship with a sensible 84 run partnership in which Smith compiled a welldeserved and very tidy half century. Upon his dismissal, however, the ship begun to list again. Veteran bowler Reuben Smith caused the initial panic amongst the home batsmen while the reliable spinners David Zohrab and Jake Milton

Wanderers’ Aaron Martin fails to duck a Stoke Nayland bouncer. Photo: Chris Symes/Shuttersport. created the lower order carnage. ACOB were never really in danger with the run chase after Milton and the sanguine Sam Berkett got them away to a solid start. Wakatu 171 (Campbell McLean 94, Brad Smith 51, David Zohrab 4/20, Jake Milton 3/41, Reuben Smith 2/28) ACOB 176/5 (Greg Chitty 50, Sam Berkett 35, Milton 27, James Graham 25*, McLean 2/29) ACOB won by 5 wickets Nelson College v WTTU A fine 79 by Jonty Raxworthy anchored the Nelson College innings when they batted first on a suspicious looking pitch at Ngawhatu in their match against WTTU. He had a nice partnership with his twin brother for the second wicket and there were a few moderate contributions from

FEB 23

others. Wicket keeper and opening batsman Jack Aldridge ensured that WTTU coasted to their total with little angst. First of all, he shared a half century opening partnership with O’Connor, then another with Mason Thelin which took his team within sight of their goal. Aldridge was compact and never really looked uncomfortable in his 130ball innings. He was stranded two runs short of what would have been a well-deserved century when college bowler Will Bixley conceded four byes to close out the victory. Nelson College 171 (Jonty Raxworthy 79, Finn Raxworthy 32, Josh Newport 5/32, Sam Baxendine 4/34) WTTU 175/3 (Jack Aldridge 98*, Joey O’Connor 33, Mason Thelin 29, Ronan Restieaux 2/32) WTTU won by 7 wickets


Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

WEDNESDAY 19 February 2020

Young sailors head to Texas Jonty Dine jonty@nelsonweekly.co.nz

Sailors Freya High and Neve Kortegast will compete for the Koch Cup in Texas later this year. Photo: Jonty Dine. the regatta with Picton crew Nicholas Gardiner and Nicholas Williams winning it in 2017. The girls sought advice from the Marlborough crew to better understand what awaits them in America. “It’s a bit daunting but it’s going to be a really good experience,” says Neve. The Nelson College for Girls students say they will aim to finish in the top half. “We are just taking it as it comes,” Freya says. The biennial regatta was originally founded in the 1930s but was ended during World

War 2 and was not resurrected until 2002. Sailors compete for a trophy which is a replica of the America’s Cup and was even made by the same silversmith. Before they get their chance to lift it however, the girls face another challenge in the form of fundraising for the trip. They need to raise $13,000 between them before July and have been doing Sunday markets, car washes, raffles and have a harbour cruise for 30 people in March. To help the girls get to Texas contact 0221774870.


ROUND 4 Aaron Neighbours 15/21

Craig Morice 14/21

Stihl ShoP MaRine

s w e N g n i h s Fi


Freya High and Neve Kortegast will make history in Texas later this year when they become the youngest pair to enter the coveted Koch Cup. If the prospect of sailing against competition almost twice as old as them in 30 plus degree heat wasn’t daunting enough, Freya and Neve may also have to contend with alligators while out on the water. “It will keep us motivated to make the boat go quicker,” Neve jokes. Freya, 14, and Neve, 13, survived a capsize during the Roger Hawking Cup in Nelson in September to qualify for the prestigious regatta. The Nelson Iron Duke sea scouts will take on 40 international crews at Galveston Bay in the Lone Star State in July. “It’s not the first place you think of for sailing,” says Freya. Freya is currently in her sixth season of sailing while Neve is in her fourth, and the pair will carry a strong reputation into


Crusaders vs Highlanders

Rebels vs Sharks

Chiefs vs Brumbies

Reds vs Sunwolves

Stormers vs Jaguares

Bulls vs Blues

A good time for the kayak Gareth Nicholson It’s a long-known reality that Nelson is one of the best places in the country to be during summer – and the fish don’t seem to disagree. Already having had a good season in the bay with many great catches being reported, February and March are arguably the best months of the year to get out there and bag a whopper. The summer holidays have ended, meaning more space on the boat ramp and out on the water, and with water temperatures normally peaking during February there is a great chance of picking up big fish in close. There have been many recent stories of large kingfish chasing baitfish around the docks in Nelson and Motueka and good size snapper being taken from in close. If you follow the Dawnbreakers Fishing Clubs competition leader board, you might notice that kayak anglers regularly have their names near the

top of the list. All of this is testament to the fact that you don’t have to go far to get yourself a few decent fish, and that ultimately there is no excuse to not get amongst it for the remaining summer months. The windless days at this time of the year also assist in being able to get to some good spots on smaller boats and dinghies. As a kayak fisherman myself, I have a few great spots that are accessible to smaller craft and I manage to do quite well out there. A few of these include Cable Bay, Delaware Bay, off the Boulder Bank and sometimes even in the harbour itself. A good rule of thumb I like to go by is that if you manage to find the baitfish, you will find the predatory fish that follow. These fish have come inshore to feed after all so being near a feed source is a must. If there is no bait around, drop anchor, burley up and wait for the fish to come to you! Get out there and good luck!

Jonty Dine 14/21

Simon Charles 14/21

Isaac Russell 13/21 NELSON

Peter Grigg 13/21

Gareth Nicholson with a good kingy taken from the kayak in 8m of water!

Nic Smith 12/21

Nelson and Richmond Open 7 Days 25% OFF!

Brought to you by:

Scott Clark 11/21


Fishing gear from Deep Blue, Outboards from Mercury

Hunting & Fishing puffer jacket range from $99.99!!

Brad McNeill 11/21 Johnston Associates South Chartered Accountants

Johnston Associates South Chartered Accountants

Brigitta Young 10/21 Paul Andrews 10/21

Stihl Shop Marine Richmond 62 Gladstone Rd, Richmond Ph 544 6120 Leupold Yosemite 10X30 binocular was $329.99 now $249.99!

Riverworks Primax wader RRP $179.99 now $99.99!

K I TC H E N & B A R

Reliable Motors, Safe Boats


GENERATIONS OF NELSON Brought to you by Marsden House Allanah Rankin, Young Guard

During World War Two the Home Guard was stationed at the Spring Grove Drill Hall. Naturally, the children at the school next door were inspired to form their own version. Senior girl Allanah Rankin from Barton’s

Lane took control, and under her leadership – stripes on shoulders and wooden guns in hand – the junior Home Guard could ‘come to attention’, ‘march’, ‘slope’ and ‘present arms’ with the best of them.

Generations of Nelson presents Snippets of History The latest Snippets of History, Volume Four, is now available! Volumes 1–3 are $15 per book Volume 4 is $20 Or get the full set for just $60 Purchase from Marsden House or NZME. 41 Selwyn Place, Nelson.













VOLUM in this third volume of stories featurin g discovery and heartbreak and survival, triumph. These stories are about real people in real Whether you are picking this up for just a quick l, from read, or are reading cover to cover, surviva N enjoy Snippets g discovery and of History as a of stories featurin real in volume people third small this real in glimpse into the Nelson stories are about that once was. triumph. These heartbreak and or are reading just a quick read, picking this up for glimpse Whether you are History as a small enjoy Snippets of from cover to cover, that once was. into the Nelson








This window was

designed and crafted by JE (Jackie) MacDonald and building Richard (Artist), Assistant (Dick) Jones. Donated Craftsman Francis by the Day Family, H Day. Framing, Marsden House Trust. installing Dedicated on 25th August 2007.

installing Francis H Day. Framing, (Artist), Assistant Craftsman August 2007. by JE (Jackie) MacDonald Dedicated on 25th designed and crafted Marsden House Trust. This window was by the Day Family, (Dick) Jones. Donated and building Richard

Nile St, Nelson • 24hr Phone: 548 2770 • www.marsdenhouse.co.nz


Tasman United vs Auckland City FC - Sunday 23 Feb, 2pm, Trafalgar Park, Nelson Eastern Suburbs vs Hawke’s Bay United

ROUND 15 John Brydon


Gary Hinks


Jonty Dine


Phil Williams


Mark Sheehan


Tasman United vs Auckland City FC

DRAW Matt Stringer


Gill Ireland


Mike Goodyear



Chris Butler


Tim Morozgalski 25/66

DRAW Jo Lavington


Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 19 February 2020

Canterbury United vs Team Wellington

Locally Owned and Operated

Experience shines at Racing for the Kids Jody Scott

Speedway Reporter editorial@nelsonweekly.co.nz

The ‘Racing for the Kids’ event at Milestone Homes Top of the South Speedway mixed youth with experience. The Donaldson Civil Youth Ministock Mania was the feature grade along with the closed Super Stock club title and final round of the club T.Q. champs. The event, which was a fundraiser for the Child Cancer Foundation, showed that the youth grade has had an influx of new drivers this year with many starting to find their feet. There have been some good battles at the pointy end of the field with some of the older drivers fighting it out for the chequered flag. Blake Hearne was the most consistent of the night, picking up the overall trophy while Campbell McManaway was a close second and Max Baker had a good run to finish third and the junior section went the way of Luke Higgins with Jacob ? second and Toby ? Skurr Walker third. The Super Stocks kept things fairly quiet, Brett Nicholls getting some much needed laps in after a few tough meetings at the national level. He defended his trophy with three wins from three, with Alex Hill settling for second and Phil Krammer filling third spot. The final round of the T.Q. champs was going to be a close affair with only five points separating Alicia Hill and Morgan Frost going into the final races. Frost dubs the club champs as his ‘bogey title’ and a loose drive clipping the wall

41n Blake Hearne won the Donaldson Civil Youth Ministock Mania title. Photo: Supplied. in heat one saw his title chances disappear. Hill came through the field to finish second in heat one to all but secure the title. Jayden Corkill showed why he is dubbed the ‘feature freak’ with a well-timed run in the dying laps to pick up the feature race, then repeating the feat in the farewell event. He finished runner-up at the South Island title event last week in Christchurch. Dylan Bensemann finished second in the club champs with Greymouth’s James Thompson third. There were some big improvers throughout the meeting with Raiden Hearne finishing third in the feature and Mark Bezett having a good final couple of races with second placing in the feature. The stock cars were down in

numbers, a hectic last month leaving a few needing some TLC and the Tasman Thunder cars being prepped for the NZ teams title in a fortnight. Ian Burson won his seventh South Island Super Saloon title in Cromwell on February 8 and heads to Christchurch this week for the NZ Super Saloon title. Alicia Hill had a blinder in her Sprint Car at the latest Hydraulink War of the Wings series in Greymouth, finishing second in a fast 25 lap feature race. Vaughan Cornelius finished fifth in the recent New Zealand Production Saloon title held in Cromwell. The next meeting will see a few North Island Super Stock drivers crossing the strait to try to claim the South Island Super Stock title.

Nelson Weekly

Community Services

Locally Owned and Operated

Community Notices

ART CLASSES AT THE SUTER: Bookings are now open for after school art classes, term 1. These popular classes cater for school age students to give them an opportunity of hands-on art making using a wide range of materials and techniques, bookings at info@thesuter.co.nz, ph 5454699. NELSON INSTITUTE TALK Sun March 1. Barbara Stuart (QSM). ‘Walkways, Work and Wanderings’. From Cable Bay Farm to Easter Island and icebergs, with many years of community service in between. Activities Room, Nelson Library. 2pm. $2pp All welcome. Queries 5451646. Please be seated in time for start of talk. NELSON OLD TIME DANCE CLUB - Nelson Dance Along, Sat 22nd Feb, Richmond Town Hall, 7.30-11pm. Music by Warren Fenemor, $6pp Plate for supper, Everyone welcome. For further information please contact Rosalie Winter (03)538-0133 CRAFTING FOR A CAUSE - Sun 23 Feb 9am5pm. Come along, relax and craft away while supporting the Paper Stars Relay for Life Team. Raffle on the day, a technique demo suitable for those who Paper Craft, & donation "bucket" to make a donation to Relay for Life. BYO lunch or plate to share. Cuppa supplied. $10 with profits going to Relay for Life. Braemar Campus, Nelson Hospital RSVP : Lavina 021804119 lavina.leggett@gmail.com Marloes 0278224941 papercraftswithmarloes@gmail.com THE SEA, SUN, FIBRE Fun Creative Fibre National Education event will be held at the Trafalger Cente 7 -10 May. An opportunity to view work from local and national tutors, entries in an innovative Runway Challenge, and purchase goods

from a wide variety of traders. FOOTBALL social group players wanted for Tahuna sport field (Beach Road) Monday's from 6pm. Just turn up for friendly soccer games. NELSON CAMERA CLUB meets 2nd and 4th Mondays. Contact 0212360847. www.nelsoncameraclub.co.nz PIZZA NIGHTS at CLUB ITALIA Enjoy authentic italian pizza! Fri 21 &28 Feb & March 6 – 6-9pm Club Italia, 9 Trafalgar St. All welcome! For info please phone Daniela 021 554619. NELSON 50+ MINI WALKERS Feb 25 Maitai to Campground. Meet 10am Branford Park. Ph George, 5465188. NELSON 50+ WALKING GROUP February 27th, Asbestos Cottage, Cobb Valley, Ph. Lesley, 548 0366 or Joy, 544 4136. HERITAGE ROSES NELSON Tasman Garden Trail Sat 22 Feb, Aporo Road Tasman. Non-members welcome $5.00 entry fee. Marian 0211611385. FRESH FOCUS 2020 Mon 24 Feb 10-11 am, at the Elim Church, Stoke, Stephen Freed presents ‘Three years in the Slammer’. He hit rock bottom but bounced back. A tale of horror and redemption. Queries to Paul Lunberg, phone 5487889. GROW gives us the opportunity to overcome problems around our well-being. A 12-step programme and method toward change and growth. Just turn up Fridays 10-12. 9 Paru Paru Rd Ph Patricia 547-6120 $3 LUNCHTIME MEALS Do you get hungry or lonely or both at lunchtime? If it’s a Tues, Wedor Thurs you’re welcome to come for a dinner type meal, 12pm at All Saints hall behind the church, 30 Vanguard St, cost $3. Phone 5482601. DEATH CAFÉ facilitated discussion; topics de-


WEDNESDAY 19 February 2020


termined by attendees. NB this is not a bereavement support group. See http://deathcafe.com. Last Sat monthly, Activities Room, Elma Turnbull Library, 1.30-3.00pm. koha requested. CRIBBAGE IN THE PARK: Sat afternoons, 2-4pm Pioneer Park. Free of charge. Please bring your own cards, cribbage board & etc... If it’s raining the game will be abandoned until the next Sat. Free lessons for beginners. Text Tony 021 2141 270. NELSON GUILD OF WOODWORKERS’ Feb meeting will be at 7pm on Wed Feb 26 in the Fish and Game Rooms, 66 Champion Road, Richmond. All woodworkers welcome. Enquiries Bill Filmer, President, 547 5104. KIDS-N-KOFFEE community play group. 0 to 4 yrs. Tues 9.45-11.45 All Saints crèche 30 Vanguard St. Indoor/outdoor play areas, crafts, fellowship, music session.no charge. Ph lois 0274331213. LAUGHTER YOGA Victory Community Centre 5.30pm Wed. $2 koha. Bring something to lie on for relaxation at the end. Laugh and do a rain dance. Cath 5451207 NELSON TOASTMASTERS Find your own voice! If the thought of speaking in public intimidates you then relax, we help make it so easy. Come along and see for yourself, Hearing House, 354 Trafalgar Square, Nelson 7pm Feb 24th. Phone Richard 021-1499038. OUT TO LUNCH Community Lunch, Wed 5 March @ 11:45am, St Barnabas Church stoke (opposite Countdown). All welcome for two course meal and great company. NEW BEGINNER TAI CHI class in Nelson for falls prevention with Gretchen, ACC approved

strength and balance provider. Starts on Thurs Feb 20. To enrol, call 548 8707 or email kitesfun@ gmail.com SUMMER INDOOR BOWLS 2020 Wed 7pm Warnes Stadium, Songer Street, Stoke. Open to all ages, family friendly, come and give it a go. $2 mat fee. Shirley 539 6205. VICTORY SIXTY PLUS every Tues 1.30-3.30pm, 238 Upper Vanguard St. Join us for cards, games and a cuppa. Jan 546 9057 or 027 4577 955. COLORECTAL CANCER SUPPORT GROUP Cancer Society Nelson 102 Hardy St, for those who are going through or who have gone through colorectal cancer, and their careers/support people. Register 5391137 YOGA for people who have or have had cancer, Tues 9.30am and 5.15pm Register info@cancernelson.org.nz or phone 539 1137 for details. DRIVING MENTORS NEEDED to help former refugees gain their Restricted Licence. Volunteers are given full training, support and full use of our dual control car. Email admin@redcross.org.nz or call Margo 021 255 8550. A little bit of your time and patience can make a huge difference to the learner and their families. FOOD, IS IT A PROBLEM FOR YOU? Are you suffering from anorexia, bulimia, obesity and/ or compulsive eating? Overeaters Anonymous works. Ph 0226730237. All welcome. NELSON NEWBIES AND FRIENDS Weekly coffee morning on Wed 10.30am Deville Cafe, 22 New St. New people always welcome to join us for a coffee and chat. Clive 547 2725 BROADGREEN HISTORIC HOUSE - VOLUNTEER GUIDES: A local treasure that is world famous needs more guides to keep the story alive. Four

hours per month contact Di 0211854679. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Is alcohol causing problems for you in your life? Want to stop drinking but can't? Maybe we can help. Support meetings every day. Call 0800aaworks 0800 229 6757 MONDAY ACTIVE STRENGTH/BALANCE CLASS also seated options presented. Tahunanui Community hub, Muritai Street 1.30 pm. Get fitter to great music. Shirley 5471433 or 0211218023. PROSTATE CANCER SUPPORT GROUP meet first Thurs of month Broadgreen House 276 Nayland Rd 1.30 to 3.30pm Bill 544 8635 or 5391137. HOLISTIC PULSING 50 min sessions, Mondays at the Nelson Women's Centre $5 koha. Ph 5467986 to book. FRENCH CONVERSATION GROUP (Alliance Francaise) All levels welcome. Meet Fridays at The Honest Lawyer, 4-6 pm. ARTHRITIS SOCIETY COFFEE MORNING We meet at Rutherford Hotel Cafe in Nile St 10am on the 4th Wed of the month. Next gathering 26 Feb 2020. Ph Claire 035450835 or 0273601039. NEW TO NELSON? Join Nelson Newcomers Network for Coffee & Connections, 3rd Tues of the month 10:30am at Morrisons, 244 Hardy Street, Nelson. Call Jane 03 546 7681. ENNER GLYNN PLAYCENTRE free spaces for preschoolers. 3 free visits. Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, 9.30-12. Come and play and have a chat to other parents. 03 5474007. NELSON NORTH LIONS CLUB welcomes new members to join their small established group that are passionate of providing voluntary services through community involvement. John Rodger on 0276749333 john.rodger@xtra.co.nz

Community notices are free to community groups, schools, churches, gold coin donation events and fundraising only. For classified ads and public notices please call 548 5900. Due to the popularity of this column, while every effort will be made, inclusion cannot be guaranteed for free ads.


