Cacao Côte d'Ivoire Cet épisode traite de l'importance de l'éducation. Il souligne sa valeur pour les enfants des communautés cacaoyères et la besoin pour les jeunes agriculteurs éduqués de reprendre les fermes de leurs parents. L'épisode commence avec Djirou et Sori quittant l'école et leur professeur leur donnant le numéro de téléphone pour les messages texte de prévisions météo, que le père de Djirou ne pourra pas lire. Travail des enfants Afrique Cacao Afrique Cacao Côte d'Ivoire Education Afrique Education Côte d'Ivoire Such a large number of individuals surmise that kid work is an issue of the past. Be that as it may, a snappy look at ongoing measurements paints an altogether different picture. As indicated by one website*, the worldwide issue of illicit kid work and misuse has barely vanished. In reality, as the populace develops, in this, too, do the numbers. 246,000,000 kids qualify as youngster workers (for the most part matured 14 and under) 73,000,000 are younger than 10. Of these, 2.5 million are in created nations Another 2.5 million live in Eastern Europe Each and every year, an expected 22,000 children will bite the dust in a business related mishap. The immense larger part - 127 million - of these working kids under fourteen live in the Asia-Pacific area. In Sub-Sahara Africa, about 33% of kids under 14 hold down employments. This number sums 48,000,000! The best two ventures that utilize these a huge number of youngsters over the globe are the agrarian and the Domestic administrations. Be that as it may, these employments are barely as cushy as they sound... Conditions in these nations by and large mean threat in the fields or in the "household field". It's no hop of the creative energy to make sense of what sort of local exercises were preformed by the vast populace of young ladies (who represent up to 60%) Many of them are abused and experience quick track
preparing as whores, underground market infant machines, and a wide range of other awful "professions". At the present time, absence of authorization is the key deterrent to fighting kid work. In a considerable lot of similar countries and areas where kid work is widespread, the subsidizing and framework of administrative offices basically doesn't exist. Another person will need to venture in, demonstrate some bravery and activity and help to create more secure, sounder and engaging approaches to give the families something to do. One of the manners in which this is done is the utilization of miniaturized scale advance financing. Credits (which are all under $1,000.00US) are given to people to support their exchanges and organizations. This pattern has effectively cleared crosswise over some underdeveloped nations and left a large number of examples of overcoming adversity afterward. In any case, this is just the start. Promotion gatherings and non-benefit associations dependably require support of each unique kind. Every one of us is absolutely skilled with some ability, benefit or even contact that can have any kind of effect in the lives of our youngsters, and through them, the destiny of our future. Things being what they are, truly ask yourself, "What would i be able to do to put a stop to this horrible disaster?" *Source: Jennifer Gibbs lives with her better half and child in bright Jacksonville, Florida and fills in as the Real Estate Marketing Coordinator at Signature Realty and Management, Inc. In the event that you and your family are considering calling Florida's First Coast "home" at that point please visit to discover how we can enable you to have a smoother progress. More information: