4 September 2019

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Nelson Weekly

Affordable Excellence 69 Haven Road, Nelson 7010 24 Hour Service - 7 Days

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Locally Owned and Operated


Wednesday 4 September 2019

Local author celebrates girls

Pages 17-20

Page 9

Athletes take on Dun Run

Page 29

Security at library after threats Sara Hollyman

‘Goldilocks’ and her 300 bears Charmaine Beaumont has more than 320 bears and soft dolls in her collection. Story on page 2. Photo: Sara Hollyman.

Additional copies $1


A spate of threatening behaviour at Elma Turner Library has prompted Nelson City Council to station a security guard on site. The council recently revealed that in a 16-day period in July, staff and customers at the library were subjected to harassment and threatening behaviour, with the majority of the incidents appearing to be alcohol and or drug-related. Between July 8 and July 23, 14 separate incidents were reported, along with various violations of trespass and general intoxication. Police and ambulance were required at a number of the incidents with three people trespassed. On July 9, the council decided to hire a security guard for 30 hours per week after noticing what was happening at the library. Councillor Paul Matheson told a recent council meeting that he has witnessed the disturbances on two occasions when he has been at the Elma Turner Library working as a Justice of the Peace. “It seems to be centred around the WiFi area, where the disturbances happen.” He says he feels for staff at the library. “Frankly, having to keep a beady eye on the happenings down there, it is an issue and quite rightly it’s been raised.” Council health and safety adviser, Malcolm Hughes, told an Audit Risk and Finance subcommittee meeting last week that the security incidents did take time to settle down, which was expected by police and security staff. There has only been one reported incident since the security guard took up their post at the library.




WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

This week we talk to a local with a collection of 300 teddy bears. Do you have or have you ever had a collection of some kind?

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“I collect empty fake tan bottles, I have about 30 or 40.”

“I used to collect those puffy 3D stickers, I had about three whole folders full.”

“I collect coins from around the world, I have coins from 35 different countries.”

“I have a collection of hats from my travels. 40 or 50 of them. They are very dear to my heart.”


Nelson Weekly

‘Goldilocks’ and her 300 bears Sara Hollyman

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Charmaine Beaumont likens herself to Goldilocks. She jokes that Goldilocks started with three bears when she was a young girl. “Then she turned into an old woman and now has 300.” More than 320 bears and soft dolls line two bedrooms in Charmaine’s city centre home. Barnaby, sitting at just over 120cm tall, is the largest bear in the collection and he resides in the dining room watching over the daily meals. The hobby started 35 years ago when Charmaine saw a Huggies advert on TV with a bear jumping on piles of linen. “I just thought ‘oh, he’s gorgeous’, so I started reading about bears, joined the ‘Not Just Bears Club’ and bought my first bear; Sir Edmund Hilary Bear at the Auckland Museum for $1000,” she says. “It’s just a lot of fun and the bears are

friends, if you get a bit down you just go up and do things with them, it just takes you to another world.” She says she has been a serious collector for 25 years but, with plans to downsize their home, Charmaine will soon begin the impossible task of trying to halve her collection. She says some will be sold with others being donated to charities such as Nelson Tasman Hospice. It took four people 10 hours to carefully pack the collection for her last move from the North Island, so she’s hoping she will find a house close by. Charmaine says a few bears in her collection are one-of-a-kind, while all others are collector bears or limited edition. They are all hand-crafted from mohair or alpaca wool with the most valuable bear being worth around $3000, but the combined collection is valued at well over $100,000.

Security stationed at library after threats FROM PAGE 1 The rate of occurrence of security incidents looked to be improving across all Nelson libraries during the quarter from April to June, after an increase was reported in February. During the first six months of the year, 32 security incidents were reported across Elma Turner, Stoke and Nellie Nightingale libraries. Nelson City Council group manager community services Roger Ball says the security guard stationed at Elma Turner Library will continue to be employed until midSeptember. “Council is looking to recruit a fixed-term security customer relations role to

be shared across council services for a six-month trial period and will re-assess the need after that period.” Chair of community services Gaile Noonan says she’s happy with what council staff are doing to prevent future incidents. “I thought to myself ‘why is this happening at the libraries’? But it’s a community space, it’s a living room for the public and obviously that’s a gathering area and these types of things are going to happen, unfortunately,” says Gaile. “It’s important we look after our people. That’s the biggest priority.” Nelson City Council is planning an external security review of all libraries for later this year.

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019

New toilets raise a stink Kate Russell Reporter


They may look beautiful, but the new $400,000 toilets at Queens Gardens are causing a stink with some users. Nelson City Council officially opened the long-awaited toilet block next to the Suter Gallery just over two weeks ago, but they have already received three complaints that the toilets are not flushing properly. Roger Ball, group manager community services at council, says there has been some “flushing issues” caused by restricted water flow in the toilets which is “currently being addressed”. “The contractor’s plumber has ordered the parts required and it should be resolved this week. Our apologies for any inconvenience - we have made our contractor aware of the urgency to fix this issue.” He says the toilets are still usable at present and are open to the public, however a “reduced level of service” can be expected until they are fixed. With an expected budget of $473,000, they contain two unisex toilets, one of which is disabled accessible and has a baby change table. They were designed by architects Jerram Tocker Barron to complement the exterior of the Suter Gallery. Meanwhile, council are moving

The new toilets at Queens Gardens have had “flushing issues”. Photo: Supplied. forward with replacing the existing 1980s toilet block at the Tahunanui Lions playground and upgrading the current toilets at Millers Acre, with the help of funding from the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE). The recommended option for Tahunanui is a prefabricated block, featuring four unisex toilets, one accessible toilet and one urinal which could be open for use by September 2020. It will also have three unisex change rooms, one unisex family/accessible change room, three showers, shared hand basins outside the toilet areas

under cover, a drinking fountain with bottle filler and foot wash. The Millers Acre facility will be expanded to seven toilets, including one accessible toilet and additional space for baby change, one male urinal toilet facility and five unisex facilities. The estimated cost for Tahunanui is $900,000 and $814,500 for Millers Acre although council will not bear the brunt of the full costs as tourism grants from MBIE of $250,000 per project have been made for both upgrades. Both project recommendations will now go to full council for approval on 19 September.

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WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019


More woes for the NEWS Welcome Cloak Kate Russell

The saga of Nelson’s most controversial sculpture is set to continue after it was revealed that the Welcome Cloak’s home is not ready for it. Almost a year ago, it was announced that the Welcome Cloak would be relocated to the outside of the Millers Acre building after it was taken down from Saltwater Creek in April 2018. But a meeting between Nelson City Council staff last Monday revealed that, although the Welcome Cloak is ready, the building is not. “The Welcome Cloak is fully repaired and is ready for attaching to the building. However, the building has been inspected recently and it was discovered that the cladding needs maintenance before it can be hung,” Roger Ball, group manager community services, told Nelson Weekly. “Repairs need to be assessed and completed before the cloak can be installed. The timeframe for those repairs is still to be finalised.” The Millers Acre building on Halifax St is owned by the council - so they will be fronting the repair costs,

An impression of what the Welcome Cloak will look like at the Millers Acre Centre. Photo: Nelson City Council. which are “still being confirmed”. The most recent cloak costs came in at $83,043. This includes an artist fee of $39,200, an installation cost of $28,821, and $15,022 worth of maintenance and moving costs. The Welcome Cloak was originally installed over Saltwater Creek approximately three years ago, but it did not fare well in the windy location. After two years of tangled strands and bent bars it was taken down last May with council announcing it would be searching

for a “more sheltered” location. Millers Acre Centre was deemed the “most suitable” by council as it would still allow the sculpture to move but is not prone high winds. The Welcome Cloak was designed by Nelson artist Adi Tait and is made from strands of gold and anodised aluminium. It was designed to reflect the water and symbolises the historical importance of Saltwater Creek as a landing site for iwi and the boundary of where the land and sea met.

Pair guilty of murder: The pair standing trial for the murder of Stoke woman Tracey-Anne Harris in 2016, have been found guilty. Rose Morgan and Tyler Baillie were handed the verdict in the High Court at Nelson on Thursday after a 17-day trial. Nelson Bays Area Commander Paul Borrell says he is “immensely proud” of the work done by the investigation team over the past three years. Harris was found dead in her Marlowe St home on February 11, 2016, which launched a twoyear police investigation leading to the arrest of Morgan and Baillie in February 2018. The pair will be sentenced at the High Court in Nelson in October. New bishop ordained: Nelson’s new Bishop was officially welcomed to the city on Saturday. Stephen Maina Mwangi is the 11th Bishop of Nelson. He held a service at Christ Church Cathedral before being met by Mayor Rachel Reese at the bottom of the Church Steps. Steve, who is of Kenyan descent, was joined by friends from the Kenyan community in a procession down Trafalgar St. He replaced Bishop Richard Ellena who served for 12 years before retiring at the end of last year. The Anglican Diocese of Nelson covers

Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

the top of the South Island – from Greymouth to Kaikoura. He made the move to New Zealand 10 years ago to take on the role of national director of the Anglican Mission Organisation in Christchurch. He is the first bishop of African descent in New Zealand.

Malloch McClean wins Xero award: An emphasis on embracing technology and working alongside clients to grow smarter, better businesses saw leading accounting and business development firm Malloch McClean take out the title of ‘Xero Large Partner of the Year’ at the 2019 Xero Awards. The company’s presence in Tasman and its growth played its part on the overall entry. Manoli Aerakis of the Tasman office is proud to awarded such a prestigious award. “We have gone from strength to strength in Tasman with starting out with two people and now grown to eight with an office in Westport also.”

Garden show on: After more than one 100 years, the Nelson Garden Show, at the Stoke Methodist Church Hall, will be revamped for 2019. This Saturday will see a new and improved Garden Show as the Nelson Horticultural Society and Central Garden Group team. Organiser Barry Highsted says the show will provide an opportunity for locals to buy plants at a reasonable price. Entry fee $3.

