21st Century Science & Spirituality Spirituality is relevant in the 21st Century more than ever before and here’s why! All the prophetic traditions are coming true with the passage of time one by one. How can an individual living in past know the future in the many centuries to come and with such clarity of information? The wisest of the scientists wouldn’t be able to tell us what events are to happen with certainty in the tomorrow and here we have the prophetic traditions that not only define the future but provide the information with great details. The question arouses in mind is “Spirituality superior than science or vice-versa”. Many Prophetic traditions can be referred whom have come true in the recent times for example the Iraqi & Syrian turmoil or the famous narrations about the Arabs competing in high buildings etc. on deserts and is the case with Dubai today which was nothing but desert before and many more prophetic traditions have come to pass that shed light on the brilliance of spirituality!. The story of Moses (A.S) is another famous example of spirituality and how that stands with the present day’s scientific progress. For Moses whom the sea water parted ways and in the same sea the tyrant leader “the pharaoh” drowned as he was crossing the sea the water returned to its original state while Moses and his people were saved from oppression with the same sea. Spirituality played a major role in the past and to this day there’s no matching to the miracles of Moses by any scientists or science. The European Continent and across the other continents are much familiar with Rumi (ra) the Sufi personality of the Turkey but less people are familiar with Sultan Bahu (ra) the great Sufi spiritual personality situated in present day Pakistan. His shrine is the source of spiritual blessings and his life is filled with spiritual marvels from Sufi’s birth date to childhood and to his taking veil from the world with even to the present day! Though the Sufi passed away long time ago. In early childhood Bahu was famous in his hometown that was place of residence for Hindu majority and its narrated to whomsoever Bahu gazed upon that individual instantly made proclamation to the Islamic faith without any previous inclination or understanding of the faith. This spiritual attribute is unheard off because Bahu was naturally born with great spiritual purity and was enlightened by birth unlike an ordinary man. The spiritual trait has resemblance in spirituality to that of Jesus (A.S). There are many spiritual marvels related to Bahu. The Sufi Sultan Bahu preferred a simple living, a life away from the worldly attachments of Gold, Silver and alike. The trait of Sultan Bahu has great resemblance to the Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him). The burial place of Bahu was changed a few times and what was the once unknown burial site of a Sufi Spiritual personality astonishingly transformed as into a place of pilgrims known as Bahu’s Shrine in Jhang, Punjab, Pakistan. More details on Sultan Bahu . Spirituality is relevant to modern 21st Century as it has been pointed out somewhat already. Have you ever come across any scientific books that claim to enlighten a person so much so
that the person with just its reading can learn about the secrets of God for example a telescope can only see many of the galaxies, planets and stars out there but are they really inaccessible? Spirituality claims to answer all these questions where science and scientists don’t even come near to discussing such a possibility even in the near 100 years! The Sultan Bahu Books in Punjabi , Persian and English language claim to provide access to spirituality and to the humanly secrets. The spirituality is not defined as something separate from the human being but its multi-dimensional self of humans. The Sufi’s state a human body is more than flesh and bones as for every human organ if the spiritual practices are practiced upon, the same human organs give life to new spiritual organs of the human and this forms the basis for Human Spirituality and so forth. The Sultan Bahu books claim to provide this spiritual experience with its mere regular reading of the books like Noor ul Huda Qalan. The books are available online for reading. In addition to the Sufi Books the site holds an exhaustive range of Sufi Music in the likes of Kalam e Bahoo mp3 free download , Bulleh Shah (ra) and Mian Muhammad Bakhsh (ra) etc. The site also includes few spiritual drama’s and movies and all the aforementioned can be found in the Sultan Bahu Videos. Unfortunately, much of the spiritual music is currently limited to Urdu/Punjabi Language. The site featuring spirituality and Sultan Bahu books is open to everyone whether you like to discuss a dream or gets answers to any questions be it on anything you can use the forum to fulfil your demands. Though the Sultan Bahu website features mainly spirituality related content nonetheless it also provides a way to promote your niche website’s with using the Submit Article feature or you can simply submit your website link to the directory for website promotion in Submit Url . You can also submit press releases for free using the Submit Press Release option. If you have any interesting thoughts or experiences to share on spirituality or science do share in the comments. I look forward to all the interesting comments.