28 October 2020

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Nelson Weekly

Affordable Excellence 69 Haven Road, Nelson 7010 24 Hour Service - 7 Days

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Wednesday 28 October 2020

Mary's 100 years of yarns

Life of opportunity for Tiam

Page 6

Page 24

‘I was dead for 13 minutes’ Leanne meets her lifesavers after heart attack

Jonty Dine Reporter


Leanne Perrin has been given a second chance at life. The 45-year-old was dead for 13 minutes following a heart attack a few weeks ago. However, she was miraculously back on her feet within days of the life-changing incident. Leanne had been with friends the night before when she felt the pain in her chest at about 8am the next morning. She told her friend to call the ambulance, and that was her last memory of the day. Paramedic Katrina Mister and EMT Max Wells were the first on the scene and found Leanne unresponsive so they began the defibrillation process as her ten-

year-old son Rory stayed by her side. The ambulance officers needed to break ribs and drill into her leg to administer intravenous drugs during the resuscitation. Leanne also contracted pneumonia following her surgery. With her heart now down to just 15 per cent function, she is limited to only ten minutes of walking per day. However, she is just grateful to be alive. “Before this, I took my life for granted.” Last week, Leanne was able to personally thank the two people who helped bring her back from the brink. It was an emotional reunion as Leanne embraced her lifesavers.


Leanne Perrin with one of the ambulance officers who saved her life, Katrina Mister. Photo: Jonty Dine.

Govt approves 850k for safer streets Staff Reporter More than $850,000 will go towards traffic calming measures in Nelson South after fears that the city might miss out altogether on the government funding. Kawai, Tipahi and Tukuka Streets will benefit from a new people-

Additional copies $1

first road layout after Nelson City Council’s application for Innovating Streets for People funding was approved by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency. Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency’s Innovating Streets for People programme aims to make it faster and easier to transition

our streets to safer and more liveable spaces. The money will be used to trial innovative traffic calming measures in the area. These measures could include colourfully designed on-street art, planter boxes, build-outs from the kerb that will partially

narrow the street, astro turfed sections at street corners and speed cushions. This initiative will see build out areas that can be used for community spaces such as picnic table areas, community garden spaces and areas for community artwork.


The funding of $851,000 covers 90 per cent of the costs of the project, with a further $94,000 provided by council. The council initially put forward an application to the fund for measures to help pedestrianise parts of the city




Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 28 October 2020

Locally Owned and Operated

We hit the streets on Monday to ask how people had been spending their Labour Weekend.

• Residential, farm and commercial sales and purchases • Subdivision • Building contracts • Company law and business formations • Trusts • Wills and estates


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Ernie Leaning, Nelson

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Adam O’Loughlin, Nelson

Cecilia Green, Christchurch

I’ve just been chilling out. I’m loving those seven-day weekends thanks to retirement.

Not much. I’m working today but I’ve been enjoying the break and spent some time with family.

I went up to Auckland and had a lovely dinner and then went out to Piha and then to a beautiful secluded beach. Now I’m back and going toy shopping for the kids.

We stayed at Tahuna Beach. It was a beautiful day on Sunday and now we are just wandering around the city centre. It’s been great.

‘I was dead for 13 minutes’ - Leanne Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

Distributed to over 21,000 homes and businesses in Nelson

Contact us News Charles Anderson charles@nelsonweekly.co.nz Kate Russell kate@nelsonweekly.co.nz Jonty Dine jonty@nelsonweekly.co.nz Sara Hollyman sara@nelsonweekly.co.nz

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“It is very exciting to see someone do so well after dying in front of us,” says Katrina. She says it meant a lot to get such a great result. “We don’t manage to help everybody, but she called us just in time.” Max says there was a large team that played a big part in Leanne’s recovery. “We are two cogs in a big machine.” Katrina says there was no doubt that Leanne calling the ambulance when she did saved her life. “If she had ignored her chest pain, she wouldn’t be here right now. It’ s not just the elderly who have heart attacks.” St John assistant director of clinical capability and resources Kris Gagliardi says this is a

St John ambulance officers Katrina Mister and Max Wells sprang into action to save Leanne Perrin’s life. Photo: Jonty Dine. great example of ambulance officers quickly recognising that the patient was in cardiac arrest and immediately using a defibrillator to restore a normal heart rhythm.

After Leanne’s heart was restarted, the crew performed an electrocardiogram (ECG) reading and determined that the patient was suffering from a 'STEMI' (ST-elevation

myocardial infarction). This is the most lethal form of heart attack caused by a complete blockage in one of the major arteries in the heart. Kris says clot busting medicine, called fibrinolysis, was administered by the officers to unblock the artery and reduce damage to Leanne’s heart. “This is a new treatment that has just been rolled out across New Zealand by St John, and in previous years was only available in hospitals.” Leanne says it took a while to come to terms with the reality of what she went through. “I was in denial for a little while.” However, the mother of four says she has now made a number of lifestyle changes, no longer drinking alcohol or smoking. “It feels like a second chance and I have a new view on life.”

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

WEDNESDAY 28 October 2020

Nayland College seeks feedback on enrolment zone


Reconstructive • Cosmetic • Appearance Medicine

Kate Russell Reporter



Nayland College is asking the public for feedback on its proposed enrolment zone boundaries. The only co-educational school in Nelson has gone out to the local community, as well as the wider public, with submissions closing on 13 November. As the school rapidly nears its 1330 student capacity, the Ministry of Education has requested they adopt an enrolment zone, which will need to be in place by the beginning of 2022. “The Ministry have proposed a home zone boundary in keeping with Broadgreen Intermediate’s enrolment scheme,” says principal Daniel Wilson. Since the consultation period began on 13 October, the school has received more than 40 submissions and responses so far have been “mixed”. “While some parents who live outside of the proposed home zone boundary are concerned that they may lose the coeducational choice for their children, other families with students currently attending Nayland College support the adoption of an enrolment zone to protect the quality


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The proposed Nayland College enrolment zone is out for community consultation until 13 November. Image: Supplied. of education their children presently enjoy,” says Daniel. “The feedback will be reviewed by the school board and forwarded to the Ministry.” Those outside the zone will still be able to apply to enrol, but acceptance is subject to places being available. If there are fewer places available than there are applicants, their acceptance will be subject to a ballot. When plans for the zone were announced in July it caused an outcry from some Nelson parents, spurring the creation of the Facebook group ‘Whanau for Educational Choice’ - which now has almost 500 members. The group have launched a petition to parliament,

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requesting co-educational college education for all New Zealand youth. So far, the petition has 960 signatures. “While we see this ‘consultation process’ as a farce, because the Ministry has informed us the decision is already made, we are strongly recommending our members, and the public, to use the submission process to state their opinions about the zoning of Nayland College. This is still an opportunity for people to be heard,” the group told Nelson Weekly. Submissions on the zone can be made online at nayland.school. nz/about/board-of-trustees/ or you can write or deliver a letter to the school.

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WEDNESDAY 28 October 2020

Nelson Weekly


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Village green the ‘heart of Victory’ Charles Anderson Editor


When a Southern Link advocate suggested that Victory residents needed to have more vision about what a new highway could do for the community, that community got organised. “I feel very strongly that [Victory Square] does not belong to one person – the whole community uses this space,” says Victory resident Rebecca Glen. “It needs to be the whole community voice, so it isn’t just one person offering their opinion.” So, Rebecca organised a meeting at Victory Square for residents to share what the square meant to them. They were there because, two weeks ago, local real estate agent Jeremy Matthews shared his thoughts about what needed to happen to the community. A longtime advocate for the Southern Link, he believed that residents of Victory needed to have more aspiration about what they could get if a highway were to be built through the Railway Reserve and into St Vincent St. He believed that it could reinvigorate Victory and give it some bargaining power at the government table. Part of his reasoning was that Victory Square was underutilised, except for a couple of sports games at the weekend. He thought it could

Residents and supporters of Victory gathered at the square on Saturday to share their thoughts about their community. Photo: Charles Anderson. be redeveloped with a highway alongside it. “It is the village green,” says Rebecca. “It’s the heart of Victory. You look at every other community – Tahunanui has the beach and the waterfront, Maitai has the river and valley and greenspace and walking. The Brook has the mountainbike park. Victory literally has this square and the section of Railway Reserve that is left unkept, but we love it.” Victory resident Rowan Hodson also had thoughts about Jeremy’s point of view. “What he is saying is that the only option is the inland route and I think that is disgusting. This is a vibrant community.”

Rowan says the inland route is the only option in a package of NZTA options to solve Nelson’s transport issues that proposes building an entirely new road. The other options include establishing clearways on Waimea Rd and Rocks Rd or widening Rocks Rd and having it remain as SH6. “[The inland route] is not the way forward, it’s just going to attract more vehicles … We can collaboratively work together without destroying communities.” He said building a new highway would only serve to get more cars on the road. While Andrea Warn did not live in Victory, she still came down to lend her support. She pointed to the election of Labour candidate

Rachel Boyack to Nelson, over Nick Smith – a long-time supporter of the Link. “I think the people have spoken. There is a changing tide and there is writing on the wall. We know we have to get out of our cars.” She also liked that Jeremy had given the community a new tagline: “Victory Square is the sizzle.” Caroline Vine says that the new face of Nelson was the diversity exhibited in those who lived in Victory. “The guys wanting to put a road through here are the old face of Nelson.” Paul Kernot says that the square is heavily utilised by an abundance of sports teams from

football, rugby league, karate and cricket. “If you take this away where is the nearest remotely sized park?” Rebecca wanted to thank Jeremy – his opinions got her fired up. So, she started a Facebook group to “strengthen relationships within the community and offer support, advice, information and events happening in this wonderful part of Whakatu, Nelson”. And she agrees that more could be done with the square. So, she is in talks to try and make the feeling and atmosphere that comes from the annual Race Unity Day occur more often. “Why can’t we have that happen all through the summer like the Isel Park market?”

Big turnout expected at NZ Army Band concert Nelson locals are very fortunate to have the New companied by the band, which is exciting and Zealand Army Band back in town. They will promises to be quite unique.” Natania recently be performing at the Theatre Royal Nelson on had some work experience with the band while November 12th with its touring concert series in Christchurch, when she was also taking part ‘New Zealand Army Band Live.’ Often called in the National Secondary Schools’ Brass Band. on for events overseas, the band is happy to be Last year the New Zealand Army Band held a at home and performing concerts all around hugely popular outdoor concert at Saxton Field, New Zealand. ‘New Zealand Army Band Live’ as a relief effort for the Richmond Rotary Club follows the band’s refollowing the Nelson cent sold-out perforfires. “We were due to mance in the Christchperform at last year’s urch Town Hall. “We Nelson Wine and are very excited to be Food festival but due coming back to Nelto the situation it was son, especially on the understandably canback of the Covid-19 celled. We had the tour lockdown,” says Lance booked anyway, so we Corporal Cameron decided it was a great Burnett. “We haven’t opportunity to perbeen able to perform The NZ Army Band’s sold-out concert at form a relief concert. on the road for quite Christchurch Town Hall in July. It was very popular; some time, so we are we had a great turnout very pleased to be touring and sharing our mu- and positive response.” Cameron says the upsic with the people of New Zealand.” Nelson can coming show will be different to last year’s conexpect a vast array of genres at the upcoming cert in Nelson, which was exclusively in their concert. “We have some fabulous soloists and big band style. “It will be partly big band, partly wonderful vocalists,” says Cameron. “There will brass band; with classical pieces, jazz classics, be a real ‘mixed bag’ of styles – with a bit of music theatre numbers and a selection of songs something for everyone. We are also joined by we covered in our popular “isolation videos” Natania Ngawhau from NBS Nelson City Brass during the Covid-19 lockdown, to spread aroha who will be performing “When She Loved and hope during uncertain times.” Me” from Toy Story 2 as a trombone solo, acBusiness Update. Adv.

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

WEDNESDAY 28 October 2020


Government Nelson healthy homes celebrated approves 850k for safer streets Erin Bradnock

FROM PAGE 1 centre but lost that opportunity when a clear way forward could not be agreed on. These first changes in Nelson South are expected to be implemented prior to Christmas, with further co-design being undertaken with the community in the New Year to extend the project. These were reviewed and tested with the community through a pop-up event held at the Nelson South Kindergarten on 25 July, 2020. Nelson Mayor Rachel Reese says this project is an example of council and community working together to come up with a solution. “One of our focus areas as a council is sustainable transport and by altering the street layout this project will make it safer for children, more appealing to cyclists and a more pleasant place to live.” Once the changes have been made, council will monitor the effect it has on traffic on Kawai St and the surrounding area. The data gathered from this will be used to understand better how council can further improve streets for people throughout Nelson.

A project dedicated to making the homes of those in the Top of the South warmer and healthier to live in has just celebrated its 2000th insulation. Warmer Healthier Homes Nelson – Marlborough has been subsidising insulation projects in the region since 2014. Project chairman Leeson Baldey says it’s an amazing achievement for the programme. “It’s 2000 families living in healthy homes.” The project began in partnership between Rata Foundation, Nelson Tasman Housing Trust, Nelson City Council, and Nelson Marlborough DHB to address unhealthy homes in the region. Insulating a home typically costs between $2,500 to $5000 in New Zealand. Over 30 people gathered at The Boathouse last Thursday to celebrate the milestone. Henry Nepia of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority says they don’t often get to celebrate the wins. “And there's been a lot of them over the years.” Henry acknowledged the work still to be done, saying the authority is still getting up to

Dr Jean Simpson, Carrie Mozena, Leeson Baldey and Margaret Gibbs celebrate Warmer Healthier Homes’ 2000th insulation. Photo: Erin Bradnock. 1000 inquires for insulations a week. Project founder and former chairman Bill Dahlberg was instrumental in the project's founding and success and says it was aimed at addressing vulnerable communities who frequented health care because

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of cold and damp homes. Bill says meeting the families who receive the insulation is the best thing about the work. “I remember I went back to one family six months later, who couldn’t believe the difference a dry house makes.” Nelson’s deputy mayor Judene

Edgar says the project was a natural fit for the council to address shortages in quality housing in the region. “Housing is critically important. Everyone deserves to have a healthy home,” she says. “It’s a model that works and is surpassing their expectations.”

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WEDNESDAY 28 October 2020


Mary’s 100 years of yarns Kate Russell Mary Shea reckons the secret to her longevity could be in the genes - but perhaps it’s her passion for knitting that has kept her feeling young. The Stoke resident turned 100 yesterday and celebrated accordingly last week with her Nightingale Library ‘Nellie Knitters’ group – which she meets with every Monday. “I haven’t got many secrets. My mother lived until she was 93 and granny was 95. Also, no drinking, no parties and a lot of laughing.” She still lives independently in the Brookgreen retirement community. “I feel great. I’m well and I don’t need a walking stick or a wheelie. I’m cooking my dinners - veggies and all the trimmings. I don’t cook biscuits much now though. I haven’t done that for a while.” She says reading and knitting are her favourite pastimes. “I started knitting when I was nine years old. I used to like gardening, but I can’t do much now. But I do quite a bit of snoring off in the chair, I’ll tell you that.” Mary has two daughters, four grandchildren and four great grandchildren. “I was born in Palmerston North.

Mary Shea celebrated her 100th birthday with her Nightingale Library ‘Nellie Knitters’ last Monday. Photo: Kate Russell. I’ve lived in Motueka and went to school at Hira for part of the time. Like gypsies we were, everywhere.” She was in Air Force for three and a half years and was married just before the end of World War II. “We lived in Wakefield for a while and shifted to New Plymouth when my husband decided he wanted to be in the traffic

department. He was a traffic cop for some years and our girls went to high school up there. “Then we came back down here around 30 years ago when we retired.” Mary has been part of the Nellie Knitters since 2016. The group produce hand-knitted goods for the community. She says it feels “absolutely mad”

to be turning 100 and although it wasn’t a milestone she was “keen on” she is glad she’s still around to be part of the group. “I’ve knitted toys, blankets, singlets, slippers, cardigans and hats for organisations. Anyone that wants stuff. They go all over the place. “I love it, they’re a great gang here.”

Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

Chaplain appeal week begins

The Nelson Hospital Spiritual Support and Chaplaincy Team visits over 10,000 people per year, but it needs help. Chaplaincy is a registered charity and relies on donations to cover 50 per cent of the annual costs so that this meaningful and wellappreciated service to patients, families, and staff can continue. During Appeal Week, which runs this year from November 3-9, the team runs a stall at the hospital. Everyone is welcome to visit the stall on level 2, outside the café between 9.30am and 2.30pm and 12pm on Friday. Donations of baking / preserves / items for the raffle are very welcome. Chaplaincy Nelson is also looking for people to join the team, with training likely to start in February 2021. Anyone who would like to explore this further is warmly invited their onehour introductory evening on Thursday, 19 November in the Hospital Chapel level 2 at 7pm. Email Chaplain Henk for further information and to confirm attendance at Henk. Lups@nmdhb.govt.nz

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

WEDNESDAY 28 October 2020


This Thursday evening - 29 October

ChariTy auCTiOn

• Great Hall Nelson Boys College • Starts 7pm Some of the Sealord crew who are on the look out for more staff. Photo: Supplied.

International demand for fish creates more jobs at home Staff Reporter Nelson-based seafood company Sealord is looking for local workers to help keep up with increased demand in New Zealand and overseas for its frozen fish products. Sealord CEO Doug Paulin says that ready-coated fish continues to be very popular with Kiwis, and sales in Australia are also at the highest levels Sealord has seen in that market. “One of the impacts of Covid-19 is more people eating at home,” Doug says. Sealord is looking to fill up to 20 night-shift positions, primarily in the Nelson fish processing plant. Training can be provided for the right applicants. The company currently employs more than 1100 people both on and off-shore. As an essential service

through Covid-19 lockdowns, the company has ensured a reliable supply of food for New Zealand and export customers. “Some parts of Australia had more, and longer, lockdown periods than here at home,” says Doug. “That means we now need to increase onshore production here, to match demand there.” The work, starting November 2, is available through to the end of May next year, with potential for extension to the end of September 2021 as other seasonal work starts. There will be a break over the Christmas and New Year period to enjoy time with family and friends. “We’re looking for motivated people who are willing to learn, deliver quality work, and who are keen to be part of our fantastic Sealord team.”

Ewing Poultry Limited

Ewing Poultry Limited FAX TRANSMISSION

When a group opposed to a reshuffle of the Nelson City Council broke into song on Thursday morning, all the mayor could do was sing along. The extraordinary council meeting - a full council meeting called outside the normal schedule - was greeted with a rousing waiata from members of the public opposed to the restructure. Mayor Rachel Reese appeared caught off guard by the impromptu song, but in the end, gave in and sang along with the group. The proposal to remove councillors - including the highest polling at the last election - from their committee chair roles, was passed at the often tense meeting. Councillor Rachel Sanson, who until Thursday chaired the governance and finance committee, challenged the mayor on the reasons for the decision, and the transparency of the process.

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03 543 8383 0508 545 454

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Gwen Ewing Situations Vacant

Hi Kylie

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Please include in Situations Vacant feature for next week We have a position available for a cheerful and active person to join our Egg Grading team. This position is full time and includes alternate rostered weekends. Our starting time is 7.30am.

City council reshuffle raises ire but approved Tracy Neal of RNZ

Phone: Freephone: Fax:

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She said an open and frank discussion among all elected members was missing from the process. Councillors Pete Rainey and Matt Lawrey - two of the most outspoken around the table - were also to be removed from their leadership roles. The three have been active on social media in recent months, sometimes going against council decisions. Lawrey, a former journalist and central government political candidate, said that they were being sidelined because they challenged council decisions and asked the hard questions. He did not think the way the process had been handled was good for Nelson. A staff report noted the change was, among other things, in recognition of the need for better engagement and efficient functioning of the council. The team's youngest councillor Rohan O'Neill-Stevens called for a re-think and the exploration of a new model.

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Want to listen to your favourite music through too if you want, so it’s pretty versatile.” The an awesome wireless streaming speaker which Pulse Flex speakers come with a wall bracket, has exceptional sound quality? Right now, plus you will receive a battery pack so you can Beggs Musicworks Nelson has ultra-compact, take it outside and pop it on the dining table portable all-in-one wireless speakers available in the warmer weather. “It will also work as an called ‘Pulse Flex.’ “You can stream music di- alarm clock, so it makes a great bedside radio rectly from your tablet, laptop or smartphone which sounds really good and looks great too.” or listen to the radio,” says Tim Babbage, Tim says the Pulse Flex speakers are techniowner of Beggs Musiccally very smart and works Nelson. “It’s reare a genuine piece of ally simple to use with Hi-Fi technology withfive presets. You can out being expensive. listen to your favour“They’re super flexible, ite radio station at the super good quality and push of a button; the inexpensive for what same goes if you have they are – at just $699 a Spotify playlist.” The per speaker. They are game-changing twoalso super simple to way wireless speaker is use especially in situaideal for any room in Pulse Flex speakers, which are available tions where you don’t your house – whether right now at Beggs Musicworks Nelson, are want to drag your it’s your living area, ultra compact, portable all-in-one speakers phone out to do things. dining room, kitchen which have exceptional sound quality. If you have to take a or bedroom. “It a great phone call, your music looking product which comes in black, white will continue to play, which is the downside of and a range of different skin colours.” You can a bluetooth speaker.” Pulse Flex speakers are use the BluOs app on your smartphone, tablet ideal for anyone who wants to enrich their lisor desktop to control music in every room. “It’s tening experience. Why not check them out togot some grunt,” says Tim. “You can run a pair day at 264 Hardy Street? To find out more, visit of them in different rooms and they will ‘talk’ Beggs Music Nelson on Facebook. to each other which is part of the whole Bluesound ecosystem. You can have a subwoofer Business Update. Adv.

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WEDNESDAY 28 October 2020


Counselling under pressure amid Covid Erin Bradnock A Nelson charitable counselling service says it needs more funding to continue operating to meet rising demands amid increased anxieties caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Life Linc has seen a surge of 95 referrals over the past four months - a 35 per cent increase compared to 2019. Life Linc manager Rebekah Vincent says the Covid-19 pandemic has affected everyone from two-years-old to 100-yearolds. “Everybody has been struggling in their own way and I don’t think we’ve seen the tip of it yet.” The charity relies on the work of 14 volunteer counsellors, contributions from clients and community fundraising to deliver affordable counselling. Rebekah predicts the strain on mental health services will only get worse in the coming months. “We’ll be struggling to sustain ourselves because of a lack of funding since March.” The counsellors at Life Linc says the pandemic has raised a lot of concerns for people in the region from job losses, relationship pressures, anxiety, isolation and schooling all contributing to the rush of referrals. According to Life Linc, the average cost of private counselling services in the Nelson Tasman region typically ranges between $80 and $150 per session.

Life Linc counsellors Ryan Beehre, Rebekah Vincent, Gianluca Gatto, Kenn Butler and Mairi Lewis-Smith are concerned that a lack in funding will cause cuts to its service. Photo: Erin Bradnock. Life Linc services start from $20 and are adjusted to the individual or couple’s income but Rebekah says their door is open to anyone, even if they can’t cover the cost. “We would never turn anyone away if they needed us. That’s a general rule we have,” she says. Rebekah says Life Linc is a crucial service for Nelson and if funding runs out there will be a huge gap left for affordable faceto-face counselling. Counsellor Ryan Beehre says working at Life Linc has been invaluable to his training. “It’s been fantastic to have an opportunity

to work with people in real life situations.” He says the impact of Covid-19 has come up in around 90 per cent of his sessions with clients. Rebekah says there are ongoing costs with running the service - from rent, electricity, IT services and counsellor transport costs. Life Linc also provides ongoing training and clinical supervisors to ensure they are providing the best service possible, she says. “We want to be able to keep our service of affordable, accessible and professional counselling open for anyone who needs it.” For sponsorships and contribution inquiries contact manager@lifelinc.co.nz

Nelson Weekly New parking meters solve ‘cheeky parking’ problem Locally Owned and Operated

Kate Russell

Nelson City Council’s plan to abolish ‘cheeky parking’ in the city appears to be working, with an increase in paid parking transactions and a drop in free ones since the introduction of pay-by-plate meters in June. Recent data has indicated a continued drop in in the number of one-hour free parking transactions, with August and September recording a 46 per cent drop on the same period in 2019. Drivers are no longer able to claim more than one free hour of parking a day under the new system, which has seen a 31 per cent increase in the number of paid transactions compared to the same time last year. “Council is very pleased with this outcome as it indicates that fewer people are misusing the free hour system to park all day in the city centre,” says group manager infrastructure, Alec Louverdis. “This is good news for city centre businesses as it frees up more parking in short stay car parks for visitors and shoppers.” Alec says the feedback they have received indicates that most members of the public are now comfortable using the new machines. “We expected that some people would have difficulty adapting to the new technology, and as a result provided on-street ambassadors to assist. We also gave demonstrations in retirement homes.” Council are now starting to gradually change over the display faces to colour screens, which are easier for people to read. “The installation of these screens was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic and are now being installed at no extra cost to ratepayers.”

Pulse Flex – wireless, portable Hi-Fi speakers Want to listen to your favourite music through too if you want, so it’s pretty versatile.” The an awesome wireless streaming speaker which Pulse Flex speakers come with a wall bracket, has exceptional sound quality? Right now, plus you will receive a battery pack so you can Beggs Musicworks Nelson has ultra-compact, take it outside and pop it on the dining table portable all-in-one wireless speakers available in the warmer weather. “It will also work as an called ‘Pulse Flex.’ “You can stream music di- alarm clock, so it makes a great bedside radio rectly from your tablet, laptop or smartphone which sounds really good and looks great too.” or listen to the radio,” says Tim Babbage, Tim says the Pulse Flex speakers are techniowner of Beggs Musiccally very smart and works Nelson. “It’s reare a genuine piece of ally simple to use with Hi-Fi technology withfive presets. You can out being expensive. listen to your favour“They’re super flexible, ite radio station at the super good quality and push of a button; the inexpensive for what same goes if you have they are – at just $699 a Spotify playlist.” The per speaker. They are game-changing twoalso super simple to way wireless speaker is use especially in situaideal for any room in Pulse Flex speakers, which are available tions where you don’t your house – whether right now at Beggs Musicworks Nelson, are want to drag your it’s your living area, ultra compact, portable all-in-one speakers phone out to do things. dining room, kitchen which have exceptional sound quality. If you have to take a or bedroom. “It a great phone call, your music looking product which comes in black, white will continue to play, which is the downside of and a range of different skin colours.” You can a bluetooth speaker.” Pulse Flex speakers are use the BluOs app on your smartphone, tablet ideal for anyone who wants to enrich their lisor desktop to control music in every room. “It’s tening experience. Why not check them out togot some grunt,” says Tim. “You can run a pair day at 264 Hardy Street? To find out more, visit of them in different rooms and they will ‘talk’ Beggs Music Nelson on Facebook. to each other which is part of the whole Bluesound ecosystem. You can have a subwoofer Business Update. Adv.

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

WEDNESDAY 28 October 2020



FOODS WEEK Nelson Cancer Society manager Michelle Hunt is grateful for a bequest from David Blunt which will allow them to provide 1000 skin checks. Photo: Erin Bradnock.

Lifesaving bequest to for skin cancer checks Erin Bradnock David Blunt had some brushes with skin cancer during his 81 years, but before he died, he was able to afford skin checks, a service he realised would be out of reach for many Nelsonians. The generosity of David’s bequest has made it possible for the Nelson Cancer Society to provide 1000 vouchers annually for locals. Each voucher amounts to $75 towards a skin check from your GP or skin care professional. Michelle Hunt, manager at the Nelson Cancer Society, says David was an avid outdoorsman and friend to the society who wanted to make skin cancer checks more accessible. He died last February. “He wanted to take away that initial financial barrier,” says Michelle. “He often used to pop in for cups of tea with us and we had a really close relationship with David. He’s been a great supporter over the years.” The voucher scheme is all part of their sun smart message leading into summer.

In New Zealand, 82,000 Kiwis are diagnosed annually with skin cancer and more than 500 die each year from melanoma which is more than road deaths, says Michelle. “Hopefully those numbers will scare people into being sun smart,” says Michelle. She says the Nelson Cancer Society have held day-long skin check clinics in the past, most recently in Murchison. “With two GPs trained, we could only get to 50 people. We thought ''this is going to take us forever to get to everyone in the region',” she says, and that’s where the idea for the vouchers was born. Michelle says skin checks are usually two sessions with a GP and, after speaking with local GPs, the $75 mark should cover most of that cost. “People think it’s older people that develop skin cancer but it’s not. It’s about sun exposure.” The society recommends getting skin checks annually. “Prevention is the key and early dedication. Prevention and early detection are lifesaving,” says Michelle.


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Nelson Weekly

Out & About

WEDNESDAY 28 October 2020

Locally Owned and Operated

Out&About 1

2 4 Warmer Healthier Homes 2000th


celebration at The Boathouse


1 2

Clare Barton and Dean Heiford

3 4 5

Kay Hart and Tony Blair

Paul Brockie, Bill Dahlberg and Richard Popenhagen


Karen Vis and Tony McIntosh Sue Dahlberg and Narissa McDonald

Chin Community Football at Neale Park


6 7 8 9

Melissa Landry and Billy Benson Annalisa Mckay and Clarissa Benson Sui Khin Man and Sung Tin Par David Spigel, Sang Lhei and Solomon Khenhniar

8 Would you like us to take photos at your next event?

Alison Blanchett




10 Van Tlumang and Sia Khel

9 PH 03 548 5900

10 or email editorial@nelsonweekly.co.nz

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

WEDNESDAY 28 October 2020

Safety around underground boxes Fright Night actors Thea Speake, York Tate, Gracie Mcwing, Mackenzie Gardner, Clementine Lotter, Jasmine Turner, Kane Chilton, Lucio Heathfield, Adam Stewart and Manu Wotton. Photo: Erin Bradnock.

Are you one of the many people who have wondered “What are all the little black and grey boxes on the footpath/ side of the road …?”

Fright Night returns bigger and spookier Erin Bradnock Rehearsals are well underway for this year’s Fright Night event and the young actors behind the costumes are ready to scare the life out of young Nelsonians. Fright Night is a youth event for 13 to 17-year-olds in partnership with the Nelson City Council and the YMCA where ticketholders follow a haunted path through Founders Park with a few scary surprises. The event is running a little

differently this year, extending its ‘scare zone’ to be its largest yet. Mitchell Andrews is one of the young people working behind the scenes at Fright Night who has worked on the event for four years as a tech manager. “It’s all safe but it looks scary,” assures Mitchell. Young actor Mackenzie Gardner is another Fright Night returnee who scared with so much dedication last year that she lost her voice.

“I thought ‘hey, I want to scream at some folks’. It’s quite therapeutic.” This year’s scare zone will feature clowns, skeletons and ‘twisted Teletubbies’. Event organiser Jasmine Turner says it’s not only good fun for the young people attending the event but for the talented young people involved behind the scenes. Fright Night will take place on October 31 and tickets are available for $10 at eventfinda.co.nz.

Making a mark in adventure tourism Erin Bradnock

Despite the impact of Covid-19 on tourism, New Zealand Outdoor Excellence Award recipient Nicole Davenport is hopeful regarding her future in the industry. Nicole is an adventure tourism student at Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology and was nominated by her tutors. Only six tertiary awards are given annually by the New Zealand Outdoor Instructors Association. The association’s Outdoor

Nicole Davenport Excellence Awards are held annually to recognise the highest achievements of individuals involved in outdoor recreation, education and guiding in New Zealand.



9:30am - 4pm Shop 25 Morrison Square 244 Hardy St, Nelson 03 546 7330

Although there are currently challenges due to Covid-19, Nicole sees the coming years as an opportunity for qualified New Zealand instructors to work in job often filled by young foreigners. Nicole, who is nearing the end of her diploma, recently scored a dream job with Outward Bound next year. She is a California native who chose Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology’s adventure tourism course for its variety.

These are Network Tasman’s ‘underground boxes’. They are the protective covers we place over the fuses that connect the underground power cables to the service cables conveying electricity to your house or business. As these boxes have live electrical components inside them, it’s important for public safety that they have securely fitted covers. We have about 12,000 underground boxes on our network, most of them in urban areas. As they are generally in public spaces they sometimes get damaged when: z

vehicles accidentally run into them, causing the cover to loosen or crack


people drill holes or insert screws into them


some have their covers removed by people not authorised to do so.

These are all dangerous situations, as they can expose you to the live electrical parts inside the box and put you at risk of electrocution. If a box gets repeatedly damaged by vehicles, we will look at putting protective bollards around it. Underground boxes must be left alone and only networkapproved contractors are permitted to remove the covers. Putting screws into an underground box or drilling holes into one is extremely dangerous! If anything ever causes you to need to interact with a box please phone us. If you accidentally damage an underground box, or if you see one that has been damaged, let us know straight away by phoning our fault line 0800 508 100. If you have any questions about the electricity industry or would like to suggest a potential topic for Network Tasman’s monthly column, please send us an email with ‘News Article’ in the subject line to info@networktasman.co.nz

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WEDNESDAY 28 October 2020


Your Voice Nelson’s political mantle passes to Labour: Great result for Nelson. Congratulations, looking forward to working with you and the Tahunanui community and wider Nelson. Thank you to Nick Smith too for some incredible achievements as our MP over such a long period. Jacinda Stevenson Congrats to Nick Smith for his 30 odd years of parliamentary service to Nelson, but time for a change going forward. Good luck to Rachel. Mark Murrell Definitely time for a change - well done Rachel. Betty Henderson Well, good on her, I just hope she keeps Nick's enthusiasm and support going for us fishos to help us retain our right to access our Tasman Bay. Edwin Pollard Women are taking over New Zealand - girl power. Angela Epiha Rachel will make an excellent MP for Nelson. She's already set out some priorities, and I know she'll work hard to deliver. Dennis Goodman Nick was the best, he helped my sister and for that I'm grateful. Kathaleen Te Whata-Karaitiana

Congratulations Rachel, you are part of a great Labour team. Linda Dooley Absolutely time for a change. Jacqui Griffiths Nick has been a very good man for lots of Nelson people, going above and beyond for some - but the time has come for a change. Thankyou Nick for your dedication and all the best Rachel - you have big shoes to fill and lots of people to serve. Pamela Stratford Action demanded over dangerous intersection: Totally agree and so much more traffic trying to get in and out of Nelson. Sarah Williamson An overhead bridge would be safer for walking children. We know roundabouts are difficult for some to use and it still doesn't help the kids to be fair. So, take it back to overhead bridges and keep the kids away completely from traffic. Obviously with high sides so no climbing can be done either. Cheryll Edwards I was told 14 years ago on the phone by the council that The Ridgeway/Marsden Rd intersection was to have a roundabout installed within two years. Twelve years on and nothing. I feel the Arapiki Rd intersection is fine if drivers stop like the stop sign says. That’s the problem. Wendy Thomas

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

editorial@nelsonweekly.co.nz facebook.com/nelsonweekly www.nelsonweekly.co.nz No good having a roundabout when people don't know how to use a roundabout. A roundabout is not an intersection. They're good when people know how to use them. AJ Phillips Councils answer to every roading problem is to build a roundabout. Don’t be surprised if a set of traffic lights turn up. Councillors need to get off their arses and visit the road in peak hour traffic and during the day at different times to see what is going on. Solving problems behind a desk doesn't work. Annette Mckenzie We used to have traffic patrol on the corner when I was a kid and went to Ener Glynn School. Adrienne Gould It's just like our ridiculously short merging lanes at Tahuna and Waimea Rd. Maybe our new MP could get onto these issues. Edwin Pollard The intersection is not dangerous, it can’t jump out and bite you. Remember that old rule to stop at a stop sign. Ian Phyn A part of Nelson where traffic goes fast enough to hurt somebody? Really? And there's me thinking the Nelson road network is completely broken and in need of major modernisation. Stephen Portsmouth Ah well I'm sure the town planners will build plenty

of houses in that neighbourhood to produce enough traffic to congest it up and reduce car speeds to a much safer crawl. And as Nelson councillors say, 'a green space is a keen space (for building even more housing the infrastructure can't handle)'. Stephen Portsmouth I think Parkers Rd needs it more. Nelson Needs a Tramline This is nothing compared to the Waimea Rd/Ridgeway intersection. Ash Wells This is a terrible intersection. It's always been tricky but is worse than ever, especially for pedestrians. It needs sorting, with footpaths both sides of The Ridgeway, and safe crossings for pedestrians. Dennis Goodman Founders Book Fair is back: My 18-year-old daughter found and brought a small leather poetry book from 1920 that she was fascinated with. Christine Roberts We strolled in at a more sedate pace on Sunday afternoon. Found a couple of Richard Scarry books for the kids' shelf and a few others, but didn't go crazy (no room on the bookshelf, lol). Pauline Hadfield So good to see all those books being recycled. Renee Lang I went at 2pm [on Saturday] and I saw someone

there that was running in with the first lot of people - that's some serious book hunting. Nicki Mcwhirter

Nelson’s tee-ball queen looks to pass the bat: Our beautiful softball coach in the 1980s. Michelle Ashby Those kids were lucky to have you in their lives. Heather Coppell Yay, go Julie. So lucky to have you as a part of our Campus Corner whanau. Christie Greaney Such a good sort. Michelle Tuhakaraina You’re the best Juls. Seth used to love coming along back in 2011/2012. Casey Ellery Legend, Julie. Pauline Pellowe

Incredible service, Thanks so much Julie, helped my guys when they were little. Jacinda Stevenson

Sailor set to let fists fly: Great to be giving our local kids in Nelson a opportunity to fight at home. Sailor is a wee firecracker and one to watch. Let’s go young lady. Dixon’s Boxing She can knuckle down this girl. Randall Dixon

Personalised & Custom-Made Beds Can you get a personalised, custom-made bed with the highest quality components for the same price as a mass-produced one-size-fits-all bed? Well yes, yes you can. I’m Dave Bary and I build those custom beds right here in Nelson. We call them the “Natural Rest” range because that is what you get when you buy one of my beds. If sleeps important to you then talk to me. Our high-quality custom bed costs no more than a mass-produced bed.