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

Former mayor starting local cannabis company

Charles Anderson

Globally, the medicinal cannabis industry is forecast to be worth USD $150 billion by 2025. charles@nelsonweekly.co.nz Aldo has a team on board, including A few years ago, if you had suggested scientist Mike Packard, who works to former Nelson Mayor Aldo for the Cawthron Institute and says Miccio that he would be attempting the vision is that everyone who could benefit from medicinal to start a large cannabis cannabis products can grow operation in the access and afford them. foothills of Brightwater, he Aldo says that the perception would have laughed. around medicinal cannabis “It would be like a joke you is still in its infancy but tell around the table at the will soon change as more pub.” evidence comes out for its But now he is serious. efficacy. He says that such Established in December products will eventually be 2018, Medical Kiwi is Aldo Miccio. in supermarkets around the a medicinal research country. company, created to take But before then he has plans to advantage of the global opportunity that medicinal cannabis represents. build an 8,000 –10,000 m2 facility The Ministry of Health has just in Brightwater to start growing granted the Nelson-based company cannabis. To do that he needs to the first South Island license to raise money so is putting the call cultivate cannabis for medicinal use. out to potential investors to bring “For the last couple of years it had in $7.5 million and eventually a further $15 million. been on my radar,” says Aldo. But then he met with a large They will then create oils, sprays and Canadian company and he got to creams that Aldo says they will sell understanding the business model for half the price of what current and the potential of the market. competitors can. Aldo reckons it is huge and forecasts “This is a great thing to bring to Medical Kiwi employing upwards Nelson – as a business model and of 200 people and turning over also creating high margin products $100 million in its first year of full that can create high paying jobs for the region.” production.


WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019

The Nelson College for Girls’ hall became a catwalk on Saturday night as modelling volunteers strutted their stuff for a good cause. The Spring Fling’s eighth anniversary saw more than a dozen local fashion outlets showcase their wares. The event, organised by the school’s PTA, raised money for the college’s new AstroTurf. Photo: Charles Anderson.

d. b.





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WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019

Voting for our health in DHB elections Once a month, a group of people meet to make decisions about the health needs of everyone who lives in the Top of the South. Kate Russell looks at the DHB elections and why you need to vote.

2019 NMDHB candidates:

Mayoral candidates quizzed on community issues Nelson’s seven mayoral candidates will be quizzed on issues such as emergency housing and the wellbeing of Nelsonians at the Community & Whanau Network election forum on September 11. Forum chair Mary Ellen O’Connor says Community Action Nelson has held candidate forums for national

and local elections since the 1990s and this year has decided to focus on the views of the mayoral candidates on issues central to the community sector. The Nelson City Mayoral Community Sector Election Forum is 12-1.30pm, Wednesday September 11, Trafalgar Park Pavilion.

GENERATIONS OF NELSON Brought to you by Marsden House Shipboard Diet The New Zealand Company made provision for passengers’ food on board, but there were significant differences in quality and quantity between the allowances for cabin passengers and for those in steer-

age. Biscuits were distributed at a ratio of 7:5, coffee at 7:2, raisins, peas, sugar and tea at 2:1, and porter at 7:0. There was however equality in the portions of cheese, butter, salt and water.

Generations of Nelson presents Snippets of History The latest Snippets of History, Volume Four, is now available! Volumes 1–3 are $15 per book Volume 4 is $20 Or get the full set for just $60 Purchase from Marsden House or NZME. 41 Selwyn Place, Nelson.









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Internal Affairs figures. Our health board consists of up to 11 members, with seven elected by the public living within the Nelson Marlborough area every three years, and up to four appointed by the Minister of Health. There are 14 people vying for a spot on the health board in the 2019 elections. There will be at least six new faces with a number of current board members not seeking re-election. Some of the newcomers looking for votes this year include current deputy mayor of Nelson Paul Matheson, Jacinta Newport, Bernie Goldsmith, Leigh Manson and Garth Munro. DHBs use the Single Transferable Vote (STV) system, so instead of ticking the candidates you want to vote for, you number the candidates in order of preference. This differs from the first past the post (FPP) system councils use. Voting opens when papers are sent out on 20 September and closes at noon on 12 October.

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Barlow, Aaryn Black, Jenny Forrest, Brigid Goldsmith, Bernie Hall, Deleece Hope, Gerald Hutton, John Manson, Leigh Matheson, Paul Kenneth Munro, Garth Newport, Jacinta Panting, Allan Pirie, Ian Vallance, Stephen

Next month, you get to have a say on who makes big decisions about the region’s health, with the Nelson Marlborough District Health Board elections being held 12 October, in conjunction with the local body elections. The objective of our health board is to improve, promote and protect the health of people and communities in the district. Board members are tasked with making sure it meets its obligations, both financially and in delivering health services. The next three years will be critical for our health board with key issues such as the development of a new hospital, a rising demand for services, a growing and aging population, and funding - with the recent announcement of the board’s $20 million deficit. But despite these issues, voter interest in health board elections is not what it should be. In 2016, there were 55,417 votes - an overall turnout of 52.1 per cent, according to Department of

Nelson Weekly


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Nelson Weekly

Countdown raises funds for hospital Locally Owned and Operated

Kate Russell Reporter


Countdown stores across the region are teaming up with Nelson Hospital to raise money for our youngest patients. The annual Countdown Kids hospital appeal launched earlier this month. It aims to raise over a million dollars for children’s hospitals and wards throughout New Zealand. In Nelson, the money will be used to buy a baby teaching mannequin capable of being incubated, which will give practitioners an opportunity to simulate the resuscitation of a baby at birth. The rest of the funds will go to upgrading the children’s play area in the emergency department waiting room. Countdown Stoke manager Kit Harding is no stranger to the appeal, having been involved with it for the past ten years. “It’s really great, especially when you

Nelson quickly ranks as one of the most favoured spots in New Zealand, by locals or visitors alike. With sunshine all year around, life is geared towards soaking up those rays and enjoying the natural playground of golden beaches and coves. With over 100 vineyards producing some of New Zealand’s best wine, and a city dedicated to food, arts and community, it’s truly a lifestyle to be envied. So when Vivo Hair Salon opened its doors in Buxton Square in 2016, we couldn’t have been happier to become part of the Nelson community! Vivo Buxton Square is one of a group of 85 privately owned salons across New Zealand, run by two Kiwi families (no franchises here). In fact, we love it so much here Vivo actually has two salons in Nelson - we recently opened our doors in Richmond too! Vivo

get to come into the hospital and see how it’s helped,” he says. Earlier this month, local stores organised a quiz night which raised $1700, and a sausage sizzle at Countdown Stoke raised $700. In the pipeline for later this month is a beach treasure hunt and movie night. “Every little bit helps,” says Kit. Lexie O’Shea, general manager clinical services at Nelson Marlborough Health, says the appeal allows them to receive items they can’t normally afford. “Many people have experienced a neonatal or paediatric admission or know someone who has, so they appreciate the extra play items and equipment.” The Countdown Kids hospital appeal runs until 28 October. Countdown customers can get behind it by visiting any Countdown supermarket and donating at the checkout, buying a raffle ticket in-store or donating online with online shopping.

Buxton Square has also recently had a gorgeous renovation as well. Vivo Buxton Square is run by Salon Manager Leanne, who says of her team of highly experienced stylists “We are a team who really love our job!” When asked what her team loves most about hairdressing, the whole team responds enthusiastically. “We love changing the way people look, educating clients about their hair and what at home products will get them the results they desire.” This team of 5 senior stylists are a diverse and dynamic group Leanne is from South Africa and has 25 years of experience. Trudie is from the United Kingdom and boasts 16 years experience. Mel, Kayla and Melissa all have extensive years of hairdressing behind them, and the whole team says “We are able to offer all services - from creative up-dos,


WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019


Belma Gaukrodger (right) started learning web development a few years ago but found the process lonely and boring. “I had no one to help me.” So, she decided to blend her two skills – coding and teaching English. “I thought, why not introduce this to an awesome group of people who are also learning English, to bring everyone together.” Anyone is welcome, from refugees to fluent English speakers and aspiring developers like Li Yuan (left). “The best way to learn anything is by teaching,” Belma says. The free courses are on every Tuesday from 5 - 5.45pm during school terms at NMIT - A Block, Alton Street, Level 2, in Rm A217. Photo: Charles Anderson.

to colour work, timeless cuts and balayage, it’s all here at Vivo Buxton Square”. When it comes to working for Vivo, the team agrees. “We all value the ongoing training so much!” When you walk through the doors of Vivo Salon, 83 Buxton Square, Leanne is confident you’ll feel like you’re in the right place straight away. “You’ll find a happy vibe and a team who is 100% committed to providing you with the hair you’ll love and expert advice to back it up.” Book your hair appointment by phoning 03-539-0187 or use our easy online booking site at: www.vivo.co.nz. We look forward to welcoming you into our salon at Vivo Buxton Square!




Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019

Locally Owned and Operated

Run to help Billy walk again Jonty Dine Reporter


Jenny and Andrew Dravitzki vividly remember they day they lived every parent’s nightmare. It was 2016 when they got the call informing them their son Billy had been in an accident. Billy fractured his vertebrae which dislocated his back and compressed his spinal cord, in a downhill mountainbiking accident on the Kaka track. The then 15-year old lost the use of his legs and is now bound to a wheelchair. “I never expected to get the phone call we did, I wouldn’t wish it on anybody, but at the end of the day we still have Billy,” mother Jenny says. However, she and Andrew have not given up hope of their son walking again. To help fund world leading research being done by the CatWalk Foundation, a Spinal Cord Injury Research Trust, the Nelson couple have arranged a relay event at the centre of New Zealand. The parents understand how expensive the research is and that every dollar is crucial in the quest for a cure to paralysis. “In the next ten years, they believe they will make real progress,” Andrew says. The aim of the relay will be for teams or individuals to complete the course as many times as possible in the allotted three hours. Jenny and Andrew say they hope to raise as much money as possible for the foundation. “I would give anything to have had it not happen, but it has happened, so as parents we have to provide a world for him and people like him,” says Jenny. Craigs Investment partners Centre of NZ Relay October 5 from 1-4pm.

Louisa (10) and Tise Pilo (8) enjoy some Ferris Wheel fun at the Four Lanes Festival. Photo: Jonty Dine.

Nelson city springs into season with Four Lanes Festival Jonty Dine Reporter


Nelsonians waved farewell to winter in style on Saturday as the CBD was transformed into a carnival-like atmosphere for the inaugural Four Lanes Festival. Street performers, international cuisine, a ferris wheel and even a hot air balloon entertained hundreds of delighted locals.

The festival was dubbed Four Lanes as it connected Kirby Lane, Fiddle Lane, Old Bank Reserve laneway and Morrison Square. There was also a plethora of artistic creations on display, dancing, kapa haka and live music. The festival follows a theme of the Nelson City Council looking to make the CBD more pedestrian-friendly. Nelson City councillors voted

unanimously last week to declare Upper Trafalgar St a pedestrian mall. More than 85 per cent of submissions were in favour of permanently closing the area in some form, while eight per cent were against. A pedestrian mall is expected to be in place by October 18 to coincide with the beginning of the Nelson Arts Festival. The design for summer 19/20 will be a temporary

design to allow time for longer-term design work to be undertaken. Permanent construction is expected to be undertaken during winter 2020. The closure has been given a budget of $250,000. There will be exceptions to the prohibition of vehicles in Upper Trafalgar Street with emergency vehicles retaining access at all times and service vehicles between 6 am – 8 am.

Funding to help manage impact of freedom campers Sara Hollyman Nelson has been awarded funding of $256,000 to help manage the impact of freedom campers on the city. The funding from Ministry of Business, Industry and Employment (MBIE) is part of an $8 million package to help improve visitor behaviour

by encouraging responsible camping around New Zealand. The funding can be used for operating costs including education and enforcement projects, ambassador programmes, as well as temporary facilities like showers and toilets and must be in place for the peak summer season 2019. The funding cannot be used for

capital costs such as permanent shower or toilet blocks and carparks. Mayor Rachel Reese welcomes the announcement saying Nelson is a hugely popular spot for visitors. “We always want to make them welcome and share our wonderful city with them. However, we’ve been active in

Adult learning courses set to take off The Festival of Adult Learning (FOAL) is in full swing, with local adult learning support centre Literacy Aotearoa Nelson launching their Term 4 course programme this week. The FOAL recognises that learning can take place at many different places and levels of the community and encourages the public to find out more. Local organisations such as Literacy Aotearoa Nelson, Nelson City Council and NMIT are hosting a variety of events to celebrate. This Wednesday, Literacy Aotearoa Nelson will launch their Term 4 programme at an open day from 10am til 4pm at their Montogomery Square location. All are welcome to attend the open day from 10am, with a morning tea at 11am.

Ask the staff about a course that might suit you, check out what learning is available and get to know everything on offer at Literacy Aotearoa Nelson. All courses are free of charge to any New Zealand citizen or resident over 16 years. TERM 4 PROGRAMME: Literacy Digital Literacy Computer Basics IELTS test preparation ESOL Learner Licence and so much more Come along this Wednesday to enrol in a free course!

managing the impact of camping on our city, and this funding will be a great help for us to achieve even better outcomes for this season.” NCC say the $256,000 will be used to extend their camping ambassador education programme, establish a temporary toilet and washroom hub in a convenient central location,

increase facilities for campers’ waste management and recycling and to run a user survey during the season. She says increasing educational patrols to promote responsible camping, and providing targeted facilities for campers should help reduce the impact of camping on the environment and community during the summer season.

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019

Gina Foley reading ‘Wonderful Girls’ to the children of Stoke Kindergarten. Photo: Charles Anderson.

Stoke author builds up ‘Wonderful Girls’ with new book Charles Anderson Editor


When Gina Foley started asking Stoke schoolchildren what they thought girls were like, she was surprised at the answers. “They were all very gender stereotyped,” she says. “They said ‘they like to look in the mirror,’ or ‘they have long hair’.” Having two young girls of her own, the author and illustrator was keenly aware of the attitudes that her children sometimes brought home. “I want them to know that girls can play with any toys or wear whatever they want and decide what to do with their own body.” But having that conversation can be tricky. So, Gina decided to write a book about it. Created with help from a Creative Communities Grant, ‘Wonderful Girls’ aims to break down stereotypes, celebrate difference, and encourage girls to be who they were born to be. Gina found that when she asked the schoolchildren a different question, there were different answers.

“I changed the question to ‘what are you like?’ and ‘what are the girls you know like?’. Then the answers changed to ‘my aunty is a police officer’ or ‘I like to pull silly faces’.” She then built a story around those answers, and even got local children to help draw some of the illustrations. Gina says she has always written stories, but illustrating was new to her. “Which is partially why all the characters are lady bugs, because I can’t draw people.” The result is exactly what Gina hoped for – a fun way for her to talk to her girls about being empowered. “I want them to be whatever they want to be and not restrict them to fit into any box.” She says it’s exciting to finally see it published and recently headed to Stoke Kindergarten to read the result to the children there. Gina says it is the first of a series of children’s books she hopes to publish through her new company “Wonderful Books”. You can order your own book by heading to https://www. wonderfulbooks.store/

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WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019

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2 4 Spring Fling at Nelson Katherine Soper Hair &College Beauty for Girls first birthday celebrations



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WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019


Rescue helicopter on a roll with new cars Staff Reporter

The Nelson Marlborough Rescue Helicopter Trust were after some vehicle sponsors when general manager Paula Muddle found herself in front of a representative of Nelson Kia. “They are going to be opening up a new dealership on Rutherford St, so they thought it was a good fit for them to help with our vital service.” Then MTF Finance thought they would also help out – so the trust has gone from no cars to two cars. Paula says they are grateful for the generous people in Nelson who help them out. One will be a rapid response car and another to be out in the community. Alan Kirby of Nelson Kia says it was great community fit. “With the trust, you just can’t get any better as far as community goes.” Each year the Nelson Marlborough Rescue Helicopter responds to over 500 missions throughout the Nelson, Tasman, Marlborough and Buller regions. With the base in Nelson being surrounded by three National Parks, the helicopter proves to be a vital service for the community.

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Gavin Sendall and Dave Collier of MTF with rescue helicopter crew Prue Young, Baz McAulliffe and Ernie Bryant, along with Alan Kirby and Jeff Macdonald of Nelson Kia. Photo: Charles Anderson.

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WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019


Your Voice

Uber to launch in Nelson: Awesome. Nelson City and Sun City Taxis have had the monopoly for far too long and their prices are ridiculous. Time to adapt and compete or die out. David Flynn I’ll be supporting Nelson Taxis. Brenda Kenny

Cab drivers in Nelson find it very hard to earn a living, so I'll always support them personally, but I think it's a positive thing to have Uber drivers available for when the local taxi companies are really busy - just as a basic public safety issue (especially for women travelling alone at night) if nothing else. I'd also like to see some sort of registration and thorough police vetting of all Nelson Uber drivers before they're allowed to pick up passengers or deliver food to somebody's door. I don't know how Uber works regarding legal driv-

ing requirements, but I'd hope an Uber driver would be needing to apply for a passenger licence at the very least. Sand McDougall About time. However, Uber has lost the price advantage that used to make them preferable. Last time I was in Australia, they charged 1.5 2.5 times their rate on public holidays...hopefully though, the easy use technology will help keep people safer in a city where the public transport is poor at best. Rosemary Anne Aitken Let’s see what’s the public opinion is in Nelson. Uber will, in time, also bring Uber eats – 30 percent charge from existing restaurants for home delivery, cutting into profits but bringing new business. More than 200 million in business from the launch of Uber Eats in major New Zealand cities. Also, don’t forget Uber will hurt local taxi businesses in Nelson, more cars on road at the same time, cheaper and convenient transport within few minutes on

Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

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your app. Either the local taxis can become competitive or go with the tide, and see how many people sign up to be Uber drivers in Nelson as Uber doesn't send any cars or people - local people will get some way to make extra cash you need a full P license endorsement as per the new rules. I wish the best of luck to Graeme and all our local taxi people serving Nelson for many years. Virat Vij No problem with Uber coming at all. One thing I'd say to Uber drivers, though make sure you can refuse to take drunken, drugged and abusive patrons in your vehicle. Dennis Goodman I know taxis seem a lot, but their take home pay is like minimum wage or less. The good thing about being an Uber driver is you can say yes or no to a job and just work when it suits you, so you can also have a normal job. And you have to wait too long for a taxi. Hopefully Uber

will be quicker. A lot of people might start, but I don’t think a lot will stick to it. I also don’t see how they will be able to charge much less than taxis. They still have insurances, fuel, taxes, let alone their income. Also, will they be able to pick up/ drop off at the airport? I doubt that, although I’m not sure how airport would police it. Sara van Zyl I can’t believe it hasn’t reached Nelson sooner. Nick Tilly I doubt I’ll ever use a traditional taxi in Nelson again after this launches. Also, interesting talking to my school-aged son - he said he would use Uber but has never used a taxi........(and he said his mates feel the same). Gavin Gallot Awesome, it’s a great service and really simple to use! Great it’s finally here! Tasman Nelson

Nelson Matters Worry Turns to Crisis at Health Board Our Nelson Marlborough District Health Board has just announced a deficit of $20.5m. A month ago I wrote of my worry that they were estimating a deficit of $11.3m. A year ago the budget was for a surplus of $0.5m. This deterioration is a serious financial crisis that puts our critical health services under enormous pressure. The largest previous deficit was $5.4m in 2010. I know how tough it was on services and staff to put this right. It took years. The National Government increased the annual budget of our DHB by over $100m per year between 2008 and 2017. Our

DHB has been in good financial shape for the past six years, posting surpluses of $0.9m in 2015, $1.5m in 2016 and $3.2m in 2017. The root cause of our DHB’s financial crisis is the Government providing insufficient funding for wage settlements, holiday and employment law changes and pharmaceuticals. It is easy for Ministers to argue for higher wages, to pass laws increasing worker entitlements and to raise levies and taxes. The problem is that these put up costs for our board, and if not properly funded, create a financial crisis. Our DHB is also having to cope with a growing and aging population. These financial problems are

impacting on the delivery of health services. We are seeing a deterioration in key health targets within Nelson and Marlborough. The proportion of people getting cancer treatment on time has gone backwards from 96.1% when National left office to 90.3%. The performance of our emergency department has fallen from 94% to 92%. I am getting an increased number of Nelson patients complaining of cancelled specialist consultations and delayed surgery. These problems are not unique to Nelson. The combined deficits of all 20 DHBs has topped $500m. The Minister admitted in Parliament last week that 61 national measures of health services have

Fantastic, much needed service. Teena McCoy

Pic’s food factory dream becoming reality: This is fantastic! I heard about Pic and his beloved peanut butter in NZ. I love it when people who do well and give back to their community (and thanks to the New Zealand gov't for adding in your support). Vicki Saunders

He's becoming our towns Willy Wonka. So, so awesome! Cee Gee

Wow, using collaboration for others to learn and gain skills. Fantastic. Trindi Walker Super excited about this! Brilliant idea for Nelson. Now to think what I could do.... Carla Soundy

544 Waimea Road, Nelson

got worse as compared to 27 improved since the change of Government. For example, people that are not immunised nationally has increased 20% from 7.7% in 2017 to 9.9% today, contributing to the current measles epidemic. National has been putting the pressure on Labour over cancer care and pharmaceuticals promising in July a big budget boost and a new Cancer Control Agency. The drug budget was increased by an average of $24m under National Government but Labour opted for only $5m in Budget 2018 and 2019. It is good news that this error has been corrected with the weekend announcement by Government for

additional drug funding and the new cancer agency. Nelson’s health deficit requires the same urgent attention from Government. The Board cannot fix this $20m hole without cutting core services. It cannot wait until Budget 2020. Health Board candidates in the current elections are campaigning in a vacuum. I am also concerned it will delay progress with the important redevelopment project of Nelson’s earthquake prone hospital buildings. I have invited Minister Clark to Nelson to meet community leaders, our Board and prospective health board candidates. We need assurances that this crisis will be fixed. Advert.

Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated


WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019




Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019

Locally Owned and Operated

Nelson Weekly


be catered for. Formed in 1931, Club Italia has been in its central Trafalgar Street location since 1959, before undergoing a makeover in 2012 – with a fresh coat of paint, a new lounge


We can cater for any functions small or large Traditional Italian Food and Pizzas Francis 021 996 878 | clubitalianelson@gmail.com

NELSON SUBURBS FOOTBALL PAVILION Available for family functions, weddings, meetings, staff training forums

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Seats up to 140 people PA system Wheelchair friendly Commercial ovens Situated at Saxton Field

and bar area and new lighting. You’ll love the atmosphere at Club Italia which is swathed in Italian history – with old photos and mementos everywhere, including a signed rugby jersey from the Italian Rugby team during the Rugby World Cup. Although Club Italia was originally set up as a social club for people of Italian descent, there are also regular events which are open for people to experience Italian food and culture. To find out more or to book the venue for your Christmas function or work-do, visit Club Italia on Facebook or phone Francis on 021 996 878.

in the pavilion. It’s the perfect venue for your Christmas function or fundraising night. “Some rooms look really big when you have a small gathering, but the pavilion always looks really great.” Sandy says, with plenty of

If you are looking for a versa- parking and table and chairs tile space with heaps of parking provided, and cleaners availfor your next function or event, able for the morning after, the then look no furtherOceano than the pavilion at Saxton Field proNelson Suburbs Football -Pavides the perfect venue for any Panorama Restaurant vilion. offeringevent. Co-ordinator Sandy Hamson “As the co-ordinator I’m always freshest seafood saysNelson's she has seen everything available for inspections and from livein bands to quiz nights, people can run their ideas past a relaxed atmosphere and even family functions such me and I can help make the as kid’s birthday parties, hosted space work for them.”

Rutherford Hotel Nelson ~ A Heritage Hotel. “Experience the best of N.E.L.S.O.N.” The perfect destination for your Christmas functions!

Sunny position with bi-fold doors opening out onto terrace that borders sport fields

Experience the best of N.E.L.S.O.N. this Christmas season

For bookings please phone Sandy Hamson 027 5525 668 or E: sandy@nelsonsuburbs.co.nz

P: 03 548 2299 We look forward to welcoming you E: alexanders@rutherfordhotel.co.nz Trafalgar Breakfast & DinnerSquare, 7 days Nelson. Phone 548 2299 E: enquiries@rutherfordhotel.co.nz | www.rutherfordhotel.nz Find us on Facebook



For a venue for all occasions, call Sandy at the Nelson Suburbs Football Pavilion today on 027 552 5668. Indulge your crew with an award-winning experience at Smugglers. Smugglers is a notoriously good place to enjoy a great atmosphere and swashbuckling feast from their range of gourmet menus, including set menu options that offer great value for those larger groups who want the perfect function. Their great range of beer, wine & cocktails can be perfectly complemented with tasty hot or cold platters. Whether you’re the captain of your ship or second mate, your crew will congratulate you for a great occasion in the olde world setting of Smugglers Pub & Café. Book early to avoid disappointment.

WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019

ious argos, fun battles on the paintball field, or awesome mountain-biking trails and ebikes!

We offer a broad range of dining facilities for your Christmas function. Individually decorated venues for groups from as small as 10 to 700, our flexible room layouts will make your Christmas function a success. Focussing on local produce, we offer a great variety of Kiwi and international cuisine and cater for all dining (or dietary) requirements. From your classic KiwiChristmas to an exceptional internationally-influenced “Christmas around the world menu”. Find out more about our specially-designed menus or let us create one for you. Simply contact us on 0800 437 227 or email enquiries@rutherfordhotel.co.nz or find us on Facebook. We look forward to welcoming you this Christmas season. Merry Christmas from the team at Rutherford Hotel Nelson ~ A Heritage Hotel.

Fancy a fabulous pre-Christmas dinner celebration with friends, family or work colleagues overlooking the lovely Maitai River? Trailways Hotel’s Tides Restaurant and Bar has its fantastic pre-Christmas special happening again this year – you can enjoy a wonderful Christmas-themed indoor/ outdoor dining and bar experience complete with party hats, poppers and festive leis! (*Every ten people who dine will receive a free $50 voucher to use at another time!) Its modern, Christmas-themed menus are proving popular, and include things like honey-glazed ham, luscious beef fillet, scrumptious puddings and more! There are five different choices of entrees, mains and desserts available as a two or three course meal, for couples, small groups, or 10 or more people. “In summertime, you can open up the windows and

enjoy pre-dinner drinks on the deck, overlooking the Maitai,” says Trailways Hotel General Manager, Garry Munro. “You’ll probably see the seals living across the river!” To book your fun, pre-Christmas dinner phone 0800Trailways today – can cater up to 180! If you are looking for somewhere to hold an end of year function or a fun place to take the family, look no further than Cable Bay Adventure Park – Nelson’s adventure destination! Just 15 minutes from Nelson, the park is set on 1200 acres of farmland and pristine native bush, with stunning views over Cable and Delaware Bays! Its main attraction is the Skywire – the longest flying fox adventure in the world! Other big drawcards are its farm quad bikes, its laid-back horse treks, rides on amphib-

For an end of year celebration like no other, treat your staff or loved ones to a cruise with Gourmet Sailing. Every trip is special and unique, whether helping your team find new ways of working together, celebrating a birthday, or escaping on a romantic journey. Ruby is the Concierge and will take care of organising all the details so you can just relax and enjoy. Gourmet Sailing only offers private charters, which means your group has exclusive use of their yachts, the full attention of the crew and the freedom to experience your own custom itinerary. Their most popular Christmas party cruises are a three hour harbour cruise, including a stop at Haulashore Island, for $105pp, and a full day in the pristine natural playground of Abel Tasman National Park from only $230pp (minimums apply). For more information on how Gourmet Sailing can help you make some wonderful memories, contact them today. www.gourmetsailing.co.nz Christmas or work functions are a breeze at The Bach Bar and Restaurant, with its scrumptious set menu or buffet option. In June 2016, The Bach Bar and Restaurant was totally rebuilt and refurbished, and today it is light, bright and airy with a mod-

Breakfast & Dinner 7 days - All Diners Welcome

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Club Italia is the ideal place to hold your 2019 Christmas function (small corporate or large) or end of year work-do, and where pizza options and other Italian food options can


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Left: Host Kimberly Coldren with stewardess Grace Winnington serving guests aboard Gourmet Sailing’s 65ft yacht.

ern, friendly atmosphere, making it the ideal dining destination. The Bach Bar and Restaurant’s central location in Stoke is great for local residents, businesses and sports teams and can be used as a venue hire for those special occasions such as Christmas or work functions and sports gatherings. “Let us help you with your next function, any group, any size- we’ll make it happen,” says owner/operator Janelle Clark. The Bach Bar and Restaurant is located at 228 Songer Street. Get in quick and book your Christmas function now by calling the Bach Bar and Restaurant on 03 5470700. To find out more, visit the Bach Bar and Restaurant page on Facebook.


Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019

Locally Owned and Operated


Jacob McFarlane from Jellyfish with his salmon dish he prepared for the competition. Photo: Sara Hollyman.

Up and Coming Chef comp heats up Sara Hollyman Reporter


on i h s a F g n i x Mi

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behind the


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scene in Nel

Some would call judging a cooking competition a dream job - but the Nelson chefs tasked with the job say choosing a winner for this year’s Up and Coming Chef Award was a tricky task. Six chefs from across the region spent last Thursday cooking their hearts out for a chance to take out the coveted title at the Nelson Hospitality Awards. The chefs had just 30 minutes to plan and prepare a menu from previously unknown ingredients. They then had just 45 minutes to cook and present their meals to chef judges Kevin Hopgood, Quinton Gately and Jeff Scott Foster. Quinton says they were looking for a “good plate of food” as well as skills and presentation. “We all had different views on [the winner], we had to deliberate at the end to come to a conclusion, because we’ve all got different palates.” “It was very close. The skill was good,” says Quinton.

The six competitors each turned out a dish using salmon as the main ingredient. Judge Jeff Scott Foster says he has a lot of respect for people who choose to enter competitions. “There’s a fine margin between being the proper chef at this kind of competition and not. They’ve only got 45 minutes to use all their experience,” he says. “They’re very nervous when they come in, there’s a lot of things going on in their mind.” Jeff says it was hard to get to the stage of choosing a winner. “There was a lot of elements we have to think about; hygiene, the way they work, everything has to be professional even the way they dressed, everything was taken into consideration to get to that point.” The winner will be announced at the Nelson Hospitality Awards at the Rutherford Hotel on Monday. Tickets to the awards dinner, which includes a three-course-meal and beverages, are available through the Nelson Hospitality Awards Facebook page.

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WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019



WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019

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Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

Our Nelson

WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019



WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019

Our Nelson

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Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019


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No availabw Motuele in Tuesdaka y


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WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019

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Nelson Weekly

Feature / Arts

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Mobile Meals delivers delicious food to your door with a cheerful smile. If you would like a home-style cooked meal then give us a ring on 035468963 or Alice 0273115516. We can deliver to your

work or home address. New September menu with favourites like cottage pie or fish pie. Wonderful range of fresh vegetables, delicious roast lamb or try our soup and dessert combo. Can be on a porcelain plate ready to heat or in a takeaway container to freeze for another day. Nurse Maude has a well-deserved

Planning for your future Contact us for your free Information Pack and to discuss your wishes with one of our experienced staff members.

ANNA LOACH Manager & Funeral Director

Contact us for more information or to receive this free information pack. 69 Haven Road, Nelson 7010


03 539 0066

reputation for working in partnership with others, so bringing Homecare to Nelson and Marlborough saw collaboration across the community and the full weight of Nurse Maude’s resources in Canterbury behind it. Now, more than a year later, Nurse Maude’s Homecare services have become an integral part of these regions, working with families, GP’s, healthcare and allied providers to provide the care people need to remain in their own homes and communities. A large part of that was being able to retain and attract those who live in the Nelson and Marlborough regions to manage, coordinate and provide that care, bringing invaluable local knowledge and a strong connection to the community in which they work. As our aged population continues to increase with some speed, these services and the responsive and innovative way in which Nurse Maude works will be essential in meeting that demand.


Being centrally located, Simplicity Funerals Nelson can assist families in holding a funeral service at one of the many beautiful venues or locations throughout the Nelson and Tasman district if desired. Simplicity Funerals are firm believers that all funerals should reflect the wishes of the family and deceased, no matter what their financial circumstances may be, and Simplicity Funerals will make sure that this philosophy is always upheld. Whether you need to arrange a funeral for a loved one, or you are trying to take the burden of arranging your own funeral from someone else, we are here to guide you through all of the arrangements, respecting your wishes every

step of the way. We are happy to discuss all aspects of funerals including pre-planning and pre-payment options, and to make things a little easier, we are happy to come to you at home. We value the trust and confidence our clients place upon us and you can depend on us to meet your needs with compassion and integrity, always. Retirement living you can trust. Ryman Healthcare was named the Reader’s Digest most trust-

ed brand in the aged care and retirement village industry for the fifth time this year. Because they put their residents first, everything else falls into place. Ultimately, that’s what makes the Ryman difference. Care is at the heart of what they do. They have a range of retirement living options, from independent living apartments and townhouses through to serviced apartments, as well as resthome, hospital and dementia care. The villages include amenities such as indoor swimming pools, movie theatres, and bowling greens. Ernest Rutherford Retirement Village, in the heart of Stoke, enjoys all these wonderful amenities, plus stunning views of the Tasman Ranges.

Ryman Healthcare also offer some of the most residentfriendly terms in New Zealand. Their base weekly fee is fixed for the entire time you occupy your apartment or townhouse. * To find out more about life at Ernest Rutherford, visit rymanhealthcare.co.nz or phone Debbie on 538 0882. *Some conditions apply One in four kiwis live with incontinence, but there is help available. Continence NZ provides a service for people with continence problems, caregivers and health professionals, by providing information and education on continence topics. Continence NZ has a national toll-free number, 0800 650 659.

Jeepers, don’t put up with it! You deserve to live a full life doing the things that you enjoy. If a bladder issue is stopping you, then get it sorted. And keep on pushing until it is sorted. But don’t wait twenty something years. Don’t miss out on life. Watch Emma's full story on Continence NZ's Facebook page or website

A Continence Nurse Specialist is available to take your calls from 9am to 5pm on Mondays and Thursdays. She can help with any concerns or questions you have about continence or you can email her with any queries to info@incontinence.org. nz This is a free and confidential service which is available for all ages. People with incontinence are also encouraged to talk to their GP to get a referral to see the Continence Nursing Service, Urogynaecologist or a Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist. Get expert help, a one-off visit may be all that you need. For general information regarding continence, product supplies, pelvic floor advice, etc, visit www.continence.org.nz

A quarter of New Zealanders are impacted by some form of incontinence. It’s time to talk about it. Our Continence Nurse Specialist is now available to take your calls from 9am to 5pm, Mondays and Tuesdays. Please give her a call with any continence questions or concerns you may have. You can also email any questions about continence to info@continence.org.nz This is a free and confidential service and is available for all ages.

Enjoy the Ryman Difference

Call us on 0800 650 659

Continence NZ is proudly supported by:

Staff Reporter Kathryn Furniss is looking forward to sharing a new style of work with visitors to this year’s Art Expo Nelson, being held this Friday to Sunday at the Trafalgar Centre. Her husband recently bought a water jet as a business purchase but Kathryn, a full-time painter for the last 19 years, thought she could make use of it as well. “I’ve got a new collection of metal sculptures, so the majority of work is going to be this new collection. The main reason I’ve ended up doing it, rather than creating paintings, is my husband bought a water jet and I thought, ‘hmm, access to fun stuff ’.” Kathryn likes the fact that she can show the collection all at once rather than a piece here and there, and says being at the show will also help with getting direct feedback from buyers. The metal wall sculptures are inspired by six native bird species tui, huia, kaka, saddleback, hihi and North Island kokako. She visited bird parks to photograph them all in person, except for the huia, which is extinct. “I love going out and stalking birds in bird parks. It makes you fall in love with them, they’re so beautiful and delicate and free, and I love the sounds they make.” She sees lots of positives to being an artist at Art Expo Nelson. “I’m excited because I haven’t been in any shows for a few years so it’ll be great to be back amongst it. You

Kathryn Furniss’ ‘Kowhai Necklace Sculpture’ which will be on show at the Art Expo. Photo: Supplied.

meet lots of amazing public and it’s an opportunity to get that direct feedback from your buyers, which you don’t normally get if you only sell through a gallery. Plus, it’s nice to have that social connection with other artists. It’s definitely inspiring.” At this year’s Art Expo Nelson, there will be a chance for art lovers to decide the overall favourite, with a People’s Choice selected by popular vote. A selection panel will narrow it down to a handful of pieces first and then the public will choose the most favoured of one of those. The Trafalgar Centre doors open to the public from 10am every day this Friday, Saturday and Sunday (6-8 September). There will be over 1000 pieces of artworks for sale. Art Expo Nelson has received sponsorship funding for this year’s event from the Nelson Events Marketing & Development Programme, which is funded by the Nelson City Council. The programme’s objective is to stimulate Nelson city’s economy in the shoulder and off season.


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WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019

Bookshop to host literary festival Some of New Zealand’s best and most interesting writers will be appearing at the Volume Mapua Literary Festival to be held from September 20-22. Organised by Volume, the 2018 New Zealand Bookshop of the Year, the festival will enable attendees to hear from authors whose books they have enjoyed and discover authors whose books they will go on to enjoy. The intimate scale of the festival will also enable readers to meet and talk with authors and other literary enthusiasts. Writers attending the festival this year include Lloyd Jones, who was short-listed for the 2007 Booker Prize for Mr Pip, and whose novel

The Cage was a finalist for the Acorn Foundation Fiction Prize in the 2019 Ockham New Zealand Book Awards. Ashleigh Young, whose essay collection Can You Tolerate This? won the prestigious 2017 Windham–Campbell Prize, will be appearing, along with Carl Shuker, whose new novel, A Mistake, explores the impact of a medical misadventure on the life of a Wellington surgeon. All ticket sales will benefit the Mapua Community Library, who have held literary fundraising events in previous years. The full programme and tickets for are available on-line at www.volume. nz, or from Volume on Church St.


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tw s

Nelson Weekly Improv show tells saga of ‘Noslen’ elections Arts

Locally Owned and Operated

Staff Reporter The year is 2019 and the city of Noslen is gearing up for its biggest election yet. The only two elected councillors are locked in a battle to remain in power, the mayor is missing action, the IT guy would rather be playing in his band and the communications manager is busy manning the organisation’s only phone. Welcome to ‘City Council: The Improv Show’ where the inner workings of small-town New Zealand are laid bare. It is the latest serialised, and entirely made up, saga from the People’s Republic of Improv. “It’s election year so we thought it might be fun to play with what goes on behind closed doors,” says the group’s Laura Irish. Last year they put on ‘Wynasty’ which imagined Nelson as the site of a power struggle between rival wine tycoons, which the team says audiences really loved. “People like seeing a little bit of local on the stage,” says Daniel Allan, who is also in the troupe. “This is taking it to another

The People’s Republic of Improv team will portray the fictional Noslen city council team. Photo: Charles Anderson. level.” Viewers will land in Noslen as they gear up for the elections and the region’s big event called “Me Wow” – a fashion parade for cats. “It’s bound to have high drama,” says Laura. The group are also inviting selected Nelson council candidates to have a fiveminute slot in their show to have a debate with the sitting councillors – Richard Gloom and Holly Sunshine - over “local” issues. It will also be the first time the group has performed in a new space – Studio One which is on

Rutherford Mews, off Hardy St and behind the Golden Bell Thai restaurant. Dan says the show plays every Friday in September and promises to be a great night out. “It’s Nelsons top improvisers with a that saga plays out each week – so the audience can follow along with the drama of the city of Noslen.” Laura says this not to be confused with the drama of the city of Nelson, which cannot be replicated. City Council: The Improv Show, 8pm starts this Friday, at Studio One, 1 Rutherford Mews off Hardy St. Tickets through Eventfinda.

www.councilchambers.info “some staff and councillors appear to believe that it is acceptable to increase rates to beyond the affordable level for ratepayers on a fixed income.”* VOTE



www.councilchambers.info Authorised by Allen Chambers, 42 Rutherford Street, Nelson

Nelson Weekly

SPORT Locally Owned and Operated


WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019


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Prices and Jacks play out epic final Jonty Dine

The epic rivalry that is Prices vs Jacks wrote another thrilling chapter in the storied saga on Saturday. The two top Nelson sides played out a scorcher in the premier final at Saxton Stadium. The defending champs survived a pulsating final two minutes as Prices Ahurei held on for the 36-35 win to go back to back. Despite an incredible performance from MVP, Jordan Webby, Prices’ young shooters nailed their shots under immense pressure in a lowscoring highly physical encounter. Winning captain Dayna Whiting says she was “over the moon” following the

final whistle. “When it comes to Jacks, we always expect it to be close and again it went down to the wire, you couldn’t ask for a better final.” Dayna credited her sides defence for getting them across the line. “Holly’s outstanding intercepts in that final quarter really kept us in it.” She says with two shooters fresh out of high school, the performed superbly under pressure. “For such a young team we managed to keep our cool and keep possession, can’t ask for better than what they did today.” Jacks OPD captain Jess Drummond was dejected to again go down in a nail biter.

“Pretty gutted, we definitely didn’t put out the performance we wanted to.” The stalwart centre says Prices simply took their chances. “They stayed composed and did what they needed to do to win it.” She says her side’s accuracy with

shots and passing cost them in the end. “Just the basics we didn’t do well today.” The sides traded goals throughout the first, with shooters taking what few opportunities they were given. The game was on a knife edge

throughout the four quarters with neither side able to take a substantial lead. Both teams had a chance to seal the victory but Jacks missed two crucial shots, allowing Prices to claim their fourth title in five years.

Prices celebrate its premier win at Saxton Stadium on Saturday. Photo: Chris Symes/Shuttersport.




Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019

Locally Owned and Operated

FC Nelson’s shot at glory Jonty Dine Reporter


Local champions FC Nelson will take on Christchurch United for a spot in the Mainland Premier League next season. Photo: Supplied.

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It’s been a memorable season for FC Nelson and the club’s historic run isn’t finished just yet. After locking the Division one and Price Charity trophies away for the summer, the side now has the chance to play for inclusion in the 2020 MPL. However, standing in its way is the high-flying Christchurch United. The two teams will play a home-and-away series starting in Nelson on September 14. Club stalwart and committee member Francis Miccio says they are under no illusions about the enormity of the challenge. “It’s a wonderful opportunity for the squad to test themselves against much better opposition and shows youngsters that FC Nelson aspires to play in a higher league.” Frances says the game will give players an idea of the level they will need to be to play Mainland football. “Christchurch won its local league by a canter, they went further in the Chatham Cup than any MPL team and they beat Nelson Suburbs, so it’s a difficult assignment.” Despite the outcome, Francis says the opportunity alone is massive. “This is a huge achievement for our club and it’s the icing on the cake on what was another very successful season at FC Nelson.” He says the club has seen improvements across the club from junior to senior sides, and will celebrate this come gameday. “We are going to have a big day, start with a brunch for members, and followed by an after-match function and senior prizegiving.” Though the odds are stacked against them, bigger sporting upsets have occurred. “Football’s a funny old game, anything can happen.”

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Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019


Ricky’s fight to be world’s best Locally Owned and Operated

Jonty Dine Reporter


Ricky Esilva is one of the last men you would want to pick a fight with. However, having worked as a bouncer for several years, many drunken males have made the mistake of trying to take on the New Zealand Muay Thai champ. Needless to say, the altercations would always end the same way. Had these men known they were squaring up to a professional fighter, currently holding four New Zealand titles, they may have thought twice before taking a swing. Ricky has had broken bones, ruptured organs and undergone surgeries as he chases his dream of becoming one of the greatest fighters in the world. The 21-year-old was recently crowned WKA New Zealand heavyweight champion in Wellington on August 24, after defeating Navajo Stirling in the five round, 95kg bout. “Tricky Ricky” says, after a slow start to the fight, he found his mark in the later rounds. “It took me a while to wake up, but I managed to pull through the first two rounds, I got in some good

Ricky Esilva with his four Muay Thai kickboxing title belts. Photo: Jonty Dine. shots in the third. In the fourth we went to a clinch and I started to smash him with elbows, I managed to keep enough pressure on in the fifth to win.” He won the bout by split decision, two judges awarding all five rounds to Ricky. It was his fourth title win, after preciously claiming the WKAF, ISKA South Island, and NZMF championships. South African-born Ricky has

always liked to test himself against older opponents. He fought his first fight at 15 against a 19-year-old. Combat sports are in his blood and he started young, taking up karate at kindergarten. After moving to New Zealand, Ricky was unable to join a club so played rugby to satisfy his need for combat, but still longed to fight again. However, it wasn’t long before

Ricky discovered the Maui Muay Thai Gym in Nelson Just eight weeks after joining, Ricky was making his in-ring debut, picking up a win with a secondround knockout. He was hooked. Ricky undergoes a gruelling training regimen everyday which includes a 5am run and three hours in the gym every night. While not a street fighter, he has had to use his skills on the street while working as a bouncer.

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“I’ve had a lot of drunk guys wanting to fight me,” he says. “I don’t want to hurt them, but if I have to I will.” Ricky says his dad came from a rough background and he learned how to defend himself. “He taught me a bit, we used to wrestle a lot with each other, His current record reads an impressive 22 fights, 18 wins and four losses, with six knockout wins. This success has come at a cost though as Ricky’s road has been paved with some gruesome injuries, one of which saw him sitting on the sidelines for two years. Ricky has also add broken foot, fractured his shin, suffered a broken nose, broken ribs, and undergone knee surgeries. But Ricky has also dished out his share of punishment. His most bloody bout came for the Oceania title where he inflicted a gash requiring 12 stitches to close. Ricky says elbows are his preferred method of striking and his most powerful weapon. Despite the injuries, the pain and the hours spent in the gym, Ricky remains clear on his goal. “I know what I want to be and, if I give up, my name won’t get out there. I want to be one of the best fighters in the world.”


Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019

Mako tame Bulls in New Plymouth

Jonty Dine and Peter Jones

It was a brutal and bruising encounter, but the Tasman Mako walked away from New Plymouth still unbeaten and with another five points. The Mako showed plenty of composure to break down the resolute Taranaki defence, scoring four tries in a hard fought 28-18 victory on Sunday afternoon. It was the Mako’s fourth successive win to kick off its Mitre 10 Cup campaign as they sit comfortably atop the premiership table. Tasman co-head coach Andrew Goodman said his side knew the home side were going to bring a physical approach to the table. “We could probably have adjusted a little earlier with our body height, but when we got that right we got some good goforward ball,zz and were able to exploit a bit of space.” Goodman felt the physicality of the match, and the way

they had dealt with it, would benefit the Mako going into their next match, against Counties Manukau, another team renowned for their robust approach, on Friday. A pair of pinpoint accurate kicks by the halves sparked the Mako’s first try, Finlay Christie’s box kick finding the arms of Leicester Faingaanuku before Mitch Hunt sent a cross to Tima Faingaanuku who was too strong close to the chalk. Sione Havili looked to have scored a second for the Mako but was denied due to a double movement, however the visitors went over moments later through Andrew Makalio on the back of a surging maul. With Taranaki racking up over a hundred tackles, the hosts’ defence began to wane and the Mako looked to pile on more points before the break. In a carbon copy of his first try, Faingaanuku was again the beneficiary of a deft Hunt crosskick as the Mako took an 18-6

halftime lead. A resurgent Taranaki side came out of the sheds firing with a superb try to reduce the lead to five. Though with the injection of Shannon Frizell and Jordan Taufua the Mako would soon score the bonus point in cheeky fashion. Following a sustained period of pressure, Christie sneaked the ball on the line from the base of a ruck. Taranaki wouldn’t lie down however, as All Black Waisake Naholo, who had been largely anonymous to this point, went over to make it a ten-point game with 15 to play. Both sides had opportunities to finish in style but couldn’t convert with the fiercely physical encounter ending in another Mako victory. Scorers: Tasman 28 (T. Faingaanuku 2, Makalio, Christie tries, Hunt 1 cons, 2 pens) Taranaki 18 (Boshier, Naholo tries, Waite 2 pens, 1 con)

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Richard Ussher and Nelson city councillor Tim Skinner will square off in a celebrity tennis match this weekend. Photo: Jonty Dine.