Across contd. 23 Infuse gradually (6) 25 Eventually (2,3,3) 27 Legendary (8) 28 Bother (6) 29 Faithful supporters (8) 30 Rather cold (6)

427 Hard

9 6 2 7 3

1 3 2


5 1

2 8 7

9 3 7 5

9 6 4 3 2


Down 1 Spray canister (7) 2 Effrontery (9) 3 Fame (6) 5 Narrow recess (4) 6 Instantly (8) 7 Foreign (5) 8 Reduce in status (7) 11 Legendary one-eyed giant (7) 14 Transitory (7) 17 Worldwide (9) 18 Diabolical (8) 19 Great victory (7) 21 Nervously restless (7) 22 Beat severely (6) 24 Glossy silken fabric (5) 26 Uninspiring (4) Answers next week








10 11


13 14




18 19



22 23


25 26





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2 5 7 9 1 4 3 8 6

7 1 2 3 6 8 4 5 9

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4 2 3 7 8 6 1 9 5

1 8 6 5 9 3 7 4 2

5 7 9 1 4 2 6 3 8

Puzzle 2244

Across 1 Beekeeping establishment (6) 4 Awkward (8) 9 Feel remorse (6) 10 Trivial (8) 12 Obliquely (8) 13 Capital of Austria (6) 15 Connect (4) 16 Novel by Dickens (5,5) 19 Play by Shakespeare (3,7) 20 Slight quarrel (4)

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Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 19 February 2020

Locally Owned and Operated



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Book a 60 min Face to Face Psychic Reading with Suzanne Ph/Text 022 042 9652 www.psychicsuzanne.co.nz

YOGA for beginners: Gentle flow, incorporating Dru and Hatha yoga. Tahunanui Community Hall, Muritai St. Starting Wednesday 12th Feb, 5.45- 7.00pm. PH Amanda 02102302497. amamndawilcox@hotmail.co,nz FIRST SESSION FREE

Blue Necklet on black cord in Tulle bag. Lost in Buxton Carpark / City Centre area mid January 2020. Ph 021 409 631.

House ownership swap. Our 2 bedroom & sunroom home for your 2 bedroom house or flat with cash difference. City, Stoke or Atawhai. Phone 027 213 0345.


PSYCHIC Psychic Clairvoyant Readings, Divine Energy Healing & Reiki Training Call Paula 021598822 www.divinepsychicvisions.com

ANTIQUES Antiques, art, furniture (desks, bookcases, chests of drawers, tables, chairs, chaise lounge, sideboards, mirrors, rugs, etc). Collectibles, paintings, toys, books, records etc. Sell, buy, value. 6 rooms at Souchebys Antiques, 75 Gladstone Rd, Richmond. Ph 544 0723. Open Mon-Sat. www.antiquesnewzealand.co.nz


FIREWOOD End of season special. Shed dry pine, 6mtrs $400 delivered. 3mtrs $240 delivered. Only at Quality Firewood, phone or txt 0274 490 622.

$$$ CASH PAID $$$



HOUSEKEEPER / KEEN GARDENER Casual help required in rural Marlborough.

All Hand Tools Modern, vintage & antique. Also fishing gear, records, books, vintage toys & games, NZ pictures & postcards. Plus much more Large or Small lots Estates & Downsizing

Please reply with 2x references ,some general background info & contact details to:

Ph Steve Lawson 538 0020 or 027 538 0020 (Nelson Based)

Advertiser Po Box 5001 Springlands Blenheim 7241

Small renovated cottage available for rent, suitable for single, mature person 50+.






Taoist Tai Chi Internal Arts of Health No bookings required / bring a friend

A NEW BEGINNING CLASS Starts: Tuesday 3 March 2020 1.00 - 2.30pm VENUE: Tai Chi Clubrooms, 55 Muritai Street, Tahunanui, Nelson Phone 03

545 8375 (please leave a message)

visit www.taoisttaichi.org AUCTION

Announcements It’s FREE!