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Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 28 October 2020

Going, going… nearly gone! Locally Owned and Operated


Jo Kent The “Key to Life” charity auction being held in the great hall at Nelson Boys College is aiming to raise tens of thousands of dollars for the local charity. There’s over $50,000 worth of items up for auction ranging from $30 to a $20,000 kitchen. There is something for everyone says organiser Steve Page and he is urging the public to come along for an entertaining night and an opportunity to get a bargain as none of the items have any reserve so they will sell on the night. “Even if you don’t buy anything just come along and show your support,” he says. All of the proceeds go to suicide prevention in Nelson Tasman as part of Mike King’s Key to Life trust. There will also be a silent auction where people can bid while watching the main items go. A full list of what is available is on page 7 of this paper. Donations, that you can potentially pick up for a song include; Nelson Helicopter’s hunting trip for two to Glazebrook by chopper, a 7-day trip in a 6-berth campervan, a brand new kitchen, and all manner of electronics, beauty and outdoors equipment will be available on the night, with bids starting as low as $10. This week, Mike Darling from Hunting & Fishing, has donated a Shimano Beastmater electric fishing reel and matching rod,

Tyla Gower is Nelson Weekly’s deliverer of the month. Photo: Sara Hollyman.

Tyla smashes Stoke Weekly deliveries Sara Hollyman Reporter


Mike Darling from Hunting & Fishing with this week’s donation. Photo: Steve Page. worth $2500. “It’s the ultimate power-assist reel for land-based fishing and is the pinnacle of electric fishing reels,” says Mike. “To be able to add it to the mix for the auction and support this local charity is our pleasure.” Tickets, which include drinks and nibbles, are available through the Nelson College office, on 03 548 3099. A table

of 10 is $400 or single tickets are $45 each. Tickets can also be bought online. Call Steve Page on 0275 449 448 for any information. Otherwise, see you tomorrow night. If you or anyone you know needs help, Lifeline, 0800 543 354, and Suicide Crisis Helpline, 0508 828 865, are both available 24/7. Or in an emergency, call 111.

Thirteen-year-old Tyla Gower has been pounding the streets of Stoke delivering the Nelson Weekly for almost a year. The Waimea Intermediate student, who lives in Stoke, was nominated as the newspaper’s Deliverer of the Month by a Songer St resident who says she is reliable and never misses a delivery. “I see her every week straight after

school zooming down the street, she does such a great job.” Tyla carries the papers in a cart which was purchased especially for the delivery run. She says she enjoys getting outside while doing the run, which takes her the better part of two hours to complete. “The money is a bonus too,” she says. For her efforts Tyla recieves a doublepass to State Cinemas Nelson. If you would like to nominate your local Nelson Weekly deliverer, email kate@nelsonweekly.co.nz

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WEDNESDAY 28 October 2020

Modern, innovative dental practice opens in central city

There’s been an exciting development in downtown Nelson – a new dental

business has recently opened in the centre of the city, which is modern, innovative and inviting. In 2004, Dr Alex Munro and his family moved to Nelson where he bought into his first practice. After 15 years, he saw an opportunity to create a space that was dedicated to the latest advances

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Nelson Weekly


in dentistry, in an environ- “It’s been like building a very the ‘cosy hotel lobby vibe’ as ment that was welcoming and technical house because of all opposed to a sterile medical relaxed. So, in 2020, Munro the particular plumbing, x-ray environment because we want our patients to feel comfortable Dental was born. Alex’s wife and IT requirements.” and relaxed when they are in Melissa, who is the co-owner the reception area, and remove of the business, is a chartered Hotel-like lobby, lightany concept of dentistry as you accountant and human refilled surgery enter the building.” sources specialist. “We have complementary skills and When you visit Munro Den- The appealing dark-toned wanted to set up the business tal, you will be impressed by entranceway, and light-filled we had always dreamed of the stylish exterior and mod- surgery with its warm wood owning,” she says. Munro Den- ern décor. “We were going for tones, creates a more comfortable feeling. The Munros tal is located at 37 Bridge have also chosen lovely Street with plenty of parkNelson artworks to adorn ing nearby. “It’s the ideal lothe walls. cation. We looked at many “We had a large team of buildings and really liked people doing the renovathis one, but then we went tions,” says Melissa. “We into lockdown so couldn’t would especially like to progress anything.” In the thank Grant and Dave of meantime, the couple did Aspect Builders who mansignificant planning and aged our project, and Jodie were able to gain possesCameron for the interior sion of the building during design. Also, every single August. “It was four or five tradesperson that worked weeks later than we hoped on the site was brilliant. A for, so it was a relief to be fantastic team of helpful underway.” It was an expeople.” tremely busy time during Melissa says the patient exfitout. “It’s been a true laperience is limited into and bour of love,” says Melissa. out of the surgery via the The Munro Dental team were able to move in a week Owner/Dentist Alex Munro has a waiting room, but there’s a and half prior to opening passion for general denistry, and back door for their dental and welcomed their first brings a wealth experience and ex- assistants, where they take all of the instruments and patient on September 22nd. pertise to his role at Munro Dental.


Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

The friendly, experienced team at Munro Dental want to make every step of the patient experience positive. L to R: Taylor Te Kawa, Renee de Groot, Karen McLean, Alex Munro, Melissa Munro, Claire Hayes. equipment out to the sterilization area without the patients ever having to see them being transferred. “This is incredibly important now because of cross infection control.” “It’s fantastic being so central,” says Melissa. Recently a city councillor popped in who said, ‘thank you for bringing something lovely to the streets of Nelson after such a difficult year for everyone.’ “Not a lot of businesses are opening this year, so that was special to hear.” She says it’s ‘buzzy’ and

interesting on Bridge Street. “People enjoy being in the waiting room and watching the world go by. It’s a great position.”

A ‘positive patient experience’ Munro Dental has an excellent team onboard. “We have two very experienced dental assistants who bring a lot of wisdom, knowledge and experience and our younger dental assistant, who is training, brings such

positivity and joyous energy. Claire assists us on reception; she has been in the dental industry for over 25 years. We have a strong, friendly team who want to make every step of the patient experience positive.” Alex brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the business. “He has been past president of the Nelson branch of the Dental Association; is on the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal, and was the Complaints Officer for Nelson for a number of years. Alex loves practising dentistry, so after a period of not working while we were establishing the practice, it was like Christmas morning when he put his scrubs back on.” Melissa says Alex has a passion for general dentistry and loves educating patients to save their teeth. “He is also passionate about not making the dental practice a ‘scary place’ so if someone hasn’t been in for 10 years and is nervous and terrified, he doesn’t overwhelm them in that first appointment. He wants to make sure they are comfortable enough to continue with their dental care

WEDNESDAY 28 October 2020

program.” Munro Dental offers a full range of dentistry; everything from hygiene care and tooth whitening to cerec crowns. “Alex is a member of the NZ Cosmetic Dentistry Association, and loves improving smiles. “We have a very special and technical piece of equipment that allows him to

mill his own crowns onsite in one sitting for the patient.” Munro Dental is located at 37 Bridge Street, Nelson. To make an appointment, phone 548 0000. Munro Dental is open Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5pm, and on Saturdays from 10am to 2pm.

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Nelson Weekly

Our Nelson

WEDNESDAY 28 October 2020

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

Locally Owned and Operated

Climate Forum Hui sees strategic plans underway


The Nelson Tasman Climate Forum, which has received $90,000 of funding from Nelson City Council’s Climate Change Reserve, recently held a hui to discuss the work of topic groups that are investigating climate issues expected to affect the region. A draft Strategy is expected to be ready for consultation with partners, stakeholders and the wider community, including councils, in February next year.

Issue 107 • 28 October 2020

The following report on the hui was supplied by Forum member Carolyn Hughes:

Keep up to date with the latest news from Nelson City Council

The Climate Forum has Landed The Nelson Tasman Climate Forum has found its feet. Formed in February this year the Forum moved quickly to set up ‘Topic’ groups to design a strategic community response to climate change. The trigger question is: How should the Nelson Tasman region respond to the primary causes and diverse effects of climate change? Now, the Climate Forum is ready to help communities and organisations respond to climate change. Over a weekend-long hui, the remaining seven out of 16 topic groups discussed strategic plans, focussing on interconnected areas of local economy and business; energy; urban development; transport; land use resources, waste and food. Previous hui delved into how the wellbeing of people and ecosystems connects with climate change.

How to find out more about the Draft Whakamahere Whakatū A safe home for Nelson’s penguins Nelson Plan Photo: Kaikoura Ocean Research Institute.

If you’re wondering what the Draft Whakamahere Whakatū Nelson Plan is all about, there is no need to download and read the whole plan.

We’ve got a series of key information sheets and FAQs on our website that give you a simple outline of the key topics and answer many of the questions you may have, ncluding how the proposals in the Draft Plan differ from the current Nelson Resource Management Plan. The Draft Nelson Plan is open for this first phase of feedback until 6 December. Once notified in 2022, the Nelson Plan will help us manage our built and natural environment as well as outline climate change provisions for adaptation and mitigation. It will help us manage residential growth and ntensification, housing supply, biodiversity, freshwater, coastal and marine environments and natural hazards. It will guide what you can do on your property and outline whether resource consent is required. If you are interested in any of these topics go to shape.nelson.govt.nz/nelson-plan/ supporting-information for the FAQ and Key nformation sheets on specific chapters. You can find out how to give your feedback on the Draft Plan at shape.nelson. govt.nz/nelson-plan/how-give-feedback shape.nelson.govt.nz

Nelson – Smart Little City He Tāone Tōrire a Whakatū

The two culverts will now be re-monitored with CCTV to ensure there are no penguins nesting there. The penguin in the pipe was noted but does not require rehoming as it is already located in a safe area where there are nesting boxes established. The work is part of the Tahunanui Catchment Infrastructure Upgrade investigations, which will include a plan on locating and safely rehoming penguins found in culverts requiring work along the Rocks Road area.

Council agrees to new committee structure At its meeting on Thursday, 22 October Nelson City Council voted to support a new governance structure that streamlines the number of governing committees from five to three, enabling a more urgent response to COVID-19 and housing affordability issues. Nelson Mayor Rachel Reese welcomes the new structure, “From 16 November there will be three governing committees in an effort to reduce duplication of reporting, and to free up time for councillors and staff to engage with central government, iwi, other councils, private sector, NGOs and citizen groups. Continuing with committees of the whole (all elected members) ensures that all councillors have a voice around the Council and input on setting strategy, priorities and direction.” The three governing committees will be Infrastructure chaired by Councillor Brian McGurk, the renamed Environment and Climate Committee chaired by Councillor Kate Fulton and a new Community and Recreation


546 0200


Committee chair by Councillor Tim Skinner. Two new subcommittees will recognise this Council’s priority focus on housing, and strategic city centre and property matters - the Urban Development Subcommittee, chaired by Deputy Mayor Judene Edgar, and the Strategic Development and Property Subcommittee, chaired by Councillor Gaile Noonan. The Audit and Risk SubCommittee will be renamed the Audit, Risk and Finance Subcommittee. A new City Centre Engagement Group, chaired by Councillor Mel Courtney, will report to the Urban Development Subcommittee.