Tennis clubs to serve love Jonty Dine Reporter


A multisport athlete and a Nelson city councillor will square off this weekend in a battle of the racquets. The matchup, between Richard Ussher and Tim Skinner, will be part of a celebration of the sport in the region with the “Love Tennis” event set for this weekend. Richard is no stranger to fierce competition, having won the notoriously-gruelling Coast2Coast five times, while Tim is a keen footballer.

However, both men admit it’s been a number of years since they’ve picked up a racquet. The weekend will see eight tennis clubs across Nelson open their doors to serve up a fun, free event for people of all ages and abilities. Nelson Bays tennis Association regional coordinator Ali Telford says the event is for anyone, young or old, who would like to try out, or get back into tennis. The Love Tennis weekend will be held on Saturday, September 7 and Sunday, September 8 from 1-4pm. Players of all ages and experience are welcome.




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Nelson Weekly


Locally Owned and Operated

WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019



Bowls: Eighteen-year-old Kaleb Johnston of the Stoke Bowling Club won the national final of the 42nd New Zealand Indoor Bowls Junior Singles for the second year running in Wellington on Saturday. It was twenty-six years ago that this was last done, way back in 1992 and 1993. Kaleb also made history last year by following in his father Mike’s footsteps to win the title, becoming the only father and son to do so. Mike won the title 41 years ago in 1978.

Jesse Clements is ecstatic as he nears the finish of the notoriously gruelling Dun Run. Photo: Kathy Pantling.

Dun Run proves test for course stalwarts Staff Reporter Paula Canning’s happy place when it comes to trail running events is The Dun Run and Saturday’s win added to her impressive outings into the “backwoods of Nelson”. With the course back to its original pathway after slip repairs above the Brook Sanctuary, 276 finishers ran along Nelson’s alpine mineral

belt and down the historic remains of the nation’s first railway line. Canning, the 2016 and 2017 winner was keen for another title but trailed Angela Leck until Third House. Once onto the downhill section the victory was all hers as she built up a handy two-minute margin by the Andrews Farm finish, clocking 2.09.48.

Patrick Higgins, first in 2017, returned to recapture his title with a time of 1.48.39. Auckland’s Matt Ogden finished in 1.51.18 with Nelson youngster Callum Wilkie chasing him on 1.54.09. The long course competitors began their 39.9km journey from Nelson city, running up the Maitai Valley 13km to then join

“the Originals”. Joel Bowater (2.59.44) and Klartje can Schie (3.38.20) repeated their 2018 victories in impressive style. Their times now will be etched in the record books forever as Nelson Events only plan to provide the Original Course Option in 2020 and beyond. Full results available at Nelsonevents.co.nz

Football: Marlborough and Nelson each have a hand on the Harris Cup after the first leg of the provincial showdown was drawn 2-2 at A & P Park on Saturday. The Harris Cup was last contested in a home-and-away series in 2008, when the trophy was claimed by Marlborough. In 2012 the first leg was played, but not the second, meaning the long-standing trophy, first contested in 1929, remains in Marlborough hands. A double for Brandon Pierie helped FC Nelson leave Blenheim with a draw. The next leg of the series will be played in Nelson this weekend.

Running: The Kaiteriteri Gold turns 30 on March 7 and Nelson Events have announced course changes to celebrate. The half marathon and iconic climb up the Sandy Bay Hill remains but it will be in a different direction. A beach start and along the Kaiteriteri/ Marahau Road is first up, then at the junction it’s upwards and to the saddle and welcoming wafts of the bagpiper. Into the forest and along the pine needle-laden road will be a new venture before respite and a welcome pick-me-up at the Split Apple Rock aid station. From there, it’s back to the beach and the golden sand finish, plus perhaps a refresher into the more than inviting sea. Gone is the 10km but in its place will be a bound-to-be-popular mixed terrain 14km course. Along Martin Farm Road provides an ample warmup before a MTB Park section up Ziggy, Corkscrew and onto the tops.






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Nelson Weekly


WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019

Locally Owned and Operated

Nelson College make history Jonty Dine Reporter


Nelson College first five Niko Barton has begged 33 points in his last two outings to claim the UC and South Island Championships. Photo: File.

RUGBY TippinG Our lOCAlS PiCk THeir WiNNerS

Round 5 Aaron Neighbours - 21/28

Craig Morice - 20/28

Jonty Dine - 20/28

Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

Simon Charles - 19/28

Waimea Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

Peter Grigg - 19/28

Michael Lash - 18/28 Installed Solutions

Brad McNeill - 18/28 Johnston Associates South Chartered Accountants

Johnston Associates South Chartered Accountants

Brendon Sinnott - 17/28

Bridget Taylor - 17/28

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Grant Chaney - 15/28

Manawatu vs Northland

Hawke’s Bay Counties Manukau North Harbour Bay of Plenty vs vs vs vs Southland Tasman Waikato Wellington

Auckland vs Canterbury

Otago vs Taranaki

Ever since joining the 1st XV, Niko Barton envisioned himself kicking the winning points for Nelson College when practising shots at goal. On Saturday, this dream became reality when his side wrote their way into the history books. Niko nailed two difficult sideline conversions which proved the difference as Nelson College claimed a spot in the National Top Four, with a tense 28-26 win against Otago Boys’ High School in Dunedin. Niko kicked all four conversions and scored two tries in a brilliant 18-point, man-of the match performance. It was the second successive week Barton’s boot got Nelson over the line, his three penalty goals ensuring victory in the UC Championship final after his side was outscored five tries to four. The 18-year-old says the psychological challenge has been huge when kicking in these pressure cooker situations. “It’s been nerve wracking because of the big crowds, I just try to calm myself down, talk myself through what I have to do and shut out the noise.” Nelson had to dig deep in the final moments as Otago hammered away with the crowd right behind them. “It was pretty scary because we were defending for about ten minutes, up by two points so we knew any penalty would give them the game.” Though as they have done all season, the side showed plenty of composure and tenacity to survive the onslaught and earn a spot in

the country’s Top Four for the first time in the competition’s history. It was a similar story during the UC semi-final and Quadrangular final where Nelson was camped on its own line in the final stages with less than a seven-point lead. Niko credits the team culture for its ability to survive the intense pressure of finals footy. “We have great leaders like Anton (Segner) and Mason (Lund) - they just keep us focussed on our roles.” The pressure won’t relent yet as Nelson head to Palmerston North on Friday to play Kings College. “From what we’ve seen they are quite big so it will be a new challenge, but we will be up for it.” Niko says he has full confidence that his side can knock over the Auckland champions and go on to defeat the winners of Hastings Boys vs Hamilton Boys in the other semi-final to claim an inaugural national title. “It’s about more than just the rugby,” says Niko. “We play for each other.” No doubt if Nelson are to push the North Island juggernauts, Niko’s form with the boot will need to be on song. National Top Four semi-final: Nelson College vs Kings College 1:10pm Friday, September 6 Palmerston North Final (vs winner of Hastings vs Hamilton) 2:10pm Sunday, September 8 Palmerston North Scorers: Nelson College 28 (Niko Barton 2, Taya Brown, Hunter Griffith tries; Barton 4 con), Otago Boys’ 26 (Michael Manson, Taylor Dale, Max Brown, Tevita Pole tries; Tevita Asi con, Jack HollandSpinks 2 con). Halftime 14-12.

Nelson Weekly

Community Services

Locally Owned and Operated

Community Notices

NELSON GARDEN SHOW Annual spring show, Methodist Church, Neale Ave, Stoke. Sat 7 Sept. 8.30am3.30pm. Variety of stalls including plants. Afternoon tea. Admission $3. Barry 5479086 WAIMEA MUSIC CLUB meets Sun 8 Sept in Loney Hall Wensley Rd Richmond at 1.15pm. Pat 5445766, Clive 5530526 NELSON SOCIAL DANCING CLUB at Club Waimea 7 Sept. Live Music 7.30pm-11.15pm. Members $10 NonMembers $15. Chris 021 160 1358 FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY BOOKSALE Gardening, Fiction and CDs. Sat 7 Sept, 10-12.15 Nelson Library. Gillian 9220002 NELSON PHILATELIC SOCIETY Next meeting Tues Sept 10, 7.30pm at Stoke School. All welcome. 5471140 NELSON COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB The next Club Night will be held in the Club Waimea Hall on Sun, Sept 8 at 6pm. Come along, have sing or sit back and be entertained by our members and friends. Paul, 5480926. NELSON DISTRICT ROSE SOCIETY Monthly meeting 9 Sept 5.30pm Richmond Library. Speaker Bill Brett. Light Refreshments. All welcome. $2, Liz 0278844774 SUNRISE WALK FOR WELLBEING Join us on a 6 km airport perimeter walk for Mental Health Awareness Week. Light snack, live music and guest speaker. Wear Yellow bring your friends. Koha to Supporting Families in Mental Illness Nelson. 6am Sat 21 Sept – Nelson Golf Club Carpark, 38 Bolt Rd, Tahunanui NELSON ELECTRONIC ORGAN AND KEYBOARD CLUB next meeting is on Sat 7 Sept 1.30pm at Stoke School Hall. Players and listeners are welcome. $2 cost for visitors. Yvonne 545 0954 NELSON 50+ MINI WALKERS Sept 10, Kina to Baigents Reserve. Meet 10am at Kina Campground.

