Nataly Nemkova Portfolio

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NATALY selected NEMKOVA works.


After finishing my studies at the Architectural Faculty in Belarusian Technical University I obtained 6 years of professional experience in different fields of architecture. At my last position I was a leader of master planning department in architectural studio, producing a variety of different kinds of projects. With my colleagues young architects we created a non-formal community monogroup, which was devoted to experimentation with future architecture, interdisciplinary projects and computational tools. To make a big step forward and gain more experience I moved to London to study in the Architectural Association School of Architecture Landscape Urbanism MSc programme. This programme gave me valuable knowledge of design approach based on going through different scales and deep analysis of the design territory. Critical thinking is a crutial part of Architectural Association theaching which in my opinion is essential for architectural design and thinking. Working with tight dedlines and ability to translate design ideas into visual assets working within international team are also the skills I obtained during my studies. My thesis work Shifting Arctic Boundaries looked at the developing of the arctic zone and conflicts and consequences it brings. After completing my studies I worked for Gustafson-Porter+Bowman(London) and currently I’m consulting GilesMiller studio(London) on architecture and Grasshopper+scripting. I was participating in exhibitions in Belarus and abroad including Leonardo, Museum’s nigth in Minsk and EASA (European Architecture Student’s Assembly), was acting as a tutor and organizer in local and international architectural workshops. If you are looking for a person who is a good team player with leadership skills that can think creatively and critically, who is able to look freshly and to prove design ideas by convincing drawings and visuals - do not hesitate to contact me! I am always looking for an opportunity to push the boundaries of the way we make urban and rural environment nowadays.

PHONE +375296861707 EMAIL SUMMARY: Architect graduate from Architectural Association, Landscape Urbanism programme. With professional skills in GIS, data analysis, computational design software (Rhino, Grashopper, Processing). Strong interest in large scale projects where methods of rapid data collecting and analysis can be applied to produce design desicions.

MAIN SKILLS OBTAINED Collecting data in GIS complex analysis - Design proposal based on the data using computational approach - project result goes back to GIS -analysis and final decision on the project.

Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects Subject of master Thesis Name and type of organisation providing education and training

September 2015-October 2016 Master of Science Landscape Urbanism Shifting Arctic Boundaries Architectural Association school of Architecture, London, UK

Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects Subject of master Thesis Name and type of organisation providing education and training

September 2009-June 2010 Magistr of Architecture Research skills. Architecture and Urban Design Reconstruction of open integrated city spaces Belarusian National Technical University(BNTU), Department of Architecture

Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects Name and type of organisation providing education and training

September 2004-June 2009 Bachelor of Architecture Architecture Belarusian National Technical University(BNTU), Department of Architecture MAIN ACTIVITIES

WORK EXPERIENCE Dates Occupation or position held Name and address of the employer Type of business or sector

Dates Occupation or position held Name and address of the employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Name and address of the employer Type of business or sector

PERSONAL SKILLS Mother tongue Other languages Social skills and competences Workshops

Honours and Awards

09.11.2016 - now Consulting Architect Giles Miller Studio, 7 Borthwick Street, London, SE8 3GH Architecture, Interior Design

Grasshopper+Rhino scripting

23.11.2016 - 23.01.2017 Assistant Architect Gustafson-Porter+Bowman, 1 Cobham Mews, Agar Grove, London NW1 9SB Landscape Architecture

I was working on competitions in London and Paris, involving skills of GIS, computational tools, drawing sketches.

01.09.2010 - 23.09.2015 Architect, leader of master planning department

Architectural building control drawings, 3d visualisation. Working with computational and parametric design tools. Developed skills in Revit, Rhino+grasshopper.

Architectural company «NT-Project-Engineering», Minsk, Masherova pr. 78 Architecture

COMPUTER SKILLS: Rhinoceros+Grasshopper, Belarusian, Russian Rhino-python, Processing, English - C2, French - A1, German - A1 Leader of the belarusian architectural community Monogroup, ArcGIS, Autocad, Revit, 3d Max, Indesign, Photoshop, organizer of social hackathon «HackForFuture» Illustrator - Tutor at EASA, Slovenia 2013 and Bulgaria 2014 - «Non-linear transformations» with R.Stuart-Smith, 2012 - «Processing» with A.Kalachev, O.Kovrikova, 2012 Chevening Scholarship 2015-2016 Minsk architecture Biennale 2011 - First prize in nomination «Interiors(realization)»


HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL COMPETITION WESTMINSTER, LONDON, UK Location:London, UK Design team and client: Gustafson-Porter+Bowman and Henegan Penn for Malcolm Reading Consultants Type: Holocaust Memorial Competition Size: 1200 m2 Project timeframe: 2016-2017 The design of Holocaust Memorial - Learning Centre is set to never forget the Holocaust. Visitors descend from the Victoria Tower Gardens through a series of thresholds and passages to encounter their voice of those who speak of past horrors. The Memorial itself is an ear, that connects visitors with the voices and testimonies of those who experienced the Holocaust. The memorial courtyard is focused upwards to Victoria Tower.





S A C L AY M O U L O N C O M P E T I T I O N PA R I S , F R A N C E Location:London, UK Design team and client: Gustafson-Porter+Bowman and Chartier-Corbasson Architects Type: Sports Valley Competition Size: 140473 m2 Project timeframe: 2016-2017 Saclay holds two worlds in one Park, one the rational organized world of sport fields, the other the fluid landscape of meadows and forests. The tension between the rational and the organic characterizes the Saclay Sport Park.Wrapping around the Sport Complex and leading up to the roofs, the landform provides spectacular look out points, and stepped terraces from which to observe the games played both in the park and in the buildings. Two interweaving routes crisscross the landscape; one fully accessible and direct, the other playful and indirect; a fun route for cross country runners and other park users who would like to experience the landscape in a leisurely, playful manner. A buffer landscape separates the park from the adjacent roads and residential developments mediates between natural park and urbanity.




Sport Ground

Main Lower Path


Main Upper Path



Sport Ground




Sport Ground

Main Lower Path


Main Upper Path


Sport Ground

SECTION B-B’ Bleachers

SCALE : 1/200




SCALE : 1/500

SCALE : 1/200

Sport Ground

Sport Valley

SCALE : 1/500


SCALE : 1/200

Sport Ground

Main Lower Path


Main Upper Path


Sport Ground


SCALE : 1/200


CAFE ON THE BRIDGE RIVER SVISLOCH, MINSK Location:Minsk, Belarus Design team and client: NT-Project-Engineering for Bellini restaurant Type: Cafe Size: 50m Materials: wood, concrete Project timeframe: 2012-2013 (was not realized) Cafe on the bridge was designed in the historical center of Minsk on the river Svisloch. Both banks of the river are accomplished with cycle paths. The bridge is useful both for pedestrians and cyclists. Therefore, the shape of the bridge is formed by cycling radii. These radii form two triangles, seen in the plan. One triangle is the inside part of the cafe, and the other triangle is an open terrace.






SHIFTING ARCTIC BOUNDARIES A R C H I T E C T U R A L A S S O C I AT I O N L A N D S C A P E U R B A N I S M M S C This project looks critically to one of the latest colonization project on the planet - the appropriation of local resources and development of the arctic zone. For the outsider and newcomer this land may look empty. Which is not actually the truth - there are people that lived on this land for more then 5000 years. This touch upon a very challenging theme of indigenous cultures and the confrontation between contrasting notions of territory by the so called «western» thinking and indigenous thinking. The project intends to produce a designed mechanism, based on a variety of existing and designed physical boundaries, by which land management, the introduction of new land usages and their seasonal changing boundaries , can be accessed, built and negotiated by relevant local actors/people. Tommerneset peninsula in Northern Norway was chosen as a study area, where four new big ports developments are now planned and where anticipate disruptions in the historically Skolt Sami territory will need to be addressed for the foreseeable future





We created an application in processing sofware. This application shows the area claimed by different people and the boundaries of their land plots. When the application is running the boundaries of land plots are growing or shrinking, trying to reach their estimated size. Estimated sizes of land plots are defined by the actors, and can be changed in real time with the sliders.Actors can also adjust the ‘strength’ of the boundary - in the cases where boundaries are adjucent to each other.





PORT - 3rd PHASE - UNIT 2 Real time port operation : 2046 Adapted to Arctic : 2060


PORT - 2nd PHASE UNIT 5,6 Real time port operation : 2050 Adapted to Arctic : 2060



SUMMER ARCHITECTURE SCHOOL 2014 MINSK, BELARUS Summer ARCHschool, Minsk // Belarus 09.07.14 – 14.07.14 Workshops: Illumidentity/ subject: 3d mapping Tutors: Christof Mathes, Matthias Klapper, Michaela Sattler // Austria Syntesizer /subject: interactive installations Tutors: Aliaksandr Khadziakou, Artem Atrashevski, Nataly Nemkova [Monogroup]// Belarus Philosophy: understanding and rethinking the complexity of the local identity in the modern context and expressing it through the light projection / 3d mapping +computational design / IT technology + music. Final installations were supplemented by the concert of ethno- electro music band Suma. Workspace: Museum of Soviet sculpture Number of participants: 20

Photos by I Shelkunenko



SYNTHESIZER I N T E R A C T I V E I N S TA L L AT I O N AT E A S A 0 1 4 V E L I K O TA R N O V O , B U L G A R I A Synthesizer was built during two-weeks workshop at EASA014 Bulgaria (European Architecture Students Assembly). Syntesizer (or Syntezator from russian transcription) is dedicated to making a part of urban environment a kind of orchestra on which citizens can play interacting with it’s parts or just going through the space. Through the means of computational design we gathered input data and translate it into acoustic, visual and spatial transformations in realtime mode . We chose three arcs on the street in the city and transform them into three analogue musical instruments: metalophone, hapi drum and wooden drums. Every arc was also connected to piezo elements with electronic sounds, gathered from the city. The whole structure was made from recycled materials, found on the streets of Veliko Tarnovo. People could play analogue instruments and electronic sounds at one time. Some of piezo elements were installed into the pavement, and people can produce sounds and lightning, just moving near the arcs.

Photo by A.Kononchenko | TEACHING|


GILES MILLER STUDIO C O N S U LT I N G I N A R C H U T E C T U R E AND SCRIPTING In Giles Miller studio, London GB, I am involved in different projects, provinding architectural consultation and working in grasshopper and rhino script.

|GSM |


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