The Climate Forum is open to every person and organisation in the community. Its purpose is to weave our communities together around urgent, strategic action on climate change. To achieve this, the following is essential: • A large and diverse active membership of the Climate Forum • Local community groups supported to take urgent, strategic climate action • Strong climate leadership from decision-makers in the region • Economic activity in Nelson Tasman that is consistent with the implications of climate change • Positive, far-reaching messaging about climate action To get in touch, visit the Forum’s interactive website at nelsontasmanclimateforum.org or email community@nelsontasmanclimateforum.

Planning for Nelson’s future

Penguin sightings along Rocks Road aren’t very common, but when Mena the penguin-sniffing dog is on the case, there’s nowhere they can hide.

Nelson City Council called upon the help of Kaikoura Ocean Research Institute’s Alastair Judkins and his penguin-sniffing dog Mena earlier this month. Video footage taken during recent stormwater pipe investigations at the beach end of Rocks Road identified that a penguin was possibly nesting in one of the culverts. Judkins and Mena were called in to investigate, and on Saturday 17 October they discovered a penguin in a pipe at the Port end of Rocks Road, and evidence of penguin activity in two culverts at the beach end.

Our Nelson

Nelson City Council is building its plan for activities, projects and budgets over the next ten years - the Long Term Plan 2021  – 2031. COVID-19 has created the greatest global economic crisis in decades and Council is very aware of the toll it has taken on our community and our economy. As we plan for recovery over the coming years it is essential that we have your input. We want to hear your thoughts on the opportunities and challenges for Nelson’s future. What priorities do you want Council to focus on? What are your greatest concerns? Where do you want to see the focus of investment and activity to support our community? Please come along to a community meeting in your area in November 2020 and have your say.

Community meeting - Stoke

Saturday 7 November 10am  – 12 noon Annesbrook Church Hall, 40 Saxton Road, Stoke, Nelson

Community meeting- Tahunanui

Saturday 7 November 2pm  – 4pm Tahunanui Community Hub, 55 Muritai Street, Nelson

Keep your bins empty with Rethink Waste Council’s new waste minimisation programme, Rethink Waste, is an open invitation for us all to see waste as an opportunity, rather than a challenge. Rethinking waste will help enable us all to live in a more circular economy, where our precious resources have more than one life and the rubbish dump is the last resort. Rethink Waste is launching with our spring calendar of activities, starting with workshops on zero waste parenting, home composting and lots of other ways to keep your rubbish bins as empty as possible. Check out our spring events programme at nelson.govt.nz/rethink-waste, and keep an eye on the waste minimisation grants section for news of grants programmes as they become available.

Community meeting - Nelson North

Saturday 14 November 10am  – 12 noon Wakapuaka Hall, 460 State Highway 6, Main Road, Nelson

Community meeting – Nelson Central

Saturday 14 November 2pm  – 4pm Victory Church Hall, 238 Vanguard Street, Nelson


MEETINGS For a full list of Council meetings go to: nelson.govt.nz/meetings

WEDNESDAY 28 October 2020


ROAD CLOSURES Applicant: SMC Events Ltd Event: Sanitarium Weet-bix Kids TRYathlon Location: Tahunanui Recreation Reserve, Bisley Walk, Hounsell Circle, Beach Road, Golf Road Date and time of closure: Sunday 14 March 2021, 6am – 1pm Wet Weather Date: Sunday 18 April 2021, Closed between 6am – 1pm The roads will be closed and resident vehicle access will be available when safe and directed from the contractor. Applicant: Creative Event Logistics Event: Nelson New Years Eve Event & New Years Day Brunch Concert Location: Selwyn Place – Trafalgar Street East to Trafalgar Street West Date and time of closure: Thursday 31 December 2020 – Friday 1 January 2021, Closed at 5am – 7pm The road will be closed and access unavailable during this time. Applicant: Nelson Marlborough Traffic Management Ltd Event: Construction of a manhole and replacement of a sewer pipe through Seafield Terrace where construction of a rock revetment and footpath will be taking place. Location: Airlie Street & Seafield Terrace – from Athol Street to Airlie Street Date and time of closure: Thursday 10 December – Thursday 17 December 2020, Closed between 8.30am – 4.00pm The road will be open over the weekend from Friday 4.00pm – Monday 8.30am. There will be no vehicle access. Pedestrian access will be available and signed. Applicant: Nelson City Council Event: This is for the safety of the public in the Nelson CBD on New Year’s Eve. Location: Bridge Street (Trafalgar Street – Collingwood Street), Hardy Street (Church Street – Morrison Street), Trafalgar Street (Bridge Street – Hardy Street), Park Street, Alma Street, Buxton Carpark Date and time of closure: Thursday 31 December 2020 – Friday 1 January 2021, Closed at 8pm – 6am The road will be closed and access unavailable during this time. Applicant: Nelson City Council Event: Annual Christmas Carols. Location: Selwyn Place – Trafalgar Street East to Trafalgar Street West Date and time of closure: Thursday 24 December 2020, Closed at 7pm – 11pm The road will be closed and access unavailable during this time. Feedback for proposed closures to be given by: Wednesday 14 October Email: enquiries@ncc.govt.nz Post: Nelson City Council, PO Box 645, Nelson 7040, Attention: Gillian Dancey

For all road closure information visit: nelson.govt.nz/road-closures

To sign up for Our Nelson by email go to:

facebook.com/ nelsoncitycouncil

Issue 105 •



WEDNESDAY 28 October 2020


Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

Sota RV

Quarantine Road for five years, but they had outgrown the space. “This new space is going to give us a lot

Would you love to explore New Zealand in a luxury caravan, have fun family holidays, enjoy relaxing weekend getaways or thrilling off-road adventures? Sota RV Ltd, a local company which is co-owned by business partners Jared Rameka-iti and Mike Carmody, has introduced stunning Roma Caravans to the New Zealand market which suit New Zealand roads and the kiwi lifestyle, with all the latest tech on offer. Having built caravans since 1928, Roma are manufacturers of quality, innovation, style and durability. If you love the idea of owning a classy custom-built caravan, call Jared on 021 326 390 or Mike on 021 326 399.

Engineers / Surveyors / Planners


Top of the South Riders Register now for a subsidy code to take a Ride Forever Motorcycle Skills and Handling Course – FREE!

Tyres and More In 2012, Tyres and More just sold tyres and had only one staff member. Now in 2020, Tyres and More has a fully equipped workshop and employs ten amazing staff that can complete virtually any automotive task. While the team at Tyres and More have a particular passion for European, Classic and race cars, they also complete brake, clutch, gearbox and engine servicing and rebuilding, carry out electrical repairs and diagnostics work, vehicle restoration, fleet servicing and warranty work. If you would like to know more about just what Tyres and More can do for you, much of their work is shown on Facebook.

Radiator Repairs


ROMA CARAVANS Custom made with a focus on quality, style and durability, not mass production. Tour the main highways or indulge your desire for off-road adventures.

Before you hit the road for a short break or family holiday, it’s important to make sure your vehicle’s radiator is in top-top condition for the journey. Seeka Panels and Parts on Vanguard Street specialises in three main areas: automotive parts, mechanical repairs and radiator repairs. “Stu Brown, our radiator specialist, has been doing this since he left school, and was trained by one of the better guys around,” says Seeka Panels and Parts co-owner Robert Jefcoate. Seeka Parts and Panels is located at 134A Vanguard Street, Nelson.

Ride to live October is Motorcycle Awareness Month and always signals the start of the warmer weather when the motorcycles emerge from winter hibernation and hit the roads. Statistically, over half of all motorcyclists will be getting their bikes out of the garage from this month on, after a winter break. If you’re a rider, you need to check your gear and your bike before getting back out on the road to make sure that everything is ride ready. There are a range of courses suited to all levels of expertise so go to www. ridetolive.co.nz to register for the subsidy and then enrol for your free course.

The team at Habitat Humanity Nelson are hoping for a great turnout this weekend when their new ReStore opens on Saturday.

0800 999 333 / nelson@do.nz www.do.nz

Habitat’s spacious new ReStore opens this Saturday After many months of hard work and preparation, the team at Habitat for Humanity Nelson are excited to be opening their new ReStore on Saturday (October 31st) and are hoping for a great turnout at its fantastic new location. Habitat for Humanity is a charitable organisation which has operated in Nelson for over 20 years and is part of a global network which helps to house people and build communities. In early 2020, the local organi-

sation purchased the former Suburban Club at 166 Tahunanui Drive, with the desire to create a community hub and new operational base. Its Nelson ReStore accepts and resells quality new and used goods, and all the proceeds help to fund local housing programmes and initiatives. Habitat for Humanity Nelson General Manager, Nick Clarke, says they have been able to shift to the new premises because of all the amazing support they

have had from the local community for their ReStores in Nelson and Motueka over the years. The ‘high level’ of support from their committed volunteers has also been a huge factor. “This future proofs what we can do to address housing needs in Nelson and help people realise their dreams and aspirations and supporting ReStore and our new community café enables us to achieve this goal.” The organisation had their Nelson ReStore on


more room to grow and enable us to do a lot more ventures,” says ReStore Manager, Rebecca Wyatt.


Nelson Brakes Located in the heart of Tahuna, the Muritai Service centre offers a full workshop service and the qualified team is experienced in car repairs, maintenance and warrants of fitness for cars, light commercials, motorcycles and trailers “There are two parts to our business – Nelson Brake Services and Muritai Service Centre, but we’re one place, one building, one team,” says Quentin. “We offer general garage services such as warrants, lubes, tyres, repairs and so on, and we are also brake specialists.” To making a booking or request a free quote, call them or pop in.

WEDNESDAY 28 October 2020




WEDNESDAY 28 October 2020

“We will be able to expand our recycling and our house parts and help the community a lot more. Our new

store has a large area to sell doors and windows, cupboards, bathtubs, vanities, plumbing supplies, everything you need to do up your home using quality second-hand goods.” Nelson ReStore has over 50 volunteers who organise and price all of the stock. “We couldn’t do it without them.” The new building is very spacious and a whole lot more convenient and accessible. “We’ve gone from 13 carparks to 130 carparks!” says Nick. It’s been all hands on deck in the leadup to the big opening day for the new ReStore. Volunteers and staff have been very busy moving van loads of stuff to the new premises for many weeks now and lots of


Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

Habitat for Humanity Nelson volunteer Jed Goad, General Manager Nick Clarke, Marketing, Administration and Funding Coordinator Tessa Hilton, ReStore Manager Rebecca Wyatt and Property and Projects Manager, Jo Reilly. businesses came out in support of the big shift, too. To name a few, Steve O’Shaughnessy Electrical generously donated their time and skills, Byrne Carriers Ltd helped relocate their containers to the new site and a crew of builders from Scott Construction volunteered some of their manpower to help set things up. “Along the way, we have also been gifted a whole lot of shop fittings which has enabled us to set it up quite nicely,” says Nick. “We have a new outdoor area for house parts where all the goods come in; it’s a huge transformation from a tin shed.” Nick says that, in time, they hope to develop a storage area and get it all fitted out to create some offices and sorting rooms and link a hallway through to the main part of the Hub. Nick describes acquiring the new building as a ‘miracle.’

“We saw the sign and a couple of people said, ‘you should have a look at that,’ because we had outgrown our previous premises and were trying to work out what to do.” So, he came and had look about a week before Christmas, and the owners said they were thinking of leasing or selling it. “They came back to us with a cheap price so we thought, maybe we can do this, and so the journey started.” The lockdown affected their plans a bit, but Nick says they were very fortunate to to keep all their staff on thanks to the wage subsidy, and key people were able to keep working.

Café promotes community wellbeing With over 30 years’ experience working with the hospitality industry, Greg Dyer has part-

nered with Habitat to open a community café at the Hub with a focus on promoting community wellbeing and sustainability. “Our vision for the café is that of ‘Home’ – a place where people can come to feel a sense of belonging and feel revived and nourished,” says Greg. “People can grab a coffee and a book off the shelf, sit on the couch; it’s like a wonderful extension of their home. It’s about getting actively back in the community and being part of it.” Nick says the café has the potential to one day offer lowcost quality meals and maybe cater for different groups in the neighbourhood in some way. “It also has the potential to provide employment generating opportunities for young people, people with disabilties, those in the refugee communities who need a start, people returning to work – it could go anywhere.”

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

Nelson ReStore Manager Rebecca Wyatt says the new space is going to give the organisation a lot more room to grow, including expanding their recycling and houseparts.