GARAGE SALE Advertise your garage sale here. Ph 548 5900.

email: sales@nelsonweekly.co.nz

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Classifieds / Trades & Services

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Aged 71. Passed peacefully in her sleep surrounded by family on 12 February 2020. Dearly loved wife and soul mate of Tony Duncan, much loved mum and mother in law of Eddie, Jacqui, Craig, Susie and Lisa. Adored Nana of Mia, Tristan and Tyler. Loved sister and sister in law of Carol and Tony, Brian and Elaine. Family and friends had a funeral service at Shone and Shirley funeral chapel, 164 Tahunanui Drive, Nelson on Saturday 15th February 2020. A further celebration of June’s life will be held at Mapua Leisure Park on Saturday 4th April at 2pm.


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Support Workers - Disability Support Services (Information and Assessment Centre Evening 2 March 2020) We have both casual and permanent positions available working across all areas. By applying to this vacancy you will be sent details of our information and assessment centre evening to be held on Monday, 2 March 2020. Please note that you must attend in person to be considered for interview. We advertise and hold information and assessment centre evenings monthly. Please apply against a date that you know you can attend. Closing date: Tuesday, 25 February 2020. Ref: N20-024.

Support Workers Disability Support Services We have a new service due to start this year working with a person who requires intensive support to live in the community and are recruiting to a number of positions. Please visit vacancy N20-054 via our careers site for more details. Closing date: Sunday, 23 February 2020. Ref: N20-054. Online application, CV and cover letter are required before your application can be processed. Enquiries can be made to Human Resources Nelson telephone: (03) 546 1274 or email vacancies@nmdhb.govt.nz Register for job alerts and view full details of vacancies


DIESEL MECHANIC We have an exciting opportunity for an experienced Diesel Mechanic to join our highly skilled cross-functional Workshop team. In this role you will provide an outstanding service keeping our heavy plant operational. As well as having a mechanical trade certificate, you would ideally demonstrate: • a solid technical background with experience on heavy machinery (e.g. excavators, trucks and forklifts) • experience with electrical, hydraulic and Canbus systems • a commitment to quality workmanship • a customer focussed approach to your work • a willingness to work staggered shifts (including some weekend work) and to participate in the on-call roster. To apply, please visit www.portnelson.co.nz. Applications close Sunday, 21 February 2020.

Contact the manager on mob 027 451 8907 or (03) 547 2242



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“...at evening time it shall be light” Zechariah 14:7 - Malachi 4:5&6 Notice to all Advertisers: By placing your advertisement you agree with the terms and conditions of the Nelson Weekly Ltd. Namely, payment by the 20th of the following month, or in the event of non payment, the recovery of any debt and its costs will be charged to the customer. This includes all costs and commissions paid to a debt recovery service. Should you require any further information please phone the newspaper on 548 5900.

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We are thankful & blessed to have wonderful memories of our loving Mum & Nana who is now with her Lord & Saviour, Jesus. Loved & missed by Shirley & Harold, Stephen & Judy, Andrew & Alpha, ValetteAnn & Mark, also loved & missed by her grandchildren.


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Terry Ashley (Grunter)

Peacefully on 15 February 2020, aged 70 years. Much loved best mate and friend of Jilly, Loved Dad of Brent and Tamara, and Michelle, stepdad of Warren, and Roger. Loved Pop of Terry, Alicia, Sophie, Samantha, Andrew, and Renee. Great Grandad of Hayden, Riley, and Dylan. Beloved brother of Dean, Sue, and Kevin. ‘Will be greatly missed and always loved’ A service to celebrate Terry’s life will be held at the Waimea Old Boys Rugby Clubrooms on Friday 21 February 2020 at 1.00pm to be followed by his interment at Richmond Cemetery. Waimea Richmond Funeral Directors N.Z.I.F.H. www.wrfs.co.nz

WEDNESDAY 19 February 2020



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WEDNESDAY 19 February 2020

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