Wendy or Geoff, 542 3472. NELSON 50+ WALKING GROUP Sept 12, Kairuru Farm-Takaka Hill. Cathy 022 648 6065 / Val 022 122 0911. HAVE YOU HAD A SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE Explore Past Lives, Dreams, & Soul Travel in a free Three week discussion class based on Eckankar’s Spiritual Experiences Guide book. Includes free book. Sun 8, 15, 22, 4pm-5:30pm, Lyndy 0211567914 FOREST AND BIRD Wed 11 Sept. Evening talk by Martin Grinsted about Caves of Mt Arthur Tablelands. 7.30pm Tahunanui School Hall, Muritai Street, Tahunanui. FOREST AND BIRD Pearl Creek Working Bee Sat 14 Sept. 9am to midday. Meet at the end of Cotterell Rd, Appleby. Bring morning tea, gloves, spade. Malcolm m.hugman@hotmail.com CAKE DECORATORS Wed 18 Sept 7:30pm. Creating animals using sugar paste. Stoke Methodist Church. New members welcome. Desiree 0276302359 HOW DO WE BUILD RESILIENCE IN OURSELVES, players, employees so that we/they can always respond well under pressure and perform at their best? Mainland Tactix netball coach, Marianne DelaneyHoshek will discuss these and other key skills which have helped her turn around the Tactix - who sat at the bottom of the table for most of the 10year history of the ANZ netball competition prior to her taking the reins in 2017. 25 Sept at Beachside Conference Centre. events.commerce.org.nz PLANET AND MOON VIEWING Public open nights Fri 6 and 13 Sept, 7.30p -9.30pm if sky clear, Cawthron Atkinson Observatory, Clifton Terrace School, Atawhai. Excellent opportunity to view Jupiter, Saturn and the Moon. $5 cash koha per person, $15 families. Hamish 0226760897.


WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019


ASTRONOMY SECTION, Nelson Science Society, meets Thurs 5 Sept, 7.30pm, Milton Building, Cawthron Institute, Milton St. Robert Rea introducing video talk 'Tabby's Star - the most Mysterious Star in the Universe' by Dr James Davenport. All welcome. Non Members gold coin Koha. Robert 5445241. NELSON RAILWAY Founders Park. The Railcar will run on Sat 7 weather permitting. The Train will operate Sunday 8 Sept. Time for both is between 11am and 4pm. Fares are Adults $6 Children $4 Under 3 years free. STOKE METHODIST CHURCH HALL Neale Ave Stoke. Sat 7 Sept. 8.30 until 3.30pm Entry $3.00 Cut flowers, daffodils, floral art. Stalls selling all kinds of plants, raffles. ARTHRITIS SOCIETY COFFEE MORNING We meet at Flock in Church St 10am on the fourth Wed of the month. Next Gathering 25 Sept 2019. Claire 035450835, 0273601039 LOOKING FOR A REWARDING VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY? Red Cross Refugee Settlement training course be a part of settling former refugee families from Myanmar and Colombia into a new life. 7 Sept. phone, 5465012 or email nelsonadmin@redcross.org. nz CATHEDRAL CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL An invitation for Community Groups to enter the very popular festival. Fun for Families, businesses and schools. All are welcome. fred.bev@xtra.co.nz SATURDAY 21 SEPTEMBER 9am -3.15pm Brightwater Hall, Plants, cakes and produce for sale. Food available, Entry adults $4 Children free. 5287653 ENNER GLYNN PLAYCENTRE free spaces for preschoolers. 3 free visits. Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, 9.3012pm. Come and play and have a chat to other parents. 03 547 4007

CASUAL SPANISH CONVERSATION GET together on Mon from 6-7pm, Victory Community Centre. All levels/ages. Native speakers free, learner’s min $4per session. Fundraiser for Play Centre and Toy Library. Just turn up. Femke 0212988332. NELSON GUILD OF WOODWORKERS 7pm on the last Wed of the month. Bill Filmer 03 547 5104. RICHMOND GARDEN CLUB Wed 1pm 2 Oct at the Hall, Our Lady of the Bay Parish Centre, William St, Richmond. Friendly club, great speakers, sales & interest tables. Paula 03 547 2537 PILATES Tahunanui Community Centre 61 Muritai st. Suitable for all levels. 6pm Thurs. $10. Marion 021 08399290 WARM YOURSELF WITH SOME LAUGHTER. Laughter Yoga. Wed. 5.30pm Victory Community Centre. $2 koha. Bring something to lie on for the relaxation at the end. Cath 5451207 ISEL LADIES PROBUS CLUB welcome to our friendly club, fourth Wed monthly, Baptist Church Stoke at 10am, Coffee and lunch groups also. Joy 538 0035 or Sue 5486062. NELSON NORTH LIONS CLUB welcomes new members to join their small established group that are passionate of providing voluntary services through community involvement. PH John Rodger on 0276749333 john.rodger@xtra.co.nz VICTORY COMMUNITY CENTRE. FITNESS FIRST. Come join in this relaxed fun and social class. Great for beginners or those who want to increase their fitness level. Mon 6pm $7. Marion 021 083 99290 LINE DANCING beginners Tues, Thurs 9.15am all ages and gender. Stoke Methodist Church Hall. Bring your friends and just arrive. Bring a cup. Free morning tea. Diane 0274 491 569 MINDFULNESS AND RELAXATION for people affect-

ed by or supporting someone with cancer. Tues 1pm Fairfield House $3 donation Cancer Society 539 1137 HAVEN LIONESS CLUB PROJECT Pinc Next Steps (cancer rehabilitation), now available Rakaia Lions Lilies. Bag 4 Oriental Liliy Bulbs $10, Bag 20 Freesias $5 plant now and will flower this season. margaret.ralph.c@xtra.co.nz Audrey 5446243, Margaret 5476571 CONVERSATIONAL MANDARIN GROUP Are you a learner or native speaker of Mandarin Chinese? Join us for conversational practice each Thurs downstairs at NMIT library 4.30 - 6.pm. All ages/levels welcome. Jane 027 260 2808 YOUTH EXCHANGE TO CHINA The NZ China Friendship Society is organising an Arts and Cultural Youth Exchange in April 2020. If you are interested and currently in Year 11 or 12, Call Jane 0272602808. Applications close October 14. DO YOU LIKE TO TEACH? Are you patient? Have a passion for working with different cultures? Are you an experienced driver with Full license for 2 years or more? Interested in supporting former refugees get their license? Contact Margo at Red Cross 59 Parkers Rd 021 255 8550 or openroad.nelson@redcross.org.nz NELSON CAMERA CLUB meets second and fourth Mon 7.30pm Netball Pavilion, upstairs Saxton Rd, Stoke. We welcome all photographers from beginners to experienced. 021 2360 847. www.nelsoncameraclub.co.nz CENTRAL GARDEN GROUP Stoke Methodist Church Hall, Neale Ave. Every second Wed of the month, 1.30pm. New members welcome. Barry 547 9086 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS alcohol causing problems for you in your life? want to stop drinking but can’t? Maybe we can help. Meetings daily 0800 229 6757

Community notices are free to community groups, schools, churches, gold coin donation events and fundraising only. For classified ads and public notices please call 548 5900. Due to the popularity of this column, while every effort will be made, inclusion cannot be guaranteed for free ads.


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419 Medium

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4 3 2 8



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WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019

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Psychic Suzanne readings Ph 0900 50 500 3.99/min www.psychicsuzanne.co.nz

146lt Chest Freezer F/P good cond $60, Dishwasher F/P older style but works well $50, TV stand $10, Occasional table older style $30, Bench Grinder 6 inch $40. Call 021 022 60964

Alloy Box, suit motorhome or tradie. 1430x550x800. Excellent condition, lockable. $650 ono. Can send photos. Call 5476760 or 021 264 3095.

TOOLS, SHED GEAR, COLLECTABLES Hand tools, workshop tools. Also collectables, old toys or interesting household items. From small lots to estates or downsizing

Antiques, furniture (desks, bookcases, chests of drawers, tables, chairs, chaise lounge, wardrobe, mirrors, rugs etc). Collectibles, paintings, toys, books, records etc. Sell, buy, value. 6 rooms at Souchebys Antiques, 75 Gladstone Rd, Richmond ph 544 0723. Open Mon-Sat. www.antiquesnewzealand.co.nz

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fireWOOd Shed dry pine 6 mtrs $450 delivered. 3 mtrs $250 delivered. Only at Quality Firewood, phone or txt 0274 490 622.

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Marie Healy Stoke 027 233 3131

Donna Thorpe Stoke 027 454 5106

Mandy Troy Stoke 027 230 0201

Stacey Howden Stoke 027 541 0164

Nicki Morris Richmond 027 662 1222

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On August 30th 2019 at Nelson, Marie passed away peacefully aged 82 years. Dearly loved wife of the late Rex. Loved Mother of Shelley, Keith and the late Carol. Loved Nana of Aimee and Libby, Haylee-Maude, Brya and Lacey, Sarcha and Jadeen. Loved Great Grandmother of Lucah, Harlyn and Aaliyah, Houston and Ashton, Beauden. A special friend to many

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air conditioning

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Londrae elizabeth (Lon) Cherished wife of David, loved mother of Shelley, Martin and Stephen; sister of Kelvin and Rennell. Lon passed away peacefully at Nelson Hospital on Friday 30 August “to be with Christ which is far better”. A celebration of Lon’s life will be held at Richmond Baptist Church, 123 Salisbury Road, Richmond, at 11.00am on Saturday 7 September, followed by her interment at Marsden Cemetery.



Funeral serVices


Wyomie Marie Dampier

pH 548 5900

WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019

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WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019

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WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019

Trades&Services MASSAGE

Now at 56 Tukuka Street ELEcTRicAL REPAiRS

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WEDNESDAY 4 September 2019


Nelson Weekly Locally Owned and Operated










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