Hub will provide help and support

wellbeing in young people with learning disabilities and other support needs. “There’s also the potential to have mums and tots groups, book clubs and so on,” he says. “Mosaic Church are going to be using one of the rooms as well and have built it up so it can also be used by businesses for quality presentations.” There is a nearby space for hot-desking too.

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Saint Stephens Community Church and other organisations around town,” says Nick. “The trick is to leverage that; not dilute it.” Habitat for Humanity Nelson is also in discussions with the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development about providing affordable housing for everyone, especially since lockdown. “Having an asset like this provides a lot of opportunity, which is excellent,” says Nick. “The kinds of things that are happening here and what we envisage, are much bigger than a charity shop that supports a housing charity – it has to speak to ‘body, mind and spirit.’ So, there will be things that support people who need help in the community as well as things that are nice to have, be or do.” It’s early days for the new ReStore and the allnew Habitat Hub, and it will be great to see how things evolve over time. By shopping, donating, or volunteering at ReStore, you are supporting Habitat’s mission to build homes, communities

The Hub will officially open in early November, with a focus on community wellbeing and connectedness and will be used as a base for affordable housing initiatives. Through the Hub, people will be able to receive support and access services, such as food parcels, budgeting advice, good quality second-hand goods and affordable housing. Additionally, the Hub will act as a space for community groups to gather to teach classes and hold meetings. Some of the rooms within the Hub have already been allocated for different purposes such as the old gaming room which will be utilised by ‘The Buzz’ – a community organisation After many months of hard work setting up the new premises, Habitat for Humanity’s Proud to be based at The Habitat Hub. thatProud empowers promotes ReStore to beand based at TheNelson Habitat Hub. will open on Tahunanui Drive this weekend.

Proud to be based at The Habitat Hub.


The Hub also has tenants such as Foodbank which is by referral only and community finance by Rosalie Grant from Good Shepherd who can offer no or low interest loans. “Our desire is to serve the local community and support other local initiatives, such as Mark and the team at the Tahunanui Community Centre, Atje and the team down at Repair Café at

WEDNESDAY 28 October 2020


LOANS LOANS LOANS Talk to Presbyterian Support Otago about TalktotoPresbyterian Presbyterian Talk Good Loans today. Support Otago about Support Otago about Call us on 0800 477 711 Good Loans today. Good Loans today. Call 477 711 Callus uson on0800 0800 477 711

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A community-focused initiative of

Terms and lending criteria apply.

Supported by Supported by

Supported by


and hope. See you down at the opening of the new ReStore this Saturday (October 31st) at 166 Tahunanui Drive, Nelson starting at 9am.

CopyPress The


WEDNESDAY 28 October 2020


Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated


Mako surge too much for Stags Peter Jones A second half resurgence at Trafalgar Park on Sunday ensured Tasman rebounded quickly from their Mitre 10 Cup loss to Auckland last weekend. The Mako overcame a gritty Southland side 47-10, racing away with the spoils in the second 40 after a first half they dominated but could not capitalise on. Ultimately Tasman bagged seven tries, six of them converted, although the final scoreline did not reflect the effort Tasman required to get the job done. The home side began strongly, with a steady wind at their backs. A couple of early scoring chances Roman Takao dreams of one day playing on the wing for the Mako like his hero Leicester Faingaanuku. The ten-yearold Stoke School student was recently named the ‘Mightiest Mako Fan,’ a competition run by the Nelson Airport. Roman has been an avoid Mako supporter since he was just three-years-old and started watching games with his dad. He says he is the team’s biggest fan because he goes to every game, rain or shine, and even wrote Mako chants for his team as a toddler. Roman says his favourite Mako memory was when Leicester scored two tries on his birthday, a day Leicester also remembers fondly. For winning the competition, Roman will be flown to Wellington to watch Tasman take on Wellington this Saturday afternoon. Photo: Jonty Dine.

were ruined by over-eagerness as they sought to make amends for their previous week’s effort. Using the benevolent conditions intelligently, both sides were happy to spread the ball, resolute defence keeping the teams scoreless in the first quarter. However, it was not long until Tasman were on the board. A scrum penalty earned the home side field position from where they mounted a series of forward charges close to the breakdown. Ultimately it was Taina FoxMatamua, playing his first game for the season, who crashed over close to the posts, making Mitch Hunt’s conversion a formality. After oranges Tasman came out with renewed vigour. Outside

backs Leicester Fainga’anuku and Fatuli Paea make scything runs before skipper David Havili took control, bouncing out of a tackle to sprint over for the second Mako try. However, that merely sparked Southland into action. Almost immediately their skipper Tony Lamborn burst over from close range after a costly turnover by Tasman. Three minutes later the Mako were in again, Paea cutting through after a slick build-up, the try being cleared after some TMO consultation. Hunt landed his third conversion and the home side led 21-10. Their next try came from a superb counterattack, Fainga’anuku

breaking clear on the left, kicking ahead, regathering and feeding Hunt who wormed his way over for the bonus point touchdown. His conversion from out wide bounced off the crossbar and dropped over. As Southland ran out of steam Tasman lifted again, their bench adding energy in the final quarter. Paea scored his second after a long build-up involving backs and forwards, Tim O’Malley’s conversion making it a 35-10 advantage. Sione Havili scored their next as the Tasman players began to express themselves with the pressure off, then his namesake, skipper David, crossed for his side’s seventh and final

touchdown, a fitting effort from the inspirational fullback. Tasman turned out this week in brown-and-white hooped Golden Bay-Motueka jerseys to celebrate 100 years of existence for the sub-union, making it a special occasion for David Havili who represented Golden Bay Motueka in the junior grades, along with his brother, father and grandfather.

Scorers: Tasman 47 (Taina Fox-Matamua, Sione Havili, David Havili 2, Fetuli Paea 2, Mitch Hunt tries, Hunt 4 con, Tim O’Malley 2 con) Southland 10 (Tony Lamborn try, Greg Dyer pen, Scott Eade con). HT: 7-3 Tasman

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

WEDNESDAY 28 October 2020


Stihl ShoP MaRine

s w e N g n i h s Fi Record attendance Dominik Berghamer

Mike Lash with his five signed Super Rugby jerseys he is auctioning off for the Reel Effect. Photo: Jonty Dine.

Jerseys up for grabs for good cause Jonty Dine Reporter


As a referee, Mike Lash is well connected in rugby circles. So, obtaining a signed jersey from each of the New Zealand Super Rugby franchises required no more than a few phone calls. Mike is auctioning off the jerseys to raise funds for his mental health support group The Reel Effect. “I am pretty fortunate to know a fair few guys in the different teams, so it was quite easy really to link up with them.” All supporters of the Reel Effect,

Mike obtained a Blues jersey from former Mako coach Leon Macdonald, a Chiefs jersey from Ryan Coxon, the Hurricanes’ from Du'Plessis Kirifi, Ethan Blackadder donated from the champion Crusaders while Tima Faingaanuku and Rob Thomson provided the Highlander’s strip. The funds will go towards funding the group’s ‘missions,’ which see a group of men disconnect for a couple of days for a spot of fly fishing and mindfulness. “The programme is designed to provide an environment for Kiwi men to step away from the stresses and pressures of everyday life. Fly fishing is the

vehicle to get outside and speak about those bigger issues.” Mike says the fundraiser has been well received with punters able to make as many $5 entries as they want. “There are some pretty staunch Cantabrians who have spent $50 all on red.” He says it is more important than ever for men to be talking about mental health. “We want to eliminate the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff and actually be standing on top of it.” The winners will be drawn at the start of November. To bid on a jersey go to https://www. facebook.com/thereeleffectnz

The first social afternoon of the season for the Dawnbreakers Fishing Club saw a record attendance despite taking place just before the All Blacks game. Not extremely surprising considering that an exquisite AquaZition rod and Shimano reel combo worth over $1300 could be won. Dan Govier gave us a quick rundown on how he hand-crafts his custom made rods and pointed out a few significant differences from the standard offthe-shelf rod before the winner was drawn. John Conning was lucky enough to take home this sweet prize, which came in very handy for him since he managed to snap one of his other rods just a week ago. Hopefully this one will keep longer. The social afternoon also gave

plenty of opportunity to talk to the other members and find out where the snapper are: They are around in the shallows off the Boulder Bank but mainly smaller fish, soft baits seem to be a good way to be more selective in regards to size. Further out you will find lots of bait fish, squat lobsters, dolphins and kahawai (double points will be awarded for kahawai entered into the Dawnbreakers‘ competition during October). At the 30m mark the bottom is still plastered with spiny dogs, any bait dropped there will catch a shark. Even further out, at about 40m, the snapper have turned up in good sizes and numbers. Be out there as early as possible and use light gear, it will increase your catch rate markedly. Tight lines!

Nelson Speedway puts on cracker of a night Jody Scott

Speedway Reporter editorial@nelsonweekly.co.nz

It was a cracker night from start to finish at Milestone Homes Top of the South Speedway. A huge crowd gathered for the opening meeting of the season with the Coca-Cola Fireworks display headlining the event and all grades racing for the their respective Trackman trophies. There were big fields in the T.Q, Youth Ministock and Street Stock grades. This included a couple of new entrants in the Super Stocks - Josh Nell opening his career with an impressive first race, while James Nicholson made the podium finishing in 3rd place at his first outing. The T.Qs were the highlight grade, with defending trophy holder 1nz, Jeremy Webb,

Dan Govier and John Conning at the social day.

The Nelson Speedway was all action on Saturday night with several records broken. Photo: Supplied. running into some stiff competition. The “Feature Freak” Jayden Corkill won heat 1 and then led the feature race until it was ended early with a couple of roll overs. The New Zealand champion also played second fiddle to current club champ Alicia Hill who took out heat 2 and finished 3rd in the feature. The Street Stocks slowly warmed up their bumpers with some deft blocking in the

final heat to get local driver Matt Watson home in 1st overall. The Super Stocks went the way of defending champion Alex Hill after Brett Nicholls was spun infield early and got trapped in a wet patch in the first race. He stirred things up in the second heat and won heat 3, but the South Island Champion Hill was unopposed to claim the first trophy up for grabs this year.

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Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 28 October 2020

Amateur boxing returns to region

Locally Owned and Operated

Jonty Dine Reporter


Some of the most promising young boxers in the South Island descended on Richmond at the weekend to fight for the coveted Golden Gloves crown. Organiser Randall Dixon says Nelson’s first amateur boxing event in nearly a decade was a resounding success. “We got some great feedback, everyone loved the venue., we had a full house in the afternoon and the crowd were right into it.” He says every fight was a battle and a crowd pleaser. “Unfortunately, none of my boxers got matched through injuries so I had to play host and keep things rolling as smoothly as I could.” Reichen Scott and Christine Gillespie each won open titles unopposed while Chrissy took part in an exhibition bout with an opponent 12kg heavier. “She was itching to get out and compete in front of a home crowd and she was outstanding giving away so much weight, I am very proud of the way she went.” Randall says his team did an

Khua Lian Tiam Zanniat lost his arm in a factory accident in 2010 but it has not stopped him playing football. Photo: Jonty Dine.

Opportunities celebrated at Chin community sports day Jonty Dine Reporter

Local fighter Christine Gillespie sizes up her opponent at the Golden Gloves which brought fighters from all over the South Island to Dixon’s Boxing in Richmond. Photo: Jonty Dine. outstanding job. “I couldn’t ask for a better team and I couldn’t be prouder of the way they pulled together to host this event, it was massive.” Wakatu Boxing’s ten-year-old pocket rocket Sailor Orlowski lost her debut bout on split decision. However, she will not have to wait long for her revenge, as she is set for a rematch in November. “It was pretty close,” says Sailor. Sailor had her nose busted open early in the fight prompting the referee to pause the action as Sailor was attended to.

Her Christchurch opponent didn’t have it all her way, with Sailor crumbling her with a solid body shot. “I didn’t think it was going to be that hard, I will have to train harder next time.” Sailor was given a rapturous ovation as she walked to the ring. “The whole crowd roared for her, I had to tell her to focus,” says mum Tracey. “I didn’t know half of them,” says Sailor. Following the decision, Sailor says she was left feeling plenty of disappointment but is determined to avenge the loss.


Before amputee Khua Lian Tiam Zanniat moved to Nelson, he feared for his future. As a 17-year-old, Tiam was visiting his brother in Malaysia and working at a tyre recycling plant. It was here that his right arm became trapped in a machine and was completely severed from the elbow. “It was really quick but painful. I was rushed to hospital and there was so much blood in the car.” His arm was so badly crushed in the accident, there was no chance of reattachment. Now handicapped and with no government assistance or insurance available, Tiam had little support and less hope. His brother had just had a baby, and times were extremely tough for Tiam. However, just three years later, with help from the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, he was on his way to start a new life in Aotearoa. “I had never heard of New Zealand before, but I was so happy when

we got here.” He says life immediately became easier after leaving Myanmar. “It is completely different; the people are so understanding.” Tiam was granted citizenship in 2019 and takes great pride in calling himself a New Zealander. He has also gained employment at the Z Petrol Station on Rutherford St where he works night shifts. “If I was still at home, I would have no chance of working, I would be like a child.” Tiam was one of hundreds of refugees celebrating their culture at the annual Chin Community Sports Day at the weekend. He has not let his handicap prevent him enjoying the sport he loves, playing midfield for the Nelson Chin champion football team Si Zung Sang. “My favourite thing is to play football, I’m no good at it but I love to play.” He says the day is always a special one for himself and his fellow Chin community members. “It’s very nice to live in New Zealand and Nelson is my favourite place, beautiful beaches and mountains and the people are so friendly.”

GENERATIONS OF NELSON Brought to you by Marsden House Return to the Garden

William Hastilow was a tireless worker. One day when using bullocks to haul logs to his sawmill he was badly hurt when a bullock crushed a pole across his throat. The accident necessitated spending a considerable amount of time

in hospital. Once recovered, he left milling and returned to gardening, his former profession in Newcastle – laying extensive gardens and grounds at Mt Heslington for George Miles. William died in 1882 at age 57.

Generations of Nelson presents Snippets of History The latest Snippets of History, Volume Four, is now available! Volumes 1–3 are $15 per book Volume 4 is $20 Or get the full set for just $60 Purchase from Marsden House or NZME. 41 Selwyn Place, Nelson.













VOLUM in this third volume of stories featurin g discovery and heartbreak and survival, triumph. These stories are about real people in real Whether you are picking this up for just a quick l, from read, or are reading cover to cover, surviva N enjoy Snippets g discovery and of History as a of stories featurin real in volume people third small real in this glimpse into the Nelson stories are about that once was. triumph. These heartbreak and or are reading just a quick read, picking this up for glimpse Whether you are History as a small enjoy Snippets of from cover to cover, that once was. into the Nelson






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Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

WEDNESDAY 28 October 2020

Alex has sights set on gold Jonty Dine Following his stunning victory over a former King of the Ring champion, Alex Tzinavos is now setting his sights on championship gold. Alex finished Carlos ‘the Flying Fijian’ Hicks at Knees of Fury 81 in Hamilton last weekend. Carlos is a highly touted prospect having trained with UFC middleweight champion Israel Adesanya. However, Alex won the fight via TKO in round one, breaking his opponents arm during a takedown before he succumbed to Alex’s ground and pound after just one minute and 20 seconds. “He was a tough opponent, so the plan was to take him down.” The 27-year-old is now set to challenge for the IKBF 74kg South Island MMA title in Christchurch on Friday night. He will take on a familiar face in veteran Grant Toa Toa, a fighter he has met on three previous occasions in grappling competitions. With the ledger currently at 2-1 in favour of Alex, he is confident of getting it done again with a belt on the line. “It’s five rounds but I’m going to finish him, I can see myself knocking him out.” ‘Big Daddy’ says he will be happy to stand and strike with Grant or take it to the canvas, believing his well-rounded game is both effective and crowd pleasing. “I like doing crazy stuff like spinning back kicks and spinning heel hooks.” He says he enjoys fights back-to-back because he is able to maintain his fitness levels. Alex has always had a fascination with martial arts, his father being a member

Alex Tzinavos will fight for the IKBF South Island title this weekend. Photo: Jonty Dine. of the South African SWAT team for which he had to learn various fighting disciplines. This saw Alex naturally gravitate towards the sport. His first foray into fighting was not successful, however, as he was thoroughly dominated by wrestlers during his early gym sessions. “I couldn’t do anything, I was just hopeless. I thought I knew how to kick and punch, but it didn’t matter. as soon as they grab hold of me it was their game.” This experience motivated Alex to hone

his grappling skills as he joined MYBJJ in Nelson before his path soon led to Maui Muay Thai, where he has been training alongside the likes of national heavyweight champion Ricky Esilva. The father of three has managed to balance family and fighting life while working at Brightwater Engineering. His dream is to one day sign for the world’s biggest MMA promotion, the UFC. Domination Fight Series 7 will take place at the Woolston Working Men's Club in Christchurch and will be live streaming on Fight News for $9.95.


Strong start for defending champs

Stoke/Nayland have made the perfect start to its championship defence with another resounding win in round three of the Nelson 110-over competition on Saturday. Stoke/Nayland’s bowlers again blew through the top order at Marsden Rec, Nelson College finding themselves in dire trouble at 4-4. Dylan Egington, Billy Guyton and Timothy O’Connor took all nine wickets between them, each claiming three apiece. Only Ronan Restieuax and Kaleb McKay managed to reach double figures, the latter top scoring with 23, coming in at eight. In reply, Stoke were under pressure at 51/6 before some lower order contributions from O’Connor (44) and Liam Clarke (23). At Jubilee Park, Waimea Toi Toi United defended 143 for victory against Wakatu. The hosts were dismissed after 51 overs, Sam Baxendine scoring 43 off 102. Greg DeFu was the best with the ball taking 3/36 off 12. Fergus Hughes top scored for Wakatu with 12, his side crumbling to just 51, Josh Newport claiming the impressive figures of 5/16. The results, sees Stoke/Nayland maintain its spot on top of the table, with Nelson College and Wakatu languishing at the bottom.

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Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 28 October 2020

Locally Owned and Operated

Bowlers share the spoils Jonty Dine Reporter


Joint winners of the Nelson Bowling Club Speights Premier Fours Ray Martin and Chris Lowe with Major Sponsor representative John Caldwell. Photo: Supplied.


ROUND 8 Jonty Dine - 33/49

Nic Smith - 33/49

Vern Mardon - 33/49

Canterbury vs Otago

Wellington vs Tasman

Northland vs North Harbour

Auckland vs Waikato

Manawatu vs Southland

Bay of Plenty Taranaki vs vs Hawke’s Bay Counties Manukau

Poor weather meant the $20,000 up for grabs in the annual Nelson Bowling Club Speights Premier Fours had to be shared last weekend. Play was halted after ten ends and a draw was declared between the team of Chris Lowe, Jordan King, Peter Thorne and Ciaran MacElvanna and the team of Ray Martin, Bradley Down, Tim Toomey and Robbie Bird. Tournament organiser Richard Collett says the skies were closely watched as the championship was being decided. “We got to a final, we were about halfway through and had to pull the

pin.” Richard says once the green went underwater, they decided joint winners was the only fair result. This saw Ray Martin’s Wellington team and Chris’ Auckland side share the spoils with Auckland ahead 13-7. “It was shaping up to be an intense final, each team had moments, but weather had its affect.” Richard extended a big thank you to the club and its members for putting on “an outstanding event” and hopes the weather decides to play ball in 2021. “We already have plenty queuing up for next year.” The Caldwell Family act as the tournament’s major sponsors which is the biggest value fours tournament in the country.

Hill climbers get to work Jacqui Rawson

Brightwater’s Mt. Heslington Rd will be the centre of serious action this Saturday as motorcyclists struggle to get their machines up hill. The event hasn't taken place in the Nelson Tasman region for 30 years until Moto X Events decided to resuscitate it three years ago. “It’s become really popular with spectators again because they get the chance to get up close to the Moto X racing action,” says Moto X Events organiser Dan Shallcrass. It’s a whole-day, family-friendly event full of fierce competition

between riders demonstrating hair-raising techniques that are sure to deliver gasps from spectators, says Dan. The serious riders will be organised into four motorbikes at one time competing in the knockout heats on the lower part of the hill. Those that make it through will graduate to the upper part of the hill and the chance to be named ‘King of the Hill’. The event is on Saturday October 31, from 10am until 4pm. Bring your deck chair and cash for food and drink and the $5 entrance fee, or $20 per family.

Scott Clark - 33/49 John Sandston - 32/49 Peter Grigg - 32/49



Craig Morice - 32/49

mt heslington road brightwater 10am to 4pm

saturday 31st october

Mike Sonnenberg - 31/49

Chris Barnett - 31/49

food and drink available

Peter Ogilvie - 31/49

Brendon Sinnott - 30/49

Brad McNeill - 29/49 Johnston Associates South Chartered Accountants

Johnston Associates South Chartered Accountants

entry $5 per person or $20 per family for spectators

king of the hill farm bike class

Simon Charles - 28/49

for more information call dan or brYan 027 2776 035

Nelson Weekly

Community Services

Locally Owned and Operated

Community Notices MONDAY

LIGHTHOUSE SPIRITUAL AWARENESS Mon 7.30pm. Talks, healing, clairvoyance. Trafalgar St Hall, opp Trailways. Ph Carolyn 5474613. TEA & TALK - Mon 10am - 11.30am - Victory Community Centre - Come and join us for a cuppa tea and a wee treat. Meet new friends and enjoy morning tea served on vintage china with occasional entertainment and guest speakers. Ages 60+, $2.


NELSON 50+ MINI WALKERS Nov 3, Centre of NZ -Stanley Whitehead Walkway. Meet 10am the Botanics. Ph George, 021 102 9101. MARYBANK GARDEN CLUB Tues Nov 3 Garden Ramble @ 6.15pm Tui Glen Rd Gardens starting at Barb Watts at Number 62. Meeting at Jaycee Room Founders Park 7.30pm. Speaker Bill Brett with topic ‘Roses’ All welcome. Marybankgardenclub@gmail.com NELSON HOSPITAL CHAPLAINCY FUNDRAISING STALL 3-6 Nov, on Floor 1. Donations of baking, jams, preserves, craft items, children’s toys would be appreciated. Leave non-perishable goods in the hospital chapel any time or email miriam.martin@nmdhb. govt.nz. Bring perishable goods on a stall day. SIT & BE FIT - Tues 11-11.45am - Victory Community Centre. Enjoy exercising sitting down. Keep your heart healthy and lose that “lockdown loaf” while listening to great music! A great way to make friends and meet new people. $4. REPAIR CAFE at St Stephens Church 61 Tāhunanui Dr. Tues from 9.30am-12.30 pm. Scone and good coffee (or tea) on offer for a donation. Repairs from bikes to trikes, highchairs to wheelchairs, buttons to chipped/broken crockery. We supply information and have talented people to help with IT and smart phones. VICTORY SIXTY PLUS Tues 1.30-3.30pm 238 Upper Vanguard St. Join us for cards, games and a cuppa. For more info please contact Jan on 546 9057 or 027 4577 955.

NELSON CATHEDRAL WALKING GROUP (Tuesdays) - start at Cathedral 9am, followed by morning tea in Cathedral. All welcome. Judith 027 319 8511. $3 LUNCHTIME MEALS Do you get hungry or lonely or both at lunchtime? If it’s a Tues, Wed or Thur you’re welcome to come for a dinner type meal, at 12pm at All Saints hall behind the church, 30 Vanguard St, cost $3. Phone 5482601.

WEDNESDAY HEALING SERVICE – With Father John Rea at St Francis of Assisi Church, Songer St, Stoke, Wed 4 Nov, 7pm. All Welcome. Enquires to 0274625983. WAIMARAMA ORGANIC COMMUNITY GARDENS (Brook Valley) are looking for volunteers, to help keep up the gardens. Wed 9.30 till 12. INDOOR BOWLS, come and join us for social indoor bowls and a cuppa every Wed and Fri afternoon 1:15 - 4pm. Beginners welcome. Trafalgar Street Hall in the City. For information ph. 548 9006. SUMMER INDOOR BOWLS. Wed 7pm WARNES STADIUM Songer St, Stoke. Open to all ages, new players welcome. Give it a go. Equipment supplied. $3 mat fee. Linda 0210 828 2884.

THURSDAY LEGO @ Nelson Public Library. Free Event, All ages. Come and get creative, playing with Lego. Community corner (next to children’s library). Oct 29 3:30pm till 5pm. NELSON 50+ WALKING GROUP Nov 5, Lodestone. Ph. Richard, 022 609 3106. BIPOLAR SUPPORT GROUP Meets at 7pm, the first Thurs of the Month at The White House, 11 Wainui Street, Nelson. Supper Provided. Ph: Philip 5481757. PROSTATE CANCER SUPPORT GROUP 1st Thursday of month Broadgreen House 276 Nayland Rd 1.30- 3.30pm contact Bill phone 544 8635 or 539 1137.

WEDNESDAY 28 October 2020


DEADLINE: 10AM FRIDAY 50 WORDS OR LESS BY EMAIL ONLY SEND TO: myevent@nelsonweekly.co.nz

ACTIVE STRENGTH/BALANCE CLASS -also seated options presented. Trafalgar St Hall Thurs @ 10 am. ACC accredited provider. Mental agility, coordination and Qi Gong for strength and balance. Ph Shirley 5471 433 / 021 121 8023.

FRIDAY GROW Come to a group of knowledge and learning how to cope with mental, physical, social and spiritual problems. Fri 10-12. 9 Paru Paru Rd, Nelson (CAB meeting room) or phone 547-6120.

SATURDAY / SUNDAY FAMILY FUN NIGHT AT NELSON CATHEDRAL Sat 31 Oct 5-7pm. FREE family event. Bouncy castle, sausage sizzle, popcorn, face painting, balloon sculptures, games, prizes and more. All welcome. PONY PARTY - pony rides, fun games, BBQ food and raffles. Come and join Richmond RDA to celebrate our riding school. Sat 7 Nov, 11am-1pm at RDA 169 Champion Rd Richmond. ASTHMA - It's Your Breathing. Free talk. Nicky McLeod, Breathing Educator/Buteyko Practitioner, Nelson Library, 31 Oct, 11am. Buteyko Institute Method is world-renowned for significant reduction/elimination of asthma symptoms/medication. Look at asthma through a different lens, learn strategies to relieve/prevent asthma. 027 278 3499, Eventbrite or www.breathingclinic. co.nz GROWING VEGETABLES FROM SEED TO SAVE SEEDS - Nelson Seed Library, Sat 31 Oct 10.30am-2pm Elmer Turner Library Nelson. 10.30am Seedling & plant fundraising stall, 11am-12noon Intro to vegetable seed saving & The Nelson Seed Library. 1-2pm Seed Guardian Learning Groups – workshop. Ami 027 3577998, nelsonseedlibrary.weebly.com HERITAGE ROSES NELSON: Garden tour Sat 7 Nov. Visit 4 gardens Tasman, Mahana, Appleby area. Bring own picnic and drinks. All welcome. Non members $10. Phone Marian 0211611385. AN INVITATION to any stallholders who have items that compli-

HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT OF BECOMING A VOLUNTEER? Are you a community organisation looking for volunteers, training, info or advice? Check out our website www.volunteernelson.org. nz Ph 5467681. NELSON CREATIVE FIBRE Welcome you to friendly fibre craft meetings. Come and learn new skills or share yours. Meetings are 2nd and 4th Tues monthly 9.30am until 12 Jaycees room Founders Park. $2 members, $4 non-members. Next meeting 22nd September Paverpol demonstration. Yvonne 545 0954 see Facebook. NELSON NORTH LIONS CLUB welcomes new members to join their small established group that are passionate of providing voluntary services through community involvement. John Rodger on 0276749333 john.rodger@xtra.co.nz FOOD, IS IT A PROBLEM FOR YOU? Are you suffering from anorexia, bulimia, obesity and/or compulsive eating? Overeaters Anonymous works. Ph 0226730237. All welcome. HOLISTIC PULSING 50 mins sessions for Women at the Nelson Women's Centre, by koha. Call 5467986 to book. FEELING SAD, STRESSED, DEPRESSED, OR STUCK? Identify and explore new ways to move forward with a Life Linc Counsellor. Up to 10 face to face counselling sessions available now for individuals and couples. 548 2400 lifelinc.co.nz NELSON RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION New members always welcome. A voice for ratepayers and community to be heard in matters of local and central government. We meet every second Tues of the month. Check out Facebook or contact President: Bernie Goldsmith 0212238052. ARE YOU WONDERING what the Bible really has to say? New Weekly Bible Study Night @ Victory Community Centre 7-8pm Thurs All Welcome! Contact: Pastor Janine 021 02664608. ASTHMA? Nelson Asthma Society offers free resources, spacers, peak flow meters and support to improve your self-management skills of your respiratory conditions. Free 8-week Pulmonary Rehab course also available. Phone your Medical Centre to see if you fit the criteria for this quality of life improving course.

ment a garden show to be held on Feb 20, 2021 by the combined horticultural, rose, orchid & central garden club at Stoke Methodist hall. $20 a site. Applications are open now, apply to Jim Bryce 5479086 or Jim barry179@gmail.com CAKE DECORATORS are hosting their first ever all day of demonstrations. Four demonstrators show casing their sugar paste skills as well as working with chocolate, rice paper and coco butter painting. Sat 7 Nov. Contact Desiree 0276302359. HIGGINS HERITAGE PARK Pigeon Valley Rd Wakefield open day Sun 1 Nov 10am-3pm. Steam-Up and all Member sheds open with vintage machinery, equipment and lifestyle items. Bush rail jigger & honey barrel rides will be operating. Free carparking. Make it a family day picnic on the 'village green'.

GENERAL GROUPS CARERS SUPPORT GROUP for Partners /Family EncourageHope-Share. Register 539 1137 or info@cancernelson.org.nz. COLORECTAL CANCER SUPPORT GROUP, Cancer Society Nelson, for those who are going through or who have gone through colorectal cancer, and their carers/support people. Register 539 1137 or info@cancernelson.org.nz ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. Is alcohol causing problems for you in your life? Want to stop drinking but can't? Maybe we can help. Support meetings every day. Call 0800aaworks 0800 229 6757. NELSON WOODTURNING CLUB Join us at our clubrooms for Turning and camaraderie and sharing of knowledge. New Learn to Turn classes starting soon. Ph. Donald for info. 5451339, 0274858222. FREE FUNCTION ROOM HIRE to all community groups. Avail 7 days. Wakatu Hotel 83 Collingwood St. Craig 548-4299. ENGLISH CONVERSATION GROUP for ESL speakers: students, locals, visitors. Wed 4.30-6pm, Trinity Church, back right-hand door, 64 Nile St, by Nelson Central School. Informal conversation, tea, coffee. Inquiries: Rachael Ph 02102686970.

Community notices are free to community groups, schools, churches, gold coin donation events and fundraising only. For classified ads and public notices please call 548 5900. Due to the popularity of this column, while every effort will be made, inclusion cannot be guaranteed for free ads.

4 7 6 1 3 2 9

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Can You Help Us? We are a small group of adults with special needs who work as an art group and have been together for 5 years.


PH 548 5900 sales@nelsonweekly.co.nz



Petrolhead Breakfast

Furniture stock arrived. All sorts, sizes & ages + lots of unusual & collectable items at Souchebys Antiques, Richmond.


Sponsored by Lift & Shift

Phils Place – Club Waimea 1st Sunday each month 8am onwards

We urgently require a space with toilets, power and water and approx 30sqm in the Richmond area.

IF IT HAS WHEELS IT’S WELCOME Prize for “Car of the Day”

Are you able to help us please?


Locally Owned and Operated


Till now we have been fortunate to have our own space at NMIT Richmond but, due to redevelopment, we need to relocate next year.

Ph Cathy 021 158 2890

Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 28 October 2020

ANTIQUES Antiques, Art, Collectibles, 6 Rooms, Huge stock inc recent estate lots. Buy, Sell, Value. Warning - If selling, safely make sure (for your own protection) that the buyer has a physical address & not just a phone or email! Souchebys Antiques, 75 Gladstone Rd, Richmond. Mon - Sat. Ph 03 544 0723 www.antiquesnewzealand.co.nz

PSYCHIC Live 0900 Psychic Readings with Suzanne Ph 0900 50 500 www.psychicsuzanne.co.nz

MIRIMIRI contemporary Māori massage Seated: $15 ten mins. $20 fifteen mins. Table: $40 1/2 hour. $70 hour. $100 ninety mins. Ph Allan (03) 391 9093 www.massage-therapy. co.nz



Ph Steve Lawson 538 0020 or 027 538 0020 (Nelson Based)



MEMORIAM Your announcement here for FREE.

ANNIVERSARY Your announcement here for FREE.


Advertise Your Church Notices Here


What’s the Good News of the Gospel? Join us Tuesday, 3rd November 2020 at 7.30pm Richmond Library, Constance Barnicoat Room, Queen Street Entrance


ChARiTy AuCTioN in the Great hall from 7pm

Really nice nibbles and wine and beer. 100% of monies raised goes to the Key to Life charity (that’s Mike Kings one!)

Tickets are now on sale and available from the school office and students. Still gratefully seeking products or services for the nights auction. Just call Steve on 0275 449 448 See you there!

Who knew Oompa Loompa’s could live till 70? Happy BirtHday to Steve Page

MISSED DELIVERY NOT GETTING THE NELSON WEEKLY DELIVERED? Notice to all Advertisers: By placing your advertisement you agree with the terms and conditions of the Nelson Weekly Ltd. Namely, payment by the 20th of the following month, or in the event of non payment, the recovery of any debt and its costs will be charged to the customer. This includes all costs and commissions paid to a debt recovery service. Should you require any further information please phone the newspaper on 548 5900.

Email accounts@ nelsonweekly.co.nz with your address and when you didn’t receive it and we will follow up for you.


31/03/1936 – 29/05/2001


Passed away at Stillwater Lifecare on Friday, October 23, in the presence of family. Dearly loved husband of Catherine, his wife of 50 years. Honoured and respected father of Paul, the late Andy, Rory, Sam and loved father-in-law of Rachael, Michele, Rynna and Joelle. Loved Grandad of Chantelle and Mikaela; Caitlin and Sophie; Eli and Ande; Lexi and Lachlan. Messages may be sent to The Collins Family, PO Box 7103, Nelson 7040. Heartfelt thanks to the staff at Flaxmore and Stillwater Lifecare for the loving care and support given to John. A Memorial Service to celebrate John’s life will be held at the Destiny Church, 75 Pascoe Street, Tahunanui on Saturday, October 31, 2020 at 1.30pm.

Peacefully at Ernest Rutherford on Saturday 24th October 2020, aged 86 years. Dearly loved wife of the late Peter; cherished mother of Lisa and Paul, the late Carolin, and the late Andrew; loving grandmother of Jack, Luka, and Sarah (Germany); special aunt to Susan Nixon-Harris and the Harris family. Deeply missed by all. Messages c/- Marsden House Funeral Home, 41 Nile Street East, Nelson, 7010. The funeral service to celebrate Barbara’s life will be held at Marsden House on Thursday 29 October at 11am.


Daphne June

It’s FREE!

email: sales@nelsonweekly.co.nz





Phone Craig

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FDANZ www.simplicity.co.nz


Ian Mcdonald Loved husband of Katharine, adored father of Sophie and Robbie. Son of the late Bob and Mabel Day (née Page). Loving brother and brother in law of Mary and Gordon Lyle (Cairns), Phillip and Liz Day (Dunedin), Roberta and Stephen Ford (Nelson). A treasured friend and mentor, he will be sadly missed by all. At Ian’s request a private cremation has been held. Memorial gathering to be advised. In lieu of flowers, donations to Nelson Hospice, messages to 57 Shelbourne Street, Nelson.

FDANZ www.simplicity.co.nz



It is with great sadness we announce the passing of Daphne on Wednesday, October 21, 2020. Dearly loved wife of Tim, loved mother of Grant and Vance and loved step mother of Louise Scott and Allana Pyne. Greatly loved and sadly missed A family gathering and farewell has been held.




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Interred 19/10/2020 Loved son of Owen Taylor and loved brother of Janine Strutton


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Lots of really good stuff to auction already: 7 days in a 2020, 6 berth campervan, courtesy of Discover NZ Campervans, or 2x $1000 mall vouchers courtesy Richmond Mall. And the list grows!


16/02/1969 - 26/01/2020


Table of 10 for $400 Single tickets $45



WEDNESDAY 28 October 2020


Bevan Ernest William

We warmly invite you to hear David Stephenson


PH 548 5900


The Bible Our Guide

g t” inen l ev fuen dadyerEv uron tw isosTh “AThm


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Classifieds / Trades & Services

Locally Owned and Operated

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Nelson Weekly

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Your Voice editorial@nelsonweekly.co.nz facebook.com/nelsonweekly www.nelsonweekly.co.nz





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Nelson Weekly

Trades & Services

WEDNESDAY 28 October 2020

Locally Owned and Operated

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